def get_lake_fraction_for_date(self, the_date=None): """ Get the lake ice cover fraction for the specified date :param the_date: :return: """ if the_date not in self.cached_data: month_date = datetime(the_date.year, the_date.month, 1) self.cached_data = {} mr = MultiRPN(self.year_month_date_to_file_list[month_date]) self.cached_data = mr.get_all_time_records_for_name_and_level(varname=self.varname, level=self.level, level_kind=self.level_kind) mr.close() # if still it is not there try looking in the previous month if the_date not in self.cached_data: month = the_date.month - 1 year = the_date.year if the_date.month == 0: month = 12 year -= 1 month_date = datetime(year, month, 1) mr = MultiRPN(self.year_month_date_to_file_list[month_date]) self.cached_data.update(mr.get_all_time_records_for_name_and_level(varname=self.varname, level=self.level, level_kind=self.level_kind)) mr.close() return self.cached_data[the_date]
def test_getting_coordinates_for_the_last_read_record_should_not_fail(): r = None try: r = MultiRPN(in_path) rec = r.get_first_record_for_name("I5") lons, lats = r.get_longitudes_and_latitudes_of_the_last_read_rec() tools.assert_equals(lons.shape, lats.shape, "Shapes of lon and lat arrays should be the same.") finally: if r is not None: r.close() delete_files()
def test_get_number_of_records(): r = None try: create_files() r = MultiRPN("test_?.rpn") msg = "Number of records should be equal to the total number in all files" tools.assert_equals(r.get_number_of_records(), len(FILE_NAMES), msg) finally: if r is not None: r.close() delete_files()
def test_can_link_many_files(nfiles=200): many_fnames = ["test_{}.rpn".format(i) for i in range(nfiles)] r = None try: create_files(fnames=many_fnames) r = MultiRPN("test_*.rpn") tools.assert_greater(r.get_number_of_records(), 0, msg="There should be more than 0 records") finally: if r is not None: r.close() delete_files(fnames=many_fnames)
def test_should_find_all_records(): r = None try: create_files() r = MultiRPN("test_?.rpn") for fn in range(len(FILE_NAMES)): rec = r.get_first_record_for_name("T{}".format(fn)) print("file {} - OK".format(fn)) print(rec.mean(), rec.shape) finally: if r is not None: r.close() delete_files()
def extract_runoff_to_nc_process(args): in_path, out_path = args if os.path.exists(out_path): print("Nothing to do for: {}".format(out_path)) return # skip files that already exist traf_name = "TRAF" tdra_name = "TDRA" r = MultiRPN(in_path) traf_data = r.get_all_time_records_for_name_and_level(varname=traf_name, level=5, level_kind=level_kinds.ARBITRARY) tdra_data = r.get_all_time_records_for_name_and_level(varname=tdra_name, level=5, level_kind=level_kinds.ARBITRARY) r.close() nx, ny = list(traf_data.items())[0][1].shape with nc.Dataset(out_path, "w", format="NETCDF3_CLASSIC") as ds: ds.createDimension("lon", nx) ds.createDimension("lat", ny) ds.createDimension("time", None) varTraf = ds.createVariable(traf_name, "f4", dimensions=("time", "lon", "lat")) varTraf.units = "kg/( m**2 * s )" varTdra = ds.createVariable(tdra_name, "f4", dimensions=("time", "lon", "lat")) varTdra.units = "kg/( m**2 * s )" timeVar = ds.createVariable("time", "f4", dimensions=("time",)) sorted_dates = list(sorted(traf_data.keys())) timeVar.units = "hours since {0}".format(sorted_dates[0]) timeVar[:] = nc.date2num(sorted_dates, timeVar.units) varTraf[:] = np.array( [traf_data[d] for d in sorted_dates] ) varTdra[:] = np.array( [tdra_data[d] for d in sorted_dates] )
