Esempio n. 1
def to_category(category_reference, fuzzy=True):
    """ Coerces a category, category name or category id to a BuiltInCategory.

    >>> from rpw.utils.coerce import to_category
    >>> to_category('OST_Walls')
    >>> to_category('Walls')
    >>> to_category(BuiltInCategory.OST_Walls)

        cateagory_reference ([``DB.BuiltInCategory``, ``str``, ``CategoryId``]): Category Reference
                                                                                 or Name

        [``BuiltInCategory``]: BuiltInCategory
    if isinstance(category_reference, DB.BuiltInCategory):
        return category_reference
    if isinstance(category_reference, str):
        if fuzzy:
            return BicEnum.fuzzy_get(category_reference)
            return BicEnum.get(category_reference)
    if isinstance(category_reference, DB.ElementId):
        return BicEnum.from_category_id(category_reference)
    raise RpwTypeError('Category Type, Category Type Name',
Esempio n. 2
    def __new__(cls, element, **kwargs):
        Factory Constructor will chose the best Class for the Element.
        This function iterates through all classes in the rpw.db module,
        and will find one that wraps the corresponding class. If and exact
        match is not found :any:`Element` is used
        defined_wrapper_classes = rpw.db.__all__

        _revit_object_class = cls._revit_object_class

        if element is None:
            raise RpwTypeError('Element or Element Child', 'None')

        # TODO: Handle double wrapping
        if hasattr(element, 'unwrap'):
            raise RpwTypeError('revit element', 'wrapped element: {}'.format(element))

        # Ensure Wrapped Element is instance of Class Wrapper or decendent
        if not isinstance(element, _revit_object_class):
            raise RpwTypeError(_revit_object_class.__name__,

        # Ensure Wrapped Element is instance of Class Wrapper or decendent
        if not isinstance(element, _revit_object_class):
            raise RpwTypeError(_revit_object_class, element.__class__)

        # If explicit constructor was called, use that and skip discovery
        if type(element) is _revit_object_class:
            return super(Element, cls).__new__(cls, element, **kwargs)

        for wrapper_class in defined_wrapper_classes:
            class_name = wrapper_class.__name__
            if type(element) is getattr(wrapper_class, '_revit_object_class', None):
                # Found Mathing Class, Use Wrapper
                # print('Found Mathing Class, Use Wrapper: {}'.format(class_name))
                return super(Element, cls).__new__(wrapper_class, element, **kwargs)
            # Could Not find a Matching Class, Use Element if related
            return super(Element, cls).__new__(cls, element, **kwargs)

        # No early return. Should not reach this point
        element_class_name = element.__class__.__name__
        raise RpwException('Factory does not support type: {}'.format(element_class_name))
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, parameter):
        """ Parameter Wrapper Constructor

            DB.Parameter: Parameter to be wrapped

            Parameter: Wrapped Parameter Class
        if not isinstance(parameter, DB.Parameter):
            raise RpwTypeError(DB.Parameter, type(parameter))
        super(Parameter, self).__init__(parameter)
Esempio n. 4
def to_element(element_reference, doc=revit.doc):
    if isinstance(element_reference, DB.ElementId):
        element = doc.GetElement(element_reference)
    elif isinstance(element_reference, DB.Reference):
        element = doc.GetElement(element_reference)
    elif isinstance(element_reference, int):
        element = doc.GetElement(DB.ElementId(element_reference))
    elif isinstance(element_reference, DB.Element):
        element = element_reference
        raise RpwTypeError('Element, ElementId, or int', type(element_reference))
    return element
Esempio n. 5
    def __new__(cls, element, **kwargs):
        Factory Constructor will chose the best Class for the Element.
        This function iterates through all classes in the rpw.db module,
        and will find one that wraps the corresponding class. If and exact
        match is not found :any:`Element` is used
        defined_wrapper_classes = inspect.getmembers(rpw.db, inspect.isclass)
        # [('Area', '<class Area>'), ... ]

        _revit_object_class = cls._revit_object_class

        if element is None:
            raise RpwTypeError('Element or Element Child', 'None')

        # Ensure Wrapped Element is instance of Class Wrapper or decendent
        # Must also check is element because isinstance(Element, Element) is False
        if not isinstance(element, _revit_object_class):
            #    or cls is not Element:
            raise RpwTypeError(_revit_object_class, type(element))

