async def drawme(self, ctx, *, set): """Generate a drawing of yourself. 140% accurately drawn Acceptable set options/arguments : any, set1, set2, set3, set4""" channel = hash = drawed = PATH + "generated-" + hash + ".png" sets = ['any', 'set1', 'set2', 'set3', 'set4'] if not Robo: await "Robohash is not installed. Install it using `pip3 install robohash`" ) else: pass if set not in sets: await "Incorrect options!\nAcceptable options are : any, set1, set2, set3, or set4" ) else: x = Rh(hash) x.assemble(roboset=set) with open(PATH + "generated-" + hash + ".png", "wb") as f:, format="png") a = await"Drawing...") await asyncio.sleep(2) b = await await await asyncio.sleep(1) await await asyncio.sleep(1) await, drawed)
def GetRobot(hash=None, set='set1', background=None): # if no hash is passed in if hash == None: length = 20 letters = string.ascii_lowercase hash = ''.join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(length)) # create Robohash object rh = Robohash(hash) # assemble robot from parameters rh.assemble(roboset=set, bgset=background, sizex=500, sizey=500) # open/create image with open(os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'Robot.png'), 'wb') as f: # save robot image, format="png") #create robot message if set == 'set1': robotMessage = "**beep boop**" if set == 'set2': robotMessage = "**aarooo**" if set == 'set3': robotMessage = "**beep boop**" if set == 'set4': robotMessage = "**meow**" if set == 'set5': robotMessage = "**ayaya**" # return filename return 'Robot.png', robotMessage
def user_avatar(request, user_id): rh = Robohash(user_id) rh.assemble(roboset="set4", bgset="bg2") # 🐱 avatar = io.BytesIO(), format="PNG") return HttpResponse(avatar, content_type="image/png")
def do_GET(self): # Set default values sizex = 300 sizey = 300 format = "png" bgset = None color = None parsed_path = urllib.parse.urlparse(self.path) args = urllib.parse.parse_qs(parsed_path.query) address = args.get('address').pop() # Ensure we have something to hash! if address is None: address = self.request.remote_ip # Split the size variable in to sizex and sizey if "size" in args: sizex, sizey = args.get('size').pop().split("x") sizex = int(sizex) sizey = int(sizey) if sizex > 4096 or sizex < 0: sizex = 300 if sizey > 4096 or sizey < 0: sizey = 300 # Create our Robohashing object r = Robohash(address) # Build our Robot. r.assemble(roboset='set1', format=format, bgset=bgset, color=color, sizex=sizex, sizey=sizey) self.send_response(200) # We're going to be returning the image directly, so tell the browser to expect a binary. self.send_header("Content-Type", "image/" + format) self.send_header("Cache-Control", "public,max-age=31536000") self.end_headers() # Print the Robot to the handler, as a file-like obj if r.format != 'datauri':, format=format) else: # Or, if requested, base64 encode first. fakefile = io.BytesIO(), format='PNG') b64ver = base64.b64encode( b64ver = b64ver.decode('utf-8') self.wfile.write("data:image/png;base64," + str(b64ver)) return
def _find_image(self, kode): path = os.path.join(self.imgdir, kode + '.png') if not os.path.isfile(path): rh = Robohash(kode) rh.assemble(roboset='set4'), 'png') return path
def robohash(request, hash_string, set_number): robohash = Robohash(hash_string) robohash.assemble(roboset='set%d' % (set_number, )) response = HttpResponse(content_type='image/png'), format='PNG') patch_cache_control(response, public=True, max_age=365 * 24 * 60 * 60, immutable=True) return response
def robo_hash(request, slug): set = request.GET.get('set', None) rh = Robohash(slug) rh.assemble(roboset="set" + set) try: print("TRY") image_data = open("icons/" + slug + ".png", "rb").read() except: print("except") with open("icons/" + slug + ".png", "wb") as f:, format="png") image_data = open("icons/" + slug + ".png", "rb").read() return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="image/png")
def _create(cls, model_class, *args, **kwargs): image = model_class.objects.create(*args, **kwargs) name = uuid.uuid4().hex robohash = Robohash(name) roboset = robohash.sets[0] robohash.assemble(roboset=roboset) with NamedTemporaryFile() as f: robohash.img.convert('RGB').save(f, format='jpeg'), f) return image
def create_profile_icon(self, username, is_male): rh = Robohash(username) if is_male: set = '1' else: set = '4' rh.assemble(roboset="set" + set) image_url = "media/profiles-icon/" + username + ".png" try: image_data = open(image_url, "rb").read() except: with open(image_url, "wb") as icon:, format="png") final_url = "profiles-icon/" + username + ".png" return final_url
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-s", "--set", default="set1") parser.add_argument("-x", "--width", type=int, default=300) parser.add_argument("-y", "--height", type=int, default=300) parser.add_argument("-f", "--format", default="png") parser.add_argument("-b", "--bgset") parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", default="robohash.png") parser.add_argument("text", help="Text to use for the hash") args = parser.parse_args() robohash = Robohash(args.text) robohash.assemble(roboset=args.set, bgset=args.bgset, sizex=args.width, sizey=args.height), format=args.format)
def handle(self, *args, **options): profile_queryset = Profile.objects.filter(user__username__startswith=options['username_prefix']) self.stdout.write("Attaching robot avatars to {} profiles...".format(profile_queryset.count())) for count, profile in enumerate(profile_queryset): name = "{}.jpg".format(profile.user.username) robohash = Robohash(name) roboset = robohash.sets[0] robohash.assemble(roboset=roboset) with NamedTemporaryFile() as f: robohash.img.convert('RGB').save(f, format='jpeg'), f) if count % 10 == 0: self.stdout.write("Updated {} profiles...".format(count)) self.stdout.write("Done updating profiles!")
