Esempio n. 1
def _draw_funddom_d(coset_reps,format="MP",z0=I):
    r""" Draw a fundamental domain for self in the circle model
    - ''format''  -- (default 'Disp') How to present the f.d.
    =  'S'  -- Display directly on the screen
    - z0          -- (default I) the upper-half plane is mapped to the disk by z-->(z-z0)/(z-z0.conjugate())

    sage: G=MySubgroup(Gamma0(3))
    sage: G._draw_funddom_d()
    # The fundamental domain consists of copies of the standard fundamental domain
    from sage.plot.plot import (Graphics,line)
    bdcirc=_circ_arc(0 ,2 *pi,0 ,1 ,1000 )
    # Corners
    x1=-RR(0.5) ; y1=RR(sqrt(3 )/2)
    x2=RR(0.5) ; y2=RR(sqrt(3 )/2)
    l1 = _geodesic_between_two_points_d(x1,y1,x1,infinity)
    l2 = _geodesic_between_two_points_d(x2,y2,x2,infinity)
    c0 = _geodesic_between_two_points_d(x1,y1,x2,y2)
    for A in coset_reps:
        if(a==1  and b==0  and c==0  and d==1 ):
        if(a<0 ):
            a=-a; b=-b; c=-c; d=-1 
        if(c==0 ): # then this is easier
            l1 = _geodesic_between_two_points_d(x1+b,y1,x1+b,infinity)
            l2 = _geodesic_between_two_points_d(x2+b,y2,x2+b,infinity)
            c0 = _geodesic_between_two_points_d(x1+b,y1,x2+b,y2)
            # c0=line(L0); l1=line(L1); l2=line(L2); l3=line(L3)
            den=(c*x1+d)**2 +c**2 *y1**2 
            x1_t=(a*c*(x1**2 +y1**2 )+(a*d+b*c)*x1+b*d)/den
            den=(c*x2+d)**2 +c**2 *y2**2 
            x2_t=(a*c*(x2**2 +y2**2 )+(a*d+b*c)*x2+b*d)/den
            c1=_geodesic_between_two_points_d(x1_t,y1_t,inf_t,0.0 )
            c2=_geodesic_between_two_points_d(x2_t,y2_t,inf_t,0.0 )
    g.xmax(1 )
    g.ymax(1 )
    g.xmin(-1 )
    g.ymin(-1 )
    g.set_aspect_ratio(1 )
    return g
Esempio n. 2
    def triangulation(self):
        Plot a regular polygon with some diagonals.

        If ``self`` is positive and integral then this will be a triangulation.

        .. PLOT::
            :width: 600 px

            G = path_tableaux.FriezePattern([1,2,7,5,3,7,4,1]).triangulation()
            p = graphics_array(G, 7, 6)


            sage: path_tableaux.FriezePattern([1,2,7,5,3,7,4,1]).triangulation()
            Graphics object consisting of 25 graphics primitives

            sage: path_tableaux.FriezePattern([1,2,1/7,5,3]).triangulation()
            Graphics object consisting of 12 graphics primitives

            sage: K.<sqrt2> = NumberField(x^2-2)
            sage: path_tableaux.FriezePattern([1,sqrt2,1,sqrt2,3,2*sqrt2,5,3*sqrt2,1], field=K).triangulation()
            Graphics object consisting of 24 graphics primitives
        n = len(self) - 1
        cd = CylindricalDiagram(self).diagram
        from sage.plot.plot import Graphics
        from sage.plot.line import line
        from sage.plot.text import text
        from sage.functions.trig import sin, cos
        from sage.all import pi
        G = Graphics()

        vt = [(cos(2 * theta * pi / (n)), sin(2 * theta * pi / (n)))
              for theta in range(n + 1)]
        for i, p in enumerate(vt):
            G += text(str(i), [1.05 * p[0], 1.05 * p[1]])

        for i, r in enumerate(cd):
            for j, a in enumerate(r[:n]):
                if a == 1:
                    G += line([vt[i], vt[j]])

        return G
Esempio n. 3
def _draw_funddom_d(coset_reps, format="MP", z0=I):
    r""" Draw a fundamental domain for self in the circle model
    - ''format''  -- (default 'Disp') How to present the f.d.
    =  'S'  -- Display directly on the screen
    - z0          -- (default I) the upper-half plane is mapped to the disk by z-->(z-z0)/(z-z0.conjugate())

    sage: G=MySubgroup(Gamma0(3))
    sage: G._draw_funddom_d()

