def __classcall_private__(cls, R, n=None, M=None, ambient=None):
        Normalize input to ensure a unique representation.


            sage: from sage.categories.examples.finite_dimensional_lie_algebras_with_basis import AbelianLieAlgebra
            sage: A1 = AbelianLieAlgebra(QQ, n=3)
            sage: A2 = AbelianLieAlgebra(QQ, M=FreeModule(QQ, 3))
            sage: A3 = AbelianLieAlgebra(QQ, 3, FreeModule(QQ, 3))
            sage: A1 is A2 and A2 is A3

            sage: A1 = AbelianLieAlgebra(QQ, 2)
            sage: A2 = AbelianLieAlgebra(ZZ, 2)
            sage: A1 is A2

            sage: A1 = AbelianLieAlgebra(QQ, 0)
            sage: A2 = AbelianLieAlgebra(QQ, 1)
            sage: A1 is A2
        if M is None:
            M = FreeModule(R, n)
            M = M.change_ring(R)
            n = M.dimension()
        return super(AbelianLieAlgebra, cls).__classcall__(cls, R, n=n, M=M,
Esempio n. 2
    def reduce_basis(self, long_etas):
        Produce a more manageable basis via LLL-reduction.


        - ``long_etas`` -  a list of EtaGroupElement objects (which
          should all be of the same level)


        - a new list of EtaGroupElement objects having
          hopefully smaller norm

        ALGORITHM: We define the norm of an eta-product to be the
        `L^2` norm of its divisor (as an element of the free
        `\ZZ`-module with the cusps as basis and the
        standard inner product). Applying LLL-reduction to this gives a
        basis of hopefully more tractable elements. Of course we'd like to
        use the `L^1` norm as this is just twice the degree, which
        is a much more natural invariant, but `L^2` norm is easier
        to work with!


            sage: EtaGroup(4).reduce_basis([ EtaProduct(4, {1:8,2:24,4:-32}), EtaProduct(4, {1:8, 4:-8})])
            [Eta product of level 4 : (eta_1)^8 (eta_4)^-8,
            Eta product of level 4 : (eta_1)^-8 (eta_2)^24 (eta_4)^-16]
        from six.moves import range
        N = self.level()
        cusps = AllCusps(N)
        r = matrix(ZZ, [[et.order_at_cusp(c) for c in cusps] for et in long_etas])
        V = FreeModule(ZZ, r.ncols())
        A = V.submodule_with_basis([V(rw) for rw in r.rows()])
        rred = r.LLL()
        short_etas = []
        for shortvect in rred.rows():
            bv = A.coordinates(shortvect)
            dict = {d: sum(bv[i] * long_etas[i].r(d)
                           for i in range(r.nrows()))
                    for d in divisors(N)}
        return short_etas
def basiclemmavec(self, M):
    Finds a vector where the value of the quadratic form is coprime to M.


        sage: Q = QuadraticForm(ZZ, 2, [2, 1, 5])
        sage: Q.basiclemmavec(10)
        (6, 5)
        sage: Q(_)

    V = FreeModule(self.base_ring(), self.dim())
    mat = self.matrix()
    vec = []
    mod = []
    M0 = abs(M)
    if M0 == 1:
        return V(0)

    for i in range(self.dim()):
        M1 = prime_to_m_part(M0, self[i, i])
        if M1 != 1:
        M0 = M0 / M1
        if M0 == 1:
            return tuple(CRT_vectors(vec, mod))

    for i in range(self.dim()):
        for j in range(i):
            M1 = prime_to_m_part(M0, self[i, j])
            if M1 != 1:
                vec.append(V.i + V.j)
            M0 = M0 / M1
            if M0 == 1:
                return __crt_list(vec, mod)

    raise ValueError("not primitive form")
 def __init__( self, degrees ) :
         - ``degrees`` -- A list or tuple of `n` positive integers.
         sage: from psage.modform.fourier_expansion_framework.gradedexpansions.gradedexpansion_grading import *
         sage: g = DegreeGrading((1,2))
         sage: g = DegreeGrading([5,2,3])
     self.__degrees = tuple(degrees)
     self.__module = FreeModule(ZZ, len(degrees))
     self.__module_basis = self.__module.basis()
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self, R, form, names=None):
        Initialize ``self``.


            sage: m = matrix([[-2,3],[3,4]])
            sage: J = JordanAlgebra(m)
            sage: TestSuite(J).run()
        self._form = form
        self._M = FreeModule(R, form.ncols())
        cat = MagmaticAlgebras(R).Commutative().Unital().FiniteDimensional().WithBasis()
        self._no_generic_basering_coercion = True # Remove once 16492 is fixed
        Parent.__init__(self, base=R, names=names, category=cat)
    def __init__(self, R, s_coeff, names, index_set, category=None, prefix=None,
                 bracket=None, latex_bracket=None, string_quotes=None, **kwds):
        Initialize ``self``.


            sage: L = LieAlgebra(QQ, 'x,y', {('x','y'): {'x':1}})
            sage: TestSuite(L).run()
        default = (names != tuple(index_set))
        if prefix is None:
            if default:
                prefix = 'L'
                prefix = ''
        if bracket is None:
            bracket = default
        if latex_bracket is None:
            latex_bracket = default
        if string_quotes is None:
            string_quotes = default

        #self._pos_to_index = dict(enumerate(index_set))
        self._index_to_pos = {k: i for i,k in enumerate(index_set)}
        if "sorting_key" not in kwds:
            kwds["sorting_key"] = self._index_to_pos.__getitem__

        cat = LieAlgebras(R).WithBasis().FiniteDimensional().or_subcategory(category)
        FinitelyGeneratedLieAlgebra.__init__(self, R, names, index_set, cat)
        IndexedGenerators.__init__(self, self._indices, prefix=prefix,
                                   bracket=bracket, latex_bracket=latex_bracket,
                                   string_quotes=string_quotes, **kwds)

        self._M = FreeModule(R, len(index_set))

        # Transform the values in the structure coefficients to elements
        def to_vector(tuples):
            vec = []*len(index_set)
            for k,c in tuples:
                vec[self._index_to_pos[k]] = c
            vec = self._M(vec)
            return vec
        self._s_coeff = {(self._index_to_pos[k[0]], self._index_to_pos[k[1]]):
                         for k in s_coeff.keys()}
Esempio n. 7
 def __init__( self, q):
     We initialize by a list of integers $[a_1,...,a_N]$. The
     lattice self is then $L = (L,\beta) = (G^{-1}\ZZ^n/\ZZ^n, G[x])$,
     where $G$ is the symmetric matrix
     $G=[a_1,...,a_n;*,a_{n+1},....;..;* ... * a_N]$,
     i.e.~the $a_j$ denote the elements above the diagonal of $G$.
     self.__form = q
     # We compute the rank
     N = len(q)
     assert is_square( 1+8*N)
     n = Integer( (-1+isqrt(1+8*N))/2)
     self.__rank = n
     # We set up the Gram matrix
     self.__G = matrix( IntegerRing(), n, n)
     i = j = 0
     for a in q:
         self.__G[i,j] = self.__G[j,i] = Integer(a)
         if j < n-1:
             j += 1
             i += 1
             j = i
     # We compute the level
     Gi = self.__G**-1
     self.__Gi = Gi
     a = lcm( map( lambda x: x.denominator(), Gi.list()))
     I = Gi.diagonal()
     b =  lcm( map( lambda x: (x/2).denominator(), I))
     self.__level = lcm( a, b)
     # We define the undelying module and the ambient space
     self.__module = FreeModule( IntegerRing(), n)
     self.__space = self.__module.ambient_vector_space()
     # We compute a shadow vector
     self.__shadow_vector = self.__space([(a%2)/2 for a in self.__G.diagonal()])*Gi
     # We define a basis
     M = Matrix( IntegerRing(), n, n, 1)
     self.__basis = self.__module.basis()
     # We prepare a cache
     self.__dual_vectors = None
     self.__values = None
     self.__chi = {}
Esempio n. 8
File: Progetto: sagemath/sage
    def __init__(self, n, q, D, secret_dist='uniform', m=None):
        Construct an LWE oracle in dimension ``n`` over a ring of order
        ``q`` with noise distribution ``D``.


        - ``n`` - dimension (integer > 0)
        - ``q`` - modulus typically > n (integer > 0)
        - ``D`` - an error distribution such as an instance of
          :class:`DiscreteGaussianDistributionIntegerSampler` or :class:`UniformSampler`
        - ``secret_dist`` - distribution of the secret (default: 'uniform'); one of

          - "uniform" - secret follows the uniform distribution in `\Zmod{q}`
          - "noise" - secret follows the noise distribution
          - ``(lb,ub)`` - the secret is chosen uniformly from ``[lb,...,ub]`` including both endpoints

        - ``m`` - number of allowed samples or ``None`` if no such limit exists
          (default: ``None``)


        First, we construct a noise distribution with standard deviation 3.0::

            sage: from sage.stats.distributions.discrete_gaussian_integer import DiscreteGaussianDistributionIntegerSampler
            sage: D = DiscreteGaussianDistributionIntegerSampler(3.0)

        Next, we construct our oracle::

            sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import LWE
            sage: lwe = LWE(n=20, q=next_prime(400), D=D); lwe
            LWE(20, 401, Discrete Gaussian sampler over the Integers with sigma = 3.000000 and c = 0, 'uniform', None)

        and sample 1000 samples::

            sage: L = [lwe() for _ in range(1000)]

        To test the oracle, we use the internal secret to evaluate the samples
        in the secret::

            sage: S = [ZZ(a.dot_product(lwe._LWE__s) - c) for (a,c) in L]

        However, while Sage represents finite field elements between 0 and q-1
        we rely on a balanced representation of those elements here. Hence, we
        fix the representation and recover the correct standard deviation of the

            sage: sqrt(variance([e if e <= 200 else e-401 for e in S]).n())

        If ``m`` is not ``None`` the number of available samples is restricted::

            sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import LWE
            sage: lwe = LWE(n=20, q=next_prime(400), D=D, m=30)
            sage: _ = [lwe() for _ in range(30)]
            sage: lwe() # 31
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            IndexError: Number of available samples exhausted.
        self.n  = ZZ(n)
        self.m =  m
        self.__i = 0
        self.K  = IntegerModRing(q)
        self.FM = FreeModule(self.K, n)
        self.D = D

        self.secret_dist = secret_dist
        if secret_dist == 'uniform':
            self.__s = random_vector(self.K, self.n)
        elif secret_dist == 'noise':
            self.__s = vector(self.K, self.n, [self.D() for _ in range(n)])
                lb, ub = map(ZZ, secret_dist)
                self.__s = vector(self.K, self.n, [randint(lb,ub) for _ in range(n)])
            except (IndexError, TypeError):
                raise TypeError("Parameter secret_dist=%s not understood."%(secret_dist))
Esempio n. 9
def clean(pts, k):
    Return a list of points with the same convex hull as in ``pts`` but with
    potentially less points.


    - ``pts`` -- list or tuple of points
    - ``k``   -- number of nonredundant point set in the cleaning
                (in the case of matrices, a wise choice is nvars - dim + 1)
    dim = len(pts[0])
    if len(pts) < 2*k:
        return pts

    F = FreeModule(RDF, dim)
    pts = [(p,F(p)) for p in pts]

    go = 1
    approx_ch = set()
    while go < 3:
        print "new loop, {} points".format(len(pts))

        T = set()
        n = 0
        for _ in range(k*k):
            z = F.random_element()
            m_min = m_max = z.dot_product(pts[0][0])
            p_min = p_max = pts[0][0]
            for p,pa in pts[1:]:
                m = z.dot_product(pa)
                if m > m_max:
                    p_max = p
                    m_max = m
                elif m < m_min:
                    p_min = p
                    m_min = m
            n += 1
        if len(approx_ch) > 2*k:
            T = sample(list(approx_ch), k)
            while len(T) < k:
                T.update(x[0] for x in sample(pts,k-len(T)))

        gs = Generator_System()
        for p in T:
        poly_T = C_Polyhedron(gs)

        new_pts = []
        for p,pa in pts:
            if p in T:

            gs = Generator_System()
            poly_p = C_Polyhedron(gs)

            if poly_T.contains(poly_p):
                go = 0

        go += 1

        pts = new_pts

    print "approx ch with {} points".format(len(approx_ch))
    return [x[0] for x in pts]
Esempio n. 10
def modform_cusp_info(calc, S, l, precLimit):
	This goes through all the cusps and compares the space given by `(f|R)[S]`
	with the space of Elliptic modular forms expansion at those cusps.

	assert l == S.det()
	assert list(calc.curlS) == [S]

	D = calc.D
	HermWeight = calc.HermWeight
	reducedCurlFSize = calc.matrixColumnCount
	herm_modform_fe_expannsion = FreeModule(QQ, reducedCurlFSize)

	if not Integer(l).is_squarefree():
		# The calculation of the cusp expansion space takes very long here, thus
		# we skip them for now.
		return None

	for cusp in Gamma0(l).cusps():
		if cusp == Infinity: continue
		M = cusp_matrix(cusp)

			gamma, R, tM = solveR(M, S, space=CurlO(D))
		except Exception:
			print (M, S)
		R.set_immutable() # for caching, we need it hashable

		herm_modforms = herm_modform_fe_expannsion.echelonized_basis_matrix().transpose()
		ell_R_denom, ell_R_order, M_R = calcMatrixTrans(calc, R)
		CycloDegree_R = CyclotomicField(ell_R_order).degree()
		print "M_R[0] nrows, ell_R_denom, ell_R_order, Cyclo degree:", \
			M_R[0].nrows(), ell_R_denom, ell_R_order, CycloDegree_R

		# The maximum precision we can use is M_R[0].nrows().
		# However, that can be quite huge (e.g. 600).
		ce_prec = min(precLimit, M_R[0].nrows())

		ce = cuspExpansions(level=l, weight=2*HermWeight, prec=ce_prec)
		ell_M_denom, ell_M = ce.expansion_at(SL2Z(M))
		print "ell_M_denom, ell_M nrows:", ell_M_denom, ell_M.nrows()
		ell_M_order = ell_R_order # not sure here. just try the one from R. toCyclPowerBase would fail if this doesn't work
		# CyclotomicField(l / prod(l.prime_divisors())) should also work.

		# Transform to same denom.
		denom_lcm = int(lcm(ell_R_denom, ell_M_denom))
		ell_M = addRows(ell_M, denom_lcm / ell_M_denom)
		M_R = [addRows(M_R_i, denom_lcm / ell_R_denom) for M_R_i in M_R]
		ell_R_denom = ell_M_denom = denom_lcm
		print "new denom:", denom_lcm
		assert ell_R_denom == ell_M_denom

		# ell_M rows are the elliptic FE. M_R[i] columns are the elliptic FE.
		# We expect that M_R gives a higher precision for the ell FE. I'm not sure
		# if this is always true but we expect it here (maybe not needed, though).
		print "precision of M_R[0], ell_M, wanted:", M_R[0].nrows(), ell_M.ncols(), ce_prec
		assert ell_M.ncols() >= ce_prec
		prec = min(M_R[0].nrows(), ell_M.ncols())
		# cut to have same precision
		M_R = [M_R_i[:prec,:] for M_R_i in M_R]
		ell_M = ell_M[:,:prec]
		assert ell_M.ncols() == M_R[0].nrows() == prec

		print "M_R[0] rank, herm rank, mult rank:", \
			M_R[0].rank(), herm_modforms.rank(), (M_R[0] * herm_modforms).rank()
		ell_R = [M_R_i * herm_modforms for M_R_i in M_R]

		# I'm not sure on this. Seems to be true and it simplifies things in the following.
		assert ell_M_order <= ell_R_order, "{0}".format((ell_M_order, ell_R_order))
		assert ell_R_order % ell_M_order == 0, "{0}".format((ell_M_order, ell_R_order))

		# Transform to same Cyclomotic Field in same power base.
		ell_M2 = toCyclPowerBase(ell_M, ell_M_order)
		ell_R2 = toLowerCyclBase(ell_R, ell_R_order, ell_M_order)
		# We must work with the matrix. maybe we should transform hf_M instead to a
		# higher order field instead, if this ever fails (I'm not sure).
		assert ell_R2 is not None
		assert len(ell_M2) == len(ell_R2) # They should have the same power base & same degree now.
		print "ell_M2[0], ell_R2[0] rank with order %i:" % ell_M_order, ell_M2[0].rank(), ell_R2[0].rank()

		assert len(M_R) == len(ell_M2)
		for i in range(len(ell_M2)):
			ell_M_space = ell_M2[i].row_space()
			ell_R_space = ell_R2[i].column_space()
			merged = ell_M_space.intersection(ell_R_space)

			herm_modform_fe_expannsion_Ci = M_R[i].solve_right( merged.basis_matrix().transpose() )
			herm_modform_fe_expannsion_Ci_module = herm_modform_fe_expannsion_Ci.column_module()
			herm_modform_fe_expannsion_Ci_module += M_R[i].right_kernel()

				D=D, B_cF=calc.B_cF, HermWeight=HermWeight

			herm_modform_fe_expannsion = herm_modform_fe_expannsion.intersection( herm_modform_fe_expannsion_Ci_module )
			print "power", i, merged.dimension(), herm_modform_fe_expannsion_Ci_module.dimension(), \
			current_dimension = herm_modform_fe_expannsion.dimension()

	return herm_modform_fe_expannsion
Esempio n. 11
    def __init__(self, n, q, D, secret_dist='uniform', m=None):
        Construct an LWE oracle in dimension ``n`` over a ring of order
        ``q`` with noise distribution ``D``.


        - ``n`` - dimension (integer > 0)
        - ``q`` - modulus typically > n (integer > 0)
        - ``D`` - an error distribution such as an instance of
          :class:`DiscreteGaussianDistributionIntegerSampler` or :class:`UniformSampler`
        - ``secret_dist`` - distribution of the secret (default: 'uniform'); one of

          - "uniform" - secret follows the uniform distribution in `\Zmod{q}`
          - "noise" - secret follows the noise distribution
          - ``(lb,ub)`` - the secret is chosen uniformly from ``[lb,...,ub]`` including both endpoints

        - ``m`` - number of allowed samples or ``None`` if no such limit exists
          (default: ``None``)


        First, we construct a noise distribution with standard deviation 3.0::

            sage: from sage.stats.distributions.discrete_gaussian_integer import DiscreteGaussianDistributionIntegerSampler
            sage: D = DiscreteGaussianDistributionIntegerSampler(3.0)

        Next, we construct our oracle::

            sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import LWE
            sage: lwe = LWE(n=20, q=next_prime(400), D=D); lwe
            LWE(20, 401, Discrete Gaussian sampler over the Integers with sigma = 3.000000 and c = 0, 'uniform', None)

        and sample 1000 samples::

            sage: L = [lwe() for _ in range(1000)]

        To test the oracle, we use the internal secret to evaluate the samples
        in the secret::

            sage: S = [ZZ(a.dot_product(lwe._LWE__s) - c) for (a,c) in L]

        However, while Sage represents finite field elements between 0 and q-1
        we rely on a balanced representation of those elements here. Hence, we
        fix the representation and recover the correct standard deviation of the

            sage: sqrt(variance([e if e <= 200 else e-401 for e in S]).n())

        If ``m`` is not ``None`` the number of available samples is restricted::

            sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import LWE
            sage: lwe = LWE(n=20, q=next_prime(400), D=D, m=30)
            sage: _ = [lwe() for _ in range(30)]
            sage: lwe() # 31
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            IndexError: Number of available samples exhausted.
        self.n = ZZ(n)
        self.m = m
        self.__i = 0
        self.K = IntegerModRing(q)
        self.FM = FreeModule(self.K, n)
        self.D = D

        self.secret_dist = secret_dist
        if secret_dist == 'uniform':
            self.__s = random_vector(self.K, self.n)
        elif secret_dist == 'noise':
            self.__s = vector(self.K, self.n, [self.D() for _ in range(n)])
                lb, ub = map(ZZ, secret_dist)
                self.__s = vector(self.K, self.n,
                                  [randint(lb, ub) for _ in range(n)])
            except (IndexError, TypeError):
                raise TypeError("Parameter secret_dist=%s not understood." %
Esempio n. 12
class ConvexHullPalp(ConvexHull):
    Compute convex hull using PALP.

    Note: the points must be lattice points (ie integer coordinates) and
    generate the ambient vector space.
    _name = 'PALP'

    def __init__(self, dim):
        from sage.modules.free_module import FreeModule
        self._free_module = FreeModule(ZZ, int(dim))

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return type(self) is type(other) and self._free_module == other._free_module

    def __call__(self, pts):
        filename = tmp_filename()

        pts = list(pts)
        n = len(pts)
        if n <= 2:
            return tuple(pts)
        d = len(pts[0])
        assert d == self._free_module.rank()

        # PALP only works with full dimension polyhedra!!
        ppts = [x-pts[0] for x in pts]
        U = self._free_module.submodule(ppts)
        d2 = U.rank()
        if d2 != d:
            # not full dim
            # we compute two matrices
            #  M1: small space -> big space  (makes decomposition)
            #  M2: big space -> small space  (i.e. basis of the module)
            # warning: matrices act on row vectors, i.e. left action
            from sage.matrix.constructor import matrix
            from sage.modules.free_module import FreeModule
            V2 = FreeModule(ZZ,d2)
            M1 = U.matrix()
            assert M1.nrows() == d2
            assert M1.ncols() == d
            M2 = matrix(QQ,d)
            M2[:d2,:] = M1
            i = d2
            U = U.change_ring(QQ)
            F = self._free_module.change_ring(QQ)
            for b in F.basis():
                if b not in U:
                    M2.set_row(i, b)
                    U = F.submodule(U.basis() + [b])
                    i += 1
            assert i == self._free_module.rank()
            M2 = (~M2)[:,:d2]
            assert M2.nrows() == d
            assert M2.ncols() == d2
            assert (M1*M2).is_one()
            pts2 = [p * M2 for p in ppts]
            pts2 = pts
            d2 = d

        with open(filename, "w") as output:
            output.write("{} {}\n".format(n,d2))
            for p in pts2:
                output.write(" ".join(map(str,p)))

        args = ['poly.x', '-v', filename]
            palp_proc = Popen(args,
                    stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE,
                    stderr=None, cwd=str(SAGE_TMP))
        except OSError:
            raise RuntimeError("Problem with calling PALP")
        ans, err = palp_proc.communicate()
        ret_code = palp_proc.poll()

        if ret_code:
            raise RuntimeError("PALP return code is {} from input {}".format(ret_code, pts))
        a = ans.split('\n')
            dd,nn = a[0].split(' ')[:2]
            dd = int(dd)
            nn = int(nn)
            if dd > nn: dd,nn = nn,dd
        except (TypeError,ValueError):
            raise RuntimeError("PALP got wrong:\n{}".format(ans))
        if d2 != int(dd):
            raise RuntimeError("dimension changed... have d={} but PALP answered dd={} and nn={}".format(d2,dd,nn))
        n2 = int(nn)
        coords = []
        for i in xrange(1,d2+1):
        new_pts = zip(*coords)

        if d2 != d:
            new_pts = [pts[0] + V2(p)*M1 for p in new_pts]

        t = [self._free_module(p) for p in new_pts]
        for v in t:
        return tuple(t)
Esempio n. 13
def Polyhedra(ambient_space_or_base_ring=None,
    Construct a suitable parent class for polyhedra


    - ``base_ring`` -- A ring. Currently there are backends for `\ZZ`,
      `\QQ`, and `\RDF`.

