Esempio n. 1
    def deduce(assumes ,eqts):

        sage: logger.set_level(VLog.DEBUG)

        sage: var('r a b q y x'); IeqDeduce.deduce([r>=2*b],[b==y*a,x==q*y+r])
        (r, a, b, q, y, x)
        dig_polynomials:Debug:* deduce(|assumes|=1,|eqts|=2)
        dig_polynomials:Debug:assumed ps: r >= 2*b
        [r >= 2*a*y, -q*y + x >= 2*b]

        sage: var('s n a t'); IeqDeduce.deduce([s<=n],[t==2*a+1,s==a**2+2*a+1])
        (s, n, a, t)
        dig_polynomials:Debug:* deduce(|assumes|=1,|eqts|=2)
        dig_polynomials:Debug:assumed ps: s <= n
        [a^2 + 2*a + 1 <= n]

        logger.debug('* deduce(|assumes|={},|eqts|={})'
        logger.debug('assumed ps: {}'.format(', '.join(map(str,assumes))))

        combs = [(aps,ei) for aps in assumes for ei in eqts
                 if any(x in get_vars(aps) for x in get_vars(ei))]

        sols= [IeqDeduce.substitute(e1,e2) for e1,e2 in combs] 
        sols = flatten(sols,list)

        return sols
Esempio n. 2
    def deduce(assumes, eqts):

        sage: logger.set_level(VLog.DEBUG)

        sage: var('r a b q y x'); IeqDeduce.deduce([r>=2*b],[b==y*a,x==q*y+r])
        (r, a, b, q, y, x)
        dig_polynomials:Debug:* deduce(|assumes|=1,|eqts|=2)
        dig_polynomials:Debug:assumed ps: r >= 2*b
        [r >= 2*a*y, -q*y + x >= 2*b]

        sage: var('s n a t'); IeqDeduce.deduce([s<=n],[t==2*a+1,s==a**2+2*a+1])
        (s, n, a, t)
        dig_polynomials:Debug:* deduce(|assumes|=1,|eqts|=2)
        dig_polynomials:Debug:assumed ps: s <= n
        [a^2 + 2*a + 1 <= n]

        logger.debug('* deduce(|assumes|={},|eqts|={})'.format(
            len(assumes), len(eqts)))
        logger.debug('assumed ps: {}'.format(', '.join(map(str, assumes))))

        combs = [(aps, ei) for aps in assumes for ei in eqts
                 if any(x in get_vars(aps) for x in get_vars(ei))]

        sols = [IeqDeduce.substitute(e1, e2) for e1, e2 in combs]
        sols = flatten(sols, list)

        return sols
Esempio n. 3
    def substitute(e1, e2):

        sage: var('x t q b y a')
        (x, t, q, b, y, a)

        sage: IeqDeduce.substitute(t-2*b>=0,x==q*y+t)
        [-q*y - 2*b + x >= 0]

        sage: IeqDeduce.substitute(t-2*b>=0,b-y*a==0)
        [-2*a*y + t >= 0]

        sage: IeqDeduce.substitute(t-2*b>=0,b-4==0)
        [t - 8 >= 0]

        sage: IeqDeduce.substitute(t-2*b>=0,b+4==0)
        [t + 8 >= 0]

        sage: IeqDeduce.substitute(t-2*b>=0,b^2+4==0)
        [t + 4*I >= 0, t - 4*I >= 0]

        sage: IeqDeduce.substitute(t-2*b>=0,b^2-4==0)
        [t + 4 >= 0, t - 4 >= 0]

