def xmlrpc_getOnlyClearedTransactions(self,queryParams,client_id): """ * Purpose: - This function will check for cleared transactions * Input: - [accountname,vouchercode,financialstart,todate] * Output: - if transaction is exist in bankrecon table - it will return boolean True else False """ from_date = str(datetime.strptime(str(queryParams[2]),"%d-%m-%Y")) to_date = str(datetime.strptime(str(queryParams[3]),"%d-%m-%Y")) accObj = rpc_account.account() accountcode = accObj.xmlrpc_getAccountCodeByAccountName([queryParams[0]], client_id) connection = dbconnect.engines[client_id].connect() Session = dbconnect.session(bind=connection) result = Session.query(dbconnect.BankRecon).filter(and_(dbconnect.BankRecon.accountcode==accountcode,\ dbconnect.BankRecon.vouchercode==queryParams[1],\ dbconnect.BankRecon.clearancedate >= from_date,\ dbconnect.BankRecon.clearancedate <= to_date)).\ first() Session.close() connection.connection.close() if result != None: return True else: return False
def xmlrpc_setTransaction(self,queryParams_master,queryParams_details,client_id): """ Purpose: adds a new voucher in the database given its reference number and transaction details (dr and cr), along with narration and the date. This function is used to create a new voucher. The entire transaction is recorded in terms of Dr and Cr and the respected amounts. The function call 3 funtions from same file 1 . xmlrpc_getProjectcodeByProjectName 2 . xmlrpc_setVoucherMaster 3 . xmlrpc_setVoucherDetails and call 1 function from "to get accountcode by accountname" 1 . xmlrpc_getAccountCodeByAccountName queryParams_master list will contain : * reference Number * the actual transaction date * Voucher type * project name * Narration queryParams_details list will contain : * DrCr flag, * AccountName * the amount for the respective account. The function returns "success" . """ queryParams_master = blankspace.remove_whitespaces(queryParams_master) print "queryParams_master" print queryParams_master projectcode = self.xmlrpc_getProjectcodeByProjectName([queryParams_master[3]],client_id) params_master = [queryParams_master[0],queryParams_master[1],queryParams_master[2],projectcode,queryParams_master[4]] print "params master" print params_master vouchercode = self.xmlrpc_setVoucherMaster(params_master,client_id) print "query for masters is successful and voucher code is " + str(vouchercode) for detailRow in queryParams_details: queryParams_details = blankspace.remove_whitespaces(detailRow) account = rpc_account.account(); accountcode = account.xmlrpc_getAccountCodeByAccountName([detailRow[1]],client_id); params_details = [vouchercode,str(detailRow[0]),str(accountcode),float(detailRow[2])] self.xmlrpc_setVoucherDetails(params_details,client_id) return 1
def runabt(): """ + As we have imported all the nested XMLRPC resource,so that create one handler ``abt`` calls another if a method with a given prefix is called. + and publish that handelr instance ``abt`` to server . + this is ``def runabt()`` which is outside ``class abt():``. """ import rpc_main # create the instance of class abt abt = rpc_main.abt() groups=rpc_groups.groups() abt.putSubHandler('groups',groups) account=rpc_account.account() abt.putSubHandler('account',account) organisation = rpc_organisation.organisation() abt.putSubHandler('organisation',organisation) transaction=rpc_transaction.transaction() abt.putSubHandler('transaction',transaction) abt.putSubHandler('data',data) reports=rpc_reports.reports() abt.putSubHandler('reports',reports) user = rpc_user.user() abt.putSubHandler('user',user) getaccountsbyrule=rpc_getaccountsbyrule.getaccountsbyrule() abt.putSubHandler('getaccountsbyrule',getaccountsbyrule) print "initialising application" #publish the object and make it to listen on the given port through reactor print "starting server" reactor.listenTCP(7081, server.Site(abt)) #start the service by running the reactor.
