Esempio n. 1
def db_save(x, name=None):
    Save x to the Sage database.

    The database directory is ``$HOME/.sage/db``.
    except AttributeError:
        save(x, '%s/%s'%(SAGE_DB,name))
Esempio n. 2
    def _subprocess(self, f, dir, args, kwds={}):
        Setup and run evaluation of ``f(*args, **kwds)``, storing the
        result in the given directory ``dir``.

        This method is called by each forked subprocess.


        - ``f`` -- a function

        - ``dir`` -- name of a directory

        - ``args`` -- a tuple with positional arguments for ``f``

        - ``kwds`` -- (optional) a dict with keyword arguments for ``f``


        The method ``_subprocess`` is really meant to be run only in a
        subprocess. It doesn't print not return anything, the output is
        saved in pickles. It redirects stdout, so we save and later
        restore stdout in order not to break the doctester::

            sage: saved_stdout = sys.stdout
            sage: F = sage.parallel.use_fork.p_iter_fork(2,3)
            sage: F._subprocess(operator.add, tmp_dir(), (1, 2))
            sage: sys.stdout = saved_stdout
        import imp, os, sys
        from sage.structure.sage_object import save

        # Make it so all stdout is sent to a file so it can
        # be displayed.
        out = os.path.join(dir, '%s.out'%os.getpid())
        sys.stdout = open(out, 'w')

        # Run some commands to tell Sage that its
        # pid has changed (forcing a reload of
        # misc).
        import sage.misc.misc

        # The pexpect interfaces (and objects defined in them) are
        # not valid.
        if self.reset_interfaces:

        # Now evaluate the function f.
        value = f(*args, **kwds)

        # And save the result to disk.
        sobj = os.path.join(dir, '%s.sobj'%os.getpid())
        save(value, sobj, compress=False)
Esempio n. 3
    def _subprocess(self, f, dir, args, kwds={}):
        Setup and run evaluation of ``f(*args, **kwds)``, storing the
        result in the given directory ``dir``.

        This method is called by each forked subprocess.


        - ``f`` -- a function

        - ``dir`` -- name of a directory

        - ``args`` -- a tuple with positional arguments for ``f``

        - ``kwds`` -- (optional) a dict with keyword arguments for ``f``


        The method ``_subprocess`` is really meant to be run only in a
        subprocess. It doesn't print not return anything, the output is
        saved in pickles. It redirects stdout, so we save and later
        restore stdout in order not to break the doctester::

            sage: saved_stdout = sys.stdout
            sage: F = sage.parallel.use_fork.p_iter_fork(2,3)
            sage: F._subprocess(operator.add, tmp_dir(), (1, 2))
            sage: sys.stdout = saved_stdout
        import imp, os, sys
        from sage.structure.sage_object import save

        # Make it so all stdout is sent to a file so it can
        # be displayed.
        out = os.path.join(dir, '%s.out' % os.getpid())
        sys.stdout = open(out, 'w')

        # Run some commands to tell Sage that its
        # pid has changed (forcing a reload of
        # misc).
        import sage.misc.misc

        # The pexpect interfaces (and objects defined in them) are
        # not valid.
        if self.reset_interfaces:

        # Now evaluate the function f.
        value = f(*args, **kwds)

        # And save the result to disk.
        sobj = os.path.join(dir, '%s.sobj' % os.getpid())
        save(value, sobj, compress=False)
Esempio n. 4
    def _subprocess(self, f, dir, x):
        Setup and run evaluation of ``f(*x[0], **x[1])``, storing the
        result in the given directory ``dir``.  This method is called by each
        forked subprocess.


            - ``f`` -- a function
            - ``dir`` -- name of a directory
            - ``x`` -- 2-tuple, with args and kwds


        We have only this indirect test, since a direct test would terminate the Sage session.

            sage: F = sage.parallel.use_fork.p_iter_fork(2,3)
            sage: sorted(list( F( (lambda x: x^2), [([10],{}), ([20],{})])))
            [(([10], {}), 100), (([20], {}), 400)]
        import imp, os, sys
        from sage.structure.sage_object import save

            # Make it so all stdout is sent to a file so it can
            # be displayed.
            out = os.path.join(dir, '%s.out' % os.getpid())
            sys.stdout = open(out, 'w')

            # Run some commands to tell Sage that its
            # pid has changed (forcing a reload of
            # misc).
            import sage.misc.misc

            # The pexpect interfaces (and objects defined in them) are
            # not valid.
            if self.reset_interfaces:

            # Now evaluate the function f.
            value = f(*x[0], **x[1])

            # And save the result to disk.
            sobj = os.path.join(dir, '%s.sobj' % os.getpid())
            save(value, sobj, compress=False)

        except Exception as msg:
            # Important to print this, so it is seen by the caller.
            print msg
Esempio n. 5
    def _subprocess(self, f, dir, x):
        Setup and run evaluation of ``f(*x[0], **x[1])``, storing the
        result in the given directory ``dir``.  This method is called by each
        forked subprocess.