        #todo: cannot do when e2 is not equation
        sage: IeqDeduce.substitute(2*b>=0,b>=5)
        dig_polynomials:Warn:substitution fails on b >= 5
        2*b >= 0

        sage: IeqDeduce.substitute(2*b==0,b>=5)
        dig_polynomials:Warn:substitution fails on b >= 5
        2*b == 0

        e1_vs = get_vars(e1)
        e2_vs = get_vars(e2)

        rs = [
            solve(e2, e2_v, solution_dict=True) for e2_v in e2_vs
            if e2_v in e1_vs

        rs = flatten(rs)

            rs = [e1.subs(rs_) for rs_ in rs]
            return rs
        except Exception:
            logger.warn('substitution fails on {}'.format(e2))
            return e1
Esempio n. 4
    def substitute(e1,e2):

        sage: var('x t q b y a')
        (x, t, q, b, y, a)

        sage: IeqDeduce.substitute(t-2*b>=0,x==q*y+t)
        [-q*y - 2*b + x >= 0]

        sage: IeqDeduce.substitute(t-2*b>=0,b-y*a==0)
        [-2*a*y + t >= 0]

        sage: IeqDeduce.substitute(t-2*b>=0,b-4==0)
        [t - 8 >= 0]

        sage: IeqDeduce.substitute(t-2*b>=0,b+4==0)
        [t + 8 >= 0]

        sage: IeqDeduce.substitute(t-2*b>=0,b^2+4==0)
        [t + 4*I >= 0, t - 4*I >= 0]

        sage: IeqDeduce.substitute(t-2*b>=0,b^2-4==0)
        [t + 4 >= 0, t - 4 >= 0]

        #todo: cannot do when e2 is not equation
        sage: IeqDeduce.substitute(2*b>=0,b>=5)
        dig_polynomials:Warn:substitution fails on b >= 5
        2*b >= 0

        sage: IeqDeduce.substitute(2*b==0,b>=5)
        dig_polynomials:Warn:substitution fails on b >= 5
        2*b == 0

        e1_vs = get_vars(e1)
        e2_vs = get_vars(e2)

        rs = [solve(e2,e2_v,solution_dict=True)
              for e2_v in e2_vs if e2_v in e1_vs]

        rs = flatten(rs)

            rs = [e1.subs(rs_) for rs_ in rs]
            return rs
        except Exception:
            logger.warn('substitution fails on {}'.format(e2))
            return e1
Esempio n. 5
    def get_score(self):
        Gives higher scores to invs with 'nicer' shapes

        sage: var('r a q y')
        (r, a, q, y)

        sage: assert InvIeq((1/2)*x**2 + 134.134234*y + 1 >= 0).get_score() == 12
        sage: assert InvEqt(x**3 + 2.432*x + 8 == 0).get_score() == 6
        sage: assert InvIeq(x**2+x+7 >= 0).get_score() == 3
        In case we cannot compute the score, returns the strlen of the inv
        sage: InvIeq(r + 2*a/q >= 0).get_score()

            Q = PolynomialRing(QQ, get_vars(self.p))
            p_lhs_poly = Q(self.p.lhs())
            rs = p_lhs_poly.coefficients()
            rs = [abs(r_.n()).str(skip_zeroes=True)
                  for r_ in rs if r_ != 0.0]
            rs = [sum(map(len,r_.split('.'))) for r_ in rs]
            rs = sum(rs)
            return rs
        except Exception:
            return len(self.p_str)
Esempio n. 6
 def getCoefs(p):
     Return coefficients of an expression
     Q = sage.all.PolynomialRing(sage.all.QQ, sageutil.get_vars(p))
     rs = Q(p.lhs()).coefficients()
     return rs
Esempio n. 7
    def get_score(self):
        Gives higher scores to invs with 'nicer' shapes

        sage: var('r a q y')
        (r, a, q, y)

        sage: assert InvIeq((1/2)*x**2 + 134.134234*y + 1 >= 0).get_score() == 12
        sage: assert InvEqt(x**3 + 2.432*x + 8 == 0).get_score() == 6
        sage: assert InvIeq(x**2+x+7 >= 0).get_score() == 3
        In case we cannot compute the score, returns the strlen of the inv
        sage: InvIeq(r + 2*a/q >= 0).get_score()

