Esempio n. 1
def run():
    # Defining the bounds and dimensions of the input space
    X_lower = np.array([0])
    X_upper = np.array([6])
    dims = 1

    # Set the method that we will use to optimize the acquisition function
    maximizer = stochastic_local_search

    # Defining the method to model the objective function
    kernel = GPy.kern.Matern52(input_dim=dims)
    model = GPyModel(kernel, optimize=True, noise_variance=1e-4, num_restarts=10)

    # The acquisition function that we optimize in order to pick a new x
    acquisition_func = EI(
        model, X_upper=X_upper, X_lower=X_lower, compute_incumbent=compute_incumbent, par=0.1
    )  # par is the minimum improvement that a point has to obtain

    # Draw one random point and evaluate it to initialize BO
    X = np.array([np.random.uniform(X_lower, X_upper, dims)])
    Y = objective_function(X)

    # Fit the model on the data we observed so far
    model.train(X, Y)
    # Update the acquisition function model with the retrained model

    # Optimize the acquisition function to obtain a new point
    new_x = maximizer(acquisition_func, X_lower, X_upper)

    # Evaluate the point and add the new observation to our set of previous seen points
    new_y = objective_function(np.array(new_x))
    X = np.append(X, new_x, axis=0)
    Y = np.append(Y, new_y, axis=0)

    # Visualize the objective function, model and the acquisition function
    fig = plt.figure()
    # Sub plot for the model and the objective function
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1)
    # Sub plot for the acquisition function
    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2)
    resolution = 0.1
    # Call plot_model function
    ax1 = plotting.plot_model(model, X_lower, X_upper, ax1, resolution, "b", "blue", "Prosterior Mean", 3, True)
    # Call plot_objective_function
    ax1 = plotting.plot_objective_function(
        objective_function, X_lower, X_upper, X, Y, ax1, resolution, "black", "ObjectiveFunction", True
    ax1.set_title("Model + Objective Function")
    # Call plot_acquisition_function
    ax2 = plotting.plot_acquisition_function(
        acquisition_func, X_lower, X_upper, X, ax2, resolution, "AcquisitionFunction", True
    os.system("eog test2.png&")
Esempio n. 2
acquisition_func = EI(model, X_upper=X_upper, X_lower=X_lower, compute_incumbent=compute_incumbent, par=0.1)
maximizer = DIRECT

bo = BayesianOptimization(acquisition_fkt=acquisition_func,

X, Y = bo.get_observations()
X = X[:-1]
Y = Y[:-1]
model = bo.get_model()

f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, sharex=True)
ax1 = plot_model(model, X_lower, X_upper, ax1)
ax1 = plot_objective_function(objective_function, X_lower, X_upper, X, Y, ax1)

acquisition_func = EI(model, X_upper=X_upper, X_lower=X_lower, compute_incumbent=compute_incumbent, par=0.1)
ax2 = plot_acquisition_function(acquisition_func, X_lower, X_upper, ax2)


Esempio n. 3
# Set the method that we will use to optimize the acquisition function
maximizer = GridSearch(acquisition_func, task.X_lower, task.X_upper)

# Draw one random point and evaluate it to initialize BO
X = np.array([np.random.uniform(task.X_lower, task.X_upper, task.n_dims)])
Y = task.objective_function(X)

# This is the main Bayesian optimization loop
for i in range(10):
    # Fit the model on the data we observed so far
    model.train(X, Y)

    # Update the acquisition function model with the retrained model

    # Optimize the acquisition function to obtain a new point
    new_x = maximizer.maximize()

    # Evaluate the point and add the new observation to our set of previous seen points
    new_y = task.objective_function(np.array(new_x))
    X = np.append(X, new_x, axis=0)
    Y = np.append(Y, new_y, axis=0)

    # Visualize the objective function, model and the acquisition function
    f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, sharex=True)
    ax1 = plot_objective_function(task.objective_function, task.X_lower, task.X_upper, X, Y, ax1)
    ax1 = plot_model(model, task.X_lower, task.X_upper, ax1)
    ax2 = plot_acquisition_function(acquisition_func, task.X_lower, task.X_upper, ax2)