Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, model, X_lower, X_upper, par=0.01, **kwargs):
        Computes for a given x the logarithm expected improvement as
        acquisition value.

        model: Model object
            A model that implements at least
                 - predict(X)
            If you want to calculate derivatives than it should also support
                 - predictive_gradients(X)

        X_lower: np.ndarray (D)
            Lower bounds of the input space
        X_upper: np.ndarray (D)
            Upper bounds of the input space
        par: float
            Controls the balance between exploration
            and exploitation of the acquisition function. Default is 0.01

        super(LogEI, self).__init__(model, X_lower, X_upper)

        self.par = par
        self.rec = BestObservation(self.model, self.X_lower, self.X_upper)
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, model, X_lower, X_upper, par=0.0, **kwargs):
        Probability of Improvement solves the following equation
        :math:`PI(X) := \mathbb{P}\left( f(\mathbf{X^+}) - f_{t+1}(\mathbf{X}) > \xi\right)`, where
        :math:`f(X^+)` is the best input found so far.

        model: Model object
            A model that implements at least
                 - predict(X)
                 - getCurrentBestX().
            If you want to calculate derivatives than it should also support
                 - predictive_gradients(X)

        X_lower: np.ndarray (D)
            Lower bounds of the input space
        X_upper: np.ndarray (D)
            Upper bounds of the input space
        par: float
            Controls the balance between exploration
            and exploitation of the acquisition function. Default is 0.01
        super(PI, self).__init__(model, X_lower, X_upper)

        self.par = par
        self.rec = BestObservation(self.model, self.X_lower, self.X_upper)
Esempio n. 3
    def test(self):
        X_lower = np.array([0])
        X_upper = np.array([1])
        X = init_random_uniform(X_lower, X_upper, 10)
        Y = np.sin(X)

        kernel = george.kernels.Matern52Kernel(np.ones([1]),

        prior = TophatPrior(-2, 2)
        model = GaussianProcess(kernel, prior=prior)
        model.train(X, Y)

        rec = BestObservation(model, X_lower, X_upper)
        startpoints = init_random_uniform(X_lower, X_upper, 10)
        inc, inc_val = rec.estimate_incumbent(startpoints)

        # Check shapes
        assert len(inc.shape) == 2
        assert inc.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc.shape[1] == X_lower.shape[0]

        assert len(inc_val.shape) == 2
        assert inc_val.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc_val.shape[1] == 1

        # Check if incumbent is in the bounds
        assert not np.any([np.any(inc[:, i] < X_lower[i])
                        for i in range(X_lower.shape[0])])
        assert not np.any([np.any(inc[:, i] > X_upper[i])
                        for i in range(X_upper.shape[0])])
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, model, X_lower, X_upper, par=0.0, **kwargs):
        Computes for a given x the expected improvement as
        acquisition value.
        :math:`EI(X) :=
            \mathbb{E}\left[ \max\{0, f(\mathbf{X^+}) -
                f_{t+1}(\mathbf{X}) - \xi\right] \} ]`, with
        :math:`f(X^+)` as the incumbent.

        model: Model object
            A model that implements at least
                 - predict(X)
                 - getCurrentBestX().
            If you want to calculate derivatives than it should also support
                 - predictive_gradients(X)

        X_lower: np.ndarray (D)
            Lower bounds of the input space
        X_upper: np.ndarray (D)
            Upper bounds of the input space
        compute_incumbent: func
            A python function that takes as input a model and returns
            a np.array as incumbent
        par: float
            Controls the balance between exploration
            and exploitation of the acquisition function. Default is 0.01

        super(EI, self).__init__(model, X_lower, X_upper)
        self.par = par
        self.rec = BestObservation(self.model, self.X_lower, self.X_upper)
Esempio n. 5
    def update(self, model):
        This method will be called if the model is updated.
        model : Model object
            Models the objective function.

        super(PI, self).update(model)
        self.rec = BestObservation(self.model, self.X_lower, self.X_upper)
Esempio n. 6
    def __init__(self, task=None, save_dir=None, num_save=1, rng=None):
        Random Search [1] that simply evaluates random points. We do not have
        any priors thus we sample points uniformly at random.

