Esempio n. 1
    def test_init(self):
        """Test init."""
        unit_feet = Unit('130790')

        unit_metres = Unit('900713')

        resource_parameter = ResourceParameter() = 'Flood Depth'
        resource_parameter.is_required = True
        resource_parameter.precision = 3
        resource_parameter.minimum_allowed_value = 1.0
        resource_parameter.maximum_allowed_value = 2.0
        resource_parameter.help_text = 'The depth of flood.'
        resource_parameter.description = (
            'A <b>test _description</b> that is very long so that you need '
            'to read it for one minute and you will be tired after read this '
            'description. You are the best user so far. Even better if you '
            'read this description loudly so that all of your friends will be '
            'able to hear you')
        resource_parameter.unit = unit_feet
        resource_parameter.allowed_units = [unit_metres, unit_feet]
        resource_parameter.value = 1.12

        widget = ResourceParameterWidget(resource_parameter)

        expected_value =
        real_value = widget.label.text()
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)

        expected_value = resource_parameter.value
        real_value = widget.get_parameter().value
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)


        expected_value = 1.5
        real_value = widget.get_parameter().value
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)


        expected_value = 1.556
        real_value = widget.get_parameter().value
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)


        expected_value = 2
        real_value = widget.get_parameter().value
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)
Esempio n. 2
def convert_to_parameter_unit(unit_definition):
    unit = Unit() = unit_definition.get('name')
    unit.plural = unit_definition.get('plural_name')
    unit.abbreviation = unit_definition.get('abbreviation')
    unit.description = unit_definition.get('description')
    return unit
Esempio n. 3
def building_type_postprocessor():
    """Get building-type parameter for postprocessing.

    :return: Selectors to activate building breakdown postprocessor.
    :rtype: list
    building_type = GroupParameter() = tr('Building type')
    building_type.enable_parameter = True
    building_type.description = tr(
        'Check this option if you want to enable a building impact report '
        'broken down by building type for each aggregation area.')

    unit_threshold = Unit() = tr('features')
    unit_threshold.plural = tr('features')
    unit_threshold.abbreviation = tr('features')
    unit_threshold.description = tr('Number of features.')

    threshold = IntegerParameter() = 'Threshold'
    threshold.minimum_allowed_value = 1
    # We shouldn't set a maximum, but there is a bug (#2468).
    threshold.maximum_allowed_value = 9999
    threshold.value = 25
    threshold.unit = unit_threshold
    threshold.allowed_units = [unit_threshold]
    threshold.help_text = tr('Threshold')
    threshold.description = tr(
        'The threshold is used to consolidate small building usage groups '
        'which are within this threshold.')

    building_type.value = [threshold]

    return [building_type]
Esempio n. 4
def building_type_postprocessor():
    """Get building-type parameter for postprocessing.

    :return: Selectors to activate building breakdown postprocessor.
    :rtype: list
    building_type = GroupParameter() = tr('Building type')
    building_type.enable_parameter = True
    building_type.description = tr(
        'Check this option if you want to enable a building impact report '
        'broken down by building type for each aggregation area.'

    unit_threshold = Unit() = tr('features')
    unit_threshold.plural = tr('features')
    unit_threshold.abbreviation = tr('features')
    unit_threshold.description = tr(
        'Number of features.'

    threshold = IntegerParameter() = 'Threshold'
    threshold.minimum_allowed_value = 1
    # We shouldn't set a maximum, but there is a bug (#2468).
    threshold.maximum_allowed_value = 9999
    threshold.value = 25
    threshold.unit = unit_threshold
    threshold.allowed_units = [unit_threshold]
    threshold.help_text = tr('Threshold')
    threshold.description = tr(
        'The threshold is used to consolidate small building usage groups '
        'which are within this threshold.'

