def saltelserror(obsdate, elshost, elsname, elsuser, elspass, sdbhost,sdbname,sdbuser, password, clobber,logfile,verbose): # set up proposers = [] propids = [] pids = [] with logging(logfile,debug) as log: #open the database els=saltmysql.connectdb(elshost, elsname, elsuser, elspass) sdb=saltmysql.connectdb(sdbhost,sdbname,sdbuser, password) #create the values for the entire night nid=saltmysql.getnightinfoid(sdb, obsdate) stime,, 'EveningTwilightEnd,MorningTwilightStart', 'NightInfo', 'NightInfo_Id=%i' % nid)[0] print stime, etime errors=gettcserrors(els, stime, etime) if not errors: return None for e in errors: i=e.index('T') print i, error_list[i], e[-1] print len(errors)
def erroremail(obsdate, server='', username='', password='', sender='', recipient='', bcc='', sdbhost='sdb.salt', sdbname='sdb', sdbuser='', sdbpass='', logfile='saltlog.log', verbose=True): """Update the PipelineStatistics table with the current information about the pipeline """ with logging(logfile,debug) as log: #connect the database sdb=saltmysql.connectdb(sdbhost, sdbname, sdbuser, sdbpass) #get the nightinfo_id night_id=saltmysql.getnightinfoid(sdb, obsdate) #create the message try:, 'PipelineStatus, ErrorMessage', 'PipelineStatistics join PipelineStatus using (PipelineStatus_Id)', 'NightInfo_Id=%i' % night_id) status, error_message=record[0] except Exception, e: raise SaltError('Unable to download information: %s' % e) #set up the subject and message subject='Pipeline Error on %s' % obsdate message="Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.--Henry Ford\n\n" message+="%s" % error_message log.message(message, with_stdout=verbose) #send the email,username,password,sender,recipient,bcc, subject,message)
def saltweather(weathertime, timespan, elshost, elsname, elsuser, elspass, sdbhost, sdbname, sdbuser, password): print weathertime # open the database els = saltmysql.connectdb(elshost, elsname, elsuser, elspass) sdb = saltmysql.connectdb(sdbhost, sdbname, sdbuser, password) # determine the obsdate obsdate = weathertime - datetime.timedelta(seconds=43200) obsdate = "%i%s%s" % (obsdate.year, string.zfill(obsdate.month, 2), string.zfill(, 2)) nid = saltmysql.getnightinfoid(sdb, obsdate) print nid # get the most recent weather data airpressure, dewout, extrelhum, temp2m, temp30m, windspeed, winddir, rain = getweatherdata( els, weathertime, timespan ) dewin, relhum = getinsidedata(els, weathertime, timespan) tempin = getacdata(els, weathertime, timespan) # upload that to the sdb upcmd = "Weather_Time='%s', NightInfo_Id=%i" % (weathertime, nid) if tempin is not None: upcmd += ",TemperatureInside=%4.2f" % tempin if temp2m is not None: upcmd += ",Temperature2m=%4.2f" % temp2m if temp30m is not None: upcmd += ",Temperature30m=%4.2f" % temp30m if windspeed is not None: upcmd += ",WindSpeed=%5.2f" % windspeed if winddir is not None: upcmd += ",WindDirection=%5.2f" % winddir if dewin is not None: upcmd += ",DewPointInside=%3.2f" % dewin if dewout is not None: upcmd += ",DewPointOutside=%3.2f" % dewout if airpressure is not None: upcmd += ",AirPressure=%4.2f" % airpressure if relhum is not None: upcmd += ",RelativeHumidty=%4.2f" % relhum if extrelhum is not None: upcmd += ",ExternalRelativeHumidity=%4.2f" % extrelhum if rain is not None: upcmd += ",Rain=%i" % rain saltmysql.insert(sdb, upcmd, "Weather") print upcmd return
def pipelinestatus(obsdate, status, message=None, rawsize=None, reducedsize=None, runtime=None, emailsent=None, sdbhost='sdb.saao', sdbname='sdb', sdbuser='', password='', logfile='saltlog.log', verbose=True): """Update the PipelineStatistics table with the current information about the pipeline """ with logging(logfile,debug) as log: #connect the database sdb=saltmysql.connectdb(sdbhost, sdbname, sdbuser, password) #get the nightinfo_id night_id=saltmysql.getnightinfoid(sdb, obsdate) #get the status_id for the given status status_id=getstatusid(sdb, status) #create the insert command obsdate=str(obsdate) inst_cmd="NightInfo_Id=%s, PipelineStatus_Id=%i" % (night_id, status_id) if status_id>10: inst_cmd+=',ErrorMessage="%s"' % message if rawsize is not None: inst_cmd+=",RawSize=%f" % rawsize if reducedsize is not None: inst_cmd+=",ReducedSize=%f" % rawsize if runtime is not None: inst_cmd+=",PipelineRunTime=%i" % runtime if emailsent is not None: inst_cmd+=",EmailSent=%i" % emailsent print inst_cmd #insert or update the pipeline if checktable(sdb, night_id): saltmysql.update(sdb, inst_cmd, 'PipelineStatistics', 'NightInfo_Id=%i' % night_id) msg="Updating information for Night_Id=%i\n" % night_id else: saltmysql.insert(sdb, inst_cmd, 'PipelineStatistics') msg="Inserting information for Night_Id=%i\n" % night_id #log the call log.message(msg+inst_cmd, with_stdout=verbose)
