Esempio n. 1
    def test_default_args(self):
        prev = ipv4(proto=inet.IPPROTO_IGMP)
        g = igmpv3_report()
        prev.serialize(g, None)
        buf = g.serialize(bytearray(), prev)
        res = unpack_from(igmpv3_report._PACK_STR, six.binary_type(buf))
        buf = bytearray(buf)
        pack_into('!H', buf, 2, 0)

        eq_(res[0], IGMP_TYPE_REPORT_V3)
        eq_(res[1], checksum(buf))
        eq_(res[2], 0)

        # records without record_num
        prev = ipv4(proto=inet.IPPROTO_IGMP)
        record1 = igmpv3_report_group(MODE_IS_INCLUDE, 0, 0, '')
        record2 = igmpv3_report_group(MODE_IS_INCLUDE, 0, 2, '',
                                      ['', ''])
        record3 = igmpv3_report_group(MODE_IS_INCLUDE, 1, 0, '', [],
        record4 = igmpv3_report_group(MODE_IS_INCLUDE, 1, 2, '',
                                      ['', ''],
        records = [record1, record2, record3, record4]
        g = igmpv3_report(records=records)
        prev.serialize(g, None)
        buf = g.serialize(bytearray(), prev)
        res = unpack_from(igmpv3_report._PACK_STR, six.binary_type(buf))
        buf = bytearray(buf)
        pack_into('!H', buf, 2, 0)

        eq_(res[0], IGMP_TYPE_REPORT_V3)
        eq_(res[1], checksum(buf))
        eq_(res[2], len(records))
Esempio n. 2
    def test_default_args(self):
        prev = ipv4(proto=inet.IPPROTO_IGMP)
        g = igmpv3_report()
        prev.serialize(g, None)
        buf = g.serialize(bytearray(), prev)
        res = unpack_from(igmpv3_report._PACK_STR, six.binary_type(buf))
        buf = bytearray(buf)
        pack_into("!H", buf, 2, 0)

        eq_(res[0], IGMP_TYPE_REPORT_V3)
        eq_(res[1], checksum(buf))
        eq_(res[2], 0)

        # records without record_num
        prev = ipv4(proto=inet.IPPROTO_IGMP)
        record1 = igmpv3_report_group(MODE_IS_INCLUDE, 0, 0, "")
        record2 = igmpv3_report_group(MODE_IS_INCLUDE, 0, 2, "", ["", ""])
        record3 = igmpv3_report_group(MODE_IS_INCLUDE, 1, 0, "", [], b"abc\x00")
        record4 = igmpv3_report_group(MODE_IS_INCLUDE, 1, 2, "", ["", ""], b"abc\x00")
        records = [record1, record2, record3, record4]
        g = igmpv3_report(records=records)
        prev.serialize(g, None)
        buf = g.serialize(bytearray(), prev)
        res = unpack_from(igmpv3_report._PACK_STR, six.binary_type(buf))
        buf = bytearray(buf)
        pack_into("!H", buf, 2, 0)

        eq_(res[0], IGMP_TYPE_REPORT_V3)
        eq_(res[1], checksum(buf))
        eq_(res[2], len(records))
Esempio n. 3
def icmpv6_csum(prev, buf):
    ph = struct.pack('!16s16sBBH', prev.src, prev.dst, 0, prev.nxt,
    h = bytearray(buf)
    struct.pack_into('!H', h, 2, 0)

    return socket.htons(packet_utils.checksum(ph + h))
    def test_serialize(self):
        offset = 5
        csum = 0

        src_ip = ''
        dst_ip = ''
        prev = ipv4(4, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 64, inet.IPPROTO_TCP, 0, src_ip,

        t = tcp(self.src_port, self.dst_port, self.seq, self.ack, offset,
                self.bits, self.window_size, csum, self.urgent)
        buf = t.serialize(bytearray(), prev)
        res = struct.unpack(tcp._PACK_STR, str(buf))

        eq_(res[0], self.src_port)
        eq_(res[1], self.dst_port)
        eq_(res[2], self.seq)
        eq_(res[3], self.ack)
        eq_(res[4], offset << 4)
        eq_(res[5], self.bits)
        eq_(res[6], self.window_size)
        eq_(res[8], self.urgent)

        # checksum
        ph = struct.pack('!4s4sBBH', addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(src_ip),
                         addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(dst_ip), 0, 6, offset * 4)
        d = ph + buf + bytearray()
        s = packet_utils.checksum(d)
        eq_(0, s)
Esempio n. 5
    def test_serialize(self):
        offset = 5
        csum = 0

        src_ip = ''
        dst_ip = ''
        prev = ipv4(4, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 64, inet.IPPROTO_TCP, 0, src_ip,

        t = tcp.tcp(self.src_port, self.dst_port, self.seq, self.ack, offset,
                    self.bits, self.window_size, csum, self.urgent)
        buf = t.serialize(bytearray(), prev)
        res = struct.unpack(tcp.tcp._PACK_STR, six.binary_type(buf))

        eq_(res[0], self.src_port)
        eq_(res[1], self.dst_port)
        eq_(res[2], self.seq)
        eq_(res[3], self.ack)
        eq_(res[4], offset << 4)
        eq_(res[5], self.bits)
        eq_(res[6], self.window_size)
        eq_(res[8], self.urgent)

        # test __len__
        # offset indicates the number of 32 bit (= 4 bytes)
        # words in the TCP Header.
        # So, we compare len(tcp) with offset * 4, here.
        eq_(offset * 4, len(t))