from robohash import Robohash from test import Test from vms import VMs from positions import Positions app = Flask(__name__) # The handler classes for each route type about = About() help = Help() events = Events() index = Index() inventory = Inventory() people = People() requests_ = Requests_() robohash = Robohash() test = Test() vms = VMs() presentations = Presentations() positions = Positions() # parsed config from config.ini config = globals.config # Two helper functions to save typing def encode_id(id): id = globals.base58_hashids.encode(id) if id == None: return None return id
def get(self, string=None): """ The ImageHandler is our tornado class for creating a robot. called as$1, where $1 becomes the seed string for the Robohash obj """ # Ensure we have something to hash! if string is None: string = self.request.remote_ip # Set default values imageFormat = self.get_argument('format', 'png', True).upper() sizex, sizey = self.getImageSize() # Allow Gravatar lookups - # This allows people to pass in a gravatar-style hash, and return their gravatar image, instead of a Robohash. # This is often used for example, to show a Gravatar if it's set for an email, or a Robohash if not. gravatar = self.get_argument('gravatar', '').lower() if gravatar: if gravatar == 'yes': # They have requested that we hash the email, and send it to Gravatar. gravatar_url = "" + hashlib.md5( string.lower().encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() + "?" gravatar_url += urlencode({'size': str(sizey)}) elif gravatar == 'hashed': # They have sent us a pre-hashed email address. gravatar_url = "" + string + "?" gravatar_url += urlencode({'size': str(sizey)}) # If we do want a gravatar, request one. If we can't get it, just keep going, and return a robohash if gravatar in ['hashed', 'yes']: try: print(gravatar_url) f = urlopen(gravatar_url) self.redirect(gravatar_url, permanent=False) return except Exception as e: print(e) # Detect if the user has passed in a flag to ignore extensions. # Pass this along to to Robohash obj later on. # ignoreext = self.get_argument('ignoreext', 'false', True).lower() == 'true' # Create our Robohashing object r = Robohash(string) # Get image set roboset = None imageSet = self.getImageSet() if not imageSet: roboset = r.sets[0] if imageSet in r.sets: roboset = imageSet elif imageSet == 'any': # Add ugly hack. # Adding cats and people per submitted/requested code, but I don't want to change existing hashes for set=any # so we'll ignore those sets for the 'any' config. roboset = r.sets[r.hasharray[1] % (len(r.sets) - 2)] else: self.set_status(404) self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/json") self.write( '{"status":"error","error":"Not Found", "message": "set=' + imageSet + ' not found."}') return # Allow them to set a background, or keep as None bgset = self.get_argument('bgset', None, True) if bgset: if str != type(bgset): bgset = bgset.decode('utf-8') elif bgset not in r.bgsets + ['any']: self.set_status(404) self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/json") self.write( '{"status":"error","error":"Not Found", "message": "bgset=' + bgset + ' not found."}') return # We're going to be returning the image directly, so tell the browser to expect a binary. self.set_header("Content-Type", "image/" + imageFormat) self.set_header("Cache-Control", "public,max-age=31536000") # Build our Robot. r.assemble(roboset=roboset, format=imageFormat, bgset=bgset, sizex=sizex, sizey=sizey) # # Print the Robot to the handler, as a file-like obj if r.format != 'datauri':, format=r.format) else: # Or, if requested, base64 encode first. fakefile = io.BytesIO(), format='PNG') b64ver = base64.b64encode( b64ver = b64ver.decode('utf-8') self.write("data:image/png;base64," + str(b64ver))
