Esempio n. 1
 def shapeToGraph(self, inFile, uniqueId="FID"):
     """Loads a shapefile and builds the graph.
     uniqueId is the name of a unique field in the shape file. 
     # self.G = nx.readwrite.nx_shp.read_shp(inFile)
     self.G = nx.MultiGraph()
     self.shapeFileUniqueId = uniqueId
     lyrcount = self.shapeFile.GetLayerCount() # multiple layers indicate a directory 
     for lyrindex in xrange(lyrcount):
         lyr = self.shapeFile.GetLayerByIndex(lyrindex)
         flds = [x.GetName() for x in lyr.schema]
         self.G=self.addlyr(self.G, lyr, flds)
     self.routefinder = RouteFinder(self.G)
Esempio n. 2
import os
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify, abort, make_response
from routefinder import RouteFinder

app = Flask(__name__)
rf = RouteFinder()

def not_found(error):
    return make_response(jsonify({'error': 'Not found'}), 404)

# On IBM Cloud Cloud Foundry, get the port number from the environment variable PORT
# When running this app on the local machine, default the port to 8000
port = int(os.getenv('PORT', 8000))

# curl -i ""
# curl -i ""
# output: {'route': ['Exit_4', 'C1-2', 'E-1', 'E-2', 'E-3', 'C3-1']}
@app.route('/route', methods=['GET'])
def get_optimal_route():
    origin = request.args.get('origin', None)
    destination = request.args.get('destination')
    route = []

    if origin is None and destination is None:
    elif origin is None:
Esempio n. 3
class MapMatcher():
    """A very nice MapMatching class
    def __init__(self):
        self.GPS = GPS()
        self.idx = Rtree()
        self.nodeidx = Rtree()
        self.G = None
        self.edgeindex_edge = {}
        self.edgecounter = 0
        self.nodecounter = 0
        self.gps_points = [];
        self.edge_id__count = {}
        self.node_counter__node = {}
        self.distance_matrix = {}
    def saveGraph(self, filename):
        """Saves the graph as a YAML file
    def readGraphFromYAMLFile(self, filename):
        """Loads a graph from an YAML file. 
        self.G = nx.read_yaml(filename)
        # TODO: buiild up the indexes !!!
    def addNodeToIndex(self, node):
        """Adds a node to the node index (RTree)
        # self.nodeidx.add(self.nodecounter, (node.getPoint()[0], node.getPoint()[1]), obj=node)
        self.nodeidx.add(self.nodecounter, (node.getPoint()[0], node.getPoint()[1], node.getPoint()[0], node.getPoint()[1]))

        self.node_counter__node[self.nodecounter] = node
    def addEdgeToIndex(self, edge): 
        """Add an edge to the edhe index.
        self.idx.add(self.edgecounter, (edge.getMinX(), edge.getMinY(), edge.getMaxX(), edge.getMaxY()),obj=edge)
        # print "%d/%d -> %d/%d" % (edge.getMinX(), edge.getMinY(), edge.getMaxX(), edge.getMaxY())
        self.edgeindex_edge[self.edgecounter] = edge
        self.edgecounter = self.edgecounter + 1
    def openShape(self, inFile, index=0):
        self.shapeFile = ogr.Open(inFile)
        if self.shapeFile is None:
            print "Failed to open " + inFile + ".\n"
            sys.exit( 1 )
            print "SHP file successfully read"
    def getfieldinfo(self, lyr, feature, flds):
            f = feature
            return [f.GetField(f.GetFieldIndex(x)) for x in flds]
    def addlyr(self, G,lyr, fields):
        point_coords__nodes = {}
        for findex in xrange(lyr.GetFeatureCount()):
            f = lyr.GetFeature(findex)
            flddata = self.getfieldinfo(lyr, f, fields)
            g = f.geometry()
            attributes = dict(zip(fields, flddata))
            attributes["ShpName"] = lyr.GetName()
            if g.GetGeometryType() == 2: #linestring
                last = g.GetPointCount() - 1
                p_from = g.GetPoint_2D(0)
                p_to = g.GetPoint_2D(last)
                 # check whether we have a node in the index
                intersection_mask = (p_from[0]-INTERSECTION_MASK/2, 
                results = list(self.nodeidx.intersection(intersection_mask))
                if len(results)==0:
                    #print "New from-node " + str(self.nodecounter) + " for edge " + str(attributes.get("ID_NR")) + "."
                    pfrom = Node(p_from, attributes={'from_edge':attributes.get(self.shapeFileUniqueId), "nodecounter":self.nodecounter})
                    self.node_counter__node[self.nodecounter] = pfrom
                    self.nodeidx.add(self.nodecounter, (p_from[0], 
                    # print p_from
                    self.nodecounter = self.nodecounter + 1
                    #print len(results)
                    #print "From-node " + str(results[0]) + " recycled for edge " + str(attributes.get("ID_NR")) + "."
                    pfrom = self.node_counter__node[results[0]]