            Q = PolynomialRing(QQ, get_vars(self.p))
            p_lhs_poly = Q(self.p.lhs())
            rs = p_lhs_poly.coefficients()
            rs = [abs(r_.n()).str(skip_zeroes=True) for r_ in rs if r_ != 0.0]
            rs = [sum(map(len, r_.split('.'))) for r_ in rs]
            rs = sum(rs)
            return rs
        except Exception:
            return len(self.p_str)
Esempio n. 8
    def gen_lambda_exp(ls, rs, is_max_plus, is_formula, is_eq):
        Return lambda expression
        lambda x,y, ...  =  max(x,y...) >= max(x,y...)


        sage: var('y')

        sage: IeqMPP.gen_lambda_exp([x-10,y-3],[y,5], is_max_plus=True)
        'lambda x,y: max(x - 10,y - 3) - max(y,5) >= 0'

        sage:  IeqMPP.gen_lambda_exp([x-10,y-3],[y,5], is_max_plus=True,is_formula=True,is_eq=False)
        'lambda x,y: max(x - 10,y - 3) - max(y,5) >= 0'
        sage:  IeqMPP.gen_lambda_exp([x-10,y-3],[y,5], is_max_plus=True,is_formula=False,is_eq=False)
        'lambda x,y: max(x - 10,y - 3) - max(y,5)'
        sage:  IeqMPP.gen_lambda_exp([x-10,y-3],[y], is_max_plus=True,is_formula=False,is_eq=False)
        'lambda x,y: max(x - 10,y - 3) - (y)'
        sage:  IeqMPP.gen_lambda_exp([x-10,y-3],[y], is_max_plus=True,is_formula=False,is_eq=True)
        'lambda x,y: max(x - 10,y - 3) - (y)'
        sage:  IeqMPP.gen_lambda_exp([x-10,y-3],[y], is_max_plus=True,is_formula=True,is_eq=True)
        'lambda x,y: max(x - 10,y - 3) - (y) == 0'
        sage:  IeqMPP.gen_lambda_exp([x-10,y-3],[y+12], is_max_plus=False,is_formula=True,is_eq=True)
        'lambda x,y: min(x - 10,y - 3) - (y + 12) == 0'
        sage:  IeqMPP.gen_lambda_exp([x-10,y-3],[y+12], is_max_plus=False,is_formula=True,is_eq=True)
        'lambda x,y: min(x - 10,y - 3) - (y + 12) == 0'
        if __debug__:
            assert is_list(ls) and ls, ls
            assert is_list(rs) and rs, rs

        op = 'max' if is_max_plus else 'min'

        str_op = (lambda s: '{}({})'.format(op, ','.join(map(str, s)))
                  if len(s) >= 2 else s[0])

        if len(rs) == 1:

            if len(ls) == 1:  #(x+3,y+8),  (3,8), (3,y)
                ss = ls[0] - rs[0]

            else:  #len(ls) >= 2
                rss = rs[0]
                lss = str_op(ls)
                if rss.is_zero():
                    ss = lss
                    if rss.operator is None:  #x,,y7
                        ss = '{} - {}'.format(lss, rss)
                    else:  #x + 3,  y - 3
                        ss = '{} - ({})'.format(lss, rss)
        else:  #len(rs) >= 2:
            ss = '{} - {}'.format(str_op(ls), str_op(rs))

        ss = ('lambda {}: {}{}'.format(
            ','.join(map(str, get_vars(ls + rs))), ss,
            ' {} 0'.format('==' if is_eq else '>=') if is_formula else ''))
        return ss
Esempio n. 9
    def sreduce(ps):
        Return the basis (e.g., a min subset of ps that implies ps) 
        of the set of eqts input ps using Groebner basis

        sage: var('a y b q k')
        (a, y, b, q, k)

        sage: rs =  InvEqt.sreduce([a*y-b==0,q*y+k-x==0,a*x-a*k-b*q==0])
        sage: assert set(rs) == set([a*y - b == 0, q*y + k - x == 0])

        sage: rs =  InvEqt.sreduce([x*y==6,y==2,x==3])
        sage: assert set(rs) == set([x - 3 == 0, y - 2 == 0])

