Esempio n. 1
def write_with_offset(outbag, topic, msg, t, offset_sec):
    def add_offset(t, offset):
        # ignore those which are not unix timestamps
        return t + offset if is_unix_time(t.to_sec()) else t
        offset = Duration.from_sec(offset_sec)
        stamp = 0
        if hasattr(msg, 'header'):
            msg.header.stamp = add_offset(msg.header.stamp, offset)
        elif hasattr(msg, 'stamp'):
            msg.stamp = add_offset(msg.stamp, offset)
        elif hasattr(msg, 'transforms'):
            for id,_ in enumerate(msg.transforms):
                msg.transforms[id].header.stamp = add_offset(msg.transforms[id].header.stamp, offset)
        # for RealSense metadata
        elif hasattr(msg, 'value'):
                value = int(msg.value)
                if is_unix_time(float(value) / 1000):
                    msg.value = str(value + int(offset_sec * 1000))
            except ValueError:
                    value = float(msg.value)
                    if is_unix_time(value / 1000):
                        msg.value = '%.6f' % (value + offset_sec * 1000)
                except ValueError:
    except TypeError:
        print (str(msg))
        print ('Cannot process above message: topic=%s, t=%.9f, offset=%.9f' % (topic, t.to_sec(), offset_sec))
        t = add_offset(t, offset)
        outbag.write(topic, msg, t)
    def __init__(self,
                 outcomes=['done', 'failed', 'timeout']):
        super(SetJointStateBase, self).__init__(outcomes=outcomes)

        # Store topic parameter for later use.
        self._controller = controller
        self._joint_topic = joint_topic
        self._tolerance = tolerance
        self._timeout = Duration.from_sec(timeout)

        # create proxies
        self._action_client = ProxyActionClient(
            {self._controller: SetOperationalAction})
        self._pose_publisher = ProxyPublisher(
            {self._controller + '/in_joints_ref': JointState})
        self._pose_subscriber = ProxySubscriberCached(
            {self._joint_topic: JointState})

        # timestamp
        self._timestamp = None
        # error in enter hook
        self._error = False
    def execute(self, userdata):
        if self._error:
            return 'failed'

        # check if time elasped
        if - self._start_timestamp > self._duration:
            return 'done'
        # check if we have tosend new point
        if - self._movement_timestamp > self._movement_duration:
            # determine new interval
            self._movement_timestamp =
            self._movement_duration = Duration.from_sec(
            # form message
            msg = JointState()
            msg.header = Header(
   = self._joints
            for i in range(0, len(self._joints)):
                x = random.uniform(0, 1)
                msg.position.append(self._minimal[i] * x + self._maximal[i] *
                                    (1 - x))
            # send message
                self._publisher.publish(self._controller + '/in_joints_ref',
            except Exception as e:
                Logger.logwarn('Failed to send JointState message `' +
                               self._topic + '`:\n%s' % str(e))
    def __init__(self, outcomes = ['unknown'], pose_ns = 'saved_msgs/joint_state', tolerance = 0.17, joint_topic = "joint_states", timeout = 1.0):
        # Process supplied pose list. Note it must be processed befor superclass constructor is called,
        # beacuse it changes 'outcomes' list due to side effect.

        # check if 'unknown' outcome is present
        if 'unknown' not in outcomes:
            raise RuntimeError, '"unknown" should presents in state outcomes'
        # remove 'unknown' while preserving items order
        poses_names = [ outcome for outcome in outcomes if outcome != 'unknown' ]
        # Load poses from paramere server. Pose is loaded in form dict(joint name -> position),
        # but they are stored as a list of tuples (pose_name, pose_dict) to preserve order.
        self._poses = [ (name, self.load_joint_state(pose_ns, name)) for name in poses_names ]

        # Call superclass constructor.
        super(CheckJointState, self).__init__(outcomes = outcomes)

        # Subscribe to the joint topic.
        self._joint_topic = joint_topic 
        self._pose_subscriber = ProxySubscriberCached({ self._joint_topic: JointState })
        # Store topic parameter for later use.
        self._tolerance = tolerance
        self._timeout = Duration.from_sec(timeout)

        # timestamp
        self._timestamp = None
Esempio n. 5
    def execute(self, userdata):
        if self._error:
            return 'failed'

