def main(): args = parser.parse_args() # if pip_main(["wheel", "-w",, "-r", args.input]): sys.exit(1) # Enumerate the .whl files we downloaded. def list_whls(): dir = + '/' for root, unused_dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dir): for fname in filenames: if fname.endswith('.whl'): yield os.path.join(root, fname) def whl_library(wheel): # Indentation here matters. whl_library must be within the scope # of the function below. We also avoid reimporting an existing WHL. return """ if "{repo_name}" not in native.existing_rules(): whl_library( name = "{repo_name}", whl = "@{name}//:{path}", requirements = "@{name}//:requirements.bzl", )""".format(, repo_name=wheel.repository_name(), path=wheel.basename()) whls = [Wheel(path) for path in list_whls()] with open(args.output, 'w') as f: f.write("""\ # Install pip requirements. # # Generated from {input} load("@io_bazel_rules_python//python:whl.bzl", "whl_library") def pip_install(): {whl_libraries} _packages = {{ {mappings} }} all_packages = _packages.values() def package(name): name = name.replace("-", "_") return _packages[name] """.format(input=args.input, whl_libraries='\n'.join(map(whl_library, whls)), mappings=','.join([ '"%s": "@%s//:pkg"' % (wheel.distribution(), wheel.repository_name()) for wheel in whls ])))
def main(): args = _parse_args() # if _pip_main(["wheel", "-w",, "-r", args.input]): sys.exit(1) # Enumerate the .whl files we downloaded. def list_whl_files(): dir_ = + '/' for root, unused_dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dir_): for fname in filenames: if fname.endswith('.whl'): yield os.path.join(root, fname) wheels = [Wheel(path) for path in list_whl_files()] bzl_file_content = _make_bzl_file_content( wheels=wheels,, input_requirements_file_path=args.input) with open(args.output, 'w') as file_obj: file_obj.write(bzl_file_content)
def main(): args = parser.parse_args() # if pip_main(["wheel", "-w",, "-r", args.input]): sys.exit(1) # Enumerate the .whl files we downloaded. def list_whls(): dir = + '/' for root, unused_dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dir): for fname in filenames: if fname.endswith('.whl'): yield os.path.join(root, fname) whls = [Wheel(path) for path in list_whls()] possible_extras = determine_possible_extras(whls) def whl_library(wheel): # Indentation here matters. whl_library must be within the scope # of the function below. We also avoid reimporting an existing WHL. return """ if "{repo_name}" not in native.existing_rules(): whl_library( name = "{repo_name}", python_interpreter = "{python_interpreter}", whl = "@{name}//:{path}", requirements = "@{name}//:requirements.bzl", extras = [{extras}] )""".format(, repo_name=wheel.repository_name(), python_interpreter=args.python_interpreter, path=wheel.basename(), extras=','.join([ '"%s"' % extra for extra in possible_extras.get(wheel, []) ])) whl_targets = ','.join([ ','.join([ '"%s": "@%s//:pkg"' % (whl.distribution().lower(), whl.repository_name()) ] + [ # For every extra that is possible from this requirements.txt '"%s[%s]": "@%s//:%s"' % (whl.distribution().lower(), extra.lower(), whl.repository_name(), extra) for extra in possible_extras.get(whl, []) ]) for whl in whls ]) with open(args.output, 'w') as f: f.write("""\ # Install pip requirements. # # Generated from {input} load("@io_bazel_rules_python//python:whl.bzl", "whl_library") def pip_install(): {whl_libraries} _requirements = {{ {mappings} }} all_requirements = _requirements.values() def requirement(name): name_key = name.replace("-", "_").lower() if name_key not in _requirements: fail("Could not find pip-provided dependency: '%s'" % name) return _requirements[name_key] """.format(input=args.input, whl_libraries='\n'.join(map(whl_library, whls)) if whls else "pass", mappings=whl_targets))
def list_whls(dir): for root, _, filenames in os.walk(dir + "/"): for fname in filenames: if fname.endswith('.whl'): yield Wheel(os.path.join(root, fname))
