Esempio n. 1
def connecting_ideal(O_1, O_2):
    """Returns an O_1, O_2-connecting ideal.

        O_1: A maximal order in a rational quaternion algebra.
        O_2: A maximal order in the same quaternion algebra.

        An ideal I that is a left O_1 ideal and a right O_2 ideal. Moreover I
        is a subset of O_1.
    # There exists some integer d such that d*O_2 is a subset of O_1. We
    # first compute d.
    mat_1 = matrix([x.coefficient_tuple() for x in O_1.basis()])
    mat_2 = matrix([x.coefficient_tuple() for x in O_2.basis()])
    matcoeff = mat_2 * ~mat_1
    d = lcm(x.denominator() for x in matcoeff.coefficients())

    # J is a subset of O_1 and is a O_1, O_2-ideal by construction.
    J = left_ideal([d * x * y for x in O_1.basis() for y in O_2.basis()], O_1)

    assert J.left_order() == O_1
    assert J.right_order() == O_2
    assert all(x in O_1 for x in J.basis())

    return J
Esempio n. 2
 def __div__(self, other):
     Divide modular forms, rescaling if necessary.
     if isinstance(other, OrthogonalModularForm):
         if not self.gram_matrix() == other.gram_matrix():
             raise ValueError('Incompatible Gram matrices')
         self_scale = self.scale()
         other_scale = other.scale()
         if self_scale != 1 or other_scale != 1:
             new_scale = lcm(self.scale(), other.scale())
             X1 = self.rescale(new_scale // self_scale)
             X2 = other.rescale(new_scale // other_scale)
             return OrthogonalModularForm(
                 self.__weight - other.weight(),
                 X1.true_fourier_expansion() * X2.inverse(),
                 weylvec=self.weyl_vector() - other.weyl_vector(),
         return OrthogonalModularForm(
             self.weight() - other.weight(),
             self.true_fourier_expansion() * other.inverse(),
             weylvec=self.weyl_vector() - other.weyl_vector(),
         return OrthogonalModularForm(
             self.true_fourier_expansion() / other,
Esempio n. 3
 def __sub__(self, other):
     Subtract modular forms, rescaling if necessary.
     if not other:
         return self
     if not self.gram_matrix() == other.gram_matrix():
         raise ValueError('Incompatible Gram matrices')
     if not self.weight() == other.weight():
         raise ValueError('Incompatible weights')
     self_v = self.weyl_vector()
     other_v = other.weyl_vector()
     if self_v or other_v:
         if not denominator(self_v - other_v) == 1:
             raise ValueError('Incompatible characters')
     self_scale = self.scale()
     other_scale = other.scale()
     if not self_scale == other_scale:
         new_scale = lcm(self_scale, other_scale)
         X1 = self.rescale(new_scale // self_scale)
         X2 = other.rescale(new_scale // other_scale)
         return OrthogonalModularForm(
             X1.true_fourier_expansion() - X2.true_fourier_expansion(),
     return OrthogonalModularForm(
         self.true_fourier_expansion() - other.true_fourier_expansion(),
Esempio n. 4
 def __eq__(self, other):
     self_scale = self.scale()
     other_scale = other.scale()
     if self_scale == other_scale:
         return self.true_fourier_expansion(
         ) == other.true_fourier_expansion()
         new_scale = lcm(self_scale, other_scale)
         X1 = self.rescale(new_scale // self_scale)
         X2 = other.rescale(new_scale // other_scale)
         return X1.true_fourier_expansion() == X2.true_fourier_expansion()
Esempio n. 5
    def _numden(self, t, start=0, shift=0, offset=0, verbose=False):
        Return f and g, such that
            P_{m+1} = f(k) / g(k) P_m
            P_m = t^m \prod_i (alpha)_m / (beta)_m,
            shift mod p = floor(start*(p-1)) + offset,
            m = floor(start*(p-1)) + k,
            1 <= k < floor(end*(p-1)) - floor(start*(p-1)).


