Esempio n. 1
def findpackageset(hdrlist, dbPath='/'):
    ts = rpm.TransactionSet(dbPath)
    ts.setVSFlags(~(rpm.RPMVSF_NORSA | rpm.RPMVSF_NODSA | rpm.RPMVSF_NOMD5))

    pkgDict = {}

    # go through and figure out which packages in the header list are
    # actually applicable for our architecture
    pkgDict = {}
    for h in hdrlist:
        score1 = rpm.archscore(h[rpm.RPMTAG_ARCH])
        if (score1):
            name = h[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME]
            if pkgDict.has_key(name):
                score2 = rpm.archscore(pkgDict[name][rpm.RPMTAG_ARCH])
                if (score1 < score2):
                    pkgDict[name] = h
                pkgDict[name] = h
    hdlist = pkgDict.values()

    pkgDict = {}
    # loop through packages and find ones which are a newer
    # version than what we have
    for pkg in hdlist:
        mi = ts.dbMatch('name', pkg[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME])
        for h in mi:
            val = rpm.versionCompare(h, pkg)
            if (val > 0):
                #                dEBUG("found older version of %(name)s" % h)
            elif (val < 0):
                #                dEBUG("found newer version of %(name)s" % h)
                # check if we already have this package in our dictionary
                addNewPackageToUpgSet(pkgDict, pkg)
                #                dEBUG("found same verison of %(name)s" % h)

    # handle obsoletes
    for pkg in hdlist:
        if pkg[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME] in pkgDict.keys():
            #            dEBUG("%(name)s is already selected" % pkg)

        if pkg[rpm.RPMTAG_OBSOLETENAME] is not None:
            for obs in pkg[rpm.RPMTAG_OBSOLETENAME]:
                mi = ts.dbMatch('name', obs)
                # FIXME: I should really iterate over all matches and verify
                # versioned obsoletes, but nothing in Red Hat Linux uses
                # them, so I'll optimize
                for h in mi:
                    #                    dEBUG("adding %(name)s to the upgrade set for obsoletes" % pkg)
                    addNewPackageToUpgSet(pkgDict, pkg)

    return pkgDict.values()
Esempio n. 2
 def __lt__(self, other):
     rc = cmp(,
     if type(other) is RPMPackage:
         if rc == 0 and self.version != other.version:
             selfver, selfarch = splitarch(self.version)
             otherver, otherarch = splitarch(other.version)
             if selfver != otherver:
                 rc = vercmp(self.version, other.version)
             if rc == 0:
                 rc = -cmp(archscore(selfarch), archscore(otherarch))
     return rc == -1
Esempio n. 3
def comparePackagesArch(pkg1, pkg2):
    arch1 = pkg1[4]
    arch2 = pkg2[4]

    score1 = rpm.archscore(arch1)
    score2 = rpm.archscore(arch2)

    if score1 > score2:
        return 1
    if score1 < score2:
        return -1
    if score1 == score2:
        return 0
Esempio n. 4
def comparePackagesArch(pkg1, pkg2):
    arch1 = pkg1[4]
    arch2 = pkg2[4]

    score1 = rpm.archscore(arch1)
    score2 = rpm.archscore(arch2)

    if score1 > score2:
        return 1
    if score1 < score2:
        return -1
    if score1 == score2:
        return 0
Esempio n. 5
def getArchScore(arch, _sm=_SCOREMAP):
        if arch not in _sm:
            score = rpm.archscore(arch)
            _sm[arch] = score
        return _sm.get(arch, 0)
    except AttributeError:
        return 1
Esempio n. 6
def getArchScore(arch, _sm=_SCOREMAP):
        if arch not in _sm:
            score = rpm.archscore(arch)
            _sm[arch] = score
        return _sm.get(arch, 0)
    except AttributeError:
        return 1
Esempio n. 7
 def _is_compatible_arch(self, arch):
     if rpm.archscore(arch) == 0:
         # Itanium special casing.
         if self._arch == 'ia64' and re.match('i.86', arch):
             return True
             return False
         return True
Esempio n. 8
 def _is_compatible_arch(self, arch):
     if rpm.archscore(arch) == 0:
         # Itanium special casing.
         if self._arch == 'ia64' and re.match('i.86', arch):
             return True
             return False
         return True
Esempio n. 9
    def __init__(self, hdlist, compatPackages = None, noscore = 0,
                 prunePPCKernels = 1):
        self.hdlist = hdlist
	self.packages = {}
	newCompat = []
        self.hasFullHeaders = 0
	for h in hdlist:
	    name = h[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME]