def localgetinfo(): qr = qrcode.QRCode( version=1, error_correction=qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_L, box_size=10, border=4, ) lncli = " getinfo" lsd = os.popen(lndconnectload['ln'] + lncli).read() lsd0 = str(lsd) d = json.loads(lsd0) hash = d['identity_pubkey'] rh = Robohash(hash) rh.assemble(roboset='set1') if not os.path.isfile(str(hash + ".png")): with open(hash + ".png", "wb") as f:, format="png") img_path = open(hash + ".png", "rb") img = h = 20 w = int((img.width / img.height) * 50) img = img.resize((w, h), Image.ANTIALIAS) img_arr = np.asarray(img) h, w, c = img_arr.shape img_path = open(hash + ".png", "rb") img = h = 20 w = int((img.width / img.height) * 50) img = img.resize((w, h), Image.ANTIALIAS) img_arr = np.asarray(img) h, w, c = img_arr.shape for x in range(h): for y in range(w): pix = img_arr[x][y] print(get_color(pix[0], pix[1], pix[2]), sep='', end='') print() print( "\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ) print(""" \tNODE INFORMATION Version: {} Node ID: {} Alias: {} Color: {} Pending Channels: {} Active Channels: {} Inactive Channels: {} Peers: {} URLS: {} """.format(d['version'], d['identity_pubkey'], d['alias'], d['color'], d['num_pending_channels'], d['num_active_channels'], d['num_inactive_channels'], d['num_peers'], d['uris'])) print("\033[1;30;47m") qr.add_data(d['identity_pubkey']) qr.print_ascii() print("\033[0;37;40m") qr.clear() print( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ) input("\nContinue... ")
import uuid from robohash import Robohash # generate 24 robots (one to be used for each team) for i in range(1, 51): hash = str(uuid.uuid4()) rh = Robohash(hash) rh.assemble(roboset='set1', sizex=80, sizey=80) filename = 'robots/robot-{}.png'.format(i) print(filename) with open(filename, "wb") as f:, format="png")
def getinfo(): qr = qrcode.QRCode( version=1, error_correction=qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_L, box_size=10, border=4, ) cert_path = lndconnectload["tls"] macaroon = codecs.encode( open(lndconnectload["macaroon"], 'rb').read(), 'hex') headers = {'Grpc-Metadata-macaroon': macaroon} url = 'https://{}/v1/getinfo'.format(lndconnectload["ip_port"]) r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, verify=cert_path) a = r.json() hash = a['identity_pubkey'] rh = Robohash(hash) rh.assemble(roboset='set1') if not os.path.isfile(str(hash + ".png")): with open(hash + ".png", "wb") as f:, format="png") img_path = open(hash + ".png", "rb") img = h = 20 w = int((img.width / img.height) * 50) img = img.resize((w, h), Image.ANTIALIAS) img_arr = np.asarray(img) h, w, c = img_arr.shape img_path = open(hash + ".png", "rb") img = h = 20 w = int((img.width / img.height) * 50) img = img.resize((w, h), Image.ANTIALIAS) img_arr = np.asarray(img) h, w, c = img_arr.shape for x in range(h): for y in range(w): pix = img_arr[x][y] print(get_color(pix[0], pix[1], pix[2]), sep='', end='') print() print( "\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ) print(""" \t NODE INFORMATION Version: {} Node ID: {} Alias: {} Color: {} Pending Channels: {} Active Channels: {} Inactive Channels: {} Peers: {} URLS: {} """.format(a['version'], a['identity_pubkey'], a['alias'], a['color'], a['num_pending_channels'], a['num_active_channels'], a['num_inactive_channels'], a['num_peers'], a['uris'])) print("\033[1;30;47m") qr.add_data(a['identity_pubkey']) qr.print_ascii() print("\033[0;37;40m") qr.clear() print( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ) input("\nContinue... ")
def channels(): cert_path = lndconnectload["tls"] macaroon = codecs.encode( open(lndconnectload["macaroon"], 'rb').read(), 'hex') headers = {'Grpc-Metadata-macaroon': macaroon} url = 'https://{}/v1/channels'.format(lndconnectload["ip_port"]) r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, verify=cert_path) a = r.json() n = a['channels'] while True: clear() print("\033[1;32;40m") blogo() print("\033[0;37;40m") print("<<< Back to the Main Menu Press Control + C.\n\n") print("\t\nChannels\n") try: print("\n\tLIST CHANNELS\n") for r in range(len(n)): s = n[r] hash = s['remote_pubkey'] rh = Robohash(hash) rh.assemble(roboset='set1') if not os.path.isfile(str(hash + ".png")): with open(hash + ".png", "wb") as f:, format="png") img_path = open(hash + ".png", "rb") img = h = 1 w = int((img.width / img.height) * 5) img = img.resize((w, h), Image.ANTIALIAS) img_arr = np.asarray(img) h, w, c = img_arr.shape img_path = open(hash + ".png", "rb") img = h = 1 w = int((img.width / img.height) * 5) img = img.resize((w, h), Image.ANTIALIAS) img_arr = np.asarray(img) h, w, c = img_arr.shape for x in range(h): for