Esempio n. 1
def test_rna_translate_rosalind_data():
    print("Positive Test case #1: Rosalind Sample Data")

    rosalind_data_file = open("rosalind_data.txt", "r")
    rosalind_data_list = rosalind_data_file.readlines()
    rosalind_data_list[0] = rosalind_data_list[
        0][:-1]  # trim off the new line char

    print("Result: " +
          str(rna_translate(rosalind_data_list[0]) == rosalind_data_list[1]))
Esempio n. 2
def test_rna_translate_no_stop():
    print("Negative Test case #1: No stop codon")

    rosalind_data_file = open("rosalind_data.txt", "r")
    rosalind_data_list = rosalind_data_file.readlines()
    rosalind_data_list[0] = rosalind_data_list[
        0][:-1]  # trim off the new line char

    rosalind_data_list[0] = rosalind_data_list[
        0][:-3]  # remove the stop codon from the end
    expected_output = "No valid stop codon found"  # returns this error return

    print("Result: " +
          str(rna_translate(rosalind_data_list[0]) == expected_output))
Esempio n. 3
def test_rna_translate_invalid_codon():
    print("Negative Test case #2: Invalid Codon")
    print("Note: Should see a warning about an invalid codon")

    rosalind_data_file = open("rosalind_data.txt", "r")
    rosalind_data_list = rosalind_data_file.readlines()
    rosalind_data_list[0] = rosalind_data_list[
        0][:-1]  # trim off the new line char

    rosalind_data_list[0] = "ABC" + rosalind_data_list[
        0]  # add a nonsense codon to the beginning

    # should ignore the invalid codon
    output = rna_translate(rosalind_data_list[0])
    print("Result: " + str(output == rosalind_data_list[1]))
Esempio n. 4
def translate_RNA_splice(file):
    (file) -> str
    File contains a dna sequence and introns in FASTA format
    Return the protein translation of the dna sequence after introns have been spliced

    >>> translate_RNA_splice('splice_example.txt')

    # convert the FASTA sequences into a single string
    # store the single string sequences and their ID in a dictionnary
    ID_seq = {}

    myfile = open(file, 'r')
    for line in myfile:
        line = line.rstrip()
        if line == '':
        elif line.startswith('>'):
            ID_seq[line[1:]] = ""
            seq_name = line[1:]
            ID_seq[seq_name] += line

    # make a list with the single string sequences
    single_seq = []
    for key in ID_seq:

    # make a list with the length of single_seq
    seq_length = []
    for i in single_seq:
    # get the index of the longest single_seq
    longest = seq_length.index(max(seq_length))
    # add each single_seq to the list of sequences starting with the longest
    sequences = []
    for i in single_seq:

 # if the sequence is already a single string and not fasta the vode below is enough       
##    sequences = []
##    for line in myfile:
##        line = line.rstrip()
##        if not line.startswith('>'):
##            sequences.append(line)

    # verify that  the first sequence in the list is the dna sequence
    for i in range(1, len(sequences)):
        assert len(sequences[0]) >= len(sequences[i]), 'dna is not the first sequence'

    # make a list of tuple that includes the start and end positions of each intron
    dna = sequences[0]
    intron_positions = []
    for i in range(1, len(sequences)):
        intron = sequences[i]
        intron_start = dna.index(intron)
        intron_end = intron_start + len(intron) -1
        intron_positions.append((intron_start, intron_end))

    # sort the list to get the introns in their order of appearance in dna
    exons = []
    # add the first exon to the spliced_dna
    exon1 = dna[0:intron_positions[0][0]]
    spliced_dna = exon1
    # add the other exons using the intron_positions as coordinates
    for i in range(1, len(intron_positions)):
        exon = dna[intron_positions[i-1][1]+1:intron_positions[i][0]]
        spliced_dna += exon
    # add the last exon
    spliced_dna = spliced_dna + dna[intron_positions[-1][1]+1:]

    rna = spliced_dna.upper().replace('T', 'U')

    import rna_translate

    protein = rna_translate.rna_translate(rna)

    return protein