Esempio n. 1
 def content(self, name_domain):
     Returns the hash associated with an RNS domain.
     or 0x00 if hash is not set.
     :param name_domain:
     eip137hash = namehash(name_domain)
     response = self.resolver_contract.functions.content(eip137hash).call()
     return response
Esempio n. 2
 def set_content(self, name_domain, hash, from_account):
     Sets the hash associated with an RNS domain.
     May only be called by the owner of that node in the RNS registry.
     :param name_domain: The domain to update.
     :param hash: The address to set.
     :param from_account: The spender address
     eip137hash = namehash(name_domain)
     response = self.resolver_contract.functions.setContent(eip137hash, hash).transact({"from": from_account})
     return response
Esempio n. 3
 def addr(self, name_domain=None) -> str:
     Returns the address associated with an RNS node.
     or 0x00 if address is not set.
     :param name_domain: The RNS' name domain to query.
     :return: rsk address
     if is_rns_address(name_domain):
         eip137hash = namehash(name_domain)
         resolved_address = self.resolver_contract.functions.addr(eip137hash).call()
         return resolved_address
         raise RnsError("Invalid RNS domain")
Esempio n. 4
    def has(self, name_domain, kind):
        Returns true if the specified node has the specified record type.
        :param name_domain: The RNS' name domain to query.
        :param kind: The record type name, as specified in RNSIP01.
        :return: True if this resolver has a record of the provided type on the provided node.
        eip137hash = namehash(name_domain)
        byte_str_kind = kind.encode()
        byte_str_hex_kind = binascii.hexlify(byte_str_kind)
        str_hex_kind = byte_str_hex_kind.decode("utf-8")

        response = self.resolver_contract.functions.has(eip137hash, str_hex_kind).call()
        return response
Esempio n. 5
    def chain_addr(self,
                   name_domain: str,
                   chain_id: int = RSK_CHAIN_ID) -> str:
        Returns the address associated with an RNS node for a specific chain id.
        or 0x00 if address is not set.

        :param chain_id: The RNS' chain id. Defaults to rsk chain id.
        :param name_domain: The RNS' name domain to query.

        :return: rsk address
        if is_rns_address(name_domain):
            eip137hash = namehash(name_domain)
            resolved_address = self.resolver_contract.functions.chainAddr(
                eip137hash, chain_id).call()
            return resolved_address
            raise RnsError("Invalid RNS domain")