    building_type.value = [threshold]

    return [building_type]
    def test_init(self):
        unit_feet = Unit("130790")

        unit_metres = Unit("900713")

        resource_parameter = ResourceParameter() = "Flood Depth"
        resource_parameter.is_required = True
        resource_parameter.precision = 3
        resource_parameter.minimum_allowed_value = 1.0
        resource_parameter.maximum_allowed_value = 2.0
        resource_parameter.help_text = "The depth of flood."
        resource_parameter.description = (
            "A <b>test _description</b> that is very long so that you need "
            "to read it for one minute and you will be tired after read this "
            "description. You are the best user so far. Even better if you "
            "read this description loudly so that all of your friends will be "
            "able to hear you"
        resource_parameter.unit = unit_feet
        resource_parameter.allowed_units = [unit_metres, unit_feet]
        resource_parameter.value = 1.12

        widget = ResourceParameterWidget(resource_parameter)

        expected_value =
        real_value = widget._label.text()
        message = "Expected %s get %s" % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)

        expected_value = resource_parameter.value
        real_value = widget.get_parameter().value
        message = "Expected %s get %s" % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)


        expected_value = 1.5
        real_value = widget.get_parameter().value
        message = "Expected %s get %s" % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)


        expected_value = 1.556
        real_value = widget.get_parameter().value
        message = "Expected %s get %s" % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)


        expected_value = 2
        real_value = widget.get_parameter().value
        message = "Expected %s get %s" % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)
    def test_all(self):
        """Basic test of all properties."""
        unit = Unit() = 'meter'
        unit.plural = 'metres'
        unit.abbreviation = 'm'
        unit.description = (
            '<b>metres</b> are a metric unit of measure. There are 100 '
            'centimetres in 1 metre.'),
        unit.help_text = 'Help for meter unit'

        parameter = ResourceParameter()
        parameter.is_required = True
        parameter.minimum_allowed_value = 1.0
        parameter.maximum_allowed_value = 2.0
        parameter.value = 1.123
        parameter.frequency = 'weekly'
        parameter.unit = unit

        self.assertEqual(1.123, parameter.value)
        self.assertDictEqual(unit.serialize(), parameter.unit.serialize())
        self.assertEqual('weekly', parameter.frequency)
Esempio n. 7
    def test_all(self):
        """Basic test of all properties."""
        unit = Unit() = "meter"
        unit.plural = "metres"
        unit.abbreviation = "m"
        unit.description = (("<b>metres</b> are a metric unit of measure. There are 100 " "centimetres in 1 metre."),)
        unit.help_text = "Help for meter unit"

        parameter = ResourceParameter()
        parameter.is_required = True
        parameter.minimum_allowed_value = 1.0
        parameter.maximum_allowed_value = 2.0
        parameter.value = 1.123
        parameter.frequency = "weekly"
        parameter.unit = unit

        self.assertEqual(1.123, parameter.value)
        self.assertDictEqual(unit.serialize(), parameter.unit.serialize())
        self.assertEqual("weekly", parameter.frequency)
    def test_all(self):
        """Basic test of all properties."""
        unit = Unit() = 'meter'
        unit.plural = 'metres'
        unit.abbreviation = 'm'
        unit.description = (
            '<b>metres</b> are a metric unit of measure. There are 100 '
            'centimetres in 1 metre.'),
        unit.help_text = 'Help for meter unit'

        parameter = ResourceParameter()
        parameter.is_required = True
        parameter.minimum_allowed_value = 1.0
        parameter.maximum_allowed_value = 2.0
        parameter.value = 1.123
        parameter.frequency = 'weekly'
        parameter.unit = unit

        self.assertEqual(1.123, parameter.value)
        self.assertDictEqual(unit.serialize(), parameter.unit.serialize())
        self.assertEqual('weekly', parameter.frequency)
Esempio n. 9
class ResourceParameter(FloatParameter):
    """A parameter handling specifically the resources used in InaSAFE
    minimum needs.

    :param guid: The unique reference to use when addressing this value.
    :type guid: str, None
    def __init__(self, guid=None):
        super(ResourceParameter, self).__init__(guid)
        self._frequency = ''
        self._unit = Unit()

    def frequency(self):
        """The frequency that the resource needs to be supplied getter.

        :returns: The frequency.
        :rtype: str
        return self._frequency

    def frequency(self, frequency):
        """Set the frequency that the resource needs to be supplied.

        :param frequency: The frequency of the resource.
        :type frequency: str

        self._frequency = frequency

    def serialize(self):
        """Convert the parameter into a dictionary.

        :return: The parameter dictionary.
        :rtype: dict
        pickle = super(ResourceParameter, self).serialize()
        pickle['frequency'] = self.frequency
        pickle['unit'] = self._unit.serialize()
        return pickle

    # pylint: disable=W0221
    def unit(self):
        """Property for the unit for the parameter.

        :returns: The unit of the parameter.
        :rtype: Unit

        return self._unit

    def unit(self, unit):
        """Setter for unit for the parameter.

