def Work():
	while not q.empty():
		test = q.get()		
		#print "Running test:", test	
			t = int(test)
			distance, time = runtest.runtest(sys.argv[1], testdir+str(t))
			distances[t] = distance
			times[t] = time		
		except Exception as ex:
			errors.append(test + ": " + str(ex))
			print str(ex)
Esempio n. 2

import os
import sys

path = ""
command = ""
if len(sys.argv) > 2 :
    os.chdir (sys.argv[1])
    path = sys.argv[2] + "/"

sys.path = [".."] + sys.path
import runtest

# A command to run
command = path + runtest.oiio_app("testtex") + " -width 0 ../../../oiio-images/grid.tx ; "
command = command + path + runtest.oiio_app("idiff") + " out.exr ref/out.exr > out.txt"
# Outputs to check against references
outputs = [  ]

# Files that need to be cleaned up, IN ADDITION to outputs
cleanfiles = [ "out.txt" "out.exr" ]

# boilerplate
ret = runtest.runtest (command, outputs, cleanfiles)
sys.exit (ret)
Esempio n. 3

import os
import sys

path = ""
command = ""
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
    path = sys.argv[2] + "/"

sys.path = [".."] + sys.path
import runtest

# A command to run
command = path + runtest.oiio_app(
    "iinfo") + " -v ../../../oiio-images/tahoe-gps.jpg > out.txt"

# Outputs to check against references
outputs = ["out.txt"]

# Files that need to be cleaned up, IN ADDITION to outputs
cleanfiles = []

# boilerplate
ret = runtest.runtest(command, outputs, cleanfiles)
Esempio n. 4
#! /usr/bin/env python

import sys

from runtest import runtest

result = 0

print "test 1 - uniaxial"
name = "CP-uniaxial"
result = runtest(name)
if result != 0:
    print "result is %s" % result
    print "%s test has failed" % name

# print "test 2 - shear"
# name = "CP-shear"
# result = runtest(name)
# if result != 0:
#     print "result is %s" % result
#     print "%s test has failed" % name
#     sys.exit(result)

# print "test 3 - hydrostatic"
# name = "CP-hydrostatic"
# result = runtest(name)
# if result != 0:
#     print "result is %s" % result
#     print "%s test has failed" % name
#     sys.exit(result)
Esempio n. 5

import os
import sys

path = ""
command = ""
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
    path = sys.argv[2] + "/"

# A command to run
command = path + "oslc/oslc test.osl >& out.txt"

# Outputs to check against references
outputs = ["out.txt"]

# Files that need to be cleaned up, IN ADDITION to outputs
cleanfiles = []

# boilerplate
sys.path = [".."] + sys.path
import runtest
ret = runtest.runtest(command, outputs, cleanfiles, failureok=1)
Esempio n. 6

import os
import sys

path = ""
command = ""
if len(sys.argv) > 2 :
    os.chdir (sys.argv[1])
    path = sys.argv[2] + "/"

# A command to run
command = path + "testshade/testshade -g 2 2 --layer lay1 foo --layer lay2 bar --connect lay1 x lay2 y > out.txt"

# Outputs to check against references
outputs = [ "out.txt" ]

# Files that need to be cleaned up, IN ADDITION to outputs
cleanfiles = [ ]

# boilerplate
sys.path = [".."] + sys.path
import runtest
ret = runtest.runtest (command, outputs, cleanfiles, failureok=1)
sys.exit (ret)
Esempio n. 7
command = path + "oslc/oslc test.osl > out.txt"
command = command + "; " + path + "testshade/testshade -g 512 512 -od uint8 "
command = command + "-o Cout_f1 test_f1.tif "
command = command + "-o Cout_f2 test_f2.tif "
command = command + "-o Cout_f3 test_f3.tif "
command = command + "-o Cout_f4 test_f4.tif "
command = command + "-o Cout_c1 test_c1.tif "
command = command + "-o Cout_c2 test_c2.tif "
command = command + "-o Cout_c3 test_c3.tif "
command = command + "-o Cout_c4 test_c4.tif "
command = command + "test >> out.txt"

# Outputs to check against references
outputs = [
    "out.txt", "test_f1.tif", "test_f2.tif", "test_f3.tif", "test_f4.tif",
    "test_c1.tif", "test_c2.tif", "test_c3.tif", "test_c4.tif"

# Files that need to be cleaned up, IN ADDITION to outputs
cleanfiles = []

# boilerplate
sys.path = [".."] + sys.path
import runtest
ret = runtest.runtest(command,
Esempio n. 8
command = ""
if len(sys.argv) > 2 :
    os.chdir (sys.argv[1])
    path = sys.argv[2] + "/"

# A command to run
command = path + "oslc/oslc test.osl > out.txt"
command = command + "; " + path + "testshade/testshade -g 512 512 -od uint8 "
command = command + "-o Cout_f1 test_f1.tif "
command = command + "-o Cout_f2 test_f2.tif "
command = command + "-o Cout_f3 test_f3.tif "
command = command + "-o Cout_f4 test_f4.tif "
command = command + "-o Cout_c1 test_c1.tif "
command = command + "-o Cout_c2 test_c2.tif "
command = command + "-o Cout_c3 test_c3.tif "
command = command + "-o Cout_c4 test_c4.tif "
command = command + "test >> out.txt"

# Outputs to check against references
outputs = [ "out.txt", "test_f1.tif", "test_f2.tif", "test_f3.tif", "test_f4.tif", "test_c1.tif", "test_c2.tif", "test_c3.tif", "test_c4.tif" ]

# Files that need to be cleaned up, IN ADDITION to outputs
cleanfiles = [ ]

# boilerplate
sys.path = [".."] + sys.path
import runtest
ret = runtest.runtest (command, outputs, cleanfiles, failthresh=0.004, failpercent=.05)
sys.exit (ret)