Esempio n. 1
class Navigation:

    # Constructor
    def __init__(self):

        # Initializations
        self.robot_perception = RobotPerception()
        self.path_planning = PathPlanning()

        # Check if the robot moves with target or just wanders
        self.move_with_target = rospy.get_param("calculate_target")

        # Flag to check if the vehicle has a target or not
        self.target_exists = False
        self.select_another_target = 0
        self.inner_target_exists = False

        # Container for the current path
        self.path = []
        # Container for the subgoals in the path
        self.subtargets = []

        # Container for the next subtarget. Holds the index of the next subtarget
        self.next_subtarget = 0

        self.count_limit = 500  # 20 sec

        self.counter_to_next_sub = self.count_limit

        # Check if subgoal is reached via a timer callback
        rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.10), self.checkTarget)

        # Read the target function
        self.target_selector = rospy.get_param("target_selector")
        print "The selected target function is " + self.target_selector
        self.target_selection = TargetSelection(self.target_selector)

        # ROS Publisher for the path
        self.path_publisher = rospy.Publisher(
            rospy.get_param('path_pub_topic'), Path, queue_size=10)

        # ROS Publisher for the subtargets
        self.subtargets_publisher = rospy.Publisher(
            rospy.get_param('subgoals_pub_topic'), MarkerArray, queue_size=10)

        # ROS Publisher for the current target
        self.current_target_publisher = rospy.Publisher(
            rospy.get_param('curr_target_pub_topic'), Marker, queue_size=10)

        self.previous_next_subtarget = None

    def checkTarget(self, event):
        Check if target/sub-target reached.
        :param event:
        if self.previous_next_subtarget is None or self.previous_next_subtarget < self.next_subtarget:
            Print.art_print("next_subtarget = %d" % self.next_subtarget,
            self.previous_next_subtarget = self.next_subtarget

        # Check if we have a target or if the robot just wanders
        if self.inner_target_exists == False \
                or self.move_with_target == False \
                or self.next_subtarget == len(self.subtargets):

        self.counter_to_next_sub -= 1

        if self.counter_to_next_sub == 0:
            Print.art_print('\n~~~~ Time reset ~~~~', Print.RED)
            self.inner_target_exists = False
            self.target_exists = False

        # Get the robot pose in: pixel units & global (map's) coordinate system
        rp_l_px = [
        # rp_g_px = self.robot_perception.toGlobalCoordinates(rp_l_px)
        [rx, ry] = [
            self.robot_perception.robot_pose['x_px'] -
            self.robot_perception.origin['x'] /
            self.robot_perception.robot_pose['y_px'] -
            self.robot_perception.origin['y'] /
        rp_g_px = [rx, ry]

        # Find the distance between the robot pose and the next subtarget
        v_g_px = map(operator.sub, rp_g_px,
        dist = math.hypot(v_g_px[0], v_g_px[1])

        ######################### NOTE: QUESTION  ##############################
        # What if a later subtarget or the end has been reached before the
        # next subtarget? Alter the code accordingly.
        # Check if distance is less than 7 px (14 cm)

        # if dist < 5:
        #     self.next_subtarget += 1
        #     self.counter_to_next_sub = self.count_limit
        #     # Check if the final subtarget has been approached
        #     if self.next_subtarget == len(self.subtargets):
        #         self.target_exists = False

        # Instead of checking only next sub-target check all remaining sub-targets (starting from end up to next
        # sub-target) and decide if robot is closer to another sub-target at later point in path
        for st_i in range(
                len(self.subtargets) - 1, self.next_subtarget - 1, -1):
            # @v_st_g_px: Difference of Global coordinates in Pixels between robot's position
            # and i-th" sub-target's position
            v_st_g_px = map(operator.sub, rp_g_px, self.subtargets[st_i])
            if math.hypot(v_st_g_px[0], v_st_g_px[1]) < 5:
                # reached @st_i, set next sub-target in path as robot's next sub-target
                self.next_subtarget = st_i + 1
                self.counter_to_next_sub = self.count_limit
                if self.next_subtarget == len(self.subtargets):
                    self.target_exists = False


        # Publish the current target
        if self.next_subtarget == len(self.subtargets):

        subtarget = [
            self.subtargets[self.next_subtarget][0] *
            self.robot_perception.resolution +
            self.subtargets[self.next_subtarget][1] *
            self.robot_perception.resolution +

            1,  # Type: Arrow
            0,  # Action: Add
            "map",  # Frame
            "art_next_subtarget",  # Namespace
            [0, 0, 0.8, 0.8],  # Color RGBA
            0.2  # Scale

    # Function that selects the next target, produces the path and updates
    # the coverage field. This is called from the speeds assignment code, since
    # it contains timer callbacks
    def selectTarget(self):
        # IMPORTANT: The robot must be stopped if you call this function until
        # it is over
        # Check if we have a map
        while not self.robot_perception.have_map:
            Print.art_print("Navigation: No map yet", Print.RED)

        print "\nClearing all markers"
            [[0, 0]],
            1,  # Type: Arrow
            3,  # Action: delete all
            "map",  # Frame
            "null",  # Namespace
            [0, 0, 0, 0],  # Color RGBA
            0.1  # Scale

        print '\n\n----------------------------------------------------------'
        print "Navigation: Producing new target"
        # We are good to continue the exploration
        # Make this true in order not to call it again from the speeds assignment
        self.target_exists = True

        # Gets copies of the map and coverage
        local_ogm = self.robot_perception.getMap()
        local_ros_ogm = self.robot_perception.getRosMap()
        local_coverage = self.robot_perception.getCoverage()
        print "Got the map and Coverage"