def updatenightinfo(obsdate, sdbhost='sdb.saao', sdbname='sdb', \ sdbuser='', password='', logfile='saltlog.log', verbose=True): """Update the nightinfo table with current information about the night """ with logging(logfile,debug) as log: #connect the database sdb=saltmysql.connectdb(sdbhost, sdbname, sdbuser, password) #get the nightinfo_id try: night_id=saltmysql.getnightinfoid(sdb, obsdate) except SaltError: night_id=None #get the information for the night time_list=get_nightdetails(obsdate) #create the insert command obsdate=str(obsdate) inst_cmd="Date='%s-%s-%s'," % (obsdate[0:4], obsdate[4:6], obsdate[6:8]) inst_cmd+="SunSet='%s', SunRise='%s', MoonSet='%s', MoonRise='%s', EveningTwilightEnd='%s', MorningTwilightStart='%s'" % \ (time_list[0], time_list[1], time_list[2], time_list[3], time_list[4], time_list[5]) inst_cmd+=",MoonPhase_Percent=%i" % (round(float(time_list[6]))) if night_id: saltmysql.update(sdb, inst_cmd, 'NightInfo', 'NightInfo_Id=%i' % night_id) msg="Updating information for Night_Id=%i\n" % night_id else: saltmysql.insert(sdb, inst_cmd, 'NightInfo') msg="Inserting information for Night_Id=%i\n" % night_id #log the call log.message(msg+inst_cmd, with_stdout=verbose)
def saltpipe(obsdate,pinames,archive,ftp,email,emserver,emuser,empasswd,bcc, qcpcuser,qcpcpasswd, ftpserver,ftpuser,ftppasswd,sdbhost, sdbname, sdbuser, sdbpass, elshost, elsname, elsuser, elspass, median,function,order,rej_lo,rej_hi,niter,interp, clobber, runstatus, logfile,verbose): # set up basedir=os.getcwd() propcode=pinames sender = emuser + '' recipient = sender emessage = '' emailfile = '../piemaillist/email.lis' # check the observation date is sensible if ('/' in obsdate or '20' not in obsdate or len(obsdate) != 8): emessage = 'Observation date does not look sensible - YYYYMMDD\n' raise SaltError(emessage) # stop if the obsdate temporary directory already exists obsdir='%s' % obsdate if os.path.exists(obsdir): emessage += 'The temporary working directory ' + os.getcwd() + '/' emessage += obsdate + ' already exists. ' raise SaltError(emessage) # create a temporary working directory and move to it saltio.createdir(obsdir) saltio.changedir(obsdir) workpath = saltio.abspath('.') # test the logfile logfile = workpath+logfile logfile = saltio.logname(logfile) #note the starttime starttime = time.time() #start logging with logging(logfile,debug) as log: #connect to the database sdb=saltmysql.connectdb(sdbhost, sdbname, sdbuser, sdbpass) #get the nightinfo id nightinfoid=saltmysql.getnightinfoid(sdb, obsdate) #Get the list of proposal codes state_select='Proposal_Code' state_tables='Proposal join ProposalCode using (ProposalCode_Id)' state_logic="current=1", state_select, state_tables, state_logic) propids=[k[0] for k in records] # Calculate the current date currentdate=salttime.currentobsdate() # are the arguments defined saltio.argdefined('obsdate',obsdate) # check email and ftp arguments are consistent if email and not ftp: message = 'ERROR: SALTPIPE -- cannot send email to PI(s) unless data is transferred ' message += 'to the FTP server; use ftp=\'yes\' email=\'yes\'' raise SaltError(message) # identify a potential list of keyword edits keyfile = '../newheadfiles/list_newhead_' + obsdate if not os.path.isfile(keyfile): message = '\nSALTPIPE -- keyword edits ' + keyfile + ' not found locally' log.message(message) # check directories for the raw RSS data rssrawpath = makerawdir(obsdate, 'rss') # check directories for the raw SALTICAM data scmrawpath = makerawdir(obsdate, 'scam') # check raw directories for the disk.file record and find last file number #check rss data lastrssnum = checkfordata(rssrawpath, 'P', obsdate, log) #check scame data lastscmnum = checkfordata(scmrawpath, 'S', obsdate, log) #check for HRS Data--not filedata yet, so cannot check if lastrssnum == 1 and lastscmnum == 1: message = 'SALTPIPE -- no SALTICAM or RSS data obtained on ' + obsdate emessage += '\n' + message + '\n' log.message(message) #copy the data to the working directory if lastrssnum > 1: message = 'Copy ' + rssrawpath + ' --> ' + workpath + 'raw/' log.message(message) saltio.copydir(rssrawpath,'rss/raw') if lastscmnum > 1: message = 'Copy ' + scmrawpath + ' --> ' + workpath + 'raw/' log.message(message) saltio.copydir(scmrawpath,'scam/raw') #copy and pre-process the HRS data try: hrsbrawpath = makerawdir(obsdate, 'hbdet') saltio.createdir('hrs') saltio.createdir('hrs/raw') message = 'Copy ' + hrsbrawpath + ' --> ' + workpath + 'raw/' log.message(message) salthrspreprocess(hrsbrawpath, 'hrs/raw/', clobber=True, log=log, verbose=verbose) lasthrbnum=len(glob.glob('hrs/raw/*fits')) except Exception,e: log.message('Could not copy HRS data because %s' % e) lasthrbnum=0 try: hrsrrawpath = makerawdir(obsdate, 'hrdet') message = 'Copy ' + hrsrrawpath + ' --> ' + workpath + 'raw/' log.message(message) salthrspreprocess(hrsrrawpath, 'hrs/raw/', clobber=True, log=log, verbose=verbose) lasthrsnum=max(lasthrbnum, len(glob.glob('hrs/raw/*fits'))) except Exception,e: log.message('Could not copy HRS data because %s' % e) lasthrsnum=lasthrbnum
