Esempio n. 1
    def get_rse_by_country(self, institute=None, institute_country=None):
        This function returns a site based on the user's institute and institute country.
        If institute = '' the user no longer belong to CMS Experiment. This part is now
        handled by the mapping algorithm, with assigns to these kind of users a default
        policy, called TestPolicy. It can be removed.
        if not institute:
            return None

        # TODO: Should have multiple countries in the institute policy and have a default per country like FNAL
        if institute_country == 'US':
            with open('config_institute_policy.json') as institutes_per_rse:
                rses_by_country = json.load(institutes_per_rse)

            institutes_by_country = rses_by_country[institute_country]

            # Can uncomment to go back to using Test RSEs. Better to use a different JSON file
            rucio_rses = [r['rse'] for r in self.client.list_rses()]
            for rse_key, institutes_val in institutes_by_country.items():
                rse = rse_key  # Not needed anymore + '_Test'
                if institute in institutes_val:
                    if rse not in rucio_rses:
                        raise RSENotFound('RSE %s not found' % rse)
                    return rse
            return u'T3_US_FNALLPC'  # This last return should not be hardcoded! Needs to be obtained from the JSON file
        else:  # for other policies
Esempio n. 2
def get_rses_to_process(rses, include_rses, exclude_rses, vos):
    Return the list of RSEs to process based on rses, include_rses and exclude_rses

    :param rses:               List of RSEs the reaper should work against. If empty, it considers all RSEs.
    :param exclude_rses:       RSE expression to exclude RSEs from the Reaper.
    :param include_rses:       RSE expression to include RSEs.
    :param vos:                VOs on which to look for RSEs. Only used in multi-VO mode.
                               If None, we either use all VOs if run from "def",

    :returns: A list of RSEs to process
    multi_vo = config_get_bool('common', 'multi_vo', raise_exception=False, default=False)
    if not multi_vo:
        if vos:
            logging.log(logging.WARNING, 'Ignoring argument vos, this is only applicable in a multi-VO setup.')
        vos = ['def']
        if vos:
            invalid = set(vos) - set([v['vo'] for v in list_vos()])
            if invalid:
                msg = 'VO{} {} cannot be found'.format('s' if len(invalid) > 1 else '', ', '.join([repr(v) for v in invalid]))
                raise VONotFound(msg)
            vos = [v['vo'] for v in list_vos()]
        logging.log(logging.INFO, 'Reaper: This instance will work on VO%s: %s' % ('s' if len(vos) > 1 else '', ', '.join([v for v in vos])))

    cache_key = 'rses_to_process'
    if multi_vo:
        cache_key += '@%s' % '-'.join(vo for vo in vos)
    result = REGION.get(cache_key)
    if result is not NO_VALUE:
        return result

    all_rses = []
    for vo in vos:
        all_rses.extend(list_rses(filters={'vo': vo}))

    if rses:
        invalid = set(rses) - set([rse['rse'] for rse in all_rses])
        if invalid:
            msg = 'RSE{} {} cannot be found'.format('s' if len(invalid) > 1 else '',
                                                    ', '.join([repr(rse) for rse in invalid]))
            raise RSENotFound(msg)
        rses = [rse for rse in all_rses if rse['rse'] in rses]
        rses = all_rses

    if include_rses:
        included_rses = parse_expression(include_rses)
        rses = [rse for rse in rses if rse in included_rses]

    if exclude_rses:
        excluded_rses = parse_expression(exclude_rses)
        rses = [rse for rse in rses if rse not in excluded_rses]

    REGION.set(cache_key, rses)
    logging.log(logging.INFO, 'Reaper: This instance will work on RSEs: %s', ', '.join([rse['rse'] for rse in rses]))
    return rses
Esempio n. 3
def get_rses_to_process(rses, include_rses, exclude_rses):
    Return the list of RSEs to process based on rses, include_rses and exclude_rses

    :param rses:               List of RSEs the reaper should work against. If empty, it considers all RSEs.
    :param exclude_rses:       RSE expression to exclude RSEs from the Reaper.
    :param include_rses:       RSE expression to include RSEs.