                intersection_mask = (p_to[0]-INTERSECTION_MASK/2, 
                # print intersection_mask
                results = list(self.nodeidx.intersection(intersection_mask))

                if len(results)==0:
                    #print "New to-node " + str(self.nodecounter) + " for edge " + str(attributes.get("ID_NR")) + "."
                    pto = Node(p_to, attributes={'to_edge':attributes.get(self.shapeFileUniqueId), "nodecounter":self.nodecounter})
                    self.node_counter__node[self.nodecounter] = pto
                    self.nodeidx.add(self.nodecounter, (p_to[0], 
                    self.nodecounter = self.nodecounter + 1
                    #print "To-node " + str(results[0]) +  " recycled for edge " + str(attributes.get("ID_NR")) + "."
                    pto = self.node_counter__node[results[0]]
                shly_geom = shapely.wkt.loads(g.ExportToWkt())
                e = Edge(pfrom, pto, attributes, geometry = shly_geom)
                # G.add_edge(pfrom, pto, {"edge": e, "edgecounter" : self.edgecounter})
                G.add_edge(pfrom, pto, edge=e, edgecounter=self.edgecounter)
        return G
    def shapeToGraph(self, inFile, uniqueId="FID"):
        """Loads a shapefile and builds the graph.
        uniqueId is the name of a unique field in the shape file. 
        # self.G = nx.readwrite.nx_shp.read_shp(inFile)
        self.G = nx.MultiGraph()
        self.shapeFileUniqueId = uniqueId
        lyrcount = self.shapeFile.GetLayerCount() # multiple layers indicate a directory 
        for lyrindex in xrange(lyrcount):
            lyr = self.shapeFile.GetLayerByIndex(lyrindex)
            flds = [x.GetName() for x in lyr.schema]
            self.G=self.addlyr(self.G, lyr, flds)
        self.routefinder = RouteFinder(self.G, euclideanOD=self.distance_matrix)

    def readGPS(self, inFile):
        """Parses a shapefile and build the GPS object
        self.gps_points = self.GPS.getGPSPoints()
    def maxGPSDistance(self):
        """Calculate the maximum distance of two consecutive GPS Points
        # TODO check whether GPS points are already there
        # TODO: move into sl.gps.GPS()
        maxDistance = 0
        gps_point = self.gps_points[0]
        for gpspoint in self.gps_points:
            distance = gpspoint.getGeometry().distance(gps_point.getGeometry())
            gps_point = gps_point
            if distance > maxDistance:
                maxDistance = distance
        return maxDistance