        # checksum
        ph = struct.pack('!4s4sBBH', addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(src_ip),
                         addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(dst_ip), 0, 6, offset * 4)
        d = ph + buf
        s = packet_utils.checksum(d)
        eq_(0, s)
Esempio n. 6
    def test_serialize(self):
        src_ip = netaddr.IPAddress('').value
        dst_ip = vrrp.VRRP_IPV4_DST_ADDRESS
        prev = ipv4.ipv4(4, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, vrrp.VRRP_IPV4_TTL,
                         inet.IPPROTO_VRRP, 0, src_ip, dst_ip)

        type_ = vrrp.VRRP_TYPE_ADVERTISEMENT
        vrid = 5
        priority = 10
        max_adver_int = 30
        ip_address = netaddr.IPAddress('').value
        ip_addresses = [ip_address]

        vrrp_ = vrrp.vrrpv2.create(
            type_, vrid, priority, max_adver_int, ip_addresses)

        buf = vrrp_.serialize(bytearray(), prev)
        pack_str = vrrp.vrrpv2._PACK_STR + 'III'
        pack_len = struct.calcsize(pack_str)
        res = struct.unpack(pack_str, str(buf))
        eq_(res[0], vrrp.vrrp_to_version_type(vrrp.VRRP_VERSION_V2, type_))
        eq_(res[1], vrid)
        eq_(res[2], priority)
        eq_(res[3], len(ip_addresses))
        eq_(res[4], vrrp.VRRP_AUTH_NO_AUTH)
        eq_(res[5], max_adver_int)
        # res[6] is checksum
        eq_(res[7], ip_address)
        eq_(res[8], 0)
        eq_(res[9], 0)
        eq_(len(buf), pack_len)

        # checksum
        s = packet_utils.checksum(buf)
        eq_(0, s)
Esempio n. 7
    def _parser(cls, buf):
        if len(buf) < cls._HDR_LEN:
            raise stream_parser.StreamParser.TooSmallException(
                '%d < %d' % (len(buf), cls._HDR_LEN))
        (version, type_, length, router_id, area_id, checksum, au_type,
         authentication) = struct.unpack_from(cls._HDR_PACK_STR,

        # Exclude checksum and authentication field for checksum validation.
        if packet_utils.checksum(buf[:12] + buf[14:16] + buf[cls._HDR_LEN:]) \
                != checksum:
            raise InvalidChecksum

        if len(buf) < length:
            raise stream_parser.StreamParser.TooSmallException(
                '%d < %d' % (len(buf), length))

        router_id = addrconv.ipv4.bin_to_text(router_id)
        area_id = addrconv.ipv4.bin_to_text(area_id)
        binmsg = buf[cls._HDR_LEN:length]
        rest = buf[length:]
        subcls = cls._lookup_type(type_)
        kwargs = subcls.parser(binmsg)
        return subcls(length, router_id, area_id, au_type, int(authentication),
                      checksum, version, **kwargs), None, rest
Esempio n. 8
    def test_serialize(self):
        offset = 5
        csum = 0

        src_ip = ''
        dst_ip = ''
        prev = ipv4(4, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 64,
                    inet.IPPROTO_TCP, 0, src_ip, dst_ip)

        t = tcp(self.src_port, self.dst_port, self.seq, self.ack,
                offset, self.bits, self.window_size, csum, self.urgent)
        buf = t.serialize(bytearray(), prev)
        res = struct.unpack(tcp._PACK_STR, str(buf))

        eq_(res[0], self.src_port)
        eq_(res[1], self.dst_port)
        eq_(res[2], self.seq)
        eq_(res[3], self.ack)
        eq_(res[4], offset << 4)
        eq_(res[5], self.bits)
        eq_(res[6], self.window_size)
        eq_(res[8], self.urgent)

        # checksum
        ph = struct.pack('!4s4sBBH',
                         addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(dst_ip), 0, 6, offset * 4)
        d = ph + buf + bytearray()
        s = packet_utils.checksum(d)
        eq_(0, s)
Esempio n. 9
    def serialize_static(vrrp_, prev):
        assert not vrrp_.is_ipv6        # vrrpv2 defines only IPv4
        ip_addresses_pack_str = vrrpv2._ip_addresses_pack_str(vrrp_.count_ip)
        ip_addresses_len = struct.calcsize(ip_addresses_pack_str)
        vrrp_len = vrrpv2._MIN_LEN + ip_addresses_len + vrrpv2._AUTH_DATA_LEN

        checksum = False
        if vrrp_.checksum is None:
            checksum = True
            vrrp_.checksum = 0

        if vrrp_.auth_type is None:
            vrrp_.auth_type = VRRP_AUTH_NO_AUTH
        if vrrp_.auth_data is None:
            vrrp_.auth_data = VRRP_AUTH_DATA

        buf = bytearray(vrrp_len)
        offset = 0
        struct.pack_into(vrrpv2._PACK_STR, buf, offset,
                         vrrp_to_version_type(vrrp_.version, vrrp_.type),
                         vrrp_.vrid, vrrp_.priority,
                         vrrp_.count_ip, vrrp_.auth_type, vrrp_.max_adver_int,
        offset += vrrpv2._MIN_LEN
        struct.pack_into(ip_addresses_pack_str, buf, offset,
                         *map(lambda x: addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(x),
        offset += ip_addresses_len
        struct.pack_into(vrrpv2._AUTH_DATA_PACK_STR, buf, offset,
        if checksum:
            vrrp_.checksum = packet_utils.checksum(buf)
            struct.pack_into(vrrpv2._CHECKSUM_PACK_STR, buf,
                             vrrpv2._CHECKSUM_OFFSET, vrrp_.checksum)
        return buf
Esempio n. 10
def icmpv6_csum(prev, buf):
    ph = struct.pack('!16s16sI3xB', prev.src, prev.dst,
                     prev.payload_length, prev.nxt)
    h = bytearray(buf)
    struct.pack_into('!H', h, 2, 0)

    return packet_utils.checksum(ph + h)
Esempio n. 11
    def test_serialize(self):
        src_ip = netaddr.IPAddress('').value
        dst_ip = vrrp.VRRP_IPV4_DST_ADDRESS
        prev = ipv4.ipv4(4, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, vrrp.VRRP_IPV4_TTL,
                         inet.IPPROTO_VRRP, 0, src_ip, dst_ip)

        type_ = vrrp.VRRP_TYPE_ADVERTISEMENT
        vrid = 5
        priority = 10
        max_adver_int = 30
        ip_address = netaddr.IPAddress('').value
        ip_addresses = [ip_address]

        vrrp_ = vrrp.vrrpv2.create(type_, vrid, priority, max_adver_int,

        buf = vrrp_.serialize(bytearray(), prev)
        pack_str = vrrp.vrrpv2._PACK_STR + 'III'
        pack_len = struct.calcsize(pack_str)
        res = struct.unpack(pack_str, str(buf))
        eq_(res[0], vrrp.vrrp_to_version_type(vrrp.VRRP_VERSION_V2, type_))
        eq_(res[1], vrid)
        eq_(res[2], priority)
        eq_(res[3], len(ip_addresses))
        eq_(res[4], vrrp.VRRP_AUTH_NO_AUTH)
        eq_(res[5], max_adver_int)
        # res[6] is checksum
        eq_(res[7], ip_address)
        eq_(res[8], 0)
        eq_(res[9], 0)
        eq_(len(buf), pack_len)