    - ``ambient_dim`` -- integer. The ambient space dimension.

    - ``ambient_space`` -- A free module.

    - ``backend`` -- string. The name of the backend for computations. There are
       several backends implemented:

         * ``backend="ppl"`` uses the Parma Polyhedra Library

         * ``backend="cdd"`` uses CDD

         * ``backend="normaliz"`` uses normaliz

         * ``backend="polymake"`` uses polymake

         * ``backend="field"`` a generic Sage implementation


    A parent class for polyhedra over the given base ring if the
    backend supports it. If not, the parent base ring can be larger
    (for example, `\QQ` instead of `\ZZ`). If there is no
    implementation at all, a ``ValueError`` is raised.


        sage: from sage.geometry.polyhedron.parent import Polyhedra
        sage: Polyhedra(AA, 3)
        Polyhedra in AA^3
        sage: Polyhedra(ZZ, 3)
        Polyhedra in ZZ^3
        sage: type(_)
        <class 'sage.geometry.polyhedron.parent.Polyhedra_ZZ_ppl_with_category'>
        sage: Polyhedra(QQ, 3, backend='cdd')
        Polyhedra in QQ^3
        sage: type(_)
        <class 'sage.geometry.polyhedron.parent.Polyhedra_QQ_cdd_with_category'>

    CDD does not support integer polytopes directly::

        sage: Polyhedra(ZZ, 3, backend='cdd')
        Polyhedra in QQ^3

    Using a more general form of the constructor::

        sage: V = VectorSpace(QQ, 3)
        sage: Polyhedra(V) is Polyhedra(QQ, 3)
        sage: Polyhedra(V, backend='field') is Polyhedra(QQ, 3, 'field')
        sage: Polyhedra(backend='field', ambient_space=V) is Polyhedra(QQ, 3, 'field')

        sage: M = FreeModule(ZZ, 2)
        sage: Polyhedra(M, backend='ppl') is Polyhedra(ZZ, 2, 'ppl')


        sage: Polyhedra(RR, 3, backend='field')
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: the 'field' backend for polyhedron can not be used with non-exact fields
        sage: Polyhedra(RR, 3)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: no default backend for computations with Real Field with 53 bits of precision
        sage: Polyhedra(QQ[I], 2)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: invalid base ring: Number Field in I with defining polynomial x^2 + 1 with I = 1*I cannot be coerced to a real field

    if ambient_space_or_base_ring is not None:
        if ambient_space_or_base_ring in Rings():
            base_ring = ambient_space_or_base_ring
            ambient_space = ambient_space_or_base_ring
    if ambient_space is not None:
        if ambient_space not in Modules:
            # There is no category of free modules, unfortunately
            # (see
            raise ValueError('ambient_space must be a free module')
        if base_ring is None:
            base_ring = ambient_space.base_ring()
        if ambient_dim is None:
                ambient_dim = ambient_space.rank()
            except AttributeError:
                # ... so we test whether it is free using the existence of
                # a rank method
                raise ValueError('ambient_space must be a free module')
        if ambient_space is not FreeModule(base_ring, ambient_dim):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'ambient_space must be a standard free module')
    if backend is None:
        if base_ring is ZZ or base_ring is QQ:
            backend = 'ppl'
        elif base_ring is RDF:
            backend = 'cdd'
        elif base_ring.is_exact():
            # TODO: find a more robust way of checking that the coefficients are indeed
            # real numbers
            if not RDF.has_coerce_map_from(base_ring):
                raise ValueError(
                    "invalid base ring: {} cannot be coerced to a real field".
            backend = 'field'
            raise ValueError(
                "no default backend for computations with {}".format(

    from sage.symbolic.ring import SR
    if backend == 'ppl' and base_ring is QQ:
        return Polyhedra_QQ_ppl(base_ring, ambient_dim, backend)
    elif backend == 'ppl' and base_ring is ZZ:
        return Polyhedra_ZZ_ppl(base_ring, ambient_dim, backend)
    elif backend == 'normaliz' and base_ring is QQ:
        return Polyhedra_QQ_normaliz(base_ring, ambient_dim, backend)
    elif backend == 'normaliz' and base_ring is ZZ:
        return Polyhedra_ZZ_normaliz(base_ring, ambient_dim, backend)
    elif backend == 'normaliz' and (base_ring is SR or base_ring.is_exact()):
        return Polyhedra_normaliz(base_ring, ambient_dim, backend)
    elif backend == 'cdd' and base_ring in (ZZ, QQ):
        return Polyhedra_QQ_cdd(QQ, ambient_dim, backend)
    elif backend == 'cdd' and base_ring is RDF:
        return Polyhedra_RDF_cdd(RDF, ambient_dim, backend)
    elif backend == 'polymake':
        return Polyhedra_polymake(base_ring.fraction_field(), ambient_dim,
    elif backend == 'field':
        if not base_ring.is_exact():
            raise ValueError(
                "the 'field' backend for polyhedron can not be used with non-exact fields"
        return Polyhedra_field(base_ring.fraction_field(), ambient_dim,
        raise ValueError('No such backend (=' + str(backend) +
                         ') implemented for given basering (=' +
                         str(base_ring) + ').')
Esempio n. 14
    def normal_cone(self):
        Return the (closure of the) normal cone of the triangulation.

        Recall that a regular triangulation is one that equals the
        "crease lines" of a convex piecewise-linear function. This
        support function is not unique, for example, you can scale it
        by a positive constant. The set of all piecewise-linear
        functions with fixed creases forms an open cone. This cone can
        be interpreted as the cone of normal vectors at a point of the
        secondary polytope, which is why we call it normal cone. See
        [GKZ1994]_ Section 7.1 for details.


        The closure of the normal cone. The `i`-th entry equals the
        value of the piecewise-linear function at the `i`-th point of
        the configuration.

        For an irregular triangulation, the normal cone is empty. In
        this case, a single point (the origin) is returned.


            sage: triangulation = polytopes.hypercube(2).triangulate(engine='internal')
            sage: triangulation
            (<0,1,3>, <1,2,3>)
            sage: N = triangulation.normal_cone();  N
            4-d cone in 4-d lattice
            sage: N.rays()
            ( 0,  0,  0, -1),
            ( 0,  0,  1,  1),
            ( 0,  0, -1, -1),
            ( 1,  0,  0,  1),
            (-1,  0,  0, -1),
            ( 0,  1,  0, -1),
            ( 0, -1,  0,  1)
            in Ambient free module of rank 4
            over the principal ideal domain Integer Ring
            sage: N.dual().rays()
            (1, -1, 1, -1)
            in Ambient free module of rank 4
            over the principal ideal domain Integer Ring


            sage: polytopes.simplex(2).triangulate().normal_cone()
            3-d cone in 3-d lattice
            sage: _.dual().is_trivial()
        if not self.point_configuration().base_ring().is_subring(QQ):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'Only base rings ZZ and QQ are supported')
        from ppl import Constraint_System, Linear_Expression, C_Polyhedron
        from sage.matrix.constructor import matrix
        from sage.arith.all import lcm
        pc = self.point_configuration()
        cs = Constraint_System()
        for facet in self.interior_facets():
            s0, s1 = self._boundary_simplex_dictionary()[facet]
            p = set(s0).difference(facet).pop()
            q = set(s1).difference(facet).pop()
            origin = pc.point(p).reduced_affine_vector()
            base_indices = [i for i in s0 if i != p]
            base = matrix([
                pc.point(i).reduced_affine_vector() - origin
                for i in base_indices
            sol = base.solve_left(pc.point(q).reduced_affine_vector() - origin)
            relation = [0] * pc.n_points()
            relation[p] = sum(sol) - 1
            relation[q] = 1
            for i, base_i in enumerate(base_indices):
                relation[base_i] = -sol[i]
            rel_denom = lcm([QQ(r).denominator() for r in relation])
            relation = [ZZ(r * rel_denom) for r in relation]
            ex = Linear_Expression(relation, 0)
            cs.insert(ex >= 0)
        from sage.modules.free_module import FreeModule
        ambient = FreeModule(ZZ, self.point_configuration().n_points())
        if cs.empty():
            cone = C_Polyhedron(ambient.dimension(), 'universe')
            cone = C_Polyhedron(cs)
        from sage.geometry.cone import _Cone_from_PPL
        return _Cone_from_PPL(cone, lattice=ambient)
Esempio n. 15
    def __init__(self,
        Initialize ``self``.


            sage: L = LieAlgebra(QQ, 'x,y', {('x','y'): {'x':1}})
            sage: TestSuite(L).run()
        default = (names != tuple(index_set))
        if prefix is None:
            if default:
                prefix = 'L'
                prefix = ''
        if bracket is None:
            bracket = default
        if latex_bracket is None:
            latex_bracket = default
        if string_quotes is None:
            string_quotes = default

        #self._pos_to_index = dict(enumerate(index_set))
        self._index_to_pos = {k: i for i, k in enumerate(index_set)}
        if "sorting_key" not in kwds:
            kwds["sorting_key"] = self._index_to_pos.__getitem__

        cat = LieAlgebras(R).WithBasis().FiniteDimensional().or_subcategory(
        FinitelyGeneratedLieAlgebra.__init__(self, R, names, index_set, cat)

        self._M = FreeModule(R, len(index_set))

        # Transform the values in the structure coefficients to elements
        def to_vector(tuples):
            vec = [] * len(index_set)
            for k, c in tuples:
                vec[self._index_to_pos[k]] = c
            vec = self._M(vec)
            return vec

        self._s_coeff = {(self._index_to_pos[k[0]], self._index_to_pos[k[1]]):
                         for k in s_coeff.keys()}
Esempio n. 16
class LWE(SageObject):
    Learning with Errors (LWE) oracle.

    .. automethod:: __init__
    .. automethod:: __call__
    def __init__(self, n, q, D, secret_dist='uniform', m=None):
        Construct an LWE oracle in dimension ``n`` over a ring of order
        ``q`` with noise distribution ``D``.


        - ``n`` - dimension (integer > 0)
        - ``q`` - modulus typically > n (integer > 0)
        - ``D`` - an error distribution such as an instance of
          :class:`DiscreteGaussianSamplerRejection` or :class:`UniformSampler`
        - ``secret_dist`` - distribution of the secret; one of

          - "uniform" - secret follows the uniform distribution in `\Zmod{q}`
          - "noise" - secret follows the noise distrbution
          - ``(lb,ub)`` - the secret is chosen uniformly from ``[lb,...,ub]`` including both endpoints

        - ``m`` - number of allowed samples or ``None`` if no such limit exists
          (default: ``None``)


        First, we construct a noise distribution with standard deviation 3.0::

            sage: D = DiscreteGaussianSamplerRejection(3.0)

        Next, we construct our oracle::

            sage: lwe = LWE(n=20, q=next_prime(400), D=D); lwe
            LWE(20, 401, DiscreteGaussianSamplerRejection(3.000000, 53, 4), 'uniform', None)

        and sample 1000 samples::

            sage: L = [lwe() for _ in range(1000)]

        To test the oracle, we use the internal secret to evaluate the samples
        in the secret::

            sage: S = [ZZ(a.dot_product(lwe._LWE__s) - c) for (a,c) in L]

        However, while Sage represents finite field elements between 0 and q-1
        we rely on a balanced representation of those elements here. Hence, we
        fix the representation and recover the correct standard deviation of the

            sage: sqrt(variance([e if e <= 200 else e-401 for e in S]).n())

        If ``m`` is not ``None`` the number of available samples is restricted::

            sage: lwe = LWE(n=20, q=next_prime(400), D=D, m=30)
            sage: _ = [lwe() for _ in range(30)]
            sage: lwe() # 31
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            IndexError: Number of available samples exhausted.
        self.n = ZZ(n)
        self.m = m
        self.__i = 0
        self.K = IntegerModRing(q)
        self.FM = FreeModule(self.K, n)
        self.D = D

        self.secret_dist = secret_dist
        if secret_dist == 'uniform':
            self.__s = random_vector(self.K, self.n)
        elif secret_dist == 'noise':
            self.__s = vector(self.K, self.n, [self.D() for _ in range(n)])
                lb, ub = map(ZZ, secret_dist)
                self.__s = vector(self.K, self.n,
                                  [randint(lb, ub) for _ in range(n)])
            except (IndexError, TypeError):
                raise TypeError("Parameter secret_dist=%s not understood." %

    def _repr_(self):

            sage: D = DiscreteGaussianSamplerRejection(3.0)
            sage: lwe = LWE(n=20, q=next_prime(400), D=D); lwe
            LWE(20, 401, DiscreteGaussianSamplerRejection(3.000000, 53, 4), 'uniform', None)

            sage: lwe = LWE(n=20, q=next_prime(400), D=D, secret_dist=(-3, 3)); lwe
            LWE(20, 401, DiscreteGaussianSamplerRejection(3.000000, 53, 4), (-3, 3), None)
        if type(self.secret_dist) == str:
            return "LWE(%d, %d, %s, '%s', %s)" % (
                self.n, self.K.order(), self.D, self.secret_dist, self.m)
            return "LWE(%d, %d, %s, %s, %s)" % (self.n, self.K.order(), self.D,
                                                self.secret_dist, self.m)

    def __call__(self):

            sage: LWE(10, 401, DiscreteGaussianSamplerRejection(3))()
            ((309, 347, 198, 194, 336, 360, 264, 123, 368, 398), 198)
        if self.m is not None:
            if self.__i >= self.m:
                raise IndexError("Number of available samples exhausted.")
        self.__i += 1
        a = self.FM.random_element()
        return a, a.dot_product(self.__s) + self.K(self.D())
Esempio n. 17
File: Progetto: Etn40ff/sage
class LWE(SageObject):
    Learning with Errors (LWE) oracle.

    .. automethod:: __init__
    .. automethod:: __call__
    def __init__(self, n, q, D, secret_dist='uniform', m=None):
        Construct an LWE oracle in dimension ``n`` over a ring of order
        ``q`` with noise distribution ``D``.


        - ``n`` - dimension (integer > 0)
        - ``q`` - modulus typically > n (integer > 0)
        - ``D`` - an error distribution such as an instance of
          :class:`DiscreteGaussianSamplerRejection` or :class:`UniformSampler`
        - ``secret_dist`` - distribution of the secret (default: 'uniform'); one of

          - "uniform" - secret follows the uniform distribution in `\Zmod{q}`
          - "noise" - secret follows the noise distribution
          - ``(lb,ub)`` - the secret is chosen uniformly from ``[lb,...,ub]`` including both endpoints

        - ``m`` - number of allowed samples or ``None`` if no such limit exists
          (default: ``None``)


        First, we construct a noise distribution with standard deviation 3.0::

            sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import DiscreteGaussianSampler
            sage: D = DiscreteGaussianSampler(3.0)

        Next, we construct our oracle::

            sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import LWE
            sage: lwe = LWE(n=20, q=next_prime(400), D=D); lwe
            LWE(20, 401, DiscreteGaussianSamplerRejection(3.000000, 53, 4), 'uniform', None)

        and sample 1000 samples::

            sage: L = [lwe() for _ in range(1000)]

        To test the oracle, we use the internal secret to evaluate the samples
        in the secret::

            sage: S = [ZZ(a.dot_product(lwe._LWE__s) - c) for (a,c) in L]

        However, while Sage represents finite field elements between 0 and q-1
        we rely on a balanced representation of those elements here. Hence, we
        fix the representation and recover the correct standard deviation of the

            sage: sqrt(variance([e if e <= 200 else e-401 for e in S]).n())

        If ``m`` is not ``None`` the number of available samples is restricted::

            sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import LWE
            sage: lwe = LWE(n=20, q=next_prime(400), D=D, m=30)
            sage: _ = [lwe() for _ in range(30)]
            sage: lwe() # 31
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            IndexError: Number of available samples exhausted.
        self.n  = ZZ(n)
        self.m =  m
        self.__i = 0
        self.K  = IntegerModRing(q)
        self.FM = FreeModule(self.K, n)
        self.D = D

        self.secret_dist = secret_dist
        if secret_dist == 'uniform':
            self.__s = random_vector(self.K, self.n)
        elif secret_dist == 'noise':
            self.__s = vector(self.K, self.n, [self.D() for _ in range(n)])
                lb, ub = map(ZZ,secret_dist)
                self.__s = vector(self.K, self.n, [randint(lb,ub) for _ in range(n)])
            except (IndexError, TypeError):
                raise TypeError("Parameter secret_dist=%s not understood."%(secret_dist))

    def _repr_(self):

            sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import DiscreteGaussianSampler, LWE
            sage: D = DiscreteGaussianSampler(3.0)
            sage: lwe = LWE(n=20, q=next_prime(400), D=D); lwe
            LWE(20, 401, DiscreteGaussianSamplerRejection(3.000000, 53, 4), 'uniform', None)

            sage: lwe = LWE(n=20, q=next_prime(400), D=D, secret_dist=(-3, 3)); lwe
            LWE(20, 401, DiscreteGaussianSamplerRejection(3.000000, 53, 4), (-3, 3), None)
        if isinstance(self.secret_dist, str):
            return "LWE(%d, %d, %s, '%s', %s)"%(self.n,self.K.order(),self.D,self.secret_dist, self.m)
            return "LWE(%d, %d, %s, %s, %s)"%(self.n,self.K.order(),self.D,self.secret_dist, self.m)

    def __call__(self):

            sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import DiscreteGaussianSampler, LWE
            sage: LWE(10, 401, DiscreteGaussianSampler(3))()
            ((309, 347, 198, 194, 336, 360, 264, 123, 368, 398), 198)
        if self.m is not None:
            if self.__i >= self.m:
                raise IndexError("Number of available samples exhausted.")
        a = self.FM.random_element()
        return a, a.dot_product(self.__s) + self.K(self.D())
Esempio n. 18
def stratification(L):
    Return a stratification of the Lie algebra if one exists.


    - ``L`` -- a Lie algebra


    A grading of the Lie algebra `\mathfrak{g}` over the integers such
    that the layer `\mathfrak{g}_1` generates the full Lie algebra.


    A stratification for a free nilpotent Lie algebra is the
    one based on the length of the defining bracket::

        sage: from lie_gradings.gradings.grading import stratification
        sage: from lie_gradings.gradings.utilities import in_new_basis
        sage: L = LieAlgebra(QQ, 3, step=3)
        sage: strat = stratification(L)
        sage: strat
        Grading over Additive abelian group isomorphic to Z of Free Nilpotent
        Lie algebra on 14 generators (X_1, X_2, X_3, X_12, X_13, X_23, X_112,
        X_113, X_122, X_123, X_132, X_133, X_223, X_233) over Rational Field
        with nonzero layers
          (1) : (X_1, X_2, X_3)
          (2) : (X_12, X_13, X_23)
          (3) : (X_112, X_113, X_122, X_123, X_132, X_133, X_223, X_233)

    The main use case is when the original basis of the stratifiable Lie
    algebra is not adapted to a stratification. Consider the following
    quotient Lie algebra::

        sage: X_1, X_2, X_3 = L.basis().list()[:3]
        sage: Q = L.quotient(L[X_2, X_3])
        sage: Q
        Lie algebra quotient L/I of dimension 10 over Rational Field where
        L: Free Nilpotent Lie algebra on 14 generators (X_1, X_2, X_3, X_12, X_13, X_23, X_112, X_113, X_122, X_123, X_132, X_133, X_223, X_233) over Rational Field
        I: Ideal (X_23)

    We switch to a basis which does not define a stratification::

        sage: Y_1 = Q(X_1)
        sage: Y_2 = Q(X_2) + Q[X_1, X_2]
        sage: Y_3 = Q(X_3)
        sage: basis = [Y_1, Y_2, Y_3] + Q.basis().list()[3:]
        sage: Y_labels = ["Y_%d"%(k+1) for k in range(len(basis))]
        sage: K = in_new_basis(Q, basis,Y_labels)
        sage: K.inject_variables()
        Defining Y_1, Y_2, Y_3, Y_4, Y_5, Y_6, Y_7, Y_8, Y_9, Y_10
        sage: K[Y_2, Y_3]
        sage: K[[Y_1, Y_3], Y_2]

    We may reconstruct a stratification in the new basis without
    any knowledge of the original stratification::

        sage: stratification(K)
        Grading over Additive abelian group isomorphic to Z of Nilpotent Lie
        algebra on 10 generators (Y_1, Y_2, Y_3, Y_4, Y_5, Y_6, Y_7, Y_8, Y_9,
        Y_10) over Rational Field with nonzero layers
          (1) : (Y_1, Y_2 - Y_4, Y_3)
          (2) : (Y_4, Y_5)
          (3) : (Y_10, Y_6, Y_7, Y_8, Y_9)
        sage: K[Y_1, Y_2 - Y_4]
        sage: K[Y_1, Y_3]
        sage: K[Y_2 - Y_4, Y_3]

    A non-stratifiable Lie algebra raises an error::

        sage: L = LieAlgebra(QQ, {('X_1','X_3'): {'X_4': 1},
        ....:                     ('X_1','X_4'): {'X_5': 1},
        ....:                     ('X_2','X_3'): {'X_5': 1}},
        ....:                    names='X_1,X_2,X_3,X_4,X_5')
        sage: stratification(L)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: Lie algebra on 5 generators (X_1, X_2, X_3, X_4,
        X_5) over Rational Field is not a stratifiable Lie algebra
    lcs = L.lower_central_series(submodule=True)
    quots = [V.quotient(W) for V, W in zip(lcs, lcs[1:])]

    # find a basis adapted to the filtration by the lower central series
    adapted_basis = []
    weights = []
    for k, q in enumerate(quots):
        weights += [k + 1] * q.dimension()

        for v in q.basis():
            b = q.lift(v)

    # define a submodule to compute structural
    # coefficients in the filtration adapted basis
        m = L.module()
    except AttributeError:
        m = FreeModule(L.base_ring(), L.dimension())
    sm = m.submodule_with_basis(adapted_basis)

    # form the linear system Ax=b of constraints from the Leibniz rule
    paramspace = [(k, h) for k in range(L.dimension())
                  for h in range(L.dimension()) if weights[h] > weights[k]]
    Arows = []
    bvec = []
    zerovec =

    for i in range(L.dimension()):
        Y_i = adapted_basis[i]
        w_i = weights[i]
        for j in range(i + 1, L.dimension()):
            Y_j = adapted_basis[j]
            w_j = weights[j]
            Y_ij = L.bracket(Y_i, Y_j)
            c_ij = sm.coordinate_vector(Y_ij.to_vector())

            bcomp =
            for k in range(L.dimension()):
                w_k = weights[k]
                Y_k = adapted_basis[k]
                bcomp += (w_k - w_i - w_j) * c_ij[k] * Y_k
            bv = bcomp.to_vector()

            Acomp = {}
            for k, h in paramspace:
                w_k = weights[k]
                Y_h = adapted_basis[h]
                if k == i:
                    Acomp[(k, h)] = L.bracket(Y_h, Y_j).to_vector()
                elif k == j:
                    Acomp[(k, h)] = L.bracket(Y_i, Y_h).to_vector()
                elif w_k >= w_i + w_j:
                    Acomp[(k, h)] = -c_ij[k] * Y_h

            for r in range(L.dimension()):
                    [Acomp.get((k, h), zerovec)[r] for k, h in paramspace])

    A = matrix(L.base_ring(), Arows)
    b = vector(L.base_ring(), bvec)

    # solve the linear system Ax=b if possible
        coeffs_flat = A.solve_right(b)
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError("%s is not a stratifiable Lie algebra" % L)

    coeffs = {(k, h): ckh for (k, h), ckh in zip(paramspace, coeffs_flat)}

    # define the matrix of the derivation determined by the solution
    # in the adapted basis
    cols = []
    for k in range(L.dimension()):
        w_k = weights[k]
        Y_k = adapted_basis[k]
        hspace = [h for (l, h) in paramspace if l == k]
        Yk_im = w_k * Y_k + sum(
            (coeffs[(k, h)] * adapted_basis[h] for h in hspace),

    der = matrix(L.base_ring(), cols).transpose()

    # the layers of the stratification are V_k = ker(der - kI)
    layers = {}
    for k in range(len(quots)):
        degree = k + 1
        B = der - degree * matrix.identity(L.dimension())
        adapted_kernel = B.right_kernel()

        # convert back to the original basis
        Vk_basis = [sm.from_vector(X) for X in adapted_kernel.basis()]
        layers[(degree, )] = [
            L.from_vector(v) for v in m.submodule(Vk_basis).basis()

    return grading(L,
Esempio n. 19
def maximal_grading(L):
    Return a maximal grading of a Lie algebra defined over an
    algebraically closed field.