def xmlrpc_setTransaction(self,queryParams_master,queryParams_details,client_id): """ * Purpose: - This function is used to create a new voucher. - adds a new voucher in the database given its reference number and transaction details (dr and cr), along with narration and the date. - the entire transaction is recorded in terms of Dr and Cr and the respected amounts. - the function call 3 funtions from same file ``xmlrpc_getProjectcodeByProjectName`` ``xmlrpc_setVoucherMaster`` ``xmlrpc_setVoucherDetails`` - and call ``xmlrpc_getAccountCodeByAccountName`` from to get accountcode by accountname * Input: - queryParams_master list will contain: - reference number,transaction date ,voucher type,project name,narration - queryParams_details list will contain: - DrCr flag,AccountName,the amount for the respective account. * Output: - function returns 1 integer. """ queryParams_master = blankspace.remove_whitespaces(queryParams_master) projectcode = self.xmlrpc_getProjectcodeByProjectName([queryParams_master[3]],client_id) params_master = [queryParams_master[0],queryParams_master[1],queryParams_master[2],projectcode,\ queryParams_master[4],queryParams_master[5],queryParams_master[6]] vouchercode = self.xmlrpc_setVoucherMaster(params_master,client_id) print "query for masters is successful and voucher code is " + str(vouchercode) for detailRow in queryParams_details: queryParams_details = blankspace.remove_whitespaces(detailRow) account = rpc_account.account(); accountcode = account.xmlrpc_getAccountCodeByAccountName([detailRow[1]],client_id); params_details = [vouchercode,str(detailRow[0]),str(accountcode),float(detailRow[2])] self.xmlrpc_setVoucherDetails(params_details,client_id) return 1
def runabt(): """ + As we have imported all the nested XMLRPC resource,so that create one handler ``abt`` calls another if a method with a given prefix is called. + and publish that handelr instance ``abt`` to server . + this is ``def runabt()`` which is outside ``class abt():``. """ import rpc_main # create the instance of class abt abt = rpc_main.abt() groups=rpc_groups.groups() abt.putSubHandler('groups',groups) account=rpc_account.account() abt.putSubHandler('account',account) organisation = rpc_organisation.organisation() abt.putSubHandler('organisation',organisation) transaction=rpc_transaction.transaction() abt.putSubHandler('transaction',transaction) abt.putSubHandler('data',data) reports=rpc_reports.reports() abt.putSubHandler('reports',reports) user = rpc_user.user() abt.putSubHandler('user',user) getaccountsbyrule=rpc_getaccountsbyrule.getaccountsbyrule() abt.putSubHandler('getaccountsbyrule',getaccountsbyrule) print "initialising application" #the code to daemonise published instance. # Daemonizing abt # Accept commandline arguments # A workaround for debugging def usage(): print "Usage: %s [d|debug] [h|help]\n" % (sys.argv[0]) print "\td (debug)\tStart server in debug mode. Do not fork a daemon." print "\td (help)\tShow this help" try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hd", ["help","debug"]) except getopt.GetoptError: usage() os._exit(2) debug = 0 for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("h", "help"): usage() os.exit(0) elif opt in ("d", "debug"): debug = 1 # Do not fork if we are debug mode if debug == 0: try: pid = os.fork() except OSError, e: raise Exception, "Could not fork a daemon: %s" % (e.strerror) if pid != 0: os._exit(0) # Prevent it from being orphaned os.setsid() # Change working directory to root os.chdir("/") # Change umask os.umask(0) # All prints should be replaced with logging, preferrably into syslog # The standard I/O file descriptors are redirected to /dev/null by default. if (hasattr(os, "devnull")): REDIRECT_TO = os.devnull else: REDIRECT_TO = "/dev/null" # Redirect the standard I/O file descriptors to the specified file. Since # the daemon has no controlling terminal, most daemons redirect stdin, # stdout, and stderr to /dev/null. This is done to prevent sideeffects # from reads and writes to the standard I/O file descriptors. # This call to open is guaranteed to return the lowest file descriptor, # which will be 0 (stdin), since it was closed above., os.O_RDWR) # standard input (0) # Duplicate standard input to standard output and standard error. os.dup2(0, 1) # standard output (1) os.dup2(0, 2) # standard error (2)