            # we should only keep kernel-pseries and kernel-iseries on
            # the appropriate machine
            if prunePPCKernels and name == "kernel-pseries" and iutil.getPPCMachine() != "pSeries":
            if prunePPCKernels and name == "kernel-iseries" and iutil.getPPCMachine() != "iSeries":

            # FIXME: this is a really bad hack so that we can try to avoid
            # weirdness with kernel packages
            if prunePPCKernels and (name == "kernel-iseries" or name == "kernel-pseries"):
                self.packages["kernel"] = Package(h)
            if noscore:
                self.packages[name] = Package(h)
	    score1 = rpm.archscore(h['arch'])
	    if (score1):
		if self.packages.has_key(name):
		    score2 = rpm.archscore(self.packages[name].h['arch'])
		    if (score1 < score2):
			self.packages[name] = Package(h)
		    self.packages[name] = Package(h)
        if hdlist and not self.packages:
            raise RuntimeError, ("the header list was read, but no packages "
                                 "matching architecture '%s' were found."
                                 % os.uname()[4])

	if compatPackages != None:
Esempio n. 10
def addNewPackageToUpgSet(pkgDict, pkg):
    """Check to see if there's already a pkg by the name of pkg already
       in our dictionary.  If not, add this one.  If there is, see if
       this one is 'newer' or has a 'better' arch."""
    name = pkg[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME]
    if not pkgDict.has_key(name):
        # nope
        pkgDict[name] = pkg
        # first check version
        val = rpm.versionCompare(pkgDict[name], pkg)
        if val < 0:
            # we're newer, add this one
            pkgDict[name] = pkg
        elif val == 0:
            # same version, so check the architecture
            newscore = rpm.archscore(pkg[rpm.RPMTAG_ARCH])
            oldscore = pkgDict[name][rpm.RPMTAG_ARCH]
            if newscore and newscore < oldscore:
                # if the score is less, we're "better"
                pkgDict[name] = pkg
Esempio n. 11
def getArchScore(arch, _sm=_SCOREMAP):
    if arch not in _sm:
        score = rpm.archscore(arch)
        _sm[arch] = score
    return _sm.get(arch, 0)
Esempio n. 12
    def load(self):
        CM = self.COMPMAP
        CF = self.COMPFLAGS
        Pkg = RPMPackage
        Prv = RPMProvides
        NPrv = RPMNameProvides
        PreReq = RPMPreRequires
        Req = RPMRequires
        Obs = RPMObsoletes
        Cnf = RPMConflicts
        prog = iface.getProgress(self._cache)
        for h, offset in self.getHeaders(prog):
            if h[1106]:  # RPMTAG_SOURCEPACKAGE
            arch = h[1022]  # RPMTAG_ARCH
            if rpm.archscore(arch) == 0:

            name = h[1000]  # RPMTAG_NAME
            epoch = h[1003]  # RPMTAG_EPOCH
            if epoch and epoch != "0":
                version = "%s:%s-%s" % (epoch, h[1001], h[1002])
                version = "%s-%s" % (h[1001], h[1002])
            versionarch = "%s@%s" % (version, arch)

            n = h[1047]  # RPMTAG_PROVIDENAME
            v = h[1113]  # RPMTAG_PROVIDEVERSION
            prvdict = {}
            for i in range(len(n)):
                ni = n[i]
                if not ni.startswith("config("):
                    vi = v[i]
                    if vi and vi[:2] == "0:":
                        vi = vi[2:]
                    if ni == name and vi == version:
                        prvdict[(NPrv, intern(ni), versionarch)] = True
                        prvdict[(Prv, intern(ni), vi or None)] = True
            prvargs = prvdict.keys()

