Esempio n. 1
  def test_arbitrator_count(self):
    """gets the module tags and detects if there is any arbitrator hosts"""
    filename = saputils.find_rtl_file_location("wb_gpio.v")
    tags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename, debug=self.dbg)
    self.assertEqual(len(tags["arbitrator_masters"]), 0)

    filename = saputils.find_rtl_file_location("wb_console.v")
    tags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename, debug=self.dbg)
    self.assertEqual(len(tags["arbitrator_masters"]), 2)
Esempio n. 2
    def test_arbitrator_count(self):
        """gets the module tags and detects if there is any arbitrator hosts"""
        filename = saputils.find_rtl_file_location("wb_gpio.v")
        tags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename, debug=self.dbg)
        self.assertEqual(len(tags["arbitrator_masters"]), 0)

        filename = saputils.find_rtl_file_location("wb_console.v")
        tags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename, debug=self.dbg)
        self.assertEqual(len(tags["arbitrator_masters"]), 2)
Esempio n. 3
  def test_generate_buffer_slave(self):
    absfilepath = saputils.find_rtl_file_location("wb_gpio.v")
    slave_keywords = [
    mtags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename = absfilepath, bus="wishbone", keywords = slave_keywords) 
    self.gen.wires = [
    tags = {}
      filename = os.getenv("SAPLIB_BASE") + "/example_project/mem_example.json"
      filein = open(filename)
      filestr =
      tags = json.loads(filestr)

    except IOError as err:
      print "File Error: " + str(err)
      self.assertEqual(False, True)

    self.gen.tags = tags
    result = self.gen.generate_buffer(name="wbs", index=0, module_tags = mtags) 

    buf = result
    #print "out:\n" + buf
    self.assertEqual(len(buf) > 0, True)
Esempio n. 4
  def test_read_slave_tags_with_params_lax(self):
    """test the LAX for the parameters"""
    #self.dbg = True
    base_dir = os.getenv("SAPLIB_BASE")
    filename = base_dir + "/hdl/rtl/wishbone/slave/wb_logic_analyzer/wb_logic_analyzer.v"
    drt_keywords = [
    tags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename, keywords = drt_keywords, debug=self.dbg)

    io_types = [
    #for io in io_types:
    # for port in tags["ports"][io].keys():
    #   print "Ports: " + port

    if self.dbg:
      print "\n\n\n\n\n\n"
      print "module name: " + tags["module"]
      print "\n\n\n\n\n\n"

    #self.dbg = False
    self.assertEqual(tags["module"], "wb_logic_analyzer")
Esempio n. 5
	def test_read_slave_tags_with_params(self):
		"""some verilog files have a paramter list"""
		import saputils
		base_dir = os.getenv("SAPLIB_BASE")
		filename = base_dir + "/hdl/rtl/wishbone/slave/ddr/wb_ddr.v"
		drt_keywords = [
		tags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename, keywords = drt_keywords, debug=self.dbg)

		io_types = [
		#for io in io_types:
		#	for port in tags["ports"][io].keys():
		#		print "Ports: " + port

		print "\n\n\n\n\n\n"
		print "module name: " + tags["module"]
		print "\n\n\n\n\n\n"

		self.assertEqual(True, True)
Esempio n. 6
    def test_generate_buffer_ftdi_io_handler(self):

        absfilepath = saputils.find_rtl_file_location("ft_host_interface.v")
        slave_keywords = ["DRT_ID", "DRT_FLAGS", "DRT_SIZE"]
        mtags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename=absfilepath,
        self.gen.wires = ["clk", "rst"]
        tags = {}
            filename = os.getenv(
                "SAPLIB_BASE") + "/example_project/syc1_proto_gpio_mem.json"
            filein = open(filename)
            filestr =
            tags = json.loads(filestr)

        except IOError as err:
            print "File Error: " + str(err)
            self.assertEqual(False, True)

        self.gen.tags = tags
        self.gen.bindings = self.gen.tags["bind"]
        #self.gen.bindings = self.gen.tags["CONSTRAINTS"]["bind"]

        result = self.gen.generate_buffer(name="uio",
        buf = result
        #   print "out:\n" + buf
        self.assertEqual(len(buf) > 0, True)
Esempio n. 7
	def test_get_number_of_arbitrator_hosts(self):
		#the first test should fail
		file_name = "wb_gpio.v"
		file_name = saputils.find_rtl_file_location(file_name)
		m_tags = saputils.get_module_tags(file_name, "wishbone")
		result = saparbitrator.get_number_of_arbitrator_hosts(m_tags, debug = self.dbg)

		self.assertEqual(len(result), 0)

		#the second test should pass
		file_name = "wb_console.v" 
		file_name = saputils.find_rtl_file_location(file_name)
		m_tags = saputils.get_module_tags(file_name, "wishbone")
		result = saparbitrator.get_number_of_arbitrator_hosts(m_tags, debug = self.dbg)

		self.assertEqual(len(result), 2)
Esempio n. 8
    def test_generate_buffer_slave(self):

        absfilepath = saputils.find_rtl_file_location("wb_gpio.v")
        slave_keywords = ["DRT_ID", "DRT_FLAGS", "DRT_SIZE"]
        mtags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename=absfilepath,
        self.gen.wires = ["clk", "rst"]
        tags = {}
            filename = os.getenv(
                "SAPLIB_BASE") + "/example_project/mem_example.json"
            filein = open(filename)
            filestr =
            tags = json.loads(filestr)

        except IOError as err:
            print "File Error: " + str(err)
            self.assertEqual(False, True)

        self.gen.tags = tags
        result = self.gen.generate_buffer(name="wbs",

        buf = result
        #print "out:\n" + buf
        self.assertEqual(len(buf) > 0, True)
Esempio n. 9
  def test_generate_buffer_ftdi_io_handler(self):

    absfilepath = saputils.find_rtl_file_location("ft_host_interface.v")
    slave_keywords = [
    mtags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename = absfilepath, bus="wishbone", keywords = slave_keywords) 
    self.gen.wires = [
    tags = {}
      filename = os.getenv("SAPLIB_BASE") + "/example_project/syc1_proto_gpio_mem.json"
      filein = open(filename)
      filestr =
      tags = json.loads(filestr)

    except IOError as err:
      print "File Error: " + str(err)
      self.assertEqual(False, True)

    self.gen.tags = tags
    self.gen.bindings = self.gen.tags["bind"]
    #self.gen.bindings = self.gen.tags["CONSTRAINTS"]["bind"]

    result = self.gen.generate_buffer(name = "uio", module_tags = mtags, io_module = True, debug=self.dbg) 
    buf = result
#   print "out:\n" + buf
    self.assertEqual(len(buf) > 0, True)
Esempio n. 10
  def add_slave(self, name, filename, slave_type, slave_index=-1):
    """Adds a slave to the specified bus at the specified index."""
    # Check if the slave_index makes sense.  If slave index s -1 then add it
    # to the next available location
    s_count = self.sgm.get_number_of_slaves(slave_type)
    self.sgm.add_node(name, NodeType.SLAVE, slave_type)

    slave = None

    if slave_index == -1:
      slave_index = s_count
    else: # Add the slave wherever.
      if slave_type == SlaveType.PERIPHERAL:
        if slave_index == 0 and name != "DRT":
          raise gm.SlaveError("Only the DRT can be at position 0")
        s_count = self.sgm.get_number_of_peripheral_slaves()
        uname = self.get_unique_name(name, NodeType.SLAVE, slave_type, s_count - 1)
        slave = self.sgm.get_node(uname)
        if slave_index < s_count - 1:
          self.sgm.move_peripheral_slave(  slave.slave_index, slave_index)
      elif slave_type == SlaveType.MEMORY:
        s_count = self.sgm.get_number_of_memory_slaves()
        uname = self.get_unique_name(name, NodeType.SLAVE, slave_type, s_count - 1)
        slave = self.sgm.get_node(uname)
        if slave_index < s_count - 1:
          self.sgm.move_slave(slave.slave_index, slave_index, SlaveType.MEMORY)

#    print "slave index: " + str(slave_index)

    uname = self.get_unique_name(name, NodeType.SLAVE, slave_type, slave_index)

    slave = self.sgm.get_node(uname)
#    print "slave unique name: " + uname

    if filename is not None:
#      print "filename: " + filename
      if len(filename) > 0:
        parameters = saputils.get_module_tags(filename, self.bus_type)
        self.sgm.set_parameters(uname, parameters)

        # Check if there are already some parameter declarations within the
        # project tags.
        slaves = {}
        if slave_type == SlaveType.PERIPHERAL:
          if "SLAVES" in self.project_tags.keys():
            slaves = self.project_tags["SLAVES"]
          if "MEMORY" in self.project_tags.keys():
            slaves = self.project_tags["MEMORY"]

        if name in slaves.keys():
          sd = slaves[name]
          if "PARAMETERS" in sd.keys():
            pd = sd["PARAMETERS"]
            for key in pd.keys():
              if key in parameters["parameters"].keys():
                parameters["parameters"][key] = pd[key]

    return uname
Esempio n. 11
	def gen_script(self, tags = {}, buf = "", debug = True):
		out_buf = ""

		#Get the DRT version from the DRT info
		version = 0x0001
		version_string = "{0:0=4X}"
		version_string = version_string.format(version)
		id	= 0x1EAF
		id_string = "{0:0=4X}"
		id_string = id_string.format(id)
		#add 1 for the DRT
		number_of_devices = len(tags["SLAVES"])
		num_dev_string = "{0:0=8X}"
		num_dev_string = num_dev_string.format(number_of_devices)

		out_buf = version_string + id_string + "\n"
		out_buf = out_buf + num_dev_string + "\n" 
		out_buf = out_buf + "00000000" + "\n"
		out_buf = out_buf + "00000000" + "\n"

		if debug:
			print "Number of slaves: " + str(len(tags["SLAVES"]))
		for i in range (0, len(tags["SLAVES"])):
			name = tags["SLAVES"][i]
			absfilename = saputils.find_rtl_file_location(name)
			slave_keywords = [
			if debug:
				print "filename: " + absfilename
			local_debug = debug

			slave_tags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename = absfilename, bus = "wishbone", keywords = slave_keywords, debug=local_debug)

			drt_id_buffer = "{0:0=8X}"
			drt_flags_buffer = "{0:0=8X}"
			drt_offset_buffer = "{0:0=8X}"
			drt_size_buffer = "{0:0=8X}"

			offset = 0x01000000 * (i + 1)
			for item in slave_tags["keywords"].keys():
				if debug:
					print "keywords" + item + ":" + slave_tags["keywords"][item]
			drt_id_buffer = drt_id_buffer.format(atoi(slave_tags["keywords"]["DRT_ID"]))
			drt_flags_buffer = drt_flags_buffer.format(atoi(slave_tags["keywords"]["DRT_FLAGS"]))
			drt_offset_buffer = drt_offset_buffer.format(offset)
			drt_size_buffer = drt_size_buffer.format(atoi(slave_tags["keywords"]["DRT_SIZE"]))

			out_buf = out_buf + drt_id_buffer + "\n"
			out_buf = out_buf + drt_flags_buffer + "\n"
			out_buf = out_buf + drt_offset_buffer + "\n"
			out_buf = out_buf + drt_size_buffer + "\n"

		return out_buf 
Esempio n. 12
    def test_get_number_of_arbitrator_hosts(self):
        #the first test should fail
        file_name = "wb_gpio.v"
        file_name = saputils.find_rtl_file_location(file_name)
        m_tags = saputils.get_module_tags(file_name, "wishbone")
        result = saparbitrator.get_number_of_arbitrator_hosts(m_tags,

        self.assertEqual(len(result), 0)