        # checksum
        s = packet_utils.checksum(buf)
        eq_(0, s)
Esempio n. 12
    def test_serialize(self):
        src_port = 6431
        dst_port = 8080
        total_length = 0
        csum = 0

        src_ip = ''
        dst_ip = ''
        prev = ipv4(4, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 64,
                    inet.IPPROTO_UDP, 0, src_ip, dst_ip)

        u = udp(src_port, dst_port, total_length, csum)
        buf = u.serialize(bytearray(), prev)
        res = struct.unpack(udp._PACK_STR, buf)

        eq_(res[0], src_port)
        eq_(res[1], dst_port)
        eq_(res[2], struct.calcsize(udp._PACK_STR))

        # checksum
        ph = struct.pack('!4s4sBBH',
                         addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(dst_ip), 0, 17, res[2])
        d = ph + buf + bytearray()
        s = packet_utils.checksum(d)
        eq_(0, s)
Esempio n. 13
    def _parser(cls, buf):
        if len(buf) < cls._HDR_LEN:
            raise stream_parser.StreamParser.TooSmallException(
                '%d < %d' % (len(buf), cls._HDR_LEN))
        (version, type_, length, router_id, area_id, checksum, au_type,
         authentication) = struct.unpack_from(cls._HDR_PACK_STR,

        # Exclude checksum and authentication field for checksum validation.
        if packet_utils.checksum(buf[:12] + buf[14:16] + buf[cls._HDR_LEN:]) \
                != checksum:
            raise InvalidChecksum

        if len(buf) < length:
            raise stream_parser.StreamParser.TooSmallException(
                '%d < %d' % (len(buf), length))

        router_id = addrconv.ipv4.bin_to_text(router_id)
        area_id = addrconv.ipv4.bin_to_text(area_id)
        binmsg = buf[cls._HDR_LEN:length]
        rest = buf[length:]
        subcls = cls._lookup_type(type_)
        kwargs = subcls.parser(binmsg)
        return subcls(length, router_id, area_id, au_type, int(authentication),
                      checksum, version, **kwargs), None, rest
Esempio n. 14
def icmpv6_csum(prev, buf):
    ph = struct.pack('!16s16sI3xB', prev.src, prev.dst, prev.payload_length,
    h = bytearray(buf)
    struct.pack_into('!H', h, 2, 0)

    return packet_utils.checksum(ph + h)
Esempio n. 15
def icmpv6_csum(prev, buf):
    ph = struct.pack('!16s16sI3xB', addrconv.ipv6.text_to_bin(prev.src),
                     addrconv.ipv6.text_to_bin(prev.dst), prev.payload_length,
    h = bytearray(buf)
    struct.pack_into('!H', h, 2, 0)

    return packet_utils.checksum(ph + h)
Esempio n. 16
def icmpv6_csum(prev, buf):
    ph = struct.pack('!16s16sI3xB',
                     prev.payload_length, prev.nxt)
    h = bytearray(buf)
    struct.pack_into('!H', h, 2, 0)

    return packet_utils.checksum(ph + h)
Esempio n. 17
    def test_serialize(self):
        data = bytearray()
        prev = None
        buf = self.g.serialize(data, prev)

        res = unpack_from(igmpv3_report._PACK_STR, six.binary_type(buf))

        eq_(res[0], self.msgtype)
        eq_(res[1], checksum(self.buf))
        eq_(res[2], self.record_num)
Esempio n. 18
    def serialize(self, payload, prev):
        hdr = bytearray(
            struct.pack(self._PACK_STR, self.msgtype, self.maxresp, self.csum,

        if self.csum == 0:
            self.csum = packet_utils.checksum(hdr)
            struct.pack_into('!H', hdr, 2, self.csum)

        return hdr
Esempio n. 19
    def test_serialize(self):
        data = bytearray()
        prev = None
        buf = self.g.serialize(data, prev)

        res = unpack_from(igmpv3_report._PACK_STR, buffer(buf))

        eq_(res[0], self.msgtype)
        eq_(res[1], checksum(self.buf))
        eq_(res[2], self.record_num)
Esempio n. 20
    def serialize(self, payload, prev):
        hdr = bytearray(struct.pack(self._PACK_STR, self.msgtype,
                                    trunc(self.maxresp), self.csum,

        if self.csum == 0:
            self.csum = packet_utils.checksum(hdr)
            struct.pack_into('!H', hdr, 2, self.csum)

        return hdr
Esempio n. 21
    def test_default_args(self):
        prev = ipv4(proto=inet.IPPROTO_IGMP)
        g = igmpv3_query()
        prev.serialize(g, None)
        buf = g.serialize(bytearray(), prev)
        res = unpack_from(igmpv3_query._PACK_STR, six.binary_type(buf))
        buf = bytearray(buf)
        pack_into('!H', buf, 2, 0)
        buf = str(buf)

        eq_(res[0], IGMP_TYPE_QUERY)
        eq_(res[1], 100)
        eq_(res[2], checksum(buf))
        eq_(res[3], addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(''))
        eq_(res[4], 2)
        eq_(res[5], 0)
        eq_(res[6], 0)