            n = h[1049]  # RPMTAG_REQUIRENAME
            if n:
                f = h[1048]  # RPMTAG_REQUIREFLAGS
                v = h[1050]  # RPMTAG_REQUIREVERSION
                reqdict = {}
                for i in range(len(n)):
                    ni = n[i]
                    if ni[:7] not in ("rpmlib(", "config("):
                        vi = v[i] or None
                        if vi and vi[:2] == "0:":
                            vi = vi[2:]
                        r = CM.get(f[i] & CF)
                        if ((r is not None and r != "=")
                                or ((Prv, ni, vi) not in prvdict)):
                            # RPMSENSE_PREREQ |
                            # RPMSENSE_SCRIPT_PRE |
                            # RPMSENSE_SCRIPT_PREUN |
                            # RPMSENSE_SCRIPT_POST |
                            # RPMSENSE_SCRIPT_POSTUN == 7744
                            reqdict[(f[i] & 7744 and PreReq
                                     or Req, intern(ni), r, vi)] = True
                reqargs = reqdict.keys()
                reqargs = None

            n = h[1054]  # RPMTAG_CONFLICTNAME
            if n:
                f = h[1053]  # RPMTAG_CONFLICTFLAGS
                # FIXME (20050321): Solaris rpm 4.1 hack
                if type(f) == int:
                    f = [f]
                v = h[1055]  # RPMTAG_CONFLICTVERSION
                cnfargs = []
                for i in range(len(n)):
                    vi = v[i] or None
                    if vi and vi[:2] == "0:":
                        vi = vi[2:]
                    cnfargs.append((Cnf, n[i], CM.get(f[i] & CF), vi))
                cnfargs = []

            obstup = (Obs, name, '<', versionarch)

            n = h[1090]  # RPMTAG_OBSOLETENAME
            if n:
                f = h[1114]  # RPMTAG_OBSOLETEFLAGS
                # FIXME (20050321): Solaris rpm 4.1 hack
                if type(f) == int:
                    f = [f]
                v = h[1115]  # RPMTAG_OBSOLETEVERSION
                upgargs = []
                for i in range(len(n)):
                    vi = v[i] or None
                    if vi and vi[:2] == "0:":
                        vi = vi[2:]
                    upgargs.append((Obs, n[i], CM.get(f[i] & CF), vi))
                upgargs = [obstup]

            pkg = self.buildPackage((Pkg, name, versionarch), prvargs, reqargs,
                                    upgargs, cnfargs)
            pkg.loaders[self] = offset
            self._offsets[offset] = pkg
            self._groups[pkg] = intern(h[rpm.RPMTAG_GROUP])
Esempio n. 13
def getArchScore(arch, _sm=_SCOREMAP):
    if arch not in _sm:
        score = rpm.archscore(arch)
        _sm[arch] = score
    return _sm.get(arch, 0)
Esempio n. 14
    def solveDep(self, unknowns, availList,
                 msgCallback = None,
                 progressCallback = None,
                 refreshCallback = None):
        self.cfg = config.initUp2dateConfig()
        self.log =  up2dateLog.initLog()
        self.log.log_me("solving dep for: %s" % unknowns)

        self.refreshCallback = refreshCallback
        self.progressCallback = progressCallback
        self.msgCallback = msgCallback
        self.availList = availList

        self.availListHash = {}
        for p in self.availList:
            if self.availListHash.has_key(tuple(p[:4])):
                self.availListHash[tuple(p[:4])] = [p]
        self.retDict = {}
                          progressCallback = self.progressCallback,
                          msgCallback = self.msgCallback)
        reslist = []

        self.depToPkg = DictOfLists()
        self.depsNotAvailable = DictOfLists()
#        self.depToPkg = {}
        #FIXME: this should be cached, I dont really need to query the db
        # for this everytime
        self.installedPkgList = rpmUtils.getInstalledPackageList(getArch=1)
        self.installedPkgHash = {}
        for pkg in self.installedPkgList:
            if self.installedPkgHash.has_key(pkg[0]):
            	self.installedPkgHash[pkg[0]] = [pkg]

        # we didnt get any results, bow out...
        if not len(self.retDict):
            return (reslist, self.depToPkg)

        newList = []
        availListNVRE = map(lambda p: p[:4], self.availList)

        failedDeps = []
        solutionPkgs = []
        pkgs = []
        for dep in self.retDict.keys():
            # skip the rest if we didnt get a result
            if len(self.retDict[dep]) == 0:

            solutions = self.retDict[dep]
            # fixme, grab the first package that satisfies the dep
            #   but make sure we match nvre against the list of avail packages
            #   so we grab the right version of the package
            # if we only get one soltution, use it. No point in jumping
            # though other hoops
            if len(solutions) == 1:
                for solution in solutions:

