Esempio n. 1
    def test_sls_micking_file_merging(self):
        def convert(obj):
            return yamlex.deserialize(yamlex.serialize(obj))

        # let say that we have 2 pillar files

        src1 = dedent("""
            a: first
            b: !aggregate first
              subkey1: first
              subkey2: !aggregate first

        src2 = dedent("""
            a: second
            b: !aggregate second
              subkey2: !aggregate second
              subkey3: second

        sls_obj1 = yamlex.deserialize(src1)
        sls_obj2 = yamlex.deserialize(src2)
        sls_obj3 = yamlex.merge_recursive(sls_obj1, sls_obj2)

        assert sls_obj3 == {
            'a': 'second',
            'b': ['first', 'second'],
            'c': {
                'subkey2': ['first', 'second'],
                'subkey3': 'second'
        }, sls_obj3
    def test_sls_micking_file_merging(self):
        def convert(obj):
            return yamlex.deserialize(yamlex.serialize(obj))

        # let say that we have 2 pillar files

        src1 = dedent("""
            a: first
            b: !aggregate first
              subkey1: first
              subkey2: !aggregate first

        src2 = dedent("""
            a: second
            b: !aggregate second
              subkey2: !aggregate second
              subkey3: second

        sls_obj1 = yamlex.deserialize(src1)
        sls_obj2 = yamlex.deserialize(src2)
        sls_obj3 = yamlex.merge_recursive(sls_obj1, sls_obj2)

        assert sls_obj3 == {
            'a': 'second',
            'b': ['first', 'second'],
            'c': {
                'subkey2': ['first', 'second'],
                'subkey3': 'second'
        }, sls_obj3
    def test_serialize_sls(self):
        data = {"foo": "bar"}
        serialized = yamlex.serialize(data)
        assert serialized == '{foo: bar}', serialized

        deserialized = yamlex.deserialize(serialized)
        assert deserialized == data, deserialized
Esempio n. 4
    def test_compare_sls_vs_yaml_with_jinja(self):
        tpl = '{{ data }}'
        env = jinja2.Environment()
        src = '{foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: {qux: true}}'

        sls_src = env.from_string(tpl).render(data=yamlex.deserialize(src))
        yml_src = env.from_string(tpl).render(data=yaml.deserialize(src))

        sls_data = yamlex.deserialize(sls_src)
        yml_data = yaml.deserialize(yml_src)

        # ensure that sls & yaml have the same base
        assert isinstance(sls_data, dict)
        assert isinstance(yml_data, dict)
        assert sls_data == yml_data

        # ensure that sls is ordered, while yaml not
        assert isinstance(sls_data, OrderedDict)
        assert not isinstance(yml_data, OrderedDict)

        # prove that yaml does not handle well with OrderedDict
        # while sls is jinja friendly.
        obj = OrderedDict([
            ('foo', 1),
            ('bar', 2),
            ('baz', {'qux': True})

        sls_obj = yamlex.deserialize(yamlex.serialize(obj))
            yml_obj = yaml.deserialize(yaml.serialize(obj))
        except SerializationError:
            # BLAAM! yaml was unable to serialize OrderedDict,
            # but it's not the purpose of the current test.
            yml_obj = obj.copy()

        sls_src = env.from_string(tpl).render(data=sls_obj)
        yml_src = env.from_string(tpl).render(data=yml_obj)

        final_obj = yaml.deserialize(sls_src)
        assert obj == final_obj

        # BLAAM! yml_src is not valid !
        final_obj = yaml.deserialize(yml_src)
        assert obj != final_obj
    def test_sls_reset(self):
        src = dedent("""
            placeholder: {!aggregate foo: {foo: 42}}
            placeholder: {!aggregate foo: {bar: null}}
            !reset placeholder: {!aggregate foo: {baz: inga}}