        # srcs without num
        prev = ipv4(proto=inet.IPPROTO_IGMP)
        srcs = ['', '', '']
        g = igmpv3_query(srcs=srcs)
        prev.serialize(g, None)
        buf = g.serialize(bytearray(), prev)
        res = unpack_from(igmpv3_query._PACK_STR, six.binary_type(buf))
        buf = bytearray(buf)
        pack_into('!H', buf, 2, 0)

        eq_(res[0], IGMP_TYPE_QUERY)
        eq_(res[1], 100)
        eq_(res[2], checksum(buf))
        eq_(res[3], addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(''))
        eq_(res[4], 2)
        eq_(res[5], 0)
        eq_(res[6], len(srcs))

        res = unpack_from('4s4s4s', six.binary_type(buf),

        eq_(res[0], addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(srcs[0]))
        eq_(res[1], addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(srcs[1]))
        eq_(res[2], addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(srcs[2]))
Esempio n. 22
    def test_default_args(self):
        prev = ipv4(proto=inet.IPPROTO_IGMP)
        g = igmpv3_query()
        prev.serialize(g, None)
        buf = g.serialize(bytearray(), prev)
        res = unpack_from(igmpv3_query._PACK_STR, str(buf))
        buf = bytearray(buf)
        pack_into('!H', buf, 2, 0)
        buf = str(buf)

        eq_(res[0], IGMP_TYPE_QUERY)
        eq_(res[1], 100)
        eq_(res[2], checksum(buf))
        eq_(res[3], addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(''))
        eq_(res[4], 2)
        eq_(res[5], 0)
        eq_(res[6], 0)

        # srcs without num
        prev = ipv4(proto=inet.IPPROTO_IGMP)
        srcs = ['', '', '']
        g = igmpv3_query(srcs=srcs)
        prev.serialize(g, None)
        buf = g.serialize(bytearray(), prev)
        res = unpack_from(igmpv3_query._PACK_STR, str(buf))
        buf = bytearray(buf)
        pack_into('!H', buf, 2, 0)
        buf = str(buf)

        eq_(res[0], IGMP_TYPE_QUERY)
        eq_(res[1], 100)
        eq_(res[2], checksum(buf))
        eq_(res[3], addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(''))
        eq_(res[4], 2)
        eq_(res[5], 0)
        eq_(res[6], len(srcs))

        res = unpack_from('4s4s4s', str(buf), igmpv3_query._MIN_LEN)

        eq_(res[0], addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(srcs[0]))
        eq_(res[1], addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(srcs[1]))
        eq_(res[2], addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(srcs[2]))
Esempio n. 23
    def setUp(self):
        self.type_ = icmp.ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST
        self.code = 0
        self.csum = 0 = None

        self.ic = icmp.icmp(self.type_, self.code, self.csum,

        self.buf = bytearray(struct.pack(icmp.icmp._PACK_STR, self.type_, self.code, self.csum))
        self.csum_calc = packet_utils.checksum(self.buf)
        struct.pack_into("!H", self.buf, 2, self.csum_calc)
Esempio n. 24
    def test_serialize(self):
        data = bytearray()
        prev = None
        buf = self.g.serialize(data, prev)

        res = unpack_from(igmp._PACK_STR, buffer(buf))

        eq_(res[0], self.msgtype)
        eq_(res[1], self.maxresp)
        eq_(res[2], checksum(self.buf))
        eq_(res[3], addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(self.address))
Esempio n. 25
    def test_serialize(self):
        data = bytearray()
        prev = None
        buf = self.g.serialize(data, prev)

        res = unpack_from(igmp._PACK_STR, buffer(buf))

        eq_(res[0], self.msgtype)
        eq_(res[1], self.maxresp)
        eq_(res[2], checksum(self.buf))
        eq_(res[3], addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(self.address))
Esempio n. 26
 def serialize(self, payload, prev):
     buf = bytearray(struct.pack(self._PACK_STR, self.msgtype,
                     self.csum, self.record_num))
     for record in self.records:
     if 0 == self.record_num:
         self.record_num = len(self.records)
         struct.pack_into('!H', buf, 6, self.record_num)
     if 0 == self.csum:
         self.csum = packet_utils.checksum(buf)
         struct.pack_into('!H', buf, 2, self.csum)
     return str(buf)
Esempio n. 27
 def serialize(self, payload, prev):
     buf = bytearray(struct.pack(self._PACK_STR, self.msgtype,
                                 self.csum, self.record_num))
     for record in self.records:
     if 0 == self.record_num:
         self.record_num = len(self.records)
         struct.pack_into('!H', buf, 6, self.record_num)
     if 0 == self.csum:
         self.csum = packet_utils.checksum(buf)
         struct.pack_into('!H', buf, 2, self.csum)
     return six.binary_type(buf)
Esempio n. 28
    def setUp(self):
        self.type_ = icmp.ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST
        self.code = 0
        self.csum = 0 = None

        self.ic = icmp.icmp(self.type_, self.code, self.csum,

        self.buf = bytearray(
            struct.pack(icmp.icmp._PACK_STR, self.type_, self.code, self.csum))
        self.csum_calc = packet_utils.checksum(six.binary_type(self.buf))
        struct.pack_into('!H', self.buf, 2, self.csum_calc)
Esempio n. 29
    def test_default_args(self):
        prev = ipv4(proto=inet.IPPROTO_IGMP)
        g = igmpv3_query()
        prev.serialize(g, None)
        buf = g.serialize(bytearray(), prev)
        res = unpack_from(igmpv3_query._PACK_STR, six.binary_type(buf))
        buf = bytearray(buf)
        pack_into("!H", buf, 2, 0)

        eq_(res[0], IGMP_TYPE_QUERY)
        eq_(res[1], 100)
        eq_(res[2], checksum(buf))
        eq_(res[3], addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(""))
        eq_(res[4], 2)
        eq_(res[5], 0)
        eq_(res[6], 0)