    A maximal grading of a Lie algebra `\mathfrak{g}` is the finest
    possible grading of `\mathfrak{g}` over torsion free abelian groups.
    If `\mathfrak{g} = \bigoplus_{n\in \mathbb{Z}^k} \mathfrak{g}_n`
    is a maximal grading, then there exists no other grading
    `\mathfrak{g} = \bigoplus_{a\in A} \mathfrak{g}_a` over a torsion
    free abelian group `A` such that every `\mathfrak{g}_a` is contained
    in some `\mathfrak{g}_n`.


    A maximal grading of an abelian Lie algebra puts each basis element
    into an independent layer::

        sage: import sys, pathlib
        sage: sys.path.append(str(pathlib.Path().absolute()))
        sage: from lie_gradings.gradings.grading import maximal_grading
        sage: L = LieAlgebra(QQbar, 4, abelian=True)
        sage: maximal_grading(L)
        Grading over Additive abelian group isomorphic to Z + Z + Z + Z
        of Abelian Lie algebra on 4 generators (L[0], L[1], L[2], L[3])
        over Algebraic Field with nonzero layers
          (1, 0, 0, 0) : (L[3],)
          (0, 1, 0, 0) : (L[2],)
          (0, 0, 1, 0) : (L[1],)
          (0, 0, 0, 1) : (L[0],)

    A maximal grading of a free nilpotent Lie algebra decomposes the Lie
    algebra based on how many times each generator appears in the
    defining Lie bracket::

        sage: L = LieAlgebra(QQbar, 3, step=3)
        sage: maximal_grading(L)
        Grading over Additive abelian group isomorphic to Z + Z + Z of
        Free Nilpotent Lie algebra on 14 generators (X_1, X_2, X_3,
        X_12, X_13, X_23, X_112, X_113, X_122, X_123, X_132, X_133,
        X_223, X_233) over Algebraic Field with nonzero layers
          (1, 0, 0) : (X_1,)
          (0, 1, 0) : (X_2,)
          (1, 1, 0) : (X_12,)
          (1, 2, 0) : (X_122,)
          (2, 1, 0) : (X_112,)
          (0, 0, 1) : (X_3,)
          (0, 1, 1) : (X_23,)
          (0, 1, 2) : (X_233,)
          (0, 2, 1) : (X_223,)
          (1, 0, 1) : (X_13,)
          (1, 0, 2) : (X_133,)
          (1, 1, 1) : (X_123, X_132)
          (2, 0, 1) : (X_113,)

    # define utilities to convert from matrices to vectors and back
    R = L.base_ring()
    n = L.dimension()
    MS = MatrixSpace(R, n, n)

    def matrix_to_vec(A):
        return vector(R, sum((list(Ar) for Ar in A.rows()), []))

    db = L.derivations_basis()

    def derivation_lincomb(vec):
        return sum((vk * dk for vk, dk in zip(vec, db)),

    # iteratively construct larger and larger tori of derivations
    t = []
    while True:
        # compute the centralizer of the torus in the derivation algebra
        ker = FreeModule(R, len(db))
        for der in t:
            # form the matrix of ad(der) with rows
            # the images of basis derivations
            A = matrix([matrix_to_vec(der * X - X * der) for X in db])
            ker = ker.intersection(A.left_kernel())
        cb = [derivation_lincomb(v) for v in ker.basis()]

        # check the basis of the centralizer for semisimple parts outside of t
        gl = FreeModule(R, n * n)
        t_submodule = gl.submodule([matrix_to_vec(der) for der in t])
        for A in cb:
            As, An = jordan_decomposition(A)
            if matrix_to_vec(As) not in t_submodule:
                # extend the torus by As
            # no new elements found, so the torus is maximal

    # compute the eigenspace intersections to get the concrete grading
    common_eigenspaces = [([], FreeModule(R, n))]
    for A in t:
        new_eigenspaces = []
        eig = A.right_eigenspaces()
        for ev, V in common_eigenspaces:
            for ew, W in eig:
                VW = V.intersection(W)
                if VW.dimension() > 0:
                    new_eigenspaces.append((ev + [ew], VW))
        common_eigenspaces = new_eigenspaces

    if not t:
        # zero dimensional maximal torus
        # the only grading is the trivial grading
        magma = AdditiveAbelianGroup([])
        layers = { L.basis().list()}
        return grading(L, layers, magma=magma)

    # define a grading with layers indexed by tuples of eigenvalues
    cm = get_coercion_model()
    all_eigenvalues = sum((ev for ev, V in common_eigenspaces), [])
    k = len(common_eigenspaces[0][0])
    evR = cm.common_parent(*all_eigenvalues)
    layers = {
        tuple(ev): [L.from_vector(v) for v in V.basis()]
        for ev, V in common_eigenspaces
    magma = evR.cartesian_product(*[evR] * (k - 1))
    gr = grading(L, layers, magma=magma)

    # convert to a grading over Z^k
    return gr.universal_realization()
Esempio n. 20
class JordanAlgebraSymmetricBilinear(JordanAlgebra):
    A Jordan algebra given by a symmetric bilinear form `m`.
    def __init__(self, R, form, names=None):
        Initialize ``self``.


            sage: m = matrix([[-2,3],[3,4]])
            sage: J = JordanAlgebra(m)
            sage: TestSuite(J).run()
        self._form = form
        self._M = FreeModule(R, form.ncols())
        cat = MagmaticAlgebras(R).Commutative().Unital().FiniteDimensional().WithBasis()
        self._no_generic_basering_coercion = True # Remove once 16492 is fixed
        Parent.__init__(self, base=R, names=names, category=cat)

    def _repr_(self):
        Return a string representation of ``self``.


            sage: m = matrix([[-2,3],[3,4]])
            sage: JordanAlgebra(m)
            Jordan algebra over Integer Ring given by the symmetric bilinear form:
            [-2  3]
            [ 3  4]
        return "Jordan algebra over {} given by the symmetric bilinear" \
               " form:\n{}".format(self.base_ring(), self._form)

    def _element_constructor_(self, *args):
        Construct an element of ``self`` from ``s``.

        Here ``s`` can be a pair of an element of `R` and an
        element of `M`, or an element of `R`, or an element of
        `M`, or an element of a(nother) Jordan algebra given
        by a symmetric bilinear form.


            sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
            sage: J = JordanAlgebra(m)
            sage: J(2)
            2 + (0, 0)
            sage: J((-4, (2, 5)))
            -4 + (2, 5)
            sage: J((-4, (ZZ^2)((2, 5))))
            -4 + (2, 5)
            sage: J(2, (-2, 3))
            2 + (-2, 3)
            sage: J(2, (ZZ^2)((-2, 3)))
            2 + (-2, 3)
            sage: J(-1, 1, 0)
            -1 + (1, 0)
            sage: J((ZZ^2)((1, 3)))
            0 + (1, 3)

            sage: m = matrix([[2]])
            sage: J = JordanAlgebra(m)
            sage: J(2)
            2 + (0)
            sage: J((-4, (2,)))
            -4 + (2)
            sage: J(2, (-2,))
            2 + (-2)
            sage: J(-1, 1)
            -1 + (1)
            sage: J((ZZ^1)((3,)))
            0 + (3)

            sage: m = Matrix(QQ, [])
            sage: J = JordanAlgebra(m)
            sage: J(2)
            2 + ()
            sage: J((-4, ()))
            -4 + ()
            sage: J(2, ())
            2 + ()
            sage: J(-1)
            -1 + ()
            sage: J((ZZ^0)(()))
            0 + ()
        R = self.base_ring()
        if len(args) == 1:
            s = args[0]

            if isinstance(s, JordanAlgebraSymmetricBilinear.Element):
                if s.parent() is self:
                    return s
                return self.element_class(self, R(s._s), self._M(s._v))

            if isinstance(s, (list, tuple)):
                if len(s) != 2:
                    raise ValueError("must be length 2")
                return self.element_class(self, R(s[0]), self._M(s[1]))

            if s in self._M:
                return self.element_class(self,, self._M(s))

            return self.element_class(self, R(s),

        if len(args) == 2 and (isinstance(args[1], (list, tuple)) or args[1] in self._M):
            return self.element_class(self, R(args[0]), self._M(args[1]))

        if len(args) == self._form.ncols() + 1:
            return self.element_class(self, R(args[0]), self._M(args[1:]))

        raise ValueError("unable to construct an element from the given data")

    def basis(self):
        Return a basis of ``self``.

        The basis returned begins with the unity of `R` and continues with
        the standard basis of `M`.


            sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
            sage: J = JordanAlgebra(m)
            sage: J.basis()
            Family (1 + (0, 0), 0 + (1, 0), 0 + (0, 1))
        R = self.base_ring()
        ret = (self.element_class(self,,,)
        ret += tuple(self.element_class(self,, x)
                     for x in self._M.basis())
        return Family(ret)

    algebra_generators = basis

    def gens(self):
        Return the generators of ``self``.


            sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
            sage: J = JordanAlgebra(m)
            sage: J.basis()
            Family (1 + (0, 0), 0 + (1, 0), 0 + (0, 1))
        return tuple(self.algebra_generators())

    def zero(self):
        Return the element 0.


            sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
            sage: J = JordanAlgebra(m)
            0 + (0, 0)
        return self.element_class(self, self.base_ring().zero(),

    def one(self):
        Return the element 1 if it exists.


            sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
            sage: J = JordanAlgebra(m)
            1 + (0, 0)
        return self.element_class(self, self.base_ring().one(),

    class Element(AlgebraElement):
        An element of a Jordan algebra defined by a symmetric bilinear form.
        def __init__(self, parent, s, v):
            Initialize ``self``.


                sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
                sage: J.<a,b,c> = JordanAlgebra(m)
                sage: TestSuite(a + 2*b - c).run()
            self._s = s
            self._v = v
            AlgebraElement.__init__(self, parent)

        def _repr_(self):
            Return a string representation of ``self``.


                sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
                sage: J.<a,b,c> = JordanAlgebra(m)
                sage: a + 2*b - c
                1 + (2, -1)
            return "{} + {}".format(self._s, self._v)

        def _latex_(self):
            Return a latex representation of ``self``.


                sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
                sage: J.<a,b,c> = JordanAlgebra(m)
                sage: latex(a + 2*b - c)
                1 + \left(2,\,-1\right)
            from sage.misc.latex import latex
            return "{} + {}".format(latex(self._s), latex(self._v))

        def __bool__(self):
            Return if ``self`` is non-zero.


                sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
                sage: J.<a,b,c> = JordanAlgebra(m)
                sage: bool(1)
                sage: bool(b)
                sage: bool(a + 2*b - c)
            return bool(self._s) or bool(self._v)

        __nonzero__ = __bool__

        def __eq__(self, other):
            Check equality.


                sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
                sage: J.<a,b,c> = JordanAlgebra(m)
                sage: x = 4*a - b + 3*c
                sage: x == J((4, (-1, 3)))
                sage: a == x

                sage: m = matrix([[-2,3],[3,4]])
                sage: J.<a,b,c> = JordanAlgebra(m)
                sage: 4*a - b + 3*c == x
            if not isinstance(other, JordanAlgebraSymmetricBilinear.Element):
                return False
            if other.parent() != self.parent():
                return False
            return self._s == other._s and self._v == other._v

        def __ne__(self, other):
            Check inequality.


                sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
                sage: J.<a,b,c> = JordanAlgebra(m)
                sage: x = 4*a - b + 3*c
                sage: x != J((4, (-1, 3)))
                sage: a != x

                sage: m = matrix([[-2,3],[3,4]])
                sage: J.<a,b,c> = JordanAlgebra(m)
                sage: 4*a - b + 3*c != x
            return not self == other

        def _add_(self, other):
            Add ``self`` and ``other``.


                sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
                sage: J.<a,b,c> = JordanAlgebra(m)
                sage: a + b
                1 + (1, 0)
                sage: b + c
                0 + (1, 1)
            return self.__class__(self.parent(), self._s + other._s, self._v + other._v)

        def _neg_(self):
            Negate ``self``.


                sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
                sage: J.<a,b,c> = JordanAlgebra(m)
                sage: -(a + b - 2*c)
                -1 + (-1, 2)
            return self.__class__(self.parent(), -self._s, -self._v)

        def _sub_(self, other):
            Subtract ``other`` from ``self``.


                sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
                sage: J.<a,b,c> = JordanAlgebra(m)
                sage: a - b
                1 + (-1, 0)
                sage: b - c
                0 + (1, -1)
            return self.__class__(self.parent(), self._s - other._s, self._v - other._v)

        def _mul_(self, other):
            Multiply ``self`` and ``other``.


                sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
                sage: J.<a,b,c> = JordanAlgebra(m)
                sage: (4*a - b + 3*c)*(2*a + 2*b - c)
                12 + (6, 2)

                sage: m = matrix([[-2,3],[3,4]])
                sage: J.<a,b,c> = JordanAlgebra(m)
                sage: (4*a - b + 3*c)*(2*a + 2*b - c)
                21 + (6, 2)
            P = self.parent()
            return self.__class__(P,
                                  self._s * other._s
                                   + (self._v * P._form * other._v.column())[0],
                                  other._s * self._v + self._s * other._v)

        def _lmul_(self, other):
            Multiply ``self`` by the scalar ``other`` on the left.


                sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
                sage: J.<a,b,c> = JordanAlgebra(m)
                sage: (a + b - c) * 2
                2 + (2, -2)
            return self.__class__(self.parent(), self._s * other, self._v * other)

        def _rmul_(self, other):
            Multiply ``self`` with the scalar ``other`` by the right


                sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
                sage: J.<a,b,c> = JordanAlgebra(m)
                sage: 2 * (a + b - c)
                2 + (2, -2)
            return self.__class__(self.parent(), other * self._s, other * self._v)

        def monomial_coefficients(self, copy=True):
            Return a dictionary whose keys are indices of basis elements in
            the support of ``self`` and whose values are the corresponding


            - ``copy`` -- ignored


                sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
                sage: J.<a,b,c> = JordanAlgebra(m)
                sage: elt = a + 2*b - c
                sage: elt.monomial_coefficients()
                {0: 1, 1: 2, 2: -1}
            d = {0: self._s}
            for i,c in enumerate(self._v):
                d[i+1] = c
            return d

        def trace(self):
            Return the trace of ``self``.

            The trace of an element `\alpha + x \in M^*` is given by
            `t(\alpha + x) = 2 \alpha`.


                sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
                sage: J.<a,b,c> = JordanAlgebra(m)
                sage: x = 4*a - b + 3*c
                sage: x.trace()
            return 2 * self._s

        def norm(self):
            Return the norm of ``self``.

            The norm of an element `\alpha + x \in M^*` is given by
            `n(\alpha + x) = \alpha^2 - (x, x)`.


                sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
                sage: J.<a,b,c> = JordanAlgebra(m)
                sage: x = 4*a - b + 3*c; x
                4 + (-1, 3)
                sage: x.norm()
            return self._s * self._s - (self._v * self.parent()._form
                                        * self._v.column())[0]

        def bar(self):
            Return the result of the bar involution of ``self``.

            The bar involution `\bar{\cdot}` is the `R`-linear
            endomorphism of `M^*` defined by `\bar{1} = 1` and
            `\bar{x} = -x` for `x \in M`.


                sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
                sage: J.<a,b,c> = JordanAlgebra(m)
                sage: x = 4*a - b + 3*c
                4 + (1, -3)

            We check that it is an algebra morphism::

                sage: y = 2*a + 2*b - c
                sage: * == (x*y).bar()
            return self.__class__(self.parent(), self._s, -self._v)
Esempio n. 21
class LWE(SageObject):
    Learning with Errors (LWE) oracle.

    .. automethod:: __init__
    .. automethod:: __call__
    def __init__(self, n, q, D, secret_dist='uniform', m=None):
        Construct an LWE oracle in dimension ``n`` over a ring of order
        ``q`` with noise distribution ``D``.


        - ``n`` - dimension (integer > 0)
        - ``q`` - modulus typically > n (integer > 0)
        - ``D`` - an error distribution such as an instance of
          :class:`DiscreteGaussianDistributionIntegerSampler` or :class:`UniformSampler`
        - ``secret_dist`` - distribution of the secret (default: 'uniform'); one of

          - "uniform" - secret follows the uniform distribution in `\Zmod{q}`
          - "noise" - secret follows the noise distribution
          - ``(lb,ub)`` - the secret is chosen uniformly from ``[lb,...,ub]`` including both endpoints

        - ``m`` - number of allowed samples or ``None`` if no such limit exists
          (default: ``None``)


        First, we construct a noise distribution with standard deviation 3.0::

            sage: from sage.stats.distributions.discrete_gaussian_integer import DiscreteGaussianDistributionIntegerSampler
            sage: D = DiscreteGaussianDistributionIntegerSampler(3.0)

        Next, we construct our oracle::

            sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import LWE
            sage: lwe = LWE(n=20, q=next_prime(400), D=D); lwe
            LWE(20, 401, Discrete Gaussian sampler over the Integers with sigma = 3.000000 and c = 0, 'uniform', None)

        and sample 1000 samples::

            sage: L = []
            sage: def add_samples():
            ....:     global L
            ....:     L += [lwe() for _ in range(1000)]
            sage: add_samples()

        To test the oracle, we use the internal secret to evaluate the samples
        in the secret::

            sage: S = lambda : [ZZ(a.dot_product(lwe._LWE__s) - c) for (a,c) in L]

        However, while Sage represents finite field elements between 0 and q-1
        we rely on a balanced representation of those elements here. Hence, we
        fix the representation and recover the correct standard deviation of the

            sage: from numpy import std
            sage: while abs(std([e if e <= 200 else e-401 for e in S()]) - 3.0) > 0.01:
            ....:     add_samples()

        If ``m`` is not ``None`` the number of available samples is restricted::

            sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import LWE
            sage: lwe = LWE(n=20, q=next_prime(400), D=D, m=30)
            sage: _ = [lwe() for _ in range(30)]
            sage: lwe() # 31
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            IndexError: Number of available samples exhausted.
        self.n = ZZ(n)
        self.m = m
        self.__i = 0
        self.K = IntegerModRing(q)
        self.FM = FreeModule(self.K, n)
        self.D = D

        self.secret_dist = secret_dist
        if secret_dist == 'uniform':
            self.__s = random_vector(self.K, self.n)
        elif secret_dist == 'noise':
            self.__s = vector(self.K, self.n, [self.D() for _ in range(n)])
                lb, ub = map(ZZ, secret_dist)
                self.__s = vector(self.K, self.n,
                                  [randint(lb, ub) for _ in range(n)])
            except (IndexError, TypeError):
                raise TypeError("Parameter secret_dist=%s not understood." %

    def _repr_(self):

            sage: from sage.stats.distributions.discrete_gaussian_integer import DiscreteGaussianDistributionIntegerSampler
            sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import LWE
            sage: D = DiscreteGaussianDistributionIntegerSampler(3.0)
            sage: lwe = LWE(n=20, q=next_prime(400), D=D); lwe
            LWE(20, 401, Discrete Gaussian sampler over the Integers with sigma = 3.000000 and c = 0, 'uniform', None)

            sage: lwe = LWE(n=20, q=next_prime(400), D=D, secret_dist=(-3, 3)); lwe
            LWE(20, 401, Discrete Gaussian sampler over the Integers with sigma = 3.000000 and c = 0, (-3, 3), None)
        if isinstance(self.secret_dist, str):
            return "LWE(%d, %d, %s, '%s', %s)" % (
                self.n, self.K.order(), self.D, self.secret_dist, self.m)
            return "LWE(%d, %d, %s, %s, %s)" % (self.n, self.K.order(), self.D,
                                                self.secret_dist, self.m)

    def __call__(self):

            sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import DiscreteGaussianDistributionIntegerSampler, LWE
            sage: LWE(10, 401, DiscreteGaussianDistributionIntegerSampler(3))()[0].parent()
            Vector space of dimension 10 over Ring of integers modulo 401
            sage: LWE(10, 401, DiscreteGaussianDistributionIntegerSampler(3))()[1].parent()
            Ring of integers modulo 401
        if self.m is not None:
            if self.__i >= self.m:
                raise IndexError("Number of available samples exhausted.")
        self.__i += 1
        a = self.FM.random_element()
        return a, a.dot_product(self.__s) + self.K(self.D())
Esempio n. 22
def torsion_free_gradings(L):
    Return a complete list of gradings of the Lie algebra over torsion
    free abelian groups.

    The list is guaranteed to be complete in the following sense:
    If `\mathfrak{g} = \bigoplus_{a\in A} \mathfrak{g}_a` is any grading
    of the Lie algebra `\mathfrak{g}` over a torsion free abelian group
    `A`, then there exists
    - a grading `\mathfrak{g} = \bigoplus_{n\in \mathbb{Z}^m} \mathfrak{g}_n`,
    - an automorphism `\Phi\in\mathrm{Aut}(\mathfrak{g})`, and
    - a homomorphism `\varphi\colon\mathbb{Z}^m\to A`
    such that the grading `\mathfrak{g} = \bigoplus_{n\in \mathbb{Z}^m} \Phi(\mathfrak{g}_{\varphi(n)})`
    is exactly the same as the original `A`-grading.
    However, the list is not guaranteed to be reduced up to
    automorphism, so the above choices are not in general unique.