            # we've got more than one possible solution, do some work
            # to figure out if I want one, some, or all of them
            elif len(solutions) > 1:
                # try to install the new version of whatever arch is
                # installed
                solutionsInstalled = self.__getSolutionsInstalled(solutions)
                found = 0

                if len(solutionsInstalled):
                    for p in solutionsInstalled:
                        self.depToPkg[dep] = p
                        found = 1
                    if found:
                # we dont have any of possible solutions installed, pick one
                    # this is where we could do all sort of heuristics to pick
                    # best one. For now, grab the first one in the list thats
                    # available

                    #FIXME: we need to arch score here for multilib/kernel
                    # packages that dont have a version installed

                    # This tends to happen a lot when isntalling into
                    # empty chroots (aka, pick which of the kernels to
                    # install).

                    # ie, this is the pure heuristic approach...

                    shortest = solutions[0]
                    for solution in solutions:
                        if len(shortest[0]) > len(solution[0]):
                            shortest = solution

                    # if we get this far, its still possible that we have package
                    # that is multilib and we need to install both versions of
                    # this is a check for that...
                    if self.installedPkgHash.has_key(shortest[0]):
                        iList = self.installedPkgHash[shortest[0]]
                        for iPkg in iList:
                            if self.availListHash.has_key(tuple(shortest[:4])):
                                for i in self.availListHash[tuple(shortest[:4])]:
                                    if self.cfg['forcedArch']:
                                        arches = self.cfg['forcedArch']
                                        if i[4] in arches:
                                            self.depToPkg[dep] = i
                                        # its not the same package we have installed
                                        if iPkg[:5] != i[:5]:
                                            # this arch matches the arch of a package
                                            # installed
                                            if iPkg[4] == i[4]:
                                                self.depToPkg[dep] = i

                    # you may be asking yourself, wtf is that madness that follows?
                    # well, good question...
                    # its basically a series of kluges to work around packaging problems
                    # in RHEL-3 (depends who you ask... But basically, its packages doing
                    # stuff that was determined to be "unsupported" at the time of the
                    # initial multilib support, but packages did it later anyway

                    # Basically, what we are trying to do is pick the best arch of
                    # a package to solve a  dep. Easy enough. The tricky part is
                    # what happens when we discover the best arch is already in
                    # transation and is _not_ solving the dep, so we need to look
                    # at the next best arch. So we check to see if we added it to
                    # the list of selected packges already, and if so, add the
                    # next best arch to the set. To make it uglier, the second best
                    # arch might not be valid at all, so in that case, dont use it
                    # (which will cause an unsolved dep, but they happen...)

                    if self.availListHash.has_key(tuple(shortest[:4])):
                        avail = self.availListHash[tuple(shortest[:4])]                            
                        bestArchP = None
                        useNextBestArch = None
                        bestArchP2 = None

                        # a saner approach might be to find the applicable arches,
                        # sort them, and walk over them in order

                        # remove the items with archscore <= 0
                        app_avail = filter(lambda a: rpm.archscore(a[4]), avail)
                        # sort the items by archscore, most approriate first
                        app_avail.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(rpm.archscore(a[4]),rpm.archscore(b[4])))

                        # so, whats wrong with this bit? well, if say "" doesn't
                        # find a dep, we'll try to solve it with gnutls.i386
                        # its because "gnutls" and "" are in the same set of
                        # deps. Since gnutls.x86_64 is added for the "gnutls" dep, its in the
                        # list of already selected for 
                        for i in app_avail:
                            if i in self.selectedPkgs:
                            self.depToPkg[dep] = i
                            # we found something, stop iterating over available
                        # we found something for this dep, stop iterating

                # FIXME: in an ideal world, I could raise an exception here, but that will break the current gui
                self.depToPkg[dep] = p
                # raise UnsolvedDependencyError("Packages %s provide dep %s but are not available for install based on client config" % (pkgs,dep), dep, pkgs )

        for pkg in pkgs:
            if pkg[:4] in availListNVRE:
            reslist = newList
        # FIXME: we need to return the list of stuff that was skipped
        # because it wasn't on the available list and present it to the
        # user something like:
        # blippy-1.0-1  requires barpy-2.0-1 but barpy-3.0-1 is already isntalled
        #print "\n\nself.depsNotAvailable"
        return (reslist, self.depToPkg)
Esempio n. 15
 def handleArchEnd(self, name, attrs, data):
     if rpm.archscore(data) == 0:
         self._skip = self.PACKAGE
         self._arch = data
Esempio n. 16
    def listPackages(self, channel,
                     msgCallback = None, progressCallback = None):