        # Once the target has been found, find the path to it
        # Get the global robot pose
        # Get robot pose in global (map's) coordinates
        rp_l_px = [
        rp_g_px = self.robot_perception.toGlobalCoordinates(
            rp_l_px, with_resolution=True)
        g_robot_pose = rp_g_px

        # Call the target selection function to select the next best goal
        # Choose target function
        self.path = []
        force_random = False
        while len(self.path) == 0:
            start = time.time()
            target = self.target_selection.selectTarget(
                local_ogm, local_coverage, self.robot_perception.robot_pose,
                self.robot_perception.origin, self.robot_perception.resolution,

            self.path = self.path_planning.createPath(
                g_robot_pose, target, self.robot_perception.resolution)
            print "Navigation: Path for target found with " + str(len(self.path)) + \
                  " points"
            if len(self.path) == 0:
                    "Path planning failed. Fallback to random target selection",
                force_random = True

        # Reverse the path to start from the robot
        self.path = self.path[::-1]

        # Break the path to sub-goals every 2 pixels (1m = 20px)
        step = 1
        n_subgoals = int(len(self.path) / step)
        self.subtargets = []
        for i in range(0, n_subgoals):
            self.subtargets.append(self.path[i * step])
        self.next_subtarget = 0
        print "The path produced " + str(len(self.subtargets)) + " subgoals"

        ######################### NOTE: QUESTION  ##############################
        # The path is produced by an A* algorithm. This means that it is
        # optimal in length but 1) not smooth and 2) length optimality
        # may not be desired for coverage-based exploration

        self.counter_to_next_sub = self.count_limit

        # Publish the path for visualization purposes
        ros_path = Path()
        ros_path.header.frame_id = "map"
        for p in self.path:
            ps = PoseStamped()
            ps.header.frame_id = "map"
            ######################### NOTE: QUESTION  ##############################
            # Fill the ps.pose.position values to show the path in RViz
            # You must understand what self.robot_perception.resolution
            # and self.robot_perception.origin are.

            # Convert p from pixel-units to meter
            p_m = self.robot_perception.toMeterUnits(p, False)

            # Convert p_m from global (map's) coordinates to relative (image's) coordinates (using resolution = 1)
            p_m_r = self.robot_perception.toRelativeCoordinates(p_m, False)

            # Fill in $ps object
            ps.pose.position.x = p_m_r[0]
            ps.pose.position.y = p_m_r[1]

        # Publish the subtargets for visualization purposes
        subtargets_mark = []
        for s in self.subtargets:
            st_m = self.robot_perception.toMeterUnits(s, False)
            st_m_r = self.robot_perception.toRelativeCoordinates(st_m, False)

            2,  # Type: Sphere
            0,  # Action: Add
            "map",  # Frame
            "art_subtargets",  # Namespace
            [0, 0.8, 0.0, 0.8],  # Color RGBA
            0.2  # Scale

        self.inner_target_exists = True

    def velocitiesToNextSubtarget(self):

        [linear, angular] = [0, 0]

        # Get global robot coordinates
        rp_l_px = [
        rp_g_px = self.robot_perception.toGlobalCoordinates(rp_l_px)
        theta_r = self.robot_perception.robot_pose['th']
        theta_r_deg = math.degrees(theta_r)
        if theta_r_deg < 0:
            theta_r_deg += 360
        ######################### NOTE: QUESTION  ##############################
        # The velocities of the robot regarding the next subtarget should be
        # computed. The known parameters are the robot pose [x,y,th] from
        # robot_perception and the next_subtarget [x,y]. From these, you can
        # compute the robot velocities for the vehicle to approach the target.
        # Hint: Trigonometry is required

        if self.subtargets and self.next_subtarget <= len(self.subtargets) - 1:
            # st: in pixel units & on global (map's) coordinate system
            st_g_px = self.subtargets[self.next_subtarget]

            # Both, st and rp are in the same coordinate system (global - map's) and in the same units (pixels)
            # So, the vector difference of these two vectors (st - rp) yields the vector that joins these two points
            v_g_px = map(operator.sub, st_g_px, rp_g_px)

            # Robot's current orientations forms $theta_r angle from global coordinate system's x-axis, whereas the
            # vector calculated above forms $theta_rg angle. The latter is defined next:
            theta_rg = math.atan2(v_g_px[1], v_g_px[0])
            # FIX: use degrees to correctly address negative angles
            theta_rg_deg = math.degrees(theta_rg)
            if theta_rg_deg < 0:
                theta_rg_deg += 360

            # Find angle difference, $delta_theta
            delta_theta_deg = theta_rg_deg - theta_r_deg

            # Calculate new angular velocity based on delta_theta
            # (slide #93 - 9th presentation, IRS Course ECE AUTH, [email protected])
            if 0 <= delta_theta_deg < 180:
                angular = delta_theta_deg / 180
            elif delta_theta_deg > 0 and delta_theta_deg >= 180:
                angular = (delta_theta_deg - 360) / 180
            elif -180 < delta_theta_deg <= 0:
                angular = delta_theta_deg / 180
            elif delta_theta_deg < 0 and delta_theta_deg < -180:
                angular = (delta_theta_deg + 360) / 180

            # Calculate new linear velocity based on new angular velocity and relation in slide #97 (for n = 6)
            linear = math.pow(1 - abs(angular), 6)

        ######################### NOTE: QUESTION  ##############################
        return [linear, angular]