Esempio n. 1
 def create_rotator(self, bb):
     if self.current_street == self.Preflop:
         preflop_players = self.players[2:] + self.players[:2]
         rotator = rotator_control.Rotator(preflop_players, bb, bb)
         rotator = rotator_control.Rotator(self.players, 0, bb)
     return rotator
Esempio n. 2
    def projscatter(self, theta, phi=None, *args, **kwds):
        """Projscatter is a wrapper around :func:`matplotlib.Axes.scatter` to take into account the
        spherical projection.
        You can call this function as::
           projscatter(theta, phi)     # plot points at coord (theta, phi)
           projplot(thetaphi)          # plot points at coord (thetaphi[0], thetaphi[1])

        theta, phi : float, array-like
          Coordinates of point to plot. Can be put into one 2-d array, first line is
          then *theta* and second line is *phi*. See *lonlat* parameter for unit.
        lonlat : bool, optional
          If True, theta and phi are interpreted as longitude and latitude
          in degree, otherwise, as colatitude and longitude in radian
        coord : {'E', 'G', 'C', None}, optional
          The coordinate system of the points, only used if the coordinate
          coordinate system of the axes has been defined and in this
          case, a rotation is performed
        rot : None or sequence, optional
          rotation to be applied =(lon, lat, psi) : lon, lat will be position of the
          new Z axis, and psi is rotation around this axis, all in degree.
          if None, no rotation is performed
        direct : bool, optional
          if True, the rotation to center the projection is not
          taken into account

        Other keywords are passed to :func:`matplotlib.Axes.plot`.

        See Also
        projplot, projtext
        save_input_data = hasattr(self.figure, 'zoomtool')
        if save_input_data:
            input_data = (theta, phi, args, kwds.copy())
        if phi is None:
            theta, phi = np.asarray(theta)
            theta, phi = np.asarray(theta), np.asarray(phi)
        rot = kwds.pop('rot', None)
        if rot is not None:
            rot = np.array(np.atleast_1d(rot), copy=1)
            rot[1] = rot[1] - 90.
        coord = self.proj.mkcoord(kwds.pop('coord', None))[::-1]
        lonlat = kwds.pop('lonlat', False)
        vec = R.dir2vec(theta, phi, lonlat=lonlat)
        vec = (R.Rotator(rot=rot, coord=coord, eulertype='Y')).I(vec)
        x, y = self.proj.vec2xy(vec, direct=kwds.pop('direct', False))
        s = self.scatter(x, y, *args, **kwds)
        if save_input_data:
            if not hasattr(self, '_scatter_data'):
                self._scatter_data = []
            self._scatter_data.append((s, input_data))
        return s
Esempio n. 3
 def projtext(self, theta, phi, s, *args, **kwds):
     """Projtext is a wrapper around Axes.text to take into account the
     spherical projection.
     Modification of projtext vs text:
     Three args allowed:
       - theta, phi, text 
     Additional keywords :
     - lonlat: if True, theta and phi are interpreted as longitude and latitude
               in degree, otherwise, as theta, phi in radian
     - coord: the coordinate system of the points, only used if the coordinate
              coordinate system of the Axes has been defined and in this
              case, a rotation is performed
     - rot: rotation to be applied =(a,b,c) : a,b will be position of the
            new Z axis, and c is rotation around this axis, all in degree.
            if None, no rotation is performed
     - direct: if True, the rotation to center the projection is not
               taken into account
     if phi is None:
         theta, phi = npy.asarray(theta)
         theta, phi = npy.asarray(theta), npy.asarray(phi)
     rot = kwds.pop('rot', None)
     if rot is not None:
         rot = npy.array(npy.atleast_1d(rot), copy=1)
         rot[1] = rot[1] - 90.
     coord = self.proj.mkcoord(kwds.pop('coord', None))[::-1]
     lonlat = kwds.pop('lonlat', False)
     vec = R.dir2vec(theta, phi, lonlat=lonlat)
     vec = (R.Rotator(rot=rot, coord=coord, eulertype='Y')).I(vec)
     x, y = self.proj.vec2xy(vec, direct=kwds.pop('direct', False))
     return self.text(x, y, s, *args, **kwds)
Esempio n. 4
    def projtext(self, theta, phi, s, **kwds):
        """Projtext is a wrapper around :func:`matplotlib.Axes.text` to take into account the
        spherical projection.