    def nearPoints(self):
        """Sums up the gps point per edge segment. Stores in self.edge_id__count
        # initialize the edge counter
        for edge in self.G.edges():
            self.edge_id__count[self.G[edge[0]][edge[1]].get("edgecounter")] = 0
        for point in self.gps_points:
            nearest_edge = self.getNearestEdge(point)
            # print str(point.getAttributes().get("ID")) + "->" + str(nearest_edge.getAttributes().get('Id'))
    def addPointCountToEdge(self, edge):
        """Increments the point counter for the given edge by one.
        attributes = edge.getAttributes()
        if self.edge_id__count.has_key(attributes.get(self.shapeFileUniqueId)):
            self.edge_id__count[attributes.get(self.shapeFileUniqueId)] = self.edge_id__count[attributes.get(self.shapeFileUniqueId)] + 1
            self.edge_id__count[attributes.get(self.shapeFileUniqueId)] = 1
    def getNearestEdge(self, point):
        """Returns the edge closes to a Shapely entity given (point) 
        edge = mm.idx.nearest((point.getPoint().x, point.getPoint().y), objects=True)
        edges = [e.object for e in edge]
        if len(edges) == 1:
            result = edges[0]
            dist = 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999
            for edge in edges:
                distance = point.getPoint().distance(edge.getGeometry())
                if distance < dist:
                    dist = distance
                    result = edge
        return result
    def getNearestNode(self, point):
        """Returns the closest node to a GPS point.
        nodes = list(mm.nodeidx.nearest((point.getPoint().x, point.getPoint().y)))
        return self.node_counter__node.get(nodes[0])
    def find_all_paths(self, graph, start, end, path=[]):
        path = path + [start]
        if start == end:
            return [path]
        if not graph.has_key(start):
            return []
        paths = []
        for node in graph[start]:
            if node not in path:
                newpaths = self.find_all_paths(graph, node, end, path)
                for newpath in newpaths:
        return paths 
    def findRoutes2(self):
        start_point = self.gps_points[0]
        end_point = self.gps_points[-1]
        start_node =  self.getNearestNode(start_point)
        end_node =  self.getNearestNode(end_point)
        graph = {}
        print "preparing python graph"
        for node in  self.node_counter__node.values():
            graph[node.getNodeID()] =  [n.getOutNode2(node).getNodeID() for n in node.getOutEdges()]
        import pprint
        pprint.pprint( graph )
        print "From ", start_node.getNodeID(), " to ", end_node.getNodeID(), "."
        results = self.find_all_paths(graph, start_node.getNodeID(), end_node.getNodeID())
        # let us find the edges
        route_list = []    
        for result in results:
            edges = []
            while i<len(result):
                node_from = self.node_counter__node.get(result[i-1] )
                node_to = self.node_counter__node.get(result[i] )
                i = i +1
                edge_dict = self.G[node_from][node_to]
                if edge_dict.keys()>1:
                    lngth = 9E99999
                    for k in edge_dict.keys():
                        if edge_dict[k]['edge'].getLength() < lngth:
                            lngth = edge_dict[k]['edge'].getLength()
                            edge = edge_dict[k]['edge']
                    edge = edge_dict[0]['edge']
        factor__selected_route = {}
        for route in route_list:
            number_of_points = 0
            length = 0 
            for edge in route.getEdges():
                # import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
                length = length + edge.getLength()
                edge_id = edge.getAttributes().get(self.shapeFileUniqueId)
                number_of_points = number_of_points + self.edge_id__count.get(edge_id, 0)
            if number_of_points > 1:
                factor__selected_route[number_of_points/length] = route
        keys = factor__selected_route.keys()
        return factor__selected_route.get(keys[0])
    def findRoute(self, returnNonSelection=False):
        """Finds a route from the node closest to the first GPS point to 
        the node closest to the latest GPS point. 
        # pick the start and end GPS points # TODO: sort GPS Points first
        start_point = self.gps_points[0]
        end_point = self.gps_points[-1]
        start_node =  self.getNearestNode(start_point)
        end_node =  self.getNearestNode(end_point)
        # the start and endnodes returns by the index are not in the graph, 
        # therefore we need to look them up ....
        start_node = self.node_counter__node.get(start_node.getAttributes().get("nodecounter"))
        end_node = self.node_counter__node.get(end_node.getAttributes().get("nodecounter"))
        self.routfinder = RouteFinder(self.G, euclideanOD=self.distance_matrix)
        label_list = self.routefinder.findroutes(start_node, end_node)

        label_scores = []
        # import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
        # let us loop through the label list 
        for label in label_list:
            number_of_points = 0
            # we sum up the number of points and relate them to the length of the route
            print label
            for edge in label.getEdges():