    # The fundamental domain consists of copies of the standard fundamental domain
    pi = RR.pi()
    from sage.plot.plot import Graphics
    g = Graphics()
    bdcirc = _circ_arc(0, 2 * pi, 0, 1, 1000)
    g = g + bdcirc
    # Corners
    x1 = -RR(0.5)
    y1 = RR(sqrt(3) / 2)
    x2 = RR(0.5)
    y2 = RR(sqrt(3) / 2)
    l1 = _geodesic_between_two_points_d(x1, y1, x1, infinity)
    l2 = _geodesic_between_two_points_d(x2, y2, x2, infinity)
    c0 = _geodesic_between_two_points_d(x1, y1, x2, y2)
    tri = c0 + l1 + l2
    g = g + tri
    for A in coset_reps:
        [a, b, c, d] = A
        if (a == 1 and b == 0 and c == 0 and d == 1):
        if (a < 0):
            a = -a
            b = -b
            c = -c
            d = -1
        if (c == 0):  # then this is easier
            l1 = _geodesic_between_two_points_d(x1 + b, y1, x1 + b, infinity)
            l2 = _geodesic_between_two_points_d(x2 + b, y2, x2 + b, infinity)
            c0 = _geodesic_between_two_points_d(x1 + b, y1, x2 + b, y2)
            # c0=line(L0); l1=line(L1); l2=line(L2); l3=line(L3)
            tri = c0 + l1 + l2
            g = g + tri
            den = (c * x1 + d)**2 + c**2 * y1**2
            x1_t = (a * c * (x1**2 + y1**2) +
                    (a * d + b * c) * x1 + b * d) / den
            y1_t = y1 / den
            den = (c * x2 + d)**2 + c**2 * y2**2
            x2_t = (a * c * (x2**2 + y2**2) +
                    (a * d + b * c) * x2 + b * d) / den
            y2_t = y2 / den
            inf_t = a / c
            c0 = _geodesic_between_two_points_d(x1_t, y1_t, x2_t, y2_t)
            c1 = _geodesic_between_two_points_d(x1_t, y1_t, inf_t, 0.0)
            c2 = _geodesic_between_two_points_d(x2_t, y2_t, inf_t, 0.0)
            tri = c0 + c1 + c2
            g = g + tri
    return g
Esempio n. 4
    def plot(self, color='rainbow', orientation='bottom-top', gap=0.05, aspect_ratio=1, axes=False, **kwds):
        Plot the braid

        The following options are available:

        - ``color`` -- (default: ``'rainbow'``) the color of the
          strands. Possible values are:

            * ``'rainbow'``, uses :meth:`~sage.plot.colors.rainbow`
              according to the number of strands.

            * a valid color name for :meth:`~sage.plot.bezier_path`
              and :meth:`~sage.plot.line`. Used for all strands.

            * a list or a tuple of colors for each individual strand.

        - ``orientation`` -- (default: ``'bottom-top'``) determines how
          the braid is printed. The possible values are:

            * ``'bottom-top'``, the braid is printed from bottom to top

            * ``'top-bottom'``, the braid is printed from top to bottom

            * ``'left-right'``, the braid is printed from left to right

        - ``gap`` -- floating point number (default: 0.05). determines
          the size of the gap left when a strand goes under another.

        - ``aspect_ratio`` -- floating point number (default:
          ``1``). The aspect ratio.

        - ``**kwds`` -- other keyword options that are passed to
          :meth:`~sage.plot.bezier_path` and :meth:`~sage.plot.line`.


            sage: B = BraidGroup(4, 's')
            sage: b = B([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1])
            sage: b.plot()
            sage: b.plot(color=["red", "blue", "red", "blue"])