        sls_obj = yamlex.deserialize(src)
        assert sls_obj == {'placeholder': {'foo': {'baz': 'inga'}}}, sls_obj
Esempio n. 6
    def test_serialize_sls(self):
        data = {
            "foo": "bar"
        serialized = yamlex.serialize(data)
        assert serialized == '{foo: bar}', serialized

        deserialized = yamlex.deserialize(serialized)
        assert deserialized == data, deserialized
Esempio n. 7
def ext_pillar(minion_id, pillar, command):
    Execute a command and read the output as YAMLEX
        return deserialize(__salt__['']('{0}'.format(command)))
    except Exception:
        log.critical('YAML data from {0} failed to parse'.format(command))
        return {}
    def test_serialize_complex_sls(self):
        data = OrderedDict([
            ("foo", 1),
            ("bar", 2),
            ("baz", True),
        serialized = yamlex.serialize(data)
        assert serialized == '{foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: true}', serialized

        deserialized = yamlex.deserialize(serialized)
        assert deserialized == data, deserialized
Esempio n. 9
    def test_serialize_complex_sls(self):
        data = OrderedDict([
            ("foo", 1),
            ("bar", 2),
            ("baz", True),
        serialized = yamlex.serialize(data)
        assert serialized == '{foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: true}', serialized

        deserialized = yamlex.deserialize(serialized)
        assert deserialized == data, deserialized
Esempio n. 10
def ext_pillar(minion_id, pillar, command):
    Execute a command and read the output as YAMLEX
        return deserialize(__salt__['']('{0}'.format(command)))
    except Exception:
                'YAML data from {0} failed to parse'.format(command)
        return {}
    def test_compare_sls_vs_yaml_with_jinja(self):
        tpl = '{{ data }}'
        env = jinja2.Environment()
        src = '{foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: {qux: true}}'

        sls_src = env.from_string(tpl).render(data=yamlex.deserialize(src))
        yml_src = env.from_string(tpl).render(data=yaml.deserialize(src))

        sls_data = yamlex.deserialize(sls_src)
        yml_data = yaml.deserialize(yml_src)

        # ensure that sls & yaml have the same base
        assert isinstance(sls_data, dict)
        assert isinstance(yml_data, dict)
        assert sls_data == yml_data

        # ensure that sls is ordered, while yaml not
        assert isinstance(sls_data, OrderedDict)
        assert not isinstance(yml_data, OrderedDict)

        # prove that yaml does not handle well with OrderedDict
        # while sls is jinja friendly.
        obj = OrderedDict([('foo', 1), ('bar', 2), ('baz', {'qux': True})])

        sls_obj = yamlex.deserialize(yamlex.serialize(obj))
            yml_obj = yaml.deserialize(yaml.serialize(obj))
        except SerializationError:
            # BLAAM! yaml was unable to serialize OrderedDict,
            # but it's not the purpose of the current test.
            yml_obj = obj.copy()

        sls_src = env.from_string(tpl).render(data=sls_obj)
        yml_src = env.from_string(tpl).render(data=yml_obj)

        final_obj = yaml.deserialize(sls_src)
        assert obj == final_obj

        # BLAAM! yml_src is not valid !
        final_obj = yaml.deserialize(yml_src)
        assert obj != final_obj
    def test_compare_sls_vs_yaml(self):
        src = '{foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: {qux: true}}'
        sls_data = yamlex.deserialize(src)
        yml_data = yaml.deserialize(src)

        # ensure that sls & yaml have the same base
        assert isinstance(sls_data, dict)
        assert isinstance(yml_data, dict)
        assert sls_data == yml_data

        # ensure that sls is ordered, while yaml not
        assert isinstance(sls_data, OrderedDict)
        assert not isinstance(yml_data, OrderedDict)
Esempio n. 13
    def test_compare_sls_vs_yaml(self):
        src = '{foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: {qux: true}}'
        sls_data = yamlex.deserialize(src)
        yml_data = yaml.deserialize(src)