def xmlrpc_rollover(self,queryParams,client_id): """ * Purpose: - This function is to forward the closing balance of current year to next financial year as opening balance - it will first get the all accountname and corrosponding closing balance of current financial year. - then its create the schema and dump of current year's database and then get the reverse pattern match from both as save to file db.dump - then from db.dump it will only give the dump of ``account`` ``subgroups`` and ``organisation`` table - then ``rpc_Deploy`` function will deploy new databse for given newFinancialTo date and Organisation and OrganisationType where ``newFinancialFrom`` date will calculate by adding one day to current ``financialTo`` date - and the restore all the values of ``account`` ``subgroups`` and ``organisation`` - update ``openingbalance`` of the restored ``account`` table with the calculated ``closingbalance``. - after restoring values it also update ``rolloverflag`` of previous organisation as ``1`` , so that organisation should not rollover again * Input: - [organisationName,financialFrom,financialTo],client_id * Output: - boolean newOrganisaionFromDate - created new financile year and database - restore accounts its closingbalance as openingbalance and subgroups """ organisation = rpc_organisation.organisation() financialFrom = queryParams[1] # get financial from date financialTo = queryParams[2] # get financial to date NewFinancialYear = self.newFinancialYears([financialFrom,financialTo]) orgType = organisation.xmlrpc_getorgTypeByname([queryParams[0]],client_id) ########################################################## account = rpc_account.account() report = rpc_reports.reports() accounts = account.xmlrpc_getAllAccountNames(client_id) rollOverAccounts = {} for acc in accounts: closingRow = report.xmlrpc_calculateBalance([acc,queryParams[1],queryParams[2],\ queryParams[2]],client_id) # [group_name,bal_brought,curbal,total_DrBal,total_CrBal,opening_baltype,baltype] closing_balance = 0.00 print acc if (str(closingRow[6]) == "Cr" and (str(closingRow[0])== "Current Asset" or str(closingRow[0])== "Fixed Assets" or str(closingRow[0])== "Investment" or str(closingRow[0])== "Loans(Asset)" or str(closingRow[0])== "Miscellaneous Expenses(Asset)" ) ): closing_balance = -float(closingRow[2]) rollOverAccounts[acc] = closing_balance if (str(closingRow[6]) == "Dr" and (str(closingRow[0])== "Current Asset" or str(closingRow[0])== "Fixed Assets" or str(closingRow[0])== "Investment" or str(closingRow[0])== "Loans(Asset)" or str(closingRow[0])== "Miscellaneous Expenses(Asset)" )): closing_balance = float(closingRow[2]) rollOverAccounts[acc] = closing_balance if (str(closingRow[6]) == "Cr" and (str(closingRow[0])== "Corpus" or str(closingRow[0])== "Capital" or str(closingRow[0])== "Current Liability" or str(closingRow[0])== "Loans(Liability)" or str(closingRow[0])== "Reserves")): closing_balance = float(closingRow[2]) rollOverAccounts[acc] = closing_balance if (str(closingRow[6]) == "Dr" and (str(closingRow[0])== "Corpus" or str(closingRow[0])== "Capital" or str(closingRow[0])== "Current Liability" or str(closingRow[0])== "Loans(Liability)" or str(closingRow[0])== "Reserves")): closing_balance = -float(closingRow[2]) rollOverAccounts[acc] = closing_balance