        [1] J. Bergstra and Y. Bengio.
            Random search for hyper-parameter optimization.
            JMLR, 2012.

        task: TaskObject
            Task object that contains the objective function and additional
            meta information such as the lower and upper bound of the search
        num_save: int
            Defines after how many iteration the output is saved.
        save_dir: String
            Output path
        rng: numpy.random.RandomState


        if rng is None:
            self.rng = np.random.RandomState(42)
            self.rng = rng

        self.task = task
        self.save_dir = save_dir

        self.X = None
        self.Y = None

        self.estimator = BestObservation(self,
        self.time_func_eval = None
        self.time_overhead = None

        self.num_save = num_save

        self.model_untrained = True

        self.incumbent = None
        self.incumbents = []
        self.incumbent_values = []
        self.runtime = []
        if self.save_dir is not None:
Esempio n. 7
    def __init__(self,
        Implementation of the standard Bayesian optimization loop that uses
        an acquisition function and a model to optimize a given task.
        This module keeps track of additional information such as runtime,
        optimization overhead, evaluated points and saves the output
        in a csv file.

        acquisition_func: BaseAcquisitionFunctionObject
            The acquisition function which will be maximized.
        model: ModelObject
            Model (i.e. GaussianProcess, RandomForest) that models our current
            believe of the objective function.
        task: TaskObject
            Task object that contains the objective function and additional
            meta information such as the lower and upper bound of the search
        save_dir: String
            Output path
        initial_design: function
            Function that returns some points which will be evaluated before
            the Bayesian optimization loop is started. This allows to
            initialize the model.
        initial_points: int
            Defines the number of initial points that are evaluated before the
            actual Bayesian optimization.
        incumbent_estimation: IncumbentEstimationObject,
            Object to estimate the incumbent based on the current model. The
            incumbent is the current best guess of the global optimum and is
            estimated in each iteration.
        num_save: int
            Defines after how many iteration the output is saved.
        train_intervall: int
            Specifies after how many iterations the model is retrained.
        n_restarts: int
            How often the incumbent estimation is repeated.

              self).__init__(acquisition_func, model, maximize_func, task,
        self.start_time = time.time()

        if initial_design == None:
            self.initial_design = init_random_uniform
            self.initial_design = initial_design

        self.X = None
        self.Y = None
        self.time_func_eval = None
        self.time_overhead = None
        self.train_intervall = train_intervall

        self.num_save = num_save
        self.time_start = None

        self.model_untrained = True
        if incumbent_estimation is None:
            self.estimator = BestObservation(self.model, self.task.X_lower,
            self.estimator = incumbent_estimation
        self.incumbent = None
        self.incumbents = []
        self.incumbent_values = []
        self.n_restarts = n_restarts
        self.init_points = initial_points
        self.runtime = []
    def test(self):
        X_lower = np.array([0])
        X_upper = np.array([1])
        X = init_random_uniform(X_lower, X_upper, 10)
        Y = np.sin(X)

        kernel = george.kernels.Matern52Kernel(np.ones([1]), ndim=1)

        prior = TophatPrior(-2, 2)
        model = GaussianProcess(kernel, prior=prior)
        model.train(X, Y)

        x_test = init_random_uniform(X_lower, X_upper, 3)

        # Shape matching predict
        m, v = model.predict(x_test)

        assert len(m.shape) == 2
        assert m.shape[0] == x_test.shape[0]
        assert m.shape[1] == 1
        assert len(v.shape) == 2
        assert v.shape[0] == x_test.shape[0]
        assert v.shape[1] == x_test.shape[0]