        #the second test should pass
        file_name = "wb_console.v"
        file_name = saputils.find_rtl_file_location(file_name)
        m_tags = saputils.get_module_tags(file_name, "wishbone")
        result = saparbitrator.get_number_of_arbitrator_hosts(m_tags,

        self.assertEqual(len(result), 2)
Esempio n. 13
	def test_is_arbitrator_host(self):
		test if the slave is an arbitrator host

		#the first test should fail
		file_name = "wb_gpio.v"
		file_name = saputils.find_rtl_file_location(file_name)
		m_tags = saputils.get_module_tags(file_name, "wishbone")
		result = saparbitrator.is_arbitrator_host(m_tags, debug = self.dbg)

		self.assertEqual(result, False)

		#the second test should pass
		file_name = "wb_console.v" 
		file_name = saputils.find_rtl_file_location(file_name)
		m_tags = saputils.get_module_tags(file_name, "wishbone")
		result = saparbitrator.is_arbitrator_host(m_tags, debug = self.dbg)

		self.assertEqual(result, True)
Esempio n. 14
    def test_is_arbitrator_host(self):
		test if the slave is an arbitrator host

        #the first test should fail
        file_name = "wb_gpio.v"
        file_name = saputils.find_rtl_file_location(file_name)
        m_tags = saputils.get_module_tags(file_name, "wishbone")
        result = saparbitrator.is_arbitrator_host(m_tags, debug=self.dbg)

        self.assertEqual(result, False)

        #the second test should pass
        file_name = "wb_console.v"
        file_name = saputils.find_rtl_file_location(file_name)
        m_tags = saputils.get_module_tags(file_name, "wishbone")
        result = saparbitrator.is_arbitrator_host(m_tags, debug=self.dbg)

        self.assertEqual(result, True)
Esempio n. 15
    def test_read_user_parameters(self):
        filename = saputils.find_rtl_file_location("wb_gpio.v")
        tags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename, debug=self.dbg)

        keys = tags["parameters"].keys()
        if self.dbg:
            print "reading the parameters specified by the user"
        self.assertIn("DEFAULT_INTERRUPT_MASK", keys)
        if self.dbg:
            print "make sure other parameters don't get read"
        self.assertNotIn("ADDR_GPIO", keys)
Esempio n. 16
  def test_read_user_parameters(self):
    filename = saputils.find_rtl_file_location("wb_gpio.v")
    tags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename, debug=self.dbg)

    keys = tags["parameters"].keys()
    if self.dbg:
      print "reading the parameters specified by the user"
    self.assertIn("DEFAULT_INTERRUPT_MASK", keys)
    if self.dbg:
      print "make sure other parameters don't get read"
    self.assertNotIn("ADDR_GPIO", keys)
Esempio n. 17
    def test_generate_with_paramters(self):
        """test the capability to set paramters within the top.v file"""
        buf = ""
        tags = {}

        #load the configuration tags from the json file
            filename = os.getenv(
                "SAPLIB_BASE") + "/example_project/lx9_parameter_example.json"
            filein = open(filename)

            filestr =
            tags = json.loads(filestr)

        except IOError as err:
            print "File Error: " + str(err)
            self.assertEqual(False, True)

        #project tags
        self.gen.tags = tags

        #module tags
        slave_keywords = ["DRT_ID", "DRT_FLAGS", "DRT_SIZE"]

        #get the name of the first slave from the configuration file
        slave_name = tags["SLAVES"].keys()[0]

        #get the module tags from the slave
        absfilepath = saputils.find_rtl_file_location(
        module_tags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename=absfilepath,

        #now we have all the data from the
        buf = self.gen.generate_parameters(slave_name,

        #   print buf

        self.assertEqual(len(buf) > 0, True)

        result = self.gen.generate_buffer(slave_name,

        if (self.dbg):
            print result

        #there are parameters, generate a slave
        self.assertEqual(len(result) > 0, True)
Esempio n. 18
  def test_generate_with_paramters(self):
    """test the capability to set paramters within the top.v file"""
    buf = ""
    tags = {}

    #load the configuration tags from the json file
      filename = os.getenv("SAPLIB_BASE") + "/example_project/lx9_parameter_example.json"
      filein = open(filename)
      filestr =
      tags = json.loads(filestr)

    except IOError as err:
      print "File Error: " + str(err)
      self.assertEqual(False, True)

    #project tags
    self.gen.tags = tags

    #module tags    
    slave_keywords = [

    #get the name of the first slave from the configuration file
    slave_name = tags["SLAVES"].keys()[0]

    #get the module tags from the slave
    absfilepath = saputils.find_rtl_file_location(tags["SLAVES"][slave_name]["filename"])
    module_tags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename = absfilepath, bus="wishbone", keywords = slave_keywords) 

    #now we have all the data from the 
    buf = self.gen.generate_parameters(slave_name, module_tags, debug = self.dbg)

#   print buf
    self.assertEqual(len(buf) > 0, True)

    result = self.gen.generate_buffer(slave_name, index = 0, module_tags = module_tags)

    if (self.dbg):
      print result

    #there are parameters, generate a slave
    self.assertEqual(len(result) > 0, True)
Esempio n. 19
	def test_generate_buffer_io_handler(self):

		absfilepath = saputils.find_rtl_file_location("uart_io_handler.v")
		#print "uart_io_handler.v location: " + absfilepath

		tags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename = absfilepath, bus="wishbone") 

		result = self.gen.generate_buffer(name = "uio", module_tags = tags) 
		buf = result
		#print "out:\n" + buf
		self.assertEqual(len(buf) > 0, True)
Esempio n. 20
    def test_read_slave_tags(self):
        """try and extrapolate all info from the slave file"""

        base_dir = os.getenv("SAPLIB_BASE")
        filename = base_dir + "/hdl/rtl/wishbone/slave/wb_gpio/wb_gpio.v"
        drt_keywords = ["DRT_ID", "DRT_FLAGS", "DRT_SIZE"]
        tags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename,

        io_types = ["input", "output", "inout"]
        #for io in io_types:
        # for port in tags["ports"][io].keys():
        #   print "Ports: " + port

        self.assertEqual(True, True)
Esempio n. 21
  def test_set_parameters(self):
    """Set all the parameters aquired from a module."""
    self.sgm.add_node("uart", gm.NodeType.HOST_INTERFACE)
    uart_name = gm.get_unique_name("uart", gm.NodeType.HOST_INTERFACE)

    file_name = os.getenv("SAPLIB_BASE") + "/hdl/rtl/wishbone/host_interface/uart/uart_io_handler.v"
    parameters = saputils.get_module_tags(filename = file_name, bus="wishbone")

    self.sgm.set_parameters(uart_name, parameters)
    parameters = None
    if self.dbg:
      print "parameters: " + str(parameters)

    parameters = self.sgm.get_parameters(uart_name)

    if self.dbg:
      print "parameters: " + str(parameters)

    self.assertEqual(parameters["module"], "uart_io_handler")
Esempio n. 22
  def set_host_interface(self, host_interface_name, debug = False):
    """Sets the host interface type.  If host_interface_name is not a valid
    module name (or cannot be found for whatever reason), throws a
    ModuleNotFound exception."""
    hi_name = self.get_unique_name("Host Interface", NodeType.HOST_INTERFACE)

    node_names = self.sgm.get_node_names()
    if hi_name not in node_names:
      self.sgm.add_node("Host Interface", NodeType.HOST_INTERFACE)

    # Check if the host interface is valid.
    file_name = saputils.find_module_filename(host_interface_name)
    file_name = saputils.find_rtl_file_location(file_name)

    # If the host interface is valid then get all the tags ...
    parameters = saputils.get_module_tags(filename = file_name,
                                          bus = self.get_bus_type())
    # ... and set them up.
    self.sgm.set_parameters(hi_name, parameters)
    return True
Esempio n. 23
    def set_host_interface(self, host_interface_name, debug=False):
        """Sets the host interface type.  If host_interface_name is not a valid
    module name (or cannot be found for whatever reason), throws a
    ModuleNotFound exception."""
        hi_name = self.get_unique_name("Host Interface",

        node_names = self.sgm.get_node_names()
        if hi_name not in node_names:
            self.sgm.add_node("Host Interface", NodeType.HOST_INTERFACE)

        # Check if the host interface is valid.
        file_name = saputils.find_module_filename(host_interface_name)
        file_name = saputils.find_rtl_file_location(file_name)

        # If the host interface is valid then get all the tags ...
        parameters = saputils.get_module_tags(filename=file_name,
        # ... and set them up.
        self.sgm.set_parameters(hi_name, parameters)
        return True
Esempio n. 24
    def test_read_slave_tags_with_params(self):
        """some verilog files have a paramter list"""

        base_dir = os.getenv("SAPLIB_BASE")
        filename = base_dir + "/hdl/rtl/wishbone/slave/ddr/wb_ddr.v"
        drt_keywords = ["DRT_ID", "DRT_FLAGS", "DRT_SIZE"]
        tags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename,

        io_types = ["input", "output", "inout"]
        #for io in io_types:
        # for port in tags["ports"][io].keys():
        #   print "Ports: " + port

        if self.dbg:
            print "\n\n\n\n\n\n"
            print "module name: " + tags["module"]
            print "\n\n\n\n\n\n"

        self.assertEqual(tags["module"], "wb_ddr")
Esempio n. 25
	def test_generate_buffer_slave(self):
		absfilepath = saputils.find_rtl_file_location("simple_gpio.v")
		#print "simple_gpio.v location: " + absfilepath
		slave_keywords = [
		tags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename = absfilepath, bus="wishbone", keywords = slave_keywords) 


		self.gen.wires = [
		result = self.gen.generate_buffer(name="wbs", index=0, module_tags = tags) 

		buf = result
		#print "out:\n" + buf
		self.assertEqual(len(buf) > 0, True)
Esempio n. 26
    def test_generate_buffer_io_handler(self):

        absfilepath = saputils.find_rtl_file_location("uart_io_handler.v")
        #print "uart_io_handler.v location: " + absfilepath
        tags = {}
            filename = os.getenv(
                "SAPLIB_BASE") + "/example_project/mem_example.json"
            filein = open(filename)
            filestr =
            tags = json.loads(filestr)

        except IOError as err:
            print "File Error: " + str(err)
            self.assertEqual(False, True)

            filename = os.getenv(
                "SAPLIB_BASE") + "/hdl/rtl/wishbone/wishbone_top.v"
            filein = open(filename)
            top_buffer =
        except IOError as err:
            print "File Error: " + str(err)
            self.assertEqual(False, True)