def genbuild(args): whl = Wheel(args.whl) extra_deps = args.add_dependency or [] drop_deps = {d: None for d in args.drop_dependency or []} external_deps = [d for d in itertools.chain(whl.dependencies(), extra_deps) if d not in drop_deps] contents = [] add_build_content = args.add_build_content or [] for name in add_build_content: with open(name) as f: contents.append( + '\n') contents = '\n'.join(contents) parser = whl.entrypoints() entrypoints_build = '' if parser: if parser.has_section('console_scripts'): for name, location in parser.items('console_scripts'): # Assumes it doesn't depend on extras. TODO(conrado): fix entrypoint_file = '' % name with open(os.path.join(, entrypoint_file), 'w') as f: f.write("""from %s import %s as main; main()""" % tuple(location.split(":"))) attrs = [] attrs += [("name", '"entrypoint_%s"' % name)] attrs += [("srcs", '["%s"]' % entrypoint_file)] attrs += [("main", '"%s"' % entrypoint_file)] if args.python_version: attrs += [("python_version", '"%s"' % args.python_version)] attrs += [("deps", '[":pkg"]')] entrypoints_build += """ py_binary( {attrs} ) """.format(attrs=",\n ".join(['{} = {}'.format(k, v) for k, v in attrs])) attrs = [] if args.patches: attrs += [("patches", '["%s"]' % '", "'.join(args.patches))] if args.patch_tool: attrs += [("patch_tool", '"%s"' % args.patch_tool)] if args.patch_args: attrs += [("patch_args", '["%s"]' % '", "'.join(args.patch_args))] if args.patch_cmds: attrs += [("patch_cmds", '["%s"]' % '", "'.join(args.patch_cmds))] attrs += [("distribution", '"%s"' % whl.distribution().lower())] attrs += [("version", '"%s"' % whl.version())] attrs += [("wheel_size", "%s" % os.path.getsize(args.whl))] if args.python_version: attrs += [("python_version", '"%s"' % args.python_version)] with open(os.path.join(, 'BUILD'), 'w') as f: f.write(""" package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) load("@io_bazel_rules_python//python:python.bzl", "extract_wheel") load("@{repository}//:requirements.bzl", "requirement") filegroup( name = "wheel", data = ["{wheel}"], ) extract_wheel( name = "extracted", wheel = "{wheel}", {attrs} ) py_library( name = "pkg", imports = ["extracted"], deps = [ ":extracted",{dependencies} ], ) {extras} {entrypoints_build} {contents}""".format( wheel = whl.basename(), repository=args.repository, dependencies=''.join([ ('\n "%s",' % d) if d[0] == "@" else ('\n requirement("%s"),' % d) for d in sorted(external_deps) ]), attrs=",\n ".join(['{} = {}'.format(k, v) for k, v in attrs]), extras='\n\n'.join([ """py_library( name = "{extra}", deps = [ ":pkg",{deps} ], )""".format(extra=extra, deps=','.join([ 'requirement("%s")' % dep for dep in sorted(whl.dependencies(extra)) ])) for extra in args.extras or [] ]), entrypoints_build=entrypoints_build, contents=contents))
def extract(args): whl = Wheel(args.whl) whl.expand(
def build_wheel(distribution, version, directory, cache_key=None, build_dir=None, build_env=None, build_deps=None, sha256=None, pip_args=None, resolving=False): env = {} home = None if build_dir: home = build_dir.rstrip("/") + ".home" if os.path.isdir(home): shutil.rmtree(home) os.makedirs(home) else: home = tempfile.mkdtemp() cmd = ["wheel"] cmd += ["-w", directory] # Allowing "pip wheel" to download setup_requires packages with easy_install would # poke a hole to our wheel version locking scheme, making wheel builds non-deterministic. # Disable easy_install as instructed here: # # We set HOME to the current directory so pip will look at this file; see: # env["HOME"] = home with open(os.path.join(home, ".pydistutils.cfg"), "w") as f: f.write("[easy_install]\nallow_hosts = ''\n") for d in build_deps or []: Wheel(d).expand(home) # Process .pth files of the extracted build deps. with open(os.path.join(home, ""), "w") as f: f.write("import site; import os; site.addsitedir(os.path.dirname(__file__))") # Set PYTHONPATH so that all extracted buildtime dependencies are available. env["PYTHONPATH"] = ":".join(os.environ.get("PYTHONPATH", "").split(":") + [home]) env["CFLAGS"] = " ".join([ "-D__DATE__=\"redacted\"", "-D__TIMESTAMP__=\"redacted\"", "-D__TIME__=\"redacted\"", "-Wno-builtin-macro-redefine", ]) # Set any other custom env variables the user wants to add to the wheel build. env.update(dict([x.split("=", 1) for x in