def test_callprinter_indent(LineMatcher): from sample6 import bar out = StringIO() with trace(action=CallPrinter(stream=out)): bar() lm = LineMatcher(out.getvalue().splitlines()) lm.fnmatch_lines([ "* call => bar()", "* line foo()", "* call => foo()", "* line try:", "* line asdf()", "* call => asdf()", "* line raise Exception()", "* exception ! asdf: (<*Exception'>, Exception(), <traceback object at *>)", "* return <= asdf: None", "* exception ! foo: (<*Exception'>, Exception(), <traceback object at *>)", "* line except:", "* line pass", "* line try:", "* line asdf()", "* call => asdf()", "* line raise Exception()", "* exception ! asdf: (<*Exception'>, Exception(), <traceback object at *>)", "* return <= asdf: None", "* exception ! foo: (<*Exception'>, Exception(), <traceback object at *>)", "* line except:", "* line pass", "* return <= foo: None", "* return <= bar: None", ])
def test_tracing_reinstall(LineMatcher): lines = StringIO() with hunter.trace(CodePrinter(stream=lines)): def foo(): a = 2 sys.settrace(sys.gettrace()) a = 3 def bar(): a = 1 foo() a = 4 bar() print(lines.getvalue()) lm = LineMatcher(lines.getvalue().splitlines()) lm.fnmatch_lines([ "** call def bar():", "** line a = 1", "** line foo()", "** call def foo():", "** line a = 2", "** line sys.settrace(sys.gettrace())", "** line a = 3", "** return a = 3", "* ... return value: None", "** line a = 4", "** return a = 4", "* ... return value: None", ])
def foo(): gen = bar() next(gen) while True: try: gen.send('foo') except StopIteration: break list(i for i in range(2)) x = [i for i in range(2)]
def foo(): bar() return 1