            sage: B.<s,t> = BraidGroup(3)
            sage: b = t^-1*s^2
            sage: b.plot(orientation="left-right", color="red")
        from sage.plot.bezier_path import bezier_path
        from sage.plot.plot import Graphics, line
        from sage.plot.colors import rainbow
        if orientation=='top-bottom':
            orx = 0
            ory = -1
            nx = 1
            ny = 0
        elif orientation=='left-right':
            orx = 1
            ory = 0
            nx = 0
            ny = -1
        elif orientation=='bottom-top':
            orx = 0
            ory = 1
            nx = 1
            ny = 0
            raise ValueError('unknown value for "orientation"')
        n = self.strands()
        if isinstance(color, (list, tuple)):
            if len(color) != n:
                raise TypeError("color (=%s) must contain exactly %d colors" % (color, n))
            col = list(color)
        elif color == "rainbow":
            col = rainbow(n)
            col = [color]*n
        braid = self.Tietze()
        a = Graphics()
        op = gap
        for i, m in enumerate(braid):
            for j in range(n):
                if m==j+1:
                    a += bezier_path([[(j*nx+i*orx, i*ory+j*ny), (j*nx+orx*(i+0.25), j*ny+ory*(i+0.25)),
                                       (nx*(j+0.5)+orx*(i+0.5), ny*(j+0.5)+ory*(i+0.5))],
                                      [(nx*(j+1)+orx*(i+0.75), ny*(j+1)+ory*(i+0.75)),
                                       (nx*(j+1)+orx*(i+1), ny*(j+1)+ory*(i+1))]], color=col[j], **kwds)
                elif m==j:
                    a += bezier_path([[(nx*j+orx*i, ny*j+ory*i), (nx*j+orx*(i+0.25), ny*j+ory*(i+0.25)),
                                       (nx*(j-0.5+4*op)+orx*(i+0.5-2*op), ny*(j-0.5+4*op)+ory*(i+0.5-2*op)),
                                       (nx*(j-0.5+2*op)+orx*(i+0.5-op), ny*(j-0.5+2*op)+ory*(i+0.5-op))]],
                                     color=col[j], **kwds)
                    a += bezier_path([[(nx*(j-0.5-2*op)+orx*(i+0.5+op), ny*(j-0.5-2*op)+ory*(i+0.5+op)),
                                       (nx*(j-0.5-4*op)+orx*(i+0.5+2*op), ny*(j-0.5-4*op)+ory*(i+0.5+2*op)),
                                       (nx*(j-1)+orx*(i+0.75), ny*(j-1)+ory*(i+0.75)),
                                       (nx*(j-1)+orx*(i+1), ny*(j-1)+ory*(i+1))]], color=col[j], **kwds)
                    col[j], col[j-1] = col[j-1], col[j]
                elif -m==j+1:
                    a += bezier_path([[(nx*j+orx*i, ny*j+ory*i), (nx*j+orx*(i+0.25), ny*j+ory*(i+0.25)),
                                       (nx*(j+0.5-4*op)+orx*(i+0.5-2*op), ny*(j+0.5-4*op)+ory*(i+0.5-2*op)),
                                       (nx*(j+0.5-2*op)+orx*(i+0.5-op), ny*(j+0.5-2*op)+ory*(i+0.5-op))]],
                                     color=col[j], **kwds)
                    a += bezier_path([[(nx*(j+0.5+2*op)+orx*(i+0.5+op), ny*(j+0.5+2*op)+ory*(i+0.5+op)),
                                       (nx*(j+0.5+4*op)+orx*(i+0.5+2*op), ny*(j+0.5+4*op)+ory*(i+0.5+2*op)),
                                       (nx*(j+1)+orx*(i+0.75), ny*(j+1)+ory*(i+0.75)),
                                       (nx*(j+1)+orx*(i+1), ny*(j+1)+ory*(i+1))]], color=col[j], **kwds)
                elif -m==j:
                    a += bezier_path([[(nx*j+orx*i, ny*j+ory*i), (nx*j+orx*(i+0.25), ny*j+ory*(i+0.25)),
                                       (nx*(j-0.5)+orx*(i+0.5), ny*(j-0.5)+ory*(i+0.5))],
                                      [(nx*(j-1)+orx*(i+0.75), ny*(j-1)+ory*(i+0.75)),
                                       (nx*(j-1)+orx*(i+1), ny*(j-1)+ory*(i+1))]], color=col[j], **kwds)
                    col[j], col[j-1] = col[j-1], col[j]
                    a += line([(nx*j+orx*i, ny*j+ory*i), (nx*j+orx*(i+1), ny*j+ory*(i+1))], color=col[j], **kwds)
        return a
Esempio n. 5
File: Progetto: chos9/sage
    def plot(self, color='blue', orientation='bottom-top', gap=0.05, aspect_ratio=1, axes=False, **kwds):
        Plot the braid

        The following options are available:

        - ``orientation`` - (default: ``'bottom-top'``) determines how
          the braid is printed. The possible values are:

            * ``'bottom-top'``, the braid is printed from bottom to top

            * ``'top-bottom'``, the braid is printed from top to bottom

            * ``'left-right'``, the braid is printed from left to right

        - ``gap`` -- floating point number (default: 0.05). determines
          the size of the gap left when a strand goes under another.