        #Attribute error occurs when only 1 var, thus return as is
        sage: rs =  InvEqt.sreduce([x*x==4,x==2])
        sage: assert set(rs) == set([x == 2, x^2 == 4])

        if __debug__:
            assert all(p.operator() == operator.eq for p in ps), ps

            Q = PolynomialRing(QQ, get_vars(ps))
            I = Q * ps
            #ps_ = I.radical().groebner_basis()
            ps = I.radical().interreduced_basis()
            ps = [(SR(p) == 0) for p in ps]
        except AttributeError:

        return ps
Esempio n. 10
    def reducePoly(ps):
        Return the basis (e.g., a min subset of ps that implies ps) 
        of the set of eqts input ps using Groebner basis

        sage: var('a y b q k')
        (a, y, b, q, k)

        sage: rs =  reducePoly([a*y-b==0,q*y+k-x==0,a*x-a*k-b*q==0])
        sage: assert set(rs) == set([a*y - b == 0, q*y + k - x == 0])

        sage: rs =  reducePoly([x*y==6,y==2,x==3])
        sage: assert set(rs) == set([x - 3 == 0, y - 2 == 0])

        #Attribute error occurs when only 1 var, thus return as is
        sage: rs =  reducePoly([x*x==4,x==2])
        sage: assert set(rs) == set([x == 2, x^2 == 4])
        assert ps, ps
        assert (p.operator() == sage.all.operator.eq for p in ps), ps
            Q = sage.all.PolynomialRing(sage.all.QQ, sageutil.get_vars(ps))
            I = Q * ps
            ps = I.radical().interreduced_basis()
            ps = [(sage.all.SR(p) == 0) for p in ps]
        except AttributeError:

        return ps
Esempio n. 11
    def sreduce(ps):
        Return the basis (e.g., a min subset of ps that implies ps) 
        of the set of eqts input ps using Groebner basis

        sage: var('a y b q k')
        (a, y, b, q, k)

        sage: rs =  InvEqt.sreduce([a*y-b==0,q*y+k-x==0,a*x-a*k-b*q==0])
        sage: assert set(rs) == set([a*y - b == 0, q*y + k - x == 0])

        sage: rs =  InvEqt.sreduce([x*y==6,y==2,x==3])
        sage: assert set(rs) == set([x - 3 == 0, y - 2 == 0])

        #Attribute error occurs when only 1 var, thus return as is
        sage: rs =  InvEqt.sreduce([x*x==4,x==2])
        sage: assert set(rs) == set([x == 2, x^2 == 4])

        if __debug__:
            assert all(p.operator() == operator.eq for p in ps), ps

            Q = PolynomialRing(QQ,get_vars(ps))
            I = Q*ps
            #ps_ = I.radical().groebner_basis()
            ps = I.radical().interreduced_basis()
            ps = [(SR(p)==0) for p in ps]
        except AttributeError:

        return ps
Esempio n. 12
    def rem_dup_arrs(ps, ainfo):
        Remove relations that involve elements from same arrays


        sage: var('x_0 x_1 y_0 y_1')
        (x_0, x_1, y_0, y_1)
        sage: ainfo = {x_0:{'name':'x','idxs':[0]},x_1:{'name':'x','idxs':[1]}, y_0:{'name':'y','idxs':[0]},y_1:{'name':'y','idxs':[1]}}
        sage: FlatArray.rem_dup_arrs([x_0 + x_1 == 0, x_1 + y_1 == 0, x_0 + y_1 + y_0==0, x_0 + x_1-2==0], ainfo)
        dig_arrays:Warn:Removed 3 array eqts
        x_0 + x_1 == 0
        x_0 + y_0 + y_1 == 0
        x_0 + x_1 - 2 == 0
        [x_1 + y_1 == 0]