        # TODO: where do we implement cache validation? guess we
        # use http header time stamps to make a best guess since we
        # dont have any real info about the file format
        # a glob used to find the old versions to cleanup

        # FIXME: this is probabaly overkill... Should only have
        # one version of any given
        globPattern = "%s/%s.*" % (self.cfg["storageDir"], channel['label'])
        oldLists = glob.glob(globPattern)
        channelTimeStamp = None
        if oldLists:
            filename = oldLists[0]
            filename = os.path.basename(filename)
            oldVersion = string.split(filename, '.')[-1]
            channelTimeStamp = time.strptime(oldVersion,"%Y%m%d%H%M%S")

        # for yum stuff, we assume that serverUrl is the base
        # path, channel is the relative path, and version isnt
        # user
        url = "%s/headers/" % (channel['url'])
        if msgCallback:
            msgCallback("Fetching %s" % url)

        # oh, this lame, but implement a fancy url fetcher later
        # heck, maybe even borrow the one from yum
        #print urlUtils
        ret = urlUtils.fetchUrl(url, lastModified=channelTimeStamp,
                                progressCallback = progressCallback,
                                agent = "Up2date %s/Yum" % up2dateUtils.version())
        if ret:
            (buffer, lmtime) = ret
            return None

        if not lmtime:
            lmtime = time.gmtime(time.time())
        version = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", lmtime)
        # use the time stamp on the headerlist as the channel "version"
        filePath = "%s/%s.%s" % (self.cfg["storageDir"], channel['label'], version)

        # it's possible to get bogus data here, so at least try not
        # to traceback
        if buffer:
            lines = string.split(buffer)
            lines = []

        # this gives us the raw yum header list, which is _not_
        # in the pretty format up2date likes, so convert it
        # and sadly, I can no longer proudly state that up2date
        # at no points attempts to parse rpm filenames into something
        # useful. At least yum includes the epoch
        pkgList = []
        # yum can have a different path for each rpm. Not exactly
        # sure how this meets the "keep it simple" idea, but alas
        self.pkgNamePath = {}
        for line in lines:
            if line == "" or line[0] == "#":
            (envra, rpmPath) = string.split(line, '=')
            rpmPath = string.strip(rpmPath)
            (epoch, name, ver, rel, arch) = self._stripENVRA(envra)
            # quite possibly need to encode channel info here as well
	    if epoch == "0" or epoch == 0:
                epoch = ""

            # hmm, if an arch doesnt apply, guess no point in
            # keeping it around, should make package lists smaller
            # and cut down on some churn
            if rpm.archscore(arch) == 0:

            self.pkgNamePath[(name,ver,rel,epoch,arch)] = rpmPath
            # doh, no size info. FIXME
            size = "1000"  # er, yeah... thats not lame at all...
            pkgList.append([name, ver, rel, epoch, arch, size, channel['label'], rpmPath])

        # now we have the package list, convert it to xmlrpc style
        # presentation and dump it
        pkgList.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a[0], b[0]))
        count = 0
        total = len(pkgList)
        rd = repoDirector.initRepoDirector()
        for pkg in pkgList:
            # were deep down in the yum specific bits, but we want to call
            # the generic getHeader to get it off disc or cache
            hdr = rd.getHeader([name,ver,rel,epoch,arch, "0",channel['label']])
            if progressCallback:
                progressCallback(count, total)
            count = count + 1

        rpmSourceUtils.saveListToDisk(pkgList, filePath, globPattern)
        self.pkglists[channel['label']] = pkgList
        return pkgList
Esempio n. 17
    def listPackages(self, channel, msgCallback=None, progressCallback=None):

        # TODO: where do we implement cache validation? guess we
        # use http header time stamps to make a best guess since we
        # dont have any real info about the file format

        # a glob used to find the old versions to cleanup

        # FIXME: this is probabaly overkill... Should only have
        # one version of any given
        globPattern = "%s/%s.*" % (self.cfg["storageDir"], channel['label'])
        oldLists = glob.glob(globPattern)
        channelTimeStamp = None
        if oldLists:
            filename = oldLists[0]
            filename = os.path.basename(filename)
            oldVersion = string.split(filename, '.')[-1]
            channelTimeStamp = time.strptime(oldVersion, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S")

