Esempio n. 1
 def create_key(self, k, p=None, prec_cap=None, base=None, base_coeffs=None, \
                  character=None, adjuster=None, act_on_left=False, \
                  dettwist=None, variable_name = 'w'):
     if base is None:
         if base_coeffs is None:
             if p is None:
                 raise ValueError("Must specify a prime, a base ring, or coefficients.")
             if prec_cap is None:
                 raise ValueError("Must specify a precision cap or a base ring.")
             prec_cap = _prec_cap_parser(prec_cap)
             base_coeffs = Zp(p, prec = prec_cap[0])
         elif not isinstance(base_coeffs, ring.Ring):
             raise TypeError("base_coeffs must be a ring if base is None")
         elif prec_cap is None:
             raise ValueError("Must specify a precision cap or a base ring.")
             prec_cap = _prec_cap_parser(prec_cap)
             if base_coeffs.precision_cap() < prec_cap[0]:
                 raise ValueError("Precision cap on coefficients of base ring must be at least the p-adic precision cap of this space.")
         base = PowerSeriesRing(base_coeffs, name=variable_name, default_prec=prec_cap[1])
     elif prec_cap is None:
         prec_cap = [ZZ(base.base_ring().precision_cap()), ZZ(base.default_prec())]
         if base.base_ring().precision_cap() < prec_cap[0]:
             raise ValueError("Precision cap on coefficients of base ring must be at least the p-adic precision cap of this space.")
         if base.default_prec() < prec_cap[1]:
             raise ValueError("Default precision on the variable of base ring must be at least the w-adic precision cap of this space.")
     base_coeffs = None
     p = base.base_ring().prime()
     k_shift = 0
     #if character is not None:
     #    #Should we ensure character is primitive?
     #    cond_val = character.conductor().valuation(p)
     #    if cond_val > 1:
     #        raise ValueError("Level must not be divisible by p^2.")
     #    elif cond_val == 1:
     #        pass
     #    else:
     #        pass
     k = ZZ((k + k_shift) % (p-1))
     #if prec_cap is None:
     #    prec_cap = [base.base_ring().precision_cap, base.default_prec()]
     #    prec_cap = list(prec_cap)
     #prec_cap = [base.base_ring().precision_cap(), base.default_prec()]
     if adjuster is None:
         adjuster = _default_adjuster()
     if dettwist is not None:
         dettwist = ZZ(dettwist)
         if dettwist == 0: 
             dettwist = None
     return (k, p, tuple(prec_cap), base, character, adjuster, act_on_left, dettwist)
def eis_H(a, b, N, k, Q=None, t=1, prec=10):
    if Q == None:
        Q = PowerSeriesRing(CyclotomicField(N), 'q')
    R = Q.base_ring()
    zetaN = R.zeta(N)
    q = Q.gen()
    a = ZZ(a % N)
    b = ZZ(b % N)
    s = 0

    if k == 1:
        if a == 0 and not b == 0:
            s = -QQ(1) / QQ(2) * (1 + zetaN**b) / (1 - zetaN**b)
        elif b == 0 and not a == 0:
            s = -QQ(1) / QQ(2) * (1 + zetaN**a) / (1 - zetaN**a)
        elif a != 0 and b != 0:
            s = -QQ(1) / QQ(2) * ((1 + zetaN**a) / (1 - zetaN**a) +
                                  (1 + zetaN**b) / (1 - zetaN**b))
    elif k > 1:
        s = hurwitz_hat(-b, N, 1 - k, zetaN)

    for m in srange(1, prec / t):
        for n in srange(1, prec / t / m + 1):
            s += (zetaN**(-a * m - b * n) +
                  (-1)**k * zetaN**(a * m + b * n)) * n**(k - 1) * q**(m * n)
    return s + O(q**floor(prec))
def eis_G(a, b, N, k, Q=None, t=1, prec=20):
    if Q == None:
        Q = PowerSeriesRing(QQ, 'q')
    R = Q.base_ring()
    q = Q.gen()
    a = ZZ(a % N)
    b = ZZ(b % N)
    s = 0

    if k == 1:
        if a == 0 and not b == 0:
            s = QQ(1) / QQ(2) - QQ(b % N) / QQ(N)
        elif b == 0 and not a == 0:
            s = QQ(1) / QQ(2) - QQ(a % N) / QQ(N)
    elif k > 1:
        if b == 0:
            s = -N**(k - 1) * ber_pol(QQ(a % N) / QQ(N), k) / QQ(k)

    #If a == 0 or b ==0 the loop has to start at 1
    starta, startb = 0, 0
    if a == 0:
        starta = 1
    if b == 0:
        startb = 1