        :param unit: Unit for parameter
        :type unit: Unit

        self._unit = unit
Esempio n. 10
def age_postprocessor():
    """Get age postprocessor selectors.

    :return: Selectors to activate age postprocessor.
    :rtype: list
    age = GroupParameter() = 'Age'
    age.enable_parameter = True
    age.must_scroll = False
    age.help_text = tr('Age ratios breakdown.')
    age.description = tr(
        'Check this option if you wish to calculate a breakdown by age group'
        'for the affected population. ')

    unit_ratio = Unit() = tr('ratio')
    unit_ratio.plural = tr('ratios')
    unit_ratio.abbreviation = tr('ratio')
    unit_ratio.description = tr(
        'Ratio represents a fraction of 1, so it ranges from 0 to 1.')

    youth_ratio = FloatParameter() = 'Youth ratio'
    youth_ratio.value = get_defaults('YOUTH_RATIO')
    youth_ratio.unit = unit_ratio
    youth_ratio.allowed_units = [unit_ratio]
    youth_ratio.help_text = tr('Youth ratio value.')
    youth_ratio.description = tr(
        'Youth ratio defines what proportion of the population have not yet '
        'achieved financial independence. The age threshold for youth can '
        'vary by region - please consult with your local census bureau to find'
        'out what the relevant threshold is in your region. InaSAFE does not '
        'impose a particular age ratio scheme - it will break down the '
        'population according to the thresholds you define for your locality.'
        'In InaSAFE, people 0-14 years old are defined as "youth". The '
        'default youth ratio is 0.263.')

    adult_ratio = FloatParameter() = 'Adult ratio'
    adult_ratio.value = get_defaults('ADULT_RATIO')
    adult_ratio.unit = unit_ratio
    adult_ratio.allowed_units = [unit_ratio]
    adult_ratio.help_text = tr('Adult ratio value.')
    adult_ratio.description = tr(
        'Adult ratio defines what proportion of the population have '
        'passed into adulthood and are not yet aged. The age threshold for '
        'adults can vary by region - please consult with your local census '
        'bureau to find out what the relevant threshold is in your region. '
        'InaSAFE does not impose a particular age ratio scheme - it will '
        'break down the population according to the thresholds you define '
        'for your locality.'
        'In InaSAFE, people 15-64 years old are defined as "adult". The '
        'default adult ratio is 0.659.')

    elderly_ratio = FloatParameter() = 'Elderly ratio'
    elderly_ratio.value = get_defaults('ELDERLY_RATIO')
    elderly_ratio.unit = unit_ratio
    elderly_ratio.allowed_units = [unit_ratio]
    elderly_ratio.help_text = tr('Elderly ratio value.')
    elderly_ratio.description = tr(
        'Elderly ratio defines what proportion of the population have '
        'passed from adulthood into their later life stage.  The age '
        'threshold for being considered elderly can vary by region - please '
        'consult with your local census bureau to find out what the relevant '
        'threshold is in your region. InaSAFE does not impose a particular '
        'age ratio scheme - it will break down the population according to '
        'the thresholds you define for your locality.'
        'In InaSAFE, people 65 years old and over are defined as "elderly". '
        'The default elderly ratio is 0.078.')

    age.value = [youth_ratio, adult_ratio, elderly_ratio]

    def _age_validator(parameters=None):
        total_ratio = 0
        for p in parameters:
            total_ratio += p.value

        if not total_ratio == 1:
            message = tr('Total Age ratio is %s instead of 1') % total_ratio
            raise ValueError(message)

    age.custom_validator = _age_validator

    return [age]
    def test_init(self):

        unit_feet = Unit('130790')

        unit_metres = Unit('900713')

        integer_parameter = IntegerParameter() = 'Paper'
        integer_parameter.is_required = True
        integer_parameter.minimum_allowed_value = 1
        integer_parameter.maximum_allowed_value = 5
        integer_parameter.help_text = 'Number of paper'
        integer_parameter.description = (
            'A <b>test _description</b> that is very long so that you need '
            'to read it for one minute and you will be tired after read this '
            'description. You are the best user so far. Even better if you '
            'read this description loudly so that all of your friends will be '
            'able to hear you')
        integer_parameter.unit = unit_feet
        integer_parameter.allowed_units = [unit_feet]
        integer_parameter.value = 3

