def decode_4hot_mtx_nd(self, pts_nd, axis=1, returnEncode=False): ''' Decode by finding MODE # (0) converting classification of points in hull into all points in grid # (1) returning position of hottest 2x2 region ''' # t = rz.Timer() pts_full_flt = self.enc_full_grid_mtx_nd(pts_nd, axis=axis, returnFlat=True) # print ' %s'%t.tocStr() pts_full_4hot_flt = nd_argmax_4hot_conv22(pts_full_flt, self.grid.A, self.grid.B, axis=1) # print ' %s'%t.tocStr() pts_dec_full_4hot_flt = self.grid.decode_points(pts_full_4hot_flt) # print ' %s'%t.tocStr() pts_dec_full_4hot = rz.unflatten_2d_array(pts_dec_full_4hot_flt, pts_nd, axis=axis) # print ' %s'%t.tocStr() if (returnEncode): pts_4hot_flt = pts_full_4hot_flt[:, self.grid_mask] # print ' %s'%t.tocStr() pts_full_4hot = rz.unflatten_2d_array(pts_4hot_flt, pts_nd, axis=axis) # print ' %s'%t.tocStr() return (pts_dec_full_4hot, pts_full_4hot) else: return pts_dec_full_4hot
def enc_full_grid_mtx_nd(self, pts_enc, axis=1, returnFlat=False, returnGrid=False): ''' Expand a distribution into full distribution over non-legit ab values INPUTS pts_enc NxCxXxY encoded nd mtx (typically) axis integer returnFlat bool returnGrid bool expand dimension to AxB OUTPUTS pts_full if returnGrid NXYxAxB or NxAxBxXxY if not returnGrid NXYxC_full or NxC_fullxXxY ''' pts_flt = rz.flatten_nd_array(pts_enc, axis=axis) P = pts_flt.shape[0] pts_full_flt = np.zeros((P, self.grid.AB), dtype='float32') pts_full_flt[:, self.grid_mask] = pts_flt if (returnFlat): ret_mtx = pts_full_flt ret_axis = 1 else: ret_mtx = rz.unflatten_2d_array(pts_full_flt, pts_enc, axis=axis) ret_axis = axis if (returnGrid): return rz.reshape_single_axis(ret_mtx, self.grid.A, self.grid.B, axis=ret_axis) else: return ret_mtx
def entropy_mtx_nd(distr_nd, axis=1, eps=1e-10): distr_flt = rz.flatten_nd_array(distr_nd, axis=axis) entropy_flt = -np.sum(distr_flt * np.log10(distr_flt + eps), axis=1)[:,] entropy_nd = rz.unflatten_2d_array(entropy_flt, distr_nd, axis=axis, squeeze=True) return entropy_nd
def nd_argmax_4hot_conv22(pts_enc_nd, A, B, axis=1): # Compute highest index along axis, return 4-hot encoding along that axis # run a 2x2 convolution to figure out how which 4 indices to keep # (1) Reshape axis to be 2d # (2) Find maximum location # (3) Map to the 4 indices in that location # INPUTS # pts_enc_nd NxCxXxY (typically), or any nd array # A integer AxB=C # B integer # axis integer which contains channel C dimension # OUTPUTS # pts_enc_1hot_4d NxCxXxY (typically) with 1 non-zero values along each channel # flatten into NXYxC # reshape into NXYxAxB # t = rz.Timer() pts_enc_flt = rz.flatten_nd_array(pts_enc_nd, axis=axis) NXY = pts_enc_flt.shape[0] pts_enc_flt = pts_enc_flt.reshape((NXY, A, B)) # print ' %s'%t.tocStr() # run 2x2 convolution pts_enc_flt_conv22 = pts_enc_flt[:, :-1, : -1] + pts_enc_flt[:, 1:, : -1] + pts_enc_flt[:, :-1, 1:] + pts_enc_flt[:, 1:, 1:] pts_enc_flt_conv22 = pts_enc_flt_conv22.reshape((NXY, (A - 1) * (B - 1))) high_ind = np.argmax(pts_enc_flt_conv22, axis=1) high_sub = rz.ind2sub2(high_ind, (A - 1, B - 1)) # print ' %s'%t.tocStr() # find top location ogrid = np.ogrid[:NXY, :A, :B] mask = np.zeros((NXY, A, B), dtype='bool') mask[ogrid[0][:, 0, 0], high_sub[:, 0], high_sub[:, 