    :returns: A list of RSEs to process
    result = REGION.get('rses_to_process')
    if result is not NO_VALUE:
        return result

    all_rses = list_rses()

    if rses:
        if config_get_bool('common',
                'Ignoring argument rses, this is only available in a single-VO setup. Please try an RSE Expression with include_rses if it is required.'
            rses = all_rses
            invalid = set(rses) - set([rse['rse'] for rse in all_rses])
            if invalid:
                msg = 'RSE{} {} cannot be found'.format(
                    's' if len(invalid) > 1 else '',
                    ', '.join([repr(rse) for rse in invalid]))
                raise RSENotFound(msg)
            rses = [rse for rse in all_rses if rse['rse'] in rses]
        rses = all_rses

    if include_rses:
        included_rses = parse_expression(include_rses)
        rses = [rse for rse in rses if rse in included_rses]

    if exclude_rses:
        excluded_rses = parse_expression(exclude_rses)
        rses = [rse for rse in rses if rse not in excluded_rses]

    REGION.set('rses_to_process', rses)'Reaper: This instance will work on RSEs: %s',
                 ', '.join([rse['rse'] for rse in rses]))
    return rses
Esempio n. 4
def get_rses_to_process(rses, include_rses, exclude_rses):
    Return the list of RSEs to process based on rses, include_rses and exclude_rses

    :param rses:               List of RSEs the reaper should work against. If empty, it considers all RSEs.
    :param exclude_rses:       RSE expression to exclude RSEs from the Reaper.
    :param include_rses:       RSE expression to include RSEs.

    :returns: A list of RSEs to process
    result = REGION.get('rses_to_process')
    if result is not NO_VALUE:
        return result

    all_rses = list_rses()
    if rses:
        invalid = set(rses) - set([rse['rse'] for rse in all_rses])
        if invalid:
            msg = 'RSE{} {} cannot be found'.format(
                's' if len(invalid) > 1 else '',
                ', '.join([repr(rse) for rse in invalid]))
            raise RSENotFound(msg)
        rses = [rse for rse in all_rses if rse['rse'] in rses]
        rses = all_rses

    if include_rses:
        included_rses = parse_expression(include_rses)
        rses = [rse for rse in rses if rse in included_rses]

    if exclude_rses:
        excluded_rses = parse_expression(exclude_rses)
        rses = [rse for rse in rses if rse not in excluded_rses]

    REGION.set('rses_to_process', rses)'Reaper: This instance will work on RSEs: %s',
                 ', '.join([rse['rse'] for rse in rses]))
    return rses
Esempio n. 5
def run(total_workers=1, chunk_size=100, threads_per_worker=None, once=False, greedy=False, rses=[], scheme=None, exclude_rses=None, include_rses=None, vos=None, delay_seconds=0):
    Starts up the reaper threads.

    :param total_workers: The total number of workers.
    :param chunk_size: the size of chunk for deletion.
    :param threads_per_worker: Total number of threads created by each worker.
    :param once: If True, only runs one iteration of the main loop.
    :param greedy: If True, delete right away replicas with tombstone.
    :param rses: List of RSEs the reaper should work against. If empty, it considers all RSEs.
    :param scheme: Force the reaper to use a particular protocol/scheme, e.g., mock.
    :param exclude_rses: RSE expression to exclude RSEs from the Reaper.
    :param include_rses: RSE expression to include RSEs.
    :param vos: VOs on which to look for RSEs. Only used in multi-VO mode.
                If None, we either use all VOs if run from "def", or the current VO otherwise.
    if rucio.db.sqla.util.is_old_db():
        raise DatabaseException('Database was not updated, daemon won\'t start')'Reaper1 daemon will be deprecated and replaced by reaper2 with Rucio release 1.25 (~March 2021)!')'main: starting processes')

    multi_vo = config_get_bool('common', 'multi_vo', raise_exception=False, default=False)
    if not multi_vo:
        if vos:
            logging.warning('Ignoring argument vos, this is only applicable in a multi-VO setup.')
        vos = ['def']
        if vos:
            invalid = set(vos) - set([v['vo'] for v in list_vos()])
            if invalid:
                msg = 'VO{} {} cannot be found'.format('s' if len(invalid) > 1 else '', ', '.join([repr(v) for v in invalid]))
                raise VONotFound(msg)
            vos = [v['vo'] for v in list_vos()]'Reaper: This instance will work on VO%s: %s' % ('s' if len(vos) > 1 else '', ', '.join([v for v in vos])))

    all_rses = []
    for vo in vos:
        all_rses.extend(rse_core.list_rses(filters={'vo': vo}))

    if rses:
        invalid = set(rses) - set([rse['rse'] for rse in all_rses])
        if invalid:
            msg = 'RSE{} {} cannot be found'.format('s' if len(invalid) > 1 else '',
                                                    ', '.join([repr(rse) for rse in invalid]))
            raise RSENotFound(msg)
        rses = [rse for rse in all_rses if rse['rse'] in rses]
        rses = all_rses

    if exclude_rses:
        excluded_rses = parse_expression(exclude_rses)
        rses = [rse for rse in rses if rse not in excluded_rses]