        # check if time elasped
        if - self._start_timestamp > self._duration:
            return 'done'
        # check if we have tosend new point
        if - self._movement_timestamp > self._movement_duration:
            # determine new interval
            self._movement_timestamp =
            self._movement_duration = Duration.from_sec(
            # form message
            msg = JointState()
            msg.header = Header(
   = ['joint52', 'joint53', 'eyes_pitch', 'eyes_yaw']
            # random durection
            x = random.uniform(0, 1)
            y = random.uniform(0, 1)
            # compute head position
            msg.position = [0, 0, 0, 0]
            msg.position[0] = self._min2356[0] * x + self._max2356[0] * (1 - x)
            msg.position[1] = self._min2356[1] * y + self._max2356[1] * (1 - y)
            # compute eyes position
            msg.position[2] = self._min2356[2] * y + self._max2356[2] * (1 - y)
            msg.position[3] = self._min2356[3] * x + self._max2356[3] * (1 - x)
            # send message
                self._publisher.publish(self._controller + '/in_joints_ref',
            except Exception as e:
                Logger.logwarn('Failed to send JointState message `' +
                               self._topic + '`:\n%s' % str(e))
Esempio n. 6
def test_extrapolation(dir, m, pose1, pose2, service, time1, time_12):
    # this stuff is done to test the accuracy of the extrapolation
    # wait some time to get the expected position
    resp = service("centroid,cuboid")
    object3 = resp.objects[0].object
    time3 = resp.stamp
    pose3 = m.transform_to(object3)
    # Get the duration between the first perception and now
    time_13 = time3 - time1
    # get the relation between the first and second duration
    diff_time = float(time_13.to_sec()) / float(time_12.to_sec())
    # table = [["stamps: ", time1, time2, time3], ["duration: ", time_12, time_13, diff_time]]
    # print tabulate(table)
    # calculate the new longer vector (scalar multiplication by hand)
    dir_13 = numpy.array([diff_time * dir[0], diff_time * dir[1]])
    # add this new vector on the points from the first perception
    pose_comp = copy.deepcopy(pose1)
    pose_comp.primitive_poses[0].position.x += dir_13[0]
    pose_comp.primitive_poses[0].position.y += dir_13[1] = "red_cube"
    print pose_comp
    # print out the table for the different poses for debug
    table = [get_position(pose1), get_position(pose2), get_position(pose3), get_position(pose_comp)]
    print tabulate(table)
    dev = get_position(pose3)[1] / get_position(pose_comp)[1] * 100
    print dev
    return pose_comp
    def __init__(self,
                 interval=[3, 5],
                 maxXYZ=[1, 0.3, 0.5],
                 minXYZ=[1.0, -0.3, 0.0],
        super(RandPoseGenerator, self).__init__(outcomes=['done', 'failure'])

        # Store topic parameter for later use.
        if not isinstance(topic, str):
            raise ValueError("Topic name must be string.")
        if not isinstance(duration, (int, float)) or duration <= 0:
            raise ValueError("Duration must be positive number.")
        if len(interval) != 2 or any([
                not isinstance(t, (int, float)) for t in interval
        ]) or any([t < 0 for t in interval]) or interval[0] > interval[1]:
            raise ValueError("Interval must represent interval of time.")
        if len(minXYZ) != 3 or any(
            [not isinstance(v, (int, float)) for v in minXYZ]):
            raise ValueError("minXYZ: list of three numbers was expected.")
        if len(maxXYZ) != 3 or any(
            [not isinstance(v, (int, float)) for v in maxXYZ]):
            raise ValueError("maxXYZ: list of three numbers was expected.")
        if not isinstance(frame_xyz, str) or not isinstance(frame_out, str):
            raise ValueError("Frame names must be string.")

        self._topic = topic
        self._duration = Duration.from_sec(duration)
        self._interval = interval
        self._minXYZ = minXYZ
        self._maxXYZ = maxXYZ
        self._frame_in = frame_xyz
        self._frame_out = frame_out

        # create proxies
        self._publisher = ProxyPublisher({self._topic: PoseStamped})
        self._tf_listener = ProxyTransformListener().listener()
        self._tf_listener.waitForTransform(self._frame_out, self._frame_in,
                                           rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(1))
        if not self._tf_listener.canTransform(self._frame_out, self._frame_in,
            raise ValueError(
                "Unable to perform transform between frames %s and %s." %
                (self._frame_out, self._frame_in))

