Esempio n. 1
def test_ea_permutations():
    for N in [4, 5]:
        F = GF(2**N, name="a")
        inv = [(F.fetch_int(x)**(2**N - 2)).integer_representation()
               for x in xrange(0, 2**N)]
        print("== " + str(N))
        for L in ea_equivalent_permutation_mappings(inv):
            print(L.str() + "\n")
Esempio n. 2
def test_enumerate_ea():
    N = 8
    F = GF(2**N, name="a")
    # generating the Kim mapping
    kim = []
    for x_i in xrange(0, 2**N):
        x = F.fetch_int(x_i)
        y = x**3 + x**10 + F.gen()*x**24
    classes = enumerate_ea_classes(kim)
    for f in classes:
        print algebraic_degree(f), pretty_spectrum(thickness_spectrum(f))
    print "total: ", len(classes)
Esempio n. 3
def test_ccz_permutations(number="all permutations"):
    N = 6
    F = GF(2**N, name="a")
    # generating the Kim mapping
    kim = []
    for x_i in xrange(0, 2**N):
        x = F.fetch_int(x_i)
        y = x**3 + x**10 + F.gen() * x**24
    permutations = ccz_equivalent_permutations(kim, number=number)
    for i, p in enumerate(permutations):
        print("{:2d} {} {} {}".format(
            i, is_permutation(p), pretty_spectrum(differential_spectrum(p)),
    print("total: {}".format(len(permutations)))
Esempio n. 4
def test_ea_classes():
    N = 8
    F = GF(2**N, name="a")
    # generating the Kim mapping
    kim = []
    for x_i in xrange(0, 2**N):
        x = F.fetch_int(x_i)
        y = x**3 + x**10 + F.gen()*x**24

    total = 0
    for f in ea_classes_in_the_ccz_class_of(kim):
        print algebraic_degree(f), pretty_spectrum(thickness_spectrum(f))
        total += 1
    print "total: ", total
Esempio n. 5
    total = 0
    for f in ea_classes_in_the_ccz_class_of(kim):
            str(algebraic_degree(f)) + pretty_spectrum(thickness_spectrum(f)))
        total += 1
    print("total: " + str(total))

# !SECTION! Running tests

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # test_ea_permutations()
    # test_ccz_permutations(number="just one")
    # test_enumerate_ea()
    # test_ea_classes()

    # import sys
    # N = int(sys.argv[1])
    # print("=== Linear Equivalence ===")
    # test_le_equivalence(N, verbose=True)
    # print("\n=== Linear Representative ===")
    # test_le_repr(N, verbose=False)
    # print("\n=== Affine Equivalence ===")
    # test_ae_equivalence(N, verbose=True)

    N = 5
    gf = GF(2**N, name="a")
    cube = [(gf.fetch_int(x)**3) for x in range(0, 2**N)]
    for g in ea_classes_in_the_ccz_class_of(cube):
        print(are_ccz_equivalent(f, g), g)