        # for yum stuff, we assume that serverUrl is the base
        # path, channel is the relative path, and version isnt
        # user
        url = "%s/headers/" % (channel['url'])
        if msgCallback:
            msgCallback("Fetching %s" % url)

        # oh, this lame, but implement a fancy url fetcher later
        # heck, maybe even borrow the one from yum
        #print urlUtils

        ret = urlUtils.fetchUrl(url,
                                agent="Up2date %s/Yum" %

        if ret:
            (buffer, lmtime) = ret
            return None

        if not lmtime:
            lmtime = time.gmtime(time.time())
        version = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", lmtime)

        # use the time stamp on the headerlist as the channel "version"
        filePath = "%s/%s.%s" % (self.cfg["storageDir"], channel['label'],

        # it's possible to get bogus data here, so at least try not
        # to traceback
        if buffer:
            lines = string.split(buffer)
            lines = []

        # this gives us the raw yum header list, which is _not_
        # in the pretty format up2date likes, so convert it
        # and sadly, I can no longer proudly state that up2date
        # at no points attempts to parse rpm filenames into something
        # useful. At least yum includes the epoch
        pkgList = []
        # yum can have a different path for each rpm. Not exactly
        # sure how this meets the "keep it simple" idea, but alas
        self.pkgNamePath = {}
        for line in lines:
            if line == "" or line[0] == "#":
            (envra, rpmPath) = string.split(line, '=')
            rpmPath = string.strip(rpmPath)
            (epoch, name, ver, rel, arch) = self._stripENVRA(envra)
            # quite possibly need to encode channel info here as well
            if epoch == "0" or epoch == 0:
                epoch = ""

            # hmm, if an arch doesnt apply, guess no point in
            # keeping it around, should make package lists smaller
            # and cut down on some churn
            if rpm.archscore(arch) == 0:

            self.pkgNamePath[(name, ver, rel, epoch, arch)] = rpmPath
            # doh, no size info. FIXME
            size = "1000"  # er, yeah... thats not lame at all...
                [name, ver, rel, epoch, arch, size, channel['label'], rpmPath])

        # now we have the package list, convert it to xmlrpc style
        # presentation and dump it
        pkgList.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a[0], b[0]))

        count = 0
        total = len(pkgList)
        rd = repoDirector.initRepoDirector()

        for pkg in pkgList:
            # were deep down in the yum specific bits, but we want to call
            # the generic getHeader to get it off disc or cache

            hdr = rd.getHeader(
                [name, ver, rel, epoch, arch, "0", channel['label']])
            if progressCallback:
                progressCallback(count, total)
            count = count + 1

        rpmSourceUtils.saveListToDisk(pkgList, filePath, globPattern)
        self.pkglists[channel['label']] = pkgList
        return pkgList
Esempio n. 18
 def handleArchEnd(self, name, attrs, data):
     if rpm.archscore(data) == 0:
         self._skip = self.PACKAGE
         self._arch = data
Esempio n. 19
    def load(self):
        CM = self.COMPMAP
        CF = self.COMPFLAGS
        Pkg = RPMPackage
        Prv = RPMProvides
        NPrv = RPMNameProvides
        PreReq = RPMPreRequires
        Req = RPMRequires
        Obs = RPMObsoletes
        Cnf = RPMConflicts
        prog = iface.getProgress(self._cache)
        for h, offset in self.getHeaders(prog):
            if h[1106]: # RPMTAG_SOURCEPACKAGE
            arch = h[1022] # RPMTAG_ARCH
            if rpm.archscore(arch) == 0:

            name = h[1000] # RPMTAG_NAME
            epoch = h[1003] # RPMTAG_EPOCH
            if epoch and epoch != "0":
                version = "%s:%s-%s" % (epoch, h[1001], h[1002])
                version = "%s-%s" % (h[1001], h[1002])
            versionarch = "%s@%s" % (version, arch)

            n = h[1047] # RPMTAG_PROVIDENAME
            v = h[1113] # RPMTAG_PROVIDEVERSION
            prvdict = {}
            for i in range(len(n)):
                ni = n[i]
                if not ni.startswith("config("):
                    vi = v[i]
                    if vi and vi[:2] == "0:":
                        vi = vi[2:]
                    if ni == name and vi == version:
                        prvdict[(NPrv, intern(ni), versionarch)] = True
                        prvdict[(Prv, intern(ni), vi or None)] = True
            prvargs = prvdict.keys()

