def testShiftRotateXYZ10(self): """ Shift by 10 in all directions. """ rot = [0, 0, 0] shift = [10, 10, 10] x = self.x - 10 y = self.y - 10 z = self.z - 10 xr, yr, zr = shiftRotateXYZ(x, y, z, shift + rot) np.testing.assert_allclose(xr, self.x, rtol=1e-15, atol=1e-15) np.testing.assert_allclose(yr, self.y, rtol=1e-15, atol=1e-15) np.testing.assert_allclose(zr, self.z, rtol=1e-15, atol=1e-15)
def testShiftRotateXY90Z(self): """ Rotation along z by 90 degrees. """ rot = [0, 0, np.deg2rad(90)] shift = [0, 0, 0] x = self.x + 1. y = self.y z = self.z xr, yr, zr = shiftRotateXYZ(x, y, z, shift + rot) np.testing.assert_allclose(xr, y, rtol=1e-15, atol=1e-15) np.testing.assert_allclose(yr, x, rtol=1e-15, atol=1e-15) np.testing.assert_allclose(zr, z, rtol=1e-15, atol=1e-15)
def testShiftRotateXYZ0(self): """ No rotation nor shift. """ rot = [0, 0, 0] shift = [0, 0, 0] x = self.x + 1. y = self.y + 1. z = self.z xr, yr, zr = shiftRotateXYZ(x, y, z, shift + rot) np.testing.assert_array_equal(xr, x) np.testing.assert_array_equal(yr, y) np.testing.assert_array_equal(zr, z)
def maskScan(fn, n=512, rot=0): """ """ orgData, cleanData = loadLeicaData(fn, n=None, numpy=False) x = orgData[0] y = orgData[1] z = orgData[2] xr, yr, zr = shiftRotateXYZ(x, y, z, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, np.deg2rad(rot)]) xga, yga, zga = maskScanXYZ(xr, yr, zr, n=512, outMaskThreshold=4, inMaskThreshold=3, inMaskClip=5) return xga, yga, zga
def processNewPTXData(lines, xyzi=None, dts=None, plotTest=True, rot=None, sampleSize=None, iFilter=False, nFilter=True, rFilter=True, filterClose=True, filterParaboloid=True, ellipse=[-8., 50., 49., 49., 0.], residual_threshold=0.008): """ """ "this is the processing we see works with 2019 data" if rot is None: rot = -90.0 if ellipse is None: warnings.warn("No ellipse given. Will use default values.") ellipse = [-8., 50., 49., 49., 0.] print("ProcessNewPTXData with: ", ellipse) if plotTest and lines is not None: # make some plots that ensure how we are doing # our radial filtering tryEllipticalOffsets(lines, ellipse) if lines is not None: # Get the actual float values from the file contents. x, y, z, i = getRawXYZ(lines, sampleSize=sampleSize) else: x, y, z, i = xyzi print("Starting with %d lines of data" % len(x)) # First remove all the zero data. print("Filtering measurements with zero intensity.") mask = i != 0.0 intensity = i[mask] x = x[mask] y = y[mask] z = z[mask] if dts is not None: dts = dts[mask] printMaskStats(mask) # Remove aggregious jumps in data? if nFilter: print("Neighbor filter.") # TBF: document where our tolerance comes from x, y, z, mask = neighborFilter(x, y, z, 0.122) intensity = intensity[mask] print("Now we have %d lines of data" % len(x)) if dts is not None: dts = dts[mask] # We only want data that has a decent intesity. meanI = np.mean(intensity) stdI = np.std(intensity) print("Intensity: max=%5.2f, min=%5.2f, mean=%5.2f, std=%5.2f" % (np.max(intensity), np.min(intensity), meanI, stdI)) if False: # iFilter mask = np.logical_and(intensity > 0.75, intensity < 0.85) intensity = intensity[mask] x = x[mask] y = y[mask] z = z[mask] if dts is not None: dts = dts[mask] numFilteredOut = len(x) - len(intensity) percent = (float(numFilteredOut) / float(len(x))) * 100. print("Filtered out %d points of %d (%5.2f%%) via intensity" % (numFilteredOut, len(x), percent)) print(("Now we have %d lines of data" % len(x))) assert len(x) == len(y) assert len(y) == len(z) assert len(z) == len(intensity) # Save the point cloud thus far for the paraboloid filter. x_p = copy(x) y_p = copy(y) z_p = copy(z) i_p = copy(intensity) # We want as much as possible of the dish. # Since the dish will be rotated, it will look like an ellipse to