    We list all gradings of the Heisenberg Lie algebra over torsion free
    abelian groups::

        sage: from lie_gradings.gradings.grading import torsion_free_gradings
        sage: L = lie_algebras.Heisenberg(QQ, 1)
        sage: torsion_free_gradings(L)
        [Grading over Additive abelian group isomorphic to Z + Z of Heisenberg algebra of rank 1 over Rational Field with nonzero layers
           (1, 0) : (p1,)
           (0, 1) : (q1,)
           (1, 1) : (z,)
         Grading over Additive abelian group isomorphic to Z of Heisenberg algebra of rank 1 over Rational Field with nonzero layers
           (1) : (p1, z)
           (0) : (q1,)
         Grading over Additive abelian group isomorphic to Z of Heisenberg algebra of rank 1 over Rational Field with nonzero layers
           (1) : (q1, z)
           (0) : (p1,)
         Grading over Additive abelian group isomorphic to Z of Heisenberg algebra of rank 1 over Rational Field with nonzero layers
           (1) : (p1, q1)
           (2) : (z,)
         Grading over Trivial group of Heisenberg algebra of rank 1 over Rational Field with nonzero layers
           () : (p1, q1, z)
    maxgrading = maximal_grading(L)
    V = FreeModule(ZZ, len(maxgrading.magma().gens()))
    weights = maxgrading.layers().keys()

    # The torsion-free gradings are enumerated by torsion-free quotients
    # of the grading group of the maximal grading.
    diffset = set([tuple(b - a) for a, b in combinations(weights, 2)])
    subspaces = []
    for d in range(len(diffset) + 1):
        for B in combinations(diffset, d):
            W = V.submodule(B)
            if W not in subspaces:

    # for each subspace, define the quotient grading
    projected_gradings = []
    for W in subspaces:
        Q = V.quotient(W)

        # check if quotient is not torsion-free
        if any(qi > 0 for qi in Q.invariants()):

        quot_layers = {}
        for n in weights:
            pi_n = tuple(Q(V(tuple(n))))
            if pi_n not in quot_layers:
                quot_layers[pi_n] = []

        # expand away denominators to get an integer vector grading
        A = AdditiveAbelianGroup(Q.invariants())
        denoms = [
            pi_n_k.denominator() for pi_n in quot_layers for pi_n_k in pi_n
        mult = lcm(denoms)
        proj_layers = {
            tuple(mult * pi_nk for pi_nk in pi_n): l
            for pi_n, l in quot_layers.items()
        proj_grading = grading(L, proj_layers, magma=A, projections=True)
    return projected_gradings
Esempio n. 23
class LieAlgebraWithStructureCoefficients(FinitelyGeneratedLieAlgebra, IndexedGenerators):
    A Lie algebra with a set of specified structure coefficients.

    The structure coefficients are specified as a dictionary `d` whose
    keys are pairs of basis indices, and whose values are
    dictionaries which in turn are indexed by basis indices. The value
    of `d` at a pair `(u, v)` of basis indices is the dictionary whose
    `w`-th entry (for `w` a basis index) is the coefficient of `b_w`
    in the Lie bracket `[b_u, b_v]` (where `b_x` means the basis
    element with index `x`).


    - ``R`` -- a ring, to be used as the base ring

    - ``s_coeff`` -- a dictionary, indexed by pairs of basis indices
      (see below), and whose values are dictionaries which are
      indexed by (single) basis indices and whose values are elements
      of `R`

    - ``names`` -- list or tuple of strings

    - ``index_set`` -- (default: ``names``) list or tuple of hashable
      and comparable elements


    A Lie algebra over ``R`` which (as an `R`-module) is free with
    a basis indexed by the elements of ``index_set``. The `i`-th
    basis element is displayed using the name ``names[i]``.
    If we let `b_i` denote this `i`-th basis element, then the Lie
    bracket is given by the requirement that the `b_k`-coefficient
    of `[b_i, b_j]` is ``s_coeff[(i, j)][k]`` if
    ``s_coeff[(i, j)]`` exists, otherwise ``-s_coeff[(j, i)][k]``
    if ``s_coeff[(j, i)]`` exists, otherwise `0`.


    We create the Lie algebra of `\QQ^3` under the Lie bracket defined
    by `\times` (cross-product)::

        sage: L = LieAlgebra(QQ, 'x,y,z', {('x','y'): {'z':1}, ('y','z'): {'x':1}, ('z','x'): {'y':1}})
        sage: (x,y,z) = L.gens()
        sage: L.bracket(x, y)
        sage: L.bracket(y, x)


    We can input structure coefficients that fail the Jacobi
    identity, but the test suite will call us out on it::

        sage: Fake = LieAlgebra(QQ, 'x,y,z', {('x','y'):{'z':3}, ('y','z'):{'z':1}, ('z','x'):{'y':1}})
        sage: TestSuite(Fake).run()
        Failure in _test_jacobi_identity:

    Old tests !!!!!placeholder for now!!!!!::

        sage: L = LieAlgebra(QQ, 'x,y', {('x','y'):{'x':1}})
        sage: L.basis()
        Finite family {'x': x, 'y': y}
    def __classcall_private__(cls, R, s_coeff, names=None, index_set=None, **kwds):
        Normalize input to ensure a unique representation.


            sage: L1 = LieAlgebra(QQ, 'x,y', {('x','y'): {'x':1}})
            sage: L2 = LieAlgebra(QQ, 'x,y', {('y','x'): {'x':-1}})
            sage: L1 is L2

        Check that we convert names to the indexing set::

            sage: L = LieAlgebra(QQ, 'x,y,z', {('x','y'): {'z':1}, ('y','z'): {'x':1}, ('z','x'): {'y':1}}, index_set=list(range(3)))
            sage: (x,y,z) = L.gens()
            sage: L[x,y]
        names, index_set = standardize_names_index_set(names, index_set)

        # Make sure the structure coefficients are given by the index set
        if names is not None and names != tuple(index_set):
            d = {x: index_set[i] for i,x in enumerate(names)}
            get_pairs = lambda X: X.items() if isinstance(X, dict) else X
                s_coeff = {(d[k[0]], d[k[1]]): [(d[x], y) for x,y in get_pairs(s_coeff[k])]
                           for k in s_coeff}
            except KeyError:
                # At this point we assume they are given by the index set

        s_coeff = LieAlgebraWithStructureCoefficients._standardize_s_coeff(s_coeff, index_set)
        if s_coeff.cardinality() == 0:
            from sage.algebras.lie_algebras.abelian import AbelianLieAlgebra
            return AbelianLieAlgebra(R, names, index_set, **kwds)

        if (names is None and len(index_set) <= 1) or len(names) <= 1:
            from sage.algebras.lie_algebras.abelian import AbelianLieAlgebra
            return AbelianLieAlgebra(R, names, index_set, **kwds)

        return super(LieAlgebraWithStructureCoefficients, cls).__classcall__(
            cls, R, s_coeff, names, index_set, **kwds)

    def _standardize_s_coeff(s_coeff, index_set):
        Helper function to standardize ``s_coeff`` into the appropriate form
        (dictionary indexed by pairs, whose values are dictionaries).
        Strips items with coefficients of 0 and duplicate entries.
        This does not check the Jacobi relation (nor antisymmetry if the
        cardinality is infinite).


            sage: from sage.algebras.lie_algebras.structure_coefficients import LieAlgebraWithStructureCoefficients
            sage: d = {('y','x'): {'x':-1}}
            sage: LieAlgebraWithStructureCoefficients._standardize_s_coeff(d, ('x', 'y'))
            Finite family {('x', 'y'): (('x', 1),)}
        # Try to handle infinite basis (once/if supported)
        #if isinstance(s_coeff, AbstractFamily) and s_coeff.cardinality() == infinity:
        #    return s_coeff

        index_to_pos = {k: i for i,k in enumerate(index_set)}

        sc = {}
        # Make sure the first gen is smaller than the second in each key
        for k in s_coeff.keys():
            v = s_coeff[k]
            if isinstance(v, dict):
                v = v.items()

            if index_to_pos[k[0]] > index_to_pos[k[1]]:
                key = (k[1], k[0])
                vals = tuple((g, -val) for g, val in v if val != 0)
                if not index_to_pos[k[0]] < index_to_pos[k[1]]:
                    if k[0] == k[1]:
                        if not all(val == 0 for g, val in v):
                            raise ValueError("elements {} are equal but their bracket is not set to 0".format(k))
                key = tuple(k)
                vals = tuple((g, val) for g, val in v if val != 0)

            if key in sc.keys() and sorted(sc[key]) != sorted(vals):
                raise ValueError("two distinct values given for one and the same bracket")

            if vals:
                sc[key] = vals
        return Family(sc)

    def __init__(self, R, s_coeff, names, index_set, category=None, prefix=None,
                 bracket=None, latex_bracket=None, string_quotes=None, **kwds):
        Initialize ``self``.


            sage: L = LieAlgebra(QQ, 'x,y', {('x','y'): {'x':1}})
            sage: TestSuite(L).run()
        default = (names != tuple(index_set))
        if prefix is None:
            if default:
                prefix = 'L'
                prefix = ''
        if bracket is None:
            bracket = default
        if latex_bracket is None:
            latex_bracket = default
        if string_quotes is None:
            string_quotes = default

        #self._pos_to_index = dict(enumerate(index_set))
        self._index_to_pos = {k: i for i,k in enumerate(index_set)}
        if "sorting_key" not in kwds:
            kwds["sorting_key"] = self._index_to_pos.__getitem__

        cat = LieAlgebras(R).WithBasis().FiniteDimensional().or_subcategory(category)
        FinitelyGeneratedLieAlgebra.__init__(self, R, names, index_set, cat)
        IndexedGenerators.__init__(self, self._indices, prefix=prefix,
                                   bracket=bracket, latex_bracket=latex_bracket,
                                   string_quotes=string_quotes, **kwds)

        self._M = FreeModule(R, len(index_set))

        # Transform the values in the structure coefficients to elements
        def to_vector(tuples):
            vec = []*len(index_set)
            for k,c in tuples:
                vec[self._index_to_pos[k]] = c
            vec = self._M(vec)
            return vec
        self._s_coeff = {(self._index_to_pos[k[0]], self._index_to_pos[k[1]]):
                         for k in s_coeff.keys()}

    # For compatibility with CombinatorialFreeModuleElement
    _repr_term = IndexedGenerators._repr_generator
    _latex_term = IndexedGenerators._latex_generator

    def structure_coefficients(self, include_zeros=False):
        Return the dictionary of structure coefficients of ``self``.


            sage: L = LieAlgebra(QQ, 'x,y,z', {('x','y'): {'x':1}})
            sage: L.structure_coefficients()
            Finite family {('x', 'y'): x}
            sage: S = L.structure_coefficients(True); S
            Finite family {('x', 'y'): x, ('x', 'z'): 0, ('y', 'z'): 0}
            sage: S['x','z'].parent() is L


        Check that :trac:`23373` is fixed::

            sage: L =, 2)
            sage: sorted(L.structure_coefficients(True), key=str)
            [-2*E[-alpha[1]], -2*E[alpha[1]], h1]
        if not include_zeros:
            pos_to_index = dict(enumerate(self._indices))
            return Family({(pos_to_index[k[0]], pos_to_index[k[1]]):
                           self.element_class(self, self._s_coeff[k])
                           for k in self._s_coeff})
        ret = {}
        zero =
        for i,x in enumerate(self._indices):
            for j, y in enumerate(self._indices[i+1:]):
                if (i, j+i+1) in self._s_coeff:
                    elt = self._s_coeff[i, j+i+1]
                elif (j+i+1, i) in self._s_coeff:
                    elt = -self._s_coeff[j+i+1, i]
                    elt = zero
                ret[x,y] = self.element_class(self, elt) # +i+1 for offset
        return Family(ret)

    def dimension(self):
        Return the dimension of ``self``.


            sage: L = LieAlgebra(QQ, 'x,y', {('x','y'):{'x':1}})
            sage: L.dimension()
        return self.basis().cardinality()

    def module(self, sparse=True):
        Return ``self`` as a free module.


            sage: L.<x,y,z> = LieAlgebra(QQ, {('x','y'):{'z':1}})
            sage: L.module()
            Sparse vector space of dimension 3 over Rational Field
        return FreeModule(self.base_ring(), self.dimension(), sparse=sparse)

    def zero(self):
        Return the element `0` in ``self``.


            sage: L.<x,y,z> = LieAlgebra(QQ, {('x','y'): {'z':1}})
        return self.element_class(self,

    def monomial(self, k):
        Return the monomial indexed by ``k``.


            sage: L.<x,y,z> = LieAlgebra(QQ, {('x','y'): {'z':1}})
            sage: L.monomial('x')
        return self.element_class(self, self._M.basis()[self._index_to_pos[k]])

    def term(self, k, c=None):
        Return the term indexed by ``i`` with coefficient ``c``.


            sage: L.<x,y,z> = LieAlgebra(QQ, {('x','y'): {'z':1}})
            sage: L.term('x', 4)
        if c is None:
            c = self.base_ring().one()
            c = self.base_ring()(c)
        return self.element_class(self, c * self._M.basis()[self._index_to_pos[k]])

    def from_vector(self, v):
        Return an element of ``self`` from the vector ``v``.


            sage: L.<x,y,z> = LieAlgebra(QQ, {('x','y'): {'z':1}})
            sage: L.from_vector([1, 2, -2])
            x + 2*y - 2*z
        return self.element_class(self, self._M(v))

    def some_elements(self):
        Return some elements of ``self``.


            sage: L = lie_algebras.three_dimensional(QQ, 4, 1, -1, 2)
            sage: L.some_elements()
            [X, Y, Z, X + Y + Z]
        return list(self.basis()) + [self.sum(self.basis())]

    def change_ring(self, R):
        Return a Lie algebra with identical structure coefficients over ``R``.


        - ``R`` -- a ring


            sage: L.<x,y,z> = LieAlgebra(ZZ, {('x','y'): {'z':1}})
            sage: L.structure_coefficients()
            Finite family {('x', 'y'): z}
            sage: LQQ = L.change_ring(QQ)
            sage: LQQ.structure_coefficients()
            Finite family {('x', 'y'): z}
            sage: LSR = LQQ.change_ring(SR)
            sage: LSR.structure_coefficients()
            Finite family {('x', 'y'): z}
        return LieAlgebraWithStructureCoefficients(
            R, self.structure_coefficients(),
            names=self.variable_names(), index_set=self.indices())

    class Element(StructureCoefficientsElement):
        def _sorted_items_for_printing(self):
            Return a list of pairs ``(k, c)`` used in printing.

            .. WARNING::

                The internal representation order is fixed, whereas this
                depends on ``"sorting_key"`` print option as it is used
                only for printing.


                sage: L.<x,y,z> = LieAlgebra(QQ, {('x','y'): {'z':1}})
                sage: elt = x + y/2 - z; elt
                x + 1/2*y - z
                sage: elt._sorted_items_for_printing()
                [('x', 1), ('y', 1/2), ('z', -1)]
                sage: key = {'x': 2, 'y': 1, 'z': 0}
                sage: L.print_options(sorting_key=key.__getitem__)
                sage: elt._sorted_items_for_printing()
                [('z', -1), ('y', 1/2), ('x', 1)]
                sage: elt
                -z + 1/2*y + x
            print_options = self.parent().print_options()
            pos_to_index = dict(enumerate(self.parent()._indices))
            v = [(pos_to_index[k], c) for k, c in iteritems(self.value)]
                v.sort(key=lambda monomial_coeff:
            except Exception: # Sorting the output is a plus, but if we can't, no big deal
            return v
Esempio n. 24
    def __init__(self, B, sigma=1, c=None, precision=None):
        Construct a discrete Gaussian sampler over the lattice `Λ(B)`
        with parameter ``sigma`` and center `c`.


        - ``B`` -- a basis for the lattice, one of the following:

          - an integer matrix,
          - an object with a ``matrix()`` method, e.g. ``ZZ^n``, or
          - an object where ``matrix(B)`` succeeds, e.g. a list of vectors.

        - ``sigma`` -- Gaussian parameter `σ>0`.
        - ``c`` -- center `c`, any vector in `\ZZ^n` is supported, but `c ∈ Λ(B)` is faster.
        - ``precision`` -- bit precision `≥ 53`.


            sage: from sage.stats.distributions.discrete_gaussian_lattice import DiscreteGaussianDistributionLatticeSampler
            sage: n = 2; sigma = 3.0; m = 5000
            sage: D = DiscreteGaussianDistributionLatticeSampler(ZZ^n, sigma)
            sage: f = D.f
            sage: c = D._normalisation_factor_zz(); c

            sage: l = [D() for _ in xrange(m)]
            sage: v = vector(ZZ, n, (-3,-3))
            sage: l.count(v), ZZ(round(m*f(v)/c))
            (39, 33)

            sage: target = vector(ZZ, n, (0,0))
            sage: l.count(target), ZZ(round(m*f(target)/c))
            (116, 89)

            sage: from sage.stats.distributions.discrete_gaussian_lattice import DiscreteGaussianDistributionLatticeSampler
            sage: qf = QuadraticForm(matrix(3, [2, 1, 1,  1, 2, 1,  1, 1, 2]))
            sage: D = DiscreteGaussianDistributionLatticeSampler(qf, 3.0); D
            Discrete Gaussian sampler with σ = 3.000000, c=(0, 0, 0) over lattice with basis
            [2 1 1]
            [1 2 1]
            [1 1 2]
            sage: D()
            (0, 1, -1)
        precision = DiscreteGaussianDistributionLatticeSampler.compute_precision(
            precision, sigma)

        self._RR = RealField(precision)
        self._sigma = self._RR(sigma)

            B = matrix(B)
        except ValueError:

            B = B.matrix()
        except AttributeError:

        self.B = B
        self._G = B.gram_schmidt()[0]

            c = vector(ZZ, B.ncols(), c)
        except TypeError:
                c = vector(QQ, B.ncols(), c)
            except TypeError:
                c = vector(RR, B.ncols(), c)

        self._c = c

        self.f = lambda x: exp(-(vector(ZZ, B.ncols(), x) - c).norm()**2 /
                               (2 * self._sigma**2))

        # deal with trivial case first, it is common
        if self._G == 1 and self._c == 0:
            self._c_in_lattice = True
            D = DiscreteGaussianDistributionIntegerSampler(sigma=sigma)
            self.D = tuple([D for _ in range(self.B.nrows())])
            self.VS = FreeModule(ZZ, B.nrows())

        w = B.solve_left(c)
        if w in ZZ**B.nrows():
            self._c_in_lattice = True
            D = []
            for i in range(self.B.nrows()):
                sigma_ = self._sigma / self._G[i].norm()
            self.D = tuple(D)
            self.VS = FreeModule(ZZ, B.nrows())
            self._c_in_lattice = False
Esempio n. 25
class FreeAlgebraQuotient(UniqueRepresentation, Algebra, object):
    def __classcall__(cls, A, mons, mats, names):
        Used to support unique representation.


            sage: H = sage.algebras.free_algebra_quotient.hamilton_quatalg(QQ)[0]  # indirect doctest
            sage: H1 = sage.algebras.free_algebra_quotient.hamilton_quatalg(QQ)[0]
            sage: H is H1
        new_mats = []
        for M in mats:
            M = M.parent()(M)
        return super(FreeAlgebraQuotient,
                     cls).__classcall__(cls, A, tuple(mons), tuple(new_mats),

    Element = FreeAlgebraQuotientElement

    def __init__(self, A, mons, mats, names):
        Returns a quotient algebra defined via the action of a free algebra
        A on a (finitely generated) free module. The input for the quotient
        algebra is a list of monomials (in the underlying monoid for A)
        which form a free basis for the module of A, and a list of
        matrices, which give the action of the free generators of A on this
        monomial basis.


        Quaternion algebra defined in terms of three generators::

            sage: n = 3
            sage: A = FreeAlgebra(QQ,n,'i')
            sage: F = A.monoid()
            sage: i, j, k = F.gens()
            sage: mons = [ F(1), i, j, k ]
            sage: M = MatrixSpace(QQ,4)
            sage: mats = [M([0,1,0,0, -1,0,0,0, 0,0,0,-1, 0,0,1,0]),  M([0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1, -1,0,0,0, 0,-1,0,0]),  M([0,0,0,1, 0,0,-1,0, 0,1,0,0, -1,0,0,0]) ]
            sage: H3.<i,j,k> = FreeAlgebraQuotient(A,mons,mats)
            sage: x = 1 + i + j + k
            sage: x
            1 + i + j + k
            sage: x**128
            -170141183460469231731687303715884105728 + 170141183460469231731687303715884105728*i + 170141183460469231731687303715884105728*j + 170141183460469231731687303715884105728*k

        Same algebra defined in terms of two generators, with some penalty
        on already slow arithmetic.


            sage: n = 2
            sage: A = FreeAlgebra(QQ,n,'x')
            sage: F = A.monoid()
            sage: i, j = F.gens()
            sage: mons = [ F(1), i, j, i*j ]
            sage: r = len(mons)
            sage: M = MatrixSpace(QQ,r)
            sage: mats = [M([0,1,0,0, -1,0,0,0, 0,0,0,-1, 0,0,1,0]), M([0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1, -1,0,0,0, 0,-1,0,0]) ]
            sage: H2.<i,j> = A.quotient(mons,mats)
            sage: k = i*j
            sage: x = 1 + i + j + k
            sage: x
            1 + i + j + i*j
            sage: x**128
            -170141183460469231731687303715884105728 + 170141183460469231731687303715884105728*i + 170141183460469231731687303715884105728*j + 170141183460469231731687303715884105728*i*j


            sage: TestSuite(H2).run()

        if not is_FreeAlgebra(A):
            raise TypeError("Argument A must be an algebra.")
        R = A.base_ring()
        #        if not R.is_field():  # TODO: why?
        #            raise TypeError, "Base ring of argument A must be a field."
        n = A.ngens()
        assert n == len(mats)
        self.__free_algebra = A
        self.__ngens = n
        self.__dim = len(mons)
        self.__module = FreeModule(R, self.__dim)
        self.__matrix_action = mats
        self.__monomial_basis = mons  # elements of free monoid
        Algebra.__init__(self, R, names, normalize=True)

    def __eq__(self, right):
        Return True if all defining properties of self and right match up.


            sage: HQ = sage.algebras.free_algebra_quotient.hamilton_quatalg(QQ)[0]
            sage: HZ = sage.algebras.free_algebra_quotient.hamilton_quatalg(ZZ)[0]
            sage: HQ == HQ
            sage: HQ == HZ
            sage: HZ == QQ
        return isinstance(right, FreeAlgebraQuotient) and \
               self.ngens() == right.ngens() and \
               self.rank() == right.rank() and \
               self.module() == right.module() and \
               self.matrix_action() == right.matrix_action() and \
               self.monomial_basis() == right.monomial_basis()

    def _element_constructor_(self, x):

            sage: H, (i,j,k) = sage.algebras.free_algebra_quotient.hamilton_quatalg(QQ)
            sage: H._element_constructor_(i) is i
            sage: a = H._element_constructor_(1); a
            sage: a in H
            sage: a = H._element_constructor_([1,2,3,4]); a
            1 + 2*i + 3*j + 4*k
        if isinstance(x, FreeAlgebraQuotientElement) and x.parent() is self:
            return x
        return self.element_class(self, x)

    def _coerce_map_from_(self, S):

            sage: H, (i,j,k) = sage.algebras.free_algebra_quotient.hamilton_quatalg(QQ)
            sage: H._coerce_map_from_(H)
            sage: H._coerce_map_from_(QQ)
            sage: H._coerce_map_from_(GF(7))
        return S == self or self.__free_algebra.has_coerce_map_from(S)

    def _repr_(self):

            sage: H, (i,j,k) = sage.algebras.free_algebra_quotient.hamilton_quatalg(QQ)
            sage: H._repr_()
            "Free algebra quotient on 3 generators ('i', 'j', 'k') and dimension 4 over Rational Field"
        R = self.base_ring()
        n = self.__ngens
        r = self.__module.dimension()
        x = self.variable_names()
        return "Free algebra quotient on %s generators %s and dimension %s over %s" % (
            n, x, r, R)

    def gen(self, i):
        The i-th generator of the algebra.


            sage: H, (i,j,k) = sage.algebras.free_algebra_quotient.hamilton_quatalg(QQ)
            sage: H.gen(0)
            sage: H.gen(2)

        An IndexError is raised if an invalid generator is requested::

            sage: H.gen(3)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            IndexError: Argument i (= 3) must be between 0 and 2.