def saltcharge( obsdate, outfile, sdbhost="sdb.saao", sdbname="sdb", sdbuser="", password="", clobber=False, logfile="saltlog.log", verbose=True, ): """Calculate the charged time for proposals observed during a night """ with logging(logfile, debug) as log: # check the outfiles if not saltio.checkfornone(outfile): outfile = None # check that the output file can be deleted if outfile: saltio.overwrite(outfile, clobber) # connect the database sdb = saltmysql.connectdb(sdbhost, sdbname, sdbuser, password) # get all the proposals observed during the night select_state = "distinct Proposal_Code" table_state = "FileData Join ProposalCode using (ProposalCode_Id)" logic_state = "FileName like '%" + obsdate + "%'" records =, select_state, table_state, logic_state) pids = [] pid_time = {} for r in records: pids.append(r[0]) pid_time[r[0]] = 0 if len(pids) == 0: message = "There are no proposal to charge time for %s" % obsdate log.message(message) return # get the nightinfo_id night_id = saltmysql.getnightinfoid(sdb, obsdate) print night_id # get a list of all the images taken during the night select_state = "FileName, Proposal_Code, Target_Name, ExposureTime, UTSTART, INSTRUME, OBSMODE, DETMODE, CCDTYPE, NExposures" table_state = "FileData Join ProposalCode using (ProposalCode_Id) join FitsHeaderImage using (FileData_Id)" logic_state = "FileName like '%" + obsdate + "%'" img_list =, select_state, table_state, logic_state) # get all the blocks visited select_state = "Block_Id, Accepted, Proposal_Code" table_state = "Block join BlockVisit using (Block_Id) join Proposal using (Proposal_Id) join ProposalCode using (ProposalCode_Id)" logic_state = "NightInfo_Id=%i" % night_id block_list =, select_state, table_state, logic_state) print block_list # get the start and end of twilight nightstart =, "EveningTwilightEnd", "NightInfo", "NightInfo_Id=%i" % night_id)[0][0] nightend =, "MorningTwilightStart", "NightInfo", "NightInfo_Id=%i" % night_id)[0][0] print nightstart, nightend, (nightend - nightstart).seconds print # download the SOMMI log from the night try: sommi_log =, "SONightLog", "NightLogs", "NightInfo_Id=%i" % night_id)[0][0] except Exception, e: msg = "Unable to read in SOMMI log for %s" % obsdate raise SaltError(msg) # add to account for error in SOMMI log if int(obsdate) < 20111027: sommi_log = sommi_log.replace("Object name", "\nObject name") # parse the sommi log point_list = parseforpointings(sommi_log) # now find all blocks observed during a night for point in point_list: # proposal for that block pid = point[0].strip() # start time for that block starttime = point[1] # find the end time for that block endtime = findnexttime(point[1], point_list, nightend) # find the start time of the first object to be observed # for this block startimage = findfirstimage(pid, starttime, img_list) lastimage = findlastimage(pid, endtime, img_list) # check to see if the end time for the last file observed for # this block if startimage is not None: if startimage > endtime: startimage = None # determine the acquisition time for the block if startimage is not None: acqdelta = (startimage - starttime).seconds else: acqdelta = -1 # find the shutter open time shuttertime = calculate_shutteropen(img_list, starttime, endtime) # if the shutter and time of the last image is substantially different from the # end of the block, then take the last image as the end of the block # *TODO* Change to use expected block time st = starttime + datetime.timedelta(0, shuttertime + acqdelta) if (endtime - st).seconds > 900: if lastimage is None: endtime = st elif (lastimage - st).seconds > 3600: endtime = st else: endtime = lastimage # account for the time for that block tblock = (endtime - starttime).seconds if acqdelta > -1: # find the associated block block_id, blockvisit_id, accepted = getblockid(sdb, night_id, pid, img_list, starttime, endtime) if accepted and pid.count("-3-"): # charged time for that block try: pid_time[pid] += tblock except KeyError: pid_time[pid] = tblock print block_id, blockvisit_id, pid, starttime, tblock, acqdelta, shuttertime, shuttertime / tblock, block_id, accepted # update the charge time slewdelta = 0 scidelta = tblock - acqdelta update_cmd = "TotalSlewTime=%i, TotalAcquisitionTime=%i, TotalScienceTime=%i" % ( slewdelta, acqdelta, scidelta, ) table_cmd = "BlockVisit" logic_cmd = "BlockVisit_Id=%i" % blockvisit_id saltmysql.update(sdb, update_cmd, table_cmd, logic_cmd) return # update the charged time information # TODO: Check to see if the block was approved ptime_tot = 0 stime_tot = 0 for k in pid_time: ptime = pid_time[k] if ptime > 0: obsratio = stime / ptime else: obsratio = 0 print "%25s %5i %5i %3.2f" % (k, ptime, stime, obsratio) if k.count("-3-"): ptime_tot += ptime stime_tot += stime # print out the total night statistics tdelta = nightend - nightstart print tdelta.seconds, ptime_tot, stime_tot