        # state
        self._start_timestamp = None
        self._movement_timestamp = None
        self._movement_duration = Duration()

        # error in enter hook
        self._error = False
Esempio n. 8
 def set_movement_parameters(self, duration, interval, min2356, max2356):
     if not isinstance(duration, (int, float)) or duration < 0:
         raise ValueError("Duration must be nonegative number.")
     if len(interval) != 2 or any([
             not isinstance(t, (int, float)) for t in interval
     ]) or any([t < 0 for t in interval]) or interval[0] > interval[1]:
         raise ValueError("Interval must represent interval of time.")
     if len(min2356) != 4 or any(
         [not isinstance(v, (int, float)) for v in min2356]):
         raise ValueError("min2356: list of four numbers was expected.")
     if len(max2356) != 4 or any(
         [not isinstance(v, (int, float)) for v in max2356]):
         raise ValueError("max2356: list of four numbers was expected.")
     self._duration = Duration.from_sec(duration)
     self._interval = interval
     self._min2356 = min2356
     self._max2356 = max2356
Esempio n. 9
    def percieve_object(self):
        rospy.logdebug('FastGrasp: Start percieving Object')
        # create service
        service = rospy.ServiceProxy("/suturo/GetGripper", GetGripper)

        # get the first perception
        rospy.logdebug('FastGrasp: call Perception Service')
        resp = service("firstConveyorCall,cuboid")
        if len(resp.objects) == 0 or not resp.objects[0].c_cuboid_success:
            rospy.logdebug('FastGrasp: objects empty or no cuboid 1')
            return -1
        object1 = resp.objects[0].object
        self.__perceived_pose_time = resp.stamp

        # wait some time until the second perception
        resp = service("cuboid")
        if len(resp.objects) == 0 or not resp.objects[0].c_cuboid_success:
            rospy.logdebug('FastGrasp: objects empty or no cuboid 2')
            return -2
        object2 = resp.objects[0].object
        time2 = resp.stamp

        # transform the points into odom_combined
        self.__perceived_pose = utils.manipulation.transform_to(object1)
        # utils.manipulation.get_planning_scene().add_object(self.__perceived_pose)
        pose2 = utils.manipulation.transform_to(object2)

        # calculate the vector from the points of first and second perception
        self.__direction = numpy.array([
            (pose2.primitive_poses[0].position.x -
            (pose2.primitive_poses[0].position.y -

        # calculate the time between the first and second perception
        self.__time_between_poses = time2 - self.__perceived_pose_time

        rospy.logdebug('FastGrasp: Return Object')

        return 0
Esempio n. 10
    def percieve_object(self):
        rospy.logdebug('FastGrasp: Start percieving Object')
        # create service
        service = rospy.ServiceProxy("/suturo/GetGripper", GetGripper)

        # get the first perception
        rospy.logdebug('FastGrasp: call Perception Service')
        resp = service("firstConveyorCall,cuboid")
        if len(resp.objects) == 0 or not resp.objects[0].c_cuboid_success:
            rospy.logdebug('FastGrasp: objects empty or no cuboid 1')
            return -1
        object1 = resp.objects[0].object
        self.__perceived_pose_time = resp.stamp

        # wait some time until the second perception
        resp = service("cuboid")
        if len(resp.objects) == 0 or not resp.objects[0].c_cuboid_success:
            rospy.logdebug('FastGrasp: objects empty or no cuboid 2')
            return -2
        object2 = resp.objects[0].object
        time2 = resp.stamp

        # transform the points into odom_combined
        self.__perceived_pose = utils.manipulation.transform_to(object1)
        # utils.manipulation.get_planning_scene().add_object(self.__perceived_pose)
        pose2 = utils.manipulation.transform_to(object2)

        # calculate the vector from the points of first and second perception
        self.__direction = numpy.array(
            [(pose2.primitive_poses[0].position.x - self.__perceived_pose.primitive_poses[0].position.x),
             (pose2.primitive_poses[0].position.y - self.__perceived_pose.primitive_poses[0].position.y)])