            n = h[1049] # RPMTAG_REQUIRENAME
            if n:
                f = h[1048] # RPMTAG_REQUIREFLAGS
                v = h[1050] # RPMTAG_REQUIREVERSION
                reqdict = {}
                for i in range(len(n)):
                    ni = n[i]
                    if ni[:7] not in ("rpmlib(", "config("):
                        vi = v[i] or None
                        if vi and vi[:2] == "0:":
                            vi = vi[2:]
                        r = CM.get(f[i]&CF)
                        if ((r is not None and r != "=") or
                            ((Prv, ni, vi) not in prvdict)):
                            # RPMSENSE_PREREQ |
                            # RPMSENSE_SCRIPT_PRE |
                            # RPMSENSE_SCRIPT_PREUN |
                            # RPMSENSE_SCRIPT_POST |
                            # RPMSENSE_SCRIPT_POSTUN == 7744
                            reqdict[(f[i]&7744 and PreReq or Req,
                                     intern(ni), r, vi)] = True
                reqargs = reqdict.keys()
                reqargs = None

            n = h[1054] # RPMTAG_CONFLICTNAME
            if n:
                f = h[1053] # RPMTAG_CONFLICTFLAGS
                # FIXME (20050321): Solaris rpm 4.1 hack
                if type(f) == int:
                    f = [f]
                v = h[1055] # RPMTAG_CONFLICTVERSION
                cnfargs = []
                for i in range(len(n)):
                    vi = v[i] or None
                    if vi and vi[:2] == "0:":
                        vi = vi[2:]
                    cnfargs.append((Cnf, n[i], CM.get(f[i]&CF), vi))
                cnfargs = []

            obstup = (Obs, name, '<', versionarch)

            n = h[1090] # RPMTAG_OBSOLETENAME
            if n:
                f = h[1114] # RPMTAG_OBSOLETEFLAGS
                # FIXME (20050321): Solaris rpm 4.1 hack
                if type(f) == int:
                    f = [f]
                v = h[1115] # RPMTAG_OBSOLETEVERSION
                upgargs = []
                for i in range(len(n)):
                    vi = v[i] or None
                    if vi and vi[:2] == "0:":
                        vi = vi[2:]
                    upgargs.append((Obs, n[i], CM.get(f[i]&CF), vi))
                upgargs = [obstup]

            pkg = self.buildPackage((Pkg, name, versionarch),
                                    prvargs, reqargs, upgargs, cnfargs)
            pkg.loaders[self] = offset
            self._offsets[offset] = pkg
            self._groups[pkg] = intern(h[rpm.RPMTAG_GROUP])
Esempio n. 20
    def solveDep(self,
        self.cfg = config.initUp2dateConfig()
        self.log = up2dateLog.initLog()
        self.log.log_me("solving dep for: %s" % unknowns)

        self.refreshCallback = refreshCallback
        self.progressCallback = progressCallback
        self.msgCallback = msgCallback
        self.availList = availList

        self.availListHash = {}
        for p in self.availList:
            if self.availListHash.has_key(tuple(p[:4])):
                self.availListHash[tuple(p[:4])] = [p]

        self.retDict = {}
        reslist = []

        self.depToPkg = DictOfLists()
        self.depsNotAvailable = DictOfLists()
        #        self.depToPkg = {}
        #FIXME: this should be cached, I dont really need to query the db
        # for this everytime
        self.installedPkgList = rpmUtils.getInstalledPackageList(getArch=1)
        self.installedPkgHash = {}
        for pkg in self.installedPkgList:
            if self.installedPkgHash.has_key(pkg[0]):
                self.installedPkgHash[pkg[0]] = [pkg]

        # we didnt get any results, bow out...
        if not len(self.retDict):
            return (reslist, self.depToPkg)

        newList = []
        availListNVRE = map(lambda p: p[:4], self.availList)

        failedDeps = []
        solutionPkgs = []
        pkgs = []
        for dep in self.retDict.keys():
            # skip the rest if we didnt get a result
            if len(self.retDict[dep]) == 0:

            solutions = self.retDict[dep]
            # fixme, grab the first package that satisfies the dep
            #   but make sure we match nvre against the list of avail packages
            #   so we grab the right version of the package
            # if we only get one soltution, use it. No point in jumping
            # though other hoops
            if len(solutions) == 1:
                for solution in solutions:

