Esempio n. 1
    def refresh_state_in_ec(self, ec_index):
        '''Get the up-to-date state of the component in an execution context.

        This function will update the state, rather than using the cached
        value. This may take time, if the component is executing on a remote

        @param ec_index The index of the execution context to check the state
                        in. This index is into the total array of contexts,
                        that is both owned and participating contexts. If the
                        value of ec_index is greater than the length of @ref
                        owned_ecs, that length is subtracted from ec_index and
                        the result used as an index into @ref

        with self._mutex:
            if ec_index >= len(self.owned_ecs):
                ec_index -= len(self.owned_ecs)
                if ec_index >= len(self.participating_ecs):
                    raise exceptions.BadECIndexError(ec_index)
                state = self._get_ec_state(self.participating_ecs[ec_index])
                self.participating_ec_states[ec_index] = state
                state = self._get_ec_state(self.owned_ecs[ec_index])
                self.owned_ec_states[ec_index] = state
            return state
Esempio n. 2
 def _set_state_in_ec(self, ec_handle, state):
     # Forcefully set the state of this component in an EC
     with self._mutex:
         if ec_handle >= len(self.owned_ecs):
             ec_handle -= len(self.owned_ecs)
             if ec_handle >= len(self.participating_ecs):
                 raise exceptions.BadECIndexError(ec_handle)
             self.participating_ec_states[ec_handle] = state
             self.owned_ec_states[ec_handle] = state
     # Call callbacks outside the mutex
     self._call_cb('rtc_status', (ec_handle, state))
Esempio n. 3
    def state_in_ec(self, ec_index):
        '''Get the state of the component in an execution context.

        @param ec_index The index of the execution context to check the state
                        in. This index is into the total array of contexts,
                        that is both owned and participating contexts. If the
                        value of ec_index is greater than the length of @ref
                        owned_ecs, that length is subtracted from ec_index and
                        the result used as an index into @ref

        with self._mutex:
            if ec_index >= len(self.owned_ecs):
                ec_index -= len(self.owned_ecs)
                if ec_index >= len(self.participating_ecs):
                    raise exceptions.BadECIndexError(ec_index)
                return self.participating_ec_states[ec_index]
                return self.owned_ec_states[ec_index]
Esempio n. 4
    def get_state_in_ec_string(self, ec_index, add_colour=True):
        '''Get the state of the component in an execution context as a string.

        @param ec_index The index of the execution context to check the state
                        in. This index is into the total array of contexts,
                        that is both owned and participating contexts. If the
                        value of ec_index is greater than the length of @ref
                        owned_ecs, that length is subtracted from ec_index and
                        the result used as an index into @ref

        with self._mutex:
            if ec_index >= len(self.owned_ecs):
                ec_index -= len(self.owned_ecs)
                if ec_index >= len(self.participating_ecs):
                    raise exceptions.BadECIndexError(ec_index)
                state = self.participating_ec_states[ec_index]
                state = self.owned_ec_states[ec_index]
        if state == self.INACTIVE:
            result = 'Inactive', ['bold', 'blue']
        elif state == self.ACTIVE:
            result = 'Active', ['bold', 'green']
        elif state == self.ERROR:
            result = 'Error', ['bold', 'white', 'bgred']
        elif state == self.UNKNOWN:
            result = 'Unknown', ['bold', 'red']
        elif state == self.CREATED:
            result = 'Created', ['reset']
        if add_colour:
            return utils.build_attr_string(result[1], supported=add_colour) + \
                    result[0] + utils.build_attr_string('reset',
            return result[0]