build_env or []])) # For determinism, canonicalize distribution name to lowercase here, since, lo and # behold, the wheel contents may be different depending on the case passed to # "pip wheel" command... cmd += ["%s==%s" % (distribution.lower(), version)] cmd += ["--no-cache-dir"] cmd += ["--no-deps"] # Build the wheel in a deterministic path so that any debug symbols have stable # paths and the resulting wheel has a higher chance of being deterministic. if build_dir: if os.path.isdir(build_dir): shutil.rmtree(build_dir) cmd += ["--build", build_dir] cmd += pip_args or [] locally_built = False with CaptureOutput() as output: if pip_main(cmd, env): print("pip command failed: " + str(cmd)) sys.exit(1) if"Running setup\.py bdist_wheel", output.stdout.getvalue().decode()): locally_built = True wheels = wheels_from_dir(directory) assert len(wheels) == 1 wheel = wheels[0] if locally_built: # The wheel was built locally. For determinism, we need to strip timestamps # from the zip-file. strip_wheel(wheel) computed_sha256 = digest(wheel.path()) if sha256 and computed_sha256 != sha256: if resolving: if locally_built: # If we built the wheel locally and the sha256 had changed from the previous one, # build the wheel again to make sure we get the same digest again. os.rename(wheel.path(), wheel.path() + ".0") if pip_main(cmd, env): sys.exit(1) strip_wheel(wheel) second_sha256 = digest(wheel.path()) if computed_sha256 != second_sha256: os.rename(wheel.path(), wheel.path() + ".1") print("Wheel build not deterministic:") print(" %s.0: %s" % (wheel.path(), computed_sha256)) print(" %s.1: %s" % (wheel.path(), second_sha256)) sys.exit(1) os.remove(wheel.path() + ".0") else: # If the user supplied an expected sha256, the built wheel should match it. print("\033[0;33mWARNING:\033[0m Built wheel %s digest %s does not match expected digest %s." % (wheel.path(), computed_sha256, sha256)) shutil.rmtree(home) return computed_sha256
def extract(args): # Extract the files into the current directory whl = Wheel(args.whl) whl.expand( extra_deps = args.add_dependency or [] drop_deps = {d: None for d in args.drop_dependency or []} imports = ['.'] external_deps = [ d for d in itertools.chain(whl.dependencies(), extra_deps) if d not in drop_deps ] contents = [] add_build_content = args.add_build_content or [] for name in add_build_content: with open(name) as f: contents.append( + '\n') contents = '\n'.join(contents) parser = whl.entrypoints() entrypoints_build = '' if parser: if parser.has_section('console_scripts'): for name, location in parser.items('console_scripts'): # Assumes it doesn't depend on extras. TODO(conrado): fix entrypoint_file = '' % name with open(os.path.join(, entrypoint_file), 'w') as f: f.write("""from %s import %s as main; main()""" % tuple(location.split(":"))) entrypoints_build += """ py_binary( name = "{entrypoint_name}", srcs = ["{entrypoint_file}"], main = "{entrypoint_file}", deps = [":pkg"], )""".format(entrypoint_name='entrypoint_%s' % name, entrypoint_file=entrypoint_file) with open(os.path.join(, 'BUILD'), 'w') as f: f.write(""" package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) load("@{repository}//:requirements.bzl", "requirement") filegroup( name = "wheel", data = ["{wheel}"], ) py_library( name = "pkg", srcs = glob(["**/*.py"]), data = glob(["**/*"], exclude=["**/*.py", "**/* *", "*.whl", "BUILD", "WORKSPACE"]), # This makes this directory a top-level in the python import # search path for anything that depends on this. imports = [{imports}], deps = [ {dependencies} ], ) {extras} {entrypoints_build} {contents}""".format(wheel=whl.basename(), repository=args.repository, dependencies=''.join([ ('\n "%s",' % d) if d[0] == "@" else ('\n requirement("%s"),' % d) for d in sorted(external_deps) ]), imports=','.join(['"%s"' % i for i in sorted(imports)]), extras='\n\n'.join([ """py_library( name = "{extra}", deps = [ ":pkg",{deps} ], )""".format(extra=extra, deps=','.join([ 'requirement("%s")' % dep for dep in sorted(whl.dependencies(extra)) ])) for extra in args.extras or [] ]), entrypoints_build=entrypoints_build, contents=contents))