1]] = True mask[ogrid[0][:, 0, 0], high_sub[:, 0] + 1, high_sub[:, 1]] = True mask[ogrid[0][:, 0, 0], high_sub[:, 0], high_sub[:, 1] + 1] = True mask[ogrid[0][:, 0, 0], high_sub[:, 0] + 1, high_sub[:, 1] + 1] = True # print ' %s'%t.tocStr() # mask & renormalize pts_enc_flt = (pts_enc_flt * mask).reshape((NXY, A * B)) pts_enc_flt = pts_enc_flt / np.sum(pts_enc_flt, axis=1)[:,] pts_enc_flt = rz.unflatten_2d_array(pts_enc_flt, pts_enc_nd, axis=axis) # print ' %s'%t.tocStr() return pts_enc_flt
def decode_med_mtx_nd(self, pts_nd, axis=1, returnEncode=False): ''' Encode by MEDIAN ''' pts_full_flt = self.enc_full_grid_mtx_nd(pts_nd, axis=axis, returnFlat=True) med_enc_full_flt = nd_argmax_med_grid(pts_full_flt, self.grid.A, self.grid.B, axis=1) med_enc_flt = med_enc_full_flt[:, self.grid_mask] med_enc_nd = rz.unflatten_2d_array(med_enc_flt, pts_nd, axis=axis) # print med_enc_flt.shape # print self.grid.ab_grid_flat.shape pts_dec_flt = self.decode_nn_mtx_nd(med_enc_flt, axis=1) pts_dec_nd = rz.unflatten_2d_array(pts_dec_flt, pts_nd, axis=axis) if (returnEncode): return (pts_dec_nd, med_enc_nd) else: return pts_dec_nd
def encode_4hot_mtx_nd(self, pts_nd, axis=1): ''' Encode by # (1) finding 4 corners around grid # (2) weighting as a linear interpolation # (3) masking out points which are in hull # (4) re-normalizing (in case some points are on border) ''' pts_flt = rz.flatten_nd_array(pts_nd, axis=axis) pts_enc_full_flt = self.grid.encode_points_mtx_nd(pts_nd, axis=axis, returnFlat=True) pts_enc_flt = pts_enc_full_flt[:, self.grid_mask] pts_enc_flt = pts_enc_flt / np.sum(pts_enc_flt, axis=1)[:,] return rz.unflatten_2d_array(pts_enc_flt, pts_nd, axis=axis)
def encode_points_mtx_nd(self, pts_nd, axis=1, returnSparse=False): t = rz.Timer() pts_flt = rz.flatten_nd_array(pts_nd, axis=axis) P = pts_flt.shape[0] (dists, inds) = self.nbrs.kneighbors(pts_flt) pts_enc_flt = np.zeros((P, self.K)) wts = np.exp(-dists**2 / (2 * self.sigma**2)) wts = wts / np.sum(wts, axis=1)[:,] pts_enc_flt[np.arange(0, P, dtype='int')[:,], inds] = wts pts_enc_nd = rz.unflatten_2d_array(pts_enc_flt, pts_nd, axis=axis) return pts_enc_nd
def nd_argmax_1hot(pts_enc_nd, axis=1): # Run 2x2 convolution, pick highest index, return # INPUTS # pts_enc_nd nd array # axis integer to perform argmax over pts_enc_flt = rz.flatten_nd_array(pts_enc_nd, axis=axis) N = pts_enc_flt.shape[0] pts_enc_1hot_flt = np.zeros_like(pts_enc_flt) max_inds = np.argmax(pts_enc_flt, axis=1) pts_enc_1hot_flt[np.arange(0, N), max_inds] = True pts_enc_1hot_nd = rz.unflatten_2d_array(pts_enc_1hot_flt, pts_enc_nd, axis=axis) return pts_enc_1hot_nd
def nd_argmax_1hot(pts_enc_nd, axis=1): # Compute highest index along 'axis', return 1 hot encoding of that axis # INPUTS # pts_enc_nd nd array # axis integer to perform argmax over pts_enc_flt = rz.flatten_nd_array(pts_enc_nd, axis=axis) N = pts_enc_flt.shape[0] pts_enc_1hot_flt = np.zeros_like(pts_enc_flt) max_inds = np.argmax(pts_enc_flt, axis=1) pts_enc_1hot_flt[np.arange(0, N), max_inds] = True pts_enc_1hot_nd = rz.unflatten_2d_array(pts_enc_1hot_flt, pts_enc_nd, axis=axis) return pts_enc_1hot_nd