        Negative indexing into the generators is not supported::

            sage: H.gen(-1)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            IndexError: Argument i (= -1) must be between 0 and 2.
        n = self.__ngens
        if i < 0 or not i < n:
            raise IndexError("Argument i (= %s) must be between 0 and %s." %
                             (i, n - 1))
        R = self.base_ring()
        F = self.__free_algebra.monoid()
        n = self.__ngens
        return self.element_class(self, {F.gen(i): R(1)})

    def ngens(self):
        The number of generators of the algebra.


            sage: sage.algebras.free_algebra_quotient.hamilton_quatalg(QQ)[0].ngens()
        return self.__ngens

    def dimension(self):
        The rank of the algebra (as a free module).


            sage: sage.algebras.free_algebra_quotient.hamilton_quatalg(QQ)[0].dimension()
        return self.__dim

    def matrix_action(self):

            sage: sage.algebras.free_algebra_quotient.hamilton_quatalg(QQ)[0].matrix_action()
            [ 0  1  0  0]  [ 0  0  1  0]  [ 0  0  0  1]
            [-1  0  0  0]  [ 0  0  0  1]  [ 0  0 -1  0]
            [ 0  0  0 -1]  [-1  0  0  0]  [ 0  1  0  0]
            [ 0  0  1  0], [ 0 -1  0  0], [-1  0  0  0]
        return self.__matrix_action

    def monomial_basis(self):

            sage: sage.algebras.free_algebra_quotient.hamilton_quatalg(QQ)[0].monomial_basis()
            (1, i0, i1, i2)
        return self.__monomial_basis

    def rank(self):
        The rank of the algebra (as a free module).


            sage: sage.algebras.free_algebra_quotient.hamilton_quatalg(QQ)[0].rank()
        return self.__dim

    def module(self):
        The free module of the algebra.

            sage: H = sage.algebras.free_algebra_quotient.hamilton_quatalg(QQ)[0]; H
            Free algebra quotient on 3 generators ('i', 'j', 'k') and dimension 4 over Rational Field
            sage: H.module()
            Vector space of dimension 4 over Rational Field
        return self.__module

    def monoid(self):
        The free monoid of generators of the algebra.


            sage: sage.algebras.free_algebra_quotient.hamilton_quatalg(QQ)[0].monoid()
            Free monoid on 3 generators (i0, i1, i2)
        return self.__free_algebra.monoid()

    def monomial_basis(self):
        The free monoid of generators of the algebra as elements of a free


            sage: sage.algebras.free_algebra_quotient.hamilton_quatalg(QQ)[0].monomial_basis()
            (1, i0, i1, i2)
        return self.__monomial_basis

    def free_algebra(self):
        The free algebra generating the algebra.


            sage: sage.algebras.free_algebra_quotient.hamilton_quatalg(QQ)[0].free_algebra()
            Free Algebra on 3 generators (i0, i1, i2) over Rational Field
        return self.__free_algebra
Esempio n. 26
class JordanAlgebraSymmetricBilinear(JordanAlgebra):
    A Jordan algebra given by a symmetric bilinear form `m`.
    def __init__(self, R, form, names=None):
        Initialize ``self``.


            sage: m = matrix([[-2,3],[3,4]])
            sage: J = JordanAlgebra(m)
            sage: TestSuite(J).run()
        self._form = form
        self._M = FreeModule(R, form.ncols())
        cat = MagmaticAlgebras(
        self._no_generic_basering_coercion = True  # Remove once 16492 is fixed
        Parent.__init__(self, base=R, names=names, category=cat)

    def _repr_(self):
        Return a string representation of ``self``.


            sage: m = matrix([[-2,3],[3,4]])
            sage: JordanAlgebra(m)
            Jordan algebra over Integer Ring given by the symmetric bilinear form:
            [-2  3]
            [ 3  4]
        return "Jordan algebra over {} given by the symmetric bilinear" \
               " form:\n{}".format(self.base_ring(), self._form)

    def _element_constructor_(self, *args):
        Construct an element of ``self`` from ``s``.

        Here ``s`` can be a pair of an element of `R` and an
        element of `M`, or an element of `R`, or an element of
        `M`, or an element of a(nother) Jordan algebra given
        by a symmetric bilinear form.


            sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
            sage: J = JordanAlgebra(m)
            sage: J(2)
            2 + (0, 0)
            sage: J((-4, (2, 5)))
            -4 + (2, 5)
            sage: J((-4, (ZZ^2)((2, 5))))
            -4 + (2, 5)
            sage: J(2, (-2, 3))
            2 + (-2, 3)
            sage: J(2, (ZZ^2)((-2, 3)))
            2 + (-2, 3)
            sage: J(-1, 1, 0)
            -1 + (1, 0)
            sage: J((ZZ^2)((1, 3)))
            0 + (1, 3)

            sage: m = matrix([[2]])
            sage: J = JordanAlgebra(m)
            sage: J(2)
            2 + (0)
            sage: J((-4, (2,)))
            -4 + (2)
            sage: J(2, (-2,))
            2 + (-2)
            sage: J(-1, 1)
            -1 + (1)
            sage: J((ZZ^1)((3,)))
            0 + (3)

            sage: m = Matrix(QQ, [])
            sage: J = JordanAlgebra(m)
            sage: J(2)
            2 + ()
            sage: J((-4, ()))
            -4 + ()
            sage: J(2, ())
            2 + ()
            sage: J(-1)
            -1 + ()
            sage: J((ZZ^0)(()))
            0 + ()
        R = self.base_ring()
        if len(args) == 1:
            s = args[0]

            if isinstance(s, JordanAlgebraSymmetricBilinear.Element):
                if s.parent() is self:
                    return s
                return self.element_class(self, R(s._s), self._M(s._v))

            if isinstance(s, (list, tuple)):
                if len(s) != 2:
                    raise ValueError("must be length 2")
                return self.element_class(self, R(s[0]), self._M(s[1]))

            if s in self._M:
                return self.element_class(self,, self._M(s))

            return self.element_class(self, R(s),

        if len(args) == 2 and (isinstance(args[1], (list, tuple))
                               or args[1] in self._M):
            return self.element_class(self, R(args[0]), self._M(args[1]))

        if len(args) == self._form.ncols() + 1:
            return self.element_class(self, R(args[0]), self._M(args[1:]))

        raise ValueError("unable to construct an element from the given data")

    def basis(self):
        Return a basis of ``self``.

        The basis returned begins with the unity of `R` and continues with
        the standard basis of `M`.


            sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
            sage: J = JordanAlgebra(m)
            sage: J.basis()
            Family (1 + (0, 0), 0 + (1, 0), 0 + (0, 1))
        R = self.base_ring()
        ret = (self.element_class(self,,, )
        ret += tuple(
            map(lambda x: self.element_class(self,, x),
        return Family(ret)

    algebra_generators = basis

    def gens(self):
        Return the generators of ``self``.


            sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
            sage: J = JordanAlgebra(m)
            sage: J.basis()
            Family (1 + (0, 0), 0 + (1, 0), 0 + (0, 1))
        return tuple(self.algebra_generators())

    def zero(self):
        Return the element 0.


            sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
            sage: J = JordanAlgebra(m)
            0 + (0, 0)
        return self.element_class(self,

    def one(self):
        Return the element 1 if it exists.


            sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
            sage: J = JordanAlgebra(m)
            1 + (0, 0)
        return self.element_class(self, self.base_ring().one(),

    class Element(AlgebraElement):
        An element of a Jordan algebra defined by a symmetric bilinear form.
        def __init__(self, parent, s, v):
            Initialize ``self``.


                sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
                sage: J.<a,b,c> = JordanAlgebra(m)
                sage: TestSuite(a + 2*b - c).run()
            self._s = s
            self._v = v
            AlgebraElement.__init__(self, parent)

        def _repr_(self):
            Return a string representation of ``self``.


                sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
                sage: J.<a,b,c> = JordanAlgebra(m)
                sage: a + 2*b - c
                1 + (2, -1)
            return "{} + {}".format(self._s, self._v)

        def _latex_(self):
            Return a latex representation of ``self``.


                sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
                sage: J.<a,b,c> = JordanAlgebra(m)
                sage: latex(a + 2*b - c)
                1 + \left(2,\,-1\right)
            from sage.misc.latex import latex
            return "{} + {}".format(latex(self._s), latex(self._v))

        def __nonzero__(self):
            Return if ``self`` is non-zero.


                sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
                sage: J.<a,b,c> = JordanAlgebra(m)
                sage: 1.__nonzero__()
                sage: b.__nonzero__()
                sage: (a + 2*b - c).__nonzero__()
            return self._s.__nonzero__() or self._v.__nonzero__()

        def __eq__(self, other):
            Check equality.


                sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
                sage: J.<a,b,c> = JordanAlgebra(m)
                sage: x = 4*a - b + 3*c
                sage: x == J((4, (-1, 3)))
                sage: a == x

                sage: m = matrix([[-2,3],[3,4]])
                sage: J.<a,b,c> = JordanAlgebra(m)
                sage: 4*a - b + 3*c == x
            if not isinstance(other, JordanAlgebraSymmetricBilinear.Element):
                return False
            if other.parent() != self.parent():
                return False
            return self._s == other._s and self._v == other._v

        def __ne__(self, other):
            Check inequality.


                sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
                sage: J.<a,b,c> = JordanAlgebra(m)
                sage: x = 4*a - b + 3*c
                sage: x != J((4, (-1, 3)))
                sage: a != x

                sage: m = matrix([[-2,3],[3,4]])
                sage: J.<a,b,c> = JordanAlgebra(m)
                sage: 4*a - b + 3*c != x
            return not self == other

        def _add_(self, other):
            Add ``self`` and ``other``.


                sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
                sage: J.<a,b,c> = JordanAlgebra(m)
                sage: a + b
                1 + (1, 0)
                sage: b + c
                0 + (1, 1)
            return self.__class__(self.parent(), self._s + other._s,
                                  self._v + other._v)

        def _neg_(self):
            Negate ``self``.


                sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
                sage: J.<a,b,c> = JordanAlgebra(m)
                sage: -(a + b - 2*c)
                -1 + (-1, 2)
            return self.__class__(self.parent(), -self._s, -self._v)

        def _sub_(self, other):
            Subtract ``other`` from ``self``.


                sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
                sage: J.<a,b,c> = JordanAlgebra(m)
                sage: a - b
                1 + (-1, 0)
                sage: b - c
                0 + (1, -1)
            return self.__class__(self.parent(), self._s - other._s,
                                  self._v - other._v)

        def _mul_(self, other):
            Multiply ``self`` and ``other``.


                sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
                sage: J.<a,b,c> = JordanAlgebra(m)
                sage: (4*a - b + 3*c)*(2*a + 2*b - c)
                12 + (6, 2)

                sage: m = matrix([[-2,3],[3,4]])
                sage: J.<a,b,c> = JordanAlgebra(m)
                sage: (4*a - b + 3*c)*(2*a + 2*b - c)
                21 + (6, 2)
            P = self.parent()
            return self.__class__(
                P, self._s * other._s +
                (self._v * P._form * other._v.column())[0],
                other._s * self._v + self._s * other._v)

        def _lmul_(self, other):
            Multiply ``self`` by the scalar ``other`` on the left.


                sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
                sage: J.<a,b,c> = JordanAlgebra(m)
                sage: (a + b - c) * 2
                2 + (2, -2)
            return self.__class__(self.parent(), self._s * other,
                                  self._v * other)

        def _rmul_(self, other):
            Multiply ``self`` with the scalar ``other`` by the right


                sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
                sage: J.<a,b,c> = JordanAlgebra(m)
                sage: 2 * (a + b - c)
                2 + (2, -2)
            return self.__class__(self.parent(), other * self._s,
                                  other * self._v)

        def monomial_coefficients(self, copy=True):
            Return a dictionary whose keys are indices of basis elements in
            the support of ``self`` and whose values are the corresponding


            - ``copy`` -- ignored


                sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
                sage: J.<a,b,c> = JordanAlgebra(m)
                sage: elt = a + 2*b - c
                sage: elt.monomial_coefficients()
                {0: 1, 1: 2, 2: -1}
            d = {0: self._s}
            for i, c in enumerate(self._v):
                d[i + 1] = c
            return d

        def trace(self):
            Return the trace of ``self``.

            The trace of an element `\alpha + x \in M^*` is given by
            `t(\alpha + x) = 2 \alpha`.


                sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
                sage: J.<a,b,c> = JordanAlgebra(m)
                sage: x = 4*a - b + 3*c
                sage: x.trace()
            return 2 * self._s

        def norm(self):
            Return the norm of ``self``.

            The norm of an element `\alpha + x \in M^*` is given by
            `n(\alpha + x) = \alpha^2 - (x, x)`.


                sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
                sage: J.<a,b,c> = JordanAlgebra(m)
                sage: x = 4*a - b + 3*c; x
                4 + (-1, 3)
                sage: x.norm()
            return self._s * self._s - (self._v * self.parent()._form *

        def bar(self):
            Return the result of the bar involution of ``self``.

            The bar involution `\bar{\cdot}` is the `R`-linear
            endomorphism of `M^*` defined by `\bar{1} = 1` and
            `\bar{x} = -x` for `x \in M`.


                sage: m = matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
                sage: J.<a,b,c> = JordanAlgebra(m)
                sage: x = 4*a - b + 3*c
                4 + (1, -3)

            We check that it is an algebra morphism::

                sage: y = 2*a + 2*b - c
                sage: * == (x*y).bar()
            return self.__class__(self.parent(), self._s, -self._v)
Esempio n. 27
    def __init__(self, A, mons, mats, names):
        Returns a quotient algebra defined via the action of a free algebra
        A on a (finitely generated) free module. The input for the quotient
        algebra is a list of monomials (in the underlying monoid for A)
        which form a free basis for the module of A, and a list of
        matrices, which give the action of the free generators of A on this
        monomial basis.


        Quaternion algebra defined in terms of three generators::

            sage: n = 3
            sage: A = FreeAlgebra(QQ,n,'i')
            sage: F = A.monoid()
            sage: i, j, k = F.gens()
            sage: mons = [ F(1), i, j, k ]
            sage: M = MatrixSpace(QQ,4)
            sage: mats = [M([0,1,0,0, -1,0,0,0, 0,0,0,-1, 0,0,1,0]),  M([0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1, -1,0,0,0, 0,-1,0,0]),  M([0,0,0,1, 0,0,-1,0, 0,1,0,0, -1,0,0,0]) ]
            sage: H3.<i,j,k> = FreeAlgebraQuotient(A,mons,mats)
            sage: x = 1 + i + j + k
            sage: x
            1 + i + j + k
            sage: x**128
            -170141183460469231731687303715884105728 + 170141183460469231731687303715884105728*i + 170141183460469231731687303715884105728*j + 170141183460469231731687303715884105728*k

        Same algebra defined in terms of two generators, with some penalty
        on already slow arithmetic.


            sage: n = 2
            sage: A = FreeAlgebra(QQ,n,'x')
            sage: F = A.monoid()
            sage: i, j = F.gens()
            sage: mons = [ F(1), i, j, i*j ]
            sage: r = len(mons)
            sage: M = MatrixSpace(QQ,r)
            sage: mats = [M([0,1,0,0, -1,0,0,0, 0,0,0,-1, 0,0,1,0]), M([0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1, -1,0,0,0, 0,-1,0,0]) ]
            sage: H2.<i,j> = A.quotient(mons,mats)
            sage: k = i*j
            sage: x = 1 + i + j + k
            sage: x
            1 + i + j + i*j
            sage: x**128
            -170141183460469231731687303715884105728 + 170141183460469231731687303715884105728*i + 170141183460469231731687303715884105728*j + 170141183460469231731687303715884105728*i*j


            sage: TestSuite(H2).run()

        if not is_FreeAlgebra(A):
            raise TypeError("Argument A must be an algebra.")
        R = A.base_ring()
        #        if not R.is_field():  # TODO: why?
        #            raise TypeError, "Base ring of argument A must be a field."
        n = A.ngens()
        assert n == len(mats)
        self.__free_algebra = A
        self.__ngens = n
        self.__dim = len(mons)
        self.__module = FreeModule(R, self.__dim)
        self.__matrix_action = mats
        self.__monomial_basis = mons  # elements of free monoid
        Algebra.__init__(self, R, names, normalize=True)
Esempio n. 28
 def __init__(self, dim):
     from sage.modules.free_module import FreeModule
     self._free_module = FreeModule(ZZ, int(dim))
Esempio n. 29
class FreeAlgebraQuotient(UniqueRepresentation, Algebra, object):
    def __classcall__(cls, A, mons, mats, names):
        Used to support unique representation.


            sage: H = sage.algebras.free_algebra_quotient.hamilton_quatalg(QQ)[0]  # indirect doctest
            sage: H1 = sage.algebras.free_algebra_quotient.hamilton_quatalg(QQ)[0]
            sage: H is H1
        new_mats = []
        for M in mats:
            M = M.parent()(M)
        return super(FreeAlgebraQuotient, cls).__classcall__(cls, A, tuple(mons),
                                                  tuple(new_mats), tuple(names))

    Element = FreeAlgebraQuotientElement
    def __init__(self, A, mons, mats, names):
        Returns a quotient algebra defined via the action of a free algebra
        A on a (finitely generated) free module. The input for the quotient
        algebra is a list of monomials (in the underlying monoid for A)
        which form a free basis for the module of A, and a list of
        matrices, which give the action of the free generators of A on this
        monomial basis.
        Quaternion algebra defined in terms of three generators::
            sage: n = 3
            sage: A = FreeAlgebra(QQ,n,'i')
            sage: F = A.monoid()
            sage: i, j, k = F.gens()
            sage: mons = [ F(1), i, j, k ]
            sage: M = MatrixSpace(QQ,4)
            sage: mats = [M([0,1,0,0, -1,0,0,0, 0,0,0,-1, 0,0,1,0]),  M([0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1, -1,0,0,0, 0,-1,0,0]),  M([0,0,0,1, 0,0,-1,0, 0,1,0,0, -1,0,0,0]) ]
            sage: H3.<i,j,k> = FreeAlgebraQuotient(A,mons,mats)
            sage: x = 1 + i + j + k
            sage: x
            1 + i + j + k
            sage: x**128
            -170141183460469231731687303715884105728 + 170141183460469231731687303715884105728*i + 170141183460469231731687303715884105728*j + 170141183460469231731687303715884105728*k
        Same algebra defined in terms of two generators, with some penalty
        on already slow arithmetic.
            sage: n = 2
            sage: A = FreeAlgebra(QQ,n,'x')
            sage: F = A.monoid()
            sage: i, j = F.gens()
            sage: mons = [ F(1), i, j, i*j ]
            sage: r = len(mons)
            sage: M = MatrixSpace(QQ,r)
            sage: mats = [M([0,1,0,0, -1,0,0,0, 0,0,0,-1, 0,0,1,0]), M([0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1, -1,0,0,0, 0,-1,0,0]) ]
            sage: H2.<i,j> = A.quotient(mons,mats)
            sage: k = i*j
            sage: x = 1 + i + j + k
            sage: x
            1 + i + j + i*j
            sage: x**128
            -170141183460469231731687303715884105728 + 170141183460469231731687303715884105728*i + 170141183460469231731687303715884105728*j + 170141183460469231731687303715884105728*i*j


            sage: TestSuite(H2).run()

        if not is_FreeAlgebra(A):
            raise TypeError("Argument A must be an algebra.")
        R = A.base_ring()
#        if not R.is_field():  # TODO: why?
#            raise TypeError, "Base ring of argument A must be a field."
        n = A.ngens()
        assert n == len(mats)
        self.__free_algebra = A
        self.__ngens = n
        self.__dim = len(mons)
        self.__module = FreeModule(R,self.__dim)
        self.__matrix_action = mats
        self.__monomial_basis = mons # elements of free monoid
        Algebra.__init__(self, R, names, normalize=True)

    def __eq__(self, right):
        Return True if all defining properties of self and right match up.


            sage: HQ = sage.algebras.free_algebra_quotient.hamilton_quatalg(QQ)[0]
            sage: HZ = sage.algebras.free_algebra_quotient.hamilton_quatalg(ZZ)[0]
            sage: HQ == HQ
            sage: HQ == HZ
            sage: HZ == QQ
        return isinstance(right, FreeAlgebraQuotient) and \
               self.ngens() == right.ngens() and \
               self.rank() == right.rank() and \
               self.module() == right.module() and \
               self.matrix_action() == right.matrix_action() and \
               self.monomial_basis() == right.monomial_basis()

    def _element_constructor_(self, x):

            sage: H, (i,j,k) = sage.algebras.free_algebra_quotient.hamilton_quatalg(QQ)
            sage: H._element_constructor_(i) is i
            sage: a = H._element_constructor_(1); a
            sage: a in H
            sage: a = H._element_constructor_([1,2,3,4]); a
            1 + 2*i + 3*j + 4*k
        if isinstance(x, FreeAlgebraQuotientElement) and x.parent() is self:
            return x
        return self.element_class(self,x)

    def _coerce_map_from_(self,S):

            sage: H, (i,j,k) = sage.algebras.free_algebra_quotient.hamilton_quatalg(QQ)
            sage: H._coerce_map_from_(H)
            sage: H._coerce_map_from_(QQ)
            sage: H._coerce_map_from_(GF(7))
        return S==self or self.__free_algebra.has_coerce_map_from(S)

    def _repr_(self):

            sage: H, (i,j,k) = sage.algebras.free_algebra_quotient.hamilton_quatalg(QQ)
            sage: H._repr_()
            "Free algebra quotient on 3 generators ('i', 'j', 'k') and dimension 4 over Rational Field"
        R = self.base_ring()
        n = self.__ngens
        r = self.__module.dimension()
        x = self.variable_names()
        return "Free algebra quotient on %s generators %s and dimension %s over %s"%(n,x,r,R)

    def gen(self, i):
        The i-th generator of the algebra.


            sage: H, (i,j,k) = sage.algebras.free_algebra_quotient.hamilton_quatalg(QQ)
            sage: H.gen(0)
            sage: H.gen(2)

        An IndexError is raised if an invalid generator is requested::
            sage: H.gen(3)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            IndexError: Argument i (= 3) must be between 0 and 2.