        theta, phi : float, array-like
          Coordinates of point to plot. Can be put into one 2-d array, first line is
          then *theta* and second line is *phi*. See *lonlat* parameter for unit.
        text : str
          The text to be displayed.
        lonlat : bool, optional
          If True, theta and phi are interpreted as longitude and latitude
          in degree, otherwise, as colatitude and longitude in radian
        coord : {'E', 'G', 'C', None}, optional
          The coordinate system of the points, only used if the coordinate
          coordinate system of the axes has been defined and in this
          case, a rotation is performed
        rot : None or sequence, optional
          rotation to be applied =(lon, lat, psi) : lon, lat will be position of the
          new Z axis, and psi is rotation around this axis, all in degree.
          if None, no rotation is performed
        direct : bool, optional
          if True, the rotation to center the projection is not
          taken into account

        Other keywords are passed to :func:`matplotlib.Axes.text`.

        See Also
        projplot, projscatter
        if phi is None:
            theta, phi = npy.asarray(theta)
            theta, phi = npy.asarray(theta), npy.asarray(phi)
        rot = kwds.pop('rot', None)
        if rot is not None:
            rot = npy.array(npy.atleast_1d(rot), copy=1)
            rot[1] = rot[1] - 90.
        coord = self.proj.mkcoord(kwds.pop('coord', None))[::-1]
        lonlat = kwds.pop('lonlat', False)
        vec = R.dir2vec(theta, phi, lonlat=lonlat)
        vec = (R.Rotator(rot=rot, coord=coord, eulertype='Y')).I(vec)
        x, y = self.proj.vec2xy(vec, direct=kwds.pop('direct', False))
        return self.text(x, y, s, **kwds)
Esempio n. 5
 def projscatter(self, theta, phi=None, *args, **kwds):
     """Projscatter is a wrapper around Axes.scatter to take into account the
     spherical projection.
     Modification of projscatter vs scatter:
     One or two args allowed:
       - if one arg: arg = [theta,phi]
       - if two args: args[0]=theta,args[1]=phi 
     Additional keywords :
     - lonlat: if True, theta and phi are interpreted as longitude and latitude
               in degree, otherwise, as theta, phi in radian
     - coord: the coordinate system of the points, only used if the coordinate
              coordinate system of the Axes has been defined and in this
              case, a rotation is performed
     - rot: rotation to be applied =(a,b,c) : a,b will be position of the
            new Z axis, and c is rotation around this axis, all in degree.
            if None, no rotation is performed
     - direct: if True, the rotation to center the projection is not
               taken into account
     save_input_data = hasattr(self.figure, 'zoomtool')
     if save_input_data:
         input_data = (theta, phi, args, kwds.copy())
     if phi is None:
         theta, phi = npy.asarray(theta)
         theta, phi = npy.asarray(theta), npy.asarray(phi)
     rot = kwds.pop('rot', None)
     if rot is not None:
         rot = npy.array(npy.atleast_1d(rot), copy=1)
         rot[1] = rot[1] - 90.
     coord = self.proj.mkcoord(kwds.pop('coord', None))[::-1]
     lonlat = kwds.pop('lonlat', False)
     vec = R.dir2vec(theta, phi, lonlat=lonlat)
     vec = (R.Rotator(rot=rot, coord=coord, eulertype='Y')).I(vec)
     x, y = self.proj.vec2xy(vec, direct=kwds.pop('direct', False))
     s = self.scatter(x, y, *args, **kwds)
     if save_input_data:
         if not hasattr(self, '_scatter_data'):
             self._scatter_data = []
         self._scatter_data.append((s, input_data))
     return s
Esempio n. 6
    def projmap(self, map, vec2pix_func, rot=None, coord=None):
        """Create an array containing the projection of the map.

