def __cmp__(self, other):
        Comparison (using the complex embedding).


            sage: UCF = UniversalCyclotomicField()
            sage: l = [UCF.gen(3), UCF.gen(3)+1, UCF.gen(5), UCF.gen(5,2),
            ....:      UCF.gen(4), 2*UCF.gen(4), UCF.gen(5)-22/3]
            sage: lQQbar = map(QQbar,l)
            sage: lQQbar.sort()
            sage: l.sort()
            sage: lQQbar == map(QQbar,l)

            sage: for i in range(len(l)):
            ....:     assert l[i] >= l[i] and l[i] <= l[i]
            ....:     for j in range(i):
            ....:         assert l[i] > l[j] and l[j] < l[i]
        if self._obj == other._obj:
            return 0
            from sage.rings.qqbar import QQbar
            return cmp(QQbar(self), QQbar(other))
    def _call_(self, x):

            sage: UCF = UniversalCyclotomicField()
            sage: UCFtoQQbar = UCF.coerce_embedding()
            sage: UCFtoQQbar(UCF.gen(3))  # indirect doctest
            -0.500000000000000? + 0.866025403784439?*I
        obj = x._obj
        QQbar = self.codomain()
        if obj.IsRat():
            return QQbar(obj.sage())
        k = obj.Conductor().sage()
        coeffs = obj.CoeffsCyc(k).sage()
        zeta = QQbar.zeta(k)
        return QQbar(sum(coeffs[a] * zeta**a for a in range(1, k)))
Esempio n. 3
    def sqrt(self):
        Return a square root of ``self`` as an algebraic number.


            sage: f = E(33)
            sage: f.sqrt()
            0.9954719225730846? + 0.0950560433041827?*I
            sage: f.sqrt()**2 == f
        return QQbar(self).sqrt()
Esempio n. 4
    def _algebraic_(self, R):

            sage: UCF = UniversalCyclotomicField()
            sage: AA(UCF.gen(5) + UCF.gen(5,4))
            sage: AA(UCF.gen(5))
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: Cannot coerce algebraic number with non-zero imaginary
            part to algebraic real
        return R(QQbar(self))
    def _mpfr_(self, R):

            sage: RR(E(7) + E(7,6))
            sage: 2*cos(2*pi/7).n()
        if not self.is_real():
            raise TypeError("self is not real")

        from sage.rings.qqbar import QQbar, AA
        return AA(QQbar(self))._mpfr_(R)
Esempio n. 6
def generalized_series_term_valuation(z, i, j, iota=None):
    Given z, i, j, return the valuation of the term x^(z+i) log(x)^j
        z = QQbar(z)
    except ValueError:
        # FIXME: It would be great if we could show the warning once per
        # relevant field
            "Choosing an arbitrary complex embedding for {}.\n"
            "To avoid it, extend the coefficients of the base ring.".format(
                z.parent()), RuntimeWarning)
        z = z.parent().embeddings(QQbar)[0](z)
    if iota is None:
        iota = generalized_series_default_iota
    return ZZ(z + i - iota(z, j))
Esempio n. 7
    def closed_form(self, n='n'):
        Return a symbolic expression in ``n``, which equals the n-th term of
        the sequence.

        It is a well-known property of C-finite sequences ``a_n`` that they
        have a closed form of the type:

        .. MATH::

            a_n = \sum_{i=1}^d c_i(n) \cdot r_i^n,

        where ``r_i`` are the roots of the characteristic equation and
        ``c_i(n)`` is a polynomial (whose degree equals the multiplicity of
        ``r_i`` minus one).  This is a natural generalization of Binet's
        formula for Fibonacci numbers.  See, for instance, [KP2011, Theorem 4.1].

        Note that if the o.g.f. has a polynomial part, that is, if the
        numerator degree is not strictly less than the denominator degree,
        then this closed form holds only when ``n`` exceeds the degree of that
        polynomial part.  In that case, the returned expression will differ
        from the sequence for small ``n``.


            sage: CFiniteSequence(1/(1-x)).closed_form()
            sage: CFiniteSequence(x^2/(1-x)).closed_form()
            sage: CFiniteSequence(1/(1-x^2)).closed_form()
            1/2*(-1)^n + 1/2
            sage: CFiniteSequence(1/(1+x^3)).closed_form()
            1/3*(-1)^n + 1/3*(1/2*I*sqrt(3) + 1/2)^n + 1/3*(-1/2*I*sqrt(3) + 1/2)^n
            sage: CFiniteSequence(1/(1-x)/(1-2*x)/(1-3*x)).closed_form()
            9/2*3^n - 4*2^n + 1/2