        - ``aspect_ratio`` -- floating point number (default:
          ``1``). The aspect ratio.

        - ``**kwds`` -- other keyword options that are passed to
          :meth:`~sage.plot.bezier_path` and :meth:`~sage.plot.line`.


            sage: B = BraidGroup(4, 's')
            sage: b = B([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1])
            sage: b.plot()
        from sage.plot.bezier_path import bezier_path
        from sage.plot.plot import Graphics, line
        if orientation=='top-bottom':
            orx = 0
            ory = -1
            nx = 1
            ny = 0
        elif orientation=='left-right':
            orx = 1
            ory = 0
            nx = 0
            ny = -1
        elif orientation=='bottom-top':
            orx = 0
            ory = 1
            nx = 1
            ny = 0
            raise ValueError('unknown value for "orientation"')
        col = color
        br = self.Tietze()
        n = self.strands()
        a = Graphics()
        op = gap
        for i in range(len(br)):
            m = br[i]
            for j in range(n):
                if m==j+1:
                    a += bezier_path([[(j*nx+i*orx, i*ory+j*ny), (j*nx+orx*(i+0.25), j*ny+ory*(i+0.25)),
                                       (nx*(j+0.5)+orx*(i+0.5), ny*(j+0.5)+ory*(i+0.5))],
                                      [(nx*(j+1)+orx*(i+0.75), ny*(j+1)+ory*(i+0.75)),
                                       (nx*(j+1)+orx*(i+1), ny*(j+1)+ory*(i+1))]], color=col, **kwds)
                elif m==j:
                    a += bezier_path([[(nx*j+orx*i, ny*j+ory*i), (nx*j+orx*(i+0.25), ny*j+ory*(i+0.25)),
                                       (nx*(j-0.5+4*op)+orx*(i+0.5-2*op), ny*(j-0.5+4*op)+ory*(i+0.5-2*op)),
                                       (nx*(j-0.5+2*op)+orx*(i+0.5-op), ny*(j-0.5+2*op)+ory*(i+0.5-op))]],
                                     color=col, **kwds)
                    a += bezier_path([[(nx*(j-0.5-2*op)+orx*(i+0.5+op), ny*(j-0.5-2*op)+ory*(i+0.5+op)),
                                       (nx*(j-0.5-4*op)+orx*(i+0.5+2*op), ny*(j-0.5-4*op)+ory*(i+0.5+2*op)),
                                       (nx*(j-1)+orx*(i+0.75), ny*(j-1)+ory*(i+0.75)),
                                       (nx*(j-1)+orx*(i+1), ny*(j-1)+ory*(i+1))]], color=col, **kwds)
                elif -m==j+1:
                    a += bezier_path([[(nx*j+orx*i, ny*j+ory*i), (nx*j+orx*(i+0.25), ny*j+ory*(i+0.25)),
                                       (nx*(j+0.5-4*op)+orx*(i+0.5-2*op), ny*(j+0.5-4*op)+ory*(i+0.5-2*op)),
                                       (nx*(j+0.5-2*op)+orx*(i+0.5-op), ny*(j+0.5-2*op)+ory*(i+0.5-op))]],
                                     color=col, **kwds)
                    a += bezier_path([[(nx*(j+0.5+2*op)+orx*(i+0.5+op), ny*(j+0.5+2*op)+ory*(i+0.5+op)),
                                       (nx*(j+0.5+4*op)+orx*(i+0.5+2*op), ny*(j+0.5+4*op)+ory*(i+0.5+2*op)),
                                       (nx*(j+1)+orx*(i+0.75), ny*(j+1)+ory*(i+0.75)),
                                       (nx*(j+1)+orx*(i+1), ny*(j+1)+ory*(i+1))]], color=col, **kwds)
                elif -m==j:
                    a += bezier_path([[(nx*j+orx*i, ny*j+ory*i), (nx*j+orx*(i+0.25), ny*j+ory*(i+0.25)),
                                       (nx*(j-0.5)+orx*(i+0.5), ny*(j-0.5)+ory*(i+0.5))],
                                      [(nx*(j-1)+orx*(i+0.75), ny*(j-1)+ory*(i+0.75)),
                                       (nx*(j-1)+orx*(i+1), ny*(j-1)+ory*(i+1))]], color=col, **kwds)
                    a += line([(nx*j+orx*i, ny*j+ory*i), (nx*j+orx*(i+1), ny*j+ory*(i+1))], color=col, **kwds)
        return a
Esempio n. 6
    def plot(self, color='blue', orientation='bottom-top', gap=0.05, aspect_ratio=1, axes=False, **kwds):
        Plot the braid

