def __init__(self, exp: Experiment, model: Optional[TransformerNMT] = None, optim: str = 'ADAM', model_factory=TransformerNMT.make_model, **optim_args): super().__init__(exp, model, model_factory=model_factory, optim=optim, **optim_args) trainer_args = self.exp.config.get('trainer', {}).get('init_args', {}) chunk_size = trainer_args.get('chunk_size', -1) self.grad_accum_interval = trainer_args.get('grad_accum', 1) assert self.grad_accum_interval > 0 if self.n_gpus > 1: # Multi GPU mode raise Exception( f"Please use: python -m rtg.distrib.launch -G {self.n_gpus} \n " f" or set single GPU by: export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 ") generator = self.core_model.generator if not chunk_size or chunk_size < 1: self.loss_func = SimpleLossFunction(generator=generator, criterion=self.criterion, opt=self.opt) else:"Using Chunked Loss Generator. chunk_size={chunk_size}") self.loss_func = ChunkedLossCompute(generator=generator, criterion=self.criterion, opt=self.opt, chunk_size=chunk_size)
def write_tsv(data, out): count = 0 for src_seq, tgt_seq in data: src_seq, tgt_seq = ' '.join(map(str, src_seq)), ' '.join(map(str, tgt_seq)) out.write(f'{src_seq}\t{tgt_seq}\n') count += 1"Wrote {count} records")
def _make_vocab(self, name: str, vocab_file: Path, model_type: str, vocab_size: int, corpus: List, no_split_toks: List[str] = None, char_coverage=0) -> Field: if vocab_file.exists(): f"{vocab_file} exists. Skipping the {name} vocab creation") return self.Field(str(vocab_file)) with log_resources(f"create vocab {name}"): flat_uniq_corpus = set( ) # remove dupes, flat the nested list or sets for i in corpus: if isinstance(i, set) or isinstance(i, list): flat_uniq_corpus.update(i) else: flat_uniq_corpus.add(i) with spark_session(config=self.spark_conf) as spark: flat_uniq_corpus = list(flat_uniq_corpus) f"Going to build {name} vocab from {len(flat_uniq_corpus)} files " ) return self.Field.train(model_type, vocab_size, str(vocab_file), flat_uniq_corpus, no_split_toks=no_split_toks, char_coverage=char_coverage, spark=spark)
def make_model(cls, src_vocab, tgt_vocab, n_layers=6, hid_size=512, ff_size=2048, n_heads=8, attn_dropout=0.1, dropout=0.1, activation='relu', tied_emb='three-way', plug_mode='cat_attn', exp: Experiment = None): """ Helper: Construct a model from hyper parameters." :return: model, args """ assert plug_mode in {'cat_attn', 'add_attn', 'cat_emb'} # get all args for reconstruction at a later phase _, _, _, args = inspect.getargvalues(inspect.currentframe()) for exclusion in ['cls', 'exp']: del args[exclusion] # exclude some args # In case you are wondering, why I didnt use **kwargs here: # these args are read from conf file where user can introduce errors, so the parameter # validation and default value assignment is implicitly done by function call for us :)"making mtfmnmt model: {args}") c = copy.deepcopy attn = MultiHeadedAttention(n_heads, hid_size, dropout=attn_dropout) ff = PositionwiseFeedForward(hid_size, ff_size, dropout, activation=activation) enc_layer = EncoderLayer(hid_size, c(attn), c(ff), dropout) encoder = Encoder(enc_layer, n_layers) # clones n times src_emb = nn.Sequential(Embeddings(hid_size, src_vocab), PositionalEncoding(hid_size, dropout)) if plug_mode == 'cat_emb': tgt_emb = nn.Sequential(MEmbeddings(hid_size, tgt_vocab), PositionalEncoding(hid_size, dropout)) decoder = c( encoder ) # decoder is same as encoder, except embeddings have concat else: dec_block = DecoderBlock(hid_size, dropout, mode=plug_mode) dec_layer = MDecoderLayer(hid_size, c(attn), c(dec_block), c(ff), dropout) decoder = MDecoder(dec_layer, n_layers) tgt_emb = nn.Sequential(Embeddings(hid_size, tgt_vocab), PositionalEncoding(hid_size, dropout)) generator = Generator(hid_size, tgt_vocab) model = cls(encoder, decoder, src_emb, tgt_emb, generator) if tied_emb: model.tie_embeddings(tied_emb) model.init_params() return model, args