    if include_rses:
        included_rses = parse_expression(include_rses)
        rses = [rse for rse in rses if rse in included_rses]

    if not rses:
        logging.error('Reaper: No RSEs found. Exiting.')
        return'Reaper: This instance will work on RSEs: ' + ', '.join([rse['rse'] for rse in rses]))

    threads = []
    nb_rses_per_worker = int(math.ceil(len(rses) / float(total_workers))) or 1
    rses = random.sample(rses, len(rses))
    for worker in range(total_workers):
        for child in range(threads_per_worker or 1):
            rses_list = rses[worker * nb_rses_per_worker: worker * nb_rses_per_worker + nb_rses_per_worker]
            if not rses_list:
                logging.warning('Reaper: Empty RSEs list for worker %(worker)s' % locals())
            kwargs = {'worker_number': worker,
                      'child_number': child,
                      'total_children': threads_per_worker or 1,
                      'once': once,
                      'chunk_size': chunk_size,
                      'greedy': greedy,
                      'rses': rses_list,
                      'delay_seconds': delay_seconds,
                      'scheme': scheme}
            threads.append(threading.Thread(target=reaper, kwargs=kwargs, name='Worker: %s, child: %s' % (worker, child)))
    [t.start() for t in threads]
    while threads[0].is_alive():
        [t.join(timeout=3.14) for t in threads]
Esempio n. 6
def run(total_workers=1, chunk_size=100, once=False, rses=[], scheme=None,
        exclude_rses=None, include_rses=None, vos=None, delay_seconds=0):
    Starts up the reaper threads.

    :param total_workers: The total number of workers.
    :param chunk_size: the size of chunk for deletion.
    :param once: If True, only runs one iteration of the main loop.
    :param rses: List of RSEs the reaper should work against. If empty, it considers all RSEs. (Single-VO only)
    :param scheme: Force the reaper to use a particular protocol/scheme, e.g., mock.
    :param exclude_rses: RSE expression to exclude RSEs from the Reaper.
    :param include_rses: RSE expression to include RSEs.
    :param vos: VOs on which to look for RSEs. Only used in multi-VO mode.
                If None, we either use all VOs if run from "def", or the current VO otherwise.

    if rucio.db.sqla.util.is_old_db():
        raise DatabaseException('Database was not updated, daemon won\'t start')'main: starting processes')

    multi_vo = config_get_bool('common', 'multi_vo', raise_exception=False, default=False)
    if not multi_vo:
        if vos:
            logging.warning('Ignoring argument vos, this is only applicable in a multi-VO setup.')
        vos = ['def']
        if vos:
            invalid = set(vos) - set([v['vo'] for v in list_vos()])
            if invalid:
                msg = 'VO{} {} cannot be found'.format('s' if len(invalid) > 1 else '', ', '.join([repr(v) for v in invalid]))
                raise VONotFound(msg)
            vos = [v['vo'] for v in list_vos()]'Light Reaper: This instance will work on VO%s: %s' % ('s' if len(vos) > 1 else '', ', '.join([v for v in vos])))

    all_rses = []
    for vo in vos:
        all_rses.extend(rse_core.list_rses(filters={'vo': vo}))

    if rses:
        invalid = set(rses) - set([rse['rse'] for rse in all_rses])
        if invalid:
            msg = 'RSE{} {} cannot be found'.format('s' if len(invalid) > 1 else '',
                                                    ', '.join([repr(rse) for rse in invalid]))
            raise RSENotFound(msg)
        rses = [rse for rse in all_rses if rse['rse'] in rses]
        rses = all_rses

    if exclude_rses:
        excluded_rses = parse_expression(exclude_rses)
        rses = [rse for rse in rses if rse not in excluded_rses]

    if include_rses:
        included_rses = parse_expression(include_rses)
        rses = [rse for rse in rses if rse in included_rses]

    if not rses:
        logging.error('Light Reaper: No RSEs found. Exiting.')

    threads = []
    for worker in range(total_workers):
        kwargs = {'worker_number': worker,
                  'total_workers': total_workers,
                  'rses': rses,
                  'once': once,
                  'chunk_size': chunk_size,
                  'scheme': scheme}
        threads.append(threading.Thread(target=reaper, kwargs=kwargs, name='Worker: %s, Total_Workers: %s' % (worker, total_workers)))
    [t.start() for t in threads]
    while threads[0].is_alive():
        [t.join(timeout=3.14) for t in threads]
Esempio n. 7
def run(threads=1,
    Starts up the reaper threads.