        # srcs without num
        prev = ipv4(proto=inet.IPPROTO_IGMP)
        srcs = ["", "", ""]
        g = igmpv3_query(srcs=srcs)
        prev.serialize(g, None)
        buf = g.serialize(bytearray(), prev)
        res = unpack_from(igmpv3_query._PACK_STR, six.binary_type(buf))
        buf = bytearray(buf)
        pack_into("!H", buf, 2, 0)

        eq_(res[0], IGMP_TYPE_QUERY)
        eq_(res[1], 100)
        eq_(res[2], checksum(buf))
        eq_(res[3], addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(""))
        eq_(res[4], 2)
        eq_(res[5], 0)
        eq_(res[6], len(srcs))

        res = unpack_from("4s4s4s", six.binary_type(buf), igmpv3_query._MIN_LEN)

        eq_(res[0], addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(srcs[0]))
        eq_(res[1], addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(srcs[1]))
        eq_(res[2], addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(srcs[2]))
Esempio n. 30
    def setUp_with_TimeExceeded(self):
        self.te_data = b"abc"
        self.te_data_len = len(self.te_data) = icmp.TimeExceeded(data_len=self.te_data_len, data=self.te_data)

        self.type_ = icmp.ICMP_TIME_EXCEEDED
        self.code = 0
        self.ic = icmp.icmp(self.type_, self.code, self.csum,

        self.buf = bytearray(struct.pack(icmp.icmp._PACK_STR, self.type_, self.code, self.csum))
        self.buf +=
        self.csum_calc = packet_utils.checksum(self.buf)
        struct.pack_into("!H", self.buf, 2, self.csum_calc)
Esempio n. 31
 def serialize(self):
     tail = self.serialize_tail()
     self.length = self._HDR_LEN + len(tail)
     head = bytearray(struct.pack(self._HDR_PACK_STR, self.version,
                      self.type_, self.length,
                      addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(self.area_id), 0,
                      self.au_type, self.authentication))
     buf = head + tail
     csum = packet_utils.checksum(buf[:12]+buf[14:16]+buf[self._HDR_LEN:])
     self.checksum = csum
     struct.pack_into("!H", buf, 12, csum)
     return buf
Esempio n. 32
    def test_default_args(self):
        prev = ipv4(proto=inet.IPPROTO_IGMP)
        g = igmpv3_report()
        prev.serialize(g, None)
        buf = g.serialize(bytearray(), prev)
        res = unpack_from(igmpv3_report._PACK_STR, str(buf))
        buf = bytearray(buf)
        pack_into('!H', buf, 2, 0)
        buf = str(buf)

        eq_(res[0], IGMP_TYPE_REPORT_V3)
        eq_(res[1], checksum(buf))
        eq_(res[2], 0)

        # records without record_num
        prev = ipv4(proto=inet.IPPROTO_IGMP)
        record1 = igmpv3_report_group(
            MODE_IS_INCLUDE, 0, 0, '')
        record2 = igmpv3_report_group(
            MODE_IS_INCLUDE, 0, 2, '',
            ['', ''])
        record3 = igmpv3_report_group(
            MODE_IS_INCLUDE, 1, 0, '', [], 'abc\x00')
        record4 = igmpv3_report_group(
            MODE_IS_INCLUDE, 1, 2, '',
            ['', ''], 'abc\x00')
        records = [record1, record2, record3, record4]
        g = igmpv3_report(records=records)
        prev.serialize(g, None)
        buf = g.serialize(bytearray(), prev)
        res = unpack_from(igmpv3_report._PACK_STR, str(buf))
        buf = bytearray(buf)
        pack_into('!H', buf, 2, 0)
        buf = str(buf)

        eq_(res[0], IGMP_TYPE_REPORT_V3)
        eq_(res[1], checksum(buf))
        eq_(res[2], len(records))
Esempio n. 33
    def test_serialize(self):
        data = bytearray()
        prev = None
        buf = self.g.serialize(data, prev)

        res = unpack_from(igmpv3_query._PACK_STR, six.binary_type(buf))

        eq_(res[0], self.msgtype)
        eq_(res[1], self.maxresp)
        eq_(res[2], checksum(self.buf))
        eq_(res[3], addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(self.address))
        eq_(res[4], self.s_qrv)
        eq_(res[5], self.qqic)
        eq_(res[6], self.num)
Esempio n. 34
    def setUp_with_dest_unreach(self):
        self.unreach_mtu = 10
        self.unreach_data = b"abc"
        self.unreach_data_len = len(self.unreach_data) = icmp.dest_unreach(data_len=self.unreach_data_len, mtu=self.unreach_mtu, data=self.unreach_data)

        self.type_ = icmp.ICMP_DEST_UNREACH
        self.code = icmp.ICMP_HOST_UNREACH_CODE
        self.ic = icmp.icmp(self.type_, self.code, self.csum,

        self.buf = bytearray(struct.pack(icmp.icmp._PACK_STR, self.type_, self.code, self.csum))
        self.buf +=
        self.csum_calc = packet_utils.checksum(self.buf)
        struct.pack_into("!H", self.buf, 2, self.csum_calc)
    def test_serialize(self):
        data = bytearray()
        prev = None
        buf = self.g.serialize(data, prev)

        res = unpack_from(igmpv3_query._PACK_STR, six.binary_type(buf))

        eq_(res[0], self.msgtype)
        eq_(res[1], self.maxresp)
        eq_(res[2], checksum(self.buf))
        eq_(res[3], addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(self.address))
        eq_(res[4], self.s_qrv)
        eq_(res[5], self.qqic)
        eq_(res[6], self.num)
Esempio n. 36
 def serialize(self, payload, prev):
     s_qrv = self.s_flg << 3 | self.qrv
     buf = bytearray(struct.pack(self._PACK_STR, self.msgtype,
                                 trunc(self.maxresp), self.csum,
                                 s_qrv, trunc(self.qqic), self.num))
     for src in self.srcs:
         buf.extend(struct.pack('4s', addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(src)))
     if 0 == self.num:
         self.num = len(self.srcs)
         struct.pack_into('!H', buf, 10, self.num)
     if 0 == self.csum:
         self.csum = packet_utils.checksum(buf)
         struct.pack_into('!H', buf, 2, self.csum)
     return six.binary_type(buf)
Esempio n. 37
    def setUp_with_TimeExceeded(self):
        self.te_data = 'abc'
        self.te_data_len = len(self.te_data) = icmp.TimeExceeded(data_len=self.te_data_len,