def __init__(self, models: List[Path], exp: Union[Path, TranslationExperiment], lr: float = 1e-4, smoothing=0.1): if isinstance(exp, Path): exp = TranslationExperiment(exp) self.w_file = exp.work_dir / f'combo-weights.yml' wt = None if self.w_file.exists(): with IO.reader(self.w_file) as rdr: combo_spec = yaml.load(rdr) weights = combo_spec['weights'] assert len(weights) == len( models) # same models as before: no messing allowed model_path_strs = [str(m) for m in models] for m in model_path_strs: assert m in weights, f'{m} not found in weights file.' wt = [weights[str(m)] for m in model_path_strs]"restoring previously stored weights {wt}") from rtg.module.decoder import load_models combo = Combo(load_models(models, exp), model_paths=models, w=wt) self.combo = self.exp = exp self.optim = torch.optim.Adam(combo.parameters(), lr=lr) self.criterion = LabelSmoothing(vocab_size=combo.vocab_size, padding_idx=PAD_TOK_IDX, smoothing=smoothing)
def map_rows(cls, src, dest, mapping): skips = 0 for dest_idx, src_idx in mapping.items(): if dest_idx < 0 or src_idx < 0: skips += 1 dest[dest_idx] = src[src_idx]"Mapped rows. Total skips = {skips}")
def read_bitext(spark, src_file: Union[str, Path], tgt_file: Union[str, Path], src_name='src_raw', tgt_name='tgt_raw') -> Tuple[DataFrame, int]: if not isinstance(src_file, str): src_file = str(src_file) if not isinstance(tgt_file, str): tgt_file = str(tgt_file) src_df ='value', src_name) tgt_df ='value', tgt_name) n_src, n_tgt = src_df.count(), tgt_df.count() assert n_src == n_tgt, f'{n_src} == {n_tgt} ?'"Found {n_src:,} parallel records in {src_file, tgt_file}") def with_idx(sdf): new_schema = StructType(sdf.schema.fields + [ StructField("idx", LongType(), False), ]) return sdf.rdd.zipWithIndex().map(lambda row: row[0] + (row[1], )).toDF(schema=new_schema) src_df = with_idx(src_df) tgt_df = with_idx(tgt_df) bitext_df = src_df.join(tgt_df, 'idx', "inner") # n_bitext = bitext_df.count() # assert n_bitext == n_src, f'{n_bitext} == {n_src} ??' return bitext_df, n_src
def main(): args = parse_args() seed = args.pop("seed") if seed:"Seed for random number generator: {seed}") import random import torch random.seed(seed) torch.manual_seed(seed) work_dir = Path(args.pop('work_dir')) is_big = load_conf(work_dir / 'conf.yml').get('spark', {}) if is_big:"Big experiment mode enabled; checking pyspark backend") try: import pyspark except: log.warning("unable to import pyspark. Please do 'pip install pyspark' and run again") raise from rtg.big.exp import BigTranslationExperiment exp = BigTranslationExperiment(work_dir=work_dir) else: exp = Experiment(work_dir=work_dir) assert exp.has_prepared(), f'Experiment dir {exp.work_dir} is not ready to train. ' \ f'Please run "prep" sub task' exp.train(args)
def write_df(self, df, table_name: str, mode="overwrite"): f"writing dataframe to {self.url}; table={table_name} mode={mode}") return (df.write.mode(mode).format("jdbc").option( "url", self.url).option("dbtable", table_name).option( "driver", "org.postgresql.Driver").save())