        # calculate the time between the first and second perception
        self.__time_between_poses = time2 - self.__perceived_pose_time

        rospy.logdebug('FastGrasp: Return Object')

        return 0
 def set_movement_parameters(self, duration, interval, joints, minimal,
     if not isinstance(duration, (int, float)) or duration < 0:
         raise ValueError("Duration must be nonegative number.")
     if len(interval) != 2 or any([
             not isinstance(t, (int, float)) for t in interval
     ]) or any([t < 0 for t in interval]) or interval[0] > interval[1]:
         raise ValueError("Interval must represent interval of time.")
     if len(joints) != len(minimal) or len(joints) != len(maximal):
         raise ValueError(
             "joints, minimal and maximal arrays must have the same size.")
     if any([not isinstance(v, str) for v in joints]):
         raise ValueError("joints: list of string is expected.")
     if any([not isinstance(v, (int, float)) for v in minimal]):
         raise ValueError("minimal: list of numbers is expected.")
     if any([not isinstance(v, (int, float)) for v in maximal]):
         raise ValueError("maximal: list of numbers is expected.")
     self._duration = Duration.from_sec(duration)
     self._interval = interval
     self._joints = joints
     self._minimal = minimal
     self._maximal = maximal
    def execute(self, userdata):
        if self._error:
            return 'failure'

        time_now =
        # check if time elasped
        if time_now - self._start_timestamp > self._duration:
            return 'done'
        # check if we have tosend new point
        if time_now - self._movement_timestamp > self._movement_duration:
            # determine new interval
            self._movement_timestamp = time_now
            self._movement_duration = Duration.from_sec(
            # form message
            msg = PoseStamped()
            msg.header.frame_id = self._frame_in
            msg.header.stamp = Time(0.0)
            # random position
            msg.pose.position.x = random.uniform(self._minXYZ[0],
            msg.pose.position.y = random.uniform(self._minXYZ[1],
            msg.pose.position.z = random.uniform(self._minXYZ[2],
            # transform to output frame
                # transform
                self._pose = self._tf_listener.transformPose(
                    self._frame_out, msg)
            except tf.Exception as e:
                Logger.logwarn('Unable to transform from %s to %s: %s' %
                               (self._frame_in, self._frame_out, e))
                return 'failure'
            # publish pose
            msg.header.stamp = self._movement_timestamp
            self._publisher.publish(self._topic, msg)
Esempio n. 13
def pos_calc_test(m):
    # create service
    service = rospy.ServiceProxy("/suturo/GetGripper", GetGripper)
    # get the first perception
    resp = service("firstConveyorCall,centroid,cuboid")
    object1 = resp.objects[0].object
    time1 = resp.stamp
    # wait some time until the second perception
    resp = service("centroid,cuboid")
    object2 = resp.objects[0].object
    time2 = resp.stamp
    # transform the points into odom_combined
    pose1 = m.transform_to(object1)
    pose2 = m.transform_to(object2)
    # calculate the vector from the points of first and second perception
    dir = numpy.array([(pose2.primitive_poses[0].position.x - pose1.primitive_poses[0].position.x), (
    pose2.primitive_poses[0].position.y - pose1.primitive_poses[0].position.y)])
    # dir_dist = sqrt(pow(dir[0], 2) + pow(dir[1], 2))
    # get the duration between the two looks
    time_12 = time2 - time1

    # set the time in 5 secs
    t_5 = + rospy.Duration(8)
    time_13 = t_5 - time1
    diff_time = float(time_13.to_sec()) / float(time_12.to_sec())
    dir_13 = numpy.array([diff_time * dir[0], diff_time * dir[1]])
    # add this new vector on the points from the first perception
    pose_comp = copy.deepcopy(pose1)
    pose_comp.primitive_poses[0].position.x += dir_13[0]
    pose_comp.primitive_poses[0].position.y += dir_13[1] = "red_cube"
    # print out the table for the different poses for debug
    table = [get_position(pose1), get_position(pose2), get_position(pose_comp)]
    print tabulate(table)
    # return test_extrapolation(dir, m, pose1, pose2, service, time1, time_12)
    return pose_comp
def main():
    topic_mocap = '/vrpn_client_node/RigidBody1/pose'
    frame_mocap = 'RigidBody1'
    odom_frame_id = 'base_odom'
    odom_child_frame_id = 'base_link'

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("-s", "--sync-mocap-file", type=str, help="sync file for mocap", default="")
    args, left = parser.parse_known_args()

    if len(left) != 1:
        print ("Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " odom_and_mocap.bag [-s sync_time.txt]")
    in_file = left[0]
    sync_file = args.sync_mocap_file
    out_file = 'preprocessed.bag'