        self.type_ = icmp.ICMP_TIME_EXCEEDED
        self.code = 0
        self.ic = icmp.icmp(self.type_, self.code, self.csum,

        self.buf = struct.pack(icmp.icmp._PACK_STR, self.type_, self.code,
        self.buf +=
        self.csum_calc = packet_utils.checksum(str(self.buf))
        struct.pack_into('!H', self.buf, 2, self.csum_calc)
Esempio n. 38
 def serialize(self, payload, prev):
     s_qrv = self.s_flg << 3 | self.qrv
     buf = bytearray(
         struct.pack(self._PACK_STR, self.msgtype, self.maxresp, self.csum,
                     addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(self.address), s_qrv,
                     self.qqic, self.num))
     for src in self.srcs:
         buf.extend(struct.pack('4s', addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(src)))
     if 0 == self.num:
         self.num = len(self.srcs)
         struct.pack_into('!H', buf, 10, self.num)
     if 0 == self.csum:
         self.csum = packet_utils.checksum(buf)
         struct.pack_into('!H', buf, 2, self.csum)
     return str(buf)
Esempio n. 39
    def setUp_with_dest_unreach(self):
        self.unreach_mtu = 10
        self.unreach_data = 'abc'
        self.unreach_data_len = len(self.unreach_data) = icmp.dest_unreach(data_len=self.unreach_data_len,

        self.type_ = icmp.ICMP_DEST_UNREACH
        self.code = icmp.ICMP_HOST_UNREACH_CODE
        self.ic = icmp.icmp(self.type_, self.code, self.csum,

        self.buf = struct.pack(icmp.icmp._PACK_STR, self.type_, self.code,
        self.buf +=
        self.csum_calc = packet_utils.checksum(str(self.buf))
        struct.pack_into('!H', self.buf, 2, self.csum_calc)
Esempio n. 40
    def test_build_igmp(self):
        p = self._build_igmp()

        e = self.find_protocol(p, "ethernet")
        eq_(e.ethertype, ether.ETH_TYPE_IP)

        i = self.find_protocol(p, "ipv4")
        eq_(i.proto, inet.IPPROTO_IGMP)

        g = self.find_protocol(p, "igmpv3_report")

        eq_(g.msgtype, self.msgtype)
        eq_(g.csum, checksum(self.buf))
        eq_(g.record_num, self.record_num)
        eq_(g.records, self.records)
Esempio n. 41
    def test_build_igmp(self):
        p = self._build_igmp()

        e = self.find_protocol(p, "ethernet")
        eq_(e.ethertype, ether.ETH_TYPE_IP)

        i = self.find_protocol(p, "ipv4")
        eq_(i.proto, inet.IPPROTO_IGMP)

        g = self.find_protocol(p, "igmpv3_report")

        eq_(g.msgtype, self.msgtype)
        eq_(g.csum, checksum(self.buf))
        eq_(g.record_num, self.record_num)
        eq_(g.records, self.records)
Esempio n. 42
    def test_build_igmp(self):
        p = self._build_igmp()

        e = self.find_protocol(p, "ethernet")
        eq_(e.ethertype, ether.ETH_TYPE_IP)

        i = self.find_protocol(p, "ipv4")
        eq_(i.proto, inet.IPPROTO_IGMP)

        g = self.find_protocol(p, "igmp")

        eq_(g.msgtype, self.msgtype)
        eq_(g.maxresp, self.maxresp)
        eq_(g.csum, checksum(self.buf))
        eq_(g.address, self.address)
Esempio n. 43
    def test_build_igmp(self):
        p = self._build_igmp()

        e = self.find_protocol(p, "ethernet")
        eq_(e.ethertype, ether.ETH_TYPE_IP)

        i = self.find_protocol(p, "ipv4")
        eq_(i.proto, inet.IPPROTO_IGMP)

        g = self.find_protocol(p, "igmp")

        eq_(g.msgtype, self.msgtype)
        eq_(g.maxresp, self.maxresp)
        eq_(g.csum, checksum(self.buf))
        eq_(g.address, self.address)
Esempio n. 44
    def test_serialize(self):
        buf = self.ip.serialize(bytearray(), None)
        res = struct.unpack_from(ipv4._PACK_STR, six.binary_type(buf))
        option = buf[ipv4._MIN_LEN:ipv4._MIN_LEN + len(self.option)]

        eq_(res[0], self.ver_hlen)
        eq_(res[1], self.tos)
        eq_(res[2], self.total_length)
        eq_(res[3], self.identification)
        eq_(res[4], self.flg_off)
        eq_(res[5], self.ttl)
        eq_(res[6], self.proto)
        eq_(res[8], addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(self.src))
        eq_(res[9], addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(self.dst))
        eq_(option, self.option)

        # checksum
        csum = packet_utils.checksum(buf)
        eq_(csum, 0)
Esempio n. 45
    def test_serialize_with_srcs(self):
        data = bytearray()
        prev = None
        buf = self.g.serialize(data, prev)

        res = unpack_from(igmpv3_query._PACK_STR, six.binary_type(buf))
        (src1, src2, src3) = unpack_from("4s4s4s", six.binary_type(buf), igmpv3_query._MIN_LEN)

        eq_(res[0], self.msgtype)
        eq_(res[1], self.maxresp)
        eq_(res[2], checksum(self.buf))
        eq_(res[3], addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(self.address))
        eq_(res[4], self.s_qrv)
        eq_(res[5], self.qqic)
        eq_(res[6], self.num)
        eq_(src1, addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(self.srcs[0]))
        eq_(src2, addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(self.srcs[1]))
        eq_(src3, addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(self.srcs[2]))
    def test_serialize(self):
        buf = self.ip.serialize(bytearray(), None)
        res = struct.unpack_from(ipv4._PACK_STR, str(buf))
        option = buf[ipv4._MIN_LEN:ipv4._MIN_LEN + len(self.option)]

        eq_(res[0], self.ver_hlen)
        eq_(res[1], self.tos)
        eq_(res[2], self.total_length)
        eq_(res[3], self.identification)
        eq_(res[4], self.flg_off)
        eq_(res[5], self.ttl)
        eq_(res[6], self.proto)
        eq_(res[8], addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(self.src))
        eq_(res[9], addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(self.dst))
        eq_(option, self.option)