        #TODO: check gradients

        # Shape matching function sampling
        x_ = np.linspace(X_lower, X_upper, 10)
        x_ = x_[:, np.newaxis]
        funcs = model.sample_functions(x_, n_funcs=2)
        assert len(funcs.shape) == 2
        assert funcs.shape[0] == 2
        assert funcs.shape[1] == x_.shape[0]

        # Shape matching predict variance
        x_test1 = np.array([np.random.rand(1)])
        x_test2 = np.random.rand(10)[:, np.newaxis]
        var = model.predict_variance(x_test1, x_test2)
        assert len(var.shape) == 2
        assert var.shape[0] == x_test2.shape[0]
        assert var.shape[1] == 1

        # Check compatibility with all acquisition functions
        acq_func = EI(model, X_upper=X_upper, X_lower=X_lower)

        acq_func = PI(model, X_upper=X_upper, X_lower=X_lower)

        acq_func = LCB(model, X_upper=X_upper, X_lower=X_lower)

        acq_func = InformationGain(model, X_upper=X_upper, X_lower=X_lower)
        # Check compatibility with all incumbent estimation methods
        rec = BestObservation(model, X_lower, X_upper)
        inc, inc_val = rec.estimate_incumbent(None)
        assert len(inc.shape) == 2
        assert inc.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc.shape[1] == X_upper.shape[0]
        assert len(inc_val.shape) == 2
        assert inc_val.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc_val.shape[1] == 1

        rec = PosteriorMeanOptimization(model, X_lower, X_upper)
        startpoints = init_random_uniform(X_lower, X_upper, 4)
        inc, inc_val = rec.estimate_incumbent(startpoints)
        assert len(inc.shape) == 2
        assert inc.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc.shape[1] == X_upper.shape[0]
        assert len(inc_val.shape) == 2
        assert inc_val.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc_val.shape[1] == 1

        rec = PosteriorMeanAndStdOptimization(model, X_lower, X_upper)
        startpoints = init_random_uniform(X_lower, X_upper, 4)
        inc, inc_val = rec.estimate_incumbent(startpoints)
        assert len(inc.shape) == 2
        assert inc.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc.shape[1] == X_upper.shape[0]
        assert len(inc_val.shape) == 2
        assert inc_val.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc_val.shape[1] == 1
Esempio n. 9
    def test(self):
        X_lower = np.array([0])
        X_upper = np.array([1])
        X = init_random_uniform(X_lower, X_upper, 10)
        Y = np.sin(X)

        model = RandomForest(types=np.zeros([X_lower.shape[0]]))
        model.train(X, Y)

        x_test = init_random_uniform(X_lower, X_upper, 3)

        # Shape matching predict
        m, v = model.predict(x_test)

        assert len(m.shape) == 2
        assert m.shape[0] == x_test.shape[0]
        assert m.shape[1] == 1
        assert len(v.shape) == 2
        assert v.shape[0] == x_test.shape[0]
        assert v.shape[1] == 1

        # Shape matching function sampling
        x_ = np.linspace(X_lower, X_upper, 10)
        x_ = x_[:, np.newaxis]
        #funcs = model.sample_functions(x_, n_funcs=2)
        #assert len(funcs.shape) == 2
        #assert funcs.shape[0] == 2
        #assert funcs.shape[1] == x_.shape[0]

        # Check compatibility with all acquisition functions
        acq_func = EI(model, X_upper=X_upper, X_lower=X_lower)

        acq_func = PI(model, X_upper=X_upper, X_lower=X_lower)

        acq_func = LCB(model, X_upper=X_upper, X_lower=X_lower)

