Esempio n. 1
def _vect_elim_fct(basis, place=None, dim=None, infolevel=0, residue_fct=None):
    Find a relation between vectors raising the valuation.


    - ``basis`` -- a list of length ``d`` of vectors over a valued
      fields, or of iterables with values in a valued field. The
      elements should be iterable at least up to index ``dim-1``. All
      elements should have valuation 0, and the valuation 0 part of
      the first ``(d-1)`` elements of the basis should be linearly

    - ``dim`` (default: length of the basis) -- the dimension of the
      vector space to consider; it should be at least ``d``.

    - ``place`` (default: None) -- the point at which to evaluate the valuation; not supported over all fields


    A list ``alpha`` of ``d`` elements of the base field such that
    ``alpha[0]*basis[0] + ... + alpha[d-1]*basis[d-1]`` has positive
    valuation, or `None` if no such relation exists.

    Under the assumptions, it is guaranteed that ``alpha[d-1] == 1``.


    # TODO: Add examples with plain vectors?

        sage: from import _vect_elim_fct
        sage: k.<q> = LaurentSeriesRing(QQ)
        sage: V.<t> = PolynomialRing(k)
        sage: b = [V(1),V(1+q*t)]
        sage: v = _vect_elim_fct(b); print(v)
        (-1, 1)
        sage: v[0]*b[0] + v[1]*b[1]
        sage: v = _vect_elim_fct([V(1),V(t)]); print(v)

    Beware of unexpected results if ``dim`` is not properly set or
    obviously guessable.

        sage: V.<t> = PolynomialRing(k)
        sage: v = _vect_elim_fct([t+q]); print(v)
        sage: v = _vect_elim_fct([t+q],2); print(v)

    Over the rationals, we can work over different places:
        sage: P.<q> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
        sage: k = P.fraction_field()
        sage: V.<t> = PolynomialRing(k)
        sage: b = [V(1),V(1+q*t)]
        sage: v = _vect_elim_fct(b)
        sage: print(v)
        (-1, 1)
        sage: v[0]*b[0] + v[1]*b[1]
        sage: v = _vect_elim_fct(b, place=1+q)
        sage: print(v)


    # Helpers
    print1 = print if infolevel >= 1 else lambda *a, **k: None
    print2 = print if infolevel >= 2 else lambda *a, **k: None
    print3 = print if infolevel >= 3 else lambda *a, **k: None

    d = len(basis)
    if dim is None:
        dim = d

    if residue_fct is None:
        residue_fct = _residue

    M = Matrix([[residue_fct(basis[i][j], place) for j in range(dim)]
                for i in range(d)])
    print2(" [elim_fct] Matrix:")
    K = M.left_kernel().basis()
    if K:
        return (1 / K[0][-1]) * K[0]
        return None
Esempio n. 2
def basis_for_p_cokernel(S, C, p):
    Return a basis for the group of ideals supported on ``S`` (mod
    ``p``'th-powers) whose class in the class group ``C`` is a ``p``'th power,
    together with a function which takes the ``S``-exponents of such an
    ideal and returns its coordinates on this basis.


    - ``S`` (list) -- a list of prime ideals in a number field ``K``.

    - ``C`` (class group) -- the ideal class group of ``K``.

    - ``p`` (prime) -- a prime number.


    (tuple) (``b``, ``f``) where

    - ``b`` is a list of ideals which is a basis for the group of
      ideals supported on ``S`` (modulo ``p``'th powers) whose ideal
      class is a ``p``'th power;

    - ``f`` is a function which takes such an ideal and returns its
      coordinates with respect to this basis.


        sage: from sage.rings.number_field.selmer_group import basis_for_p_cokernel
        sage: K.<a> = NumberField(x^2 - x + 58)
        sage: S = K.ideal(30).support(); S
        [Fractional ideal (2, a),
        Fractional ideal (2, a + 1),
        Fractional ideal (3, a + 1),
        Fractional ideal (5, a + 1),
        Fractional ideal (5, a + 3)]
        sage: C = K.class_group()
        sage: C.gens_orders()
        (6, 2)
        sage: [C(P).exponents() for P in S]
        [(5, 0), (1, 0), (3, 1), (1, 1), (5, 1)]
        sage: b, f = basis_for_p_cokernel(S, C, 2); b
        [Fractional ideal (2), Fractional ideal (15, a + 13), Fractional ideal (5)]
        sage: b, f = basis_for_p_cokernel(S, C, 3); b
        [Fractional ideal (50, a + 18),
        Fractional ideal (10, a + 3),
        Fractional ideal (3, a + 1),
        Fractional ideal (5)]
        sage: b, f = basis_for_p_cokernel(S, C, 5); b
        [Fractional ideal (2, a),
        Fractional ideal (2, a + 1),
        Fractional ideal (3, a + 1),
        Fractional ideal (5, a + 1),
        Fractional ideal (5, a + 3)]

    from sage.matrix.constructor import Matrix
    M = Matrix(GF(p), [_coords_in_C_mod_p(P, C, p) for P in S])
    k = M.left_kernel()
    bas = [prod([P ** bj.lift() for P, bj in zip(S, b.list())],
                C.number_field().ideal(1)) for b in k.basis()]
    return bas, k.coordinate_vector