def _make_vocab(self, name: str, vocab_file: Path, model_type: str, vocab_size: int, corpus: List, no_split_toks: List[str] = None) -> Field: """ Construct vocabulary file :param name: name : src, tgt or shared -- for the sake of logging :param vocab_file: where to save the vocab file :param model_type: sentence piece model type :param vocab_size: max types in vocab :param corpus: as the name says, list of files from which the vocab should be learned :param no_split_toks: tokens that needs to be preserved from splitting, or added :return: """ if vocab_file.exists(): f"{vocab_file} exists. Skipping the {name} vocab creation") return Field(str(vocab_file)) flat_uniq_corpus = set() # remove dupes, flat the nested list or sets for i in corpus: if isinstance(i, set) or isinstance(i, list): flat_uniq_corpus.update(i) else: flat_uniq_corpus.add(i)"Going to build {name} vocab from mono files") return Field.train(model_type, vocab_size, str(vocab_file), flat_uniq_corpus, no_split_toks=no_split_toks)
def make_model(cls, src_vocab, tgt_vocab, enc_layers=6, hid_size=512, ff_size=2048, enc_heads=8, dropout=0.1, tied_emb='three-way', dec_rnn_type: str = 'LSTM', dec_layers: int = 1, exp: Experiment = None): """ Helper: Construct a model from hyper parameters." :return: model, args """ # get all args for reconstruction at a later phase _, _, _, args = inspect.getargvalues(inspect.currentframe()) for exclusion in ['cls', 'exp']: del args[exclusion] # exclude some args"making hybridmt model: {args}") c = copy.deepcopy attn = MultiHeadedAttention(enc_heads, hid_size) ff = PositionwiseFeedForward(hid_size, ff_size, dropout) enc_layer = EncoderLayer(hid_size, c(attn), c(ff), dropout) encoder = Encoder(enc_layer, enc_layers) # clones n times src_emb = nn.Sequential(Embeddings(hid_size, src_vocab), PositionalEncoding(hid_size, dropout)) decoder = RnnDecoder(rnn_type=dec_rnn_type, hid_size=hid_size, n_layers=dec_layers, dropout=dropout) tgt_emb = Embeddings(hid_size, tgt_vocab) generator = Generator(hid_size, tgt_vocab) model = cls(encoder, decoder, src_emb, tgt_emb, generator) if tied_emb: model.tie_embeddings(tied_emb) model.init_params() return model, args
def train(self, steps: int, check_point: int, batch_size: int, check_pt_callback: Optional[Callable] = None, side='tgt', ctx_size=2, **args):"using side={side}, ctx_size={ctx_size}") reader = DataReader(self.exp, side=side) rem_steps = steps - self.start_step if rem_steps <= 0: log.warning(f"Already trained upto {self.start_step-1}. Skipped") return train_data = reader.get_training_data(batch_size=batch_size, n_batches=rem_steps, ctx_size=ctx_size) val_data = reader.get_val_data(batch_size=batch_size, ctx_size=ctx_size) train_loss, n = 0.0, 0 def _make_checkpt(step, train_loss): with torch.no_grad(): val_loss = self.run_valid_epoch(val_data)"Checkpoint at {step}") self.save_embeddings(step, train_loss, val_loss, txt=True) self.tbd.add_scalars('losses', { 'training': train_loss, 'valid_loss': val_loss }, global_step=step) with tqdm(train_data, initial=self.start_step, total=rem_steps + 1, unit='batch', dynamic_ncols=True) as data_bar: for i, (xs, ys) in enumerate(data_bar, start=self.start_step): self.model.zero_grad() xs, ys =, log_probs = self.model(xs) loss = self.loss_func(log_probs, ys) self.tbd.add_scalars('training', { 'step_loss': loss.item(), 'learn_rate': self.opt.curr_lr }, self.opt.curr_step) progress_msg = f', loss={loss:g} LR={self.opt.curr_lr:g}' data_bar.set_postfix_str(progress_msg, refresh=False) train_loss += loss.item() n += len(ys) loss.backward() self.opt.step() self.opt.zero_grad() if i > 0 and i % check_point == 0: _make_checkpt(i, train_loss / n) train_loss, n = 0.0, 0 if n > 0: _make_checkpt(steps, train_loss / n)
def _make_checkpt(step, train_loss): with torch.no_grad(): val_loss = self.run_valid_epoch(val_data)"Checkpoint at {step}") self.save_embeddings(step, train_loss, val_loss, txt=True) self.tbd.add_scalars('losses', {'training': train_loss, 'valid_loss': val_loss}, global_step=step)