          - vec2pix_func: a function taking theta,phi and returning pixel number
          - map: an array containing the spherical map to project,
                 the pixelisation is described by vec2pix_func
          - a 2D array with the projection of the map.

        Note: the Projector must contain information on the array.
        x, y = self.ij2xy()
        if np.__version__ >= '1.1':
            matype =
            matype =
        if type(x) is matype and x.mask is not
            w = (x.mask == False)
            w = slice(None)
        img = np.zeros(x.shape, np.float64) - np.inf
        vec = self.xy2vec(np.asarray(x[w]), np.asarray(y[w]))
        vec = (R.Rotator(rot=rot, coord=self.mkcoord(coord))).I(vec)
        pix = vec2pix_func(vec[0], vec[1], vec[2])
        # support masked array for map, or a dictionnary (for explicit pixelisation)
        if isinstance(map, matype) and map.mask is not
            mpix = map[pix]
            mpix[map.mask[pix]] = UNSEEN
        elif isinstance(map, dict):
            is_pix_seen = np.in1d(pix, map.keys()).reshape(pix.shape)
            is_pix_unseen = ~is_pix_seen
            mpix = np.zeros_like(img[w])
            mpix[is_pix_unseen] = UNSEEN
            pix_seen = pix[is_pix_seen]
            iterable = (map[p] for p in pix_seen)
            mpix[is_pix_seen] = np.fromiter(iterable,
            mpix = map[pix]
        img[w] = mpix
        return img
Esempio n. 7
 def graticule(self,
     """Draw a graticule.
      - dpar: angular separation between parallels in degree
      - dmer: angular separation between meridians in degree
      - coord: coordinate system of the graticule ('G', 'E' or 'C')
      - local: if True, no rotation performed at all
     gratargs = (dpar, dmer, coord, local)
     gratkwds = kwds
     if dpar is None: dpar = self._gratdef['dpar']
     if local is None: local = self._gratdef['local']
     if dmer is None: dmer = dpar
     dpar = abs(dpar) * dtor
     dmer = abs(dmer) * dtor
     if not local:
         vec = R.dir2vec(self.proj.get_center())
         vec0 = R.Rotator(coord=self.proj.mkcoord(coord=coord)).I(vec)
         vec = (1, 0, 0)
         vec0 = (1, 0, 0)
     u_pmin, u_pmax = kwds.pop('pmax', None), kwds.pop('pmin', None)
     u_mmin, u_mmax = kwds.pop('mmin', None), kwds.pop('mmax', None)
     if u_pmin: u_pmin = (pi / 2. - u_pmin * dtor) % pi
     if u_pmax: u_pmax = (pi / 2. - u_pmax * dtor) % pi
     if u_mmin: u_mmin = (((u_mmin + 180.) % 360) - 180) * dtor
     if u_mmax: u_mmax = (((u_mmax + 180.) % 360) - 180) * dtor
     pmin, pmax = self.get_parallel_interval(vec0)
     mmin, mmax = self.get_meridian_interval(vec0)
     if u_pmin: pmin = u_pmin
     if u_pmax: pmax = u_pmax
     if u_mmin: mmin = u_mmin
     if u_mmax: mmax = u_pmax
     if verbose: print pmin / dtor, pmax / dtor, mmin / dtor, mmax / dtor
     if not kwds.pop('force', False):
         dpar, dmer = self._get_interv_graticule(pmin,
     theta_list = np.around(
         np.arange(pmin, pmax + 0.5 * dpar, dpar) / dpar) * dpar
     phi_list = np.around(
         np.arange(mmin, mmax + 0.5 * dmer, dmer) / dmer) * dmer
     theta = np.arange(pmin, pmax,
                       min((pmax - pmin) / 100., self._segment_step_rad))
     phi = np.arange(mmin, mmax,
                     min((mmax - mmin) / 100., self._segment_step_rad))
     equator = False
     gratlines = []
     kwds.setdefault('lw', 1)
     kwds.setdefault('color', 'k')
     for t in theta_list:
         if abs(t - pi / 2.) < 1.e-10:
             fmt = '-'
             equator = True
         elif abs(t) < 1.e-10:  # special case: north pole
             t = 1.e-10
             fmt = '-'
         elif abs(t - pi) < 1.e-10:  # special case: south pole
             t = pi - 1.e-10
             fmt = '-'
             fmt = ':'
             self.projplot(phi * 0. + t,
     if not equator and pmin <= pi / 2. and pi / 2 <= pmax:
             self.projplot(phi * 0. + pi / 2.,
     for p in phi_list:
         if abs(p) < 1.e-10: fmt = '-'
         else: fmt = ':'
                           theta * 0. + p,
     # Now the borders (only useful for full sky projection)
     if hasattr(self, '_do_border') and self._do_border:
         theta = np.arange(0, 181) * dtor
             self.projplot(theta, theta * 0 - pi, '-k', lw=1, direct=True))
                           theta * 0 + 0.9999 * pi,
         phi = np.arange(-180, 180) * dtor
             self.projplot(phi * 0 + 1.e-10, phi, '-k', lw=1, direct=True))
             self.projplot(phi * 0 + pi - 1.e-10,
     if hasattr(self, '_graticules'):
         self._graticules.append((gratargs, gratkwds, gratlines))
         self._graticules = [(gratargs, gratkwds, gratlines)]
     return dpar, dmer
Esempio n. 8
    def projplot(self, *args, **kwds):
        """projplot is a wrapper around :func:`matplotlib.Axes.plot` to take into account the
        spherical projection.