def test_get_4d_field(): r = None vname = "T" try: create_files_with_same_var_for_different_times(vname=vname) r = MultiRPN("test_?.rpn") recs = r.get_4d_field(vname) msg = "Not all records for {} were found".format(vname) print(recs.keys()) tools.assert_equals(len(FILE_NAMES), len(recs), msg) finally: if r is not None: r.close() delete_files()
def test_get_list_of_varnames(): r = None vname = "T" try: create_files_with_same_var_for_different_times(vname=vname) r = MultiRPN("test_?.rpn") msg = "the list of varnames should contain {}".format(vname) vnames = r.get_list_of_varnames() tools.assert_in(vname, vnames, msg) tools.assert_equal(len(vnames), 1, "There is only one unique field name in the files") finally: if r is not None: r.close() delete_files()
def get_lake_fraction_for_date(self, the_date=None): """ Get the lake ice cover fraction for the specified date :param the_date: :return: """ if the_date not in self.cached_data: month_date = datetime(the_date.year, the_date.month, 1) self.cached_data = {} mr = MultiRPN(self.year_month_date_to_file_list[month_date]) self.cached_data = mr.get_all_time_records_for_name_and_level( varname=self.varname, level=self.level, level_kind=self.level_kind ) mr.close() # if still it is not there try looking in the previous month if the_date not in self.cached_data: month = the_date.month - 1 year = the_date.year if the_date.month == 0: month = 12 year -= 1 month_date = datetime(year, month, 1) mr = MultiRPN(self.year_month_date_to_file_list[month_date]) self.cached_data.update( mr.get_all_time_records_for_name_and_level( varname=self.varname, level=self.level, level_kind=self.level_kind ) ) mr.close() return self.cached_data[the_date]
def get_model_data(station_to_model_point, output_path=None, grid_config=None, basins_of_interest_shp="", cell_manager=None, vname=None): lons, lats, bmp = None, None, None data_mask = None monthly_diagnostics_case = False if"diagnostics"): fname_pattern = "pm*_moyenne" monthly_diagnostics_case = True else: fname_pattern = "pm*p" pattern = re.compile(".*" + 8 * "0" + ".*") flist = [f for f in glob.glob(str(output_path.joinpath("*").joinpath(fname_pattern))) if pattern.match(f) is None] r = MultiRPN(flist) date_to_field = r.get_all_time_records_for_name_and_level(varname=vname) lons, lats = r.get_longitudes_and_latitudes_of_the_last_read_rec() r.close() # get the basemap object bmp, data_mask = grid_config.get_basemap_using_shape_with_polygons_of_interest( lons, lats, shp_path=basins_of_interest_shp, mask_margin=5) station_to_model_data = {} # model data are the pandas timeseries stations_to_ignore = [] for station, model_point in station_to_model_point.items(): assert isinstance(model_point, ModelPoint) assert isinstance(cell_manager, CellManager) assert isinstance(station, cehq_station.Station) upstream_mask = cell_manager.get_mask_of_upstream_cells_connected_with_by_indices(model_point.ix, model_point.jy) # Skip model points and staions with small number of gridcells upstream if upstream_mask.sum() <= 1: stations_to_ignore.append(station) print("Station {} is ignored, because the number of upstream cells is <= 1.".format( continue # Skip model points and stations outside the region of interest if not data_mask[model_point.ix, model_point.jy]: stations_to_ignore.append(station) print("Station {} is ignored, because it is outside of the domain of interest.".format( continue # Plot station position fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.gca() lons1, lats1 = lons[upstream_mask > 0.5], lats[upstream_mask > 0.5] x1, y1 = bmp(lons1, lats1) bmp.drawrivers() bmp.drawcoastlines(ax=ax) bmp.drawcountries(ax=ax, linewidth=0.2) bmp.drawstates(linewidth=0.1) bmp.readshapefile(basins_of_interest_shp[:-4], "basin", linewidth=2, color="m") bmp.scatter(x1, y1, c="g", s=100) bmp.scatter(*bmp(lons[model_point.ix, model_point.jy], lats[model_point.ix, model_point.jy]), c="b", s=250) fig.tight_layout() plt.savefig(str(img_folder.joinpath("{}_position_and_upstream.png".format(, bbox_inche="tight") plt.close(fig) res = pd.Series(index=sorted(date_to_field.keys()), data=[date_to_field[d][model_point.ix, model_point.jy] for d in sorted(date_to_field.keys())]) # get monthly means res = res.groupby(lambda d: d.replace(day=15, hour=0)).mean() if monthly_diagnostics_case: # shift to the end of the month before a previous month, and then shift 15 days to later res = res.shift(-2, freq="M").shift(15, freq="D") print(res.index[:20]) print(res.index[-20:]) station_to_model_data[station] = res # Not enough drainage area for s in stations_to_ignore: del station_to_model_point[s] return station_to_model_data
def plot_monthly_clim_in_a_panel(months=None, diag_folder="", vname="STFL", grid_config=None, basins_of_interest_shp=""): """ Plots climatologies using diagnostics outputs, not samples :param months: :param diag_folder: :param vname: """ if months is None: months = list(range(1, 13)) diag_path = Path(diag_folder) month_to_field = OrderedDict() lons, lats, bmp = None, None, None data_mask = None for m in months: r = MultiRPN(str(diag_path.joinpath("*{:02d}".format(m)).joinpath("pm*_moyenne"))) date_to_field = r.get_all_time_records_for_name_and_level() the_mean = np.mean([f for f in date_to_field.values()], axis=0) the_mean = < 0, the_mean) month_to_field[m] = the_mean if bmp is None: lons, lats = r.get_longitudes_and_latitudes_of_the_last_read_rec() # get the basemap object bmp, data_mask = grid_config.get_basemap_using_shape_with_polygons_of_interest( lons, lats, shp_path=basins_of_interest_shp, mask_margin=5) r.close() fig = plt.figure() ncols = 3 nrows = len(months) // ncols + int(len(months) % ncols != 0) gs = GridSpec(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols + 1) xx, yy = bmp(lons, lats) clevs = [0, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 1500, 3000, 4500, 5000, 7000, 9000] bn = BoundaryNorm(clevs, len(clevs) - 1) cmap = cm.get_cmap("jet", len(clevs) - 1) for m, field in month_to_field.items(): row = (m - 1) // ncols col = (m - 1) % ncols ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[row, col]) ax.set_title(calendar.month_name[m]) to_plot =, field) im = bmp.pcolormesh(xx, yy, to_plot, norm=bn, cmap=cmap, vmin=clevs[0], vmax=clevs[-1]) bmp.colorbar(im, extend="max") bmp.readshapefile(basins_of_interest_shp[:-4], "basins", linewidth=2, color="m", ax=ax) bmp.drawcoastlines(ax=ax) plt.close(fig) # plot annual mean ann_mean = np.mean([field for m, field in month_to_field.items()], axis=0) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[:, :]) ax.set_title("Annual mean") to_plot =, ann_mean) im = bmp.pcolormesh(xx, yy, to_plot, norm=bn, cmap=cmap, vmin=clevs[0], vmax=clevs[-1]) bmp.colorbar(im, extend="max") bmp.readshapefile(basins_of_interest_shp[:-4], "basins", linewidth=2, color="m", ax=ax) bmp.drawcoastlines(ax=ax) plt.close(fig)
