def _authn_response(self, in_response_to, consumer_url, sp_entity_id, identity=None, name_id=None, status=None, authn=None, issuer=None, policy=None, sign_assertion=False, sign_response=False, best_effort=False, encrypt_assertion=False, encrypt_cert_advice=None, encrypt_cert_assertion=None, authn_statement=None, encrypt_assertion_self_contained=False, encrypted_advice_attributes=False, pefim=False, sign_alg=None, digest_alg=None, farg=None, session_not_on_or_after=None): """ Create a response. A layer of indirection. :param in_response_to: The session identifier of the request :param consumer_url: The URL which should receive the response :param sp_entity_id: The entity identifier of the SP :param identity: A dictionary with attributes and values that are expected to be the bases for the assertion in the response. :param name_id: The identifier of the subject :param status: The status of the response :param authn: A dictionary containing information about the authn context. :param issuer: The issuer of the response :param policy: :param sign_assertion: Whether the assertion should be signed or not :param sign_response: Whether the response should be signed or not :param best_effort: Even if not the SPs demands can be met send a response. :param encrypt_assertion: True if assertions should be encrypted. :param encrypt_assertion_self_contained: True if all encrypted assertions should have alla namespaces selfcontained. :param encrypted_advice_attributes: True if assertions in the advice element should be encrypted. :param encrypt_cert_advice: Certificate to be used for encryption of assertions in the advice element. :param encrypt_cert_assertion: Certificate to be used for encryption of assertions. :param authn_statement: Authentication statement. :param sign_assertion: True if assertions should be signed. :param pefim: True if a response according to the PEFIM profile should be created. :param farg: Argument to pass on to the assertion constructor :return: A response instance """ if farg is None: assertion_args = {} args = {} # if identity: _issuer = self._issuer(issuer) # if encrypt_assertion and show_nameid: # tmp_name_id = name_id # name_id = None # name_id = None # tmp_authn = authn # authn = None # tmp_authn_statement = authn_statement # authn_statement = None if pefim: encrypted_advice_attributes = True encrypt_assertion_self_contained = True assertion_attributes = self.setup_assertion( None, sp_entity_id, None, None, None, policy, None, None, identity, best_effort, sign_response, farg=farg) assertion = self.setup_assertion( authn, sp_entity_id, in_response_to, consumer_url, name_id, policy, _issuer, authn_statement, [], True, sign_response, farg=farg, session_not_on_or_after=session_not_on_or_after) assertion.advice = saml.Advice() # assertion.advice.assertion_id_ref.append(saml.AssertionIDRef()) # assertion.advice.assertion_uri_ref.append(saml.AssertionURIRef()) assertion.advice.assertion.append(assertion_attributes) else: assertion = self.setup_assertion( authn, sp_entity_id, in_response_to, consumer_url, name_id, policy, _issuer, authn_statement, identity, True, sign_response, farg=farg, session_not_on_or_after=session_not_on_or_after) to_sign = [] if not encrypt_assertion: if sign_assertion: assertion.signature = pre_signature_part(, self.sec.my_cert, 2, sign_alg=sign_alg, digest_alg=digest_alg) to_sign.append((class_name(assertion), args["assertion"] = assertion if (self.support_AssertionIDRequest() or self.support_AuthnQuery()): self.session_db.store_assertion(assertion, to_sign) return self._response( in_response_to, consumer_url, status, issuer, sign_response, to_sign, sp_entity_id=sp_entity_id, encrypt_assertion=encrypt_assertion, encrypt_cert_advice=encrypt_cert_advice, encrypt_cert_assertion=encrypt_cert_assertion, encrypt_assertion_self_contained=encrypt_assertion_self_contained, encrypted_advice_attributes=encrypted_advice_attributes, sign_assertion=sign_assertion, pefim=pefim, sign_alg=sign_alg, digest_alg=digest_alg, **args)
def _authn_response(self, in_response_to, consumer_url, sp_entity_id, identity=None, name_id=None, status=None, authn=None, issuer=None, policy=None, sign_assertion=False, sign_response=False, best_effort=False, encrypt_assertion=False, encrypt_cert=None, authn_statement=None, encrypt_assertion_self_contained=False, encrypted_advice_attributes=False): """ Create a response. A layer of indirection. :param in_response_to: The session identifier of the request :param consumer_url: The URL which should receive the response :param sp_entity_id: The entity identifier of the SP :param identity: A dictionary with attributes and values that are expected to be the bases for the assertion in the response. :param name_id: The identifier of the subject :param status: The status of the response :param authn: A dictionary containing information about the authn context. :param issuer: The issuer of the response :param sign_assertion: Whether the assertion should be signed or not :param sign_response: Whether the response should be signed or not :param best_effort: Even if not the SPs demands can be met send a response. :return: A response instance """ to_sign = [] args = {} #if identity: _issuer = self._issuer(issuer) #if encrypt_assertion and show_nameid: # tmp_name_id = name_id # name_id = None # name_id = None # tmp_authn = authn # authn = None # tmp_authn_statement = authn_statement # authn_statement = None if encrypt_assertion and encrypted_advice_attributes: assertion_attributes = self.setup_assertion( None, sp_entity_id, None, None, None, policy, None, None, identity, best_effort, sign_response, False) assertion = self.setup_assertion(authn, sp_entity_id, in_response_to, consumer_url, name_id, policy, _issuer, authn_statement, [], True, sign_response) assertion.advice = saml.Advice() #assertion.advice.assertion_id_ref.append(saml.AssertionIDRef()) #assertion.advice.assertion_uri_ref.append(saml.AssertionURIRef()) assertion.advice.assertion.append(assertion_attributes) else: assertion = self.setup_assertion(authn, sp_entity_id, in_response_to, consumer_url, name_id, policy, _issuer, authn_statement, identity, True, sign_response) to_sign = [] if sign_assertion is not None and sign_assertion: if assertion.advice and assertion.advice.assertion: for tmp_assertion in assertion.advice.assertion: tmp_assertion.signature = pre_signature_part(, self.sec.my_cert, 1) to_sign.append( (class_name(tmp_assertion), assertion.signature = pre_signature_part(, self.sec.my_cert, 1) # Just the assertion or the response and the assertion ? to_sign.append((class_name(assertion), # Store which assertion that has been sent to which SP about which # subject. # self.cache.set(assertion.subject.name_id.text, # sp_entity_id, {"ava": identity, "authn": authn}, # assertion.conditions.not_on_or_after) args["assertion"] = assertion if (self.support_AssertionIDRequest() or self.support_AuthnQuery()): self.session_db.store_assertion(assertion, to_sign) return self._response( in_response_to, consumer_url, status, issuer, sign_response, to_sign, encrypt_assertion=encrypt_assertion, encrypt_cert=encrypt_cert, encrypt_assertion_self_contained=encrypt_assertion_self_contained, encrypted_advice_attributes=encrypted_advice_attributes, **args)