def bias_matrix(domain, interpolate, save):

    if interpolate == True:
        if domain == 'pcse':
            fname = 'pcse-domain_bias'
            lon_new, lat_new = lonp, latp
        elif domain == 'rio':
            fname = 'rio-domain_bias'
            lon_new, lat_new = lonr, latr
        NEinterp = griddata(lonc.flatten(), latc.flatten(), NEbias.flatten(), lon_new, lat_new)
        SEinterp = griddata(lonc.flatten(), latc.flatten(), SEbias.flatten(), lon_new, lat_new)
        SWinterp = griddata(lonc.flatten(), latc.flatten(), SWbias.flatten(), lon_new, lat_new)
        NWinterp = griddata(lonc.flatten(), latc.flatten(), NWbias.flatten(), lon_new, lat_new)
        ds = xray.Dataset( variables={'NE_bias': (['y','x'], NEinterp),
                                      'SE_bias': (['y','x'], SEinterp),
                                      'SW_bias': (['y','x'], SWinterp),
                                      'NW_bias': (['y','x'], NWinterp)},
        coords={'lat': (['y','x'], lat_new),
                    'lon': (['y','x'], lon_new)},
        attrs={'Name' : 'CFSR - WRF regional averaged-bias for January 2013',
        'Description' : 'Bias values were calculated by\
        subtratcting WRF regional model from CFSR product.\
        WRF model results used here has a spatial resolution\
        of 9km while CFSR is ~25km. The computation regards\
        the MEDIAN over January 2013'}  )

        if save == True:
             ds.to_netcdf( ROOTDIR +  fname + '.nc' )
    elif interpolate == False:
        fname = 'cfs-domain_bias'
        ds = xray.Dataset( variables={'NE_bias': (['y','x'], NEbias),
                                      'SE_bias': (['y','x'], SEbias),
                                      'SW_bias': (['y','x'], SWbias),
                                      'NW_bias': (['y','x'], NWbias)},
        coords={'lat': (['y','x'], latc),
                'lon': (['y','x'], lonc)},

        attrs={'Name' : 'CFSR - WRF regional averaged-bias for January 2013',
        'Description' : 'Bias values were calculated by\
        subtratcting WRF regional model from CFSR product.\
        WRF model results used here has a spatial resolution\
        of 9km while CFSR is ~25km. The computation regards\
        the MEDIAN over January 2013'} )
        if save == True:
             ds.to_netcdf( ROOTDIR +  fname + '.nc' )
wrf['west_east'].values = wrf['XLONG'][0,0,:].values

u = wrf['U10'].sel(south_north=slice(Glims[2],Glims[3]), 
                    west_east=slice(Glims[0], Glims[1]))

v = wrf['V10'].sel(south_north=slice(Glims[2],Glims[3]), 
                    west_east=slice(Glims[0], Glims[1]))

lonw = u.coords['XLONG'][0,...].values
latw = u.coords['XLAT'][0,...].values

U = np.ones( (u.shape[0], latc.shape[0], lonc.shape[1]) )
V = U.copy()
for k in range(u.shape[0]):
    U[k] = griddata(lonw.flatten(), latw.flatten(), u[k].values.flatten(), lonc, latc)
    V[k] = griddata(lonw.flatten(), latw.flatten(), v[k].values.flatten(), lonc, latc)

WRFint, WRFdir = uv2intdir(-U, -V)

NEwrf, SEwrf, SWwrf, NWwrf = wind_quadrant(WRFdir, WRFint, type='median')

# Computing BIAS (CFSv2 - WRF)

NEbias = NEcfs - NEwrf
SEbias = SEcfs - SEwrf
SWbias = SWcfs - SWwrf
NWbias = NWcfs - NWwrf