def main(plot_vals=False): varname = "RFAC" multiplier = 24 * 3600 data_folder = Path( "/home/huziy/skynet3_rech1/CNRCWP/Calgary_flood/atm_data_for_Arman_simulations" ) day_range = range(19, 22) dates_of_interest = [datetime(2013, 6, d) for d in day_range] img_folder = Path("calgary_flood/2D") if not img_folder.is_dir(): img_folder.mkdir(parents=True) lons, lats, bmp = None, None, None the_mask = get_bow_river_basin_mask() i_list, j_list = np.where(the_mask > 0.5) imin, imax = i_list.min() - 2, i_list.max() + 5 jmin, jmax = j_list.min() - 2, j_list.max() + 5 # Calculate daily means sim_label_to_date_to_mean = OrderedDict() for sim_dir in data_folder.iterdir(): mr = MultiRPN(str(sim_dir.joinpath("pm*"))) print(str(sim_dir)) print(mr.get_number_of_records()) label ="_")[-2].replace("NoDrain", "").replace( "frozen", "Frozen").replace("Bow", "") sim_label_to_date_to_mean[label] = OrderedDict() data = mr.get_4d_field(varname) data = { d: list(v.items())[0][1] for d, v in data.items() if in day_range } for d in dates_of_interest: sim_label_to_date_to_mean[label][d] = np.array([ field for d1, field in data.items() if == ]).mean(axis=0) * multiplier if lons is None: lons, lats = mr.get_longitudes_and_latitudes_of_the_last_read_rec() for f in sim_dir.iterdir(): if"pm"): r = RPN(str(f)) r.get_first_record_for_name(varname=varname) rll = RotatedLatLon( **r.get_proj_parameters_for_the_last_read_rec()) bmp = rll.get_basemap_object_for_lons_lats( lons2d=lons[imin:imax, jmin:jmax], lats2d=lats[imin:imax, jmin:jmax], resolution="i") r.close() break mr.close() # reorder simulations sim_label_to_date_to_mean = OrderedDict([ (k, sim_label_to_date_to_mean[k]) for k in sorted( sim_label_to_date_to_mean, key=lambda z: len(z), reverse=True) ]) key_list = [k for k in sim_label_to_date_to_mean] key_list[-2], key_list[-1] = key_list[-1], key_list[-2] sim_label_to_date_to_mean = OrderedDict([(k, sim_label_to_date_to_mean[k]) for k in key_list]) # do the plots (subplots: vertically - simulations, horizontally - days) plot_utils.apply_plot_params(width_cm=24, height_cm=28, font_size=10) fig = plt.figure() nrows = len(sim_label_to_date_to_mean) ncols = len(day_range) gs = GridSpec(nrows, ncols, wspace=0, hspace=0.1) clevs_vals = [0, 0.1, 20, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300] base_label = None clevs_diff = [1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100] clevs_diff = [-c for c in reversed(clevs_diff)] + [0] + clevs_diff cmap_diff = cm.get_cmap("bwr", len(clevs_diff) - 1) cmap_vals = get_cmap_from_ncl_spec_file( path="colormap_files/precip3_16lev.rgb", ncolors=len(clevs_vals) - 1) xx, yy = bmp(lons, lats) title = "Total runoff ({}, mm/day)".format(varname) fig.suptitle(title) for row, (sim_label, date_to_field) in enumerate(sim_label_to_date_to_mean.items()): if row == 0 or plot_vals: base_sim = OrderedDict([(k, 0) for k, v in date_to_field.items()]) base_label = sim_label plot_label = sim_label clevs = clevs_vals cmap = cmap_vals extend = "max" else: base_sim = list(sim_label_to_date_to_mean.items())[0][1] plot_label = "{}\n-\n{}".format(sim_label, base_label) clevs = clevs_diff cmap = cmap_diff extend = "both" bn = BoundaryNorm(boundaries=clevs, ncolors=len(clevs) - 1) for col, (the_date, field) in enumerate(date_to_field.items()): ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[row, col]) to_plot = < 0.5, field - base_sim[the_date]) # cs = bmp.contourf(xx[~to_plot.mask], yy[~to_plot.mask], to_plot[~to_plot.mask], levels=clevs, extend="max", tri=True) cs = bmp.pcolormesh(xx, yy, to_plot[:-1, :-1], norm=bn, vmin=clevs[0], vmax=clevs[-1], cmap=cmap) bmp.drawcoastlines(ax=ax, linewidth=0.3) assert