    :param threads:            The total number of workers.
    :param chunk_size:         The size of chunk for deletion.
    :param threads_per_worker: Total number of threads created by each worker.
    :param once:               If True, only runs one iteration of the main loop.
    :param greedy:             If True, delete right away replicas with tombstone.
    :param rses:               List of RSEs the reaper should work against. If empty, it considers all RSEs.
    :param scheme:             Force the reaper to use a particular protocol/scheme, e.g., mock.
    :param exclude_rses:       RSE expression to exclude RSEs from the Reaper.
    :param include_rses:       RSE expression to include RSEs.
    :param delay_seconds:      The delay to query replicas in BEING_DELETED state.
    :param sleep_time:         Time between two cycles.
    """'main: starting processes')

    all_rses = list_rses()

    if rses:
        invalid = set(rses) - set([rse['rse'] for rse in all_rses])
        if invalid:
            msg = 'RSE{} {} cannot be found'.format(
                's' if len(invalid) > 1 else '',
                ', '.join([repr(rse) for rse in invalid]))
            raise RSENotFound(msg)
        rses = [rse for rse in all_rses if rse['rse'] in rses]
        rses = all_rses

    if include_rses:
        included_rses = parse_expression(include_rses)
        rses = [rse for rse in rses if rse in included_rses]

    if exclude_rses:
        excluded_rses = parse_expression(exclude_rses)
        rses = [rse for rse in rses if rse not in excluded_rses]

    if not rses:
        logging.error('Reaper: No RSEs found. Exiting.')
        return'Reaper: This instance will work on RSEs: %s',
                 ', '.join([rse['rse'] for rse in rses]))'starting reaper threads')
    threads_list = [
                             'once': once,
                             'rses': rses,
                             'chunk_size': chunk_size,
                             'greedy': greedy,
                             'sleep_time': sleep_time,
                             'delay_seconds': delay_seconds,
                             'scheme': scheme
                         }) for _ in range(0, threads)

    for thread in threads_list:
        thread.start()'waiting for interrupts')

    # To populate the cache

    # Interruptible joins require a timeout.
    while threads_list:
        threads_list = [
            thread.join(timeout=3.14) for thread in threads_list
            if thread and thread.isAlive()
Esempio n. 8
def run(total_workers=1,
    Starts up the reaper threads.

    :param total_workers: The total number of workers.
    :param chunk_size: the size of chunk for deletion.
    :param threads_per_worker: Total number of threads created by each worker.
    :param once: If True, only runs one iteration of the main loop.
    :param greedy: If True, delete right away replicas with tombstone.
    :param rses: List of RSEs the reaper should work against. If empty, it considers all RSEs.
    :param scheme: Force the reaper to use a particular protocol/scheme, e.g., mock.
    :param exclude_rses: RSE expression to exclude RSEs from the Reaper.
    :param include_rses: RSE expression to include RSEs.
    """'main: starting processes')

    all_rses = rse_core.list_rses()
    if rses:
        invalid = set(rses) - set([rse['rse'] for rse in all_rses])
        if invalid:
            msg = 'RSE{} {} cannot be found'.format(
                's' if len(invalid) > 1 else '',
                ', '.join([repr(rse) for rse in invalid]))
            raise RSENotFound(msg)
        rses = [rse for rse in all_rses if rse['rse'] in rses]
        rses = all_rses

    if exclude_rses:
        excluded_rses = parse_expression(exclude_rses)
        rses = [rse for rse in rses if rse not in excluded_rses]

    if include_rses:
        included_rses = parse_expression(include_rses)
        rses = [rse for rse in rses if rse in included_rses]

    if not rses:
        logging.error('Reaper: No RSEs found. Exiting.')
        return'Reaper: This instance will work on RSEs: ' +
                 ', '.join([rse['rse'] for rse in rses]))

    threads = []
    nb_rses_per_worker = int(math.ceil(len(rses) / float(total_workers))) or 1
    rses = random.sample(rses, len(rses))
    for worker in range(total_workers):
        for child in range(threads_per_worker or 1):
            rses_list = rses[worker *
                             nb_rses_per_worker:worker * nb_rses_per_worker +
            if not rses_list:
                    'Reaper: Empty RSEs list for worker %(worker)s' % locals())
            kwargs = {
                'worker_number': worker,
                'child_number': child + 1,
                'total_children': threads_per_worker or 1,
                'once': once,
                'chunk_size': chunk_size,
                'greedy': greedy,
                'rses': rses_list,
                'delay_seconds': delay_seconds,
                'scheme': scheme
                                 name='Worker: %s, child: %s' %
                                 (worker, child + 1)))
    [t.start() for t in threads]
    while threads[0].is_alive():
        [t.join(timeout=3.14) for t in threads]