        get_anames = lambda p: [ainfo[v]['name'] for v in get_vars(p)]
        ps_rem, ps = vpartition(ps, lambda p: vall_uniq(get_anames(p)))
        if not is_empty(ps_rem):
            logger.warn('Removed {} array eqts\n{}'
                        .format(len(ps_rem), list_str(ps_rem,'\n')))

        return ps
Esempio n. 13
 def to_z3(p):
     typ = "{} = z3.Ints('{}')"
     vs = map(str, get_vars(p))
     z3_vars_decl = typ.format(','.join(vs),' '.join(vs))
     f = eval(str(p))
     print f
     print z3.is_expr(f)
Esempio n. 14
 def to_z3(p):
     print("WARN: deprecated, don't use eval()")
     typ = "{} = z3.Ints('{}')"
     vs = map(str, get_vars(p))
     z3_vars_decl = typ.format(','.join(vs),' '.join(vs))
     f = eval(str(p))
     print z3.is_expr(f)
Esempio n. 15
        def f_eq(d):
            if isinstance(d, list):
                f_ = template
                for d_ in d:
                    f_ = f_.subs(d_)
                rhsVals = CM.vset([d_.rhs() for d_ in d])
                uk_vars = sageutil.get_vars(rhsVals)
                f_ = template(d)
                uk_vars = sageutil.get_vars(d.values())  #e.g., r15,r16 ...

            if not uk_vars: return f_

            iM = sage.all.identity_matrix(len(uk_vars))  #standard basis
            rs = [dict(zip(uk_vars, l)) for l in iM.rows()]
            rs = [f_(r) for r in rs]
            return rs
Esempio n. 16
def getCoefsLen(p):
        Q = sage.all.PolynomialRing(sage.all.QQ, sageutil.get_vars(ps))
        rs = Q(p.lhs()).coefficients()
        rs = (abs(r_.n()).str(skip_zeroes=True) for r_ in rs if r_ != 0.0)
        rs = (sum(map(len, r_.split('.'))) for r_ in rs)
        rs = sum(rs)
        return rs
    except Exception:
        return len(str(p))
Esempio n. 17
    def analyze_sol(cls, sol):
        assert isinstance(sol, dict) and sol

        rs = sageutil.get_vars(sol.values())  #r1,r2,r3 ..
        imatrix = [[1 if j == i else 0 for j in range(len(rs))]
                   for i in range(len(rs))]
        rs = [dict(zip(rs, l)) for l in imatrix]
        #rs: [{r2: 0, r3: 0, r1: 1}, {r2: 1, r3: 0, r1: 0}, {r2: 0, r3: 1, r1: 0}]
        #d: {uk_2: r3, uk_3: r2, uk_4: r1, uk_0: -7*r1 - 7*r3, uk_1: -2*r1 - r2 - 2*r3}
        rs = [[(uk, rs.subs(rd)) for uk, rs in sol.iteritems()] for rd in rs]
        return rs
Esempio n. 18
    def group_arr_eqts(ps, ainfo):
        Group the resulting list of eqts among array elements.
        Also remove eqts that involve elements from same arrays

        sage: var('x_0 x_1 y_0 y_1')
        (x_0, x_1, y_0, y_1)
        sage: ainfo = {x_0:{'name':'x','idxs':[0]}, x_1:{'name':'x','idxs':[1]}, \
        sage: FlatArray.group_arr_eqts([x_0 + x_1 == 0, x_1 + y_1 == 0, \
                                          x_0 + y_1 + y_0==0, x_0 + x_1-2==0 , \
                                          y_0 == 1, x_1 == 2, x_0 == 3], ainfo)
        dig_arrays:Warn:Removed arr eqt: x_0 + x_1 == 0
        dig_arrays:Warn:Removed arr eqt: x_0 + y_0 + y_1 == 0
        dig_arrays:Warn:Removed arr eqt: x_0 + x_1 - 2 == 0
        OrderedDict([(('x', 'y'), [x_1 + y_1 == 0]), 
        (('y',), [y_0 == 1]), 
        (('x',), [x_1 == 2, x_0 == 3])])