            sage: H = AmortizingHypergeometricData(100, alpha_beta=([1/6,5/6],[0,0]))
            sage: start, end, p = 0, 1/6, 97
            sage: shift, offset = H._starts_to_rationals[start][p % start.denominator()]
            sage: f, g = H._numden(t=1, shift=shift, offset=offset, start=start)
            sage: f
            36*k^2 + 36*k + 5
            sage: g
            36*k^2 + 72*k + 36


            sage: for cyca, cycb, start, end, p, t in [
            ....:     ([6], [1, 1], 0, 1/6, 97, 1),
            ....:     ([4, 2, 2], [3, 1, 1], 1/3, 1/2, 97, 1),
            ....:     ([22], [1, 1, 20], 3/20, 5/22, 1087, 1),
            ....:     ([22], [1, 1, 20], 3/20, 5/22, 1087, 1337/507734),
            ....:     ([22], [1, 1, 20], 3/20, 5/22, 1019, 1337/507734)]:
            ....:     H = AmortizingHypergeometricData(p+40, cyclotomic=(cyca, cycb))
            ....:     shift, offset = H._starts_to_rationals[start][p % start.denominator()]
            ....:     f, g = H._numden(t=t, shift=shift, offset=offset, start=start)
            ....:     for k in range(1, floor(end * (p-1)) - floor(start * (p-1))):
            ....:         m = floor(start * (p-1)) + k
            ....:         quoval = GF(p)(t) * H.pochhammer_quotient(p, m+1)/H.pochhammer_quotient(p, m)
            ....:         if GF(p)(f(k)/g(k)) != quoval:
            ....:             print((cyca, cycb), offset, (start, end), (floor(start * (p-1)), floor(end * (p-1))), m, p, t, GF(p)(f(k)/g(k)), quoval)

        RQ = QQ['k']
        RZ = ZZ['k']
        k = RQ.gen() - offset
        # We shift the term corresponding to a or b by 1 because we're taking
        # the fractional part of a negative number when less than start.
        f = prod(a + shift + k + (1 if a <= start else 0)
                 for a in self.alpha()) * t.numerator()
        g = prod(b + shift + k + (1 if b <= start else 0)
                 for b in self.beta()) * t.denominator()
        d = lcm(f.denominator(), g.denominator())

        return RZ(d * f), RZ(d * g)
Esempio n. 6
def perm_order(p, n=None):
    Return the multiplicative order of the permutation ``p``.


        sage: from surface_dynamics.misc.permutation import perm_init, perm_order
        sage: p = perm_init('(1,3)(2,4,6)(5)')
        sage: perm_order(p)
    return lcm(perm_cycle_type(p))
Esempio n. 7
 def __mul__(self, other):
     Multiply modular forms, rescaling if necessary.
     if isinstance(other, OrthogonalModularForm):
         if not self.gram_matrix() == other.gram_matrix():
             raise ValueError('Incompatible Gram matrices')
         self_scale = self.scale()
         other_scale = other.scale()
         if self_scale != 1 or other_scale != 1:
             new_scale = lcm(self.scale(), other.scale())
             X1 = self.rescale(new_scale // self_scale)
             X2 = other.rescale(new_scale // other_scale)
             new_scale = 1
             X1 = self
             X2 = other
         f1 = X1.true_fourier_expansion()
         f2 = X2.true_fourier_expansion()
         f = f1 * f2
         if f1.valuation() < 0 or f2.valuation() < 0 and f.valuation >= 0:
             r = PowerSeriesRing(f.base_ring(), 't')
             f = r(f)
         return OrthogonalModularForm(
             self.__weight + other.weight(),
             weylvec=self.weyl_vector() + other.weyl_vector(),
         return OrthogonalModularForm(
             self.true_fourier_expansion() * other,
Esempio n. 8
def is_Q_curve(E, maxp=100, certificate=False, verbose=False):
    Return whether ``E`` is a `\QQ`-curve, with optional certificate.


    - ``E`` (elliptic curve) -- an elliptic curve over a number field.

    - ``maxp`` (int, default 100): bound on primes used for checking
      necessary local conditions.  The result will not depend on this,
      but using a larger value may return ``False`` faster.

    - ``certificate`` (bool, default ``False``): if ``True`` then a
      second value is returned giving a certificate for the
      `\QQ`-curve property.


    If ``certificate`` is ``False``: either ``True`` (if `E` is a
    `\QQ`-curve), or ``False``.

