Esempio n. 1
File: Progetto: jvivian/s3am
 def parse_part_size( s ):
     i = human2bytes( s )
     if i < min_part_size:
         raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError( "Part size must be at least %i" % min_part_size )
     if i > max_part_size:
         raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError( "Part size must not exceed %i" % max_part_size )
     return i
Esempio n. 2
 def parse_upload_part_size( s ):
     i = human2bytes( s )
     if i < min_part_size:
         raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError( "Part size must be at least %i" % min_part_size )
     if i > max_part_size:
         raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError( "Part size must not exceed %i" % max_part_size )
     return i
Esempio n. 3
from urlparse import urlparse
from StringIO import StringIO

import boto.s3

from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection

from boto.s3.multipart import MultiPartUpload, Part

from s3am import me, log, UserError, WorkerException
from s3am.boto_utils import work_around_dots_in_bucket_names
from s3am.humanize import bytes2human, human2bytes

max_part_per_page = 1000  #
max_uploads_per_page = 1000
min_part_size = human2bytes( "5M" )
max_part_size = human2bytes( "5G" )
max_parts_per_upload = 10000

# The multiprocessing module needs semaphores to be declared at the top level. I'm assuming this
# applies to events, too. The semaphore's initial value depends on a command line option so we
# need to instantiate it later, in stream(). The second reason for initializing them later is
# that we want stream() to be called multiple times per program invocation, e.g. for unit tests.
download_slots_semaphore = None
done_event = None
error_event = None

num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count( )

Esempio n. 4
 def parse_download_part_size( s ):
     i = human2bytes( s )
     if i < 1:
         raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError( "Part size must be at least 1" )
     return i