        You can call this function as::
           projplot(theta, phi)        # plot a line going through points at coord (theta, phi)
           projplot(theta, phi, 'bo')  # plot 'o' in blue at coord (theta, phi)
           projplot(thetaphi)          # plot a line going through points at coord (thetaphi[0], thetaphi[1])
           projplot(thetaphi, 'bx')    # idem but with blue 'x'
        theta, phi : float, array-like
          Coordinates of point to plot. Can be put into one 2-d array, first line is
          then *theta* and second line is *phi*. See *lonlat* parameter for unit.
        fmt : str
          A format string (see :func:`matplotlib.Axes.plot` for details)
        lonlat : bool, optional
          If True, theta and phi are interpreted as longitude and latitude
          in degree, otherwise, as colatitude and longitude in radian
        coord : {'E', 'G', 'C', None}
          The coordinate system of the points, only used if the coordinate
          coordinate system of the Axes has been defined and in this
          case, a rotation is performed
        rot : None or sequence
          rotation to be applied =(lon, lat, psi) : lon, lat will be position of the
          new Z axis, and psi is rotation around this axis, all in degree.
          if None, no rotation is performed
        direct : bool
          if True, the rotation to center the projection is not
          taken into account

        Other keywords are passed to :func:`matplotlib.Axes.plot`.

        See Also
        projscatter, projtext
        fmt = None
        if len(args) < 1:
            raise ValueError("No argument given")
        if len(args) == 1:
            theta, phi = np.asarray(args[0])
        elif len(args) == 2:
            if type(args[1]) is str:
                fmt = args[1]
                theta, phi = np.asarray(args[0])
                theta, phi = np.asarray(args[0]), np.asarray(args[1])
        elif len(args) == 3:
            if type(args[2]) is not str:
                raise TypeError("Third argument must be a string")
                theta, phi = np.asarray(args[0]), np.asarray(args[1])
                fmt = args[2]
            raise TypeError("Three args maximum")
        rot = kwds.pop('rot', None)
        if rot is not None:
            rot = np.array(np.atleast_1d(rot), copy=1)
            rot[1] = rot[1] - 90.
        coord = self.proj.mkcoord(kwds.pop('coord', None))[::-1]
        lonlat = kwds.pop('lonlat', False)
        vec = R.dir2vec(theta, phi, lonlat=lonlat)
        vec = (R.Rotator(rot=rot, coord=coord, eulertype='Y')).I(vec)
        x, y = self.proj.vec2xy(vec, direct=kwds.pop('direct', False))
        x, y = self._make_segment(x,
        thelines = []
        for xx, yy in zip(x, y):
            if fmt is not None:
                linestyle, marker, color = axes._process_plot_format(fmt)
                kwds.setdefault('linestyle', linestyle)
                kwds.setdefault('marker', marker)
                if color is not None: kwds.setdefault('color', color)
            l = lines.Line2D(xx, yy, **kwds)
        return thelines
Esempio n. 9
    def projplot(self, *args, **kwds):
        """projplot is a wrapper around Axes.plot to take into account the
        spherical projection.

