def plot_modeloutput_map(gdir, ax=None, salemmap=None, model=None, vmax=None): """Plots the result of the model output.""" with netCDF4.Dataset(gdir.get_filepath('gridded_data')) as nc: topo = nc.variables['topo'][:] geom = gdir.read_pickle('geometries', div_id=0) poly_pix = geom['polygon_pix'] ds = salem.GeoDataset(gdir.grid) mlines = shpg.GeometryCollection([l.line for l in model.fls] + [poly_pix]) ml = mlines.bounds corners = ((ml[0], ml[1]), (ml[2], ml[3])) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) ds.set_subset(corners=corners, margin=10, crs=gdir.grid) salemmap = salem.Map(ds.grid, countries=False, nx=gdir.grid.nx) salemmap.set_topography(topo, crs=gdir.grid) # TODO: center grid or corner grid??? crs = gdir.grid.center_grid salemmap.set_geometry(poly_pix, crs=crs, fc='none', zorder=2, linewidth=.2) for l in poly_pix.interiors: salemmap.set_geometry(l, crs=crs, color='black', linewidth=0.5) toplot_th = np.array([]) toplot_lines = [] # plot Centerlines cls = model.fls for l in cls: salemmap.set_geometry(l.line, crs=crs, color='gray', linewidth=1.2, zorder=50) toplot_th = np.append(toplot_th, l.thick) widths = l.widths.copy() widths = np.where(l.thick > 0, widths, 0.) for wi, cur, (n1, n2) in zip(widths, l.line.coords, l.normals): l = shpg.LineString([ shpg.Point(cur + wi / 2. * n1), shpg.Point(cur + wi / 2. * n2) ]) toplot_lines.append(l) cm ='YlOrRd') dl = salem.DataLevels(cmap=cm, nlevels=256, data=toplot_th, vmin=0, vmax=vmax) colors = dl.to_rgb() for l, c in zip(toplot_lines, colors): salemmap.set_geometry(l, crs=crs, color=c, linewidth=3, zorder=50) salemmap.plot(ax) return dict(cbar_label='Section thickness [m]', cbar_primitive=dl, title_comment=' -- year: {:d}'.format(np.int64(model.yr)))
def plot_modeloutput_map(gdir, model=None, ax=None, vmax=None): """Plots the result of the model output.""" dofig = False if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) dofig = True nc = netCDF4.Dataset(gdir.get_filepath('gridded_data')) topo = nc.variables['topo'][:] nc.close() geom = gdir.read_pickle('geometries', div_id=0) poly_pix = geom['polygon_pix'] ds = salem.GeoDataset(gdir.grid) mlines = shpg.GeometryCollection([l.line for l in model.fls] + [poly_pix]) ml = mlines.bounds corners = ((ml[0], ml[1]), (ml[2], ml[3])) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) ds.set_subset(corners=corners, margin=10, crs=gdir.grid) mp = cleo.Map(ds.grid, countries=False, nx=gdir.grid.nx) mp.set_topography(topo, crs=gdir.grid) # TODO: center grid or corner grid??? crs = gdir.grid.center_grid mp.set_geometry(poly_pix, crs=crs, fc='none', zorder=2, linewidth=.2) for l in poly_pix.interiors: mp.set_geometry(l, crs=crs, color='black', linewidth=0.5) toplot_th = np.array([]) toplot_lines = [] # plot Centerlines cls = model.fls for l in cls: mp.set_geometry(l.line, crs=crs, color='gray', linewidth=1.2, zorder=50) toplot_th = np.append(toplot_th, l.thick) for wi, cur, (n1, n2) in zip(l.widths, l.line.coords, l.normals): l = shpg.LineString([ shpg.Point(cur + wi / 2. * n1), shpg.Point(cur + wi / 2. * n2) ]) toplot_lines.append(l) cm ='YlOrRd') dl = cleo.DataLevels(cmap=cm, nlevels=256, data=toplot_th, vmin=0, vmax=vmax) colors = dl.to_rgb() for l, c in zip(toplot_lines, colors): mp.set_geometry(l, crs=crs, color=c, linewidth=3, zorder=50) mp.plot(ax) cb = dl.append_colorbar(ax, "right", size="5%", pad=0.2) cb.set_label('Glacier thickness [m]') tit = ' -- year: {:d}'.format(np.int64(model.yr)) ax.set_title(gdir.rgi_id + tit) if dofig: plt.tight_layout()