the TLS. # This filter is later superseded by the paraboloid filter, but it is # necessary to find a best fit paraboloid. if rFilter: orgNum = len(x) print('Elliptical filter.') print( "The ellipse has semi-major axis {0:.2f} m, semi-minor axis {1:.2f} m and angle {2:.2f} degrees" .format(ellipse[2], ellipse[3], ellipse[4])) x, y, z, dts, intensity = ellipticalFilter(x, y, z, ellipse[0], ellipse[1], ellipse[2], ellipse[3], ellipse[4], dts=dts, intensity=intensity) newNum = len(x) print( "Elliptical filter removed {0} points outside the ellipse".format( orgNum - newNum)) print("Now we have %d lines of data" % len(x)) # The scanner is upside down. z = -z # Filter points below the dish. print("z filter.") zLimit = -80 x, y, z, dts, intensity = zLimitFilter(x, y, z, zLimit=zLimit, dts=dts, intensity=intensity) if filterClose: tooClose = 10. print("Removing points closer than {0:.2f} m from the scanner.".format( tooClose)) # Removes points that are closer than 10 m from the scanner. x, y, z, dts, intensity = nearFilter(x, y, z, tol=tooClose, dts=dts, intensity=intensity) # Rotate the data for the paraboloid filter. print("Rotating about z by {0:5.2f} degrees.".format(rot)) xr, yr, zr = shiftRotateXYZ(x, y, z, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, np.deg2rad(rot)]) if filterParaboloid: print("Paraboloid filter.") perc = 0.01 print("Fitting a paraboloid to {}% of the data.".format(perc * 100.)) sampleSize = int(len(xr) * perc) lsIdx = random.sample(range(len(xr)), sampleSize) xs = xr[lsIdx] ys = yr[lsIdx] zs = zr[lsIdx] # Fit a parabola to the data. pMask, _ = paraboloidFilter(xs, ys, zs, threshold=3) # Fit the paraboloid again, discarding the already filtered values. print("Fitting paraboloid again to the un-filtered values.") xs = xs[pMask] ys = ys[pMask] zs = zs[pMask] pMask, paraFit = paraboloidFilter(xs, ys, zs, threshold=3) print( "Applying paraboloid filter to the data before the elliptical filter." ) x = x_p y = y_p z = z_p i = i_p z = -z x, y, z = shiftRotateXYZ(x, y, z, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, np.deg2rad(rot)]) print("Number of data points: {}".format(len(z))) pMask = paraboloidMask(x, y, z, paraFit, threshold=2) print("Applying paraboloid filter to the data.") printMaskStats(pMask) x = x[pMask] y = y[pMask] z = z[pMask] i = i[pMask] # Rotate and shift the range measurements. #cor = np.hstack((-1*paraFit[1:4],paraFit[4:6],0)) #xrp, yrp, zrp = shiftRotateXYZ(x, y, z, cor) xrp, yrp, zrp = align2Paraboloid(x, y, z, paraFit) # Use a circle to mask data outside of the primary reflector. r = 51 xc = np.mean((np.nanmax(xrp) - r, np.nanmin(xrp) + r)) yc = np.nanmax(yrp) - r rMask = radialMask(xrp, yrp, r, xc=xc, yc=yc) x = x[rMask] y = y[rMask] z = z[rMask] i = i[rMask] print("Applying circular mask to the paraboloid filtered data.") printMaskStats(rMask) #cor = np.hstack((-1*paraFit[1:4],paraFit[4:6],0)) #xr, yr, zr = shiftRotateXYZ(x, y, z, cor) ## Rotate and shift the range measurements. #cor = np.hstack((-1*c[1:4],c[4:6],0)) #xr, yr, zr = shiftRotateXYZ(x, y, z, cor) ## Build a parabola using the best fit parameters. #zp = paraboloid(xr, yr, c[0]) ## Compute the residuals between the parabola and the rotated range measurements. #diff = zr - zp ## Only keep range measurements whose residuals are less than residual_threshold. ##print("Removing points with residuals larger than {}".format(residual_threshold)) ##mask = abs(diff) < residual_threshold #mdiff = sigma_clip(diff, 3) #mask = ~mdiff.mask #percent = mask.sum()/len(mask) * 100. #print("Parabola filter will remove {0:.2f}% of the data.".format(100. - percent)) #print("Keeping {} out of {} points.".format(mask.sum(), len(mask))) ## Use the rotated range