        Negative indexing into the generators is not supported::
            sage: H.gen(-1)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            IndexError: Argument i (= -1) must be between 0 and 2.
        n = self.__ngens
        if i < 0 or not i < n: 
            raise IndexError("Argument i (= %s) must be between 0 and %s."%(i, n-1))
        R = self.base_ring()
        F = self.__free_algebra.monoid()
        n = self.__ngens
        return self.element_class(self,{F.gen(i):R(1)})

    def ngens(self):
        The number of generators of the algebra.

            sage: sage.algebras.free_algebra_quotient.hamilton_quatalg(QQ)[0].ngens()
        return self.__ngens

    def dimension(self):
        The rank of the algebra (as a free module).


            sage: sage.algebras.free_algebra_quotient.hamilton_quatalg(QQ)[0].dimension()
        return self.__dim

    def matrix_action(self):

            sage: sage.algebras.free_algebra_quotient.hamilton_quatalg(QQ)[0].matrix_action()
            [ 0  1  0  0]  [ 0  0  1  0]  [ 0  0  0  1]
            [-1  0  0  0]  [ 0  0  0  1]  [ 0  0 -1  0]
            [ 0  0  0 -1]  [-1  0  0  0]  [ 0  1  0  0]
            [ 0  0  1  0], [ 0 -1  0  0], [-1  0  0  0]
        return self.__matrix_action

    def monomial_basis(self):
            sage: sage.algebras.free_algebra_quotient.hamilton_quatalg(QQ)[0].monomial_basis()
            (1, i0, i1, i2)
        return self.__monomial_basis

    def rank(self):
        The rank of the algebra (as a free module).


            sage: sage.algebras.free_algebra_quotient.hamilton_quatalg(QQ)[0].rank()
        return self.__dim

    def module(self):
        The free module of the algebra.

            sage: H = sage.algebras.free_algebra_quotient.hamilton_quatalg(QQ)[0]; H
            Free algebra quotient on 3 generators ('i', 'j', 'k') and dimension 4 over Rational Field
            sage: H.module()
            Vector space of dimension 4 over Rational Field
        return self.__module

    def monoid(self):
        The free monoid of generators of the algebra.


            sage: sage.algebras.free_algebra_quotient.hamilton_quatalg(QQ)[0].monoid()
            Free monoid on 3 generators (i0, i1, i2)
        return self.__free_algebra.monoid()

    def monomial_basis(self):
        The free monoid of generators of the algebra as elements of a free


            sage: sage.algebras.free_algebra_quotient.hamilton_quatalg(QQ)[0].monomial_basis()
            (1, i0, i1, i2)
        return self.__monomial_basis

    def free_algebra(self):
        The free algebra generating the algebra.


            sage: sage.algebras.free_algebra_quotient.hamilton_quatalg(QQ)[0].free_algebra()
            Free Algebra on 3 generators (i0, i1, i2) over Rational Field
        return self.__free_algebra
Esempio n. 30
def herm_modform_space(D, HermWeight, B_cF=10, parallelization=None, reduction_method_flags=-1):
	This calculates the vectorspace of Fourier expansions to
	Hermitian modular forms of weight `HermWeight` over \Gamma,
	where \Gamma = \Sp_2(\curlO) and \curlO is the maximal order
	of \QQ(\sqrt{D}).

	Each Fourier coefficient vector is indexed up to a precision
	\curlF which is given by `B_cF` such that for every
	[a,b,c] \in \curlF \subset \Lambda, we have 0 \le a,c \le B_cF.

	The function `herm_modform_indexset()` returns reduced matrices
	of that precision index set \curlF.

	if HermWeight % 3 != 0:
		raise TypeError, "the modulform is trivial/zero if HermWeight is not divisible by 3"

	# Transform these into native Python objects. We don't want to have
	# any Sage objects (e.g. Integer) here so that the cache index stays
	# unique.
	D = int(D)
	HermWeight = int(HermWeight)
	B_cF = int(B_cF)
	reduction_method_flags = int(reduction_method_flags)

	calc = C.Calc()
	calc.init(D = D, HermWeight = HermWeight, B_cF=B_cF)
	reducedCurlFSize = calc.matrixColumnCount

	# Calculate the dimension of Hermitian modular form space.
	dim = herm_modform_space_dim(D=D, HermWeight=HermWeight)

	cacheIdx = (D, HermWeight, B_cF)
	if reduction_method_flags != -1:
		cacheIdx += (reduction_method_flags,)
		herm_modform_fe_expannsion, calc, curlS_denoms, pending_tasks = hermModformSpaceCache[cacheIdx]
		if not isinstance(calc, C.Calc): raise TypeError
		print "Resuming from %s" % hermModformSpaceCache._filename_for_key(cacheIdx)
	except (TypeError, ValueError, KeyError, EOFError): # old format or not cached or cache incomplete
		herm_modform_fe_expannsion = FreeModule(QQ, reducedCurlFSize)
		curlS_denoms = set() # the denominators of the visited matrices S
		pending_tasks = ()

	current_dimension = herm_modform_fe_expannsion.dimension()

	verbose("current dimension: %i, wanted: %i" % (herm_modform_fe_expannsion.dimension(), dim))
	if dim == 0:
		print "dim == 0 -> exit"

	def task_iter_func():
		# Iterate S \in Mat_2^T(\curlO), S > 0.
		while True:
			# Get the next S.
			# If calc.curlS is not empty, this is because we have recovered from a resume.
			if len(calc.curlS) == 0:
				S = calc.getNextS()
				assert len(calc.curlS) == 1
				S = calc.curlS[0]

			l = S.det()
			l = toInt(l)

			verbose("trying S={0}, det={1}".format(S, l))

			if reduction_method_flags & Method_Elliptic_reduction:
				yield CalcTask(
					func=modform_restriction_info, calc=calc, kwargs={"S":S, "l":l})

			if reduction_method_flags & Method_EllipticCusp_reduction:
				precLimit = calcPrecisionDimension(B_cF=B_cF, S=S)
				yield CalcTask(
					func=modform_cusp_info, calc=calc, kwargs={"S":S, "l":l, "precLimit": precLimit})

			calc.curlS_clearMatrices() # In the C++ internal curlS, clear previous matrices.

	task_iter = task_iter_func()
	if parallelization:
		parallelization.task_iter = task_iter

	if parallelization and pending_tasks:
		for func, name in pending_tasks:
			parallelization.exec_task(func=func, name=name)

	step_counter = 0
	while True:
		if parallelization:
			new_task_count = 0

			spaces = []
			for task, exc, newspace in parallelization.get_all_ready_results():
				if exc: raise exc

				if newspace is None:
					verbose("no data from %r" % task)
				if newspace.dimension() == reducedCurlFSize:
					verbose("no information gain from %r" % task)

				spacecomment = task
				assert newspace.dimension() >= dim, "%r, %r" % (task, newspace)
				if newspace.dimension() < herm_modform_fe_expannsion.dimension():
					# Swap newspace with herm_modform_fe_expannsion.
					herm_modform_fe_expannsion, newspace = newspace, herm_modform_fe_expannsion
					current_dimension = herm_modform_fe_expannsion.dimension()
					if current_dimension == dim:
						if not isinstance(task, IntersectSpacesTask):
							verbose("warning: we expected IntersectSpacesTask for final dim but got: %r" % task)
					verbose("new dimension: %i, wanted: %i" % (current_dimension, dim))
					if current_dimension <= 20:
					spacecomment = "<old base space>"

				spaces += [(spacecomment, newspace)]

			if spaces:
				parallelization.exec_task(IntersectSpacesTask(herm_modform_fe_expannsion, spaces))
				new_task_count += 1

			new_task_count += parallelization.maybe_queue_tasks()

		else: # no parallelization
			new_task_count = 1
			if pending_tasks: # from some resuming
				task,_ = pending_tasks[0]
				pending_tasks = pending_tasks[1:]
				task = next(task_iter)
			newspace = task()

			if newspace is None:
				verbose("no data from %r" % task)
			if newspace is not None and newspace.dimension() == reducedCurlFSize:
				verbose("no information gain from %r" % task)
				newspace = None

			if newspace is not None:
				new_task_count += 1
				spacecomment = task
				herm_modform_fe_expannsion_new = IntersectSpacesTask(
					herm_modform_fe_expannsion, [(spacecomment, newspace)])()
				if herm_modform_fe_expannsion_new is not None:
					herm_modform_fe_expannsion = herm_modform_fe_expannsion_new
				current_dimension = herm_modform_fe_expannsion.dimension()
				verbose("new dimension: %i, wanted: %i" % (current_dimension, dim))

		if new_task_count > 0:
			step_counter += 1

			if step_counter % 10 == 0:
				verbose("save state after %i steps to %s" % (step_counter, os.path.basename(hermModformSpaceCache._filename_for_key(cacheIdx))))
				if parallelization:
					pending_tasks = parallelization.get_pending_tasks()
				hermModformSpaceCache[cacheIdx] = (herm_modform_fe_expannsion, calc, curlS_denoms, pending_tasks)

		if current_dimension == dim:

	# Test for some other S with other not-yet-seen denominator.
		calc, herm_modform_space=herm_modform_fe_expannsion,

	return herm_modform_fe_expannsion
Esempio n. 31
    def is_finite(self):
        Check whether the group is finite.

        A group is finite if and only if it is conjugate to a (finite) subgroup
        of O(2). This is actually also true in higher dimensions.


            sage: from flatsurf.geometry.finitely_generated_matrix_group import FinitelyGenerated2x2MatrixGroup
            sage: G = FinitelyGenerated2x2MatrixGroup([identity_matrix(2)])
            sage: G.is_finite()

            sage: t = matrix(2, [2,1,1,1])

            sage: m1 = matrix([[0,1],[-1,0]])
            sage: m2 = matrix([[1,-1],[1,0]])
            sage: FinitelyGenerated2x2MatrixGroup([m1]).is_finite()
            sage: FinitelyGenerated2x2MatrixGroup([t*m1*~t]).is_finite()
            sage: FinitelyGenerated2x2MatrixGroup([m2]).is_finite()
            sage: FinitelyGenerated2x2MatrixGroup([m1,m2]).is_finite()
            sage: FinitelyGenerated2x2MatrixGroup([t*m1*~t,t*m2*~t]).is_finite()

            sage: from flatsurf.geometry.polygon import number_field_elements_from_algebraics
            sage: c5 = QQbar.zeta(5).real()
            sage: s5 = QQbar.zeta(5).imag()
            sage: K, (c5,s5) = number_field_elements_from_algebraics([c5,s5])
            sage: r = matrix(K, 2, [c5,-s5,s5,c5])
            sage: FinitelyGenerated2x2MatrixGroup([m1,r]).is_finite()
            sage: FinitelyGenerated2x2MatrixGroup([t*m1*~t,t*r*~t]).is_finite()
            sage: FinitelyGenerated2x2MatrixGroup([m2,r]).is_finite()
            sage: FinitelyGenerated2x2MatrixGroup([t*m2*~t, t*r*~t]).is_finite()
        # determinant and trace tests
        # (the code actually check that each generator is of finite order)
        for m in self._generators:
            if (m.det() != 1 and m.det() != -1) or \
               m.trace().abs() > 2 or \
               (m.trace().abs() == 2 and (m[0,1] or m[1,0])):
                return False

        gens = [g for g in self._generators if not g.is_scalar()]

        if len(gens) <= 1:
            return True

        # now we try to find a non-trivial invariant quadratic form
        from sage.modules.free_module import FreeModule
        V = FreeModule(self._matrix_space.base_ring(), 3)
        for g in gens:
            V = V.intersection(invariant_quadratic_forms(g))
            if not contains_definite_form(V):
                return False

        return True
Esempio n. 32
class DegreeGrading( Grading_abstract ) :
    This class implements a monomial grading for a polynomial ring
    `R[x_1, .., x_n]`.
    def __init__( self, degrees ) :
            - ``degrees`` -- A list or tuple of `n` positive integers.
            sage: from psage.modform.fourier_expansion_framework.gradedexpansions.gradedexpansion_grading import *
            sage: g = DegreeGrading((1,2))
            sage: g = DegreeGrading([5,2,3])
        self.__degrees = tuple(degrees)
        self.__module = FreeModule(ZZ, len(degrees))
        self.__module_basis = self.__module.basis()
    def ngens(self) :
        The number of generators of the polynomial ring.
            An integer.
            sage: from psage.modform.fourier_expansion_framework.gradedexpansions.gradedexpansion_grading import *
            sage: DegreeGrading((1,2)).ngens()
            sage: DegreeGrading([5,2,3]).ngens()
        return len(self.__degrees)
    def gen(self, i) :
        The number of generators of the polynomial ring.
            An integer.
            sage: from psage.modform.fourier_expansion_framework.gradedexpansions.gradedexpansion_grading import *
            sage: DegreeGrading([5,2,3]).gen(0)
            sage: DegreeGrading([5,2,3]).gen(3)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: Generator 3 does not exist.
        if i < len(self.__degrees) :
            return self.__degrees[i]
        raise ValueError("Generator %s does not exist." % (i,))
    def gens(self) :
        The gradings of the generators of the polynomial ring.
            A tuple of integers.
            sage: from psage.modform.fourier_expansion_framework.gradedexpansions.gradedexpansion_grading import *
            sage: DegreeGrading((1,2)).gens()
            (1, 2)
            sage: DegreeGrading([5,2,3]).gens()
            (5, 2, 3)
        return self.__degrees
    def index(self, x) :
        The grading value of `x` with respect to this grading. 

            - `x` -- A tuple of length `n`.

            An integer.
            sage: from psage.modform.fourier_expansion_framework.gradedexpansions.gradedexpansion_grading import *
            sage: g = DegreeGrading([5,2,3])
            sage: g.index((2,4,5))
            sage: g.index((2,3))
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: Tuple must have length 3.
        ## TODO: We shouldn't need this.
        #if len(x) == 0 : return infinity
        if len(x) != len(self.__degrees) :
            raise ValueError( "Tuple must have length %s." % (len(self.__degrees),))
        return sum( map(mul, x, self.__degrees) )
    def basis(self, index, vars = None) :
        All monomials that are have given grading index involving only the
        given variables.
            - ``index`` -- A grading index.
            - ``vars``  -- A list of integers from `0` to `n - 1` or ``None``
                           (default: ``None``); If ``None`` all variables
                           will be considered.
            A list of elements in `\Z^n`.
            sage: from psage.modform.fourier_expansion_framework.gradedexpansions.gradedexpansion_grading import *
            sage: g = DegreeGrading([5,2,3])
            sage: g.basis(2)
            [(0, 1, 0)]
            sage: g.basis(10, vars = [0])
            [(2, 0, 0)]
            sage: g.basis(20, vars = [1,2])
            [(0, 10, 0), (0, 7, 2), (0, 4, 4), (0, 1, 6)]
            sage: g.basis(-1)
            sage: g.basis(0)
            [(0, 0, 0)]
        if index < 0 :
            return []
        elif index == 0 :
            return [self.__module.zero_vector()]
        if vars == None :
            vars = [m for (m,d) in enumerate(self.__degrees) if d <= index]
        if len(vars) == 0 :
            return []
        res = [ self.__module_basis[vars[0]] + m
                for m in self.basis(index - self.__degrees[vars[0]], vars) ]
        res += self.basis(index, vars[1:])
        return res

    def subgrading(self, gens) :
        The grading of same type for the ring with only the variables given by
            - ``gens`` - A list of integers.
            An instance of :class:~`.DegreeGrading`.
            sage: from psage.modform.fourier_expansion_framework.gradedexpansions.gradedexpansion_grading import *
            sage: g = DegreeGrading([5,2,3])
            sage: g.subgrading([2])
            Degree grading (3,)
            sage: g.subgrading([])
            Degree grading ()
        return DegreeGrading([self.__degrees[i] for i in gens])
    def __contains__(self, x) :
            sage: from psage.modform.fourier_expansion_framework.gradedexpansions.gradedexpansion_grading import *
            sage: g = DegreeGrading([5,2,3])
            sage: 5 in g
            sage: "t" in g
        return isinstance(x, (int, Integer)) 
    def __cmp__(self, other) :
            sage: from psage.modform.fourier_expansion_framework.gradedexpansions.gradedexpansion_grading import *
            sage: g = DegreeGrading([5,2,3])
            sage: g == DegreeGrading([5,2,3])
            sage: g == DegreeGrading((2,4))
        c = cmp(type(self), type(other))
        if c == 0 :
            c = cmp(self.__degrees, other.__degrees)

        return c
    def __hash__(self) :
            sage: from psage.modform.fourier_expansion_framework.gradedexpansions.gradedexpansion_grading import *
            sage: hash( DegreeGrading([5,2,3]) )
            -1302562269         # 32-bit
            7573306103633312291 # 64-bit
        return hash(self.__degrees)
    def _repr_(self) :
            sage: from psage.modform.fourier_expansion_framework.gradedexpansions.gradedexpansion_grading import *
            sage: DegreeGrading([5,2,3])
            Degree grading (5, 2, 3)
        return "Degree grading %s" % str(self.__degrees)
    def _latex_(self) :
            sage: from psage.modform.fourier_expansion_framework.gradedexpansions.gradedexpansion_grading import *
            sage: latex( DegreeGrading([5,2,3]) )
            \text{Degree grading } \left(5, 2, 3\right)
        return r"\text{Degree grading }" + latex(self.__degrees)
    def is_finite(self):
        Check whether the group is finite.

        A group is finite if and only if it is conjugate to a (finite) subgroup
        of O(2). This is actually also true in higher dimensions.


            sage: from flatsurf.geometry.finitely_generated_matrix_group import FinitelyGenerated2x2MatrixGroup
            sage: G = FinitelyGenerated2x2MatrixGroup([identity_matrix(2)])
            sage: G.is_finite()

            sage: t = matrix(2, [2,1,1,1])

            sage: m1 = matrix([[0,1],[-1,0]])
            sage: m2 = matrix([[1,-1],[1,0]])
            sage: FinitelyGenerated2x2MatrixGroup([m1]).is_finite()
            sage: FinitelyGenerated2x2MatrixGroup([t*m1*~t]).is_finite()
            sage: FinitelyGenerated2x2MatrixGroup([m2]).is_finite()
            sage: FinitelyGenerated2x2MatrixGroup([m1,m2]).is_finite()
            sage: FinitelyGenerated2x2MatrixGroup([t*m1*~t,t*m2*~t]).is_finite()

            sage: from flatsurf.geometry.polygon import number_field_elements_from_algebraics
            sage: c5 = QQbar.zeta(5).real()
            sage: s5 = QQbar.zeta(5).imag()
            sage: K, (c5,s5) = number_field_elements_from_algebraics([c5,s5])
            sage: r = matrix(K, 2, [c5,-s5,s5,c5])
            sage: FinitelyGenerated2x2MatrixGroup([m1,r]).is_finite()
            sage: FinitelyGenerated2x2MatrixGroup([t*m1*~t,t*r*~t]).is_finite()
            sage: FinitelyGenerated2x2MatrixGroup([m2,r]).is_finite()
            sage: FinitelyGenerated2x2MatrixGroup([t*m2*~t, t*r*~t]).is_finite()
        # determinant and trace tests
        # (the code actually check that each generator is of finite order)
        for m in self._generators:
            if (m.det() != 1 and m.det() != -1) or \
               m.trace().abs() > 2 or \
               (m.trace().abs() == 2 and (m[0,1] or m[1,0])):
                   return False

        gens = [g for g in self._generators if not g.is_scalar()]

        if len(gens) <= 1:
            return True

        # now we try to find a non-trivial invariant quadratic form
        from sage.modules.free_module import FreeModule
        V = FreeModule(self._matrix_space.base_ring(), 3)
        for g in gens:
            V = V.intersection(invariant_quadratic_forms(g))
            if not contains_definite_form(V):
                return False

        return True
Esempio n. 34
class Lattice_class (SageObject):
    A class representing a lattice $L$.

        We build this class as a sort of wrapper
        around \code{FreeModule(ZZ,n)}.
        This is reflecting the fact that
        a lattice is not a free module, but a pair
        consisting of a free module and a scalar product.
        In addition, we avoid in this way to add new
        items to the Sage category system, which we
        better leave to the specialists.

        sage: L = Lattice_class( [2,1,2]); L
        The ZZ-lattice (ZZ^2, x^tGy), where G = 
        [2 1]
        [1 2]
        sage: L.is_even()
        sage: L.gram_matrix()
        [2 1]
        [1 2]
        sage: L.dual_vectors()
        {(2/3, -1/3), (0, 0), (4/3, -2/3)}
        sage: L.representatives(2)
        sage: L.representatives(1)
        {(2/3, -1/3), (4/3, -2/3)}
        sage: L.values()          
        {0: {(0, 0)}, 1: {(2/3, -1/3), (4/3, -2/3)}}
        sage: L.det()                 

        sage: g = lambda n: [1] if 1 == n else [1] + (n-1)*[0] + g(n-1) 
        sage: Z8 = Lattice_class( g(8))
        sage: a,A8 = Z8.ev()
        sage: M8 = A8.fqm()
        sage: M8.jordan_decomposition().genus_symbol()
    def __init__( self, q):
        We initialize by a list of integers $[a_1,...,a_N]$. The
        lattice self is then $L = (L,\beta) = (G^{-1}\ZZ^n/\ZZ^n, G[x])$,
        where $G$ is the symmetric matrix
        $G=[a_1,...,a_n;*,a_{n+1},....;..;* ... * a_N]$,
        i.e.~the $a_j$ denote the elements above the diagonal of $G$.
        self.__form = q
        # We compute the rank
        N = len(q)
        assert is_square( 1+8*N)
        n = Integer( (-1+isqrt(1+8*N))/2)
        self.__rank = n
        # We set up the Gram matrix
        self.__G = matrix( IntegerRing(), n, n)
        i = j = 0
        for a in q:
            self.__G[i,j] = self.__G[j,i] = Integer(a)
            if j < n-1:
                j += 1
                i += 1
                j = i
        # We compute the level
        Gi = self.__G**-1
        self.__Gi = Gi
        a = lcm( map( lambda x: x.denominator(), Gi.list()))
        I = Gi.diagonal()
        b =  lcm( map( lambda x: (x/2).denominator(), I))
        self.__level = lcm( a, b)
        # We define the undelying module and the ambient space
        self.__module = FreeModule( IntegerRing(), n)
        self.__space = self.__module.ambient_vector_space()
        # We compute a shadow vector
        self.__shadow_vector = self.__space([(a%2)/2 for a in self.__G.diagonal()])*Gi
        # We define a basis
        M = Matrix( IntegerRing(), n, n, 1)
        self.__basis = self.__module.basis()
        # We prepare a cache
        self.__dual_vectors = None
        self.__values = None
        self.__chi = {}

    def _latex_( self):
        return 'The ZZ-lattice $(ZZ^{%d}, x\'Gy)$, where $G = %s$' % (self.__rank, latex(self.__G))

    def _repr_( self):
        return 'The ZZ-lattice (ZZ^%d, x^tGy), where G = \n%r' % (self.__rank, self.__G)

    def rank( self):
        return self.__rank

    def level( self):
        Return the smallest integer $l$ such that $lG[x]/2 \in \Z$
        for all $x$ in $L^*$.
        return self.__level

    def basis( self):
        return self.__basis

    def module( self):
        Return the underlying module.
        return self.__module

    def hom( self, im_gens, codomain=None, check=True):
        # return self.module().hom( im_gens, codomain = codomain, check = check)
        if not codomain:
            raise NotImplementedError()
        A = matrix( im_gens)
        if codomain and True == check:
            assert self.gram_matrix() == A*codomain.gram_matrix()*A.transpose()
        return Embedding( self, matrix( im_gens), codomain) 

    def space( self):
        Return the ambient vector space.
        return self.__space

    def is_positive( self):

    def is_even( self):
        I = self.gram_matrix().diagonal()
        for a in I:
            if is_odd(a):
                return False
        return True

    def is_maximal( self):

    def shadow_level( self):
        Return the level of $L_ev$, where $L_ev$ is the kernel
        of the map $x\mapsto e(G[x]/2)$.