                edge_id = edge.getAttributes().get(self.shapeFileUniqueId)
                number_of_points = number_of_points + self.edge_id__count.get(edge_id, 0)
                print "      ", number_of_points
            #we add the scores to a dict
            if number_of_points > 1:
                label_scores.append((label, number_of_points/label.getLength()))
        # print label_scores
        # and extract the maximum score
        score = 0
        selected = None
        for ls in label_scores:
            if ls[1] > score:
                selected = ls[0]
                score = ls[1]
        if returnNonSelection:
            return selected
    def eliminiateEmptyEdges(self, distance = 100):
        """Loops through the GPS pointset and selects edges within a boundary 
        of <distance> meters
        print "Edge elimination started"
        selected_edge_ids = []
        # let us 
        for point in self.gps_points:
            results = self.idx.nearest(((point.getPoint().x-distance/2), 
                                     (point.getPoint().y+distance/2)), objects=True)
            for result in results:
                from_node = self.node_counter__node.get(result.object.from_node.getAttributes().get("nodecounter"))
                to_node = self.node_counter__node.get(result.object.to_node.getAttributes().get("nodecounter"))
                edge_counter = self.G.edge[from_node][to_node].get("edgecounter")
                if edge_counter not in selected_edge_ids:
        print str(len(selected_edge_ids)) + " edges found to keep."
        elimination_counter = 0
        for edge in self.G.edges():
            edgecounter = self.G.edge[edge[0]][edge[1]].get("edgecounter")
            if edgecounter not in selected_edge_ids:
                edge_tuple = (self.G.edge[edge[0]][edge[1]].get("edge").from_node, self.G.edge[edge[0]][edge[1]].get("edge").to_node)
                elimination_counter =  elimination_counter + 1
        print str(elimination_counter) + " edges eliminated."
    def dumpPointShape(self, filename, original_coverage=None):
        if filename:
            driverName = "ESRI Shapefile"
            drv = ogr.GetDriverByName( driverName )
            if drv:
            if drv is None:
                print "%s driver not available.\n" % driverName    
            ds = drv.CreateDataSource( filename)
            lyr = ds.CreateLayer( "blabla", None, ogr.wkbPoint )
            if lyr is None:
                print "Layer creation failed.\n"

            field_defn = ogr.FieldDefn( "node_count", ogr.OFTInteger )
            if lyr.CreateField ( field_defn ) != 0:
                print "Creating Name field failed.\n"
                sys.exit( 1 )    
            field_defn = ogr.FieldDefn( "edge_list", ogr.OFTString )
            field_defn.SetWidth( 1024)
            if lyr.CreateField ( field_defn ) != 0:
                print "Creating Name field failed.\n"
                sys.exit( 1 )
            for node in self.node_counter__node.values():
                feat = ogr.Feature( lyr.GetLayerDefn() )
                nc = node.getAttributes().get("nodecounter")
                print nc
                # import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
                feat.SetField( "node_count", nc )  
                s = ""
                for edge in node.getOutEdges():
                    s = s + str(int(edge.getAttributes().get("ID_NR"))) + ", "
                feat.SetField( "edge_list", s )  
                node_entity = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPoint)
#                wkb = edge.getGeometry().to_wkb()
                node_entity.SetPoint_2D(0,node.getGeometry().x, node.getGeometry().y)
            print "Shapefile (%s) written." % filename
Esempio n. 4
class MapMatcher():
    """A very nice MapMatching class
    def __init__(self):
        self.GPS = GPS()
        self.idx = Rtree()
        self.nodeidx = Rtree()
        self.G = None
        self.edgeindex_edge = {}
        self.edgecounter = 0
        self.nodecounter = 0
        self.gps_points = [];
        self.edge_id__count = {}
        self.node_counter__node = {}
        self.result_counter = 0
    def saveGraph(self, filename):
        """Saves the graph as a YAML file
    def readGraphFromYAMLFile(self, filename):
        """Loads a graph from an YAML file. 
        self.G = nx.read_yaml(filename)
        # TODO: buiild up the indexes !!!
    def addNodeToIndex(self, node):
        """Adds a node to the node index (RTree)
        # self.nodeidx.add(self.nodecounter, (node.getPoint()[0], node.getPoint()[1]), obj=node)
        self.nodeidx.add(self.nodecounter, (node.getPoint()[0], node.getPoint()[1], node.getPoint()[0], node.getPoint()[1]))