        The following options are available:

        - ``orientation`` - (default: ``'bottom-top'``) determines how
          the braid is printed. The possible values are:

            * ``'bottom-top'``, the braid is printed from bottom to top

            * ``'top-bottom'``, the braid is printed from top to bottom

            * ``'left-right'``, the braid is printed from left to right

        - ``gap`` -- floating point number (default: 0.05). determines
          the size of the gap left when a strand goes under another.

        - ``aspect_ratio`` -- floating point number (default:
          ``1``). The aspect ratio.

        - ``**kwds`` -- other keyword options that are passed to
          :meth:`~sage.plot.bezier_path` and :meth:`~sage.plot.line`.


            sage: B = BraidGroup(4, 's')
            sage: b = B([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1])
            sage: b.plot()
        from sage.plot.bezier_path import bezier_path
        from sage.plot.plot import Graphics, line
        if orientation=='top-bottom':
            orx = 0
            ory = -1
            nx = 1
            ny = 0
        elif orientation=='left-right':
            orx = 1
            ory = 0
            nx = 0
            ny = -1
        elif orientation=='bottom-top':
            orx = 0
            ory = 1
            nx = 1
            ny = 0
            raise ValueError('unknown value for "orientation"')
        col = color
        br = self.Tietze()
        n = self.strands()
        a = Graphics()
        op = gap
        for i in range(len(br)):
            m = br[i]
            for j in range(n):
                if m==j+1:
                    a += bezier_path([[(j*nx+i*orx, i*ory+j*ny), (j*nx+orx*(i+0.25), j*ny+ory*(i+0.25)),
                                       (nx*(j+0.5)+orx*(i+0.5), ny*(j+0.5)+ory*(i+0.5))],
                                      [(nx*(j+1)+orx*(i+0.75), ny*(j+1)+ory*(i+0.75)),
                                       (nx*(j+1)+orx*(i+1), ny*(j+1)+ory*(i+1))]], color=col, **kwds)
                elif m==j:
                    a += bezier_path([[(nx*j+orx*i, ny*j+ory*i), (nx*j+orx*(i+0.25), ny*j+ory*(i+0.25)),
                                       (nx*(j-0.5+4*op)+orx*(i+0.5-2*op), ny*(j-0.5+4*op)+ory*(i+0.5-2*op)),
                                       (nx*(j-0.5+2*op)+orx*(i+0.5-op), ny*(j-0.5+2*op)+ory*(i+0.5-op))]],
                                     color=col, **kwds)
                    a += bezier_path([[(nx*(j-0.5-2*op)+orx*(i+0.5+op), ny*(j-0.5-2*op)+ory*(i+0.5+op)),
                                       (nx*(j-0.5-4*op)+orx*(i+0.5+2*op), ny*(j-0.5-4*op)+ory*(i+0.5+2*op)),
                                       (nx*(j-1)+orx*(i+0.75), ny*(j-1)+ory*(i+0.75)),
                                       (nx*(j-1)+orx*(i+1), ny*(j-1)+ory*(i+1))]], color=col, **kwds)
                elif -m==j+1:
                    a += bezier_path([[(nx*j+orx*i, ny*j+ory*i), (nx*j+orx*(i+0.25), ny*j+ory*(i+0.25)),
                                       (nx*(j+0.5-4*op)+orx*(i+0.5-2*op), ny*(j+0.5-4*op)+ory*(i+0.5-2*op)),
                                       (nx*(j+0.5-2*op)+orx*(i+0.5-op), ny*(j+0.5-2*op)+ory*(i+0.5-op))]],
                                     color=col, **kwds)
                    a += bezier_path([[(nx*(j+0.5+2*op)+orx*(i+0.5+op), ny*(j+0.5+2*op)+ory*(i+0.5+op)),
                                       (nx*(j+0.5+4*op)+orx*(i+0.5+2*op), ny*(j+0.5+4*op)+ory*(i+0.5+2*op)),
                                       (nx*(j+1)+orx*(i+0.75), ny*(j+1)+ory*(i+0.75)),
                                       (nx*(j+1)+orx*(i+1), ny*(j+1)+ory*(i+1))]], color=col, **kwds)
                elif -m==j:
                    a += bezier_path([[(nx*j+orx*i, ny*j+ory*i), (nx*j+orx*(i+0.25), ny*j+ory*(i+0.25)),
                                       (nx*(j-0.5)+orx*(i+0.5), ny*(j-0.5)+ory*(i+0.5))],
                                      [(nx*(j-1)+orx*(i+0.75), ny*(j-1)+ory*(i+0.75)),
                                       (nx*(j-1)+orx*(i+1), ny*(j-1)+ory*(i+1))]], color=col, **kwds)
                    a += line([(nx*j+orx*i, ny*j+ory*i), (nx*j+orx*(i+1), ny*j+ory*(i+1))], color=col, **kwds)
        return a
Esempio n. 7
    def plot(self, size=[[0],[0]], projection='usual', simple_roots=True, fundamental_weights=True, alcovewalks=[]):
        Return a graphics object built from a space of weight(space/lattice).
        There is a different technic to plot if the Cartan type is affine or not.
        The graphics returned is a Graphics object.