def saltpipe(obsdate,pinames,archive,ftp,email,emserver,emuser,empasswd,bcc, qcpcuser,qcpcpasswd, ftpserver,ftpuser,ftppasswd,sdbhost, sdbname, sdbuser, sdbpass, elshost, elsname, elsuser, elspass, median,function,order,rej_lo,rej_hi,niter,interp, clobber, runstatus, logfile,verbose): # set up basedir=os.getcwd() propcode=pinames sender = emuser + '' recipient = sender emessage = '' emailfile = '../piemaillist/email.lis' # check the observation date is sensible if ('/' in obsdate or '20' not in obsdate or len(obsdate) != 8): emessage = 'Observation date does not look sensible - YYYYMMDD\n' raise SaltError(emessage) # stop if the obsdate temporary directory already exists obsdir='%s' % obsdate if os.path.exists(obsdir): emessage += 'The temporary working directory ' + os.getcwd() + '/' emessage += obsdate + ' already exists. ' raise SaltError(emessage) # create a temporary working directory and move to it saltio.createdir(obsdir) saltio.changedir(obsdir) workpath = saltio.abspath('.') # test the logfile logfile = workpath+logfile logfile = saltio.logname(logfile) #note the starttime starttime = time.time() #start logging with logging(logfile,debug) as log: #connect to the database sdb=saltmysql.connectdb(sdbhost, sdbname, sdbuser, sdbpass) #get the nightinfo id nightinfoid=saltmysql.getnightinfoid(sdb, obsdate) #Get the list of proposal codes state_select='Proposal_Code' state_tables='Proposal join ProposalCode using (ProposalCode_Id)' state_logic="current=1", state_select, state_tables, state_logic) propids=[k[0] for k in records] # Calculate the current date currentdate=salttime.currentobsdate() # are the arguments defined saltio.argdefined('obsdate',obsdate) # check email and ftp arguments are consistent if email and not ftp: message = 'ERROR: SALTPIPE -- cannot send email to PI(s) unless data is transferred ' message += 'to the FTP server; use ftp=\'yes\' email=\'yes\'' raise SaltError(message) # identify a potential list of keyword edits keyfile = '../newheadfiles/list_newhead_' + obsdate if not os.path.isfile(keyfile): message = '\nSALTPIPE -- keyword edits ' + keyfile + ' not found locally' log.message(message) # check directories for the raw RSS data rssrawpath = makerawdir(obsdate, 'rss') # check directories for the raw SALTICAM data scmrawpath = makerawdir(obsdate, 'scam') # check raw directories for the disk.file record and find last file number #check rss data lastrssnum = checkfordata(rssrawpath, 'P', obsdate, log) #check scame data lastscmnum = checkfordata(scmrawpath, 'S', obsdate, log) #check for HRS Data--not filedata yet, so cannot check if lastrssnum == 1 and lastscmnum == 1: message = 'SALTPIPE -- no SALTICAM or RSS data obtained on ' + obsdate emessage += '\n' + message + '\n' log.message(message) #copy the data to the working directory if lastrssnum > 1: message = 'Copy ' + rssrawpath + ' --> ' + workpath + 'raw/' log.message(message) saltio.copydir(rssrawpath,'rss/raw') if lastscmnum > 1: message = 'Copy ' + scmrawpath + ' --> ' + workpath + 'raw/' log.message(message) saltio.copydir(scmrawpath,'scam/raw') #copy and pre-process the HRS data try: hrsbrawpath = makerawdir(obsdate, 'hbdet') saltio.createdir('hrs') saltio.createdir('hrs/raw') message = 'Copy ' + hrsbrawpath + ' --> ' + workpath + 'raw/' log.message(message) salthrspreprocess(hrsbrawpath, 'hrs/raw/', clobber=True, log=log, verbose=verbose) hrsrrawpath = makerawdir(obsdate, 'hrdet') message = 'Copy ' + hrsrrawpath + ' --> ' + workpath + 'raw/' log.message(message) salthrspreprocess(hrsrrawpath, 'hrs/raw/', clobber=True, log=log, verbose=verbose) lasthrsnum=len(glob.glob('hrs/raw/*fits')) except Exception,e: log.message('Could not copy HRS data because %s' % e) lasthrsnum=0 if lastrssnum>1 or lastscmnum>1: message = 'Copy of data is complete' log.message(message) else: message = 'No data was taken on %s' % obsdate log.message(message) #process the data RSS data if lastrssnum>1: preprocessdata('rss', 'P', obsdate, keyfile, log, logfile, verbose) #process the SCAM data if lastscmnum>1: preprocessdata('scam', 'S', obsdate, keyfile, log, logfile, verbose) #process the HRS data if lasthrsnum>1: preprocessdata('hrs', 'H', obsdate, keyfile, log, logfile, verbose) preprocessdata('hrs', 'R', obsdate, keyfile, log, logfile, verbose) #check that all data was given a proper proposal id #only do it for semesters after the start of science operations if int(obsdate)>=20110901: # Check to see that the PROPID keyword exists and if not add it message = '\nSALTPIPE -- Checking for PROPID keyword' log.message(message) #check