measurements for the last filter. #xr = xr[mask] #yr = yr[mask] #zr = zr[mask] #x = x[mask] #y = y[mask] #z = z[mask] #intensity = intensity[mask] ## Only keep range measurements within a circle of radius r. #r = 51 # m #xc = np.nanmin(xr) + r #yc = np.nanmin(yr) + r #circular_mask = (xr - xc)**2 + (yr - yc)**2 <= r**2. #x = x[circular_mask] #y = y[circular_mask] #z = z[circular_mask] #intensity = intensity[circular_mask] #print("Keeping {} points inside a circle of radius {} m and center ({},{}) m.".format(circular_mask.sum(), r, xc, yc)) # Rotate around the z axis since the scanner coordinate system does not match the telescope's. #if rot is not None or rot != 0.0: # print("Rotating about z by %5.2f degrees" % rot) # xr, yr, zr = shiftRotateXYZ(x, y, z, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, np.deg2rad(rot)]) # Create a Nx3 matrix for the coordinates. xyz = np.c_[x, y, z] if plotTest: print("Plotting.") xlim = (-100, 100) ylim = (-100, 100) fig, ax = scatter3dPlot(xr, yr, zr, "Sampling of processed data", xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, sample=1) # take a look at the x y orientation f = plt.figure() ax = f.gca() ax.plot(xr, yr, 'bo', [0], [0], '*') plt.xlabel("x") plt.ylabel("y") plt.title("X Y orientation of data") print("XYZ output of ProcessNewPTXData has {0} lines of data.".format( len(xyz))) print( "Intensity output of ProcessNewPTXData has {0} lines of data.".format( len(intensity))) return xyz, dts, i
def maskXYZ(x, y, z, n=512, guess=[60., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], bounds=None, radialMask=True, maskRadius=40., poly_order=2, **kwargs): """ """ xf = x[~np.isnan(z)] yf = y[~np.isnan(z)] zf = z[~np.isnan(z)] # Use masked arrays on the input data to avoid warnings. x = y = z = # Fit a parabola to the data. fitresult = fitLeicaData(xf, yf, zf, guess, bounds=bounds, weights=None) # Subtract the fitted parabola from the data. # The difference should be flat. c = fitresult.x zp = paraboloid(x, y, c[0]) cor = np.hstack((-1 * c[1:4], c[4:6], 0)) xrr, yrr, zrr = shiftRotateXYZ(x, y, z, cor) diff = zrr - zp if radialMask: xc = midPoint(xrr) yc = midPoint(yrr) mask = (((xrr - xc)**2. + (yrr - yc)**2.) < maskRadius**2.) mdiff =, diff) else: mdiff = diff # Mask any pixels which deviate from the noise. # This should mask out retroreflectors, misaligned panels and sub-scans where the TLS moved due to wind. mcdiff = sigma_clip(mdiff) # Apply the mask to the original data and repeat once more. # In the end also fit a parabola to each row in the data, and mask outliers. # This allows to find more subtle features in the data. xf =, x) yf =, y) zf =, z) masked_fitresult = fitLeicaData(xf.compressed(), yf.compressed(), zf.compressed(), guess, bounds=bounds, weights=None) c = masked_fitresult.x zp = paraboloid(x, y, c[0]) cor = np.hstack((-1 * c[1:4], c[4:6], 0)) xrrm, yrrm, zrrm = shiftRotateXYZ(x, y, z, cor) masked_diff = zrrm - zp mcdiff2 = masked_diff # Final mask. map_mask = np.zeros((n, n), dtype=bool) xl = np.linspace(0, n, n) # Loop over rows fitting a parabola and masking any pixels that deviate from noise. for i in range(0, n): yl = mcdiff2[i] if len(xl[~yl.mask]) > 3: poly_c = np.polyfit(xl[~yl.mask], yl[~yl.mask], poly_order) poly_f = np.poly1d(poly_c) res = - poly_f(xl)) res_sc = sigma_clip(res, **kwargs) map_mask[i] = res_sc.mask else: map_mask[i] = True # Prepare output. origData = (x, y, z) origMaskedData = (, x),, y),, z)) rotatedData = (xrrm, yrrm,, zrrm)) fitResidual =, zrrm - zp) parabolaFit = (xrrm, yrrm, zp) outData = { 'origData': origData, 'origMasked': origMaskedData, 'rotated': rotatedData, 'fitResidual': fitResidual, 'parabolaFit': parabolaFit, 'parabolaFitCoeffs': c } return outData