            Lemma: If $L$ is odd, if $s$ is a shadow vector, and if $N$ denotes the
            denominator of $G[s]/2$, then the level of $L_ev$
            equals the lcm of the order of $s$, $N$ and the level of $L$.

            (For the proof:  the requested level is the smallest integer $l$
            such that $lG[x]/2$ is integral for all $x$ in $L^*$ and $x$ in $s+L^*$
            since $L_ev^* = L^* \cup s+L^*$. This $l$ is the smallest integer
            such that $lG[s]/2$, $lG[x]/2$ and $ls^tGx$ are integral for all $x$ in $L^*$.)
        if self.is_even():
            return self.level()
        s = self.a_shadow_vector()
        N = self.beta(s).denominator()
        h = lcm( [x.denominator() for x in s])
        return lcm( [h, N, self.level()])

    def gram_matrix( self):
        return self.__G

    def beta(self, x, y = None):
        if None == y:
            return (x*self.gram_matrix()*x)/2
            return x*self.gram_matrix()*y

    def det( self):
        return self.gram_matrix().det()

    def dual_vectors( self):
        Return a set of representatives
        for $L^#/L$.
        D,U,V = self.gram_matrix().smith_form()
        # hence D = U * self.gram_matrix() * V
        if None == self.__dual_vectors:
            W = V*D**-1
            S =
            self.__dual_vectors = [ W*S(v) for v in mrange( D.diagonal())]
        return self.__dual_vectors

    def is_in_dual( self, y):
        Checks whether $y$ is in the dual of self.
        return self._is_int_vec( self.gram_matrix()*y)

    def a_shadow_vector( self):
        Return a vector in the shadow $L^\bullet$ of $L$.

            As shadow vector one can take the diagnal of the Gram
            matrix reduced modulo 2 and multiplied by $1/2G^{-1}$.

            Note that this vector $s$ is arbitrary (in particular,
            it does not satisfy in general $2s \in L$).
        return self.__shadow_vector

    def shadow_vectors( self):
        Return a list of representatives for the vectors in $L^\bullet/L$.
        if self.is_even():
            return self.dual_vectors() 
        R = self.dual_vectors()
        s = self.a_shadow_vector()
        return [s+r for r in R]

    def shadow_vectors_of_order_2( self):
        Return the list of representatives for those
        vectors $x$ in $L^\bullet/L$ such that
        R =  self.shadow_vectors()
        return [r for r in R if self._is_int_vec( 2*r)]

    def is_in_shadow( self, r):
        Checks whether $r$ is a shadow vector.
        c = self.a_shadow_vector()
        return self.is_in_dual( r - c)

    def o_invariant( self):
        Return $0$ if $L$ is even, otherwise
        the parity of $G[2*s]$, where $s$ is a shadow vector such that
        $2s$ is in $L$ (so that $(-1)^parity = e(G[2*s]/2)$.
            The o_invariant equals the parity of $n_2$, where
            $n_2$ is as in Lemma 3.1 of [Joli-I].
        V = self.shadow_vectors_of_order_2()
        s = V[0]
        return Integer(4*(s*self.gram_matrix()*s))%2

    def values( self):
        Return a dictionary
        N \mapsto set of representatives r in $L^\bullet/L$ which satisfy
        $\beta(r) \equiv n/l \bmod \ZZ$, where $l$ is the shadow_level
        (i.e. the level of $L_ev$).

            $\beta(r)+ \Z$ does only depend on $r+L$ if $r$ is a shadow vector,
            otherwise this is not necessarily true. Hence we return only
            shadow vectors here.
        if None == self.__values:
            self.__values = {}
            G = self.gram_matrix()
            l = self.shadow_level()
            R =  self.dual_vectors()
            if not self.is_even():
                s = self.a_shadow_vector()
                R = [s+r for r in R]
            for r in R:
                N = Integer( self.beta(r)*l)
                N = N%l
                if not self.__values.has_key(N):
                    self.__values[N] = [r]
                    self.__values[N] += [r]
        return self.__values

    def representatives( self, N):
        Return the subset of representatives $r$
        in $L^\bullet/L$ which satisfy $\beta(r) \equiv N/level \bmod \ZZ$.
        v = self.values()
        return v.get(N%self.shadow_level(), [])

    def chi( self, t):
        Return the value of the Gauss sum
        $\sum_{x\in L^\bullet/L} e(tG[x]/2)/\sqrt D$,
        where $D = |L^\bullet/L|$.
        t = Integer(t)%self.shadow_level()
        if self.__chi.has_key(t):
            return self.__chi[t]
        l = self.shadow_level()
        z = QQbar.zeta(l)
        w = QQbar(self.det().sqrt())
        V = self.values()
        self.__chi[t] = sum(len(V[a])*z**(t*a) for a in V)/w
        return self.__chi[t]

    def ev( self):
        Return a pair $alpha, L_{ev}$, where $L_{ev}$
        is isomorphic to the kernel of $L\rightarrow \{\pm 1\}$, 
        $x\mapsto e(\beta(x))$,
        and where $alpha$ is an embedding of $L_{ev}$ into $L$
        whose image is this kernel.

            We have to find the kernel of the map
            $x\mapsto G[x] \equiv \sum_{j\in S}x_2 \bmod 2$.
            Here $S$ is the set of indices $i$ such that
            the $i$-diagonal element of $G$ is odd.
            A basis is given by
            $e_i$ ($i not\in S$) and $e_i + e_j$ ($i \in S$, $i\not=j$)
            and $2e_j$, where $j$ is any fixed index in $S$.
        if self.is_even():
            return self.hom( self.basis(), self.module()), self
        D = self.gram_matrix().diagonal()
        S = [ i for i in range( len(D)) if is_odd(D[i])]
        j = min(S)
        e = self.basis()
        n = len(e)
        form = lambda i: e[i] if i not in S else 2*e[j] if i == j else e[i]+e[j] 
        a = [ form(i) for i in range( n)]
        # A = matrix( a).transpose()
        # return A, Lattice_class( [ self.beta( a[i],a[j]) for i in range(n) for j in range(i,n)])
        Lev = Lattice_class( [ self.beta( a[i],a[j]) for i in range(n) for j in range(i,n)])
        alpha = Lev.hom( a, self.module()) 
        return alpha, Lev

    def twist( self, a):
        Return the lattice self rescaled by the integer $a$.
        e = self.basis()
        n = len(e)
        return Lattice_class( [ a*self.beta( e[i],e[j]) for i in range(n) for j in range(i,n)])

    def fqm( self):
        Return a pair $(f,M)$, where $M$ is the discriminant module
        of $L_ev$ up to isomorphism and $f:L\rightarrow M$ the
        canonical map.

            Currently returns only M.
        if self.is_even():
            return FiniteQuadraticModule( self.gram_matrix())
            a,Lev = self.ev()
            return FiniteQuadraticModule( Lev.gram_matrix())

    def ZN_embeddings( self):
        Return a list of all embeddings of $L$ into $\ZZ^N$ modulo
        the action of $O(\ZZ^N)$.
        def cs_range( f, subset = None):
            For a symmetric semi-positive integral matrix $f$,
            return a list of all integral $n$-vectors $v$ such that
            $x^tfx - (v*x)^2 >= 0$ for all $x$.
            n = f.dimensions()[0]
            b = vector( s.isqrt() for s in f.diagonal())
            zv = vector([0]*n)
            box = [b - vector(t) for t in mrange( (2*b + vector([1]*n)).list()) if b - vector(t) > zv]
            if subset:
                box = [v for v in box if v in subset]
            rge = [v for v in box if min( (f - matrix(v).transpose()*matrix(v)).eigenvalues()) >=0]
            return rge

        def embs( f, subset = None):
            For a semipositive matrix $f$ return a list of all integral
            matrices $M$ such that $f=M^t * M$ modulo the left action
            of $\lim O(\ZZ^N)$ on the set of these matrices.
            res = []
            csr = cs_range( f, subset)
            for v in csr:
                fv = f - matrix(v).transpose()*matrix(v)
                if 0 == fv:
                    res.append( matrix(v))
                    tmp = embs( fv, csr[ csr.index( v):])
                    for e in tmp:
                        res.append( e.insert_row(0, v))
            return res 

        l_embs = embs( self.gram_matrix())
        import lattice_index
        return map( lambda a: self.hom( a.columns(), lattice_index.LatticeIndex( 'Z^'+ str(a.nrows()))), l_embs)

    def vectors_in_shell ( self, bound, max = 10000):
        Return the list of all $x\not=0$ in self
        such that $\beta(x) <= bound$.
        M = self.module()
        return map( lambda x: M(x), self._vectors_in_shell ( self.gram_matrix(), 2*bound, max))

    def dual_vectors_in_shell ( self, bound, max = 10000):
        Return the list of all $x\not=0$ in the dual of self
        such that $\beta(x) <= bound$.
        l = self.level()
        F = l*self.__Gi
        S =
        return map( lambda x: S(self.__Gi*x), self._vectors_in_shell ( F, 2*l*bound, max))

    def shadow_vectors_in_shell (self, bound, max = 10000):
        Return the list of all $x\not=0$ in the bullet of self
        such that $\beta(x) <= bound$.
        if self.is_even():
            return self.dual_vectors_in_shell ( bound, max)
        a, Lev = L.ev()
        l = Lev.dual_vectors_in_shell ( bound, max)
        A = a.matrix()
        return filter( lambda x: self.is_in_shadow(x) ,[y*A for y in l])

    def _vectors_in_shell( F, bound, max = 1000):
        For an (integral) positive symmetric matrix $F$
        return a list of vectors such that $x^tFx <= bound$.
        The method returns only nonzero vectors
        and for each pair $v$ and $-v$
        only one.

            A wrapper for the pari method qfminim().
        # assert bound >=1, 'Pari bug: bound should be >= 2'
        if bound < 1: return []
        p = F._pari_()
        po = p.qfminim( bound, max, flag = 0).sage()
        if max == po[0]:
            raise ArithmeticError( 'Increase max')
        ves = [vector([0]*F.nrows())]
        for x in po[2].columns():
            ves += [x,-x]
        # return po[2].columns()
        return ves

    def _is_int_vec( v):
        for c in v:
            if c.denominator() > 1:
                return False
        return True
class LieAlgebraWithStructureCoefficients(FinitelyGeneratedLieAlgebra, IndexedGenerators):
    A Lie algebra with a set of specified structure coefficients.

    The structure coefficients are specified as a dictionary `d` whose
    keys are pairs of basis indices, and whose values are
    dictionaries which in turn are indexed by basis indices. The value
    of `d` at a pair `(u, v)` of basis indices is the dictionary whose
    `w`-th entry (for `w` a basis index) is the coefficient of `b_w`
    in the Lie bracket `[b_u, b_v]` (where `b_x` means the basis
    element with index `x`).


    - ``R`` -- a ring, to be used as the base ring

    - ``s_coeff`` -- a dictionary, indexed by pairs of basis indices
      (see below), and whose values are dictionaries which are
      indexed by (single) basis indices and whose values are elements
      of `R`

    - ``names`` -- list or tuple of strings

    - ``index_set`` -- (default: ``names``) list or tuple of hashable
      and comparable elements


    A Lie algebra over ``R`` which (as an `R`-module) is free with
    a basis indexed by the elements of ``index_set``. The `i`-th
    basis element is displayed using the name ``names[i]``.
    If we let `b_i` denote this `i`-th basis element, then the Lie
    bracket is given by the requirement that the `b_k`-coefficient
    of `[b_i, b_j]` is ``s_coeff[(i, j)][k]`` if
    ``s_coeff[(i, j)]`` exists, otherwise ``-s_coeff[(j, i)][k]``
    if ``s_coeff[(j, i)]`` exists, otherwise `0`.


    We create the Lie algebra of `\QQ^3` under the Lie bracket defined
    by `\times` (cross-product)::

        sage: L = LieAlgebra(QQ, 'x,y,z', {('x','y'): {'z':1}, ('y','z'): {'x':1}, ('z','x'): {'y':1}})
        sage: (x,y,z) = L.gens()
        sage: L.bracket(x, y)
        sage: L.bracket(y, x)


    We can input structure coefficients that fail the Jacobi
    identity, but the test suite will call us out on it::

        sage: Fake = LieAlgebra(QQ, 'x,y,z', {('x','y'):{'z':3}, ('y','z'):{'z':1}, ('z','x'):{'y':1}})
        sage: TestSuite(Fake).run()
        Failure in _test_jacobi_identity:

    Old tests !!!!!placeholder for now!!!!!::

        sage: L = LieAlgebra(QQ, 'x,y', {('x','y'):{'x':1}})
        sage: L.basis()
        Finite family {'y': y, 'x': x}
    def __classcall_private__(cls, R, s_coeff, names=None, index_set=None, **kwds):
        Normalize input to ensure a unique representation.


            sage: L1 = LieAlgebra(QQ, 'x,y', {('x','y'): {'x':1}})
            sage: L2 = LieAlgebra(QQ, 'x,y', {('y','x'): {'x':-1}})
            sage: L1 is L2

        Check that we convert names to the indexing set::

            sage: L = LieAlgebra(QQ, 'x,y,z', {('x','y'): {'z':1}, ('y','z'): {'x':1}, ('z','x'): {'y':1}}, index_set=list(range(3)))
            sage: (x,y,z) = L.gens()
            sage: L[x,y]
        names, index_set = standardize_names_index_set(names, index_set)

        # Make sure the structure coefficients are given by the index set
        if names is not None and names != tuple(index_set):
            d = {x: index_set[i] for i,x in enumerate(names)}
            get_pairs = lambda X: X.items() if isinstance(X, dict) else X
                s_coeff = {(d[k[0]], d[k[1]]): [(d[x], y) for x,y in get_pairs(s_coeff[k])]
                           for k in s_coeff}
            except KeyError:
                # At this point we assume they are given by the index set

        s_coeff = LieAlgebraWithStructureCoefficients._standardize_s_coeff(s_coeff, index_set)
        if s_coeff.cardinality() == 0:
            from sage.algebras.lie_algebras.abelian import AbelianLieAlgebra
            return AbelianLieAlgebra(R, names, index_set, **kwds)

        if (names is None and len(index_set) <= 1) or len(names) <= 1:
            from sage.algebras.lie_algebras.abelian import AbelianLieAlgebra
            return AbelianLieAlgebra(R, names, index_set, **kwds)

        return super(LieAlgebraWithStructureCoefficients, cls).__classcall__(
            cls, R, s_coeff, names, index_set, **kwds)

    def _standardize_s_coeff(s_coeff, index_set):
        Helper function to standardize ``s_coeff`` into the appropriate form
        (dictionary indexed by pairs, whose values are dictionaries).
        Strips items with coefficients of 0 and duplicate entries.
        This does not check the Jacobi relation (nor antisymmetry if the
        cardinality is infinite).


            sage: from sage.algebras.lie_algebras.structure_coefficients import LieAlgebraWithStructureCoefficients
            sage: d = {('y','x'): {'x':-1}}
            sage: LieAlgebraWithStructureCoefficients._standardize_s_coeff(d, ('x', 'y'))
            Finite family {('x', 'y'): (('x', 1),)}
        # Try to handle infinite basis (once/if supported)
        #if isinstance(s_coeff, AbstractFamily) and s_coeff.cardinality() == infinity:
        #    return s_coeff

        index_to_pos = {k: i for i,k in enumerate(index_set)}

        sc = {}
        # Make sure the first gen is smaller than the second in each key
        for k in s_coeff.keys():
            v = s_coeff[k]
            if isinstance(v, dict):
                v = v.items()

            if index_to_pos[k[0]] > index_to_pos[k[1]]:
                key = (k[1], k[0])
                vals = tuple((g, -val) for g, val in v if val != 0)
                if not index_to_pos[k[0]] < index_to_pos[k[1]]:
                    if k[0] == k[1]:
                        if not all(val == 0 for g, val in v):
                            raise ValueError("elements {} are equal but their bracket is not set to 0".format(k))
                key = tuple(k)
                vals = tuple((g, val) for g, val in v if val != 0)

            if key in sc.keys() and sorted(sc[key]) != sorted(vals):
                raise ValueError("two distinct values given for one and the same bracket")

            if vals:
                sc[key] = vals
        return Family(sc)

    def __init__(self, R, s_coeff, names, index_set, category=None, prefix=None,
                 bracket=None, latex_bracket=None, string_quotes=None, **kwds):
        Initialize ``self``.


            sage: L = LieAlgebra(QQ, 'x,y', {('x','y'): {'x':1}})
            sage: TestSuite(L).run()
        default = (names != tuple(index_set))
        if prefix is None:
            if default:
                prefix = 'L'
                prefix = ''
        if bracket is None:
            bracket = default
        if latex_bracket is None:
            latex_bracket = default
        if string_quotes is None:
            string_quotes = default

        #self._pos_to_index = dict(enumerate(index_set))
        self._index_to_pos = {k: i for i,k in enumerate(index_set)}
        if "sorting_key" not in kwds:
            kwds["sorting_key"] = self._index_to_pos.__getitem__

        cat = LieAlgebras(R).WithBasis().FiniteDimensional().or_subcategory(category)
        FinitelyGeneratedLieAlgebra.__init__(self, R, names, index_set, cat)
        IndexedGenerators.__init__(self, self._indices, prefix=prefix,
                                   bracket=bracket, latex_bracket=latex_bracket,
                                   string_quotes=string_quotes, **kwds)

        self._M = FreeModule(R, len(index_set))

        # Transform the values in the structure coefficients to elements
        def to_vector(tuples):
            vec = []*len(index_set)
            for k,c in tuples:
                vec[self._index_to_pos[k]] = c
            vec = self._M(vec)
            return vec
        self._s_coeff = {(self._index_to_pos[k[0]], self._index_to_pos[k[1]]):
                         for k in s_coeff.keys()}

    # For compatibility with CombinatorialFreeModuleElement
    _repr_term = IndexedGenerators._repr_generator
    _latex_term = IndexedGenerators._latex_generator

    def structure_coefficients(self, include_zeros=False):
        Return the dictionary of structure coefficients of ``self``.


            sage: L = LieAlgebra(QQ, 'x,y,z', {('x','y'): {'x':1}})
            sage: L.structure_coefficients()
            Finite family {('x', 'y'): x}
            sage: S = L.structure_coefficients(True); S
            Finite family {('x', 'y'): x, ('x', 'z'): 0, ('y', 'z'): 0}
            sage: S['x','z'].parent() is L


        Check that :trac:`23373` is fixed::

            sage: L =, 2)
            sage: sorted(L.structure_coefficients(True), key=str)
            [-2*E[-alpha[1]], -2*E[alpha[1]], h1]
        if not include_zeros:
            pos_to_index = dict(enumerate(self._indices))
            return Family({(pos_to_index[k[0]], pos_to_index[k[1]]):
                           self.element_class(self, self._s_coeff[k])
                           for k in self._s_coeff})
        ret = {}
        zero =
        for i,x in enumerate(self._indices):
            for j, y in enumerate(self._indices[i+1:]):
                if (i, j+i+1) in self._s_coeff:
                    elt = self._s_coeff[i, j+i+1]
                elif (j+i+1, i) in self._s_coeff:
                    elt = -self._s_coeff[j+i+1, i]
                    elt = zero
                ret[x,y] = self.element_class(self, elt) # +i+1 for offset
        return Family(ret)

    def dimension(self):
        Return the dimension of ``self``.


            sage: L = LieAlgebra(QQ, 'x,y', {('x','y'):{'x':1}})
            sage: L.dimension()
        return self.basis().cardinality()

    def module(self, sparse=True):
        Return ``self`` as a free module.


            sage: L.<x,y,z> = LieAlgebra(QQ, {('x','y'):{'z':1}})
            sage: L.module()
            Sparse vector space of dimension 3 over Rational Field
        return FreeModule(self.base_ring(), self.dimension(), sparse=sparse)

    def zero(self):
        Return the element `0` in ``self``.


            sage: L.<x,y,z> = LieAlgebra(QQ, {('x','y'): {'z':1}})
        return self.element_class(self,

    def monomial(self, k):
        Return the monomial indexed by ``k``.


            sage: L.<x,y,z> = LieAlgebra(QQ, {('x','y'): {'z':1}})
            sage: L.monomial('x')
        return self.element_class(self, self._M.basis()[self._index_to_pos[k]])

    def term(self, k, c=None):
        Return the term indexed by ``i`` with coefficient ``c``.


            sage: L.<x,y,z> = LieAlgebra(QQ, {('x','y'): {'z':1}})
            sage: L.term('x', 4)
        if c is None:
            c = self.base_ring().one()
            c = self.base_ring()(c)
        return self.element_class(self, c * self._M.basis()[self._index_to_pos[k]])

    def from_vector(self, v):
        Return an element of ``self`` from the vector ``v``.


            sage: L.<x,y,z> = LieAlgebra(QQ, {('x','y'): {'z':1}})
            sage: L.from_vector([1, 2, -2])
            x + 2*y - 2*z
        return self.element_class(self, self._M(v))

    def some_elements(self):
        Return some elements of ``self``.


            sage: L = lie_algebras.three_dimensional(QQ, 4, 1, -1, 2)
            sage: L.some_elements()
            [X, Y, Z, X + Y + Z]
        return list(self.basis()) + [self.sum(self.basis())]

    class Element(StructureCoefficientsElement):
        def _sorted_items_for_printing(self):
            Return a list of pairs ``(k, c)`` used in printing.