    If ``certificate`` is ``True``: a tuple consisting of a boolean
    flag as before and a certificate, defined as follows:

    - when the flag is ``True``, so `E` is a `\QQ`-curve:

        - either {'CM':`D`} where `D` is a negative discriminant, when
          `E` has potential CM with discriminant `D`;

        - otherwise {'CM': `0`, 'core_poly': `f`, 'rho': `\rho`, 'r':
          `r`, 'N': `N`}, when `E` is a non-CM `\QQ`-curve, where the
          core polynomial `f` is an irreducible monic polynomial over
          `QQ` of degree `2^\rho`, all of whose roots are
          `j`-invariants of curves isogenous to `E`, the core level
          `N` is a square-free integer with `r` prime factors which is
          the LCM of the degrees of the isogenies between these
          conjugates.  For example, if there exists a curve `E'`
          isogenous to `E` with `j(E')=j\in\QQ`, then the certificate
          is {'CM':0, 'r':0, 'rho':0, 'core_poly': x-j, 'N':1}.

    - when the flag is ``False``, so `E` is not a `\QQ`-curve, the
      certificate is a prime `p` such that the reductions of `E` at
      the primes dividing `p` are inconsistent with the property of
      being a `\QQ`-curve.  See the ALGORITHM section for details.


    See [CrNa2020]_ for details.

    1. If `E` has rational `j`-invariant, or has CM, then return

    2. Replace `E` by a curve defined over `K=\QQ(j(E))`. Let `N` be
    the conductor norm.

    3. For all primes `p\mid N` check that the valuations of `j` at
    all `P\mid p` are either all negative or all non-negative; if not,
    return ``False``.

    4. For `p\le maxp`, `p\not\mid N`, check that either `E` is
    ordinary mod `P` for all `P\mid p`, or `E` is supersingular mod
    `P` for all `P\mid p`; if neither, return ``False``.  If all are
    ordinary, check that the integers `a_P(E)^2-4N(P)` have the same
    square-free part; if not, return ``False``.

    5. Compute the `K`-isogeny class of `E` using the "heuristic"
    option (which is faster, but not guaranteed to be complete).
    Check whether the set of `j`-invariants of curves in the class of
    `2`-power degree contains a complete Galois orbit.  If so, return

    6. Otherwise repeat step 4 for more primes, and if still
    undecided, repeat Step 5 without the "heuristic" option, to get
    the complete `K`-isogeny class (which will probably be no bigger
    than before).  Now return ``True`` if the set of `j`-invariants of
    curves in the class contains a complete Galois orbit, otherwise
    return ``False``.


    A non-CM curve over `\QQ` and a CM curve over `\QQ` are both
    trivially `\QQ`-curves::

        sage: from sage.schemes.elliptic_curves.Qcurves import is_Q_curve
        sage: E = EllipticCurve([1,2,3,4,5])
        sage: flag, cert = is_Q_curve(E, certificate=True)
        sage: flag
        sage: cert
        {'CM': 0, 'N': 1, 'core_poly': x, 'r': 0, 'rho': 0}

        sage: E = EllipticCurve(j=8000)
        sage: flag, cert = is_Q_curve(E, certificate=True)
        sage: flag
        sage: cert
        {'CM': -8}

    A non-`\QQ`-curve over a quartic field.  The local data at bad
    primes above `3` is inconsistent::

        sage: from sage.schemes.elliptic_curves.Qcurves import is_Q_curve
        sage: R.<x> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
        sage: K.<a> = NumberField(R([3, 0, -5, 0, 1]))
        sage: E = EllipticCurve([K([-3,-4,1,1]),K([4,-1,-1,0]),K([-2,0,1,0]),K([-621,778,138,-178]),K([9509,2046,-24728,10380])])
        sage: is_Q_curve(E, certificate=True, verbose=True)
        Checking whether Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 + (a^3+a^2-4*a-3)*x*y + (a^2-2)*y = x^3 + (-a^2-a+4)*x^2 + (-178*a^3+138*a^2+778*a-621)*x + (10380*a^3-24728*a^2+2046*a+9509) over Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^4 - 5*x^2 + 3 is a Q-curve
        No: inconsistency at the 2 primes dividing 3
        - potentially multiplicative: [True, False]
        (False, 3)

