def __init__(self, channel_type):
        Initialize empty Channel Template with specific type

        ChannelType.__init__(self, channel_type)
        ChannelStyle.__init__(self, channel_type)

        self.__input_templates = []         # track added input templates
        self.__input_template_types = set() # track added input template types
    def __init__(self, input_type, template):
        Initialize object with input type and histogram. Histogram will be
        cloned and automatically scaled to x-section, luminosity and 
        number of Monte-Carlo processed events

        InputType.__init__(self, input_type)

        # cache scale factor for future fast access
        self.__scale = (self.xsection * self.luminosity() /
               if else 1

        # histogram will be scaled upon set and scale factor need to be set
                          template = template)