Esempio n. 1
def list_subscription_rule_states(name=None, account=None):
    """Returns a list of with the number of rules per state for a subscription.

    :param name: Name of the subscription
    :param account: Account identifier
    :param session: The database session in use.
    :returns: List with tuple (account, name, state, count)
    return subscription.list_subscription_rule_states(name, account)
Esempio n. 2
def list_subscription_rule_states(name=None, account=None):
    """Returns a list of with the number of rules per state for a subscription.

    :param name: Name of the subscription
    :param account: Account identifier
    :param session: The database session in use.
    :returns: List with tuple (account, name, state, count)
    return subscription.list_subscription_rule_states(name, account)
Esempio n. 3
def list_subscription_rule_states(name=None, account=None):
    """Returns a list of with the number of rules per state for a subscription.

    :param name: Name of the subscription
    :param account: Account identifier
    :param session: The database session in use.
    :returns: List with tuple (account, name, state, count)
    if account is not None:
        account = InternalAccount(account)
    subs = subscription.list_subscription_rule_states(name, account)
    for sub in subs:
        # sub is an immutable KeyedTuple so return new KeyedTuple with edited entries
        labels = sub._fields
        d = sub._asdict()
        d['account'] = d['account'].external
        yield KeyedTuple([d[l] for l in labels], labels=labels)
Esempio n. 4
def list_subscription_rule_states(name=None, account=None, vo='def'):
    """Returns a list of with the number of rules per state for a subscription.

    :param name: Name of the subscription
    :param account: Account identifier
    :param vo: The VO to act on.
    :returns: Sequence with SubscriptionRuleState named tuples (account, name, state, count)
    if account is not None:
        account = InternalAccount(account, vo=vo)
        account = InternalAccount('*', vo=vo)
    subs = subscription.list_subscription_rule_states(name, account)
    for sub in subs:
        # sub is an immutable Row so return new named tuple with edited entries
        d = sub._asdict()
        d['account'] = d['account'].external
        yield SubscriptionRuleState(**d)