    A non-`\QQ`-curve over a quadratic field.  The local data at bad
    primes is consistent, but the local test at good primes above `13`
    is not::

        sage: K.<a> = NumberField(R([-10, 0, 1]))
        sage: E = EllipticCurve([K([0,1]),K([-1,-1]),K([0,0]),K([-236,40]),K([-1840,464])])
        sage: is_Q_curve(E, certificate=True, verbose=True)
        Checking whether Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 + a*x*y = x^3 + (-a-1)*x^2 + (40*a-236)*x + (464*a-1840) over Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^2 - 10 is a Q-curve
        Applying local tests at good primes above p<=100
        No: inconsistency at the 2 ordinary primes dividing 13
        - Frobenius discriminants mod squares: [-1, -3]
        No: local test at p=13 failed
        (False, 13)

    A quadratic `\QQ`-curve with CM discriminant `-15` (`j`-invariant not in `\QQ`)::

        sage: from sage.schemes.elliptic_curves.Qcurves import is_Q_curve
        sage: R.<x> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
        sage: K.<a> = NumberField(R([-1, -1, 1]))
        sage: E = EllipticCurve([K([1,0]),K([-1,0]),K([0,1]),K([0,-2]),K([0,1])])
        sage: is_Q_curve(E, certificate=True, verbose=True)
        Checking whether Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 + x*y + a*y = x^3 + (-1)*x^2 + (-2*a)*x + a over Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^2 - x - 1 is a Q-curve
        Yes: E is CM (discriminant -15)
        (True, {'CM': -15})

    An example over `\QQ(\sqrt{2},\sqrt{3})`.  The `j`-invariant is in
    `\QQ(\sqrt{6})`, so computations will be done over that field, and
    in fact there is an isogenous curve with rational `j`, so we have
    a so-called rational `\QQ`-curve::

        sage: K.<a> = NumberField(R([1, 0, -4, 0, 1]))
        sage: E = EllipticCurve([K([-2,-4,1,1]),K([0,1,0,0]),K([0,1,0,0]),K([-4780,9170,1265,-2463]),K([163923,-316598,-43876,84852])])
        sage: flag, cert = is_Q_curve(E, certificate=True)
        sage: flag
        sage: cert
        {'CM': 0, 'N': 1, 'core_degs': [1], 'core_poly': x - 85184/3, 'r': 0, 'rho': 0}

    Over the same field, a so-called strict `\QQ`-curve which is not
    isogenous to one with rational `j`, but whose core field is
    quadratic. In fact the isogeny class over `K` consists of `6`
    curves, four with conjugate quartic `j`-invariants and `2` with
    quadratic conjugate `j`-invariants in `\QQ(\sqrt{3})` (but which
    are not base-changes from the quadratic subfield)::

        sage: E = EllipticCurve([K([0,-3,0,1]),K([1,4,0,-1]),K([0,0,0,0]),K([-2,-16,0,4]),K([-19,-32,4,8])])
        sage: flag, cert = is_Q_curve(E, certificate=True)
        sage: flag
        sage: cert
        {'CM': 0,
        'N': 2,
        'core_degs': [1, 2],
        'core_poly': x^2 - 840064*x + 1593413632,
        'r': 1,
        'rho': 1}

    from sage.rings.number_field.number_field_base import is_NumberField

    if verbose:
        print("Checking whether {} is a Q-curve".format(E))

        assert is_NumberField(E.base_field())
    except (AttributeError, AssertionError):
        raise TypeError(
            "{} must be an elliptic curve defined over a number field in is_Q_curve()"

    from sage.rings.integer_ring import ZZ
    from sage.arith.functions import lcm
    from sage.libs.pari import pari
    from sage.rings.number_field.number_field import NumberField
    from sage.schemes.elliptic_curves.constructor import EllipticCurve
    from import cm_j_invariants_and_orders, is_cm_j_invariant

    # Step 1

    # all curves with rational j-invariant are Q-curves:
    jE = E.j_invariant()
    if jE in QQ:
        if verbose:
            print("Yes: j(E) is in QQ")
        if certificate:
            # test for CM
            for d, f, j in cm_j_invariants_and_orders(QQ):
                if jE == j:
                    return True, {'CM': d * f**2}
            # else not CM
            return True, {
                'CM': ZZ(0),
                'r': ZZ(0),
                'rho': ZZ(0),
                'N': ZZ(1),
                'core_poly': polygen(QQ)
            return True