        # ensure that sls & yaml have the same base
        assert isinstance(sls_data, dict)
        assert isinstance(yml_data, dict)
        assert sls_data == yml_data

        # ensure that sls is ordered, while yaml not
        assert isinstance(sls_data, OrderedDict)
        assert not isinstance(yml_data, OrderedDict)
Esempio n. 14
def ext_pillar(minion_id,  # pylint: disable=W0613
               pillar,  # pylint: disable=W0613
    Execute a command and read the output as YAMLEX
        command = command.replace('%s', minion_id)
        return deserialize(__salt__['']('{0}'.format(command)))
    except Exception:
                'YAML data from {0} failed to parse'.format(command)
        return {}
Esempio n. 15
    def test_sls_reset(self):
        src = dedent("""
            placeholder: {!aggregate foo: {foo: 42}}
            placeholder: {!aggregate foo: {bar: null}}
            !reset placeholder: {!aggregate foo: {baz: inga}}

        sls_obj = yamlex.deserialize(src)
        assert sls_obj == {
            'placeholder': {
                'foo': {
                    'baz': 'inga'
        }, sls_obj
Esempio n. 16
def render(sls_data, saltenv='base', sls='', **kws):
    Accepts YAML_EX as a string or as a file object and runs it through the YAML_EX

    :rtype: A Python data structure
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warn_list:
        data = deserialize(sls_data) or {}

        for item in warn_list:
            log.warn('{warn} found in {sls} environment={env}'.format(
                warn=item.message, sls=salt.utils.url.create(sls),

        log.debug('Results of SLS rendering: \n{0}'.format(data))

    return data
Esempio n. 17
def render(sls_data, saltenv='base', sls='', **kws):
    Accepts YAML_EX as a string or as a file object and runs it through the YAML_EX

    :rtype: A Python data structure
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warn_list:
        data = deserialize(sls_data) or {}

        for item in warn_list:
                '{warn} found in salt://{sls} environment={saltenv}'.format(
                    warn=item.message, sls=sls, saltenv=saltenv

        log.debug('Results of SLS rendering: \n{0}'.format(data))

    return data
Esempio n. 18
 def convert(obj):
     return yamlex.deserialize(yamlex.serialize(obj))
Esempio n. 19
    def test_sls_aggregate(self):
        src = dedent("""
            a: lol
            foo: !aggregate hello
            bar: !aggregate [1, 2, 3]
            baz: !aggregate
              a: 42
              b: 666
              c: the beast

        # test that !aggregate is correctly parsed
        sls_obj = yamlex.deserialize(src)
        assert sls_obj == {
            'a': 'lol',
            'foo': ['hello'],
            'bar': [1, 2, 3],
            'baz': {
                'a': 42,
                'b': 666,
                'c': 'the beast'
        }, sls_obj

        assert dedent("""
            a: lol
            foo: [hello]
            bar: [1, 2, 3]
            baz: {a: 42, b: 666, c: the beast}
        """).strip() == yamlex.serialize(sls_obj), sls_obj

        # test that !aggregate aggregates scalars
        src = dedent("""
            placeholder: !aggregate foo
            placeholder: !aggregate bar
            placeholder: !aggregate baz

        sls_obj = yamlex.deserialize(src)
        assert sls_obj == {'placeholder': ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']}, sls_obj

        # test that !aggregate aggregates lists
        src = dedent("""
            placeholder: !aggregate foo
            placeholder: !aggregate [bar, baz]
            placeholder: !aggregate []
            placeholder: !aggregate ~

        sls_obj = yamlex.deserialize(src)
        assert sls_obj == {'placeholder': ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']}, sls_obj

        # test that !aggregate aggregates dicts
        src = dedent("""
            placeholder: !aggregate {foo: 42}
            placeholder: !aggregate {bar: null}
            placeholder: !aggregate {baz: inga}

        sls_obj = yamlex.deserialize(src)
        assert sls_obj == {
            'placeholder': {
                'foo': 42,
                'bar': None,
                'baz': 'inga'
        }, sls_obj