        Binet's formula for the Fibonacci numbers::

            sage: CFiniteSequence(x/(1-x-x^2)).closed_form()
            sqrt(1/5)*(1/2*sqrt(5) + 1/2)^n - sqrt(1/5)*(-1/2*sqrt(5) + 1/2)^n
            sage: [_.subs(n=k).full_simplify() for k in range(6)]
            [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5]

            sage: CFiniteSequence((4*x+3)/(1-2*x-5*x^2)).closed_form()
            1/2*(sqrt(6) + 1)^n*(7*sqrt(1/6) + 3) - 1/2*(-sqrt(6) + 1)^n*(7*sqrt(1/6) - 3)

        Examples with multiple roots::

            sage: CFiniteSequence(x*(x^2+4*x+1)/(1-x)^5).closed_form()
            1/4*n^4 + 1/2*n^3 + 1/4*n^2
            sage: CFiniteSequence((1+2*x-x^2)/(1-x)^4/(1+x)^2).closed_form()
            1/12*n^3 - 1/8*(-1)^n*(n + 1) + 3/4*n^2 + 43/24*n + 9/8
            sage: CFiniteSequence(1/(1-x)^3/(1-2*x)^4).closed_form()
            4/3*(n^3 - 3*n^2 + 20*n - 36)*2^n + 1/2*n^2 + 19/2*n + 49
            sage: CFiniteSequence((x/(1-x-x^2))^2).closed_form()
            1/5*(n - sqrt(1/5))*(1/2*sqrt(5) + 1/2)^n + 1/5*(n + sqrt(1/5))*(-1/2*sqrt(5) + 1/2)^n
        from sage.arith.all import binomial
        from sage.rings.qqbar import QQbar

        from sage.symbolic.ring import SR
        n = SR(n)
        expr =

        R = FractionField(PolynomialRing(QQbar, self.parent().variable_name()))
        ogf = R(self.ogf())

        __, parts = ogf.partial_fraction_decomposition(decompose_powers=False)
        for part in parts:
            denom = part.denominator().factor()
            denom_base, denom_exp = denom[0]

            # denominator is of the form (x+b)^{m+1}
            m = denom_exp - 1
            b = denom_base.constant_coefficient()
            # check that the partial fraction decomposition was indeed done correctly
            # (that is, there is only one factor, of degree 1, and monic)
            assert len(denom) == 1 and len(denom_base.list(
            )) == 2 and denom_base[1] == 1 and denom.unit() == 1

            r = SR((-1 / b).radical_expression())
            c =
            for k, a in enumerate(part.numerator()):
                a = -QQbar(a) if k % 2 else QQbar(a)
                bino = binomial(n + m - k, m)
                c += bino * SR((a * b**(k - m - 1)).radical_expression())

            expr += c.expand() * r**n

        return expr
Esempio n. 8
def lie_algebra_isomorphism_classes(F, dim):
    Return a list of isomorphism classes of Lie algebras.


    - ``F`` -- the base field of the Lie algebras
    - ``dim`` -- the dimension of Lie algebras to list

    The full listing is implemented for the fields of rationals ``QQ``
    and algebraic numbers ``QQbar`` up to dimension 6.

    For dimension 7, the returned list is incomplete due to existence
    of one parameter families of Lie algebras, but contains at least one
    representative from each family.
    if F not in [QQ, QQbar]:
        return NotImplemented

    if dim == 1:
        return [L1_1(F)]
    if dim == 2:
        return [L2_1(F)]
    if dim == 3:
        return [L3_1(F), L3_2(F)]
    if dim == 4:
        return [L4_1(F), L4_2(F), L4_3(F)]
    if dim == 5:
        return [L5_1(F), L5_2(F), L5_3(F), L5_4(F), L5_5(F),
                L5_6(F), L5_7(F), L5_8(F), L5_9(F)]
    if dim == 6:
        l = [L6_1(F), L6_2(F), L6_3(F), L6_4(F), L6_5(F), L6_6(F), L6_7(F),
             L6_8(F), L6_9(F), L6_10(F), L6_11(F), L6_12(F), L6_13(F),
             L6_14(F), L6_15(F), L6_16(F), L6_17(F), L6_18(F), L6_19(F, -1)]
        if F == QQ:
            l += [L6_19(F, 1)]
        l += [L6_20(F), L6_21(F, -1)]
        if F == QQ:
            l += [L6_21(F, 1)]
        l += [L6_22(F, 0), L6_22(F, 1)]
        if F == QQ:
            l += [L6_22(F, -1)]
        l += [L6_23(F)]
        l += [L6_24(F, 0), L6_24(F, 1)]
        if F == QQ:
            l += [L6_24(F, -1)]
        l += [L6_25(F), L6_26(F), L6_27(F), L6_28(F)]
        return l