        # checksum
        csum = packet_utils.checksum(buf)
        eq_(csum, 0)
Esempio n. 47
    def test_serialize_with_srcs(self):
        data = bytearray()
        prev = None
        buf = self.g.serialize(data, prev)

        res = unpack_from(igmpv3_query._PACK_STR, six.binary_type(buf))
        (src1, src2, src3) = unpack_from('4s4s4s', six.binary_type(buf),

        eq_(res[0], self.msgtype)
        eq_(res[1], self.maxresp)
        eq_(res[2], checksum(self.buf))
        eq_(res[3], addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(self.address))
        eq_(res[4], self.s_qrv)
        eq_(res[5], self.qqic)
        eq_(res[6], self.num)
        eq_(src1, addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(self.srcs[0]))
        eq_(src2, addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(self.srcs[1]))
        eq_(src3, addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(self.srcs[2]))
Esempio n. 48
    def setUp_with_echo(self):
        self.echo_id = 13379
        self.echo_seq = 1
        self.echo_data = '\x30\x0e\x09\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' \
            + '\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17' \
            + '\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f' \
            + '\x20\x21\x22\x23\x24\x25\x26\x27' \
            + '\x28\x29\x2a\x2b\x2c\x2d\x2e\x2f' \
            + '\x30\x31\x32\x33\x34\x35\x36\x37' = icmp.echo(
            id_=self.echo_id, seq=self.echo_seq, data=self.echo_data)

        self.type_ = icmp.ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST
        self.code = 0
        self.ic = icmp.icmp(self.type_, self.code, self.csum,

        self.buf = struct.pack(
            icmp.icmp._PACK_STR, self.type_, self.code, self.csum)
        self.buf +=
        self.csum_calc = packet_utils.checksum(str(self.buf))
        struct.pack_into('!H', self.buf, 2, self.csum_calc)
Esempio n. 49
    def setUp_with_echo(self):
        self.echo_id = 13379
        self.echo_seq = 1
        self.echo_data = b'\x30\x0e\x09\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' \
            + b'\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17' \
            + b'\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f' \
            + b'\x20\x21\x22\x23\x24\x25\x26\x27' \
            + b'\x28\x29\x2a\x2b\x2c\x2d\x2e\x2f' \
            + b'\x30\x31\x32\x33\x34\x35\x36\x37' = icmp.echo(
            id_=self.echo_id, seq=self.echo_seq, data=self.echo_data)

        self.type_ = icmp.ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST
        self.code = 0
        self.ic = icmp.icmp(self.type_, self.code, self.csum,

        self.buf = bytearray(struct.pack(
            icmp.icmp._PACK_STR, self.type_, self.code, self.csum))
        self.buf +=
        self.csum_calc = packet_utils.checksum(self.buf)
        struct.pack_into('!H', self.buf, 2, self.csum_calc)
Esempio n. 50
    def test_serialize(self):
        src_ip = '2001:db8:2000::1'
        dst_ip = vrrp.VRRP_IPV6_DST_ADDRESS
        prev = ipv6.ipv6(6, 0, 0, 0, inet.IPPROTO_VRRP,
                         vrrp.VRRP_IPV6_HOP_LIMIT, src_ip, dst_ip)

        type_ = vrrp.VRRP_TYPE_ADVERTISEMENT
        vrid = 5
        priority = 10
        max_adver_int = 30
        ip_address = '2001:db8:2000::2'
        ip_addresses = [ip_address]

        vrrp_ = vrrp.vrrpv3.create(
            type_, vrid, priority, max_adver_int, ip_addresses)

        buf = vrrp_.serialize(bytearray(), prev)
        print(len(buf), type(buf), buf)
        pack_str = vrrp.vrrpv3._PACK_STR + '16s'
        pack_len = struct.calcsize(pack_str)
        res = struct.unpack(pack_str, six.binary_type(buf))
        eq_(res[0], vrrp.vrrp_to_version_type(vrrp.VRRP_VERSION_V3, type_))
        eq_(res[1], vrid)
        eq_(res[2], priority)
        eq_(res[3], len(ip_addresses))
        eq_(res[4], max_adver_int)
        # res[5] is checksum
        eq_(res[6], addrconv.ipv6.text_to_bin(ip_address))
        eq_(len(buf), pack_len)

        # checksum
        ph = struct.pack('!16s16sI3xB',
                         pack_len, inet.IPPROTO_VRRP)
        s = packet_utils.checksum(ph + buf)
        eq_(0, s)
Esempio n. 51
    def test_serialize(self):
        src_ip = ''
        dst_ip = vrrp.VRRP_IPV4_DST_ADDRESS
        prev = ipv4.ipv4(4, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, vrrp.VRRP_IPV4_TTL,
                         inet.IPPROTO_VRRP, 0, src_ip, dst_ip)

        type_ = vrrp.VRRP_TYPE_ADVERTISEMENT
        vrid = 5
        priority = 10
        max_adver_int = 30
        ip_address = ''
        ip_addresses = [ip_address]

        vrrp_ = vrrp.vrrpv3.create(
            type_, vrid, priority, max_adver_int, ip_addresses)

        buf = vrrp_.serialize(bytearray(), prev)
        print(len(buf), type(buf), buf)
        pack_str = vrrp.vrrpv3._PACK_STR + '4s'
        pack_len = struct.calcsize(pack_str)
        res = struct.unpack(pack_str, str(buf))
        eq_(res[0], vrrp.vrrp_to_version_type(vrrp.VRRP_VERSION_V3, type_))
        eq_(res[1], vrid)
        eq_(res[2], priority)
        eq_(res[3], len(ip_addresses))
        eq_(res[4], max_adver_int)
        # res[5] is checksum
        eq_(res[6], addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(ip_address))
        eq_(len(buf), pack_len)