        # rpw.ui.forms.Console()
        for class_name, wrapper_class in defined_wrapper_classes:
            if type(element) is getattr(wrapper_class, '_revit_object_class',
                # Found Mathing Class, Use Wrapper
                # print('Found Mathing Class, Use Wrapper: {}'.format(class_name))
                return super(Element, cls).__new__(wrapper_class, element,
                # new_obj._revit_object = element
                # return new_object
            # Could Not find a Matching Class, Use Element if related
            # print('Did not find a Matching Class, will use Element if related')
            if DB.Element in inspect.getmro(element.__class__):
                return super(Element, cls).__new__(cls, element, **kwargs)
        element_class_name = element.__class__.__name__
        raise RpwException(
            'Factory does not support type: {}'.format(element_class_name))
Esempio n. 6
    def __new__(cls, element, **kwargs):
        Factory Constructor will chose the best Class for the Element.
        This function iterates through all classes in the rpw.db module,
        and will find one that wraps the corresponding class. If and exact
        match is not found :any:`Element` is used
        defined_wrapper_classes = rpw.db.__all__

        _revit_object_class = cls._revit_object_class

        if element is None:
            raise RpwTypeError('Element or Element Child', 'None')

        # Ensure Wrapped Element is instance of Class Wrapper or decendent
        # Must also check is element because isinstance(Element, Element) is False
        if not isinstance(element, _revit_object_class):
            # or cls is not Element:
            raise RpwTypeError('DB.Element child', element.__class__.__name__)

        # TODO: OPtimize so if its right type, no need to iterate: rpw.db.Wall(wall)
        for wrapper_class in defined_wrapper_classes:
            class_name = wrapper_class.__name__
            if type(element) is getattr(wrapper_class, '_revit_object_class',
                # Found Mathing Class, Use Wrapper
                # print('Found Mathing Class, Use Wrapper: {}'.format(class_name))
                return super(Element, cls).__new__(wrapper_class, element,
            # Could Not find a Matching Class, Use Element if related
            if DB.Element in inspect.getmro(element.__class__):
                return super(Element, cls).__new__(cls, element, **kwargs)

        # No early return. Should not reach this point
        element_class_name = element.__class__.__name__
        raise RpwException(
            'Factory does not support type: {}'.format(element_class_name))
Esempio n. 7
def to_element_id(element_reference):
    if hasattr(element_reference, 'Id'):
        element_id = element_reference.Id
    elif isinstance(element_reference, DB.Reference):
        element_id = element_reference.ElementId
    elif isinstance(element_reference, int):
        element_id = DB.ElementId(element_reference)
    elif isinstance(element_reference, DB.ElementId):
        element_id = element_reference
    elif element_reference == DB.ElementId.InvalidElementId:
        element_id = element_reference
        raise RpwTypeError('Element, ElementId, or int', type(element_reference))
    return element_id
Esempio n. 8
    def __init__(self, revit_object, enforce_type=True):
        Child classes can use self._revit_object to refer back to Revit Element

            Any Wrapper that inherits and overrides __init__ class MUST
            super to ensure _revit_object is created by calling super().__init__
            BaseObjectWrapper must define a class variable _revit_object_class
            to define the object being wrapped.
        _revit_object_class = self.__class__._revit_object_class

        if enforce_type and not isinstance(revit_object, _revit_object_class):
            raise RpwTypeError(_revit_object_class, type(revit_object))

        object.__setattr__(self, '_revit_object', revit_object)
Esempio n. 9
def to_element(element_reference, doc=revit.doc):
    """ Same as to_elements but for a single object """
    if isinstance(element_reference, DB.Element):
        element = element_reference
    elif isinstance(element_reference, DB.ElementId):
        element = doc.GetElement(element_reference)
    elif isinstance(element_reference, DB.Reference):
        element = doc.GetElement(element_reference)
    elif isinstance(element_reference, int):
        element = doc.GetElement(DB.ElementId(element_reference))
    elif hasattr(element_reference, 'unwrap'):
        element = element_reference.unwrap()
        raise RpwTypeError('Element, ElementId, or int',
    return element
Esempio n. 10
def to_class(class_reference):
    """ Coerces a class or class reference to a Class.

    >>> from rpw.utils.coerce import to_class
    >>> to_class('Wall')
    [ DB.Wall ]
    >>> to_class(Wall)
    [ DB.Wall ]

        class_reference ([``DB.Wall``, ``str``]): Class Reference or class name

        [``type``]: Class
    if isinstance(class_reference, str):
        return getattr(DB, class_reference)
    if isinstance(class_reference, type):
        return class_reference
    raise RpwTypeError('Class Type, Class Type Name', type(class_reference))
Esempio n. 11
def to_element_id(element_reference):
    Coerces Element References (Element, ElementId, ...) to Element Id

    >>> from rpw.utils.coerce import to_element_id
    >>> to_element_id(SomeElement)
    <Element Id>

    if hasattr(element_reference, 'Id'):
        element_id = element_reference.Id
    elif isinstance(element_reference, DB.Reference):
        element_id = element_reference.ElementId
    elif isinstance(element_reference, int):
        element_id = DB.ElementId(element_reference)
    elif isinstance(element_reference, DB.ElementId):
        element_id = element_reference
    elif element_reference == DB.ElementId.InvalidElementId:
        element_id = element_reference
        raise RpwTypeError('Element, ElementId, or int',
    return element_id