    if dim == 7:
        if F == QQ:
            return NotImplemented

        i = QQbar.gens()[0]

        l = [L37A(F), L37B(F), L37C(F), L37D(F)]
        l += [L357A(F), L357B(F), L357C(F)]
        l += [L27A(F), L27B(F)]
        l += [L257A(F), L257B(F), L257C(F), L257D(F), L257E(F), L257F(F),
              L257G(F), L257H(F), L257I(F), L257J(F), L257K(F), L257L(F)]
        l += [L247A(F), L247B(F), L247C(F), L247D(F), L247E(F), L247F(F),
              L247G(F), L247H(F), L247I(F), L247J(F), L247K(F), L247L(F),
              L247M(F), L247N(F), L247O(F), L247P(F), L247Q(F), L247R(F)]
        l += [L2457A(F), L2457B(F), L2457C(F), L2457D(F), L2457E(F),
              L2457F(F), L2457G(F), L2457H(F), L2457I(F),
              L2457J(F), L2457K(F), L2457L(F), L2457M(F)]
        l += [L2357A(F), L2357B(F), L2357C(F), L2357D(F)]
        l += [L23457A(F), L23457B(F), L23457C(F), L23457D(F),
              L23457E(F), L23457F(F), L23457G(F)]
        l += [L17(F)]
        l += [L157(F)]

        # 147 has a family
        # 147C = 147E(0) = 147E(1) = 247P
        l += [L147A(F), L147B(F), L147D(F)]
        l += [L147E(F, 2)]  # singular value 147E(2)=147E(1/2)=147E(-1)
        # complex singular value same as 1/2-sqrt(3)/2*i
        l += [L147E(F, QQbar(1) / 2 + QQbar(sqrt(3)) / 2 * i)]
        # non-singular value
        # 147E(3)=147E(1/3)=147E(2/3)=147E(3/2)= 147E(-1/2)=147E(-2)
        l += [L147E(F, 3)]
        # non-singular value
        # 147E(5)=147E(1/5)=147E(4/5)=147E(5/4)= 147E(-1/4)=147E(-4)
        l += [L147E(F, 5)]

        l += [L1457A(F), L1457B(F)]
        l += [L137A(F), L137B(F), L137C(F), L137D(F)]

        # 1357 has a family
        l += [L1357A(F), L1357B(F), L1357C(F), L1357D(F), L1357E(F), L1357F(F),
              L1357G(F), L1357H(F), L1357I(F), L1357J(F), L1357K(F), L1357L(F)]
        # 1357M(a)=1357M(a') iff a=a'
        # 1357M(0)=2357B
        l += [L1357M(F, 1)]  # singular value
        l += [L1357M(F, 2)]  # singular value
        l += [L1357M(F, -1)]  # singular value
        # l += [L1357M(F, QQbar(1) / 2)]  # singular value, same as 1357K
        l += [L1357M(F, -QQbar(1) / 3)]  # singular value
        # complex singular value
        l += [L1357M(F, QQbar(1) / 2 - QQbar(sqrt(3)) / 2 * i)]
        # complex singular value
        l += [L1357M(F, QQbar(1) / 2 + QQbar(sqrt(3)) / 2 * i)]
        l += [L1357M(F, 3)]  # non singular value
        l += [L1357M(F, 5)]  # non singular value
        # 1357N(a)=1357N(a') iff a=a'
        l += [L1357N(F, 0)]  # singular value
        l += [L1357N(F, 1)]  # singular value
        l += [L1357N(F, 3)]  # non singular value
        l += [L1357N(F, 5)]  # non singular value
        l += [L1357O(F), L1357P(F), L1357Q(F), L1357R(F)]
        # 1357S(a)=1357S(a') iff a*a'=1
        # 1357S(1)=2357D
        l += [L1357S(F, 0)]  # singular value
        l += [L1357S(F, QQbar(1) / 2)]  # singular value
        l += [L1357S(F, -1)]  # singular value
        # complex singular value
        l += [L1357S(F, QQbar(1) / 2 - QQbar(sqrt(3)) / 2 * i)]
        # complex singular value
        l += [L1357S(F, QQbar(1) / 2 + QQbar(sqrt(3)) / 2 * i)]
        l += [L1357S(F, 3)]  # non singular value
        l += [L1357S(F, 5)]  # non singular value