        # checksum
        ph = struct.pack('!4s4sxBH',
                         inet.IPPROTO_VRRP, pack_len)
        s = packet_utils.checksum(ph + buf)
        eq_(0, s)
Esempio n. 52
    def test_serialize_with_records(self):
        data = bytearray()
        prev = None
        buf = self.g.serialize(data, prev)

        res = unpack_from(igmpv3_report._PACK_STR, buffer(buf))
        offset = igmpv3_report._MIN_LEN
        rec1 = igmpv3_report_group.parser(buffer(buf[offset:]))
        offset += len(rec1)
        rec2 = igmpv3_report_group.parser(buffer(buf[offset:]))
        offset += len(rec2)
        rec3 = igmpv3_report_group.parser(buffer(buf[offset:]))
        offset += len(rec3)
        rec4 = igmpv3_report_group.parser(buffer(buf[offset:]))

        eq_(res[0], self.msgtype)
        eq_(res[1], checksum(self.buf))
        eq_(res[2], self.record_num)
        eq_(repr(rec1), repr(self.record1))
        eq_(repr(rec2), repr(self.record2))
        eq_(repr(rec3), repr(self.record3))
        eq_(repr(rec4), repr(self.record4))
Esempio n. 53
    def test_build_igmp(self):
        p = self._build_igmp()

        e = self.find_protocol(p, "ethernet")
        eq_(e.ethertype, ether.ETH_TYPE_IP)

        i = self.find_protocol(p, "ipv4")
        eq_(i.proto, inet.IPPROTO_IGMP)

        g = self.find_protocol(p, "igmpv3_query")

        eq_(g.msgtype, self.msgtype)
        eq_(g.maxresp, self.maxresp)
        eq_(g.csum, checksum(self.buf))
        eq_(g.address, self.address)
        eq_(g.s_flg, self.s_flg)
        eq_(g.qrv, self.qrv)
        eq_(g.qqic, self.qqic)
        eq_(g.num, self.num)
        eq_(g.srcs, self.srcs)
Esempio n. 54
    def test_serialize_with_records(self):
        data = bytearray()
        prev = None
        buf = six.binary_type(self.g.serialize(data, prev))

        res = unpack_from(igmpv3_report._PACK_STR, buf)
        offset = igmpv3_report._MIN_LEN
        rec1 = igmpv3_report_group.parser(buf[offset:])
        offset += len(rec1)
        rec2 = igmpv3_report_group.parser(buf[offset:])
        offset += len(rec2)
        rec3 = igmpv3_report_group.parser(buf[offset:])
        offset += len(rec3)
        rec4 = igmpv3_report_group.parser(buf[offset:])

        eq_(res[0], self.msgtype)
        eq_(res[1], checksum(self.buf))
        eq_(res[2], self.record_num)
        eq_(repr(rec1), repr(self.record1))
        eq_(repr(rec2), repr(self.record2))
        eq_(repr(rec3), repr(self.record3))
        eq_(repr(rec4), repr(self.record4))
Esempio n. 55
    def test_serialize(self):
        src_ip = '2001:db8:2000::1'
        dst_ip = vrrp.VRRP_IPV6_DST_ADDRESS
        prev = ipv6.ipv6(6, 0, 0, 0, inet.IPPROTO_VRRP,
                         vrrp.VRRP_IPV6_HOP_LIMIT, src_ip, dst_ip)

        type_ = vrrp.VRRP_TYPE_ADVERTISEMENT
        vrid = 5
        priority = 10
        max_adver_int = 30
        ip_address = '2001:db8:2000::2'
        ip_addresses = [ip_address]

        vrrp_ = vrrp.vrrpv3.create(type_, vrid, priority, max_adver_int,

        buf = vrrp_.serialize(bytearray(), prev)
        print(len(buf), type(buf), buf)
        pack_str = vrrp.vrrpv3._PACK_STR + '16s'
        pack_len = struct.calcsize(pack_str)
        res = struct.unpack(pack_str, six.binary_type(buf))
        eq_(res[0], vrrp.vrrp_to_version_type(vrrp.VRRP_VERSION_V3, type_))
        eq_(res[1], vrid)
        eq_(res[2], priority)
        eq_(res[3], len(ip_addresses))
        eq_(res[4], max_adver_int)
        # res[5] is checksum
        eq_(res[6], addrconv.ipv6.text_to_bin(ip_address))
        eq_(len(buf), pack_len)

        # checksum
        ph = struct.pack('!16s16sI3xB', addrconv.ipv6.text_to_bin(src_ip),
                         addrconv.ipv6.text_to_bin(dst_ip), pack_len,
        s = packet_utils.checksum(ph + buf)
        eq_(0, s)
Esempio n. 56
    def test_serialize(self):
        src_ip = ''
        dst_ip = vrrp.VRRP_IPV4_DST_ADDRESS
        prev = ipv4.ipv4(4, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, vrrp.VRRP_IPV4_TTL,
                         inet.IPPROTO_VRRP, 0, src_ip, dst_ip)

        type_ = vrrp.VRRP_TYPE_ADVERTISEMENT
        vrid = 5
        priority = 10
        max_adver_int = 30
        ip_address = ''
        ip_addresses = [ip_address]

        vrrp_ = vrrp.vrrpv3.create(type_, vrid, priority, max_adver_int,

        buf = vrrp_.serialize(bytearray(), prev)
        print(len(buf), type(buf), buf)
        pack_str = vrrp.vrrpv3._PACK_STR + '4s'
        pack_len = struct.calcsize(pack_str)
        res = struct.unpack(pack_str, str(buf))
        eq_(res[0], vrrp.vrrp_to_version_type(vrrp.VRRP_VERSION_V3, type_))
        eq_(res[1], vrid)
        eq_(res[2], priority)
        eq_(res[3], len(ip_addresses))
        eq_(res[4], max_adver_int)
        # res[5] is checksum
        eq_(res[6], addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(ip_address))
        eq_(len(buf), pack_len)

        # checksum
        ph = struct.pack('!4s4sxBH', addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(src_ip),
                         addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(dst_ip), inet.IPPROTO_VRRP,
        s = packet_utils.checksum(ph + buf)
        eq_(0, s)
Esempio n. 57
 def checksum_ok(self, ipvx, vrrp_buf):
     return packet_utils.checksum(vrrp_buf) == 0