        sage: FlatArray.group_arr_eqts([x_0 == 0, x_1==1], ainfo)
        OrderedDict([(('x',), [x_0 == 0, x_1 == 1])])
        sage: FlatArray.group_arr_eqts([x_0 + x_1 == 0, x_0 + x_1-2==0], ainfo)
        dig_arrays:Warn:Removed arr eqt: x_0 + x_1 == 0
        dig_arrays:Warn:Removed arr eqt: x_0 + x_1 - 2 == 0

        gs = OrderedDict()
        get_anames = lambda p: tuple([ainfo[v]['name'] for v in get_vars(p)])
        for p in ps:
            anames = get_anames(p)
            if not vall_uniq(anames): #e.g. A_1 + A_2 = 0
                logger.warn('Removed arr eqt: {}'.format(p))
            if anames in gs:
        return gs
Esempio n. 19
File: Progetto: ruricolist/dig
    def instantiate(self, term, nTraces):
        assert is_sage_expr(term), term
        assert nTraces is None or nTraces >= 1, nTraces

        if nTraces is None:
            exprs = set(term.subs(t) for t in self.mydicts)
            nTracesExtra = nTraces * 5
            exprs = set()
            for i, t in enumerate(self.mydicts):
                expr = term.subs(t)
                if expr not in exprs:
                    if len(exprs) >= nTracesExtra:

            #instead of doing this, can find out the # 0's in traces
            #the more 0's , the better
            exprs = sorted(exprs, key=lambda expr: len(get_vars(expr)))
            exprs = set(exprs[:nTraces])
        return exprs
Esempio n. 20
    def gen_lambda_exp(ls, rs, is_max_plus, is_formula, is_eq):
        Return lambda expression
        lambda x,y, ...  =  max(x,y...) >= max(x,y...)


        sage: var('y')

        sage: IeqMPP.gen_lambda_exp([x-10,y-3],[y,5], is_max_plus=True)
        'lambda x,y: max(x - 10,y - 3) - max(y,5) >= 0'

        sage:  IeqMPP.gen_lambda_exp([x-10,y-3],[y,5], is_max_plus=True,is_formula=True,is_eq=False)
        'lambda x,y: max(x - 10,y - 3) - max(y,5) >= 0'
        sage:  IeqMPP.gen_lambda_exp([x-10,y-3],[y,5], is_max_plus=True,is_formula=False,is_eq=False)
        'lambda x,y: max(x - 10,y - 3) - max(y,5)'
        sage:  IeqMPP.gen_lambda_exp([x-10,y-3],[y], is_max_plus=True,is_formula=False,is_eq=False)
        'lambda x,y: max(x - 10,y - 3) - (y)'
        sage:  IeqMPP.gen_lambda_exp([x-10,y-3],[y], is_max_plus=True,is_formula=False,is_eq=True)
        'lambda x,y: max(x - 10,y - 3) - (y)'
        sage:  IeqMPP.gen_lambda_exp([x-10,y-3],[y], is_max_plus=True,is_formula=True,is_eq=True)
        'lambda x,y: max(x - 10,y - 3) - (y) == 0'
        sage:  IeqMPP.gen_lambda_exp([x-10,y-3],[y+12], is_max_plus=False,is_formula=True,is_eq=True)
        'lambda x,y: min(x - 10,y - 3) - (y + 12) == 0'
        sage:  IeqMPP.gen_lambda_exp([x-10,y-3],[y+12], is_max_plus=False,is_formula=True,is_eq=True)
        'lambda x,y: min(x - 10,y - 3) - (y + 12) == 0'
        if __debug__:
            assert is_list(ls) and ls, ls
            assert is_list(rs) and rs, rs