        widget = IntegerParameterWidget(integer_parameter)

        expected_value =
        real_value = widget._label.text()
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)

        expected_value = integer_parameter.value
        real_value = widget.get_parameter().value
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)


        expected_value = 1
        real_value = widget.get_parameter().value
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)


        expected_value = 1
        real_value = widget.get_parameter().value
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)


        expected_value = 5
        real_value = widget.get_parameter().value
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)

        expected_value = 'QLabel'
        real_value = widget._unit_widget.__class__.__name__
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)

        expected_value = 'feet'
        real_value = widget._unit_widget.text()
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)
Esempio n. 12
 def __init__(self, guid=None):
     super(ResourceParameter, self).__init__(guid)
     self._frequency = ''
     self._unit = Unit()
Esempio n. 13
    def test_init(self):

        unit_feet = Unit('130790')

        unit_metres = Unit('900713')

        float_parameter = FloatParameter() = 'Flood Depth'
        float_parameter.is_required = True
        float_parameter.precision = 3
        float_parameter.minimum_allowed_value = 1.0
        float_parameter.maximum_allowed_value = 2.0
        float_parameter.help_text = 'The depth of flood.'
        float_parameter.description = (
            'A <b>test _description</b> that is very long so that you need '
            'to read it for one minute and you will be tired after read this '
            'description. You are the best user so far. Even better if you '
            'read this description loudly so that all of your friends will be '
            'able to hear you')
        float_parameter.unit = unit_feet
        float_parameter.allowed_units = [unit_metres, unit_feet]
        float_parameter.value = 1.12

        widget = FloatParameterWidget(float_parameter)

        expected_value =
        real_value = widget._label.text()
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)

        expected_value = float_parameter.value
        real_value = widget.get_parameter().value
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)


        expected_value = 1.5
        real_value = widget.get_parameter().value
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)


        expected_value = 1.556
        real_value = widget.get_parameter().value
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)


        expected_value = 2
        real_value = widget.get_parameter().value
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)

        expected_value = 'QComboBox'
        real_value = widget._unit_widget.__class__.__name__
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)

        expected_value = 'feet'
        real_value = widget.get_parameter()
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)

        expected_value = 'metres'
        real_value = widget.get_parameter()
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)
    def test_init(self):

        unit_feet = Unit('130790')

        unit_metres = Unit('900713')

        integer_parameter = IntegerParameter() = 'Paper'
        integer_parameter.is_required = True
        integer_parameter.minimum_allowed_value = 1
        integer_parameter.maximum_allowed_value = 5
        integer_parameter.help_text = 'Number of paper'
        integer_parameter.description = (
            'A <b>test _description</b> that is very long so that you need '
            'to read it for one minute and you will be tired after read this '
            'description. You are the best user so far. Even better if you '
            'read this description loudly so that all of your friends will be '
            'able to hear you')
        integer_parameter.unit = unit_feet
        integer_parameter.allowed_units = [unit_feet]
        integer_parameter.value = 3

        widget = IntegerParameterWidget(integer_parameter)

        expected_value =
        real_value = widget._label.text()
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)

        expected_value = integer_parameter.value
        real_value = widget.get_parameter().value
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)


        expected_value = 1
        real_value = widget.get_parameter().value
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)


        expected_value = 1
        real_value = widget.get_parameter().value
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)


        expected_value = 5
        real_value = widget.get_parameter().value
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)

        expected_value = 'QLabel'
        real_value = widget._unit_widget.__class__.__name__
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)

        expected_value = 'feet'
        real_value = widget._unit_widget.text()
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)
Esempio n. 15
 def __init__(self, guid=None):
     super(ResourceParameter, self).__init__(guid)
     self._frequency = ''
     self._unit = Unit()
Esempio n. 16
def age_postprocessor():
    """Get age postprocessor selectors.