rss data rssstatus=runcheckforpropid(glob.glob('rss/raw/P*.fits'), propids, log) #check scam data scmstatus=runcheckforpropid(glob.glob('scam/raw/S*.fits'), propids, log) #check hrsB data hrsbstatus=runcheckforpropid(glob.glob('hrs/raw/H*.fits'), propids, log) #check hrsB data hrsrstatus=runcheckforpropid(glob.glob('hrs/raw/R*.fits'), propids, log) if not rssstatus or not scmstatus or not hrsbstatus or not hrsrstatus: msg='The PROPIDs for these files needs to be updated and re-start the pipeline' raise SaltError("Invalid PROPID in images:"+msg) #process the RSS data rssrawsize, rssrawnum, rssprodsize, rssprodnum=processdata('rss', obsdate, propcode, median, function, order, rej_lo, rej_hi, niter, interp,logfile, verbose) #advance process the data if rssrawnum > 0: advanceprocess('rss', obsdate, propcode, median, function, order, rej_lo, rej_hi, niter, interp,sdbhost, sdbname, sdbuser, sdbpass, logfile, verbose) #process the SCAM data scmrawsize, scmrawnum, scmprodsize, scmprodnum=processdata('scam', obsdate, propcode, median, function, order, rej_lo, rej_hi, niter, interp,logfile, verbose) #process the HRS data hrsrawsize, hrsrawnum, hrsprodsize, hrsprodnum=hrsprocess('hrs', obsdate, propcode, median, function, order, rej_lo, rej_hi, niter, interp, logfile, verbose) #upload the data to the database img_list=glob.glob(workpath+'scam/product/*bxgp*.fits') img_list.extend(glob.glob(workpath+'rss/product/*bxgp*.fits')) img_list.extend(glob.glob(workpath+'hrs/raw/*.fits')) if img_list: img=','.join('%s' % (k) for k in img_list) saltsdbloadfits(images=img, sdbname=sdbname, sdbhost=sdbhost, sdbuser=sdbuser, \ password=sdbpass, logfile=logfile, verbose=verbose) #add junk sources to the database raw_list=glob.glob(workpath+'scam/raw/S*.fits') raw_list.extend(glob.glob(workpath+'rss/raw/P*.fits')) if raw_list: img='' for img in raw_list: if hdu[0].header['PROPID'].strip()=='JUNK': saltsdbloadfits(images=img, sdbname=sdbname, sdbhost=sdbhost, sdbuser=sdbuser, \ password=sdbpass, logfile=logfile, verbose=verbose) hdu.close() # construct observation and pipeline documentation if lastrssnum > 1 and rssrawnum>0: rssobslog = 'rss/product/P' + obsdate + 'OBSLOG.fits' else: rssobslog = 'none' if lastscmnum > 1 and scmrawnum>0: scmobslog = 'scam/product/S' + obsdate + 'OBSLOG.fits' else: scmobslog = 'None' if lasthrsnum > 1 and hrsrawnum>0: hrsobslog = 'hrs/product/H' + obsdate + 'OBSLOG.fits' else: hrsobslog = 'None' if rssrawnum==0 and scmrawnum==0 and hrsrawnum==0: msg='No data processed for %s' % obsdate email=False ftp=False log.message(msg) htmlpath = '.' nightlog = '../nightlogfiles/' + obsdate + '.log' readme = iraf.osfn('pipetools$html/readme.template') if not os.path.isfile(nightlog): nightlog = '' message = 'No night log file ~/nightlogfiles/' + obsdate + '.log found' log.warning(message) if (rssrawnum > 0 or scmrawnum > 0 or hrsrawnum>0): salthtml(propcode=propcode,scamobslog=scmobslog,rssobslog=rssobslog, hrsobslog=hrsobslog, htmlpath=htmlpath, nightlog=nightlog,readme=readme,clobber=True,logfile=logfile, verbose=verbose) #add a pause to allow syncing of the databases time.sleep(10) #Add in the environmental information if (rssrawnum > 0 or scmrawnum > 0 or hrsrawnum>0): propids=saltmysql.getpropcodes(sdb, obsdate) for pid in propids: saltelsdata(pid, obsdate, elshost, elsname, elsuser, elspass, sdbhost,sdbname,sdbuser, sdbpass, clobber, logfile,verbose) try: outfile='%s_%s_elsdata.fits' % (pid, obsdate) outdir='%s/doc/' % (pid) shutil.move(outfile, outdir) except: os.remove(outfile) #ftp the data beachdir='/salt/ftparea/' if ftp: try: saltftp(propcode=propcode,obsdate=obsdate, datapath=workpath, password=ftppasswd,beachdir=beachdir,sdbhost=sdbhost, sdbname=sdbname,sdbuser=sdbuser,splitfiles=False, cleanup=True,clobber=True,logfile=logfile, verbose=verbose) except Exception,e: message="Not able to copy data to FTP area:\n%s " % e raise SaltError(message) #run with the splitting of files try: saltftp(propcode=propcode,obsdate=obsdate, datapath=workpath, password=ftppasswd,beachdir=beachdir,sdbhost=sdbhost, sdbname=sdbname,sdbuser=sdbuser,splitfiles=True, cleanup=True,clobber=True,logfile=logfile, verbose=verbose) except Exception,e: message="Not able to copy data to FTP area:\n%s " % e raise SaltError(message)
''' where_term = "Proposal_Code like '%s' and Date='%s-%s-%s'" % ( propcode, obsdate[0:4], obsdate[4:6], obsdate[6:8]) print select_term, from_term, where_term try: record =, select_term, from_term, where_term)[0][0] except: record = None print record if record == 'FastEmail': return else: #insert information into the database nightinfoid = saltmysql.getnightinfoid(sdb, obsdate) insert_term = "NightInfo_Id=%i, ProposalCode_Id=%i, PipelineStatus_Id=8" % ( nightinfoid, propid) table_term = "PipelineProposalStatistics" saltmysql.insert(sdb, insert_term, "PipelineProposalStatistics") #send email sender = '*****@*****.**' recipient = email bcc = '*****@*****.**' subject = 'SALT data available for %s' % propcode message = open(readmefile).read() message = message.replace('OBSDATE', obsdate) sendemail(server, 'sa', password, sender, recipient, bcc, subject, message)