    # CM curves are Q-curves:
    flag, df = is_cm_j_invariant(jE)
    if flag:
        d, f = df
        D = d * f**2
        if verbose:
            print("Yes: E is CM (discriminant {})".format(D))
        if certificate:
            return True, {'CM': D}
            return True

    # Step 2: replace E by a curve defined over Q(j(E)):

    K = E.base_field()
    jpoly = jE.minpoly()
    if <
        if verbose:
            print("switching to smaller base field: j's minpoly is {}".format(
        f = pari(jpoly).polredbest().sage({'x': jpoly.parent().gen()})
        K2 = NumberField(f, 'b')
        jE = jpoly.roots(K2)[0][0]
        if verbose:
            print("New j is {} over {}, with minpoly {}".format(
                jE, K2, jE.minpoly()))
        #assert jE.minpoly()==jpoly
        E = EllipticCurve(j=jE)
        K = K2
        if verbose:
            print("New test curve is {}".format(E))

    # Step 3: check primes of bad reduction

    NN = E.conductor().norm()
    for p in
        Plist = K.primes_above(p)
        if len(Plist) < 2:
        # pot_mult = potential multiplicative reduction
        pot_mult = [jE.valuation(P) < 0 for P in Plist]
        consistent = all(pot_mult) or not any(pot_mult)
        if not consistent:
            if verbose:
                print("No: inconsistency at the {} primes dividing {}".format(
                    len(Plist), p))
                print("  - potentially multiplicative: {}".format(pot_mult))
            if certificate:
                return False, p
                return False

    # Step 4 check: primes P of good reduction above p<=B:

    if verbose:
        print("Applying local tests at good primes above p<={}".format(maxp))

    res4, p = Step4Test(E, B=maxp, oldB=0, verbose=verbose)
    if not res4:
        if verbose:
            print("No: local test at p={} failed".format(p))
        if certificate:
            return False, p
            return False

    if verbose:
        print("...all local tests pass for p<={}".format(maxp))

    # Step 5: compute the (partial) K-isogeny class of E and test the
    # set of j-invariants in the class:

    C = E.isogeny_class(algorithm='heuristic', minimal_models=False)
    jC = [E2.j_invariant() for E2 in C]
    centrejpols = conjugacy_test(jC, verbose=verbose)
    if centrejpols:
        if verbose:
                "Yes: the isogeny class contains a complete conjugacy class of j-invariants"
        if certificate:
            for f in centrejpols:
                rho =
                centre_indices = [i for i, j in enumerate(jC) if f(j) == 0]
                M = C.matrix()
                core_degs = [M[centre_indices[0], i] for i in centre_indices]
                level = lcm(core_degs)
                if level.is_squarefree():
                    r = len(level.prime_divisors())
                    cert = {
                        'CM': ZZ(0),
                        'core_poly': f,
                        'rho': rho,
                        'r': r,
                        'N': level,
                        'core_degs': core_degs
                    return True, cert
            print("No central curve found")
            return True

    # Now we are undecided.  This can happen if either (1) E is not a
    # Q-curve but we did not use enough primes in Step 4 to detect
    # this, or (2) E is a Q-curve but in Step 5 we did not compute the
    # complete isogeny class.  Case (2) is most unlikely since the
    # heuristic bound used in computing isogeny classes means that we
    # have all isogenous curves linked to E by an isogeny of degree
    # supported on primes<1000.

    # We first rerun Step 4 with a larger bound.

    xmaxp = 10 * maxp
    if verbose:
            "Undecided after first round, so we apply more local tests, up to {}"

    res4, p = Step4Test(E, B=xmaxp, oldB=maxp, verbose=verbose)
    if not res4:
        if verbose:
            print("No: local test at p={} failed".format(p))
        if certificate:
            return False, p
            return False

    # Now we rerun Step 5 using a rigorous computation of the complete
    # isogeny class.  This will probably contain no more curves than
    # before, in which case -- since we already tested that the set of
    # j-invariants does not contain a complete Galois conjugacy class
    # -- we can deduce that E is not a Q-curve.

    if verbose:
        print("...all local tests pass for p<={}".format(xmaxp))
        print("We now compute the complete isogeny class...")