        self.node_counter__node[self.nodecounter] = node
    def addEdgeToIndex(self, edge): 
        """Add an edge to the edhe index.
        self.idx.add(self.edgecounter, (edge.getMinX(), edge.getMinY(), edge.getMaxX(), edge.getMaxY()),obj=edge)
        # print "%d/%d -> %d/%d" % (edge.getMinX(), edge.getMinY(), edge.getMaxX(), edge.getMaxY())
        self.edgeindex_edge[self.edgecounter] = edge
        self.edgecounter = self.edgecounter + 1
    def openShape(self, inFile, index=0):
        self.shapeFile = ogr.Open(inFile)
        if self.shapeFile is None:
            print "Failed to open " + inFile + ".\n"
            sys.exit( 1 )
            print "SHP file successfully read"
    def getfieldinfo(self, lyr, feature, flds):
            f = feature
            return [f.GetField(f.GetFieldIndex(x)) for x in flds]
    def addlyr(self, G,lyr, fields):
        point_coords__nodes = {}
        for findex in xrange(lyr.GetFeatureCount()):
            f = lyr.GetFeature(findex)
            flddata = self.getfieldinfo(lyr, f, fields)
            g = f.geometry()
            attributes = dict(zip(fields, flddata))
            attributes["ShpName"] = lyr.GetName()
            if g.GetGeometryType() == 2: #linestring
                last = g.GetPointCount() - 1
                p_from = g.GetPoint_2D(0)
                p_to = g.GetPoint_2D(last)
                 # check whether we have a node in the index
                intersection_mask = (p_from[0]-INTERSECTION_MASK/2, 
                results = list(self.nodeidx.intersection(intersection_mask))
                if len(results)==0:
                    print "New from-node " + str(self.nodecounter) + " for edge " + str(attributes.get("ID_NR")) + "."
                    pfrom = Node(p_from, attributes={'from_edge':attributes.get(self.shapeFileUniqueId), "nodecounter":self.nodecounter})
                    self.node_counter__node[self.nodecounter] = pfrom
                    self.nodeidx.add(self.nodecounter, (p_from[0], 
                    # print p_from
                    self.nodecounter = self.nodecounter + 1
                    print len(results)
                    print "From-node " + str(results[0]) + " recycled for edge " + str(attributes.get("ID_NR")) + "."
                    pfrom = self.node_counter__node[results[0]]

                intersection_mask = (p_to[0]-INTERSECTION_MASK/2, 
                # print intersection_mask
                results = list(self.nodeidx.intersection(intersection_mask))