def makenightstats(els, sdb, outfile, obsdate, clobber=False): """Retrieve data for a given observation during an observation date for a proposal """ fout=saltio.openascii(outfile, 'w') headerstr="""<html> <head><title>SALT Night Report for %s</title></head> <body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="blue" vlink="blue"> <center><h1> SALT Night Report for %s<br> </h1></center> """ % (obsdate, obsdate) fout.write(headerstr) #set up the Observing Statistics fout.write('<h2> A. Observing Information </h2>\n') nid=saltmysql.getnightinfoid(sdb, obsdate) print nid #get duty information selcmd='sa.Surname, so.Surname, ct.surname' tabcmd='NightInfo join SaltOperator as so on (SO1_Id=SO_Id) join Investigator as sa on (SA_Id=sa.Investigator_Id) join Investigator as ct on (CTDuty_Id=ct.Investigator_Id)', selcmd, tabcmd, 'NightInfo_Id=%i' % nid) try: sa,so,ct=record[0] dutystr='SA: %s <br>\nSO: %s <br> \nCT: %s <br>\n<br>' % (sa, so,ct) except: dutystr='SA: %s <br>\n SO: %s <br> \n CT: %s <br>\n<br>' % ('', '', '') fout.write(dutystr) #get night time information selcmd='SunSet, SunRise, MoonSet, MoonRise, MoonPhase_Percent, EveningTwilightEnd, MorningTwilightStart', selcmd, 'NightInfo', 'NightInfo_Id=%i' % nid)[0] statlist=['Sun Set', 'Sun Rise', 'Moon Set', 'Moon Rise', 'Moon Phase', 'Evening Twilight', 'Morning Twilight'] statstr='<table border=1><tr><th colspan=2>Nighttime Statistics </th></tr>\n' for s,r in zip (statlist, record): statstr+='<tr><td>%20s</td><td> %s </td></tr>\n' % (s, r) statstr+='</table><br>\n' fout.write(statstr) mintime=record[0]-datetime.timedelta(seconds=1*3600) maxtime=record[1]+datetime.timedelta(seconds=1*3600) obsstatlist=['Science Time', 'Engineering Time', 'Lost to Weather', 'Lost to Problems'] selcmd='ScienceTime, EngineeringTime, TimeLostToWeather, TimeLostToProblems', selcmd, 'NightInfo', 'NightInfo_Id=%i' % nid)[0] obsstatstr='<table border=1><tr><th colspan=2>Observing Statistics </th></tr>\n' for s,r in zip (obsstatlist, record): obsstatstr+='<tr><td>%20s</td><td> %s </td></tr>\n' % (s, r) obsstatstr+='</table><br>\n' fout.write(obsstatstr) #Set up the Envirnmental Statistics fout.write('<h2> B. Environmental Statistics </h2>\n') #create the tables print mintime, maxtime #guihdu=guidertable(els, mintime, maxtime) #temperature plot fout.write('<table>') weahdu=weathertable(els, mintime, maxtime) tempplot=temperatureplot(weahdu, mintime, maxtime, obsdate) fout.write('<tr><td><img width=700 height=200 src=%s></td></tr>\n' % os.path.basename(tempplot)) windfile=windplot(weahdu, mintime, maxtime, obsdate) fout.write('<tr><td><img width=700 height=200 src=%s></td></tr>\n' % os.path.basename(windfile)) #seeing plot seeplot=makeseeingplot(sdb, mintime, maxtime, obsdate) fout.write('<tr><td><img width=700 height=200 src=%s><br></td></tr>\n' % os.path.basename(seeplot)) fout.write('</table>\n') #Set up the Pipeline Statistics fout.write('<h2> C. Pipeline Statistics </h2>\n') fout.write('<table>\n'), 'PipelineStatus, RawSize, ReducedSize, PipelineRunTime', 'PipelineStatistics join PipelineStatus using (PipelineStatus_Id)', 'NightInfo_Id=%i' % nid)[0] print record print record[1]/3600.0 pipelinestatus='Completed' fout.write('<tr><td>Pipeline Status:</td><td>%s</td></tr>' % record[0]) fout.write('<tr><td>Raw Data:</td><td>%3.2f Gb</td></tr>' % (record[1]/1e9)) fout.write('<tr><td>Reduced Data:</td><td>%3.2f Gb</td></tr>' % (record[2]/1e9)) fout.write('<tr><td>Run Time:</td><td>%3.2f min</td></tr>' % (record[3]/60.0)) fout.write('</table>\n') #Set up the Proposal/Block Statistics fout.write('<h2> D. Proposal Statistics </h2>\n') selcmd='Proposal_Code, Block_Name, Accepted, ObsTime, BlockRejectedReason_Id, BlockVisit_Id' tabcmd='Block join BlockVisit as bv using (Block_Id) join Proposal using (Proposal_Id) join ProposalCode using (ProposalCode_Id)' logcmd='NightInfo_Id=%i' % nid, selcmd, tabcmd, logcmd) print record fout.write('<table border=1>\n') fout.write('<tr><th>Proposal</th><th>Block</th><th>Obs Time</th><th>Accepted?</th><th>Rejected Reason</th></tr>\n') for r in record: if r[2]>=1: accept='Yes' reason='' else: accept='No' print r, 'RejectedReason', 'BlockRejectedReason', 'BlockRejectedReason_Id=%i' % int(r[4]))[0][0] bstr='<tr><td><a href="">%s</a></td><td>%s</td><td>%3.2f</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n' % (r[0], r[0], r[1], float(r[3])/3600.0, accept, reason) fout.write(bstr) fout.write('</table>\n') #Set up the Data Quality Statistics fout.write('<h2> E. Data Quality </h2>\n') fout.write('</body> \n</hmtl>') fout.close()