        #print "buf: " + top_buffer
        self.gen.tags = tags

        tags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename=absfilepath, bus="wishbone")
        self.gen.wires = ["clk", "rst"]

        result = self.gen.generate_buffer(name="uio",

        buf = result
        #print "out:\n" + buf
        self.assertEqual(len(buf) > 0, True)
Esempio n. 27
  def test_generate_buffer_io_handler(self):

    absfilepath = saputils.find_rtl_file_location("uart_io_handler.v")
    #print "uart_io_handler.v location: " + absfilepath
    tags = {}
      filename = os.getenv("SAPLIB_BASE") + "/example_project/mem_example.json"
      filein = open(filename)
      filestr =
      tags = json.loads(filestr)

    except IOError as err:
      print "File Error: " + str(err)
      self.assertEqual(False, True)

      filename = os.getenv("SAPLIB_BASE") + "/hdl/rtl/wishbone/wishbone_top.v"
      filein = open(filename)
      top_buffer =
    except IOError as err:
      print "File Error: " + str(err)
      self.assertEqual(False, True)

    #print "buf: " + top_buffer
    self.gen.tags = tags

    tags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename = absfilepath, bus="wishbone") 

    result = self.gen.generate_buffer(name = "uio", module_tags = tags, io_module = True) 
    buf = result
    #print "out:\n" + buf
    self.assertEqual(len(buf) > 0, True)
Esempio n. 28
	def test_read_slave_tags(self):
		"""try and extrapolate all info from the slave file"""
		import saputils
		base_dir = os.getenv("SAPLIB_BASE")	
		filename = base_dir + "/hdl/rtl/wishbone/slave/simple_gpio/simple_gpio.v"
		drt_keywords = [
		tags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename, keywords = drt_keywords, debug=self.dbg)

		io_types = [
		#for io in io_types:
		#	for port in tags["ports"][io].keys():
		#		print "Ports: " + port

		self.assertEqual(True, True)
Esempio n. 29
    def test_read_slave_tags_with_params_lax(self):
        """test the LAX for the parameters"""
        #self.dbg = True

        base_dir = os.getenv("SAPLIB_BASE")
        filename = base_dir + "/hdl/rtl/wishbone/slave/wb_logic_analyzer/wb_logic_analyzer.v"
        drt_keywords = ["DRT_ID", "DRT_FLAGS", "DRT_SIZE"]
        tags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename,

        io_types = ["input", "output", "inout"]
        #for io in io_types:
        # for port in tags["ports"][io].keys():
        #   print "Ports: " + port

        if self.dbg:
            print "\n\n\n\n\n\n"
            print "module name: " + tags["module"]
            print "\n\n\n\n\n\n"

        #self.dbg = False
        self.assertEqual(tags["module"], "wb_logic_analyzer")
Esempio n. 30
  def gen_script (self, tags = {}, buf = "", debug=False):
    """Overridden function"""
    mem_list = []
    template = Template(buf)
    port_buf = ""
    port_def_buf = ""
    mem_select_buf = ""
    assign_buf = ""
    data_block_buf = ""
    ack_block_buf = ""
    int_block_buf = ""
    param_buf = ""

    #start with 1 to account for DRT
    num_mems = 0
    if (tags.has_key("MEMORY")):
      #got a list of all the slaves to add to make room for
      mem_list = tags["MEMORY"] 
      num_mems = num_mems + len(mem_list)

    if num_mems == 0:
      return ""

    if debug:
      for key in tags["MEMORY"]:
        print key + ":" + str(tags["MEMORY"][key])

    slave_keywords = [

    mem_offset = 0
    #generate the parameters
    for i in range(0, num_mems):
      key = tags["MEMORY"].keys()[i]
      absfilename = saputils.find_rtl_file_location(tags["MEMORY"][key]["filename"])
      slave_tags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename = absfilename, bus = "wishbone", keywords = slave_keywords)
      if debug:
        print "slave tags: " + str(slave_tags)
      mem_size = slave_tags["keywords"]["DRT_SIZE"].strip()
      param_buf = param_buf + "parameter MEM_SEL_" + str(i) + "\t=\t" + str(i) + ";\n"
      param_buf = param_buf + "parameter MEM_OFFSET_" + str(i) + "\t=\t" + str(mem_offset) + ";\n"
      param_buf = param_buf + "parameter MEM_SIZE_" + str(i) + "\t=\t" + mem_size + ";\n"
      mem_offset += atoi(mem_size)

    #generate the memory select logic
    mem_select_buf =  "reg [31:0] mem_select;\n"

    mem_select_buf += "\n"
    mem_select_buf += "always @(rst or m_adr_i or mem_select) begin\n"
    mem_select_buf += "\tif (rst) begin\n"
    mem_select_buf += "\t\t//nothing selected\n"
    mem_select_buf += "\t\tmem_select <= 32'hFFFFFFFF;\n"
    mem_select_buf += "\tend\n"
    mem_select_buf += "\telse begin\n"
    for i in range (num_mems):
      if (i == 0):
        mem_select_buf += "\t\tif "
        mem_select_buf += "\t\telse if "

      mem_select_buf += "((m_adr_i >= MEM_OFFSET_" + str(i) + ") && (m_adr_i < (MEM_OFFSET_" + str(i) + " + MEM_SIZE_" + str(i) + "))) begin\n"
      mem_select_buf += "\t\t\tmem_select <= MEM_SEL_" + str(i) + ";\n"
      mem_select_buf += "\t\tend\n"

    mem_select_buf += "\t\telse begin\n"
    mem_select_buf += "\t\t\tmem_select <= 32'hFFFFFFFF;\n"
    mem_select_buf += "\t\tend\n"
    mem_select_buf += "\tend\n"
    mem_select_buf += "end\n"

    #for i in range ( 0, num_mems):
    # print "count: " + str(i)

    # ports
    for i in range (0, num_mems):
      port_buf = port_buf + "\ts" + str(i) + "_we_o,\n"
      port_buf = port_buf + "\ts" + str(i) + "_cyc_o,\n"
      port_buf = port_buf + "\ts" + str(i) + "_stb_o,\n"
      port_buf = port_buf + "\ts" + str(i) + "_sel_o,\n"
      port_buf = port_buf + "\ts" + str(i) + "_ack_i,\n"
      port_buf = port_buf + "\ts" + str(i) + "_dat_o,\n"
      port_buf = port_buf + "\ts" + str(i) + "_dat_i,\n"
      port_buf = port_buf + "\ts" + str(i) + "_adr_o,\n"
      port_buf = port_buf + "\ts" + str(i) + "_int_i"

      if ((num_mems > 0) and (i < num_mems - 1)):
        port_buf = port_buf + ",\n"
      port_buf = port_buf + "\n\n"

    # port defines
    for i in range (0, num_mems):
      port_def_buf = port_def_buf + "output\t\t\ts" + str(i) + "_we_o;\n"
      port_def_buf = port_def_buf + "output\t\t\ts" + str(i) + "_cyc_o;\n"
      port_def_buf = port_def_buf + "output\t\t\ts" + str(i) + "_stb_o;\n"
      port_def_buf = port_def_buf + "output\t[3:0]\t\ts" + str(i) + "_sel_o;\n"
      port_def_buf = port_def_buf + "output\t[31:0]\t\ts" + str(i) + "_adr_o;\n"
      port_def_buf = port_def_buf + "output\t[31:0]\t\ts" + str(i) + "_dat_o;\n"
      port_def_buf = port_def_buf + "input\t[31:0]\t\ts" + str(i) + "_dat_i;\n"
      port_def_buf = port_def_buf + "input\t\t\ts" + str(i) + "_ack_i;\n"
      port_def_buf = port_def_buf + "input\t\t\ts" + str(i) + "_int_i;\n"
      port_def_buf = port_def_buf + "\n\n"
    #assign defines
    for i in range (0, num_mems):
      assign_buf = assign_buf + "assign s" + str(i) + "_we_o\t=\t(mem_select == MEM_SEL_" + str(i) + ") ? m_we_i: 0;\n"
      assign_buf = assign_buf + "assign s" + str(i) + "_stb_o\t=\t(mem_select == MEM_SEL_" + str(i) + ") ? m_stb_i: 0;\n"
      assign_buf = assign_buf + "assign s" + str(i) + "_sel_o\t=\t(mem_select == MEM_SEL_" + str(i) + ") ? m_sel_i: 0;\n"
      assign_buf = assign_buf + "assign s" + str(i) + "_cyc_o\t=\t(mem_select == MEM_SEL_" + str(i) + ") ? m_cyc_i: 0;\n"
      assign_buf = assign_buf + "assign s" + str(i) + "_adr_o\t=\t(mem_select == MEM_SEL_" + str(i) + ") ? m_adr_i: 0;\n"
      assign_buf = assign_buf + "assign s" + str(i) + "_dat_o\t=\t(mem_select == MEM_SEL_" + str(i) + ") ? m_dat_i: 0;\n"
      assign_buf = assign_buf + "\n"

    #data in block
    data_block_buf = "//data in from slave\n" 
    data_block_buf = data_block_buf + "always @ (mem_select"
    for i in range (0, num_mems):
      data_block_buf = data_block_buf + " or s" + str(i) + "_dat_i"
    data_block_buf = data_block_buf + ") begin\n\tcase (mem_select)\n"
    for i in range (0, num_mems):
      data_block_buf = data_block_buf + "\t\tMEM_SEL_" + str(i) + ": begin\n\t\t\tm_dat_o <= s" + str(i) + "_dat_i;\n\t\tend\n";
    data_block_buf = data_block_buf + "\t\tdefault: begin\n\t\t\tm_dat_o <= 32\'h0000;\n\t\tend\n\tendcase\nend\n\n"

    #ack in block
    ack_block_buf = "//ack in from slave\n\n" 
    ack_block_buf = ack_block_buf + "always @ (mem_select"
    for i in range (0, num_mems):
      ack_block_buf = ack_block_buf + " or s" + str(i) + "_ack_i"
    ack_block_buf = ack_block_buf + ") begin\n\tcase (mem_select)\n"
    for i in range (0, num_mems):
      ack_block_buf = ack_block_buf + "\t\tMEM_SEL_" + str(i) + ": begin\n\t\t\tm_ack_o <= s" + str(i) + "_ack_i;\n\t\tend\n";
    ack_block_buf = ack_block_buf + "\t\tdefault: begin\n\t\t\tm_ack_o <= 1\'h0;\n\t\tend\n\tendcase\nend\n\n"

    #int in block
    int_block_buf = "//int in from slave\n\n" 
    int_block_buf = int_block_buf + "always @ (mem_select"
    for i in range (0, num_mems):
      int_block_buf = int_block_buf + " or s" + str(i) + "_int_i"
    int_block_buf = int_block_buf + ") begin\n\tcase (mem_select)\n"
    for i in range (0, num_mems):
      int_block_buf = int_block_buf + "\t\tMEM_SEL_" + str(i) + ": begin\n\t\t\tm_int_o <= s" + str(i) + "_int_i;\n\t\tend\n";
    int_block_buf = int_block_buf + "\t\tdefault: begin\n\t\t\tm_int_o <= 1\'h0;\n\t\tend\n\tendcase\nend\n\n"

    if debug:
      print "buf: " + buf

    buf = template.substitute(  PORTS=port_buf, 
    if debug:
      print "buf: " + buf

    return buf

    def get_name (self):
      print ""
Esempio n. 31
    def gen_script(self, tags={}, buf="", debug=False):
        out_buf = ""