                if len(results)==0:
                    print "New to-node " + str(self.nodecounter) + " for edge " + str(attributes.get("ID_NR")) + "."
                    pto = Node(p_to, attributes={'to_edge':attributes.get(self.shapeFileUniqueId), "nodecounter":self.nodecounter})
                    self.node_counter__node[self.nodecounter] = pto
                    self.nodeidx.add(self.nodecounter, (p_to[0], 
                    self.nodecounter = self.nodecounter + 1
                    print "To-node " + str(results[0]) +  " recycled for edge " + str(attributes.get("ID_NR")) + "."
                    pto = self.node_counter__node[results[0]]
                shly_geom = shapely.wkt.loads(g.ExportToWkt())
                e = Edge(pfrom, pto, attributes, geometry = shly_geom)
                # G.add_edge(pfrom, pto, {"edge": e, "edgecounter" : self.edgecounter})
                G.add_edge(pfrom, pto, edge=e, edgecounter=self.edgecounter)
            #if g.GetGeometryType() == 1: #point
            #    G.add_node((g.GetPoint_2D(0)), attributes)
#            if g.GetGeometryType() == 2: #linestring
#                last = g.GetPointCount() - 1
#                p_from = g.GetPoint_2D(0)
#                p_to = g.GetPoint_2D(last)
#                if point_coords__nodes.get(p_from):
#                    pfrom = point_coords__nodes.get(p_from)  
#                    print "node " + str(pfrom.getAttributes().get("nodecounter")) + " edge " + str(attributes.get('ID_NR'))
#                else:
#                    pfrom = Node(p_from, attributes={'from_edge':attributes.get(self.shapeFileUniqueId), "nodecounter":self.nodecounter})
#                    self.nodecounter = self.nodecounter + 1 
#                    point_coords__nodes[p_from] = pfrom
#                if point_coords__nodes.get(p_to):
#                    pto = point_coords__nodes.get(p_to)  
#                    print "node " + str(pto.getAttributes().get("nodecounter")) + " edge " + str(attributes.get('ID_NR')) 
#                else:
#                    pto = Node(p_to, attributes={'to_edge':attributes.get(self.shapeFileUniqueId), "nodecounter":self.nodecounter})
#                    self.nodecounter = self.nodecounter + 1 
#                    point_coords__nodes[p_to] = pto
#                shly_geom = shapely.wkt.loads(g.ExportToWkt())
#                e = Edge(pfrom, pto, attributes, geometry = shly_geom)
#                G.add_edge(pfrom, pto, {"edge": e, "edgecounter" : self.edgecounter})
#                # we pull the nodes out of the graph again to index them
#                edges_dict = nx.get_edge_attributes(G,"edgecounter")
#                # import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
#                edges_keys = edges_dict.keys()
#                for k in edges_keys:
#                    if self.edgecounter == edges_dict[k]:
#                        self.node_counter__node[k[0].getAttributes()['nodecounter']] = k[0]
#                        self.node_counter__node[k[1].getAttributes()['nodecounter']] = k[1]
#                        self.addNodeToIndex(k[0])
#                        self.addNodeToIndex(k[1])
#                # let us throw the Edge into the index
#                self.addEdgeToIndex(e)
##                # add an edge in the other direction
##                e2 = Edge(pto, pfrom, attributes, geometry = shly_geom)
##                G.add_edge(pto, pfrom, {"edge": e2, "edgecounter" : self.edgecounter})
##                edges_dict = nx.get_edge_attributes(G,"edgecounter")
##                # import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
##                edges_keys = edges_dict.keys()
##                for k in edges_keys:
##                    if self.edgecounter == edges_dict[k]:
##                        self.node_counter__node[k[0].getAttributes()['nodecounter']] = k[0]
##                        self.node_counter__node[k[1].getAttributes()['nodecounter']] = k[1]
##                        self.addNodeToIndex(k[0])
##                        self.addNodeToIndex(k[1])
##                # let us throw the Edge into the index
##                self.addEdgeToIndex(e2)
        return G
    def shapeToGraph(self, inFile, uniqueId="FID"):
        """Loads a shapefile and builds the graph.
        uniqueId is the name of a unique field in the shape file. 
        # self.G = nx.readwrite.nx_shp.read_shp(inFile)
        self.G = nx.MultiGraph()
        self.shapeFileUniqueId = uniqueId
        lyrcount = self.shapeFile.GetLayerCount() # multiple layers indicate a directory 
        for lyrindex in xrange(lyrcount):
            lyr = self.shapeFile.GetLayerByIndex(lyrindex)
            flds = [x.GetName() for x in lyr.schema]
            self.G=self.addlyr(self.G, lyr, flds)
        self.routefinder = RouteFinder(self.G)

    def readGPS(self, inFile):
        """Parses a shapefile and build the GPS object
        self.gps_points = self.GPS.getGPSPoints()
    def maxGPSDistance(self):
        """Calculate the maximum distance of two consecutive GPS Points
        # TODO check whether GPS points are already there
        # TODO: move into sl.gps.GPS()
        maxDistance = 0
        gps_point = self.gps_points[0]
        for gpspoint in self.gps_points:
            distance = gpspoint.getGeometry().distance(gps_point.getGeometry())
            gps_point = gps_point
            if distance > maxDistance:
                maxDistance = distance
        return maxDistance