    :return: Selectors to activate age postprocessor.
    :rtype: list
    age = GroupParameter() = 'Age'
    age.enable_parameter = True
    age.must_scroll = False
    age.help_text = tr('Age ratios breakdown.')
    age.description = tr(
        'Check this option if you wish to calculate a breakdown by age group'
        'for the affected population. '

    unit_ratio = Unit() = tr('ratio')
    unit_ratio.plural = tr('ratios')
    unit_ratio.abbreviation = tr('ratio')
    unit_ratio.description = tr(
        'Ratio represents a fraction of 1, so it ranges from 0 to 1.'

    youth_ratio = FloatParameter() = 'Youth ratio'
    youth_ratio.value = get_defaults('YOUTH_RATIO')
    youth_ratio.unit = unit_ratio
    youth_ratio.allowed_units = [unit_ratio]
    youth_ratio.help_text = tr('Youth ratio value.')
    youth_ratio.description = tr(
        'Youth ratio defines what proportion of the population have not yet '
        'achieved financial independence. The age threshold for youth can '
        'vary by region - please consult with your local census bureau to find'
        'out what the relevant threshold is in your region. InaSAFE does not '
        'impose a particular age ratio scheme - it will break down the '
        'population according to the thresholds you define for your locality.'
        'In InaSAFE, people 0-14 years old are defined as "youth". The '
        'default youth ratio is 0.263.'

    adult_ratio = FloatParameter() = 'Adult ratio'
    adult_ratio.value = get_defaults('ADULT_RATIO')
    adult_ratio.unit = unit_ratio
    adult_ratio.allowed_units = [unit_ratio]
    adult_ratio.help_text = tr('Adult ratio value.')
    adult_ratio.description = tr(
        'Adult ratio defines what proportion of the population have '
        'passed into adulthood and are not yet aged. The age threshold for '
        'adults can vary by region - please consult with your local census '
        'bureau to find out what the relevant threshold is in your region. '
        'InaSAFE does not impose a particular age ratio scheme - it will '
        'break down the population according to the thresholds you define '
        'for your locality.'
        'In InaSAFE, people 15-64 years old are defined as "adult". The '
        'default adult ratio is 0.659.'

    elderly_ratio = FloatParameter() = 'Elderly ratio'
    elderly_ratio.value = get_defaults('ELDERLY_RATIO')
    elderly_ratio.unit = unit_ratio
    elderly_ratio.allowed_units = [unit_ratio]
    elderly_ratio.help_text = tr('Elderly ratio value.')
    elderly_ratio.description = tr(
        'Elderly ratio defines what proportion of the population have '
        'passed from adulthood into their later life stage.  The age '
        'threshold for being considered elderly can vary by region - please '
        'consult with your local census bureau to find out what the relevant '
        'threshold is in your region. InaSAFE does not impose a particular '
        'age ratio scheme - it will break down the population according to '
        'the thresholds you define for your locality.'
        'In InaSAFE, people 65 years old and over are defined as "elderly". '
        'The default elderly ratio is 0.078.'

    age.value = [youth_ratio, adult_ratio, elderly_ratio]

    def _age_validator(parameters=None):
        total_ratio = 0
        for p in parameters:
            total_ratio += p.value

        if not total_ratio == 1:
            message = tr('Total Age ratio is %s instead of 1') % total_ratio
            raise ValueError(message)

    age.custom_validator = _age_validator

    return [age]
Esempio n. 17
class ResourceParameter(FloatParameter):
    """A parameter handling specifically the resources used in InaSAFE
    minimum needs.

    :param guid: The unique reference to use when addressing this value.
    :type guid: str, None
    def __init__(self, guid=None):
        super(ResourceParameter, self).__init__(guid)
        self._frequency = ''
        self._unit = Unit()

    def frequency(self):
        """The frequency that the resource needs to be supplied getter.

        :returns: The frequency.
        :rtype: str
        return self._frequency

    def frequency(self, frequency):
        """Set the frequency that the resource needs to be supplied.

        :param frequency: The frequency of the resource.
        :type frequency: str

        self._frequency = frequency

    def serialize(self):
        """Convert the parameter into a dictionary.

        :return: The parameter dictionary.
        :rtype: dict
        pickle = super(ResourceParameter, self).serialize()
        pickle['frequency'] = self.frequency
        pickle['unit'] = self._unit.serialize()
        return pickle

    # pylint: disable=W0221
    def unit(self):
        """Property for the unit for the parameter.

        :returns: The unit of the parameter.
        :rtype: Unit

        return self._unit

    def unit(self, unit):
        """Setter for unit for the parameter.

        :param unit: Unit for parameter
        :type unit: Unit

        self._unit = unit