def enable_fp16(self): if not self.fp16: # conditional import self.fp16 = True self._scaler = GradScaler(enabled=self.fp16)"Enabling FP16 /Automatic Mixed Precision training") else: log.warning(" fp16 is already enabled")
def __init__(self, data_path: Union[str, Path], batch_size: int, sort_desc: bool = False, batch_first: bool = True, shuffle: bool = False, sort_by: str = None, **kwargs): """ Iterator for reading training data in batches :param data_path: path to TSV file :param batch_size: number of tokens on the target size per batch :param sort_desc: should the batch be sorted by src sequence len (useful for RNN api) """ self.sort_desc = sort_desc self.batch_size = batch_size self.batch_first = batch_first self.sort_by = sort_by if not isinstance(data_path, Path): data_path = Path(data_path) if".db"): = SqliteFile(data_path, sort_by=sort_by, **kwargs) else: if sort_by: raise Exception( f'sort_by={sort_by} not supported for TSV data') = TSVData(data_path, shuffle=shuffle, longest_first=False, **kwargs)'Batch Size = {batch_size} toks, sort_by={sort_by}')
def __init__(self, path: Path, sort_by='random', len_rand=2, max_src_len: int = 512, max_tgt_len: int = 512, truncate: bool = False):"{type(self)} Args: {get_my_args()}") self.path = path assert path.exists() self.select_qry = self.make_query(sort_by, len_rand=len_rand) self.max_src_len, self.max_tgt_len = max_src_len, max_tgt_len self.truncate = truncate self.db = sqlite3.connect(str(path)) def dict_factory(cursor, row): # map tuples to dictionary with column names d = {} for idx, col in enumerate(cursor.description): key = col[0] val = row[idx] if key in ('x', 'y') and val is not None: val = pickle.loads(val) # unmarshall d[key] = val return d self.db.row_factory = dict_factory
def __init__(self, path: Path, sort_by='random', len_rand=2, max_src_len: int = 512, max_tgt_len: int = 512, truncate: bool = False):"{type(self)} Args: {get_my_args()}") self.path = path assert path.exists() self.select_qry = self.make_query(sort_by, len_rand=len_rand) self.max_src_len, self.max_tgt_len = max_src_len, max_tgt_len self.truncate = truncate self.db = sqlite3.connect(str(path)) self.db_version = self.db.execute('PRAGMA user_version;').fetchone()[0] def dict_factory(cursor, row): # map tuples to dictionary with column names d = {} for idx, col in enumerate(cursor.description): key = col[0] val = row[idx] if key in ('x', 'y') and val is not None: if self.db_version < 1: val = pickle.loads(val) # unmarshall val = np.array(val, dtype=np.int32) else: # version 1 and above val = np.frombuffer(val, dtype=np.int32) d[key] = val return d self.db.row_factory = dict_factory
def get_train_data(self, batch_size: int, steps: int = 0, sort_by='eq_len_rand_batch', batch_first=True, shuffle=False, fine_tune=False): inp_file = self.train_db if self.train_db.exists() else self.train_file if fine_tune: if not self.finetune_file.exists(): # user may have added fine tune file later self._pre_process_parallel('finetune_src', 'finetune_tgt', self.finetune_file)"Using Fine tuning corpus instead of training corpus") inp_file = self.finetune_file train_data = BatchIterable(inp_file, batch_size=batch_size, sort_by=sort_by, batch_first=batch_first, shuffle=shuffle, **self._get_batch_args()) if steps > 0: train_data = LoopingIterable(train_data, steps) return train_data