        # Get the DRT version from the DRT info
        version = 0x0004
        version_string = "{0:0=4X}"
        version_string = version_string.format(version)
        id = 0xC594
        id_string = "{0:0=4X}"
        id_string = id_string.format(id)
        # add 1 for the DRT
        number_of_devices = 0
        # number_of_devices = 1
        number_of_devices += len(tags["SLAVES"])

        if debug:
            print "number of slaves: " + str(number_of_devices)

        if "MEMORY" in tags:
            if debug:
                print "num of mem devices: " + str(len(tags["MEMORY"]))
            number_of_devices += len(tags["MEMORY"])

        if debug:
            print "number of entities: " + str(number_of_devices)
        num_dev_string = "{0:0=8X}"
        num_dev_string = num_dev_string.format(number_of_devices)

        # header
        out_buf = version_string + id_string + "\n"
        out_buf += num_dev_string + "\n"
        out_buf += "00000000" + "\n"
        out_buf += "00000000" + "\n"
        out_buf += "00000000" + "\n"
        out_buf += "00000000" + "\n"
        out_buf += "00000000" + "\n"
        out_buf += "00000000" + "\n"

        # peripheral slaves
        for i in range(0, len(tags["SLAVES"])):
            key = tags["SLAVES"].keys()[i]
            name = tags["SLAVES"][key]["filename"]
            absfilename = saputils.find_rtl_file_location(name)
            slave_keywords = ["DRT_ID", "DRT_FLAGS", "DRT_SIZE"]
            slave_tags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename=absfilename, bus="wishbone", keywords=slave_keywords)

            drt_id_buffer = "{0:0=8X}"
            drt_flags_buffer = "{0:0=8X}"
            drt_offset_buffer = "{0:0=8X}"
            drt_size_buffer = "{0:0=8X}"

            offset = 0x01000000 * (i + 1)
            drt_id_buffer = drt_id_buffer.format(atoi(slave_tags["keywords"]["DRT_ID"].strip()))
            drt_flags_buffer = drt_flags_buffer.format(0x00000000 + atoi(slave_tags["keywords"]["DRT_FLAGS"]))
            drt_offset_buffer = drt_offset_buffer.format(offset)
            drt_size_buffer = drt_size_buffer.format(atoi(slave_tags["keywords"]["DRT_SIZE"]))

            out_buf += drt_id_buffer + "\n"
            out_buf += drt_flags_buffer + "\n"
            out_buf += drt_offset_buffer + "\n"
            out_buf += drt_size_buffer + "\n"
            out_buf += "00000000\n"
            out_buf += "00000000\n"
            out_buf += "00000000\n"
            out_buf += "00000000\n"

            # memory slaves
        if "MEMORY" in tags:
            mem_offset = 0
            for i in range(0, len(tags["MEMORY"])):
                key = tags["MEMORY"].keys()[i]
                name = tags["MEMORY"][key]["filename"]
                absfilename = saputils.find_rtl_file_location(name)
                slave_keywords = ["DRT_ID", "DRT_FLAGS", "DRT_SIZE"]
                slave_tags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename=absfilename, bus="wishbone", keywords=slave_keywords)

                drt_id_buffer = "{0:0=8X}"
                drt_flags_buffer = "{0:0=8X}"
                drt_offset_buffer = "{0:0=8X}"
                drt_size_buffer = "{0:0=8X}"
                # add the offset from the memory
                drt_id_buffer = drt_id_buffer.format(atoi(slave_tags["keywords"]["DRT_ID"]))
                drt_flags_buffer = drt_flags_buffer.format(0x00010000 + atoi(slave_tags["keywords"]["DRT_FLAGS"]))
                drt_offset_buffer = drt_offset_buffer.format(mem_offset)
                drt_size_buffer = drt_size_buffer.format(atoi(slave_tags["keywords"]["DRT_SIZE"]))
                mem_offset += atoi(slave_tags["keywords"]["DRT_SIZE"])

                out_buf += drt_id_buffer + "\n"
                out_buf += drt_flags_buffer + "\n"
                out_buf += drt_offset_buffer + "\n"
                out_buf += drt_size_buffer + "\n"
                out_buf += "00000000\n"
                out_buf += "00000000\n"
                out_buf += "00000000\n"
                out_buf += "00000000\n"

        return out_buf
Esempio n. 32
    def initialize_graph(self, debug=False):
        """Initializes the graph and project tags."""

        # Clear any previous data.

        # Set the bus type.
        if self.project_tags["TEMPLATE"] == "wishbone_template.json":
        elif self.project_tags["TEMPLATE"] == "axie_template.json":

        # Add the nodes that are always present.
        self.sgm.add_node("Host Interface", NodeType.HOST_INTERFACE)
        self.sgm.add_node("Master", NodeType.MASTER)
        self.sgm.add_node("Memory", NodeType.MEMORY_INTERCONNECT)
        self.sgm.add_node("Peripherals", NodeType.PERIPHERAL_INTERCONNECT)
        self.add_slave("DRT", None, SlaveType.PERIPHERAL, slave_index=0)

        # Get all the unique names for accessing nodes.
        hi_name = self.get_unique_name("Host Interface",
        m_name = self.get_unique_name("Master", NodeType.MASTER)
        mi_name = self.get_unique_name("Memory", NodeType.MEMORY_INTERCONNECT)
        pi_name = self.get_unique_name("Peripherals",
        drt_name = self.get_unique_name("DRT",

        # Attach all the appropriate nodes.
        self.sgm.connect_nodes(hi_name, m_name)
        self.sgm.connect_nodes(m_name, mi_name)
        self.sgm.connect_nodes(m_name, pi_name)
        self.sgm.connect_nodes(pi_name, drt_name)

        # Get module data for the DRT.
            file_name = saputils.find_rtl_file_location("device_rom_table.v")
        except ModuleNotFound as ex:
            if debug:
                print "Invalid Module Name: %s" % (host_interface_name)

        parameters = saputils.get_module_tags(filename=file_name,
        self.sgm.set_parameters(drt_name, parameters)

        # Attempt to load data from the tags.
        sp_count = self.sgm.get_number_of_peripheral_slaves()
        if debug:
            print "loading %d peripheral slaves" % sp_count

        if "SLAVES" in self.project_tags:
            for slave_name in self.project_tags["SLAVES"].keys():

                file_name = self.project_tags["SLAVES"][slave_name]["filename"]
                if "device_rom_table" in file_name:
                    file_name = None

                if file_name is not None:
                    file_name = saputils.find_rtl_file_location(file_name)

                uname = self.add_slave(slave_name, file_name,

                # Add the bindings from the config file.
                skeys = self.project_tags["SLAVES"][slave_name].keys()
                #        print "adding bindings"
                #        if "bind" not in skeys:
                #          self.project_tags["SLAVES"][slave_name]["bind"] = {}

                if "bind" in skeys:
                    #          print "found binding"
                    bindings = {}
                    bindings = self.project_tags["SLAVES"][slave_name]["bind"]
                    self.sgm.set_config_bindings(uname, bindings)
                    self.project_tags["SLAVES"][slave_name]["bind"] = {}

        # Load all the memory slaves.
        sm_count = self.sgm.get_number_of_memory_slaves()
        if debug:
            print "loading %d peripheral slaves" % sm_count

        if "MEMORY" in self.project_tags:
            for slave_name in self.project_tags["MEMORY"].keys():

                file_name = self.project_tags["MEMORY"][slave_name]["filename"]
                file_name = saputils.find_rtl_file_location(file_name)
                uname = self.add_slave(slave_name,

                # Add the bindings from the config file.
                mkeys = self.project_tags["MEMORY"][slave_name].keys()
                if "bind" in mkeys:
                    bindings = self.project_tags["MEMORY"][slave_name]["bind"]
                    self.sgm.set_config_bindings(uname, bindings)
                    self.project_tags["MEMORY"][slave_name]["bind"] = {}

        # Check if there is a host interface defined.
        if "INTERFACE" in self.project_tags:
            file_name = saputils.find_rtl_file_location(
            parameters = saputils.get_module_tags(filename=file_name,
            if "bind" in self.project_tags["INTERFACE"].keys():
                    hi_name, self.project_tags["INTERFACE"]["bind"])
                self.project_tags["INTERFACE"]["bind"] = {}

            self.sgm.set_parameters(hi_name, parameters)

        if "SLAVES" in self.project_tags:
            for host_name in self.project_tags["SLAVES"].keys():
                if "BUS" in self.project_tags["SLAVES"][host_name].keys():
                    for arb_name in self.project_tags["SLAVES"][host_name][
                        #there is an arbitrator here
                        slave_name = self.project_tags["SLAVES"][host_name][
                        if debug:
                            print "arbitrator: %s attaches to %s through bus: %s" % (
                                host_name, slave_name, arb_name)

                        h_name = ""
                        h_index = -1
                        h_type = SlaveType.PERIPHERAL
                        s_name = ""
                        s_index = -1
                        s_type = SlaveType.PERIPHERAL

                        # Now to attach the arbitrator.
                        p_count = self.get_number_of_slaves(
                        m_count = self.get_number_of_slaves(SlaveType.MEMORY)

                        # Find the host and slave nodes.
                        for i in range(0, p_count):
                            self.sgm.get_slave_name_at(i, SlaveType.PERIPHERAL)
                            sn = self.sgm.get_slave_name_at(
                                i, SlaveType.PERIPHERAL)
                            slave = self.sgm.get_node(sn)

                            if == host_name:
                                h_name = slave.unique_name
                                h_index = i
                                h_type = SlaveType.PERIPHERAL

                            if == slave_name:
                                s_name = slave.unique_name
                                s_index = i
                                s_type = SlaveType.PERIPHERAL

                        for i in range(0, m_count):
                            self.sgm.get_slave_name_at(i, SlaveType.MEMORY)
                            sn = self.sgm.get_slave_name_at(
                                i, SlaveType.MEMORY)
                            slave = self.sgm.get_node(sn)

                            if == host_name:
                                h_name = slave.unique_name
                                h_index = i
                                h_type = SlaveType.MEMORY

                            if == slave_name:
                                s_name = slave.unique_name
                                s_index = i
                                s_type = SlaveType.MEMORY