        op = 'max' if is_max_plus else 'min'

        str_op = (lambda s: '{}({})'
                  .format(op, ','.join(map(str,s))) 
                  if len(s)>=2 else s[0])

        if len(rs) == 1:

            if len(ls) == 1:  #(x+3,y+8),  (3,8), (3,y)
                ss = ls[0] - rs[0] 

            else: #len(ls) >= 2
                rss = rs[0]
                lss = str_op(ls)
                if rss.is_zero():
                    ss = lss
                    if rss.operator is None:  #x,,y7
                        ss = '{} - {}'.format(lss,rss)
                    else:#x + 3,  y - 3
                        ss = '{} - ({})'.format(lss,rss)
        else: #len(rs) >= 2:
            ss = '{} - {}'.format(str_op(ls), str_op(rs))

        ss = ('lambda {}: {}{}'
              .format(','.join(map(str, get_vars(ls+rs))), ss,
                       ' {} 0'.format('==' if is_eq else '>=') 
                      if is_formula else ''))
        return ss
Esempio n. 21
    def sreduce(ps):
        Return a minimum subset of ps that implies ps
        Use a greedy method to remove redundant properties.
        Thus it's quick, but not exact.


        sage: var('a y b q k s t z')
        (a, y, b, q, k, s, t, z)

        sage: InvIeq.sreduce([a*y-b==0,q*y+k-x==0,a*x-a*k-b*q==0])
        [q*y + k - x == 0, a*y - b == 0]

        sage: InvIeq.sreduce([a*y-b==0,a*z-a*x+b*q==0,q*y+z-x==0])
        [q*y - x + z == 0, a*y - b == 0]

        sage: InvIeq.sreduce([x-7>=0, x + y -2>=0, y+5 >= 0])
        [x - 7 >= 0, y + 5 >= 0]

        sage: InvIeq.sreduce([x+y==0,x-y==1])
        [x + y == 0, x - y == 1]

        sage: InvIeq.sreduce([x^2-1>=0,x-1>=0])
        [x - 1 >= 0]

        sage: InvIeq.sreduce([a*a - s + t == 0, t*t - 4*s + 2*t + 1 == 0,a*s - 1/2*s*t + 1/2*s == 0,  a*x - 1/2*x*t + 1/2*x == 0,a - 1/2*t + 1/2 == 0, a*t - 2*s + 3/2*t + 1/2 == 0])
        [t^2 - 4*s + 2*t + 1 == 0, a - 1/2*t + 1/2 == 0]

        sage: InvIeq.sreduce([x*x-y*y==0,x-y==0,x*x-y*y==0,2*x*y-2*y*y==0])
        [x - y == 0]

        sage: InvIeq.sreduce([x-1>=0 , t*y - 6 >= 0, t - 1 >= 0, y - 6 >= 0, t*y - y >= 0, t*x - x >= 0, y*x - 6*x>=0 , y^2 - 36 >= 0, t^2 - 3*t + 2 >= 0, t^2 - 5*t + 6 >= 0 , t*y - 6*t - y + 6 >= 0])
        [x - 1 >= 0, t - 1 >= 0, y - 6 >= 0, t^2 - 3*t + 2 >= 0, t^2 - 5*t + 6 >= 0]

        sage: InvIeq.sreduce([x*y==6, y-2==0, x-3==0])
        [y - 2 == 0, x - 3 == 0]

        sage: InvIeq.sreduce([x*x==4,x==2])
        [x == 2]
        sage: InvIeq.sreduce([x==2,x*x==4])
        [x == 2]
        sage: InvIeq.sreduce([x==2,x*x==4,x==-2])
        [x == 2, x == -2]
        sage: InvIeq.sreduce([x==2,x==-2,x*x==4])
        [x == 2, x == -2]
        sage: InvIeq.sreduce([x*x==4,x==2,x==-2])
        [x == 2, x == -2]