def write(cls, path, records: Iterator[ParallelSeqRecord]): if path.exists(): log.warning(f"Overwriting {path} with new records") os.remove(str(path)) maybe_tmp = IO.maybe_tmpfs(path)'Creating {maybe_tmp}') conn = sqlite3.connect(str(maybe_tmp)) cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(cls.TABLE_STATEMENT) cur.execute(cls.INDEX_X_LEN) cur.execute(cls.INDEX_Y_LEN) cur.execute(f"PRAGMA user_version = {cls.CUR_VERSION};") count = 0 for x_seq, y_seq in records: # use numpy. its a lot efficient if not isinstance(x_seq, np.ndarray): x_seq = np.array(x_seq, dtype=np.int32) if y_seq is not None and not isinstance(y_seq, np.ndarray): y_seq = np.array(y_seq, dtype=np.int32) values = (x_seq.tobytes(), None if y_seq is None else y_seq.tobytes(), len(x_seq), len(y_seq) if y_seq is not None else -1) cur.execute(cls.INSERT_STMT, values) count += 1 cur.close() conn.commit() if maybe_tmp != path: # bring the file back to original location where it should be IO.copy_file(maybe_tmp, path)"stored {count} rows in {path}")
def make_model(cls, src_vocab, tgt_vocab, enc_layers=6, dec_layers=6, hid_size=512, ff_size=2048, n_heads=8, attn_bias=True, attn_dropout=0.1, dropout=0.2, activation='relu', enc_depth_probs: List[float] = (1.0, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5), dec_depth_probs: List[float] = (1.0, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5), tied_emb='three-way', exp: Experiment = None): """Helper: Construct a model from hyper parameters.""" assert len(enc_depth_probs) == enc_layers assert len(dec_depth_probs) == dec_layers # get all args for reconstruction at a later phase args = get_my_args(exclusions=['cls', 'exp']) assert activation in {'relu', 'elu', 'gelu'}"Make model, Args={args}") c = copy.deepcopy attn = tfm.MultiHeadedAttention(n_heads, hid_size, dropout=attn_dropout, bias=attn_bias) ff = tfm.PositionwiseFeedForward(hid_size, ff_size, dropout, activation=activation) if enc_layers == 0: log.warning("Zero encoder layers!") encoder = SkipEncoder( tfm.EncoderLayer(hid_size, c(attn), c(ff), dropout), enc_layers, enc_depth_probs) assert dec_layers > 0 decoder = SkipDecoder( tfm.DecoderLayer(hid_size, c(attn), c(attn), c(ff), dropout), dec_layers, dec_depth_probs) src_emb = nn.Sequential(tfm.Embeddings(hid_size, src_vocab), tfm.PositionalEncoding(hid_size, dropout)) tgt_emb = nn.Sequential(tfm.Embeddings(hid_size, tgt_vocab), tfm.PositionalEncoding(hid_size, dropout)) generator = tfm.Generator(hid_size, tgt_vocab) model = cls(encoder, decoder, src_emb, tgt_emb, generator) if tied_emb: model.tie_embeddings(tied_emb) model.init_params() return model, args
def new(cls, exp: Experiment, model=None, gen_args=None, model_paths: Optional[List[str]] = None, ensemble: int = 1, model_type: Optional[str] = None): """ create a new decoder :param exp: experiment :param model: Optional pre initialized model :param gen_args: any optional args needed for generator :param model_paths: optional model paths :param ensemble: number of models to use for ensembling (if model is not specified) :param model_type: model_type ; when not specified, model_type will be read from experiment :return: """ if not model_type: model_type = exp.model_type if model is None: factory = factories[model_type] model = factory(exp=exp, **exp.model_args)[0] state = cls.maybe_ensemble_state(exp, model_paths=model_paths, ensemble=ensemble) model.load_state_dict(state)"Successfully restored the model state.") elif isinstance(model, nn.DataParallel): model = model.module model = model.eval().to(device=device) generator = generators[model_type] return cls(model, generator, exp, gen_args)