            # we've got more than one possible solution, do some work
            # to figure out if I want one, some, or all of them
            elif len(solutions) > 1:
                # try to install the new version of whatever arch is
                # installed
                solutionsInstalled = self.__getSolutionsInstalled(solutions)
                found = 0

                if len(solutionsInstalled):
                    for p in solutionsInstalled:
                        self.depToPkg[dep] = p
                        found = 1
                    if found:
                # we dont have any of possible solutions installed, pick one
                    # this is where we could do all sort of heuristics to pick
                    # best one. For now, grab the first one in the list thats
                    # available

                    #FIXME: we need to arch score here for multilib/kernel
                    # packages that dont have a version installed

                    # This tends to happen a lot when isntalling into
                    # empty chroots (aka, pick which of the kernels to
                    # install).

                    # ie, this is the pure heuristic approach...

                    shortest = solutions[0]
                    for solution in solutions:
                        if len(shortest[0]) > len(solution[0]):
                            shortest = solution

                    # if we get this far, its still possible that we have package
                    # that is multilib and we need to install both versions of
                    # this is a check for that...
                    if self.installedPkgHash.has_key(shortest[0]):
                        iList = self.installedPkgHash[shortest[0]]
                        for iPkg in iList:
                            if self.availListHash.has_key(tuple(shortest[:4])):
                                for i in self.availListHash[tuple(
                                    if self.cfg['forcedArch']:
                                        arches = self.cfg['forcedArch']
                                        if i[4] in arches:
                                            self.depToPkg[dep] = i
                                        # its not the same package we have installed
                                        if iPkg[:5] != i[:5]:
                                            # this arch matches the arch of a package
                                            # installed
                                            if iPkg[4] == i[4]:
                                                self.depToPkg[dep] = i

                    # you may be asking yourself, wtf is that madness that follows?
                    # well, good question...
                    # its basically a series of kluges to work around packaging problems
                    # in RHEL-3 (depends who you ask... But basically, its packages doing
                    # stuff that was determined to be "unsupported" at the time of the
                    # initial multilib support, but packages did it later anyway

                    # Basically, what we are trying to do is pick the best arch of
                    # a package to solve a  dep. Easy enough. The tricky part is
                    # what happens when we discover the best arch is already in
                    # transation and is _not_ solving the dep, so we need to look
                    # at the next best arch. So we check to see if we added it to
                    # the list of selected packges already, and if so, add the
                    # next best arch to the set. To make it uglier, the second best
                    # arch might not be valid at all, so in that case, dont use it
                    # (which will cause an unsolved dep, but they happen...)

                    if self.availListHash.has_key(tuple(shortest[:4])):
                        avail = self.availListHash[tuple(shortest[:4])]
                        bestArchP = None
                        useNextBestArch = None
                        bestArchP2 = None

                        # a saner approach might be to find the applicable arches,
                        # sort them, and walk over them in order

                        # remove the items with archscore <= 0
                        app_avail = filter(lambda a: rpm.archscore(a[4]),
                        # sort the items by archscore, most approriate first
                        app_avail.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(
                            rpm.archscore(a[4]), rpm.archscore(b[4])))

                        # so, whats wrong with this bit? well, if say "" doesn't
                        # find a dep, we'll try to solve it with gnutls.i386
                        # its because "gnutls" and "" are in the same set of
                        # deps. Since gnutls.x86_64 is added for the "gnutls" dep, its in the
                        # list of already selected for
                        for i in app_avail:
                            if i in self.selectedPkgs:
                            self.depToPkg[dep] = i
                            # we found something, stop iterating over available
                        # we found something for this dep, stop iterating

                # FIXME: in an ideal world, I could raise an exception here, but that will break the current gui
                self.depToPkg[dep] = p
                # raise UnsolvedDependencyError("Packages %s provide dep %s but are not available for install based on client config" % (pkgs,dep), dep, pkgs )

        for pkg in pkgs:
            if pkg[:4] in availListNVRE:
            reslist = newList
        # FIXME: we need to return the list of stuff that was skipped
        # because it wasn't on the available list and present it to the
        # user something like:
        # blippy-1.0-1  requires barpy-2.0-1 but barpy-3.0-1 is already isntalled
        #print "\n\nself.depsNotAvailable"
        return (reslist, self.depToPkg)