def test_update_resource_record(self):
        """ Test update_resource_record functionality """

        client = MockRoute53Client()
        hostname = ""
        value = ''
        record = new_resource_record(hostname, value)

        # Go right case where the value is the same as the in the record
        updated = update_resource_record(record, value, client=client)

        # Go right case
        updated = update_resource_record(record, '', client=client)

        # Test a go wrong case when there's a Route 53 error
        with patch.object(client, 'change_resource_record_sets') as mocked:
            mocked.side_effect = RuntimeError("Route 53 Error")

            with self.assertRaises(Route53Exception):
                update_resource_record(record, '', client=client)
Esempio n. 2
def nic_update():
    """ Update a dynamic DNS record """

    if request.args.get('offline'):
        return NOT_SUPPORTED

    # Check for a user agent
    user_agent = request.user_agent.string

    if not user_agent:
    if not user_agent or user_agent in app.config['BAD_USER_AGENTS']:
        return BAD_USER_AGENT

        hostname = request.args.get('hostname')
        resource_record = route53.find_resource_record(hostname)
    except ValueError:
        return NO_HOST
        return GENERAL_ERROR

    if not resource_record:
        return NO_HOST

    # TODO - A sanity check of the value would be good, but good luck doing it
    #        easily in anything before Python 3.3+ which got 'ipaddress' module
    # TODO - Comma separated values should be allowed
    myip = request.args.get('myip', request.remote_addr)

    if myip == resource_record['ResourceRecords'][0]['Value']:
        return NO_CHANGE % myip

        if not route53.update_resource_record(resource_record, myip):
            return GENERAL_ERROR
        return GENERAL_ERROR

    return IP_CHANGED % myip