    for v in srange(starta, (prec / t + a) / N):
        for w in srange(startb, (prec / t / abs((-a + v * N)) + b) / N + 1):
            s += q**(t * (a + v * N) * (b + w * N)) * (a + v * N)**(k - 1)
            if (-a + v * N) > 0 and (-b + w * N) > 0:
                s += (-1)**k * q**(t * (-a + v * N) *
                                   (-b + w * N)) * (-a + v * N)**(k - 1)
    return s + O(q**floor(prec))
def eis_E(cv, dv, N, k, Q=None, param_level=1, prec=10):
    Computes the coefficient of the Eisenstein series for $\Gamma(N)$.
    Not intended to be called by user.
    - cv - int, the first coordinate of the vector determining the \Gamma(N)
      Eisenstein series
    - dv - int, the second coordinate of the vector determining the \Gamma(N)
      Eisenstein series
    - N - int, the level of the Eisenstein series to be computed
    - k - int, the weight of the Eisenstein seriess to be computed
    - Q - power series ring, the ring containing the q-expansion to be computed
    - param_level - int, the parameter of the returned series will be
    - prec - int, the precision.  The series in q_{param_level} will be truncated
      after prec coefficients
    - an element of the ring Q, which is the Fourier expansion of the Eisenstein
    if Q == None:
        Q = PowerSeriesRing(CyclotomicField(N), 'q')
    R = Q.base_ring()
    zetaN = R.zeta(N)
    q = Q.gen()

    cv = cv % N
    dv = dv % N

    #if dv == 0 and cv == 0 and k == 2:
    #   raise ValueError("E_2 is not a modular form")

    if k == 1:
        if cv == 0 and dv == 0:
            raise ValueError("that shouldn't have happened...")
        elif cv == 0 and dv != 0:
            s = QQ(1) / QQ(2) * (1 + zetaN**dv) / (1 - zetaN**dv)
        elif cv != 0:
            s = QQ(1) / QQ(2) - QQ(cv) / QQ(N) + floor(QQ(cv) / QQ(N))
    elif k > 1:
        if cv == 0:
            s = hurwitz_hat(QQ(dv), QQ(N), 1 - k, zetaN)
            s = 0
    for n1 in xrange(1, prec):  # this is n/m in DS
        for n2 in xrange(1, prec / n1 + 1):  # this is m in DS
            if Mod(n1, N) == Mod(cv, N):
                s += n2**(k - 1) * zetaN**(dv * n2) * q**(n1 * n2)
            if Mod(n1, N) == Mod(-cv, N):
                s += (-1)**k * n2**(k - 1) * zetaN**(-dv * n2) * q**(n1 * n2)
    return s + O(q**floor(prec))
def eis_F(cv, dv, N, k, Q=None, prec=10, t=1):
    Computes the coefficient of the Eisenstein series for $\Gamma(N)$.
    Not indented to be called by user.
    - cv - int, the first coordinate of the vector determining the \Gamma(N)
      Eisenstein series
    - dv - int, the second coordinate of the vector determining the \Gamma(N)
      Eisenstein series
    - N - int, the level of the Eisenstein series to be computed
    - k - int, the weight of the Eisenstein seriess to be computed
    - Q - power series ring, the ring containing the q-expansion to be computed
    - param_level - int, the parameter of the returned series will be
    - prec - int, the precision.  The series in q_{param_level} will be truncated
      after prec coefficients
    - an element of the ring Q, which is the Fourier expansion of the Eisenstein
    if Q == None:
        Q = PowerSeriesRing(CyclotomicField(N), 'q{}'.format(N))
    R = Q.base_ring()
    zetaN = R.zeta(N)
    q = Q.gen()
    s = 0
    if k == 1:
        if cv % N == 0 and dv % N != 0:
            s = QQ(1) / QQ(2) * (1 + zetaN**dv) / (1 - zetaN**dv)
        elif cv % N != 0:
            s = QQ(1) / QQ(2) - QQ(cv) / QQ(N) + floor(QQ(cv) / QQ(N))
    elif k > 1:
        s = -ber_pol(QQ(cv) / QQ(N) - floor(QQ(cv) / QQ(N)), k) / QQ(k)
    for n1 in xrange(1, ceil(prec / QQ(t))):  # this is n/m in DS
        for n2 in xrange(1,
                         ceil(prec / QQ(t) / QQ(n1)) + 1):  # this is m in DS
            if Mod(n1, N) == Mod(cv, N):
                s += N**(1 - k) * n1**(k - 1) * zetaN**(dv * n2) * q**(t * n1 *
            if Mod(n1, N) == Mod(-cv, N):
                s += (-1)**k * N**(1 - k) * n1**(k - 1) * zetaN**(
                    -dv * n2) * q**(t * n1 * n2)
    return s + O(q**floor(prec))
Esempio n. 6
 def __init__(self, k, p=None, prec_cap=[20, 10], base=None, base_coeffs=None, \
              character=None, adjuster=None, act_on_left=False, \
              dettwist=None, action_class = WeightKAction_OMS_fam, \
              variable_name = 'w'):
     #self._prec_cap = prec_cap
     if base is None:
         if base_coeffs is None:
             base_coeffs = Zp(p, prec = prec_cap[0])
         elif not isinstance(base_coeffs, ring.Ring):
             raise TypeError("base_coeffs must be a ring if base is None")
         base = PowerSeriesRing(base_coeffs, name=variable_name)
     #elif not isinstance(base, ring.Ring):
     #    raise TypeError("base must be a ring")
     self._p = base.base_ring().prime()
     #self._prec_cap = [base.base_ring().precision_cap(), base.default_prec()]
     self._prec_cap = tuple(prec_cap)
     k = k % (self._p - 1)
     #self._cp = (self._p-2) / (self._p-1)
     CoefficientModule_generic.__init__(self, k, base=base, \
              character=character, adjuster=adjuster, act_on_left=act_on_left, \
              dettwist=dettwist, action_class=action_class, \
              element_class=CoeffMod_OMS_Families_element, padic=True)