        # test that !aggregate aggregates deep dicts
        src = dedent("""
            placeholder: {foo: !aggregate {foo: 42}}
            placeholder: {foo: !aggregate {bar: null}}
            placeholder: {foo: !aggregate {baz: inga}}

        sls_obj = yamlex.deserialize(src)
        assert sls_obj == {
            'placeholder': {
                'foo': {
                    'foo': 42,
                    'bar': None,
                    'baz': 'inga'
        }, sls_obj

        # test that {foo: !aggregate bar} and {!aggregate foo: bar}
        # are roughly equivalent.
        src = dedent("""
            placeholder: {!aggregate foo: {foo: 42}}
            placeholder: {!aggregate foo: {bar: null}}
            placeholder: {!aggregate foo: {baz: inga}}

        sls_obj = yamlex.deserialize(src)
        assert sls_obj == {
            'placeholder': {
                'foo': {
                    'foo': 42,
                    'bar': None,
                    'baz': 'inga'
        }, sls_obj
    def test_sls_aggregate(self):
        src = dedent("""
            a: lol
            foo: !aggregate hello
            bar: !aggregate [1, 2, 3]
            baz: !aggregate
              a: 42
              b: 666
              c: the beast

        # test that !aggregate is correctly parsed
        sls_obj = yamlex.deserialize(src)
        assert sls_obj == {
            'a': 'lol',
            'foo': ['hello'],
            'bar': [1, 2, 3],
            'baz': {
                'a': 42,
                'b': 666,
                'c': 'the beast'
        }, sls_obj

        assert dedent("""
            a: lol
            foo: [hello]
            bar: [1, 2, 3]
            baz: {a: 42, b: 666, c: the beast}
        """).strip() == yamlex.serialize(sls_obj), sls_obj

        # test that !aggregate aggregates scalars
        src = dedent("""
            placeholder: !aggregate foo
            placeholder: !aggregate bar
            placeholder: !aggregate baz

        sls_obj = yamlex.deserialize(src)
        assert sls_obj == {'placeholder': ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']}, sls_obj

        # test that !aggregate aggregates lists
        src = dedent("""
            placeholder: !aggregate foo
            placeholder: !aggregate [bar, baz]
            placeholder: !aggregate []
            placeholder: !aggregate ~

        sls_obj = yamlex.deserialize(src)
        assert sls_obj == {'placeholder': ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']}, sls_obj

        # test that !aggregate aggregates dicts
        src = dedent("""
            placeholder: !aggregate {foo: 42}
            placeholder: !aggregate {bar: null}
            placeholder: !aggregate {baz: inga}

        sls_obj = yamlex.deserialize(src)
        assert sls_obj == {
            'placeholder': {
                'foo': 42,
                'bar': None,
                'baz': 'inga'
        }, sls_obj

        # test that !aggregate aggregates deep dicts
        src = dedent("""
            placeholder: {foo: !aggregate {foo: 42}}
            placeholder: {foo: !aggregate {bar: null}}
            placeholder: {foo: !aggregate {baz: inga}}

        sls_obj = yamlex.deserialize(src)
        assert sls_obj == {
            'placeholder': {
                'foo': {
                    'foo': 42,
                    'bar': None,
                    'baz': 'inga'
        }, sls_obj

        # test that {foo: !aggregate bar} and {!aggregate foo: bar}
        # are roughly equivalent.
        src = dedent("""
            placeholder: {!aggregate foo: {foo: 42}}
            placeholder: {!aggregate foo: {bar: null}}
            placeholder: {!aggregate foo: {baz: inga}}

        sls_obj = yamlex.deserialize(src)
        assert sls_obj == {
            'placeholder': {
                'foo': {
                    'foo': 42,
                    'bar': None,
                    'baz': 'inga'
        }, sls_obj
 def convert(obj):
     return yamlex.deserialize(yamlex.serialize(obj))