def make_model(cls, vocab_size, n_layers=6, hid_size=512, ff_size=2048, n_heads=8, dropout=0.1, tied_emb=True, exp: Experiment = None): # get all args for reconstruction at a later phase _, _, _, args = inspect.getargvalues(inspect.currentframe()) for exclusion in ['cls', 'exp']: del args[exclusion] # exclude some args # In case you are wondering, why I didnt use **kwargs here: # these args are read from conf file where user can introduce errors, so the parameter # validation and default value assignment is implicitly done by function call for us :) c = copy.deepcopy attn = MultiHeadedAttention(n_heads, hid_size) ff = PositionwiseFeedForward(hid_size, ff_size, dropout) dec_layer = LMDecoderLayer(hid_size, c(attn), c(ff), dropout) decoder = LMDecoder(dec_layer, n_layers) embedr = nn.Sequential(Embeddings(hid_size, vocab_size), PositionalEncoding(hid_size, dropout)) generator = Generator(hid_size, vocab_size) model = TfmLm(decoder, embedr, generator) if tied_emb: "Tying the embedding weights, two ways: (TgtIn == TgtOut)") model.generator.proj.weight = model.embed[0].lut.weight model.init_params() return model, args
def maybe_ensemble_state(exp, model_paths: Optional[List[str]], ensemble: int = 1): if model_paths and len(model_paths) == 1:" Restoring state from requested model {model_paths[0]}") return Decoder._checkpt_to_model_state(model_paths[0]) elif not model_paths and ensemble <= 1: model_path, _ = exp.get_best_known_model()" Restoring state from best known model: {model_path}") return Decoder._checkpt_to_model_state(model_path) else: if not model_paths: # Average model_paths = exp.list_models()[:ensemble] digest = hashlib.md5(";".join( str(p) for p in model_paths).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() cache_file = exp.model_dir / f'avg_state{len(model_paths)}_{digest}.pkl' lock_file = cache_file.with_suffix('.lock') MAX_TIMEOUT = 12 * 60 * 60 # 12 hours with portalocker.Lock(lock_file, 'w', timeout=MAX_TIMEOUT) as fh: # check if downloaded by other parallel process if lock_file.exists() and cache_file.exists():"Cache exists: reading from {cache_file}") state = Decoder._checkpt_to_model_state(cache_file) else: f"Averaging {len(model_paths)} model states :: {model_paths}" ) state = Decoder.average_states(model_paths) if len(model_paths) > 1:"Caching the averaged state at {cache_file}"), str(cache_file)) return state
def init_src_embedding(self, weights):"Initializing source embeddings")"Embedding matrix object ids: " f" src_inp: {id(self.src_embed[0]}" f" tgt_inp: {id(self.tgt_embed[0]} " f" tgt_out: {id(}") assert weights.shape == self.src_embed[0].lut.weight.shape self.src_embed[0]
def new(self, parameters, lr=0.001, **args): f"Creating {self.value} optimizer with lr={lr} and extra args:{args}" ) f" {self.value}, default arguments {inspect.signature(self.value)}" ) return self.value(parameters, lr=lr, **args)
def __test_seq2seq_model__(): """ batch_size = 4 p = '/Users/tg/work/me/rtg/saral/runs/1S-rnn-basic' exp = Experiment(p) steps = 3000 check_pt = 100 trainer = SteppedRNNNMTTrainer(exp=exp, lr=0.01, warmup_steps=100) trainer.train(steps=steps, check_point=check_pt, batch_size=batch_size) """ from rtg.dummy import DummyExperiment from rtg.module.decoder import Decoder vocab_size = 50 batch_size = 30 exp = DummyExperiment("", config={'model_type': 'seq' '2seq'}, read_only=True, vocab_size=vocab_size) emb_size = 100 model_dim = 100 steps = 3000 check_pt = 100 assert 2 == Batch.bos_val src = tensor([[4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13], [13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4]]) src_lens = tensor([src.size(1)] * src.size(0)) for reverse in (False, ): # train two models; # first, just copy the numbers, i.e. y = x # second, reverse the numbers y=(V + reserved - x)"====== REVERSE={reverse}; VOCAB={vocab_size}======") model, args = RNNMT.make_model('DummyA', 'DummyB', vocab_size, vocab_size, attention='dot', emb_size=emb_size, hid_size=model_dim, n_layers=1) trainer = SteppedRNNMTTrainer(exp=exp, model=model, lr=0.01, warmup_steps=100) decr =, model) def check_pt_callback(**args): res = decr.greedy_decode(src, src_lens, max_len=17) for score, seq in res:'{score:.4f} :: {seq}') trainer.train(steps=steps, check_point=check_pt, batch_size=batch_size, check_pt_callback=check_pt_callback)