    ##the time diff between mocap client and server
    if sync_file != '':
        mocap_offset = getMin_diff_ser_clit(sync_file)
        print ('mocap time offset: %f' % mocap_offset)
        mocap_offset = Duration.from_sec(mocap_offset)
        mocap_offset = None

    with rosbag.Bag(in_file) as inbag:
        print ("-------------------- Input: %s ------------------------------" % in_file)
        print (inbag)
        outbag = rosbag.Bag(out_file, 'w')
        writer_mocap = TopicWriter(outbag, topic_mocap)
        writer_mocap.set_median_filter(1.0, 0.5)
        gx_poses = {}
        gx_stamp_offset = None
        for topic,msg,t in inbag.read_messages():
            if topic=="/gx/RosPose2d":
                if msg.timestamp in gx_poses:
                    old = gx_poses[msg.timestamp]
                    if msg == old:
                        print old
                        print msg
                        print ('different odom message with identical stamp!')
                if gx_stamp_offset is None:
                    Use bag time if stamp is abnormal
                    stamp = gx_msg_stamp(msg)
                    if abs(stamp.to_sec() - t.to_sec()) > 1000:
                        gx_stamp_offset = t.to_sec() - stamp.to_sec()
                        print ('odom time offset: %f' % gx_stamp_offset)
                        gx_stamp_offset = 0
                gx_poses[msg.timestamp] = msg
            elif topic == topic_mocap:
                if mocap_offset is None:
                    print ('\nWarning: found mocap topic but sync file is not specified (perhaps run again with [-s sync_time.txt]?)\n')
                    mocap_offset = Duration.from_sec(0)
                msg.header.stamp += mocap_offset
                writer_mocap.write_sliding(msg, t)
            elif topic=="/gx/RosBaseImu":
            elif topic=="/gx/RosBaseTicks":
            elif topic == '/tf' and msg.transforms[0].child_frame_id == frame_mocap:
                # merge mocap tf into its topic
                msg.transforms[0].header.stamp += mocap_offset
                writer_mocap.write_sliding(tf_to_pose(msg), t)

        outbag = rosbag.Bag(out_file)
        print ("------------------- Output: %s ------------------------------" % out_file)
        print (outbag)
Esempio n. 15
 def decode(self, data):
     """ Generate a rospy.rostime.Duration instance based on the given data
         which should be a string representation of a float.
     return Duration.from_sec(float(data))
Esempio n. 16
    def execute(self, userdata):
        rospy.logdebug('FastGrasp: Executing state FastGrasp')
        self.__t_point.header.frame_id = "/odom_combined"
        # TODO: Auf 10 Min grenzen testen

        if not utils.manipulation.is_gripper_open():
            rospy.logdebug('FastGrasp: Open Gripper')

        r = self.percieve_object()
        i = 0

        while r == -1:
            if i == 2 and not userdata.request_second_object:
                # TODO: Zeit anpassen, ab wann gecalled wird
                rospy.logdebug('FastGrasp: Request next object')
                rospy.ServiceProxy("/euroc_interface_node/request_next_object", RequestNextObject).call()
                userdata.request_second_object = True
            if i == 19 and userdata.request_second_object:
                rospy.logdebug('FastGrasp: Time Expired')
                return 'noObjectsLeft'
            r = self.percieve_object()
            i += 1
        # TODO: Was passiert wenn das Objekt nur einmal gesehen wurde

        rospy.logdebug('FastGrasp: Begin movement, Plan 1')
        for j in range(0, 4):
            if utils.manipulation.move_to(self.__t_point):
                rospy.logdebug("FastGrasp: Plan 1: moved!")
                rospy.logdebug("FastGrasp: Plan 1: No Plan fount in step " + str(j))
                if j == 3:
                    return 'noPlanFound'
        if userdata.object_index == 1:
            offset = rospy.Duration(2)
        elif userdata.object_index == 2:
            offset = rospy.Duration(4)
            offset = rospy.Duration(4)
        while rospy.get_rostime() < self.__t_point_time - offset:
        self.__t_point.pose.position.z -= 0.07
        rospy.logdebug("FastGrasp: Plan 2")
        if utils.manipulation.move_to(self.__t_point):
            rospy.logdebug("FastGrasp: Plan 2: moved!")
            rospy.logdebug("FastGrasp: Plan 2: Cant grasp")
            return 'noPlanFound'