        # 13457
        # 13457H in Seeley is not a Lie algebra
        l += [L13457A(F), L13457B(F), L13457C(F), L13457D(F),
              L13457E(F), L13457F(F), L13457G(F), L13457I(F)]

        # 12457 has a family
        l += [L12457A(F), L12457B(F), L12457C(F), L12457D(F), L12457E(F),
              L12457F(F), L12457G(F), L12457H(F), L12457I(F),
              L12457J(F), L12457K(F), L12457L(F), L12457M(F)]
        # 12457N(a)=12457N(a') iff a=a' or a=-a'
        # l += [L12457N(F, 0)]  # singular value, same as 12457M
        l += [L12457N(F, 1)]  # non singular value
        l += [L12457N(F, 3)]  # non singular value
        l += [L12457N(F, 5)]  # non singular value

        l += [L12357A(F), L12357B(F), L12357C(F)]

        # 123457 has a family
        l += [L123457A(F), L123457B(F), L123457C(F), L123457D(F),
              L123457E(F), L123457F(F), L123457G(F), L123457H(F)]
        # 123457I(a)=123457I(a') iff a=a'
        l += [L123457I(F, 0)]  # non singular value
        #l += [L123457I(F, 1)]  # singular value, same as 123457G
        l += [L123457I(F, 2)]  # singular value
        l += [L123457I(F, 3)]  # singular value
        l += [L123457I(F, -1)]  # singular value
        # complex singular value
        l += [L123457I(F, QQbar(1) / 2 - QQbar(sqrt(3)) / 2 * i)]
        # complex singular value
        l += [L123457I(F, QQbar(1) / 2 + QQbar(sqrt(3)) / 2 * i)]
        return l

    return NotImplemented
Esempio n. 9
    def sqrt(self, extend=True, all=False):
        Return a square root of ``self``.

        With default options, the output is an element of the universal
        cyclotomic field when this element is expressed via a single root
        of unity (including rational numbers). Otherwise, return an algebraic


        -  ``extend`` -- bool (default: ``True``); if ``True``, might return a
           square root in the algebraic closure of the rationals. If false,
           return a square root in the universal cyclotomic field or raises
           an error.

        -  ``all`` -- bool (default: ``False``); if ``True``, return a
           list of all square roots.


            sage: UCF = UniversalCyclotomicField()
            sage: UCF(3).sqrt()
            E(12)^7 - E(12)^11
            sage: (UCF(3).sqrt())**2

            sage: r = UCF(-1400 / 143).sqrt()
            sage: r**2

            sage: E(33).sqrt()
            sage: E(33).sqrt() ** 2

            sage: (3 * E(5)).sqrt()
            -E(60)^11 + E(60)^31
            sage: (3 * E(5)).sqrt() ** 2

        Setting ``all=True`` you obtain the two square roots in a list::

            sage: UCF(3).sqrt(all=True)
            [E(12)^7 - E(12)^11, -E(12)^7 + E(12)^11]
            sage: (1 + UCF.zeta(5)).sqrt(all=True)
            [1.209762576525833? + 0.3930756888787117?*I,
             -1.209762576525833? - 0.3930756888787117?*I]

        In the following situation, Sage is not (yet) able to compute a
        square root within the universal cyclotomic field::

            sage: (E(5) + E(5, 2)).sqrt()
            0.7476743906106103? + 1.029085513635746?*I
            sage: (E(5) + E(5, 2)).sqrt(extend=False)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            NotImplementedError: sqrt() not fully implemented for elements of Universal Cyclotomic Field
        if all:
            s = self.sqrt(all=False)
            return [s, -s]

        UCF = self.parent()

        # rational case
        if self._obj.IsRat():
            D = self._obj.sage()

            if self._obj.IsInt():
                return UCF_sqrt_int(D, UCF)
                return UCF_sqrt_int(D.numerator(), UCF) / \
                       UCF_sqrt_int(D.denominator(), UCF)

        # root of unity
        k = self._obj.Conductor()
        coeffs = self._obj.CoeffsCyc(k).sage()
        if sum(bool(x) for x in coeffs) == 1:
            for i, x in enumerate(coeffs):
                if x:
            return UCF(x).sqrt() * UCF.zeta(2 * k, i)

        # no method to construct square roots yet...
        if extend:
            return QQbar(self).sqrt()
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "sqrt() not fully implemented for elements of Universal Cyclotomic Field"