def make_model( cls, src_vocab, tgt_vocab, enc_layers=6, dec_layers=6, hid_size=512, n_heads=8, attn_dropout=0.1, dropout=0.2, activation='relu', eff_dims: List[int] = (1024, 1024, 2048, 2048, 1024, 1024), # Using tuple for immutability dff_dims: List[int] = (1024, 1024, 2048, 2048, 1024, 1024), tied_emb='three-way', exp: Experiment = None): """Helper: Construct a model from hyper parameters.""" assert enc_layers == len(eff_dims) assert dec_layers == len(dff_dims) # get all args for reconstruction at a later phase args = get_my_args(exclusions=['cls', 'exp']) assert activation in {'relu', 'elu', 'gelu'}"Make model, Args={args}") if enc_layers == 0: log.warning("Zero encoder layers!") encoder = WidthVaryingEncoder(d_model=hid_size, ff_dims=eff_dims, N=enc_layers, n_heads=n_heads, attn_dropout=attn_dropout, dropout=dropout, activation=activation) assert dec_layers > 0 decoder = WidthVaryingDecoder(d_model=hid_size, ff_dims=dff_dims, N=dec_layers, n_heads=n_heads, attn_dropout=attn_dropout, dropout=dropout, activation=activation) src_emb = nn.Sequential(Embeddings(hid_size, src_vocab), PositionalEncoding(hid_size, dropout)) tgt_emb = nn.Sequential(Embeddings(hid_size, tgt_vocab), PositionalEncoding(hid_size, dropout)) generator = Generator(hid_size, tgt_vocab) model = cls(encoder, decoder, src_emb, tgt_emb, generator) if tied_emb: model.tie_embeddings(tied_emb) model.init_params() return model, args
def from_lines(cls, lines: Iterator[str], batch_size: int, vocab: Field, sort=True, max_src_len=0, max_len_buffer=0): """ Note: this changes the order based on sequence length if sort=True :param lines: stream of input lines :param batch_size: number of tokens in batch :param vocab: Field to use for mapping word pieces to ids :param sort: sort based on descending order of length :param max_src_len : truncate at length ; 0 disables this :return: stream of DecoderBatches """"Tokenizing sequences") buffer = [] for i, line in enumerate(lines): line = line.strip() if not line: log.warning( f"line {i + 1} was empty. inserting a dot (.). " f"Empty lines are problematic when you want line-by-line alignment..." ) line = "." cols = line.split('\t') id, ref = None, None if len(cols) == 1: # SRC src = cols[0] elif len(cols) == 2: # ID \t SRC id, src = cols else: # ID \t SRC \t REF id, src, ref = cols[:3] seq = vocab.encode_as_ids(src, add_eos=True, add_bos=False) if max_src_len > 0 and len(seq) > max_src_len: log.warning( f"Line {i} full length={len(seq)} ; truncated to {max_src_len}" ) seq = seq[:max_src_len] buffer.append((i, src, ref, seq, id)) # idx, src, ref, seq, id if sort:"Sorting based on the length. total = {len(buffer)}") buffer = sorted(buffer, reverse=True, key=lambda x: len(x[3])) # sort by length of seq batch = cls() batch.max_len_buffer = max_len_buffer for idx, src, ref, seq, _id in buffer: batch.add(idx=idx, src=src, ref=ref, seq=seq, id=_id) if batch.padded_tok_count >= batch_size: yield batch batch = cls() batch.max_len_buffer = max_len_buffer if batch.line_count > 0: yield batch
def load_models(models: List[Path], exp: Experiment): res = [] for i, model_path in enumerate(models): assert model_path.exists()"Load Model {i}: {model_path} ") chkpt = torch.load(str(model_path), map_location=device) model = instantiate_model(chkpt) res.append(model) return res
def start(self): if self.init_flag.exists():"Going to start db") run_command(self.start_cmd, fail_on_error=True) else:"Going to set up db") for cmd in self.setup_seq: run_command(cmd_line=cmd, fail_on_error=True) self.init_flag.touch()