Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, domain, prefix):

            sage: G = WeylGroup(['B',3])
            sage: TestSuite(G).run()
            sage: cm = CartanMatrix([[2,-5,0],[-2,2,-1],[0,-1,2]])
            sage: W = WeylGroup(cm)
            sage: TestSuite(W).run() # long time
        self._domain = domain
        if self.cartan_type().is_affine():
            category = AffineWeylGroups()
        elif self.cartan_type().is_finite():
            category = FiniteWeylGroups()
            category = WeylGroups()
        if self.cartan_type().is_irreducible():
            category = category.Irreducible()
        self.n = domain.dimension() # Really needed?
        self._prefix = prefix

        # FinitelyGeneratedMatrixGroup_gap takes plain matrices as input
        gens_matrix = [self.morphism_matrix(self.domain().simple_reflection(i))
                       for i in self.index_set()]
        from sage.libs.all import libgap
        libgap_group = libgap.Group(gens_matrix)
        degree = ZZ(self.domain().dimension())
        ring = self.domain().base_ring()
            self, degree, ring, libgap_group, category=category)
Esempio n. 2
    def __setstate__(self, state):
        Restore from old pickle.


            sage: from sage.groups.matrix_gps.pickling_overrides import LegacyMatrixGroup
            sage: state = dict()
            sage: state['_MatrixGroup_gap__n'] = 2
            sage: state['_MatrixGroup_gap__R'] = GF(3)
            sage: state['_gensG'] = [ matrix(GF(3), [[1,2],[0,1]]) ]
            sage: M = LegacyMatrixGroup.__new__(LegacyMatrixGroup)
            sage: M.__setstate__(state)
            sage: M
            Matrix group over Finite Field of size 3 with 1 generators (
            [1 2]
            [0 1]
        matrix_gens = state['_gensG']
        ring = state['_MatrixGroup_gap__R']
        degree = state['_MatrixGroup_gap__n']
        from sage.libs.all import libgap
        libgap_group = libgap.Group(libgap(matrix_gens))
        self.__init__(degree, ring, libgap_group)
Esempio n. 3
    def word_problem(self, gens=None):
        Solve the word problem.

        This method writes the group element as a product of the
        elements of the list ``gens``, or the standard generators of
        the parent of self if ``gens`` is None.


        - ``gens`` -- a list/tuple/iterable of elements (or objects
          that can be converted to group elements), or ``None``
          (default). By default, the generators of the parent group
          are used.


        A factorization object that contains information about the
        order of factors and the exponents. A ``ValueError`` is raised
        if the group element cannot be written as a word in ``gens``.


        Use GAP, which has optimized algorithms for solving the word
        problem (the GAP functions ``EpimorphismFromFreeGroup`` and


            sage: G = GL(2,5); G
            General Linear Group of degree 2 over Finite Field of size 5
            sage: G.gens()
            [2 0]  [4 1]
            [0 1], [4 0]
            sage: G(1).word_problem([G.gen(0)])
            sage: type(_)
            <class 'sage.structure.factorization.Factorization'>

            sage: g = G([0,4,1,4])
            sage: g.word_problem()
            ([4 1]
             [4 0])^-1

        Next we construct a more complicated element of the group from the

            sage: s,t = G.0, G.1
            sage: a = (s * t * s); b = a.word_problem(); b
            ([2 0]
             [0 1]) *
            ([4 1]
             [4 0]) *
            ([2 0]
             [0 1])
            sage: flatten(b)
            [2 0]     [4 1]     [2 0]
            [0 1], 1, [4 0], 1, [0 1], 1
            sage: == a

        We solve the word problem using some different generators::

            sage: s = G([2,0,0,1]); t = G([1,1,0,1]); u = G([0,-1,1,0])
            sage: a.word_problem([s,t,u])
            ([2 0]
             [0 1])^-1 *
            ([1 1]
             [0 1])^-1 *
            ([0 4]
             [1 0]) *
            ([2 0]
             [0 1])^-1

        We try some elements that don't actually generate the group::

            sage: a.word_problem([t,u])
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: word problem has no solution


        - David Joyner and William Stein
        - David Loeffler (2010): fixed some bugs
        - Volker Braun (2013): LibGAP
        from import libgap
        G = self.parent()
        if gens:
            gen = lambda i: gens[i]
            H = libgap.Group([G(x).gap() for x in gens])
            gen = G.gen
            H =
        hom = H.EpimorphismFromFreeGroup()
        preimg = hom.PreImagesRepresentative(

        if preimg.is_bool():
            assert preimg == libgap.eval('fail')
            raise ValueError('word problem has no solution')

        result = []
        n = preimg.NumberSyllables().sage()
        exponent_syllable = libgap.eval('ExponentSyllable')
        generator_syllable = libgap.eval('GeneratorSyllable')
        for i in range(n):
            exponent = exponent_syllable(preimg, i + 1).sage()
            generator = gen(generator_syllable(preimg, i + 1).sage() - 1)
            result.append((generator, exponent))
        from sage.structure.factorization import Factorization
        result = Factorization(result)
        return result