join NightInfo using (NightInfo_Id) join ProposalCode using (ProposalCode_Id) ''' where_term="Proposal_Code like '%s' and Date='%s-%s-%s'" % (propcode, obsdate[0:4], obsdate[4:6], obsdate[6:8]) print select_term, from_term, where_term try:, select_term, from_term, where_term)[0][0] except: record=None print record if record=='FastEmail': return else: #insert information into the database nightinfoid=saltmysql.getnightinfoid(sdb, obsdate) insert_term="NightInfo_Id=%i, ProposalCode_Id=%i, PipelineStatus_Id=8" % (nightinfoid, propid) table_term="PipelineProposalStatistics" saltmysql.insert(sdb, insert_term, "PipelineProposalStatistics") #send email sender='*****@*****.**' recipient=email bcc='*****@*****.**' subject='SALT data available for %s' % propcode message=open(readmefile).read() message=message.replace('OBSDATE', obsdate) sendemail(server,'sa',password,sender,recipient,bcc, subject,message)
def runfast(filename, propcode, obsdate, server, readmefile, sdbhost, sdbname, sdbuser, password): """Handle fast data delivery for the proposal. For a given filename """ if propcode is None or propcode=='None': return #first check in the sdb if fast data delivery is needed sdb=saltmysql.connectdb(sdbhost,sdbname, sdbuser, password) select_term='Distinct Surname, email, username, ProposalCode_Id' from_term=''' Block join Pointing using (Block_Id) join PipelineConfig using (Pointing_Id) join Proposal using (Proposal_Id) join ProposalCode using (ProposalCode_Id) join PipelineDataAccessMethod using (PipelineDataAccessMethod_Id) join ProposalContact using (Proposal_Id) join Investigator on (Investigator_Id=Contact_Id) join PiptUser using (PiptUser_Id) ''' where_term="Proposal_Code like '%s' and current=1 and DataAccessMethod='Fast'" \ % (propcode) #print 'Select %s from %s where %s' % (select_term, from_term, where_term) try:, select_term, from_term, where_term) except Exception as e: print(e) return None #print "Checking for fast data" #print record if record: surname, email, username, propid= record[0] #print surname, email, username, propid else: return #second if so, then copy the data to the contact PI directory #on saltpipe under the fast directory. #rawfilename=getrawfilename(filename) y=os.system('scp %s sa@saltpipe:/salt/ftparea/%s/fast%s/' % (filename, username, obsdate)) if y==256: y=os.system('ssh sa@saltpipe mkdir /salt/ftparea/%s/fast%s' % (username, obsdate)) y=os.system('scp %s sa@saltpipe:/salt/ftparea/%s/fast%s/' % (filename, username, obsdate)) if y!=0: print("Problem with copying file %s to /salt/ftparea/%s/fast%s/" % (filename, username, obsdate)) #copy the reduced data y=os.system('scp mbxp%s sa@saltpipe:/salt/ftparea/%s/fast%s/' % (os.path.basename(filename), username, obsdate)) #check the type of data it is and copy over an ancillery data as well #if it is the first object file, check to see if an email has been #sent, and if not, send email #try to copy the spectroscopic data print(filename, filename.startswith('P')) if os.path.basename(filename).startswith('P'): sfilename='smbxp%s.txt' % (os.path.basename(filename).split('.fits')[0]) print(sfilename) try: y=os.system('scp %s sa@saltpipe:/salt/ftparea/%s/fast%s/' % (sfilename, username, obsdate)) except Exception as e: print(e) if os.path.basename(filename).startswith('S'): try: sfilename='' % (os.path.basename(filename).split('.fits')[0]) print(sfilename) y=os.system('scp %s sa@saltpipe:/salt/ftparea/%s/fast%s/' % (sfilename, username, obsdate)) except Exception as e: print(e) #check to see if an email has been sent select_term='PipelineStatus' from_term=''' PipelineProposalStatistics join PipelineStatus using (PipelineStatus_Id) join NightInfo using (NightInfo_Id) join ProposalCode using (ProposalCode_Id) ''' where_term="Proposal_Code like '%s' and Date='%s-%s-%s'" % (propcode, obsdate[0:4], obsdate[4:6], obsdate[6:8]) print(select_term, from_term, where_term) try:, select_term, from_term, where_term)[0][0] except: record=None print(record) if record=='FastEmail': return else: #insert information into the database nightinfoid=saltmysql.getnightinfoid(sdb, obsdate) insert_term="NightInfo_Id=%i, ProposalCode_Id=%i, PipelineStatus_Id=8" % (nightinfoid, propid) table_term="PipelineProposalStatistics" saltmysql.insert(sdb, insert_term, "PipelineProposalStatistics") #send email sender='*****@*****.**' recipient=email bcc='*****@*****.**' subject='SALT data available for %s' % propcode message=open(readmefile).read() message=message.replace('OBSDATE', obsdate) sendemail(server,'sa',password,sender,recipient,bcc, subject,message) sdb.close() return
