animals = [ 'anteater.gif', 'ardvark.gif', 'armadillo.gif', 'llama.gif', 'tapir.gif' ] def press(btn): animal = random.choice(animals) if btn == "animal1": win.setImage("animal1", animal) elif btn == "animal2": win.setImage("animal2", animal) elif btn == "EXIT": win.stop() win = gui("SNAP") win.setGeom("500x400") win.setBg("black") win.addLabel("lb1", "Let's play snap!", 0, 0, 2) win.setLabelBg("lb1", "red") win.addImage("animal1", "ardvark.gif", 1, 0) win.addImage("animal2", "anteater.gif", 1, 1) win.addButtons(["animal1", "animal2", "EXIT"], press, 2, 0, 2) win.go()
def press(btn): red = win.getEntry("Red") green = win.getEntry("Green") blue = win.getEntry("Blue") rgb = "#" + red + green + blue print(rgb) win.setBg(rgb) def zoom(btn): print(win.getScale("scl")) win.zoomImage("img", win.getScale("scl")) # create the GUI and start it win = gui("Hexadecimal Colours") #win.setFont(16) win.addLabelEntry("Red") win.addLabelEntry("Green") win.addLabelEntry("Blue") win.addButton("Submit", press) win.addScale("scl") win.setScaleRange("scl", -5, 5) win.setScaleCommand("scl", zoom) win.addImage("img", "../resources/8ball.gif") win.go()
win.setLabel("dob", dob) def press(btn): print(btn) print(data) print(pos) global pos if btn == "Back" and pos > 1: pos -= 1 updateScreen() elif btn == "Forward" and pos < maxLen: pos += 1 updateScreen() win = gui("FaceBook") win.setBg("Blue") win.setFont(16) win.addButton("Back", press, 0, 0, 0) win.addLabel("lbl", "FaceBook", 0, 1, 0) win.addButton("Forward", press, 0, 2, 0) win.addLabel("lb2", "Name",1,0,1) win.addLabel("name", "xxx",1,1,2) win.addLabel("lb3", "Gender",2,0,1) win.addLabel("gender", "xxx",2,1,2) win.addLabel("lb4", "DoB",3,0,1)
def press(btn): if btn == "Page A": showPageA() elif btn == "Page B": showPageB() elif btn == "Page C": showPageC() # function to make page A def showPageA(): win.removeAllWidgets() # this will remove any existing widgets win.setBg("Red") win.addLabel("l1", "Page A") win.addButton("Page B", press) # function to make page B def showPageB(): win.removeAllWidgets() win.setBg("Green") win.addLabel("l2", "Page B") win.addButton("Page C", press) # function to make page C def showPageC(): win.removeAllWidgets() win.setBg("Blue") win.addLabel("l3", "Page C") win.addButton("Page A", press) # create the GUI, show page A, and GO! win = gui ( "Hello" ) showPageA() win.go ( )
numRows = 20 def getData(): rows = [] for loop in range(numRows): rows.append(getRanRow(5)) return rows def getRanRow(size=10): cells = [] for loop in range(size): cells.append(str(random.randint(1, 9)) * 10) return cells # function to handle button press def press(name): win.updateGrid('g1', getData()) # create the window win = gui("Grid!") win.addLabel("l1", "hhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh") win.addGrid('g1', getData()) win.addButton("Rand", press) win.go()
# import the library from rwbatools import gui win = gui("Translate") trans = {"lol": "laugh out loud"} canAdd = False def press(name): word = win.getEntry("Word") if word in trans: ans = trans[word] else: ans = "Unknown..." win.setLabel("l1", ans) def newV(name): global trans trans[win.getEntry("nw")] = win.getEntry("nv") def checkAdd(name): if canAdd: disableAdd() else: enableAdd() def disableAdd(): global canAdd canAdd = False
win.stop() def tools(name): if name == "Background": col = win.colourBox() if col is not None: win.setTextAreaBg("win", col) win.setBg(col) elif name == "Foreground": col = win.colourBox() if col is not None: win.setTextAreaFg("win", col) elif name == "Font +": win.increaseLabelFont() elif name == "Font -": win.decreaseLabelFont() win = gui("Editor :: untitled.txt") win.addMenuList("File", ["New", "Open...", "Save", "-", "Exit"], menus) win.addToolbar(["Background", "Foreground", "Font +", "Font -"], tools) win.addScrolledTextArea("win") win.setTextAreaBg("win", "green") win.setBg("green") win.setTextAreaFocus("win") win.go()
# else: # win.setLabelBg("status", "red") # win.setLabel("status", "Server DOWN") # win.disableEntry("Msg") # msg = net.getMessage() if msg is not None and len(msg) > 0: win.addListItem("messages", "Received: " + msg) count = count + 1 win.setTitle("Chat: " + str(count)) # create and configure the GUI net = net(9999) win = gui("Chat") win.setFont(16) win.setBg("yellow") win.addRadioButton("Server", "Client", 0, 0) win.addRadioButton("Server", "Server", 0, 1) win.addEntry("ip", colspan=2) win.setEntry("ip", str(net.getIPAddress())) win.addListBox("messages", colspan=2) win.addLabelEntry("Msg", colspan=2) win.setEntryWidth("Msg", 15) win.setEntryFunction("Msg", press) win.setFocus("Msg") win.addEmptyLabel("status", colspan=2) win.setPollTime(500)
win.setLabel("amount", str(conv) + " " + to) except: win.errorBox("Error", "Invalid amount, make sure you enter a number.") def updateRate(name): global currencies currencies[name] = win.numBox("New Rate", "Enter the new exchange rate for: " + name) # first load the currencies loadFile(fileName) # create the GUI and start it win = gui("Currency") win.setFont(16) win.addLabel("title", "Currency Converter", 0, 0, 4) win.addEntry("amount", 1, 0) win.setEntryWidth("amount", 5) win.setFocus("amount") win.setEntryFunc("amount", press) win.addOptionBox("from", currencies.keys(), 1, 1) win.addLabel("to", "To:", 1, 2) win.addOptionBox("to", currencies.keys(), 1, 3) win.addButton("Convert", press, 1, 4) win.addLabel("amount", "0", 2, 2, 2)
def updateRate(name): global currencies currencies[name] = win.numBox("New Rate", "Enter the new exchange rate for: " + name) def newCurrency(name): global currencies newC = win.textBox("New Currency", "Enter a new currency") if newC is not None: currencies[newC] = 0 # create the GUI loadFile(fileName) win = gui("Currency Converter") win.setStopFunction(stop) win.addMenuList("Rates", currencies.keys(), updateRate) win.addLabel("l1", "Currency Converter", 0, 0, 5) win.addLabel("l2", "Amount", 1, 0) win.addLabel("l3", "From:", 1, 1) win.addLabel("l4", "To:", 1, 2) win.addLabel("l5", "Result:", 1, 3) win.addEntry("Amount", 2, 0) win.setEntryWidth("Amount", 5) win.addOptionBox("source", currencies.keys(), 2, 1) win.addOptionBox("target", currencies.keys(), 2, 2) win.addLabel("result", 0.0, 2, 3) win.addButton("Convert", press, 2, 4)
from rwbatools import gui def press(btn): # the title of the button will be received as a parameter print(btn) app = gui() app.setFont(20) app.addButton("One", press) # 3 buttons, each calling the same function app.addButton("Two", press) app.addButton("Three", press) app.go()