y in range(w): pix = img_arr[x][y] print(get_color(pix[0], pix[1], pix[2]), sep='', end='') print() print("Node ID: " + s['remote_pubkey']) nd = input("\nSelect a Node ID: ") for item in n: s = item nn = s['remote_pubkey'] if nd == nn: hash = s['remote_pubkey'] rh = Robohash(hash) rh.assemble(roboset='set1') img_path = open(hash + ".png", "rb") img = h = 20 w = int((img.width / img.height) * 50) img = img.resize((w, h), Image.ANTIALIAS) img_arr = np.asarray(img) h, w, c = img_arr.shape for x in range(h): for y in range(w): pix = img_arr[x][y] print(get_color(pix[0], pix[1], pix[2]), sep='', end='') print() print( "\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ) print(""" \tCHANNEL DECODED Active: {} Node ID: {} Channel Point: {} Channel Capacity: {} sats Local Balance: {} sats Remote Balance: {} sats Total Sent: {} sats Total Received: {} sats """.format(s['active'], s['remote_pubkey'], s['channel_point'], s['capacity'], s['local_balance'], s['remote_balance'], s['total_satoshis_sent'], s['total_satoshis_received'])) print( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ) input("\nContinue... ") except: break
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements,too-many-locals,too-many-return-statements ''' Override get from parent class ''' model = ConfirmedEmail size = get_size(request) imgformat = 'png' obj = None default = None forcedefault = False gravatarredirect = False gravatarproxy = True uri = request.build_absolute_uri() # Check the cache first if CACHE_RESPONSE: centry = caches['filesystem'].get(uri) if centry: # For DEBUG purpose only print('Cached entry for %s' % uri) return HttpResponse( centry['content'], content_type=centry['content_type'], status=centry['status'], reason = centry['reason'], charset = centry['charset']) # In case no digest at all is provided, return to home page if not 'digest' in kwargs: return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse_lazy('home')) if 'd' in request.GET: default = request.GET['d'] if 'default' in request.GET: default = request.GET['default'] if 'f' in request.GET: if request.GET['f'] == 'y': forcedefault = True if 'forcedefault' in request.GET: if request.GET['forcedefault'] == 'y': forcedefault = True if 'gravatarredirect' in request.GET: if request.GET['gravatarredirect'] == 'y': gravatarredirect = True if 'gravatarproxy' in request.GET: if request.GET['gravatarproxy'] == 'n': gravatarproxy = False try: obj = model.objects.get(digest=kwargs['digest']) except ObjectDoesNotExist: try: obj = model.objects.get(digest_sha256=kwargs['digest']) except ObjectDoesNotExist: model = ConfirmedOpenId try: d = kwargs['digest'] # OpenID is tricky. http vs. https, versus trailing slash or not # However, some users eventually have added their variations already # and therfore we need to use filter() and first() obj = model.objects.filter( Q(digest=d) | Q(alt_digest1=d) | Q(alt_digest2=d) | Q(alt_digest3=d)).first() except: pass # If that mail/openid doesn't exist, or has no photo linked to it if not obj or not or forcedefault: gravatar_url = '' + kwargs['digest'] \ + '?s=%i' % size # If we have redirection to Gravatar enabled, this overrides all # default= settings, except forcedefault! if gravatarredirect and not forcedefault: return HttpResponseRedirect(gravatar_url) # Request to proxy Gravatar image - only if not forcedefault if gravatarproxy and not forcedefault: url = reverse_lazy('gravatarproxy', args=[kwargs['digest']]) \ + '?s=%i' % size + '&default=%s' % default return HttpResponseRedirect(url) # Return the default URL, as specified, or 404 Not Found, if default=404 if default: # Proxy to gravatar to generate wavatar - lazy me if str(default) == 'wavatar': url = reverse_lazy('gravatarproxy', args=[kwargs['digest']]) \ + '?s=%i' % size + '&default=%s&f=y' % default return HttpResponseRedirect(url) if str(default) == str(404): return HttpResponseNotFound(_('<h1>Image not found</h1>')) if str(default) == 'monsterid': monsterdata = BuildMonster(seed=kwargs['digest'], size=(size, size)) data = BytesIO(), 'PNG', quality=JPEG_QUALITY) response = CachingHttpResponse( uri, data, content_type='image/png') response['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=%i' % CACHE_IMAGES_MAX_AGE