import sys sys.path.append('/Users/dsoto/current/swDataFlat/code') import roxanne as rx dataFile = open('../data/separated/','r') rx.getHeader(dataFile) data = rx.readDataFileArray(dataFile) position = data['positionLateralMicron'] force = data['forceLateralMicroNewton'] position = map(float,position) force = map(float,force) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(position,force) plt.title('039 - SWS 12 Shear Bending') plt.xlabel('Position (microns)') plt.ylabel('Force (microNewtons)') plt.grid() plt.savefig('039-shearBending.pdf')
def main(): import sys sys.path.append('/Users/dsoto/current/swDataFlat/roxanne') import roxanne import glob import os.path import numpy parseFileIn = open('../037-sps06-ls/data/parsed.dat', 'r') parseDict = roxanne.readDataFileArray(parseFileIn) #print parseDict.keys() fOut = open('','w') fileNameList = glob.glob('../037-sps06-ls/data/separated/*.data') outputList = ['fileName', 'pulloffAngle', 'forceMaxAdhesion', 'forceMaxShear', 'forcePreload'] # removed angle pulloff from output list sep = '\t' headerString = sep.join(outputList) fOut.write(headerString) fOut.write('\n') for dataFileName in fileNameList: print 'processing file : ' + dataFileName # read in data file fileIn = open(dataFileName) headerDict = roxanne.getHeader(fileIn) dataDict = roxanne.readDataFileArray(fileIn) # this dataDict needs to be converted to floats for key in dataDict.keys(): dataDict[key] = map(float, dataDict[key]) # angle value should be in headerDict pulloffAngle = float(headerDict['pulloffAngle']) # get indices from the file # get location of filename in parseDict # and pull data from same index in the other arrays parsedFileNames = parseDict['dataFileName'] dataFileNameNoPath = os.path.split(dataFileName)[1] #fileNameNoPath = fileNames indexFileName = parsedFileNames.index(dataFileNameNoPath) indexContact = parseDict['indexContact'][indexFileName] indexPreload = parseDict['indexMaxPreload'][indexFileName] indexMaxAdhesion = parseDict['indexMaxAdhesion'][indexFileName] indexContact = int(indexContact) indexPreload = int(indexPreload) indexMaxAdhesion = int(indexMaxAdhesion) # pull force values at those indices # data will be in dataDict normalForceContactMuN = dataDict['forceNormalMicroNewton'][indexContact] normalForcePreloadMuN = dataDict['forceNormalMicroNewton'][indexPreload] normalForcePulloffMuN = dataDict['forceNormalMicroNewton'][indexMaxAdhesion] shearForceContactMuN = dataDict['forceLateralMicroNewton'][indexContact] shearForcePreloadMuN = dataDict['forceLateralMicroNewton'][indexPreload] shearForcePulloffMuN = dataDict['forceLateralMicroNewton'][indexMaxAdhesion] # correct for force at contact # adhesion force = maxAdhesion - force at contact maxAdhesionMuN = (normalForcePulloffMuN - normalForceContactMuN) # shear force = maxShear - force at contact maxShearMuN = (shearForcePulloffMuN - shearForceContactMuN) # force at preload - force at contact = force of preload forcePreload = normalForcePreloadMuN - normalForceContactMuN fOut.write(dataFileNameNoPath + '\t') fOut.write('% 5.1f\t' % pulloffAngle ) fOut.write('% 5.3f\t' % maxAdhesionMuN) fOut.write('% 5.3f\t' % maxShearMuN) fOut.write('% 5.3f\t' % forcePreload) fOut.write('\n') fOut.close()