        This function is experimental, and is subject to short term evolutions.


          By default, the plot returned has no axes and the ratio between axes is 1.
            sage: G = RootSystem(['C',2]).weight_lattice().plot()
            sage: G.axes(True)
            sage: G.set_aspect_ratio(2)

          For a non affine Cartan type, the plot method work for type with 2 generators,
          it will draw the hyperlane(line for this dimension) accrow the fundamentals weights.
            sage: G = RootSystem(['A',2]).weight_lattice().plot()
            sage: G = RootSystem(['B',2]).weight_lattice().plot()
            sage: G = RootSystem(['G',2]).weight_lattice().plot()

          The plot returned has a size of one fundamental polygon by default. We can
          ask plot to give a bigger plot by using the argument size
            sage: G = RootSystem(['G',2,1]).weight_space().plot(size = [[0..1],[-1..1]])
            sage: G = RootSystem(['A',2,1]).weight_space().plot(size = [[-1..1],[-1..1]])

          A very important argument is the projection which will draw the plot. There are
          some usual projections is this method. If you want to draw in the plane a very
          special Cartan type, Sage will ask you to specify the projection. The projection
          is a matrix over a ring. In practice, calcul over float is a good way to draw.
            sage: L = RootSystem(['A',2,1]).weight_space()
            sage: G = L.plot(projection=matrix(RR, [[0,0.5,-0.5],[0,0.866,0.866]]))
            sage: G = RootSystem(['C',2,1]).weight_space().plot()

          By default, the plot method draw the simple roots, this can be disabled by setting
          the argument simple_roots=False
            sage: G = RootSystem(['A',2]).weight_space().plot(simple_roots=False)

          By default, the plot method draw the fundamental weights,this can be disabled by
          setting the argument fundamental_weights=False
            sage: G = RootSystem(['A',2]).weight_space().plot(fundamental_weights=False, simple_roots=False)

          There is in a plot an argument to draw alcoves walks. The good way to do this is
          to use the crystals theory. the plot method contains only the drawing part...
            sage: L = RootSystem(['A',2,1]).weight_space()
            sage: G = L.plot(size=[[-1..1],[-1..1]],alcovewalks=[[0,2,0,1,2,1,2,0,2,1]])

        from sage.plot.plot import Graphics
        from sage.plot.line import line
        from cartan_type import CartanType
        from sage.matrix.constructor import matrix
        from sage.rings.all import QQ, RR
        from sage.plot.arrow import arrow
        from sage.plot.point import point

        # We begin with an empty plot G
        G = Graphics()

        ct = self.cartan_type()
        n = ct.n

        # Define a set of colors
        # TODO : Colors in option ?

        # plot the affine types:
        if ct.is_affine():

            # Check the projection
            # TODO : try to have usual_projection for main plotable types
            if projection == 'usual':
                if ct == CartanType(['A',2,1]):
                    projection = matrix(RR, [[0,0.5,-0.5],[0,0.866,0.866]])
                elif ct == CartanType(['C',2,1]):
                    projection = matrix(QQ, [[0,1,1],[0,0,1]])
                elif ct == CartanType(['G',2,1]):
                    projection = matrix(RR, [[0,0.5,0],[0,0.866,1.732]])
                    raise 'There is no usual projection for this Cartan type, you have to give one in argument'

            assert(n + 1 == projection.ncols())
            assert(2 == projection.nrows())