            - ``f`` -- a function
            - ``dir`` -- name of a directory
            - ``x`` -- 2-tuple, with args and kwds


        We have only this indirect test, since a direct test would terminate the Sage session.

            sage: F = sage.parallel.use_fork.p_iter_fork(2,3)
            sage: sorted(list( F( (lambda x: x^2), [([10],{}), ([20],{})])))
            [(([10], {}), 100), (([20], {}), 400)]
        import imp, os, sys
        from sage.structure.sage_object import save

            # Make it so all stdout is sent to a file so it can
            # be displayed.
            out = os.path.join(dir, '%s.out'%os.getpid())
            sys.stdout = open(out, 'w')

            # Run some commands to tell Sage that its
            # pid has changed (forcing a reload of
            # misc).
            import sage.misc.misc

            # The pexpect interfaces (and objects defined in them) are
            # not valid.
            if self.reset_interfaces:

            # Now evaluate the function f.
            value = f(*x[0], **x[1])

            # And save the result to disk.
            sobj = os.path.join(dir, '%s.sobj'%os.getpid())
            save(value, sobj, compress=False)

        except Exception as msg:
            # Important to print this, so it is seen by the caller.
            print msg
Esempio n. 6
    def _init(self, path):
        Create the database from scratch from the PARI files on John Jones's
        web page, downloaded (e.g., via wget) to a local directory, which
        is specified as path above.


        -  ``path`` - (default works on William Stein install.)
           path must be the path to Jones's Number_Fields directory
  These files should have
           been downloaded using wget.

        EXAMPLE: This is how to create the database from scratch, assuming
        that the number fields are in the default directory above: From a
        cold start of Sage::

                sage: J = JonesDatabase()
                sage: J._init()   # not tested

        This takes about 5 seconds.
        from sage.misc.misc import sage_makedirs

        n = 0
        x = PolynomialRing(RationalField(), "x").gen()
        self.root = {}
        self.root[tuple([])] = [x - 1]
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            raise IOError("Path %s does not exist." % path)
        for X in os.listdir(path):
            if X[-4:] == "solo":
                Z = path + "/" + X
                for Y in os.listdir(Z):
                    if Y[-3:] == ".gp":
                        self._load(Z, Y)
        save(self.root, JONESDATA + "/jones.sobj")
Esempio n. 7
    def _init(self, path):
        Create the database from scratch from the PARI files on John Jones's
        web page, downloaded (e.g., via wget) to a local directory, which
        is specified as path above.


        -  ``path`` - (default works on William Stein install.)
           path must be the path to Jones's Number_Fields directory
  These files should have
           been downloaded using wget.

        EXAMPLES: This is how to create the database from scratch, assuming
        that the number fields are in the default directory above: From a
        cold start of Sage::

                sage: J = JonesDatabase()
                sage: J._init()   # not tested

        This takes about 5 seconds.
        from sage.misc.misc import sage_makedirs
        n = 0
        x = PolynomialRing(RationalField(), 'x').gen()
        self.root = {}
        self.root[tuple([])] = [x - 1]
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            raise IOError("Path %s does not exist." % path)
        for X in os.listdir(path):
            if X[-4:] == "solo":
                Z = path + "/" + X
                for Y in os.listdir(Z):
                    if Y[-3:] == ".gp":
                        self._load(Z, Y)
        save(self.root, JONESDATA + "/jones.sobj")
Esempio n. 8
 def save_timeit_stats_to_file_named(self, output_filename):
     if self._collect_timeit_stats:
         from sage.structure.sage_object import save
         save(self._timeit_stats, filename=output_filename)
Esempio n. 9
    def save_timeit_stats_to_file_named(self, output_filename):
        if self._collect_timeit_stats:
            from sage.structure.sage_object import save

            save(self._timeit_stats, filename=output_filename)