        self.__t_point.pose.position.z += 0.1
        rospy.logdebug("FastGrasp: Plan 3")
        for k in range(0, 4):
            if utils.manipulation.move_to(self.__t_point):
                rospy.logdebug("FastGrasp: Plan 3: moved!")
                if k == 3:
                    rospy.logdebug("FastGrasp: No Plan found to lift object")
                    return 'noPlanFound'
                rospy.logdebug("FastGrasp: Plan 3: Cant lift: " + str(k))
                if self.__t_point.pose.position.y > 0:
                    self.__t_point.pose.position.y -= 0.1
                    self.__t_point.pose.position.y += 0.1
                if self.__t_point.pose.position.x > 0:
                    self.__t_point.pose.position.x -= 0.1
                    self.__t_point.pose.position.x += 0.1

        tfs = TorqueForceService()
        if tfs.is_free():
            rospy.logdebug("FastGrasp: Grasp Fail")
            return 'graspingFailed'
        rospy.logdebug("FastGrasp: objectGrasped, finished")
        userdata.object_index += 1
        return 'objectGrasped'
Esempio n. 17
 def decode(self, _, data):
     """ Generate a rospy.rostime.Duration instance based on the given data
         which should be a string representation of a float.
     return Duration.from_sec(float(data))
Esempio n. 18
    def execute(self, userdata):
        rospy.logdebug('FastGrasp: Executing state FastGrasp')
        self.__t_point.header.frame_id = "/odom_combined"
        # TODO: Auf 10 Min grenzen testen

        if not utils.manipulation.is_gripper_open():
            rospy.logdebug('FastGrasp: Open Gripper')

        r = self.percieve_object()
        i = 0

        while r == -1:
            if i == 2 and not userdata.request_second_object:
                # TODO: Zeit anpassen, ab wann gecalled wird
                rospy.logdebug('FastGrasp: Request next object')
                userdata.request_second_object = True
            if i == 19 and userdata.request_second_object:
                rospy.logdebug('FastGrasp: Time Expired')
                return 'noObjectsLeft'
            r = self.percieve_object()
            i += 1
        # TODO: Was passiert wenn das Objekt nur einmal gesehen wurde

        rospy.logdebug('FastGrasp: Begin movement, Plan 1')
        for j in range(0, 4):
            if utils.manipulation.move_to(self.__t_point):
                rospy.logdebug("FastGrasp: Plan 1: moved!")
                rospy.logdebug("FastGrasp: Plan 1: No Plan fount in step " +
                if j == 3:
                    return 'noPlanFound'
        if userdata.object_index == 1:
            offset = rospy.Duration(2)
        elif userdata.object_index == 2:
            offset = rospy.Duration(4)
            offset = rospy.Duration(4)
        while rospy.get_rostime() < self.__t_point_time - offset:
        self.__t_point.pose.position.z -= 0.07
        rospy.logdebug("FastGrasp: Plan 2")
        if utils.manipulation.move_to(self.__t_point):
            rospy.logdebug("FastGrasp: Plan 2: moved!")
            rospy.logdebug("FastGrasp: Plan 2: Cant grasp")
            return 'noPlanFound'


        self.__t_point.pose.position.z += 0.1
        rospy.logdebug("FastGrasp: Plan 3")
        for k in range(0, 4):
            if utils.manipulation.move_to(self.__t_point):
                rospy.logdebug("FastGrasp: Plan 3: moved!")
                if k == 3:
                    rospy.logdebug("FastGrasp: No Plan found to lift object")
                    return 'noPlanFound'
                rospy.logdebug("FastGrasp: Plan 3: Cant lift: " + str(k))
                if self.__t_point.pose.position.y > 0:
                    self.__t_point.pose.position.y -= 0.1
                    self.__t_point.pose.position.y += 0.1
                if self.__t_point.pose.position.x > 0:
                    self.__t_point.pose.position.x -= 0.1
                    self.__t_point.pose.position.x += 0.1

        tfs = TorqueForceService()
        if tfs.is_free():
            rospy.logdebug("FastGrasp: Grasp Fail")
            return 'graspingFailed'
        rospy.logdebug("FastGrasp: objectGrasped, finished")
        userdata.object_index += 1
        return 'objectGrasped'