Esempio n. 1
def publisher():
  Main loop which requests new commands and publish them on the CModelRobotOutput topic.
    pub = rospy.Publisher('command', CModelCommand, queue_size=3)
    command = CModelCommand()
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        command = genCommand(askForCommand(command), command)
Esempio n. 2
  def __init__(self, topic):
    #Initiate output message as an empty list
    self.status = CModelStatus()
    self.last_command = CModelCommand() = rospy.Publisher(topic, std_msgs.msg.String, queue_size=1)
    self.rospack = rospkg.RosPack()

    self.is_moving = False
    self.is_closing = False
    self.command_received_time = rospy.get_rostime()
    self.status_update_timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(.1), self.updateStatus)

    self.long_move = False # Hacky
Esempio n. 3
 def _goto_position(self, pos, vel, force):
   Goto position with desired force and velocity
   @type  pos: float
   @param pos: Gripper width in meters
   @type  vel: float
   @param vel: Gripper speed in m/s
   @type  force: float
   @param force: Gripper force in N
   command = CModelCommand()
   command.rACT = 1
   command.rGTO = 1
   command.rPR = int(np.clip((-230)/(self._max_gap - self._min_gap) * (pos - self._min_gap) + 230., 0, 230))
   command.rSP = int(np.clip((255)/(self._max_speed - self._min_speed) * (vel - self._min_speed), 0, 255))
   command.rFR = int(np.clip((255)/(self._max_force - self._min_force) * (force - self._min_force), 0, 255))
Esempio n. 4
 def _activate(self, timeout=5.0):
   command = CModelCommand();
   command.rACT = 1
   command.rGTO = 1
   command.rSP  = 255
   command.rFR  = 150
   start_time = rospy.get_time()
   while not self._ready():
     if rospy.is_shutdown():
       return False
     if rospy.get_time() - start_time > timeout:
       rospy.logwarn('Failed to activated gripper in ns [%s]' % (self._ns))
       return False
   rospy.loginfo('Successfully activated gripper in ns [%s]' % (self._ns))
   return True
Esempio n. 5
def genCommand(char, command):
    """Update the command according to the character entered by the user."""
    if char == 'o':
        command = CModelCommand()
        command.rACT = 0
        command.rGTO = 1
        command.rATR = 1
        command.rPR = 4095
        command.rSP = 400
        command.rFR = 200

    if char == 'r':
        command = CModelCommand()
        command.rACT = 0
        command.rGTO = 1
        command.rATR = 1
        command.rPR = 2000
        command.rSP = 400
        command.rFR = 200

    if char == 'c':
        command.rACT = 0
        command.rGTO = 1
        command.rATR = 1
        command.rPR = 0
        command.rSP = 400
        command.rFR = 200

    #If the command entered is a int, assign this value to rPRA
        command.rPR = int(char)
        if command.rPR > 4095:
            command.rPR = 4095
        if command.rPR < 0:
            command.rPR = 0
    except ValueError:

    if char == 'f':
        command.rSP += 25
        if command.rSP > 1000:
            command.rSP = 1000

    if char == 'l':
        command.rSP -= 25
        if command.rSP < 0:
            command.rSP = 0

    if char == 'i':
        command.rFR += 25
        if command.rFR > 1000:
            command.rFR = 1000

    if char == 'd':
        command.rFR -= 25
        if command.rFR < 0:
            command.rFR = 0
    return command
def genCommand(char, command):
  """Update the command according to the character entered by the user."""    
  if char == 'a':
    command = CModelCommand();
    command.rACT = 1
    command.rGTO = 1
    command.rSP  = 255
    command.rFR  = 150
  if char == 'r':
    command = CModelCommand();
    command.rACT = 0
  if char == 'c':
    command.rPR = 255
  if char == 'o':
    command.rPR = 0
  #If the command entered is a int, assign this value to rPRA
    command.rPR = int(char)
    if command.rPR > 255:
      command.rPR = 255
    if command.rPR < 0:
      command.rPR = 0
  except ValueError:
  if char == 'f':
    command.rSP += 25
    if command.rSP > 255:
      command.rSP = 255
  if char == 'l':
    command.rSP -= 25
    if command.rSP < 0:
      command.rSP = 0
  if char == 'i':
    command.rFR += 25
    if command.rFR > 255:
      command.rFR = 255
  if char == 'd':
    command.rFR -= 25
    if command.rFR < 0:
      command.rFR = 0
  return command
 def _stop(self):
     command = CModelCommand()
     command.rACT = 1
     command.rGTO = 0
     rospy.logdebug('Stopping gripper in ns [%s]' % (self._ns))