                        # Now I have all the materialst to attach the arbitrator.
                        self.add_arbitrator(h_type, h_index, arb_name, s_type,

        return True
Esempio n. 33
    def add_slave(self, name, filename, slave_type, slave_index=-1):
        """Adds a slave to the specified bus at the specified index."""
        # Check if the slave_index makes sense.  If slave index s -1 then add it
        # to the next available location
        s_count = self.sgm.get_number_of_slaves(slave_type)
        self.sgm.add_node(name, NodeType.SLAVE, slave_type)

        slave = None

        if slave_index == -1:
            slave_index = s_count
        else:  # Add the slave wherever.
            if slave_type == SlaveType.PERIPHERAL:
                if slave_index == 0 and name != "DRT":
                    raise gm.SlaveError("Only the DRT can be at position 0")
                s_count = self.sgm.get_number_of_peripheral_slaves()
                uname = self.get_unique_name(name, NodeType.SLAVE, slave_type,
                                             s_count - 1)
                slave = self.sgm.get_node(uname)
                if slave_index < s_count - 1:
            elif slave_type == SlaveType.MEMORY:
                s_count = self.sgm.get_number_of_memory_slaves()
                uname = self.get_unique_name(name, NodeType.SLAVE, slave_type,
                                             s_count - 1)
                slave = self.sgm.get_node(uname)
                if slave_index < s_count - 1:
                    self.sgm.move_slave(slave.slave_index, slave_index,

#    print "slave index: " + str(slave_index)

        uname = self.get_unique_name(name, NodeType.SLAVE, slave_type,

        slave = self.sgm.get_node(uname)
        #    print "slave unique name: " + uname

        if filename is not None:
            #      print "filename: " + filename
            if len(filename) > 0:
                parameters = saputils.get_module_tags(filename, self.bus_type)
                self.sgm.set_parameters(uname, parameters)

                # Check if there are already some parameter declarations within the
                # project tags.
                slaves = {}
                if slave_type == SlaveType.PERIPHERAL:
                    if "SLAVES" in self.project_tags.keys():
                        slaves = self.project_tags["SLAVES"]
                    if "MEMORY" in self.project_tags.keys():
                        slaves = self.project_tags["MEMORY"]

                if name in slaves.keys():
                    sd = slaves[name]
                    if "PARAMETERS" in sd.keys():
                        pd = sd["PARAMETERS"]
                        for key in pd.keys():
                            if key in parameters["parameters"].keys():
                                parameters["parameters"][key] = pd[key]

        return uname
Esempio n. 34
    def gen_script(self, tags={}, buf="", debug=False):
        """Overridden function"""
        mem_list = []
        template = Template(buf)

        port_buf = ""
        port_def_buf = ""
        mem_select_buf = ""
        assign_buf = ""
        data_block_buf = ""
        ack_block_buf = ""
        int_block_buf = ""
        param_buf = ""

        #start with 1 to account for DRT
        num_mems = 0
        if (tags.has_key("MEMORY")):
            #got a list of all the slaves to add to make room for
            mem_list = tags["MEMORY"]
            num_mems = num_mems + len(mem_list)

        if num_mems == 0:
            return ""

        if debug:
            for key in tags["MEMORY"]:
                print key + ":" + str(tags["MEMORY"][key])

        slave_keywords = ["DRT_ID", "DRT_FLAGS", "DRT_SIZE"]

        mem_offset = 0
        #generate the parameters
        for i in range(0, num_mems):
            key = tags["MEMORY"].keys()[i]
            absfilename = saputils.find_rtl_file_location(
            slave_tags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename=absfilename,
            if debug:
                print "slave tags: " + str(slave_tags)

            mem_size = slave_tags["keywords"]["DRT_SIZE"].strip()

            param_buf = param_buf + "parameter MEM_SEL_" + str(
                i) + "\t=\t" + str(i) + ";\n"
            param_buf = param_buf + "parameter MEM_OFFSET_" + str(
                i) + "\t=\t" + str(mem_offset) + ";\n"
            param_buf = param_buf + "parameter MEM_SIZE_" + str(
                i) + "\t=\t" + mem_size + ";\n"
            mem_offset += atoi(mem_size)

        #generate the memory select logic
        mem_select_buf = "reg [31:0] mem_select;\n"

        mem_select_buf += "\n"
        mem_select_buf += "always @(rst or m_adr_i or mem_select) begin\n"
        mem_select_buf += "\tif (rst) begin\n"
        mem_select_buf += "\t\t//nothing selected\n"
        mem_select_buf += "\t\tmem_select <= 32'hFFFFFFFF;\n"
        mem_select_buf += "\tend\n"
        mem_select_buf += "\telse begin\n"
        for i in range(num_mems):
            if (i == 0):
                mem_select_buf += "\t\tif "
                mem_select_buf += "\t\telse if "

            mem_select_buf += "((m_adr_i >= MEM_OFFSET_" + str(
                i) + ") && (m_adr_i < (MEM_OFFSET_" + str(
                    i) + " + MEM_SIZE_" + str(i) + "))) begin\n"
            mem_select_buf += "\t\t\tmem_select <= MEM_SEL_" + str(i) + ";\n"
            mem_select_buf += "\t\tend\n"

        mem_select_buf += "\t\telse begin\n"
        mem_select_buf += "\t\t\tmem_select <= 32'hFFFFFFFF;\n"
        mem_select_buf += "\t\tend\n"
        mem_select_buf += "\tend\n"
        mem_select_buf += "end\n"

        #for i in range ( 0, num_mems):
        # print "count: " + str(i)

        # ports
        for i in range(0, num_mems):
            port_buf = port_buf + "\ts" + str(i) + "_we_o,\n"
            port_buf = port_buf + "\ts" + str(i) + "_cyc_o,\n"
            port_buf = port_buf + "\ts" + str(i) + "_stb_o,\n"
            port_buf = port_buf + "\ts" + str(i) + "_sel_o,\n"
            port_buf = port_buf + "\ts" + str(i) + "_ack_i,\n"
            port_buf = port_buf + "\ts" + str(i) + "_dat_o,\n"
            port_buf = port_buf + "\ts" + str(i) + "_dat_i,\n"
            port_buf = port_buf + "\ts" + str(i) + "_adr_o,\n"
            port_buf = port_buf + "\ts" + str(i) + "_int_i"

            if ((num_mems > 0) and (i < num_mems - 1)):
                port_buf = port_buf + ",\n"

            port_buf = port_buf + "\n\n"

        # port defines
        for i in range(0, num_mems):
            port_def_buf = port_def_buf + "output\t\t\ts" + str(i) + "_we_o;\n"
            port_def_buf = port_def_buf + "output\t\t\ts" + str(
                i) + "_cyc_o;\n"
            port_def_buf = port_def_buf + "output\t\t\ts" + str(
                i) + "_stb_o;\n"
            port_def_buf = port_def_buf + "output\t[3:0]\t\ts" + str(
                i) + "_sel_o;\n"
            port_def_buf = port_def_buf + "output\t[31:0]\t\ts" + str(
                i) + "_adr_o;\n"
            port_def_buf = port_def_buf + "output\t[31:0]\t\ts" + str(
                i) + "_dat_o;\n"
            port_def_buf = port_def_buf + "input\t[31:0]\t\ts" + str(
                i) + "_dat_i;\n"
            port_def_buf = port_def_buf + "input\t\t\ts" + str(i) + "_ack_i;\n"
            port_def_buf = port_def_buf + "input\t\t\ts" + str(i) + "_int_i;\n"
            port_def_buf = port_def_buf + "\n\n"

        #assign defines
        for i in range(0, num_mems):
            assign_buf = assign_buf + "assign s" + str(
                i) + "_we_o\t=\t(mem_select == MEM_SEL_" + str(
                    i) + ") ? m_we_i: 0;\n"
            assign_buf = assign_buf + "assign s" + str(
                i) + "_stb_o\t=\t(mem_select == MEM_SEL_" + str(
                    i) + ") ? m_stb_i: 0;\n"
            assign_buf = assign_buf + "assign s" + str(
                i) + "_sel_o\t=\t(mem_select == MEM_SEL_" + str(
                    i) + ") ? m_sel_i: 0;\n"
            assign_buf = assign_buf + "assign s" + str(
                i) + "_cyc_o\t=\t(mem_select == MEM_SEL_" + str(
                    i) + ") ? m_cyc_i: 0;\n"
            assign_buf = assign_buf + "assign s" + str(
                i) + "_adr_o\t=\t(mem_select == MEM_SEL_" + str(
                    i) + ") ? m_adr_i: 0;\n"
            assign_buf = assign_buf + "assign s" + str(
                i) + "_dat_o\t=\t(mem_select == MEM_SEL_" + str(
                    i) + ") ? m_dat_i: 0;\n"
            assign_buf = assign_buf + "\n"

        #data in block
        data_block_buf = "//data in from slave\n"
        data_block_buf = data_block_buf + "always @ (mem_select"
        for i in range(0, num_mems):
            data_block_buf = data_block_buf + " or s" + str(i) + "_dat_i"
        data_block_buf = data_block_buf + ") begin\n\tcase (mem_select)\n"
        for i in range(0, num_mems):
            data_block_buf = data_block_buf + "\t\tMEM_SEL_" + str(
                i) + ": begin\n\t\t\tm_dat_o <= s" + str(
                    i) + "_dat_i;\n\t\tend\n"
        data_block_buf = data_block_buf + "\t\tdefault: begin\n\t\t\tm_dat_o <= 32\'h0000;\n\t\tend\n\tendcase\nend\n\n"

        #ack in block
        ack_block_buf = "//ack in from slave\n\n"
        ack_block_buf = ack_block_buf + "always @ (mem_select"
        for i in range(0, num_mems):
            ack_block_buf = ack_block_buf + " or s" + str(i) + "_ack_i"
        ack_block_buf = ack_block_buf + ") begin\n\tcase (mem_select)\n"
        for i in range(0, num_mems):
            ack_block_buf = ack_block_buf + "\t\tMEM_SEL_" + str(
                i) + ": begin\n\t\t\tm_ack_o <= s" + str(
                    i) + "_ack_i;\n\t\tend\n"
        ack_block_buf = ack_block_buf + "\t\tdefault: begin\n\t\t\tm_ack_o <= 1\'h0;\n\t\tend\n\tendcase\nend\n\n"

        #int in block
        int_block_buf = "//int in from slave\n\n"
        int_block_buf = int_block_buf + "always @ (mem_select"
        for i in range(0, num_mems):
            int_block_buf = int_block_buf + " or s" + str(i) + "_int_i"
        int_block_buf = int_block_buf + ") begin\n\tcase (mem_select)\n"
        for i in range(0, num_mems):
            int_block_buf = int_block_buf + "\t\tMEM_SEL_" + str(
                i) + ": begin\n\t\t\tm_int_o <= s" + str(
                    i) + "_int_i;\n\t\tend\n"
        int_block_buf = int_block_buf + "\t\tdefault: begin\n\t\t\tm_int_o <= 1\'h0;\n\t\tend\n\tendcase\nend\n\n"

        if debug:
            print "buf: " + buf

        buf = template.substitute(PORTS=port_buf,
        if debug:
            print "buf: " + buf

        return buf

        def get_name(self):
            print ""
Esempio n. 35
  def gen_script (self, tags = {}, buf = "", debug = False):
    """Generate the Top Module"""
    board_dict = saputils.get_board_config(tags["board"])
    invert_reset = board_dict["invert_reset"]
    en_mem_bus = False
    slave_list = tags["SLAVES"]
    self.internal_bindings = {}
    self.bindings = {}
    if "MEMORY" in tags:
#     if debug:
#       print "Found a memory bus"
      if (len(tags["MEMORY"]) > 0):
        if debug:
          print "found " + str(len(tags["MEMORY"])) + " memory devices"
        en_mem_bus = True

    num_slaves = len(slave_list) + 1
    self.tags = tags

#add the internal bindings
    self.internal_bindings = {}
    if "internal_bind" in self.tags.keys():
      self.internal_bindings = self.tags["internal_bind"]
      #print "Internal bindings: %s" % str(self.internal_bindings)