        from smt_z3py import SMT_Z3

        #Remove "longer" property first (i.e. those with more variables)
        ps = sorted(ps, reverse=True, key=lambda p: len(get_vars(p)))
        rs = list(ps)  #make a copy
        for p in ps:
            if p in rs:
                #note, the use of set makes things in non order
                xclude_p = vsetdiff(rs, [p])

                if SMT_Z3.imply(xclude_p, p):
                    rs = xclude_p

        return rs
Esempio n. 22
    def sreduce(ps):
        Return a minimum subset of ps that implies ps
        Use a greedy method to remove redundant properties.
        Thus it's quick, but not exact.


        sage: var('a y b q k s t z')
        (a, y, b, q, k, s, t, z)

        sage: InvIeq.sreduce([a*y-b==0,q*y+k-x==0,a*x-a*k-b*q==0])
        [q*y + k - x == 0, a*y - b == 0]

        sage: InvIeq.sreduce([a*y-b==0,a*z-a*x+b*q==0,q*y+z-x==0])
        [q*y - x + z == 0, a*y - b == 0]

        sage: InvIeq.sreduce([x-7>=0, x + y -2>=0, y+5 >= 0])
        [x - 7 >= 0, y + 5 >= 0]

        sage: InvIeq.sreduce([x+y==0,x-y==1])
        [x + y == 0, x - y == 1]

        sage: InvIeq.sreduce([x^2-1>=0,x-1>=0])
        [x - 1 >= 0]

        sage: InvIeq.sreduce([a*a - s + t == 0, t*t - 4*s + 2*t + 1 == 0,a*s - 1/2*s*t + 1/2*s == 0,  a*x - 1/2*x*t + 1/2*x == 0,a - 1/2*t + 1/2 == 0, a*t - 2*s + 3/2*t + 1/2 == 0])
        [t^2 - 4*s + 2*t + 1 == 0, a - 1/2*t + 1/2 == 0]

        sage: InvIeq.sreduce([x*x-y*y==0,x-y==0,x*x-y*y==0,2*x*y-2*y*y==0])
        [x - y == 0]

        sage: InvIeq.sreduce([x-1>=0 , t*y - 6 >= 0, t - 1 >= 0, y - 6 >= 0, t*y - y >= 0, t*x - x >= 0, y*x - 6*x>=0 , y^2 - 36 >= 0, t^2 - 3*t + 2 >= 0, t^2 - 5*t + 6 >= 0 , t*y - 6*t - y + 6 >= 0])
        [x - 1 >= 0, t - 1 >= 0, y - 6 >= 0, t^2 - 3*t + 2 >= 0, t^2 - 5*t + 6 >= 0]

        sage: InvIeq.sreduce([x*y==6, y-2==0, x-3==0])
        [y - 2 == 0, x - 3 == 0]

        sage: InvIeq.sreduce([x*x==4,x==2])
        [x == 2]
        sage: InvIeq.sreduce([x==2,x*x==4])
        [x == 2]
        sage: InvIeq.sreduce([x==2,x*x==4,x==-2])
        [x == 2, x == -2]
        sage: InvIeq.sreduce([x==2,x==-2,x*x==4])
        [x == 2, x == -2]
        sage: InvIeq.sreduce([x*x==4,x==2,x==-2])
        [x == 2, x == -2]

        from smt_z3py import SMT_Z3

        #Remove "longer" property first (i.e. those with more variables)
        ps = sorted(ps, reverse=True, key=lambda p: len(get_vars(p)))
        rs = list(ps) #make a copy
        for p in ps:
            if p in rs:
                #note, the use of set makes things in non order
                xclude_p = vsetdiff(rs,[p])

                if SMT_Z3.imply(xclude_p,p):
                    rs = xclude_p

        return rs