Esempio n. 1
    def test_incorrect_command(self):

        with patch("sys.stdout", StringIO()) as output:

            """fly: What must I do next? fly: Sorry, I did not understand 'of'.
fly: What must I do next? fly: Shutting down..""",
Esempio n. 2
    def test_back_command(self):

        with patch("sys.stdout", StringIO()) as output:

            """fly: What must I do next?  > fly moved back by 10 steps.
 > fly now at position (0,-10).\nfly: What must I do next?  > fly moved back by 10 steps.
 > fly now at position (0,-20).\nfly: What must I do next? fly: Shutting down..""",
Esempio n. 3
    def test_sprint_command(self):
        with patch("sys.stdout", StringIO()) as output:

            """s: What must I do next?  > s moved forward by 5 steps.
 > s moved forward by 4 steps.
 > s moved forward by 3 steps.
 > s moved forward by 2 steps.
 > s moved forward by 1 steps.
 > s now at position (0,15).
s: What must I do next? s: Shutting down..""",
Esempio n. 4
    def test_repaly_silent_then_off(self):

        with patch("sys.stdout", StringIO()) as output:

            """fly: What must I do next?  > fly moved forward by 10 steps.
 > fly now at position (0,10).
fly: What must I do next?  > fly moved forward by 5 steps.
 > fly now at position (0,15).
fly: What must I do next?  > fly replayed 2 commands silently.
 > fly now at position (0,30).
fly: What must I do next? fly: Shutting down..""",
Esempio n. 5
    def test_help_command_correctness(self):

        with patch("sys.stdout", StringIO()) as output:

            """fly: What must I do next? I can understand these commands:
OFF  - Shut down robot\nHELP - provide information about commands
FORWARD STEP - move the robot forward
BACK STEP- move the robot back
RIGHT - turn the robot to the right
LEFT - move your robot to left
SPRINT STEP - sprint the robot by selected steps

fly: What must I do next? fly: Shutting down..""",
Esempio n. 6
    def test_replay_range_silently(self):

        with patch("sys.stdout", StringIO()) as output:
            """fly: What must I do next?  > fly moved forward by 10 steps.
 > fly now at position (0,10).
fly: What must I do next?  > fly turned right.
 > fly now at position (0,10).
fly: What must I do next?  > fly moved forward by 10 steps.
 > fly now at position (10,10).
fly: What must I do next?  > fly turned right.
 > fly now at position (10,10).
fly: What must I do next?  > fly moved forward by 5 steps.
 > fly now at position (10,5).
fly: What must I do next?  > fly replayed 2 commands silently.
 > fly now at position (5,5).
fly: What must I do next? fly: Shutting down..""",
Esempio n. 7
    def test_help_command_correctness(self):

        with patch("sys.stdout", StringIO()) as output:

            """fly: What must I do next? I can understand these commands:
OFF  - Shut down robot\nHELP - provide information about commands
FORWARD STEP - move the robot forward
BACK STEP- move the robot back
RIGHT - turn the robot to the right
LEFT - turn your robot to left
SPRINT STEP - sprint the robot by selected steps
REPLAY - replay the previous commands in history
REPLAY SILENT - replay the previous commands in history in silence
REPLAY REVERSED - replay the prvious commands in reverse
REPLAY SIZE - replay the last size commands
REPLAY N-M - replay the previous commands in range of n and m, n must be bigger than m!
REPLAY SIZE SILENT - replay the last size commands silent

fly: What must I do next? fly: Shutting down..""",
Esempio n. 8
 def test_command_list(self):
     name = 'BOB'
     command = robot.get_command_input(name)
     if command == 'OFF':
         self.assertEqual(command, 'OFF')
     elif command == 'HELP':
         self.assertEqual(command, 'HELP')
     elif command == 'FORWARD':
         self.assertEqual(command, 'FORWARD')
     elif command == 'BACK':
         self.assertEqual(command, 'BACK')
     elif command == 'RIGHT':
         self.assertEqual(command, 'RIGHT')
     elif command == 'LEFT':
         self.assertEqual(command, 'LEFT')
     elif command == 'SPRINT':
         self.assertEqual(command, 'SPRINT')
Esempio n. 9
    def test_off_command(self):
        with patch("sys.stdout", StringIO()) as output:
            self.assertEqual("fly: What must I do next? fly: Shutting down..",

        with patch("sys.stdout", StringIO()) as output:
            self.assertEqual("fly: What must I do next? fly: Shutting down..",

        with patch("sys.stdout", StringIO()) as output:
            self.assertEqual("fly: What must I do next? fly: Shutting down..",
Esempio n. 10
 def test_left_command(self):
     with patch(('sys.stdout'), new = StringIO()) as fake:
         robot.get_command_input('HAL' , 'RIGHT', 0 , 0 , "" , 0)
         self.assertEqual("HAL: What must I do next?  > HAL turned right.\n > HAL now at position (0,0).\n" , fake.getvalue())            
Esempio n. 11
 def test_OutOfBounds(self):
     with patch(('sys.stdout'), new = StringIO()) as fake:
         robot.get_command_input('HAL' , ['SPRINT',' FORWARD'], 0 , 0 , "" , 0)
         self.assertEqual("HAL: What must I do next? HAL: Sorry, I cannot go outside my safe zone.\n > HAL now at position (0,0).\n" , fake.getvalue())
Esempio n. 12
 def test_sprint_command(self):
     with patch(('sys.stdout'), new = StringIO()) as fake:
         robot.get_command_input('HAL' , 'SPRINT', 0 , 0 , "" , 0)
         self.assertEqual("HAL: What must I do next?  > HAL moved forward by 4 steps.\n > HAL moved forward by 3 steps.\n > HAL moved forward by 2 steps.\n > HAL moved forward by 1 steps.\n > HAL now at position (0,10).\n" , fake.getvalue())       
Esempio n. 13
 def test_invalid_command(self):
     with patch(('sys.stdout'), new = StringIO()) as fake:
         robot.get_command_input('HAL' , 'FLY', 0 , 0 , "" , 0)
         self.assertEqual("HAL: What must I do next? HAL: Sorry, I did not understand 'FLY'.\n" , fake.getvalue())
Esempio n. 14
 def test_back_command(self):
     with patch(('sys.stdout'), new = StringIO()) as fake:
         robot.get_command_input('HAL' , 'BACK', 0 , 0 , "" , 0)
         self.assertEqual("HAL: What must I do next?  > HAL moved back by 4 steps.\n > HAL now at position (0,-4).\n" , fake.getvalue())
Esempio n. 15
 def test_help_command(self):
     with patch(('sys.stdout'), new = StringIO()) as fake:
         robot.get_command_input('HAL' , 'HELP', 0 ,0 , "" , 0)
         self.assertEqual("HAL: What must I do next? I can understand these commands:\nOFF  - Shut down robot\nHELP - provide information about commands\nFORWARD - move forward\nBACK - move backwards\nRIGHT - move right\nLEFT - move left\nSPRINT - burst of speed\n", fake.getvalue())
Esempio n. 16
 def test_off_command(self):
     with patch(('sys.stdout'), new = StringIO()) as fake:
         robot.get_command_input('HAL' , 'OFF', 0 ,0 , "anything" , 0)
         self.assertEqual("HAL: What must I do next? HAL: Shutting down..\n", fake.getvalue())