#add the global tags
    self.bindings = self.tags["bind"]
#add the interface bindings directly
    if "bind" in self.tags["INTERFACE"]:
      for if_name in self.tags["INTERFACE"]["bind"]:
        self.bindings[if_name] = self.tags["INTERFACE"]["bind"][if_name]

#add each of the slave items to the binding
      #insert the names
    for slave_name in self.tags["SLAVES"]:
      if "bind" in self.tags["SLAVES"][slave_name]:
        for bind_name in self.tags["SLAVES"][slave_name]["bind"]:
          self.bindings[slave_name + "_" + bind_name] = self.tags["SLAVES"][slave_name]["bind"][bind_name]
    if "MEMORY" in self.tags:
      #add the slave bindings to the list
      for mem_name in self.tags["MEMORY"]:
        if "bind" in self.tags["MEMORY"][mem_name]:
          for bind_name in self.tags["MEMORY"][mem_name]["bind"]:
            self.bindings[mem_name + "_" + bind_name] = self.tags["MEMORY"][mem_name]["bind"][bind_name]
    if debug:
      print "found " + str(len(slave_list)) + " slaves"
      for slave in slave_list:
        print slave

    #remove all the ports from the possible wires

    template = Template(buf)

    header = ""
    port_buf = self.generate_ports()
    arb_buf = self.generate_arbitrator_buffer()
    wr_buf = ""
    wi_buf = ""
    wmi_buf = ""
    wm_buf = ""
    footer = ""

    header = "module top (\n"
    #header = header + "\tclk_in,\n"
    header = header + "\tclk,\n"
    header = header + "\trst,\n"

    for c_index in range(0, len(self.bindings.keys())):
      name = self.bindings.keys()[c_index]  
      header = header + "\t" + self.bindings[name]["port"]
      if (c_index < len(self.bindings.keys()) - 1):
        header = header + ","
      header = header + "\n"

    header = header + ");"
    footer = "endmodule"
    #declare the ports
    #in the future utilize the constraints to generate the connections

    #declare the wires
    wr_buf = wr_buf + "\t//input handler signals\n"
    #wr_buf = wr_buf + "\tinput\t\tclk_in;\n"
    wr_buf = wr_buf + "\tinput\t\t\tclk;\n"
    #wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\tclk;\n"
    wr_buf = wr_buf + "\tinput\t\t\trst;\n"
    if invert_reset:
      #print "found invert reset!"
      wr_buf += "\twire\t\t\trst_n;\n"

    wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\tin_command;\n"
    wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\tin_address;\n"
    wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\tin_data;\n"
    wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[27:0]\tin_data_count;\n"
    wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\tih_ready;\n\n"
    wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\tih_reset;\n\n"

    wr_buf = wr_buf + "\t//output handler signals\n"
    wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\tout_status;\n"
    wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\tout_address;\n"
    wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\tout_data;\n"
    wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[27:0]\tout_data_count;\n"
    wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\toh_ready;\n"
    wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\toh_en;\n\n"

    wr_buf = wr_buf + "\t//master signals\n"
    wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\tmaster_ready;\n"
    wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\twbm_we_o;\n"
    wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\twbm_cyc_o;\n"  
    wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\twbm_stb_o;\n"
    wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[3:0]\twbm_sel_o;\n"
    wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\twbm_adr_o;\n"
    wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\twbm_dat_i;\n"
    wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\twbm_dat_o;\n"
    wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\twbm_ack_i;\n"
    wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\twbm_int_i;\n\n"

    wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\tmem_we_o;\n"
    wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\tmem_cyc_o;\n"  
    wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\tmem_stb_o;\n"
    wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[3:0]\tmem_sel_o;\n"
    wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\tmem_adr_o;\n"
    wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\tmem_dat_i;\n"
    wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\tmem_dat_o;\n"
    wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\tmem_ack_i;\n"
    wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\tmem_int_i;\n"

    wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\twbm_debug_out;\n\n"

    #put the in clock on the global buffer
    #wr_buf = wr_buf + "\t//add a global clock buffer to the input clock\n"
    #wr_buf = wr_buf + "\tIBUFG clk_ibuf(.I(clk_in), .O(clk));\n\n"

    wr_buf = wr_buf + "\t//slave signals\n\n"

    for i in range (0, num_slaves):
      wr_buf = wr_buf + "\t//slave " + str(i) + "\n"
      wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\ts" + str(i) + "_wbs_we_i;\n" 
      self.wires.append("s" + str(i) + "_wbs_we_i")
      wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\ts" + str(i) + "_wbs_cyc_i;\n" 
      self.wires.append("s" + str(i) + "_wbs_cyc_i")
      wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\ts" + str(i) + "_wbs_dat_i;\n"
      self.wires.append("s" + str(i) + "_wbs_dat_i")
      wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\ts" + str(i) + "_wbs_dat_o;\n" 
      self.wires.append("s" + str(i) + "_wbs_dat_o")
      wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\ts" + str(i) + "_wbs_adr_i;\n" 
      self.wires.append("s" + str(i) + "_wbs_adr_i")
      wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\ts" + str(i) + "_wbs_stb_i;\n" 
      self.wires.append("s" + str(i) + "_wbs_stb_i")
      wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[3:0]\ts" + str(i) + "_wbs_sel_i;\n" 
      self.wires.append("s" + str(i) + "_wbs_sel_i")
      wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\ts" + str(i) + "_wbs_ack_o;\n" 
      self.wires.append("s" + str(i) + "_wbs_ack_o")
      wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\ts" + str(i) + "_wbs_int_o;\n\n" 
      self.wires.append("s" + str(i) + "_wbs_int_o")

    if (en_mem_bus):
      for i in range (0, len(tags["MEMORY"])):
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\t//mem slave " + str(i) + "\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\tsm" + str(i) + "_wbs_we_i;\n" 
        self.wires.append("sm" + str(i) + "_wbs_we_i")
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\tsm" + str(i) + "_wbs_cyc_i;\n" 
        self.wires.append("sm" + str(i) + "_wbs_cyc_i")
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\tsm" + str(i) + "_wbs_dat_i;\n"
        self.wires.append("sm" + str(i) + "_wbs_dat_i")
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\tsm" + str(i) + "_wbs_dat_o;\n" 
        self.wires.append("sm" + str(i) + "_wbs_dat_o")
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\tsm" + str(i) + "_wbs_adr_i;\n" 
        self.wires.append("sm" + str(i) + "_wbs_adr_i")
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\tsm" + str(i) + "_wbs_stb_i;\n" 
        self.wires.append("sm" + str(i) + "_wbs_stb_i")
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[3:0]\tsm" + str(i) + "_wbs_sel_i;\n" 
        self.wires.append("sm" + str(i) + "_wbs_sel_i")
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\tsm" + str(i) + "_wbs_ack_o;\n" 
        self.wires.append("sm" + str(i) + "_wbs_ack_o")
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\tsm" + str(i) + "_wbs_int_o;\n\n" 
        self.wires.append("sm" + str(i) + "_wbs_int_o")

    if debug:
      print "wr_buf: \n" + wr_buf

    #generate the IO handler
    io_filename = tags["INTERFACE"]["filename"]
    absfilepath = saputils.find_rtl_file_location(io_filename)
    io_tags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename = absfilepath, bus = "wishbone")

    io_buf = self.generate_buffer(name = "io", module_tags = io_tags, io_module = True)

    #for the FPGA
      #constraints can be a dictionary with the mappings from device
      #to input/output/inout multidimensional values

#this should just be file with text that I can pull in, it will always be
#the same!
    #instantiate the connection interface
      #should this be another script that is clled within here?
      #can I extrapolate the required information directly from the

    wi_buf = "\twishbone_interconnect wi (\n"

    wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.clk(clk),\n"
    if invert_reset:
      wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.rst(rst_n),\n\n"
      wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.rst(rst),\n\n"

    wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t//master\n"
    wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.m_we_i(wbm_we_o),\n"
    wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.m_cyc_i(wbm_cyc_o),\n"
    wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.m_stb_i(wbm_stb_o),\n"
    wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.m_sel_i(wbm_sel_o),\n"
    wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.m_ack_o(wbm_ack_i),\n"
    wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.m_dat_i(wbm_dat_o),\n"
    wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.m_dat_o(wbm_dat_i),\n"
    wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.m_adr_i(wbm_adr_o),\n"
    wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.m_int_o(wbm_int_i),\n\n"

    for i in range (0, num_slaves):
      wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t//slave " + str(i) + "\n"
      wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.s" + str(i) + "_we_o (s" + str(i) + "_wbs_we_i),\n"
      wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.s" + str(i) + "_cyc_o(s" + str(i) + "_wbs_cyc_i),\n"
      wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.s" + str(i) + "_stb_o(s" + str(i) + "_wbs_stb_i),\n"
      wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.s" + str(i) + "_sel_o(s" + str(i) + "_wbs_sel_i),\n"
      wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.s" + str(i) + "_ack_i(s" + str(i) + "_wbs_ack_o),\n"
      wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.s" + str(i) + "_dat_o(s" + str(i) + "_wbs_dat_i),\n"
      wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.s" + str(i) + "_dat_i(s" + str(i) + "_wbs_dat_o),\n"
      wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.s" + str(i) + "_adr_o(s" + str(i) + "_wbs_adr_i),\n"
      wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.s" + str(i) + "_int_i(s" + str(i) + "_wbs_int_o)"

      if (i < num_slaves - 1):
        wi_buf = wi_buf + ",\n"
      wi_buf = wi_buf + "\n\n"

    wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t);"
    if debug:
      print "wi_buf: \n" + wi_buf

    #memory interconnect
    if en_mem_bus:
      if debug:
        print "make the membus"
      wmi_buf = "\twishbone_mem_interconnect wmi (\n"

      wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.clk(clk),\n"

      if invert_reset:
        wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.rst(rst_n),\n\n"
        wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.rst(rst),\n\n"

      wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t//master\n"
      wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.m_we_i(mem_we_o),\n"
      wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.m_cyc_i(mem_cyc_o),\n"
      wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.m_stb_i(mem_stb_o),\n"
      wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.m_sel_i(mem_sel_o),\n"
      wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.m_ack_o(mem_ack_i),\n"
      wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.m_dat_i(mem_dat_o),\n"
      wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.m_dat_o(mem_dat_i),\n"
      wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.m_adr_i(mem_adr_o),\n"
      wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.m_int_o(mem_int_i),\n\n"

      num_mems = len(tags["MEMORY"])

      for i in range (0, num_mems):
        wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t//mem slave " + str(i) + "\n"
        wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.s" + str(i) + "_we_o(sm" + str(i) + "_wbs_we_i),\n"
        wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.s" + str(i) + "_cyc_o(sm" + str(i) + "_wbs_cyc_i),\n"
        wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.s" + str(i) + "_stb_o(sm" + str(i) + "_wbs_stb_i),\n"
        wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.s" + str(i) + "_sel_o(sm" + str(i) + "_wbs_sel_i),\n"
        wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.s" + str(i) + "_ack_i(sm" + str(i) + "_wbs_ack_o),\n"
        wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.s" + str(i) + "_dat_o(sm" + str(i) + "_wbs_dat_i),\n"
        wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.s" + str(i) + "_dat_i(sm" + str(i) + "_wbs_dat_o),\n"
        wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.s" + str(i) + "_adr_o(sm" + str(i) + "_wbs_adr_i),\n"
        wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.s" + str(i) + "_int_i(sm" + str(i) + "_wbs_int_o)"

        if ((num_mems > 0) and (i < num_mems - 1)):
          wmi_buf = wmi_buf + ",\n"
        wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\n\n"

      wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t);"
      if debug:
        print "wmi_buf: \n" + wmi_buf