    def nearPoints(self):
        """Sums up the gps point per edge segment. Stores in self.edge_id__count
        # initialize the edge counter
        for edge in self.G.edges():
            self.edge_id__count[self.G[edge[0]][edge[1]].get("edgecounter")] = 0
        for point in self.gps_points:
            nearest_edge = self.getNearestEdge(point)
            # print str(point.getAttributes().get("ID")) + "->" + str(nearest_edge.getAttributes().get('Id'))
    def addPointCountToEdge(self, edge):
        """Increments the point counter for the given edge by one.
        attributes = edge.getAttributes()
        if self.edge_id__count.has_key(attributes.get(self.shapeFileUniqueId)):
            self.edge_id__count[attributes.get(self.shapeFileUniqueId)] = self.edge_id__count[attributes.get(self.shapeFileUniqueId)] + 1
            self.edge_id__count[attributes.get(self.shapeFileUniqueId)] = 1
    def getNearestEdge(self, point):
        """Returns the edge closes to a Shapely entity given (point) 
        edge = mm.idx.nearest((point.getPoint().x, point.getPoint().y), objects=True)
        edges = [e.object for e in edge]
        if len(edges) == 1:
            result = edges[0]
            dist = 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999
            for edge in edges:
                distance = point.getPoint().distance(edge.getGeometry())
                if distance < dist:
                    dist = distance
                    result = edge
        return result
    def getNearestNode(self, point):
        """Returns the closest node to a GPS point.
        nodes = list(mm.nodeidx.nearest((point.getPoint().x, point.getPoint().y)))
        return self.node_counter__node.get(nodes[0])
    def findRoute(self, returnNonSelection=False):
        """Finds a route from the node closest to the first GPS point to 
        the node closest to the latest GPS point. 
        # pick the start and end GPS points # TODO: sort GPS Points first
        start_point = self.gps_points[0]
        end_point = self.gps_points[-1]
        start_node =  self.getNearestNode(start_point)
        end_node =  self.getNearestNode(end_point)
        # the start and endnodes returnes by the index are not in the graph, 
        # therefore we need to look them up ....
        start_node = self.node_counter__node.get(start_node.getAttributes().get("nodecounter"))
        end_node = self.node_counter__node.get(end_node.getAttributes().get("nodecounter"))
        self.routfinder = RouteFinder(self.G)
        label_list = self.routefinder.findroutes(start_node, end_node)

        import pdb;pdb.set_trace()

        label_scores = []
        # let us loop through the label list 
        for label in label_list:
            number_of_points = 0
            # we sum up the number of points and relate them to the length of the route
            for edge in label.getEdges():
                edge_id = edge.getAttributes().get(self.shapeFileUniqueId)
                number_of_points = number_of_points + self.edge_id__count.get(edge_id, 0)
            #we add the scores to a dict
            label_scores.append((label, number_of_points/label.getLength()))
        # print label_scores
        # and extract the maximum score
        score = 0
        selected = None
        for ls in label_scores:
            if ls[1] > score:
                selected = ls[0]
                score = ls[1]
        if returnNonSelection:
            return selected
    def eliminiateEmptyEdges(self, distance = 100):
        """Loops through the GPS pointset and selects edges within a boundary 
        of <distance> meters
        print "Edge elimination started"
        selected_edge_ids = []
        # let us 
        for point in self.gps_points:
            results = self.idx.nearest(((point.getPoint().x-distance/2), 
                                     (point.getPoint().y+distance/2)), objects=True)
            for result in results:
                from_node = self.node_counter__node.get(result.object.from_node.getAttributes().get("nodecounter"))
                to_node = self.node_counter__node.get(result.object.to_node.getAttributes().get("nodecounter"))
                edge_counter = self.G.edge[from_node][to_node].get("edgecounter")
                if edge_counter not in selected_edge_ids:
        print str(len(selected_edge_ids)) + " edges found to keep."
        elimination_counter = 0
        for edge in self.G.edges():
            edgecounter = self.G.edge[edge[0]][edge[1]].get("edgecounter")
            if edgecounter not in selected_edge_ids:
                edge_tuple = (self.G.edge[edge[0]][edge[1]].get("edge").from_node, self.G.edge[edge[0]][edge[1]].get("edge").to_node)
                elimination_counter =  elimination_counter + 1
        print str(elimination_counter) + " edges eliminated."