profitloss= report.xmlrpc_getBalancesheetDisplay([queryParams[1],queryParams[1],queryParams[2],"balancesheet",orgType,None],client_id) Flag = profitloss[0] netFlag = profitloss[3] netPL = '%.2f'%(float(profitloss[1])) netOpening = '%.2f'%(float(profitloss[2])) connection = dbconnect.engines[client_id].connect() Session = dbconnect.session(bind=connection) connection = dbconnect.engines[client_id].raw_connection() dbconnect.engines[client_id].execute("delete from profit_loss;") connection.commit() Session.add(dbconnect.ProfitLoss(Flag,netPL)) Session.commit() database = dbconnect.getDatabaseName([queryParams[0],financialFrom,financialTo]) try: os.system("sqlite3 /opt/abt/db/"+database+" .sch > schema") os.system("sqlite3 /opt/abt/db/"+database+" .dump > dump") os.system("grep -vxw -f schema dump > /opt/abt/db/db.dump") os.system("grep -w 'account\|subgroups\|organisation\|users\|flags\|profit_loss' /opt/abt/db/db.dump > /opt/abt/db/db_dump.dump") except: print "problem to dump database" ################################################################ connection = dbconnect.engines[client_id].raw_connection() dbconnect.engines[client_id].execute("delete from profit_loss;") connection.commit() Session.add(dbconnect.ProfitLoss(netFlag,netOpening)) Session.commit() Session.close() dbconnect.engines[client_id].dispose() del dbconnect.engines[client_id] self.client_id = self.xmlrpc_Deploy([queryParams[0],NewFinancialYear[0],NewFinancialYear[1],orgType]) print "new database is not deployed" newDatabase = dbconnect.getDatabaseName([queryParams[0],NewFinancialYear[0],NewFinancialYear[1]]) print "deployment is done and the new dbname is " + newDatabase connection = dbconnect.engines[self.client_id[1]].raw_connection() dbconnect.engines[self.client_id[1]].execute("delete from subgroups;") connection.commit() dbconnect.engines[self.client_id[1]].execute("delete from flags;") connection.commit() try: os.system("sqlite3 /opt/abt/db/"+ newDatabase+"< /opt/abt/db/db_dump.dump") for account in rollOverAccounts.keys(): connection = dbconnect.engines[self.client_id[1]].raw_connection() editStatement = 'update account set openingbalance = '+str(rollOverAccounts[account])+\ ' where accountname = "' + account + '"' dbconnect.engines[self.client_id[1]].execute(editStatement) connection.commit() queryParams.append(database) #dbname queryParams.append("1") #rollover flag # parsing abt.xml file to update rollover flag from '0' to '1' self.xmlrpc_writeToXmlFile(queryParams,"/opt/abt/abt.xml"); Session.close() except: print "in rollover exception" return "rollover"
dbconnect.Flags(None,'mandatory'),\ dbconnect.Flags(None,'automatic')\ ]) Session.commit() Session.close() connection.close() return True,self.client_id # create the instance of class abt abt = abt() groups=rpc_groups.groups() abt.putSubHandler('groups',groups) account=rpc_account.account() abt.putSubHandler('account',account) organisation = rpc_organisation.organisation() abt.putSubHandler('organisation',organisation) transaction=rpc_transaction.transaction() abt.putSubHandler('transaction',transaction) abt.putSubHandler('data',data) reports=rpc_reports.reports() abt.putSubHandler('reports',reports) user=rpc_user.user()
Session.add_all([dbconnect.Flags(None, "mandatory"), dbconnect.Flags(None, "automatic")]) Session.commit() Session.close() connection.close() return True, self.client_id # create the instance of class abt abt = abt() groups = rpc_groups.groups() abt.putSubHandler("groups", groups) account = rpc_account.account() abt.putSubHandler("account", account) organisation = rpc_organisation.organisation() abt.putSubHandler("organisation", organisation) transaction = rpc_transaction.transaction() abt.putSubHandler("transaction", transaction) data = abt.putSubHandler("data", data) reports = rpc_reports.reports() abt.putSubHandler("reports", reports) user = rpc_user.user()