Esempio n. 1
    def waitForFile(self, filename: str, timeout: int = 0) -> Optional[str]:
        Wait for a specific filename to be created in the directory specified in initFileNotifier.
            filename: Name of File to watch for creation of. If filename includes a path it must 
                match that specified in initFileNotifier.
            timeout: Max number of seconds to watch for the file creation. If timeout expires
                before the file is created then None will be returned
            The filename of the created file (same as input arg) or None if timeout expires
        _filedir, _filename = os.path.split(filename)
        if _filedir in (None, ''):
            filename = os.path.join(self.watchDir, filename)
        elif _filedir != self.watchDir:
            raise StateError(
                f"FileWatcher: file path doesn't match watch directory: {_filedir}, {self.watchDir}"

        fileExists = os.path.exists(filename)
        if not fileExists:
            if self.notify_thread is None:
                raise FileNotFoundError(
                    "No fileNotifier and dicom file not found %s" % (filename))
                logStr = "FileWatcher: Waiting for file {}, timeout {}s ".format(
                    filename, timeout)
                logging.log(DebugLevels.L6, logStr)
        eventLoopCount = 0
        exitWithFileEvent = False
        eventTimeStamp = 0
        startTime = time.time()
        timeToCheckForFile = time.time(
        ) + 1  # check if file exists at least every second
        while not fileExists:
            if timeout > 0 and time.time() > (startTime + timeout):
                return None
            # look for file creation event
            eventLoopCount += 1
                eventfile, ts = self.fileNotifyQ.get(block=True, timeout=1.0)
            except Empty:
                # The timeout occured on fileNotifyQ.get()
                fileExists = os.path.exists(filename)
            if eventfile is None:
                raise StateError('waitForFile: eventfile is None')
            # We may have a stale event from a previous file if multiple events
            #   are created per file or if the previous file eventloop
            #   timed out and then the event arrived later.
            if eventfile == filename:
                fileExists = True
                exitWithFileEvent = True
                eventTimeStamp = ts
            if time.time() > timeToCheckForFile:
                # periodically check if file exists, can occur if we get
                #   swamped with unrelated events
                fileExists = os.path.exists(filename)
                timeToCheckForFile = time.time() + 1
        if exitWithFileEvent is False:
            # We didn't get a file-close event because the file already existed.
            # Check the file size and sleep up to 300 ms waitig for full size
            waitIncrement = 0.1
            totalWriteWait = 0.0
            fileSize = os.path.getsize(filename)
            while fileSize < self.minFileSize and totalWriteWait < 0.3:
                totalWriteWait += waitIncrement
                fileSize = os.path.getsize(filename)
            "File avail: eventLoopCount %d, fileEventCaptured %s, "
            "fileName %s, eventTimeStamp %d", eventLoopCount,
            exitWithFileEvent, filename, eventTimeStamp)
        if self.demoStep is not None and self.demoStep > 0:
            self.prevEventTime = demoDelay(self.demoStep, self.prevEventTime)
        return filename
Esempio n. 2
    def waitForFile(self, specificFileName, timeout=0):
        fileExists = os.path.exists(specificFileName)
        if not fileExists:
            if is None:
                raise FileNotFoundError(
                    "No fileNotifier and dicom file not found %s" %
                logStr = "FileWatcher: Waiting for file {}, timeout {}s ".format(
                    specificFileName, timeout)
                logging.log(DebugLevels.L6, logStr)
        eventLoopCount = 0
        exitWithFileEvent = False
        eventTimeStamp = 0
        startTime = time.time()
        timeToCheckForFile = time.time(
        ) + 1  # check if file exists at least every second
        while not fileExists:
            if timeout > 0 and time.time() > (startTime + timeout):
                return None
            # look for file creation event
            eventLoopCount += 1
                event, ts = self.fileNotifyQ.get(block=True, timeout=1.0)
            except Empty as err:
                # The timeout occured on fileNotifyQ.get()
                fileExists = os.path.exists(specificFileName)
            if event is None:
                raise StateError('waitForFile: event is None')
            # We may have a stale event from a previous file if multiple events
            #   are created per file or if the previous file eventloop
            #   timed out and then the event arrived later.
            if event.src_path == specificFileName:
                fileExists = True
                exitWithFileEvent = True
                eventTimeStamp = ts
            if time.time() > timeToCheckForFile:
                # periodically check if file exists, can occur if we get
                #   swamped with unrelated events
                fileExists = os.path.exists(specificFileName)
                timeToCheckForFile = time.time() + 1

        # wait for the full file to be written, wait at most 300 ms
        waitIncrement = 0.1
        totalWriteWait = 0.0
        fileSize = os.path.getsize(specificFileName)
        while fileSize < self.minFileSize and totalWriteWait < 0.3:
            totalWriteWait += waitIncrement
            fileSize = os.path.getsize(specificFileName)
            "File avail: eventLoopCount %d, writeWaitTime %.3f, "
            "fileEventCaptured %s, fileName %s, eventTimeStamp %.5f",
            eventLoopCount, totalWriteWait, exitWithFileEvent,
            specificFileName, eventTimeStamp)
        if self.demoStep is not None and self.demoStep > 0:
            self.prevEventTime = demoDelay(self.demoStep, self.prevEventTime)
        return specificFileName