    #instantiate the io handler
    #instantiate the master
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\twishbone_master wm (\n"
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.clk(clk),\n"

    if invert_reset:
      wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.rst(rst_n),\n\n"
      wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.rst(rst),\n\n"

    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t//input handler signals\n"
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.in_ready(ih_ready),\n"
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.ih_reset(ih_reset),\n"
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.in_command(in_command),\n"
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.in_address(in_address),\n"
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.in_data(in_data),\n"
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.in_data_count(in_data_count),\n\n"

    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t//output handler signals\n"
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.out_ready(oh_ready),\n"
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.out_en(oh_en),\n"
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.out_status(out_status),\n"
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.out_address(out_address),\n"
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.out_data(out_data),\n"
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.out_data_count(out_data_count),\n"
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.master_ready(master_ready),\n\n"
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t//interconnect signals\n"
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.wb_adr_o(wbm_adr_o),\n"
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.wb_dat_o(wbm_dat_o),\n"
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.wb_dat_i(wbm_dat_i),\n"
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.wb_stb_o(wbm_stb_o),\n"
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.wb_cyc_o(wbm_cyc_o),\n"
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.wb_we_o(wbm_we_o),\n"
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.wb_msk_o(wbm_msk_o),\n"
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.wb_sel_o(wbm_sel_o),\n"
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.wb_ack_i(wbm_ack_i),\n"
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.wb_int_i(wbm_int_i),\n\n"
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t//memory interconnect signals\n"
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.mem_adr_o(mem_adr_o),\n"
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.mem_dat_o(mem_dat_o),\n"
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.mem_dat_i(mem_dat_i),\n"
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.mem_stb_o(mem_stb_o),\n"
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.mem_cyc_o(mem_cyc_o),\n"
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.mem_we_o(mem_we_o),\n"
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.mem_msk_o(mem_msk_o),\n"
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.mem_sel_o(mem_sel_o),\n"
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.mem_ack_i(mem_ack_i),\n"
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.mem_int_i(mem_int_i),\n\n"
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.debug_out(wbm_debug_out)\n\n";
    wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t);"

    if debug:
      print "wm_buf: \n" + wm_buf


    slave_index = 0
    slave_buffer_list = []
    absfilename = saputils.find_rtl_file_location("device_rom_table.v")
    slave_tags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename = absfilename, bus="wishbone")
    slave_buf = self.generate_buffer(name="drt", index=0, module_tags = slave_tags)

    for i in range (0, len(tags["SLAVES"])):
      slave_name = tags["SLAVES"].keys()[i]
      slave = tags["SLAVES"][slave_name]["filename"]  
      if debug:
        print "Slave name: " + slave
      absfilename = saputils.find_rtl_file_location(slave)
      slave_tags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename = absfilename, bus="wishbone")
      slave_buf = self.generate_buffer(name = slave_name, index = i + 1, module_tags = slave_tags)

    #Memory devices
    mem_buf = ""
    mem_buffer_list = []
    if en_mem_bus:
      #need to make all the memory devices for the memory bus
      mem_index = 0
      mem_buffer_list = []
      for i in range (0, len(tags["MEMORY"])):
        mem_name = tags["MEMORY"].keys()[i]
        filename = tags["MEMORY"][mem_name]["filename"]
        if debug:
          print "Mem device: " + mem_name + ", mem file: " + filename
        absfilename = saputils.find_rtl_file_location(filename)
        mem_tags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename = absfilename, bus="wishbone")
        mem_buf = self.generate_buffer(name = mem_name, index = i, module_tags = mem_tags, mem_slave = True)

    buf_bind = ""
    buf_bind += "\t//assigns\n"
    #Generate the internal bindings
    if (len(self.internal_bindings.keys()) > 0):
      buf_bind += "\t//Internal Bindings\n"
      for key in self.internal_bindings.keys():
        buf_bind += "\tassign\t%s\t=\t%s;\n" % (key, self.internal_bindings[key]["signal"])
    #Generate the external bindings
    if (len(self.bindings.keys()) > 0):
      buf_bind += "\t//Bindings to Ports\n"
      for key in self.bindings.keys():
        if (self.bindings[key]["direction"] == "input"):
          buf_bind = buf_bind + "\tassign\t" + key + "\t=\t" + self.bindings[key]["port"] + ";\n"
        elif (self.bindings[key]["direction"] == "output"):
          buf_bind = buf_bind + "\tassign\t" + self.bindings[key]["port"] + "\t=\t" + key + ";\n"

    if invert_reset:
      buf_bind += "\tassign\trst_n\t\t=\t~rst;\n"

    top_buffer = header + "\n\n"
    top_buffer += port_buf + "\n\n"
    top_buffer += wr_buf + "\n\n"
    top_buffer += io_buf + "\n\n"
    top_buffer += wi_buf + "\n\n"
    top_buffer += wmi_buf + "\n\n"
    if (len(arb_buf) > 0):
      top_buffer += arb_buf + "\n\n"
    top_buffer += wm_buf + "\n\n"
    for slave_buf in slave_buffer_list:
      top_buffer = top_buffer + "\n\n" + slave_buf

    for mem_buf in mem_buffer_list: 
      top_buffer = top_buffer + "\n\n" + mem_buf

    top_buffer = top_buffer + "\n\n" + buf_bind + "\n\n" + footer
    return top_buffer
Esempio n. 36
  def initialize_graph(self, debug=False):
    """Initializes the graph and project tags."""

    # Clear any previous data.

    # Set the bus type.
    if self.project_tags["TEMPLATE"] == "wishbone_template.json":
    elif self.project_tags["TEMPLATE"] == "axie_template.json":

    # Add the nodes that are always present.
    self.sgm.add_node("Host Interface", NodeType.HOST_INTERFACE)
    self.sgm.add_node("Master", NodeType.MASTER)
    self.sgm.add_node("Memory", NodeType.MEMORY_INTERCONNECT)
    self.sgm.add_node("Peripherals", NodeType.PERIPHERAL_INTERCONNECT)
    self.add_slave("DRT", None, SlaveType.PERIPHERAL, slave_index = 0)

    # Get all the unique names for accessing nodes.
    hi_name = self.get_unique_name("Host Interface", NodeType.HOST_INTERFACE)
    m_name = self.get_unique_name("Master", NodeType.MASTER)
    mi_name = self.get_unique_name("Memory", NodeType.MEMORY_INTERCONNECT)
    pi_name = self.get_unique_name("Peripherals", NodeType.PERIPHERAL_INTERCONNECT)
    drt_name = self.get_unique_name("DRT",
                                    slave_index = 0)

    # Attach all the appropriate nodes.
    self.sgm.connect_nodes(hi_name, m_name)
    self.sgm.connect_nodes(m_name, mi_name)
    self.sgm.connect_nodes(m_name, pi_name)
    self.sgm.connect_nodes(pi_name, drt_name)

    # Get module data for the DRT.
      file_name = saputils.find_rtl_file_location("device_rom_table.v")
    except ModuleNotFound as ex:
      if debug:
        print "Invalid Module Name: %s" % (host_interface_name)

    parameters = saputils.get_module_tags(  filename = file_name, bus=self.get_bus_type())
    self.sgm.set_parameters(drt_name, parameters)

    # Attempt to load data from the tags.
    sp_count = self.sgm.get_number_of_peripheral_slaves()
    if debug:
      print "loading %d peripheral slaves" % sp_count

    if "SLAVES" in self.project_tags:
      for slave_name in self.project_tags["SLAVES"].keys():

        file_name = self.project_tags["SLAVES"][slave_name]["filename"]
        if "device_rom_table" in file_name:
          file_name = None

        if file_name is not None:
          file_name = saputils.find_rtl_file_location(file_name)

        uname = self.add_slave(  slave_name,

        # Add the bindings from the config file.
        skeys = self.project_tags["SLAVES"][slave_name].keys()
#        print "adding bindings"
#        if "bind" not in skeys:
#          self.project_tags["SLAVES"][slave_name]["bind"] = {}

        if "bind" in skeys:
#          print "found binding"
          bindings = {}
          bindings = self.project_tags["SLAVES"][slave_name]["bind"]
          self.sgm.set_config_bindings(uname, bindings)
          self.project_tags["SLAVES"][slave_name]["bind"] = {}

    # Load all the memory slaves.
    sm_count = self.sgm.get_number_of_memory_slaves()
    if debug:
      print "loading %d peripheral slaves" % sm_count

    if "MEMORY" in self.project_tags:
      for slave_name in self.project_tags["MEMORY"].keys():

        file_name = self.project_tags["MEMORY"][slave_name]["filename"]
        file_name = saputils.find_rtl_file_location(file_name)
        uname =  self.add_slave(  slave_name,
                    slave_index = -1)

        # Add the bindings from the config file.
        mkeys = self.project_tags["MEMORY"][slave_name].keys()
        if "bind" in mkeys:
          bindings = self.project_tags["MEMORY"][slave_name]["bind"]
          self.sgm.set_config_bindings(uname, bindings)
          self.project_tags["MEMORY"][slave_name]["bind"] = {}

    # Check if there is a host interface defined.
    if "INTERFACE" in self.project_tags:
      file_name = saputils.find_rtl_file_location(self.project_tags["INTERFACE"]["filename"])
      parameters = saputils.get_module_tags(  filename = file_name, bus=self.get_bus_type())
      if "bind" in self.project_tags["INTERFACE"].keys():
        self.project_tags["INTERFACE"]["bind"] = {}

      self.sgm.set_parameters(hi_name, parameters)

    if "SLAVES" in self.project_tags:
      for host_name in self.project_tags["SLAVES"].keys():
        if "BUS" in self.project_tags["SLAVES"][host_name].keys():
          for arb_name in self.project_tags["SLAVES"][host_name]["BUS"].keys():
            #there is an arbitrator here
            slave_name = self.project_tags["SLAVES"][host_name]["BUS"][arb_name]
            if debug:
              print "arbitrator: %s attaches to %s through bus: %s" % (host_name, slave_name, arb_name)

            h_name = ""
            h_index = -1
            h_type = SlaveType.PERIPHERAL
            s_name = ""
            s_index = -1
            s_type = SlaveType.PERIPHERAL