    Cfull = E.isogeny_class(minimal_models=False)
    jCfull = [E2.j_invariant() for E2 in Cfull]

    if len(jC) == len(jCfull):
        if verbose:
            print("...and find that we already had the complete class:so No")
        if certificate:
            return False, 0
            return False
    if verbose:
            "...and find that the class contains {} curves, not just the {} we computed originally"
            .format(len(jCfull), len(jC)))
    centrejpols = conjugacy_test(jCfull, verbose=verbose)
    if cert:
        if verbose:
                "Yes: the isogeny class contains a complete conjugacy class of j-invariants"
        if certificate:
            return True, centrejpols
            return True
    if verbose:
            "No: the isogeny class does *not* contain a complete conjugacy class of j-invariants"
    if certificate:
        return False, 0
        return False
Esempio n. 9
def matrix_representation(K, F, v):
    r""" Return a matrix representation of a given list of elements.


    - ``K`` -- a field
    - ``F`` -- a finitely generated field extension of `K`
    - ``v`` -- a vector over `F`, or a list with entries in `F`

    OUTPUT: a pair `(A, w)`, where `A` is a matrix with entries in `K` and
    `w` is a vector over `F`, such that the entries of `w` are `K`-linearly
    independent and

    .. MATH::

             v = w*A^t.

    It follows that all the entries of `v` are contained in the `K`-span of the
    entries of `w`, and that the left kernel of `A` is the space of `K`-relations
    between the entries of `v`.


        sage: from regular_models.RR_spaces.function_spaces import matrix_representation
        sage: K = GF(2)
        sage: F1.<a> = K.extension(3)
        sage: v = [a, a^2, a + a^2]
        sage: A, w = matrix_representation(K, F1, v)
        sage: w*A.transpose()
        (a, a^2, a^2 + a)
        sage: F2.<x> = FunctionField(F1)
        sage: v = vector(F2, [(x+1)/x, a*x + 1])
        sage: A, w = matrix_representation(K, F2, v)
        sage: w*A.transpose() == v
        sage: R.<y> = F2[]
        sage: F3.<y> = F2.extension(y^2 - x^3 - a)
        sage: v = vector(F3, [y*x, y*a, x])
        sage: A, w = matrix_representation(K, F3, v)
        sage: w*A.transpose() == v

    from sage.arith.functions import lcm
    from sage.modules.free_module_element import vector
    from sage.all import matrix
    assert F.has_coerce_map_from(K), "K must be a subfield of F"
    v = vector(F, [F(v[i]) for i in range(len(v))])
    if F == K:
        return matrix(v).transpose(), vector(K, [])

    elif is_finite_simple_extension(K, F):
        # F is a finite extension of its base field K
        n =
        # the entries of w are the standard basis of F/K
        w = vector(F, [F.gen()**i for i in range(n)])
        A = matrix(
            [vector_for_finite_extension(K, F, v[j]) for j in range(len(v))])
        # test result
        # assert v == w*A.transpose()
        return A, w

    elif is_rational_function_field(K, F):
        # F is the rational function field over K
        x = F.gen()
        n = len(v)
        h = lcm([v[j].denominator() for j in range(n)])
        g_list = [F._ring(v[j] * h) for j in range(n)]
        N = max([ for g in g_list]) + 1
        w = vector(F, [x**i / h for i in range(N)])
        A = matrix(K, n, N)
        for i in range(n):
            for j in range(N):
                A[i, j] = g_list[i][j]
        # vector_list = []
        # for g in g_list:
        #     g_vector = vector(K, N, [g[i] for i in range(N)])
        #     vector_list.append(g_vector)
        # A = matrix(K, vector_list)
        assert v == w * A.transpose()
        return A, w

    elif is_composite(K, F):
        # F is a finite extension of its base field, which properly contains K
        F0 = intermediate_field(K, F)
        A, w = matrix_representation(F0, F, v)
        m, n = A.dimensions()
        a = vector(F0, m * n)
        for i in range(m):
            for j in range(n):
                a[j + i * n] = A[i, j]
        B, u = matrix_representation(K, F0, a)
        _, r = B.dimensions()
        x = vector(F, r * n)
        C = matrix(K, m, r * n)
        for j in range(n):
            for k in range(r):
                mu = j + n * k
                x[mu] += w[j] * u[k]
                for i in range(m):
                    ell = j + n * i
                    C[i, mu] += B[ell, k]
        # test the result
        assert x * C.transpose() == v
        return C, x
        raise NotImplementedError()
Esempio n. 10
def jacobian(*X):
    Compute the Jacobian (Rankin--Cohen--Ibukiyama) operator.