            .. WARNING::

                The internal representation order is fixed, whereas this
                depends on ``"sorting_key"`` print option as it is used
                only for printing.


                sage: L.<x,y,z> = LieAlgebra(QQ, {('x','y'): {'z':1}})
                sage: elt = x + y/2 - z; elt
                x + 1/2*y - z
                sage: elt._sorted_items_for_printing()
                [('x', 1), ('y', 1/2), ('z', -1)]
                sage: key = {'x': 2, 'y': 1, 'z': 0}
                sage: L.print_options(sorting_key=key.__getitem__)
                sage: elt._sorted_items_for_printing()
                [('z', -1), ('y', 1/2), ('x', 1)]
                sage: elt
                -z + 1/2*y + x
            print_options = self.parent().print_options()
            pos_to_index = dict(enumerate(self.parent()._indices))
            v = [(pos_to_index[k], c) for k, c in iteritems(self.value)]
                v.sort(key=lambda monomial_coeff:
            except Exception: # Sorting the output is a plus, but if we can't, no big deal
            return v
Esempio n. 36
    def _persistent_homology(self, field=2, strict=True, verbose=False):
        Compute the homology intervals of the complex.


        - ``field`` -- (default: 2) prime number modulo which the homology
          is computed
        - ``strict`` -- (default: ``True``) if ``False``, takes into account
            intervals of persistence 0
        - ``verbose`` -- (default: ``False``) if ``True``, prints the
          progress of computation

        This method is called whenever Betti numbers or intervals are
        computed, and the result is cached. It returns the list of


        The computation behind persistent homology is a matrix reduction.
        The algorithm implemented is described in [ZC2005]_.


            sage: X = FilteredSimplicialComplex([([0], 0), ([1], 0), ([0,1], 2)])
            sage: X._persistent_homology()[0]
            [(0, 2), (0, +Infinity)]

        Some homology elements may have a lifespan or persistence of 0.
        They are usually discarded, but can be kept if necessary::

            sage: X = FilteredSimplicialComplex()
            sage: X.insert([0,1],1) # opens a hole and closes it instantly
            sage: X._persistent_homology(strict=False)[0]
            [(1, 1), (1, +Infinity)]


        - [ZC2005]_


        This complex is used as a running example in [ZC2005]_::

            sage: l = [([0], 0), ([1], 0), ([2], 1), ([3], 1), ([0, 1], 1),
            ....:      ([1, 2], 1), ([0, 3], 2), ([2, 3], 2), ([0, 2], 3),
            ....:      ([0, 1, 2], 4), ([0, 2, 3], 5)]
            sage: X = FilteredSimplicialComplex(l)
            sage: X.persistence_intervals(0)
            [(0, 1), (1, 2), (0, +Infinity)]
            sage: X.persistence_intervals(1)
            [(3, 4), (2, 5)]
            sage: X.persistence_intervals(0, strict=False)
            [(0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 2), (0, +Infinity)]
        # first, order the simplices in lexico order
        # on dimension, value and then arbitrary order
        # defined by the Simplex class.
        def key(s):
            d = self._get_value(s)
            return (s.dimension(), d, s)
        simplices = list(self._filtration_dict)

        # remember the index of each simplex in a dict
        self._index_of_simplex = {}
        n = len(simplices)
        for i in range(n):
            self._index_of_simplex[simplices[i]] = i

        self._field_int = field
        self._field = GF(field)
        self._chaingroup = FreeModule(self._field, rank_or_basis_keys=simplices)

        # Initialize data structures for the algo
        self._marked = [False] * n
        self._T = [None] * n
        intervals = [[] for i in range(self._dimension+1)]
        self.pairs = []

        self._strict = strict
        self._verbose = verbose

        if self._verbose:
            print("Beginning first pass")

        for j in range(n):
            # if being verbose, print progress
            # every 1000 simplices.
            if self._verbose and j % 1000 == 0:
                print('{}/{}'.format(j, n))

            s = simplices[j]
            d = self._remove_pivot_rows(s, simplices)

            if d == 0:
                self._marked[j] = True
                max_index = self._max_index(d)
                t = simplices[max_index]
                self._T[max_index] = (s, d)
                self._add_interval(t, s, intervals)

        if self._verbose:
            print("First pass over, beginning second pass")

        for j in range(n):
            if self._verbose and j % 1000 == 0:
                print('{}/{}'.format(j, n))

            s = simplices[j]
            if self._marked[j] and not self._T[j]:
                self._add_interval(s, None, intervals)

        if self._verbose:
            print("Second pass over")
        return intervals
Esempio n. 37
class DegreeGrading(Grading_abstract):
    This class implements a monomial grading for a polynomial ring
    `R[x_1, .., x_n]`.
    def __init__(self, degrees):
            - ``degrees`` -- A list or tuple of `n` positive integers.
            sage: from psage.modform.fourier_expansion_framework.gradedexpansions.gradedexpansion_grading import *
            sage: g = DegreeGrading((1,2))
            sage: g = DegreeGrading([5,2,3])

        self.__degrees = tuple(degrees)
        self.__module = FreeModule(ZZ, len(degrees))
        self.__module_basis = self.__module.basis()

    def ngens(self):
        The number of generators of the polynomial ring.
            An integer.
            sage: from psage.modform.fourier_expansion_framework.gradedexpansions.gradedexpansion_grading import *
            sage: DegreeGrading((1,2)).ngens()
            sage: DegreeGrading([5,2,3]).ngens()
        return len(self.__degrees)

    def gen(self, i):
        The number of generators of the polynomial ring.
            An integer.
            sage: from psage.modform.fourier_expansion_framework.gradedexpansions.gradedexpansion_grading import *
            sage: DegreeGrading([5,2,3]).gen(0)
            sage: DegreeGrading([5,2,3]).gen(3)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: Generator 3 does not exist.
        if i < len(self.__degrees):
            return self.__degrees[i]

        raise ValueError("Generator %s does not exist." % (i, ))

    def gens(self):
        The gradings of the generators of the polynomial ring.
            A tuple of integers.
            sage: from psage.modform.fourier_expansion_framework.gradedexpansions.gradedexpansion_grading import *
            sage: DegreeGrading((1,2)).gens()
            (1, 2)
            sage: DegreeGrading([5,2,3]).gens()
            (5, 2, 3)
        return self.__degrees

    def index(self, x):
        The grading value of `x` with respect to this grading. 

            - `x` -- A tuple of length `n`.

            An integer.
            sage: from psage.modform.fourier_expansion_framework.gradedexpansions.gradedexpansion_grading import *
            sage: g = DegreeGrading([5,2,3])
            sage: g.index((2,4,5))
            sage: g.index((2,3))
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: Tuple must have length 3.
        ## TODO: We shouldn't need this.
        #if len(x) == 0 : return infinity

        if len(x) != len(self.__degrees):
            raise ValueError("Tuple must have length %s." %
                             (len(self.__degrees), ))

        return sum(map(mul, x, self.__degrees))

    def basis(self, index, vars=None):
        All monomials that are have given grading index involving only the
        given variables.
            - ``index`` -- A grading index.
            - ``vars``  -- A list of integers from `0` to `n - 1` or ``None``
                           (default: ``None``); If ``None`` all variables
                           will be considered.
            A list of elements in `\Z^n`.
            sage: from psage.modform.fourier_expansion_framework.gradedexpansions.gradedexpansion_grading import *
            sage: g = DegreeGrading([5,2,3])
            sage: g.basis(2)
            [(0, 1, 0)]
            sage: g.basis(10, vars = [0])
            [(2, 0, 0)]
            sage: g.basis(20, vars = [1,2])
            [(0, 10, 0), (0, 7, 2), (0, 4, 4), (0, 1, 6)]
            sage: g.basis(-1)
            sage: g.basis(0)
            [(0, 0, 0)]
        if index < 0:
            return []
        elif index == 0:
            return [self.__module.zero_vector()]

        if vars == None:
            vars = [m for (m, d) in enumerate(self.__degrees) if d <= index]
        if len(vars) == 0:
            return []

        res = [
            self.__module_basis[vars[0]] + m
            for m in self.basis(index - self.__degrees[vars[0]], vars)
        res += self.basis(index, vars[1:])

        return res

    def subgrading(self, gens):
        The grading of same type for the ring with only the variables given by
            - ``gens`` - A list of integers.
            An instance of :class:~`.DegreeGrading`.
            sage: from psage.modform.fourier_expansion_framework.gradedexpansions.gradedexpansion_grading import *
            sage: g = DegreeGrading([5,2,3])
            sage: g.subgrading([2])
            Degree grading (3,)
            sage: g.subgrading([])
            Degree grading ()
        return DegreeGrading([self.__degrees[i] for i in gens])

    def __contains__(self, x):
            sage: from psage.modform.fourier_expansion_framework.gradedexpansions.gradedexpansion_grading import *
            sage: g = DegreeGrading([5,2,3])
            sage: 5 in g
            sage: "t" in g
        return isinstance(x, (int, Integer))

    def __cmp__(self, other):
            sage: from psage.modform.fourier_expansion_framework.gradedexpansions.gradedexpansion_grading import *
            sage: g = DegreeGrading([5,2,3])
            sage: g == DegreeGrading([5,2,3])
            sage: g == DegreeGrading((2,4))
        c = cmp(type(self), type(other))

        if c == 0:
            c = cmp(self.__degrees, other.__degrees)

        return c

    def __hash__(self):
            sage: from psage.modform.fourier_expansion_framework.gradedexpansions.gradedexpansion_grading import *
            sage: hash( DegreeGrading([5,2,3]) )
            -1302562269         # 32-bit
            7573306103633312291 # 64-bit
        return hash(self.__degrees)

    def _repr_(self):
            sage: from psage.modform.fourier_expansion_framework.gradedexpansions.gradedexpansion_grading import *
            sage: DegreeGrading([5,2,3])
            Degree grading (5, 2, 3)
        return "Degree grading %s" % str(self.__degrees)

    def _latex_(self):
            sage: from psage.modform.fourier_expansion_framework.gradedexpansions.gradedexpansion_grading import *
            sage: latex( DegreeGrading([5,2,3]) )
            \text{Degree grading } \left(5, 2, 3\right)
        return r"\text{Degree grading }" + latex(self.__degrees)
Esempio n. 38
    def __init__(self, A, mons, mats, names):
        Returns a quotient algebra defined via the action of a free algebra
        A on a (finitely generated) free module. The input for the quotient
        algebra is a list of monomials (in the underlying monoid for A)
        which form a free basis for the module of A, and a list of
        matrices, which give the action of the free generators of A on this
        monomial basis.
        Quaternion algebra defined in terms of three generators::
            sage: n = 3
            sage: A = FreeAlgebra(QQ,n,'i')
            sage: F = A.monoid()
            sage: i, j, k = F.gens()
            sage: mons = [ F(1), i, j, k ]
            sage: M = MatrixSpace(QQ,4)
            sage: mats = [M([0,1,0,0, -1,0,0,0, 0,0,0,-1, 0,0,1,0]),  M([0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1, -1,0,0,0, 0,-1,0,0]),  M([0,0,0,1, 0,0,-1,0, 0,1,0,0, -1,0,0,0]) ]
            sage: H3.<i,j,k> = FreeAlgebraQuotient(A,mons,mats)
            sage: x = 1 + i + j + k
            sage: x
            1 + i + j + k
            sage: x**128
            -170141183460469231731687303715884105728 + 170141183460469231731687303715884105728*i + 170141183460469231731687303715884105728*j + 170141183460469231731687303715884105728*k
        Same algebra defined in terms of two generators, with some penalty
        on already slow arithmetic.
            sage: n = 2
            sage: A = FreeAlgebra(QQ,n,'x')
            sage: F = A.monoid()
            sage: i, j = F.gens()
            sage: mons = [ F(1), i, j, i*j ]
            sage: r = len(mons)
            sage: M = MatrixSpace(QQ,r)
            sage: mats = [M([0,1,0,0, -1,0,0,0, 0,0,0,-1, 0,0,1,0]), M([0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1, -1,0,0,0, 0,-1,0,0]) ]
            sage: H2.<i,j> = A.quotient(mons,mats)
            sage: k = i*j
            sage: x = 1 + i + j + k
            sage: x
            1 + i + j + i*j
            sage: x**128
            -170141183460469231731687303715884105728 + 170141183460469231731687303715884105728*i + 170141183460469231731687303715884105728*j + 170141183460469231731687303715884105728*i*j


            sage: TestSuite(H2).run()

        if not is_FreeAlgebra(A):
            raise TypeError("Argument A must be an algebra.")
        R = A.base_ring()
#        if not R.is_field():  # TODO: why?
#            raise TypeError, "Base ring of argument A must be a field."
        n = A.ngens()
        assert n == len(mats)
        self.__free_algebra = A
        self.__ngens = n
        self.__dim = len(mons)
        self.__module = FreeModule(R,self.__dim)
        self.__matrix_action = mats
        self.__monomial_basis = mons # elements of free monoid
        Algebra.__init__(self, R, names, normalize=True)
Esempio n. 39
def in_new_basis(L, basis, names, check=True, category=None):
    Return an isomorphic copy of the Lie algebra in a different basis.


    - ``L`` -- the Lie algebra
    - ``basis`` -- a list of elements of the Lie algebra
    - ``names`` -- a list of strings to use as names for the new basis
    - ``check`` -- (default:``True``) a boolean; if ``True``, verify
      that the list ``basis`` is indeed a basis of the Lie algebra
    - ``category`` -- (default:``None``) a subcategory of
      :class:`FiniteDimensionalLieAlgebrasWithBasis` to apply to the
      new Lie algebra.


    The method may be used to relabel the elements::

        sage: import sys, pathlib
        sage: sys.path.append(str(pathlib.Path().absolute()))
        sage: from lie_gradings.gradings.utilities import in_new_basis
        sage: L.<X,Y> = LieAlgebra(QQ, {('X','Y'): {'Y': 1}})
        sage: K.<A,B> = in_new_basis(L, [X, Y])
        sage: K[A,B]

    The new Lie algebra inherits nilpotency::

        sage: L = lie_algebras.Heisenberg(QQ, 1)
        sage: X,Y,Z = L.basis()
        sage: L.category()
        Category of finite dimensional nilpotent lie algebras with basis over Rational Field
        sage: K.<A,B,C> = in_new_basis(L, [X + Y, Y - X, Z])
        sage: K[A,B]
        sage: K[[A,B],A]
        sage: K.is_nilpotent()
        sage: K.category()
        Category of finite dimensional nilpotent lie algebras with basis over Rational Field

    Some properties such as being stratified may in general be lost when
    changing the basis, and are therefore not preserved::

        sage: L.<X,Y,Z> = LieAlgebra(QQ, 2, step=2)
        sage: L.category()
        Category of finite dimensional stratified lie algebras with basis over Rational Field
        sage: K.<A,B,C> = in_new_basis(L, [Z, X, Y])
        sage: K.category()
        Category of finite dimensional nilpotent lie algebras with basis over Rational Field

    If the property is known to be preserved, an extra category may
    be passed to the method::

        sage: C = L.category()
        sage: K.<A,B,C> = in_new_basis(L, [Z, X, Y], category=C)
        sage: K.category()
        Category of finite dimensional stratified lie algebras with basis over Rational Field
        m = L.module()
    except AttributeError:
        m = FreeModule(L.base_ring(), L.dimension())
    sm = m.submodule_with_basis([X.to_vector() for X in basis])

    if check:
        # check that new basis is a basis
        A = matrix([X.to_vector() for X in basis])
        if not A.is_invertible():
            raise ValueError("%s is not a basis of the Lie algebra" % basis)

    # form dictionary of structure coefficients in the new basis
    sc = {}
    for (X, nX), (Y, nY) in combinations(zip(basis, names), 2):
        Z = X.bracket(Y)
        zvec = sm.coordinate_vector(Z.to_vector())
        sc[(nX, nY)] = {nW: c for nW, c in zip(names, zvec)}

    C = LieAlgebras(L.base_ring()).FiniteDimensional().WithBasis()
    C = C.or_subcategory(category)
    if L.is_nilpotent():
        C = C.Nilpotent()

    return LieAlgebra(L.base_ring(), sc, names=names, category=C)
Esempio n. 40
File: Progetto: rwst/sage
    def normal_cone(self):
        Return the (closure of the) normal cone of the triangulation.

        Recall that a regular triangulation is one that equals the
        "crease lines" of a convex piecewise-linear function. This
        support function is not unique, for example, you can scale it
        by a positive constant. The set of all piecewise-linear
        functions with fixed creases forms an open cone. This cone can
        be interpreted as the cone of normal vectors at a point of the
        secondary polytope, which is why we call it normal cone. See
        [GKZ]_ Section 7.1 for details.


        The closure of the normal cone. The `i`-th entry equals the
        value of the piecewise-linear function at the `i`-th point of
        the configuration.

        For an irregular triangulation, the normal cone is empty. In
        this case, a single point (the origin) is returned.


            sage: triangulation = polytopes.n_cube(2).triangulate(engine='internal')
            sage: triangulation
            (<0,1,3>, <0,2,3>)
            sage: N = triangulation.normal_cone();  N
            4-d cone in 4-d lattice
            sage: N.rays()
            (-1,  0,  0,  0),
            ( 1,  0,  1,  0),
            (-1,  0, -1,  0),
            ( 1,  0,  0, -1),
            (-1,  0,  0,  1),
            ( 1,  1,  0,  0),
            (-1, -1,  0,  0)
            in Ambient free module of rank 4
            over the principal ideal domain Integer Ring
            sage: N.dual().rays()
            (-1, 1, 1, -1)
            in Ambient free module of rank 4
            over the principal ideal domain Integer Ring


            sage: polytopes.n_simplex(2).triangulate().normal_cone()
            3-d cone in 3-d lattice
            sage: _.dual().is_trivial()
        if not self.point_configuration().base_ring().is_subring(QQ):
            raise NotImplementedError("Only base rings ZZ and QQ are supported")
        from sage.libs.ppl import Variable, Constraint, Constraint_System, Linear_Expression, C_Polyhedron
        from sage.matrix.constructor import matrix
        from sage.misc.misc import uniq
        from sage.rings.arith import lcm

        pc = self.point_configuration()
        cs = Constraint_System()
        for facet in self.interior_facets():
            s0, s1 = self._boundary_simplex_dictionary()[facet]
            p = set(s0).difference(facet).pop()
            q = set(s1).difference(facet).pop()
            origin = pc.point(p).reduced_affine_vector()
            base_indices = [i for i in s0 if i != p]
            base = matrix([pc.point(i).reduced_affine_vector() - origin for i in base_indices])
            sol = base.solve_left(pc.point(q).reduced_affine_vector() - origin)
            relation = [0] * pc.n_points()
            relation[p] = sum(sol) - 1
            relation[q] = 1
            for i, base_i in enumerate(base_indices):
                relation[base_i] = -sol[i]
            rel_denom = lcm([QQ(r).denominator() for r in relation])
            relation = [ZZ(r * rel_denom) for r in relation]
            ex = Linear_Expression(relation, 0)
            cs.insert(ex >= 0)
        from sage.modules.free_module import FreeModule

        ambient = FreeModule(ZZ, self.point_configuration().n_points())
        if cs.empty():
            cone = C_Polyhedron(ambient.dimension(), "universe")
            cone = C_Polyhedron(cs)
        from sage.geometry.cone import _Cone_from_PPL

        return _Cone_from_PPL(cone, lattice=ambient)
    def __init__(self, B, sigma=1, c=None, precision=None):
        Construct a discrete Gaussian sampler over the lattice `Λ(B)`
        with parameter ``sigma`` and center `c`.


        - ``B`` -- a basis for the lattice, one of the following:

          - an integer matrix,
          - an object with a ``matrix()`` method, e.g. ``ZZ^n``, or
          - an object where ``matrix(B)`` succeeds, e.g. a list of vectors.

        - ``sigma`` -- Gaussian parameter `σ>0`.
        - ``c`` -- center `c`, any vector in `\ZZ^n` is supported, but `c ∈ Λ(B)` is faster.
        - ``precision`` -- bit precision `≥ 53`.


            sage: from sage.stats.distributions.discrete_gaussian_lattice import DiscreteGaussianDistributionLatticeSampler
            sage: n = 2; sigma = 3.0
            sage: D = DiscreteGaussianDistributionLatticeSampler(ZZ^n, sigma)
            sage: f = D.f
            sage: c = D._normalisation_factor_zz(); c

            sage: from collections import defaultdict
            sage: counter = defaultdict(Integer)
            sage: m = 0
            sage: def add_samples(i):
            ....:     global counter, m
            ....:     for _ in range(i):
            ....:         counter[D()] += 1
            ....:         m += 1

            sage: v = vector(ZZ, n, (-3, -3))
            sage: v.set_immutable()
            sage: while v not in counter: add_samples(1000)
            sage: while abs(m*f(v)*1.0/c/counter[v] - 1.0) >= 0.1: add_samples(1000)

            sage: v = vector(ZZ, n, (0, 0))
            sage: v.set_immutable()
            sage: while v not in counter: add_samples(1000)
            sage: while abs(m*f(v)*1.0/c/counter[v] - 1.0) >= 0.1: add_samples(1000)

            sage: from sage.stats.distributions.discrete_gaussian_lattice import DiscreteGaussianDistributionLatticeSampler
            sage: qf = QuadraticForm(matrix(3, [2, 1, 1,  1, 2, 1,  1, 1, 2]))
            sage: D = DiscreteGaussianDistributionLatticeSampler(qf, 3.0); D
            Discrete Gaussian sampler with σ = 3.000000, c=(0, 0, 0) over lattice with basis
            [2 1 1]
            [1 2 1]
            [1 1 2]
            sage: D().parent() is D.c.parent()
        precision = DiscreteGaussianDistributionLatticeSampler.compute_precision(
            precision, sigma)

        self._RR = RealField(precision)
        self._sigma = self._RR(sigma)

            B = matrix(B)
        except (TypeError, ValueError):

            B = B.matrix()
        except AttributeError:

        self.B = B
        self._G = B.gram_schmidt()[0]

            c = vector(ZZ, B.ncols(), c)
        except TypeError:
                c = vector(QQ, B.ncols(), c)
            except TypeError:
                c = vector(RR, B.ncols(), c)

        self._c = c

        self.f = lambda x: exp(-(vector(ZZ, B.ncols(), x) - c).norm()**2 /
                               (2 * self._sigma**2))

        # deal with trivial case first, it is common
        if self._G == 1 and self._c == 0:
            self._c_in_lattice = True
            D = DiscreteGaussianDistributionIntegerSampler(sigma=sigma)
            self.D = tuple([D for _ in range(self.B.nrows())])
            self.VS = FreeModule(ZZ, B.nrows())

        w = B.solve_left(c)
        if w in ZZ**B.nrows():
            self._c_in_lattice = True
            D = []
            for i in range(self.B.nrows()):
                sigma_ = self._sigma / self._G[i].norm()
            self.D = tuple(D)
            self.VS = FreeModule(ZZ, B.nrows())
            self._c_in_lattice = False