Esempio n. 1
 def get_rating_fn(courses, uc):
     if uc.course_id not in courses:
         obj = {}
         for field in COURSE_RATING_FIELDS:
             obj[field] = m.AggregateRating()
         courses[uc.course_id] = obj
     return courses[uc.course_id]
Esempio n. 2
    def test_add_remove_ratings(self):
        # This sequence of add/remove ratings reproduces a long-standing bug we
        # used to have: sometimes when users saved ratings for a professor, the
        # rating would be negative (and the save wouldn't validate due to model
        # constraints):

        # Professor Meredith is a cute kitten. Let's see if she's passionate.
        passion = m.AggregateRating()
        self.assertRating(passion, expected_rating=0.0, expected_count=0)

        # She's adopted by a girl named Taylor. They become happy roommates.
        self.assertRating(passion, expected_rating=1.0, expected_count=1)

        # But Meredith exhibits bad posture. Taylor isn't excited about that,
        # so she retracts her old rating for now.
        self.assertRating(passion, expected_rating=0.0, expected_count=0)

        # Meredith learns how to moves her ears on command and Taylor is happy.
        self.assertRating(passion, expected_rating=1.0, expected_count=1)

        # But Ed is dejected after Meredith gives him a look of disapproval.
        self.assertRating(passion, expected_rating=0.5, expected_count=2)

        # Meredith meowed on about how Taylor can't sing, which Taylor thought
        # was Mean, so she changed her old approval to a disapproval.
        self.assertRating(passion, expected_rating=0.0, expected_count=2)
Esempio n. 3
 def interest_from_scores(scores):
     # Course directed ratings
     # TODO(Sandy): Revise the use of this question-metric
     # how many classes attended
     i_count = scores[17]['num_replies']
     i_rating = normalize_score(scores[17]) / max(1, i_count)
     return m.AggregateRating(rating=i_rating, count=i_count)
Esempio n. 4
 def overall_course_from_interest_easiness(i, e):
     # OVERALL
     oc_count = int(
         round(i.count * INTEREST_WEIGHT +
               e.count * EASINESS_WEIGHT))
     oc_rating = (i.rating * INTEREST_WEIGHT +
                  e.rating * EASINESS_WEIGHT) / max(1, oc_count)
     return m.AggregateRating(rating=oc_rating, count=oc_count)
Esempio n. 5
 def easiness_from_scores(scores):
     Q11_WEIGHT = 0.5
     Q12_WEIGHT = 0.5
     # difficulty of concepts
     e1 = normalize_score(scores[11]) * Q11_WEIGHT
     e1r = scores[11]['num_replies'] * Q11_WEIGHT
     # workload
     e2 = normalize_score(scores[12]) * Q12_WEIGHT
     e2r = scores[12]['num_replies'] * Q12_WEIGHT
     e_count = int(round(e1r + e2r))
     e_rating = (e1 + e2) / max(1, e_count)
     return m.AggregateRating(rating=e_rating, count=e_count)
Esempio n. 6
    def get_rating_fn(courses, uc):
        if uc.professor_id is None:
            return None

        if uc.course_id not in courses:
            courses[uc.course_id] = {}
        professors = courses[uc.course_id]

        if uc.professor_id not in professors:
            obj = {}
            for field in PROFESSOR_RATING_FIELDS:
                obj[field] = m.AggregateRating()
            professors[uc.professor_id] = obj
        return professors[uc.professor_id]
Esempio n. 7
    def get_aggregate_fields_fn(uc):
        easiness = uc.easiness
        interest = uc.interest
        # TODO(mack): add usefulness metric

        def calculate_overall_rating(e, i):
            return ((e.count * e.rating + i.count * i.rating) /
                     max(1, (e.count + i.count)))

        # heuristic for getting the overall rating:
        # 1. the count will max of the count for each attribute
        # 2. the rating will be average
        overall = m.AggregateRating(
            count=max(easiness.count, interest.count),
            rating=calculate_overall_rating(easiness, interest),

        return [
            ('easiness', easiness),
            ('interest', interest),
            ('overall', overall),
Esempio n. 8
 def clarity_from_scores(scores):
     Q1_WEIGHT = 0.2
     Q2_WEIGHT = 0.2
     Q3_WEIGHT = 0.4
     Q4_WEIGHT = 0.2
     # CLARITY
     # presentation in lectures (organization and clarity)
     c1 = normalize_score(scores[1]) * Q1_WEIGHT
     c1r = scores[1]['num_replies'] * Q1_WEIGHT
     # response to questions
     c2 = normalize_score(scores[2]) * Q2_WEIGHT
     c2r = scores[2]['num_replies'] * Q2_WEIGHT
     # oral presentation (audibility, articulation, english)
     c3 = normalize_score(scores[3]) * Q3_WEIGHT
     c3r = scores[3]['num_replies'] * Q3_WEIGHT
     # visual presentation
     # (organization, legibility, effective use of materials)
     c4 = normalize_score(scores[4]) * Q4_WEIGHT
     c4r = scores[4]['num_replies'] * Q4_WEIGHT
     c_count = int(round(c1r + c2r + c3r + c4r))
     c_rating = (c1 + c2 + c3 + c4) / max(1, c_count)
     return m.AggregateRating(rating=c_rating, count=c_count)
Esempio n. 9
 def overall_prof_from_scores(scores):
     # OVERALL
     # overall appraisal of quality of teaching
     op_count = scores[10]['num_replies']
     op_rating = normalize_score(scores[10]) / max(1, op_count)
     return m.AggregateRating(rating=op_rating, count=op_count)
Esempio n. 10
 def passion_from_scores(scores):
     # PASSION
     # attitude towards teachings the course
     p_count = scores[8]['num_replies']
     p_rating = normalize_score(scores[8]) / max(1, p_count)
     return m.AggregateRating(rating=p_rating, count=p_count)