        # Check compatibility with all incumbent estimation methods
        rec = BestObservation(model, X_lower, X_upper)
        inc, inc_val = rec.estimate_incumbent(None)
        assert len(inc.shape) == 2
        assert inc.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc.shape[1] == X_upper.shape[0]
        assert len(inc_val.shape) == 2
        assert inc_val.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc_val.shape[1] == 1

        rec = PosteriorMeanOptimization(model, X_lower, X_upper)
        startpoints = init_random_uniform(X_lower, X_upper, 4)
        inc, inc_val = rec.estimate_incumbent(startpoints)
        assert len(inc.shape) == 2
        assert inc.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc.shape[1] == X_upper.shape[0]
        assert len(inc_val.shape) == 2
        assert inc_val.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc_val.shape[1] == 1

        rec = PosteriorMeanAndStdOptimization(model, X_lower, X_upper)
        startpoints = init_random_uniform(X_lower, X_upper, 4)
        inc, inc_val = rec.estimate_incumbent(startpoints)
        assert len(inc.shape) == 2
        assert inc.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc.shape[1] == X_upper.shape[0]
        assert len(inc_val.shape) == 2
        assert inc_val.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc_val.shape[1] == 1
Esempio n. 10
    def test(self):
        X_lower = np.array([0])
        X_upper = np.array([1])
        X = init_random_uniform(X_lower, X_upper, 10)
        Y = np.sin(X)
        kernel = GPy.kern.Matern52(input_dim=1)
        model = GPyModel(kernel)
        model.train(X, Y)

        x_test = init_random_uniform(X_lower, X_upper, 3)

        # Shape matching predict
        m, v = model.predict(x_test, full_cov=True)
        assert len(m.shape) == 2
        assert m.shape[0] == x_test.shape[0]
        assert m.shape[1] == 1
        assert len(v.shape) == 2
        assert v.shape[0] == x_test.shape[0]
        assert v.shape[1] == x_test.shape[0]

        # Check gradients
        dm, dv = model.predictive_gradients(x_test)
        assert len(dm.shape) == 2
        assert dm.shape[0] == x_test.shape[0]
        assert dm.shape[1] == x_test.shape[1]
        assert len(dv.shape) == 2
        assert dv.shape[0] == x_test.shape[0]
        assert dv.shape[1] == 1

        # Shape matching function sampling
        x_ = np.linspace(X_lower, X_upper, 10)
        x_ = x_[:, np.newaxis]
        funcs = model.sample_functions(x_, n_funcs=2)
        assert len(funcs.shape) == 2
        assert funcs.shape[0] == 2
        assert funcs.shape[1] == x_.shape[0]

        # Shape matching predict variance
        x_test2 = np.array([np.random.rand(1)])
        x_test1 = np.random.rand(10)[:, np.newaxis]
        var = model.predict_variance(x_test1, x_test2)
        assert len(var.shape) == 2
        assert var.shape[0] == x_test1.shape[0]
        assert var.shape[1] == 1

        # Check compatibility with all acquisition functions
        acq_func = EI(model,

        acq_func = PI(model,

        acq_func = LCB(model,

        acq_func = InformationGain(model,

        # Check compatibility with all incumbent estimation methods
        rec = BestObservation(model, X_lower, X_upper)
        inc, inc_val = rec.estimate_incumbent(None)
        assert len(inc.shape) == 2
        assert inc.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc.shape[1] == X_upper.shape[0]
        assert len(inc_val.shape) == 2
        assert inc_val.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc_val.shape[1] == 1

        rec = PosteriorMeanOptimization(model, X_lower, X_upper)
        startpoints = init_random_uniform(X_lower, X_upper, 4)
        inc, inc_val = rec.estimate_incumbent(startpoints)
        assert len(inc.shape) == 2
        assert inc.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc.shape[1] == X_upper.shape[0]
        assert len(inc_val.shape) == 2
        assert inc_val.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc_val.shape[1] == 1

        rec = PosteriorMeanAndStdOptimization(model, X_lower, X_upper)
        startpoints = init_random_uniform(X_lower, X_upper, 4)
        inc, inc_val = rec.estimate_incumbent(startpoints)
        assert len(inc.shape) == 2
        assert inc.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc.shape[1] == X_upper.shape[0]
        assert len(inc_val.shape) == 2
        assert inc_val.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc_val.shape[1] == 1