            # Check the size is correct with the lattice
            assert(len(size) == n)

            # Select the center of the translated fundamental polygon to plot
            translation_factors = ct.translation_factors()
            simple_roots = self.simple_roots()
            translation_vectors = [translation_factors[i]*simple_roots[i] for i in ct.classical().index_set()]

            initial = [[]]
            for i in range(n):
                prod_list = []
                for elem in size[i]:
                    for partial_list in initial:
                        prod_list.append( [elem]+partial_list );
                initial = prod_list;

            part_lattice = []
            for combinaison in prod_list:
                elem_lattice =
                for i in range(n):
                    elem_lattice = elem_lattice + combinaison[i]*translation_vectors[i]

            # Get the vertices of the fundamental alcove
            fundamental_weights = self.fundamental_weights()
            vertices = map(lambda x: (1/x.level())*x, fundamental_weights.list())

            # Recup the group which act on the fundamental polygon
            classical = self.weyl_group().classical()

            for center in part_lattice:
                for w in classical:
                    # for each center of polygon and each element of classical
                    # parabolic subgroup, we have to draw an alcove.

                    #first, iterate over pairs of fundamental weights, drawing lines border of polygons:
                    for i in range(1,n+1):
                        for j in range(i+1,n+1):
                            p1=projection*((w.action(vertices[i])).to_vector() + center.to_vector())
                            p2=projection*((w.action(vertices[j])).to_vector() + center.to_vector())

                    #next, get all lines from point to a fundamental weight, that separe different
                    #chanber in a same polygon (important: associate a color with a fundamental weight)
                    pcenter = projection*(center.to_vector())
                    for i in range(1,n+1):
                        p3=projection*((w.action(vertices[i])).to_vector() + center.to_vector())
                        G+=line([p3,pcenter], rgbcolor=colors[n-i+1])

            #Draw alcovewalks
            #FIXME : The good way to draw this is to use the alcoves walks works made in Cristals
            #The code here just draw like example and import the good things.
            rho = (1/self.rho().level())*self.rho()
            W = self.weyl_group()
            for walk in alcovewalks:
                target = W.from_reduced_word(walk).action(rho)
                for i in range(len(walk)):
                    origin = W.from_reduced_word(walk).action(rho)
                    G+=arrow(projection*(origin.to_vector()),projection*(target.to_vector()), rgbcolor=(0.6,0,0.6), width=1, arrowsize=5)
                    target = origin

            # non affine plot

            # Check the projection
            # TODO : try to have usual_projection for main plotable types
            if projection == 'usual':
                if ct == CartanType(['A',2]):
                    projection = matrix(RR, [[0.5,-0.5],[0.866,0.866]])
                elif ct == CartanType(['B',2]):
                    projection = matrix(QQ, [[1,0],[1,1]])
                elif ct == CartanType(['C',2]):
                    projection = matrix(QQ, [[1,1],[0,1]])
                elif ct == CartanType(['G',2]):
                    projection = matrix(RR, [[0.5,0],[0.866,1.732]])
                    raise 'There is no usual projection for this Cartan type, you have to give one in argument'

            # Get the fundamental weights
            fundamental_weights = self.fundamental_weights()
            WeylGroup = self.weyl_group()

            #Draw not the alcove but the cones delimited by the hyperplanes
            #The size of the line depend of the fundamental weights.
            pcenter = projection*(
            for w in WeylGroup:
                for i in range(1,n+1):
                    G+=line([p3,pcenter], rgbcolor=colors[n-i+1])

        #Draw the simple roots
        if simple_roots:
            SimpleRoots = self.simple_roots()
            if ct.is_affine():
                G+=arrow((0,0), projection*(SimpleRoots[0].to_vector()), rgbcolor=(0,0,0))
            for j in range(1,n+1):
                G+=arrow((0,0),projection*(SimpleRoots[j].to_vector()), rgbcolor=colors[j])

        #Draw the fundamental weights
        if fundamental_weights:
            FundWeight = self.fundamental_weights()
            for j in range(1,n+1):
                G+=point(projection*(FundWeight[j].to_vector()), rgbcolor=colors[j], pointsize=60)

        return G