        Modification of projplot vs plot:
        One, two or three args allowed:
          - if one arg: theta,phi = args[0][0],args[0][1]
          - if two : either theta,phi or [theta,phi],fmt
          - if three: theta,phi,fmt
          with fmt the format string.
        Additional keywords :
        - lonlat: if True, theta and phi are interpreted as longitude and latitude
                  in degree, otherwise, as theta, phi in radian
        - coord: the coordinate system of the points, only used if the coordinate
                 coordinate system of the Axes has been defined and in this
                 case, a rotation is performed
        - rot: rotation to be applied =(a,b,c) : a,b will be position of the
               new Z axis, and c is rotation around this axis, all in degree.
               if None, no rotation is performed
        - direct: if True, the rotation to center the projection is not
                  taken into account
        fmt = None
        if len(args) < 1:
            raise ValueError("No argument given")
        if len(args) == 1:
            theta, phi = npy.asarray(args[0])
        elif len(args) == 2:
            if type(args[1]) is str:
                fmt = args[1]
                theta, phi = npy.asarray(args[0])
                theta, phi = npy.asarray(args[0]), npy.asarray(args[1])
        elif len(args) == 3:
            if type(args[2]) is not str:
                raise TypeError("Third argument must be a string")
                theta, phi = npy.asarray(args[0]), npy.asarray(args[1])
                fmt = args[2]
            raise TypeError("Three args maximum")
        rot = kwds.pop('rot', None)
        if rot is not None:
            rot = npy.array(npy.atleast_1d(rot), copy=1)
            rot[1] = rot[1] - 90.
        coord = self.proj.mkcoord(kwds.pop('coord', None))[::-1]
        lonlat = kwds.pop('lonlat', False)
        vec = R.dir2vec(theta, phi, lonlat=lonlat)
        vec = (R.Rotator(rot=rot, coord=coord, eulertype='Y')).I(vec)
        x, y = self.proj.vec2xy(vec, direct=kwds.pop('direct', False))
        x, y = self._make_segment(x,
        thelines = []
        for xx, yy in zip(x, y):
            if fmt is not None:
                linestyle, marker, color = axes._process_plot_format(fmt)
                kwds.setdefault('linestyle', linestyle)
                kwds.setdefault('marker', marker)
                if color is not None: kwds.setdefault('color', color)
            l = lines.Line2D(xx, yy, **kwds)
        return thelines
Esempio n. 10
import tensor_operators, generator, rotator
    context -> window -> scene -> collection -> objects -> meshes

# variables
spins = [5, 1, 1]  # spin rows per axis (x,y,z)
er = 3  # electron radius
dbs = 6  # distance between spins

# classes
gen = generator.Generator(spins, er, dbs)

rot = rotator.Rotator(spins)

op = tensor_operators.TensorOperators(spins)

# scene set-up
arrows =["Spin Arrows"].objects

rot.SpinsRotator(op.spins_tensor, "z", 0)
for arrow in arrows:
    arrow.keyframe_insert(data_path="rotation_euler", frame=10)
    arrow.active_material.node_tree.nodes["Principled BSDF"].inputs[
        0].keyframe_insert(data_path="default_value", frame=10)

rot.SpinsRotator(op.spins_tensor, "z", 0)
Esempio n. 11
 def __init__(self, spins):
     self.arrows = collections["Spin Arrows"].objects
     self.rot = rotator.Rotator(spins)
     self.arrows =["Spin Arrows"].objects
Esempio n. 12
 def __init__(self, rot=None, coord=None, flipconv=None, **kwds):
     self.rotator  = R.Rotator(rot=rot,  coord=None, eulertype='ZYX')
     self.coordsys = R.Rotator(coord=coord).coordout
     self.coordsysstr = R.Rotator(coord=coord).coordoutstr