def expand_axis_mask(pts, grid_mask, axis=1, returnFlat=False): ''' Expand a single axis by a mask. INPUTS pts N0xN1x...xNn n-dimensional matrix grid_mask M bool vector axis integer axis to expand returnFlat boolean if True, return a PxM vector if False, return a N0xN1x...xNn, but with Naxis replaced with M ''' AB = grid_mask.size pts_flt = rz.flatten_nd_array(pts, axis=axis) P = pts_flt.shape[0] pts_full_flt = np.zeros((P, AB), dtype='float32') pts_full_flt[:, grid_mask] = pts_flt if (returnFlat): return pts_full_flt else: return rz.unflatten_2d_array(pts_full_flt, pts, axis=axis)
def decode_points_mtx_nd(self, pts_enc_nd, axis=1): # INPUTS # pts_enc_nd encoded nd points in ab space # axis axis containing ab pts_nd_polar_sqrt = self.grid.decode_points_mtx_nd(pts_enc_nd, axis=axis) pts_flt_polar_sqrt = rz.flatten_nd_array(pts_nd_polar_sqrt, axis=axis) pts_flt_polar = pts_flt_polar_sqrt.copy() pts_flt_polar[:, 0] = pts_flt_polar[:, 0]**2 pts_flt_polar[:, 1] = pts_flt_polar[:, 1] * np.pi / 180 pts_flt = np.zeros_like(pts_flt_polar) pts_flt[:, 0] = pts_flt_polar[:, 0] * np.sin(pts_flt_polar[:, 1]) pts_flt[:, 1] = pts_flt_polar[:, 0] * np.cos(pts_flt_polar[:, 1]) pts_nd = rz.unflatten_2d_array(pts_flt, pts_enc_nd, axis=axis) return pts_nd
def nd_argmax_med_grid(pts_enc_nd, A, B, axis=1): # Compute index for median, assuming distribution is over a grid # (1) Reshape axis to be 2d # (2) Run cum-sum in those 2 dimensions # (3) Find median point in those 2 dimensions # INPUTS # pts_enc_nd NxCxXxY (typically), or any nd array # A integer AxB=C # B integer # axis integer which contains channel C dimension # OUTPUTS # med_enc_nd NxCxXxY pts_enc_flt = rz.flatten_nd_array(pts_enc_nd, axis=axis) NXY = pts_enc_flt.shape[0] pts_enc_flt = pts_enc_flt.reshape((NXY, A, B)) # marginalize out in either dimension pts_enc_full_flt_marg0 = np.sum(pts_enc_flt, axis=2) pts_enc_full_flt_marg1 = np.sum(pts_enc_flt, axis=1) med_inds0 = np.argmin( np.abs(np.cumsum(pts_enc_full_flt_marg0, axis=1) - .5), axis=1) med_inds1 = np.argmin( np.abs(np.cumsum(pts_enc_full_flt_marg1, axis=1) - .5), axis=1) # plt.hist(np.min(np.abs(np.cumsum(pts_enc_full_flt_marg0,axis=1)-.5),axis=1)) # med_subs = np.concatenate((med_inds0[:,], med_inds1[:,]), axis=1) med_inds = rz.sub2ind2(med_subs, (A, B)) med_enc_flt = np.zeros((NXY, A * B), dtype='float32') med_enc_flt[np.arange(0, NXY), med_inds] = 1 med_enc_nd = rz.unflatten_2d_array(med_enc_flt, pts_enc_nd, axis=axis) return med_enc_nd
def encode_points_mtx_nd(self, pts_nd, axis=1): # INPUTS # pts_nd nd points in ab space # axis axis containing ab # self.grid() pts_flt = rz.flatten_nd_array(pts_nd, axis=axis) # print pts_flt.shape pts_flt_polar_sqrt = np.zeros_like(pts_flt) pts_flt_polar_sqrt[:, 0] = np.sqrt(np.sqrt(np.sum(pts_flt**2, axis=1))) pts_flt_polar_sqrt[:, 1] = np.arctan2(pts_flt[:, 0], pts_flt[:, 1]) * 180 / np.pi # print pts_flt_polar_sqrt.shape # print pts_flt_polar_sqrt pts_flt_enc = self.grid.encode_points(pts_flt_polar_sqrt, returnMatrix=True) # print pts_flt_enc.shape pts_enc_nd = rz.unflatten_2d_array(pts_flt_enc, pts_nd, axis=axis) return pts_enc_nd
def decode_points_mtx_nd(self, pts_enc_nd, axis=1): pts_enc_flt = rz.flatten_nd_array(pts_enc_nd, axis=axis) pts_dec_flt =, pts_dec_nd = rz.unflatten_2d_array(pts_dec_flt, pts_enc_nd, axis=axis) return pts_dec_nd