    - ``X`` -- a list [F_1, ..., F_N] of N orthogonal modular forms for the same Gram matrix, where N = 3 + (number of self's gram matrix rows)

    OUTPUT: OrthogonalModularForm. (If F_1, ..., F_N have weights k_1, ..., k_N then the result has weight k_1 + ... + k_N + N - 1.)


        sage: from weilrep import *
        sage: jacobian([ParamodularForms(1).eisenstein_series(k, 7) for k in [4, 6, 10, 12]]) / (-589927441461779261030400000/2354734631251) #funny multiple
        (r^-1 - r)*q^3*s^2 + (-r^-1 + r)*q^2*s^3 + (-r^-3 - 69*r^-1 + 69*r + r^3)*q^4*s^2 + (r^-3 + 69*r^-1 - 69*r - r^3)*q^2*s^4 + O(q, s)^7
    N = len(X)
    if N == 1:
        X = X[0]
        N = len(X)
    Xref = X[0]
    nvars = Xref.nvars()
    f = Xref.true_fourier_expansion()
    t, = f.parent().gens()
    rb_x = f.base_ring()
    x, = rb_x.gens()
    r_list = rb_x.base_ring().gens()
    if N != nvars + 1:
        raise ValueError('The Jacobian requires %d modular forms.' %
                         (nvars + 1))
    k = N - 1
    v = vector([0] * nvars)
    r_deriv = [[] for _ in r_list]
    t_deriv = []
    x_deriv = []
    u = []
    S = Xref.gram_matrix()
    new_scale = lcm(x.scale() for x in X)
    for y in X:
        if y.gram_matrix() != S:
            raise ValueError('These forms do not have the same Gram matrix.')
        f = y.rescale(new_scale // y.scale()).true_fourier_expansion()
        t_deriv.append(t * f.derivative())
        if nvars > 1:
            x_deriv.append(f.map_coefficients(lambda a: x * a.derivative()))
            if nvars > 2:
                for i, r in enumerate(r_list):
                        f.map_coefficients(lambda a: rb_x([
                            r * y.derivative(r) for y in list(a)
                        ]) * (x**(a.polynomial_construction()[1]))))
        y_k = y.weight()
        k += y_k
        v += y.weyl_vector()
        u.append(y_k * f)
    L = [u, t_deriv]
    if nvars > 1:
        if nvars > 2:
    return OrthogonalModularForm(
Esempio n. 11
def torsion_free_gradings(L):
    Return a complete list of gradings of the Lie algebra over torsion
    free abelian groups.

    The list is guaranteed to be complete in the following sense:
    If `\mathfrak{g} = \bigoplus_{a\in A} \mathfrak{g}_a` is any grading
    of the Lie algebra `\mathfrak{g}` over a torsion free abelian group
    `A`, then there exists
    - a grading `\mathfrak{g} = \bigoplus_{n\in \mathbb{Z}^m} \mathfrak{g}_n`,
    - an automorphism `\Phi\in\mathrm{Aut}(\mathfrak{g})`, and
    - a homomorphism `\varphi\colon\mathbb{Z}^m\to A`
    such that the grading `\mathfrak{g} = \bigoplus_{n\in \mathbb{Z}^m} \Phi(\mathfrak{g}_{\varphi(n)})`
    is exactly the same as the original `A`-grading.
    However, the list is not guaranteed to be reduced up to
    automorphism, so the above choices are not in general unique.