def saltnightinfo( obsdate, sdbhost="sdb.saao", sdbname="sdb", sdbuser="", password="", clobber=False, logfile="saltlog.log", verbose=True, ): """Update the nightinfo table from the SOMMI log """ with logging(logfile, debug) as log: # connect the database sdb = saltmysql.connectdb(sdbhost, sdbname, sdbuser, password) # get the nightinfo_id night_id = saltmysql.getnightinfoid(sdb, obsdate) print night_id # get the start and end of twilight nightstart =, "EveningTwilightEnd", "NightInfo", "NightInfo_Id=%i" % night_id)[0][0] nightend =, "MorningTwilightStart", "NightInfo", "NightInfo_Id=%i" % night_id)[0][0] print nightstart print nightend print (nightend - nightstart).seconds # download the SOMMI log from the night try: sommi_log =, "SONightLog", "NightLogs", "NightInfo_Id=%i" % night_id)[0][0] except: raise SaltError("Unable to read SOMMI log in the database for %s" % obsdate) # set up the time for the night try: ntime = (nightend - nightstart).seconds except: raise SaltError("Unable to read night length from database for %s" % obsdate) # parse the sommi log slog = sommi_log.split("\n") stime = 0 for i in range(len(slog)): if slog[i].count("Science Time:"): stime = extractinformation(slog[i]) if slog[i].count("Engineering Time:") and not slog[i].count("Non-observing Engineering Time"): etime = extractinformation(slog[i]) if slog[i].count("Time lost to Weather:"): wtime = extractinformation(slog[i]) if slog[i].count("Time lost to Tech. Problems:"): ttime = extractinformation(slog[i]) if slog[i].count("Non-observing Engineering Time:"): ltime = extractinformation(slog[i]) print etime tot_time = stime + etime + wtime + ttime print night_id, ntime, stime, etime, wtime, ttime, ltime, tot_time # insert the information into the database print tot_time, ntime if abs(tot_time - ntime) < 900: message = "Updating NightInfo Table with the following Times:\n" message += "Science Time=%i\n" % stime message += "Engineeringh=%i\n" % etime message += "Time lost to Weather=%i\n" % wtime message += "Time lost to Tech. Problems=%i\n" % ttime message += "Non-observing Engineering Time=%i\n" % ltime log.message(message) insert_state = ( "ScienceTime=%i, EngineeringTime=%i, TimeLostToWeather=%i, TimeLostToProblems=%i, NonObservingEngineeringTime=%i" % (stime, etime, wtime, ttime, ltime) ) table_state = "NightInfo" logic_state = "NightInfo_Id=%i" % night_id saltmysql.update(sdb, insert_state, table_state, logic_state) else: message = "The total time for the night is not equal to the length of the night\n" message += "Night Length=%i\n--------------------\n" % ntime message += "Science Time=%i\n" % stime message += "Engineeringh=%i\n" % etime message += "Time lost to Weather=%i\n" % wtime message += "Time lost to Tech. Problems=%i\n" % ttime message += "Non-observing Engineering Time=%i\n" % ltime message += "Total time for the Night=%i\n" % tot_time log.message(message)
def saltslewstats(startdate, enddate, elshost, elsname, elsuser, elspass, sdbhost,sdbname,sdbuser, password, clobber,logfile,verbose): # set up proposers = [] propids = [] pids = [] with logging(logfile,debug) as log: #open the database els=saltmysql.connectdb(elshost, elsname, elsuser, elspass) sdb=saltmysql.connectdb(sdbhost,sdbname,sdbuser, password) #loop through each night and determine the statistics for the slew times #for each night obsdate=int(startdate) slew_list=[] while obsdate < int(enddate): night_id=saltmysql.getnightinfoid(sdb, obsdate) start,,'EveningTwilightEnd,MorningTwilightStart','NightInfo', 'NightInfo_Id=%i' % night_id)[0] tslew, nslew=slewtime(els, start, end) if nslew>0: print obsdate, night_id, start, end, nslew, tslew/nslew slew_list.append([start, nslew, tslew]) obsdate=int(getnextdate(obsdate)) slew_arr=np.array(slew_list) days=np.zeros(len(slew_arr)) for i in range(len(slew_arr)): days[i]=(slew_arr[i,0]-slew_arr[0,0]).days coef=np.polyfit(days, slew_arr[:,2]/slew_arr[:,1], 2) ave_date=[] ave_values=[] ave_nslews=[] nstep=10 for i in np.arange(15,len(slew_arr), 2*nstep): ave_date.append(slew_arr[i,0]) i1=i-nstep i2=min(i+nstep, len(slew_arr)) #ave_values.append(np.median(slew_arr[i1:i2,2]/slew_arr[i1:i2,1])) ave_nslews.append(np.median(slew_arr[i1:i2,1])) ave_values.append(np.median(slew_arr[i1:i2,2])) print ave_date[-1], ave_values[-1], ave_nslews[-1] ave_values=np.array(ave_values) ave_nslews=np.array(ave_nslews) mean_slew=ave_nslews.mean() mean_slew=11 for i in range(len(ave_date)): #value is an attempt to correct for the average number of slews value=(ave_values[i]+30*(mean_slew-ave_nslews[i]))/mean_slew print ave_date[i], '%i %i %i' % (ave_values[i]/ave_nslews[i], ave_nslews[i], value) plt.figure() plt.plot(slew_arr[:,0], slew_arr[:,2]/slew_arr[:,1], ls='', marker='o') #plt.plot(slew_arr[:,0], slew_arr[:,1], ls='', marker='o') #plt.plot(slew_arr[:,0], slew_arr[:,2], ls='', marker='o') plt.plot(ave_date, ave_values/ave_nslews) #plt.plot(days, np.polyval(coef, days)) plt.ylabel('Slew Time(s)') plt.xlabel('Date')