return response if str(default) == 'robohash': roboset = 'any' if request.GET.get('robohash'): roboset = request.GET.get('robohash') robohash = Robohash(kwargs['digest']) robohash.assemble(roboset=roboset, sizex=size, sizey=size) data = BytesIO(), format='png') response = CachingHttpResponse( uri, data, content_type='image/png') response['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=%i' % CACHE_IMAGES_MAX_AGE return response if str(default) == 'retro': identicon = Identicon.render(kwargs['digest']) data = BytesIO() img = img = img.resize((size, size), Image.ANTIALIAS), 'PNG', quality=JPEG_QUALITY) response = CachingHttpResponse( uri, data, content_type='image/png') response['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=%i' % CACHE_IMAGES_MAX_AGE return response if str(default) == 'pagan': paganobj = pagan.Avatar(kwargs['digest']) data = BytesIO() img = paganobj.img.resize((size, size), Image.ANTIALIAS), 'PNG', quality=JPEG_QUALITY) response = CachingHttpResponse( uri, data, content_type='image/png') response['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=%i' % CACHE_IMAGES_MAX_AGE return response if str(default) == 'identicon': p = Pydenticon5() # In order to make use of the whole 32 bytes digest, we need to redigest them. newdigest = hashlib.md5(bytes(kwargs['digest'], 'utf-8')).hexdigest() img = p.draw(newdigest, size, 0) data = BytesIO(), 'PNG', quality=JPEG_QUALITY) response = CachingHttpResponse( uri, data, content_type='image/png') response['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=%i' % CACHE_IMAGES_MAX_AGE return response if str(default) == 'mm' or str(default) == 'mp': # If mm is explicitly given, we need to catch that static_img = path.join('static', 'img', 'mm', '%s%s' % (str(size), '.png')) if not path.isfile(static_img): # We trust this exists!!! static_img = path.join('static', 'img', 'mm', '512.png') # We trust static/ is mapped to /static/ return HttpResponseRedirect('/' + static_img) return HttpResponseRedirect(default) static_img = path.join('static', 'img', 'nobody', '%s%s' % (str(size), '.png')) if not path.isfile(static_img): # We trust this exists!!! static_img = path.join('static', 'img', 'nobody', '512.png') # We trust static/ is mapped to /static/ return HttpResponseRedirect('/' + static_img) imgformat = photodata = # If the image is smaller than what was requested, we need # to use the function resize if photodata.size[0] < size or photodata.size[1] < size: photodata = photodata.resize((size, size), Image.ANTIALIAS) else: photodata.thumbnail((size, size), Image.ANTIALIAS) data = BytesIO(), pil_format(imgformat), quality=JPEG_QUALITY) += 1 obj.access_count += 1 if imgformat == 'jpg': imgformat = 'jpeg' response = CachingHttpResponse( uri, data, content_type='image/%s' % imgformat) response['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=%i' % CACHE_IMAGES_MAX_AGE return response
def locallistpeersQQ(): qr = qrcode.QRCode( version=1, error_correction=qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_L, box_size=10, border=4, ) while True: clear() print("\033[1;32;40m") blogo() print("\033[0;37;40m") print("<<< Back to the Main Menu Press Control + C.\n\n") lncli = " listpeers" lsd = os.popen(lndconnectload['ln'] + lncli).read() lsd0 = str(lsd) d = json.loads(lsd0) n = d['peers'] try: print("\n\tLIST PEERS\n") for item_ in n: s = item_ hash = s['pub_key'] rh = Robohash(hash) rh.assemble(roboset='set1') if not os.path.isfile(str(hash + ".png")): with open(hash + ".png", "wb") as f:, format="png") img_path = open(hash + ".png", "rb") img = h = 1 w = int((img.width / img.height) * 5) img = img.resize((w, h), Image.ANTIALIAS) img_arr = np.asarray(img) h, w, c = img_arr.shape img_path = open(hash + ".png", "rb") img = h = 1 w = int((img.width / img.height) * 5) img = img.resize((w, h), Image.ANTIALIAS) img_arr = np.asarray(img) h, w, c = img_arr.shape for x in range(h): for y in range(w): pix = img_arr[x][y] print(get_color(pix[0], pix[1], pix[2]), sep='', end='') print() print("PubKey: " + s['pub_key'] + " @" + s['address']) nd = input("\nSelect PubKey: ") for item in n: s = item nn = s['pub_key'] if nd == nn: hash = s['pub_key'] rh = Robohash(hash) rh.assemble(roboset='set1') img_path = open(hash + ".png", "rb") img = h = 20 w = int((img.width / img.height) * 50) img = img.resize((w, h), Image.ANTIALIAS) img_arr = np.asarray(img) h, w, c = img_arr.shape for x in range(h): for y in range(w): pix = img_arr[x][y] print(get_color(pix[0], pix[1], pix[2]), sep='', end='') print() print( "\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ) print(""" PEER DECODED\n Bytes Sent: {} Bytes Recv: {} Sat Sent: {} sats Sat Recv: {} sats """.format(s['bytes_sent'], s['bytes_recv'], s['sat_sent'], s['sat_recv'])) print( "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ) print("\n\tPeer: " + nd) print("\033[1;30;47m") qr.add_data(s['pub_key']) qr.print_ascii() print("\033[0;37;40m") qr.clear() pp = input("\nDo you want to disconnect? Y/n: ") if pp in ["Y", "y"]: lncli = " disconnect" lsd = os.popen(lndconnectload['ln'] + lncli + " " + nd).read() lsd0 = str(lsd) d = json.loads(lsd0) print("\n\tDisconnected from peer " + nd) input("\nContinue... ") elif pp in ["N", "n"]: input("\nContinue... ") except: break
def get(self,string=None): # Set default values sizex = 300 sizey = 300 format = "png" bgset = None color = None # Normally, we pass in arguments with standard HTTP GET variables, such as # ?set=any and &size=100x100 # # Some sites don't like this though.. They cache it weirdly, or they just don't allow GET queries. # Rather than trying to fix the intercows, we can support this with directories... <grumble> # We'll translate /abc.png/s_100x100/set_any to be /abc.png?set=any&s=100x100 # We're using underscore as a replacement for = and / as a replacement for [&?] args = self.request.arguments.copy() for k in list(args.keys()): v = args[k] if type(v) is list: if len(v) > 0: args[k] = args[k][0] else: args[k] = "" # Detect if they're using the above slash-separated parameters.. # If they are, then remove those parameters from the query string. # If not, don't remove anything. split = string.split('/') if len(split) > 1: for st in split: b = st.split('_') if len(b) == 2: if b[0] in ['gravatar','ignoreext','size','set','bgset','color']: args[b[0]] = b[1] string = re.sub("/" + st,'',string) # Ensure we have something to hash! if string is None: string = self.request.remote_ip # Detect if the user has passed in a flag to ignore extensions. # Pass this along to to Robohash obj later on. ignoreext = args.get('ignoreext','false').lower() == 'true' # Split the size variable in to sizex and sizey if "size" in args: sizex,sizey = args['size'].split("x") sizex = int(sizex) sizey = int(sizey) if sizex > 4096 or sizex < 0: sizex = 300 if sizey > 4096 or sizey < 0: sizey = 300 # Allow Gravatar lookups - # This allows people to pass in a gravatar-style hash, and return their gravatar image, instead of a Robohash. # This is often used for example, to show a Gravatar if it's set for an email, or a Robohash if not. if args.get('gravatar','').lower() == 'yes': # They have requested that we hash the email, and send it to Gravatar. default = "404" gravatar_url = "" + hashlib.md5(string.lower()).hexdigest() + "?" gravatar_url += urlencode({'default':default, 'size':str(sizey)}) elif args.get('gravatar','').lower() == 'hashed': # They have sent us a pre-hashed email address. default = "404" gravatar_url = "" + string + "?" gravatar_url += urlencode({'default':default, 'size':str(sizey)}) # If we do want a gravatar, request one. If we can't get it, just keep going, and return a robohash if args.get('gravatar','').lower() in ['hashed','yes']: try: f = urlopen(gravatar_url) self.redirect(gravatar_url, permanent=False) return except: args['avatar'] = False # Create our Robohashing object r = Robohash(string) # Allow users to manually specify a robot 'set' that they like. # Ensure that this is one of the allowed choices, or allow all # If they don't set one, take the first entry from sets above. if args.get('set',r.sets[0]) in r.sets: roboset = args.get('set',r.sets[0]) elif args.get('set',r.sets[0]) == 'any': # Add ugly hack. # Adding cats and people per submitted/requested code, but I don't want to change existing hashes for set=any # so we'll ignore those sets for the 'any' config. roboset = r.sets[r.hasharray[1] % (len(r.sets)-2) ] else: roboset = r.sets[0] # If they specified multiple sets, use up a bit of randomness to choose one. # If they didn't specify one, default to whatever we decided above. possiblesets = [] for tmpset in args.get('sets',roboset).split(','): if tmpset in r.sets: possiblesets.append(tmpset) if possiblesets: roboset = possiblesets[r.hasharray[1] % len(possiblesets) ] # Only set1 is setup to be color-seletable. The others don't have enough pieces in various colors. # This could/should probably be expanded at some point.. # Right now, this feature is almost never used. ( It was < 44 requests this year, out of 78M reqs ) if args.get('color') in r.colors: roboset = 'set1' color = args.get('color') # If they DID choose set1, randomly choose a color. if roboset == 'set1' and color is None: color = r.colors[r.hasharray[0] % len(r.colors) ] roboset = 'set1' # Allow them to set a background, or keep as None if args.get('bgset') in r.bgsets + ['any']: bgset = args.get('bgset') # We're going to be returning the image directly, so tell the browser to expect a binary. self.set_header("Content-Type", "image/" + format) self.set_header("Cache-Control", "public,max-age=31536000") # Build our Robot. r.assemble(roboset=roboset,format=format,bgset=bgset,color=color,sizex=sizex,sizey=sizey) # Print the Robot to the handler, as a file-like obj if r.format != 'datauri':,format=r.format) else: # Or, if requested, base64 encode first. fakefile = io.BytesIO(),format='PNG') b64ver = base64.b64encode( b64ver = b64ver.decode('utf-8') self.write("data:image/png;base64," + str(b64ver))
def get(self, string=None): # Set default values sizex = 300 sizey = 300 format = "png" bgset = None color = None # Normally, we pass in arguments with standard HTTP GET variables, such as # ?set=any and &size=100x100 # # Some sites don't like this though.. They cache it weirdly, or they just don't allow GET queries. # Rather than trying to fix the intercows, we can support this with directories... <grumble> # We'll translate /abc.png/s_100x100/set_any to be /abc.png?set=any&s=100x100 # We're using underscore as a replacement for = and / as a replacement for [&?] args = self.request.arguments.copy() for k in list(args.keys()): v = args[k] if type(v) is list: if len(v) > 0: args[k] = args[k][0] else: args[k] = "" # Detect if they're using the above slash-separated parameters.. # If they are, then remove those parameters from the query string. # If not, don't remove anything. split = string.split('/') if len(split) > 1: for st in split: b = st.split('_') if len(b) == 2: if b[0] in [ 'gravatar', 'ignoreext', 'size', 'set', 'bgset', 'color' ]: args[b[0]] = b[1] string = re.sub("/" + st, '', string) # Ensure we have something to hash! if string is None: string = self.request.remote_ip # Detect if the user has passed in a flag to ignore extensions. # Pass this along to to Robohash obj later on. ignoreext = args.get('ignoreext', 'false').lower() == 'true' # Split the size variable in to sizex and sizey if "size" in args: sizex, sizey = args['size'].split("x") sizex = int(sizex) sizey = int(sizey) if sizex > 4096 or sizex < 0: sizex = 300 if sizey > 4096 or sizey < 0: sizey = 300 # Allow Gravatar lookups - # This allows people to pass in a gravatar-style hash, and return their gravatar image, instead of a Robohash. # This is often used for example, to show a Gravatar if it's set for an email, or a Robohash if not. if args.get('gravatar', '').lower() == 'yes': # They have requested that we hash the email, and send it to Gravatar. default = "404" gravatar_url = "" + hashlib.md5( string.lower()).hexdigest() + "?" gravatar_url += urlencode({'default': default, 'size': str(sizey)}) elif args.get('gravatar', '').lower() == 'hashed': # They have sent us a pre-hashed email address. default = "404" gravatar_url = "" + string + "?" gravatar_url += urlencode({'default': default, 'size': str(sizey)}) # If we do want a gravatar, request one. If we can't get it, just keep going, and return a robohash if args.get('gravatar', '').lower() in ['hashed', 'yes']: try: f = urlopen(gravatar_url) self.redirect(gravatar_url, permanent=False) return except: args['avatar'] = False # Create our Robohashing object r = Robohash(string) # Allow users to manually specify a robot 'set' that they like. # Ensure that this is one of the allowed choices, or allow all # If they don't set one, take the first entry from sets above. if args.get('set', r.sets[0]) in r.sets: roboset = args.get('set', r.sets[0]) elif args.get('set', r.sets[0]) == 'any': # Add ugly hack. # Adding cats, per issue-17, but I don't want to change existing hashes. # so we'll ignore that set for the 'any' config. roboset = r.sets[r.hasharray[1] % (len(r.sets) - 1)] else: roboset = r.sets[0] # If they specified multiple sets, use up a bit of randomness to choose one. # If they didn't specify one, default to whatever we decided above. possiblesets = [] for tmpset in args.get('sets', roboset).split(','): if tmpset in r.sets: possiblesets.append(tmpset) if possiblesets: roboset = possiblesets[r.hasharray[1] % len(possiblesets)] # Only set1 is setup to be color-seletable. The others don't have enough pieces in various colors. # This could/should probably be expanded at some point.. # Right now, this feature is almost never used. ( It was < 44 requests this year, out of 78M reqs ) if args.get('color') in r.colors: roboset = 'set1' color = args.get('color') # If they DID choose set1, randomly choose a color. if roboset == 'set1' and color is None: color = r.colors[r.hasharray[0] % len(r.colors)] roboset = 'set1' # Allow them to set a background, or keep as None if args.get('bgset') in r.bgsets + ['any']: bgset = args.get('bgset') # We're going to be returning the image directly, so tell the browser to expect a binary. self.set_header("Content-Type", "image/" + format) self.set_header("Cache-Control", "public,max-age=31536000") # Build our Robot. r.assemble(roboset=roboset, format=format, bgset=bgset, color=color, sizex=sizex, sizey=sizey) # Print the Robot to the handler, as a file-like obj if r.format != 'datauri':, format=r.format) else: # Or, if requested, base64 encode first. fakefile = io.BytesIO(), format='PNG') b64ver = base64.b64encode( b64ver = b64ver.decode('utf-8') self.write("data:image/png;base64," + str(b64ver))
def locallistchannels(): lncli = " listchannels" lsd = os.popen(lndconnectload['ln'] + lncli).read() lsd0 = str(lsd) d = json.loads(lsd0) n = d['channels'] while True: clear() print("\033[1;32;40m") blogo() print("\033[0;37;40m") print("<<< Back to the Main Menu Press Control + C.\n\n") print("\t\nChannels\n") try: print("\n\tLIST CHANNELS\n") for item_ in n: s = item_ hash = s['remote_pubkey'] rh = Robohash(hash) rh.assemble(roboset='set1') if not os.path.isfile(str(hash + ".png")): with open(hash + ".png", "wb") as f:, format="png") img_path = open(hash + ".png", "rb") img = h = 1 w = int((img.width / img.height) * 5) img = img.resize((w, h), Image.ANTIALIAS) img_arr = np.asarray(img) h, w, c = img_arr.shape img_path = open(hash + ".png", "rb") img = h = 1 w = int((img.width / img.height) * 5) img = img.resize((w, h), Image.ANTIALIAS) img_arr = np.asarray(img) h, w, c = img_arr.shape for x in range(h): for y in range(w): pix = img_arr[x][y] print(get_color(pix[0], pix[1], pix[2]), sep='', end='') print() print("Node ID: " + s['remote_pubkey']) nd = input("\nSelect a Node ID: ") for item in n: s = item nn = s['remote_pubkey'] if nd == nn: hash = s['remote_pubkey'] rh = Robohash(hash) rh.assemble(roboset='set1') img_path = open(hash + ".png", "rb") img = h = 20 w = int((img.width / img.height) * 50) img = img.resize((w, h), Image.ANTIALIAS) img_arr = np.asarray(img) h, w, c = img_arr.shape for x in range(h): for y in range(w): pix = img_arr[x][y] print(get_color(pix[0], pix[1], pix[2]), sep='', end='') print() print( "\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ) print(""" \tCHANNEL DECODED Active: {} Node ID: {} Channel Point: {} Channel Capacity: {} sats Local Balance: {} sats Remote Balance: {} sats Total Sent: {} sats Total Received: {} sats """.format(s['active'], s['remote_pubkey'], s['channel_point'], s['capacity'], s['local_balance'], s['remote_balance'], s['total_satoshis_sent'], s['total_satoshis_received'])) print( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ) input("\nContinue... ") except: break