    We list all gradings of the Heisenberg Lie algebra over torsion free
    abelian groups::

        sage: from lie_gradings.gradings.grading import torsion_free_gradings
        sage: L = lie_algebras.Heisenberg(QQ, 1)
        sage: torsion_free_gradings(L)
        [Grading over Additive abelian group isomorphic to Z + Z of Heisenberg algebra of rank 1 over Rational Field with nonzero layers
           (1, 0) : (p1,)
           (0, 1) : (q1,)
           (1, 1) : (z,)
         Grading over Additive abelian group isomorphic to Z of Heisenberg algebra of rank 1 over Rational Field with nonzero layers
           (1) : (p1, z)
           (0) : (q1,)
         Grading over Additive abelian group isomorphic to Z of Heisenberg algebra of rank 1 over Rational Field with nonzero layers
           (1) : (q1, z)
           (0) : (p1,)
         Grading over Additive abelian group isomorphic to Z of Heisenberg algebra of rank 1 over Rational Field with nonzero layers
           (1) : (p1, q1)
           (2) : (z,)
         Grading over Trivial group of Heisenberg algebra of rank 1 over Rational Field with nonzero layers
           () : (p1, q1, z)
    maxgrading = maximal_grading(L)
    V = FreeModule(ZZ, len(maxgrading.magma().gens()))
    weights = maxgrading.layers().keys()

    # The torsion-free gradings are enumerated by torsion-free quotients
    # of the grading group of the maximal grading.
    diffset = set([tuple(b - a) for a, b in combinations(weights, 2)])
    subspaces = []
    for d in range(len(diffset) + 1):
        for B in combinations(diffset, d):
            W = V.submodule(B)
            if W not in subspaces:

    # for each subspace, define the quotient grading
    projected_gradings = []
    for W in subspaces:
        Q = V.quotient(W)

        # check if quotient is not torsion-free
        if any(qi > 0 for qi in Q.invariants()):

        quot_layers = {}
        for n in weights:
            pi_n = tuple(Q(V(tuple(n))))
            if pi_n not in quot_layers:
                quot_layers[pi_n] = []

        # expand away denominators to get an integer vector grading
        A = AdditiveAbelianGroup(Q.invariants())
        denoms = [
            pi_n_k.denominator() for pi_n in quot_layers for pi_n_k in pi_n
        mult = lcm(denoms)
        proj_layers = {
            tuple(mult * pi_nk for pi_nk in pi_n): l
            for pi_n, l in quot_layers.items()
        proj_grading = grading(L, proj_layers, magma=A, projections=True)
    return projected_gradings
Esempio n. 12
def order_of_euler_class(delta, E):
    Given the coboundary operator delta and an Euler two-cocycle E,
    returns k if [E] is k--torsion.  By convention, returns zero if
    [E] is non-torsion.  Note that the trivial element is 1--torsion.

    delta = Matrix(delta)
    E = vector(E)

    # Note that E is a coboundary if there is a one-cocycle C solving
    # E = C*delta
    # We can find C (if it exists at all) using Smith normal form.

    D, U, V = delta.smith_form()
    assert D == U*delta*V

    # So we are trying to solve
    # C*delta = C*U.inverse()*D*V.inverse() = E
    # for a one-cochain C.  Multiply by V to get
    # C*delta*V = C*U.inverse()*D = E*V
    # Now set
    # B = C*U.inverse(), and so B*U = C
    # and rewrite to get
    # B*U*delta*V = B*D = E*V
    # So define E' by:

    Ep = E*V

    # Finally we attempt to solve B * D = Ep.  Note that D is
    # diagonal: so if we can solve all of the equations

    # B[i] * D[i][i] == Ep[i]

    # with B[i] integers, then [E] = 0 in cohomology.

    diag = diagonal(D)

    if any( (diag[i] == 0 and Ep[i] != 0) for i in range(len(Ep)) ):
        return 0

    # All zeros are at the end in Smith normal form.  Since we've
    # passed the above we can now remove them.

    first_zero = diag.index(0)
    diag = diag[:first_zero]
    Ep = Ep[:first_zero]

    # Since diag[i] is (now) never zero we can divide to get the
    # fractions Ep[i]/diag[i] and then find the scaling that makes
    # them simultaneously integral.

    denoms = [ diag[i] / gcd(Ep[i], diag[i]) for i in range(len(Ep)) ]
    return lcm(denoms)