isinstance(bmp, Basemap) bmp.readshapefile(BOW_RIVER_SHP[:-4], "basin", zorder=5) cb = bmp.colorbar(cs, ax=ax, ticks=clevs, extend=extend, pad="4%", size="10%") if plot_vals: == ncols - 1 and row == 0) else: == ncols - 1 and row in (0, 1)) if col == 0: ax.set_ylabel(plot_label) if row == 0: ax.set_title(the_date.strftime("%b %d")) if plot_vals: img_file = img_folder.joinpath("{}.png".format(varname)) else: img_file = img_folder.joinpath("{}_diff.png".format(varname)) fig.savefig(str(img_file)) plt.close(fig)
def get_area_avg_timeseries(samples_dir, start_year=-np.Inf, end_year=np.Inf, filename_prefix="pm", level=-1, level_kind=level_kinds.ARBITRARY, varname="", mask=None, mask_lons2d=None, mask_lats2d=None, file_per_var=False) -> pd.Series: """ get the timeseries of area averaged ice fraction :rtype : pd.Series """ yearly_ts = [] lons2d, lats2d = None, None samples_dir_p = Path(samples_dir) # interpolated mask interpolated_mask = None for y in range(start_year, end_year + 1): files_for_year = [] mfolders = [f for f in samples_dir_p.iterdir() if[:-2].endswith(str(y))] for mfolder in mfolders: # Select all files containing the varname in the filename if file_per_var: files_for_year += [str(f) for f in mfolder.iterdir() if varname in] else: files_for_year += [str(f) for f in mfolder.iterdir() if and[-9:-1] != "0" * 8] if len(files_for_year) == 0: continue mrpn = MultiRPN(files_for_year) data = mrpn.get_all_time_records_for_name_and_level(varname=varname, level=level, level_kind=level_kind) if lons2d is None: lons2d, lats2d = mrpn.get_longitudes_and_latitudes_of_the_last_read_rec() # interpolate the mask using nearest neighbour approach if interpolated_mask is None: xs, ys, zs = lat_lon.lon_lat_to_cartesian(mask_lons2d.flatten(), mask_lats2d.flatten()) ktree = KDTree(data=list(zip(xs, ys, zs))) xt, yt, zt = lat_lon.lon_lat_to_cartesian(lons2d.flatten(), lats2d.flatten()) dists, inds = ktree.query(list(zip(xt, yt, zt)), k=1) interpolated_mask = mask.flatten()[inds] interpolated_mask.shape = lons2d.shape for t, field in data.items(): data[t] = field[interpolated_mask].mean() tlist = [t for t in data.keys()] ser = pd.Series(index=tlist, data=[data[t] for t in tlist]) ser.sort_index(inplace=True) yearly_ts.append(ser) mrpn.close() return pd.concat(yearly_ts), lons2d, lats2d
def plot_monthly_clim_in_a_panel(months=None, diag_folder="", vname="STFL", grid_config=None, basins_of_interest_shp=""): """ Plots climatologies using diagnostics outputs, not samples :param months: :param diag_folder: :param vname: """ if months is None: months = list(range(1, 13)) diag_path = Path(diag_folder) month_to_field = OrderedDict() lons, lats, bmp = None, None, None data_mask = None for m in months: r = MultiRPN( str( diag_path.joinpath( "*{:02d}".format(m)).joinpath("pm*_moyenne"))) date_to_field = r.get_all_time_records_for_name_and_level() the_mean = np.mean([f for f in date_to_field.values()], axis=0) the_mean = < 0, the_mean) month_to_field[m] = the_mean if bmp is None: lons, lats = r.get_longitudes_and_latitudes_of_the_last_read_rec() # get the basemap object bmp, data_mask = grid_config.get_basemap_using_shape_with_polygons_of_interest( lons, lats, shp_path=basins_of_interest_shp, mask_margin=5) r.close() fig = plt.figure() ncols = 3 nrows = len(months) // ncols + int(len(months) % ncols != 0) gs = GridSpec(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols + 1) xx, yy = bmp(lons, lats) clevs = [ 0, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 1500, 3000, 4500, 5000, 7000, 9000 ] bn = BoundaryNorm(clevs, len(clevs) - 1) cmap = cm.get_cmap("jet", len(clevs) - 1) for m, field in month_to_field.items(): row = (m - 1) // ncols col = (m - 1) % ncols ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[row, col]) ax.set_title(calendar.month_name[m]) to_plot =, field) im = bmp.pcolormesh(xx, yy, to_plot, norm=bn, cmap=cmap, vmin=clevs[0], vmax=clevs[-1]) bmp.colorbar(im, extend="max") bmp.readshapefile(basins_of_interest_shp[:-4], "basins", linewidth=2, color="m", ax=ax) bmp.drawcoastlines(ax=ax) plt.close(fig) # plot annual mean ann_mean = np.mean([field for m, field in month_to_field.items()], axis=0) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[:, :]) ax.set_title("Annual mean") to_plot =, ann_mean) im = bmp.pcolormesh(xx, yy, to_plot, norm=bn, cmap=cmap, vmin=clevs[0], vmax=clevs[-1]) bmp.colorbar(im, extend="max") bmp.readshapefile(basins_of_interest_shp[:-4], "basins", linewidth=2, color="m", ax=ax) bmp.drawcoastlines(ax=ax) plt.close(fig)
def get_area_avg_timeseries(samples_dir, start_year=-np.Inf, end_year=np.Inf, filename_prefix="pm", level=-1, level_kind=level_kinds.ARBITRARY, varname="", mask=None, mask_lons2d=None, mask_lats2d=None, file_per_var=False) -> pd.Series: """ get the timeseries of area averaged ice fraction :rtype : pd.Series """ yearly_ts = [] lons2d, lats2d = None, None samples_dir_p = Path(samples_dir) # interpolated mask interpolated_mask = None for y in range(start_year, end_year + 1): files_for_year = [] mfolders = [ f for f in samples_dir_p.iterdir() if[:-2].endswith(str(y)) ] for mfolder in mfolders: # Select all files containing the varname in the filename if file_per_var: files_for_year += [ str(f) for f in mfolder.iterdir() if varname in ] else: files_for_year += [ str(f) for f in mfolder.iterdir() if and[-9:-1] != "0" * 8 ] if len(files_for_year) == 0: continue mrpn = MultiRPN(files_for_year) data = mrpn.get_all_time_records_for_name_and_level( varname=varname, level=level, level_kind=level_kind) if lons2d is None: lons2d, lats2d = mrpn.get_longitudes_and_latitudes_of_the_last_read_rec( ) # interpolate the mask using nearest neighbour approach if interpolated_mask is None: xs, ys, zs = lat_lon.lon_lat_to_cartesian(mask_lons2d.flatten(), mask_lats2d.flatten()) ktree = KDTree(data=list(zip(xs, ys, zs))) xt, yt, zt = lat_lon.lon_lat_to_cartesian(lons2d.flatten(), lats2d.flatten()) dists, inds = ktree.query(list(zip(xt, yt, zt)), k=1) interpolated_mask = mask.flatten()[inds] interpolated_mask.shape = lons2d.shape for t, field in data.items(): data[t] = field[interpolated_mask].mean() tlist = [t for t in data.keys()] ser = pd.Series(index=tlist, data=[data[t] for t in tlist]) ser.sort_index(inplace=True) yearly_ts.append(ser) mrpn.close() return pd.concat(yearly_ts), lons2d, lats2d
def main(): #path = "/RECH/data/Simulations/CRCM5/North_America/NorthAmerica_0.44deg_ERA40-Int_B1/Diagnostics/NorthAmerica_0.44deg_ERA40-Int_B1_2007{:02d}" path = "/RESCUE/skynet3_rech1/huziy/from_guillimin/new_outputs/current_climate_30_yr_sims/quebec_0.1_crcm5-hcd-rl-intfl_ITFS/Samples/quebec_crcm5-hcd-rl-intfl_1988{:02d}" months = [6, 7, 8] pm_list = [] dm_list = [] for m in months: print(path.format(m)) month_folder = path.format(m) for fn in os.listdir(month_folder): # if not fn.endswith("moyenne"): # continue if fn.startswith("pm"): pm_list.append(os.path.join(month_folder, fn)) elif fn.startswith("dm"): dm_list.append(os.path.join(month_folder, fn)) pm = MultiRPN(pm_list) dm = MultiRPN(dm_list) tsurf_mean = np.mean([ field for field in pm.get_all_time_records_for_name_and_level( varname="J8").values() ], axis=0) tair_mean = np.mean([ field for field in dm.get_all_time_records_for_name_and_level( varname="TT", level=1, level_kind=level_kinds.HYBRID).values() ], axis=0) lons, lats = pm.get_longitudes_and_latitudes_of_the_last_read_rec() projparams = pm.linked_robj_list[ 0].get_proj_parameters_for_the_last_read_rec() rll = RotatedLatLon(**projparams) bmp = rll.get_basemap_object_for_lons_lats(lons2d=lons, lats2d=lats) xx, yy = bmp(lons, lats) plt.figure() cs = bmp.contourf(xx, yy, tsurf_mean - 273.15, 40) bmp.drawcoastlines() plt.title("Tsurf") plt.colorbar() plt.figure() bmp.contourf(xx, yy, tair_mean, levels=cs.levels, norm=cs.norm, cmap=cs.cmap) bmp.drawcoastlines() plt.title("Tair") plt.colorbar() plt.figure() bmp.contourf(xx, yy, tsurf_mean - 273.15 - tair_mean, levels=np.arange(-2, 2.2, 0.2), cmap=cs.cmap) bmp.drawcoastlines() plt.title("Tsurf - Tair") plt.colorbar() pm.close() dm.close()
def main(): #path = "/RECH/data/Simulations/CRCM5/North_America/NorthAmerica_0.44deg_ERA40-Int_B1/Diagnostics/NorthAmerica_0.44deg_ERA40-Int_B1_2007{:02d}" path = "/RESCUE/skynet3_rech1/huziy/from_guillimin/new_outputs/current_climate_30_yr_sims/quebec_0.1_crcm5-hcd-rl-intfl_ITFS/Samples/quebec_crcm5-hcd-rl-intfl_1988{:02d}" months = [6, 7, 8] pm_list = [] dm_list = [] for m in months: print(path.format(m)) month_folder = path.format(m) for fn in os.listdir(month_folder): # if not fn.endswith("moyenne"): # continue if fn.startswith("pm"): pm_list.append(os.path.join(month_folder, fn)) elif fn.startswith("dm"): dm_list.append(os.path.join(month_folder, fn)) pm = MultiRPN(pm_list) dm = MultiRPN(dm_list) tsurf_mean = np.mean([field for field in pm.get_all_time_records_for_name_and_level(varname="J8").values()], axis=0) tair_mean = np.mean([field for field in dm.get_all_time_records_for_name_and_level(varname="TT", level=1, level_kind=level_kinds.HYBRID).values()], axis=0) lons, lats = pm.get_longitudes_and_latitudes_of_the_last_read_rec() projparams = pm.linked_robj_list[0].get_proj_parameters_for_the_last_read_rec() rll = RotatedLatLon(**projparams) bmp = rll.get_basemap_object_for_lons_lats(lons2d=lons, lats2d=lats) xx, yy = bmp(lons, lats) plt.figure() cs = bmp.contourf(xx, yy, tsurf_mean - 273.15, 40) bmp.drawcoastlines() plt.title("Tsurf") plt.colorbar() plt.figure() bmp.contourf(xx, yy, tair_mean, levels=cs.levels, norm=cs.norm, cmap=cs.cmap) bmp.drawcoastlines() plt.title("Tair") plt.colorbar() plt.figure() bmp.contourf(xx, yy, tsurf_mean - 273.15 - tair_mean, levels=np.arange(-2, 2.2, 0.2), cmap=cs.cmap) bmp.drawcoastlines() plt.title("Tsurf - Tair") plt.colorbar() pm.close() dm.close()
def main(plot_vals=False): varname = "RFAC" multiplier = 24 * 3600 data_folder = Path("/home/huziy/skynet3_rech1/CNRCWP/Calgary_flood/atm_data_for_Arman_simulations") day_range = range(19, 22) dates_of_interest = [datetime(2013, 6, d) for d in day_range] img_folder = Path("calgary_flood/2D") if not img_folder.is_dir(): img_folder.mkdir(parents=True) lons, lats, bmp = None, None, None the_mask = get_bow_river_basin_mask() i_list, j_list = np.where(the_mask > 0.5) imin, imax = i_list.min() - 2, i_list.max() + 5 jmin, jmax = j_list.min() - 2, j_list.max() + 5 # Calculate daily means sim_label_to_date_to_mean = OrderedDict() for sim_dir in data_folder.iterdir(): mr = MultiRPN(str(sim_dir.joinpath("pm*"))) print(str(sim_dir)) print(mr.get_number_of_records()) label ="_")[-2].replace("NoDrain", "").replace("frozen", "Frozen").replace("Bow", "") sim_label_to_date_to_mean[label] = OrderedDict() data = mr.get_4d_field(varname) data = {d: list(v.items())[0][1] for d, v in data.items() if in day_range} for d in dates_of_interest: sim_label_to_date_to_mean[label][d] = ( np.array([field for d1, field in data.items() if ==]).mean(axis=0) * multiplier ) if lons is None: lons, lats = mr.get_longitudes_and_latitudes_of_the_last_read_rec() for f in sim_dir.iterdir(): if"pm"): r = RPN(str(f)) r.get_first_record_for_name(varname=varname) rll = RotatedLatLon(**r.get_proj_parameters_for_the_last_read_rec()) bmp = rll.get_basemap_object_for_lons_lats( lons2d=lons[imin:imax, jmin:jmax], lats2d=lats[imin:imax, jmin:jmax], resolution="i" ) r.close() break mr.close() # reorder simulations sim_label_to_date_to_mean = OrderedDict( [ (k, sim_label_to_date_to_mean[k]) for k in sorted(sim_label_to_date_to_mean, key=lambda z: len(z), reverse=True) ] ) key_list = [k for k in sim_label_to_date_to_mean] key_list[-2], key_list[-1] = key_list[-1], key_list[-2] sim_label_to_date_to_mean = OrderedDict([(k, sim_label_to_date_to_mean[k]) for k in key_list]) # do the plots (subplots: vertically - simulations, horizontally - days) plot_utils.apply_plot_params(width_cm=24, height_cm=28, font_size=10) fig = plt.figure() nrows = len(sim_label_to_date_to_mean) ncols = len(day_range) gs = GridSpec(nrows, ncols, wspace=0, hspace=0.1) clevs_vals = [0, 0.1, 20, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300] base_label = None clevs_diff = [1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100] clevs_diff = [-c for c in reversed(clevs_diff)] + [0] + clevs_diff cmap_diff = cm.get_cmap("bwr", len(clevs_diff) - 1) cmap_vals = get_cmap_from_ncl_spec_file(path="colormap_files/precip3_16lev.rgb", ncolors=len(clevs_vals) - 1) xx, yy = bmp(lons, lats) title = "Total runoff ({}, mm/day)".format(varname) fig.suptitle(title) for row, (sim_label, date_to_field) in enumerate(sim_label_to_date_to_mean.items()): if row == 0 or plot_vals: base_sim = OrderedDict([(k, 0) for k, v in date_to_field.items()]) base_label = sim_label plot_label = sim_label clevs = clevs_vals cmap = cmap_vals extend = "max" else: base_sim = list(sim_label_to_date_to_mean.items())[0][1] plot_label = "{}\n-\n{}".format(sim_label, base_label) clevs = clevs_diff cmap = cmap_diff extend = "both" bn = BoundaryNorm(boundaries=clevs, ncolors=len(clevs) - 1) for col, (the_date, field) in enumerate(date_to_field.items()): ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[row, col]) to_plot = < 0.5, field - base_sim[the_date]) # cs = bmp.contourf(xx[~to_plot.mask], yy[~to_plot.mask], to_plot[~to_plot.mask], levels=clevs, extend="max", tri=True) cs = bmp.pcolormesh(xx, yy, to_plot[:-1, :-1], norm=bn, vmin=clevs[0], vmax=clevs[-1], cmap=cmap) bmp.drawcoastlines(ax=ax, linewidth=0.3) assert isinstance(bmp, Basemap) bmp.readshapefile(BOW_RIVER_SHP[:-4], "basin", zorder=5) cb = bmp.colorbar(cs, ax=ax, ticks=clevs, extend=extend, pad="4%", size="10%") if plot_vals: == ncols - 1 and row == 0) else: == ncols - 1 and row in (0, 1)) if col == 0: ax.set_ylabel(plot_label) if row == 0: ax.set_title(the_date.strftime("%b %d")) if plot_vals: img_file = img_folder.joinpath("{}.png".format(varname)) else: img_file = img_folder.joinpath("{}_diff.png".format(varname)) fig.savefig(str(img_file)) plt.close(fig)