            # Now to attach the arbitrator.
            p_count = self.get_number_of_slaves(SlaveType.PERIPHERAL)
            m_count = self.get_number_of_slaves(SlaveType.MEMORY)

            # Find the host and slave nodes.
            for i in range (0, p_count):
              self.sgm.get_slave_name_at(i, SlaveType.PERIPHERAL)
              sn = self.sgm.get_slave_name_at(i, SlaveType.PERIPHERAL)
              slave = self.sgm.get_node(sn)

              if == host_name:
                h_name = slave.unique_name
                h_index = i
                h_type = SlaveType.PERIPHERAL

              if == slave_name:
                s_name = slave.unique_name
                s_index = i
                s_type = SlaveType.PERIPHERAL

            for i in range (0, m_count):
              self.sgm.get_slave_name_at(i, SlaveType.MEMORY)
              sn = self.sgm.get_slave_name_at(i, SlaveType.MEMORY)
              slave = self.sgm.get_node(sn)

              if == host_name:
                h_name = slave.unique_name
                h_index = i
                h_type = SlaveType.MEMORY

              if == slave_name:
                s_name = slave.unique_name
                s_index = i
                s_type = SlaveType.MEMORY

            # Now I have all the materialst to attach the arbitrator.
            self.add_arbitrator(h_type, h_index, arb_name, s_type, s_index)

    return True
Esempio n. 37
    def gen_script(self, tags={}, buf="", debug=False):
        """Generate the Top Module"""
        board_dict = saputils.get_board_config(tags["board"])
        invert_reset = board_dict["invert_reset"]
        en_mem_bus = False
        slave_list = tags["SLAVES"]
        self.internal_bindings = {}
        self.bindings = {}
        if "MEMORY" in tags:
            #     if debug:
            #       print "Found a memory bus"
            if (len(tags["MEMORY"]) > 0):
                if debug:
                    print "found " + str(len(
                        tags["MEMORY"])) + " memory devices"
                en_mem_bus = True

        num_slaves = len(slave_list) + 1
        self.tags = tags

        #add the internal bindings
        self.internal_bindings = {}
        if "internal_bind" in self.tags.keys():
            self.internal_bindings = self.tags["internal_bind"]
            #print "Internal bindings: %s" % str(self.internal_bindings)

#add the global tags
        self.bindings = self.tags["bind"]
        #add the interface bindings directly
        if "bind" in self.tags["INTERFACE"]:
            for if_name in self.tags["INTERFACE"]["bind"]:
                self.bindings[if_name] = self.tags["INTERFACE"]["bind"][

#add each of the slave items to the binding
#insert the names
        for slave_name in self.tags["SLAVES"]:
            if "bind" in self.tags["SLAVES"][slave_name]:
                for bind_name in self.tags["SLAVES"][slave_name]["bind"]:
                    self.bindings[slave_name + "_" + bind_name] = self.tags[

        if "MEMORY" in self.tags:
            #add the slave bindings to the list
            for mem_name in self.tags["MEMORY"]:
                if "bind" in self.tags["MEMORY"][mem_name]:
                    for bind_name in self.tags["MEMORY"][mem_name]["bind"]:
                        self.bindings[mem_name + "_" + bind_name] = self.tags[

        if debug:
            print "found " + str(len(slave_list)) + " slaves"
            for slave in slave_list:
                print slave

        #remove all the ports from the possible wires

        template = Template(buf)

        header = ""
        port_buf = self.generate_ports()
        arb_buf = self.generate_arbitrator_buffer()
        wr_buf = ""
        wi_buf = ""
        wmi_buf = ""
        wm_buf = ""
        footer = ""

        header = "module top (\n"
        #header = header + "\tclk_in,\n"
        header = header + "\tclk,\n"
        header = header + "\trst,\n"

        for c_index in range(0, len(self.bindings.keys())):
            name = self.bindings.keys()[c_index]
            header = header + "\t" + self.bindings[name]["port"]
            if (c_index < len(self.bindings.keys()) - 1):
                header = header + ","
            header = header + "\n"

        header = header + ");"

        footer = "endmodule"
        #declare the ports
        #in the future utilize the constraints to generate the connections

        #declare the wires
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\t//input handler signals\n"
        #wr_buf = wr_buf + "\tinput\t\tclk_in;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\tinput\t\t\tclk;\n"
        #wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\tclk;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\tinput\t\t\trst;\n"
        if invert_reset:
            #print "found invert reset!"
            wr_buf += "\twire\t\t\trst_n;\n"

        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\tin_command;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\tin_address;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\tin_data;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[27:0]\tin_data_count;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\tih_ready;\n\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\tih_reset;\n\n"

        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\t//output handler signals\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\tout_status;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\tout_address;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\tout_data;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[27:0]\tout_data_count;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\toh_ready;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\toh_en;\n\n"

        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\t//master signals\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\tmaster_ready;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\twbm_we_o;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\twbm_cyc_o;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\twbm_stb_o;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[3:0]\twbm_sel_o;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\twbm_adr_o;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\twbm_dat_i;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\twbm_dat_o;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\twbm_ack_i;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\twbm_int_i;\n\n"

        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\tmem_we_o;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\tmem_cyc_o;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\tmem_stb_o;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[3:0]\tmem_sel_o;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\tmem_adr_o;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\tmem_dat_i;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\tmem_dat_o;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\tmem_ack_i;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\tmem_int_i;\n"

        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\twbm_debug_out;\n\n"

        #put the in clock on the global buffer
        #wr_buf = wr_buf + "\t//add a global clock buffer to the input clock\n"
        #wr_buf = wr_buf + "\tIBUFG clk_ibuf(.I(clk_in), .O(clk));\n\n"

        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\t//slave signals\n\n"

        for i in range(0, num_slaves):
            wr_buf = wr_buf + "\t//slave " + str(i) + "\n"
            wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\ts" + str(i) + "_wbs_we_i;\n"
            self.wires.append("s" + str(i) + "_wbs_we_i")
            wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\ts" + str(i) + "_wbs_cyc_i;\n"
            self.wires.append("s" + str(i) + "_wbs_cyc_i")
            wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\ts" + str(i) + "_wbs_dat_i;\n"
            self.wires.append("s" + str(i) + "_wbs_dat_i")
            wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\ts" + str(i) + "_wbs_dat_o;\n"
            self.wires.append("s" + str(i) + "_wbs_dat_o")
            wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\ts" + str(i) + "_wbs_adr_i;\n"
            self.wires.append("s" + str(i) + "_wbs_adr_i")
            wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\ts" + str(i) + "_wbs_stb_i;\n"
            self.wires.append("s" + str(i) + "_wbs_stb_i")
            wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[3:0]\ts" + str(i) + "_wbs_sel_i;\n"
            self.wires.append("s" + str(i) + "_wbs_sel_i")
            wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\ts" + str(i) + "_wbs_ack_o;\n"
            self.wires.append("s" + str(i) + "_wbs_ack_o")
            wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\ts" + str(i) + "_wbs_int_o;\n\n"
            self.wires.append("s" + str(i) + "_wbs_int_o")

        if (en_mem_bus):
            for i in range(0, len(tags["MEMORY"])):
                wr_buf = wr_buf + "\t//mem slave " + str(i) + "\n"
                wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\tsm" + str(i) + "_wbs_we_i;\n"
                self.wires.append("sm" + str(i) + "_wbs_we_i")
                wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\tsm" + str(i) + "_wbs_cyc_i;\n"
                self.wires.append("sm" + str(i) + "_wbs_cyc_i")
                wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\tsm" + str(
                    i) + "_wbs_dat_i;\n"
                self.wires.append("sm" + str(i) + "_wbs_dat_i")
                wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\tsm" + str(
                    i) + "_wbs_dat_o;\n"
                self.wires.append("sm" + str(i) + "_wbs_dat_o")
                wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\tsm" + str(
                    i) + "_wbs_adr_i;\n"
                self.wires.append("sm" + str(i) + "_wbs_adr_i")
                wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\tsm" + str(i) + "_wbs_stb_i;\n"
                self.wires.append("sm" + str(i) + "_wbs_stb_i")
                wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[3:0]\tsm" + str(
                    i) + "_wbs_sel_i;\n"
                self.wires.append("sm" + str(i) + "_wbs_sel_i")
                wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\tsm" + str(i) + "_wbs_ack_o;\n"
                self.wires.append("sm" + str(i) + "_wbs_ack_o")
                wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\t\tsm" + str(i) + "_wbs_int_o;\n\n"
                self.wires.append("sm" + str(i) + "_wbs_int_o")

        if debug:
            print "wr_buf: \n" + wr_buf

        #generate the IO handler
        io_filename = tags["INTERFACE"]["filename"]
        absfilepath = saputils.find_rtl_file_location(io_filename)
        io_tags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename=absfilepath,

        io_buf = self.generate_buffer(name="io",

        #for the FPGA
        #constraints can be a dictionary with the mappings from device
        #to input/output/inout multidimensional values

        #this should just be file with text that I can pull in, it will always be
        #the same!
        #instantiate the connection interface
        #should this be another script that is clled within here?
        #can I extrapolate the required information directly from the

        wi_buf = "\twishbone_interconnect wi (\n"

        wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.clk(clk),\n"
        if invert_reset:
            wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.rst(rst_n),\n\n"
            wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.rst(rst),\n\n"

        wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t//master\n"
        wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.m_we_i(wbm_we_o),\n"
        wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.m_cyc_i(wbm_cyc_o),\n"
        wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.m_stb_i(wbm_stb_o),\n"
        wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.m_sel_i(wbm_sel_o),\n"
        wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.m_ack_o(wbm_ack_i),\n"
        wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.m_dat_i(wbm_dat_o),\n"
        wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.m_dat_o(wbm_dat_i),\n"
        wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.m_adr_i(wbm_adr_o),\n"
        wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.m_int_o(wbm_int_i),\n\n"

        for i in range(0, num_slaves):
            wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t//slave " + str(i) + "\n"
            wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.s" + str(i) + "_we_o (s" + str(
                i) + "_wbs_we_i),\n"
            wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.s" + str(i) + "_cyc_o(s" + str(
                i) + "_wbs_cyc_i),\n"
            wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.s" + str(i) + "_stb_o(s" + str(
                i) + "_wbs_stb_i),\n"
            wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.s" + str(i) + "_sel_o(s" + str(
                i) + "_wbs_sel_i),\n"
            wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.s" + str(i) + "_ack_i(s" + str(
                i) + "_wbs_ack_o),\n"
            wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.s" + str(i) + "_dat_o(s" + str(
                i) + "_wbs_dat_i),\n"
            wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.s" + str(i) + "_dat_i(s" + str(
                i) + "_wbs_dat_o),\n"
            wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.s" + str(i) + "_adr_o(s" + str(
                i) + "_wbs_adr_i),\n"
            wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t\t.s" + str(i) + "_int_i(s" + str(
                i) + "_wbs_int_o)"

            if (i < num_slaves - 1):
                wi_buf = wi_buf + ",\n"

            wi_buf = wi_buf + "\n\n"

        wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t);"

        if debug:
            print "wi_buf: \n" + wi_buf

        #memory interconnect
        if en_mem_bus:
            if debug:
                print "make the membus"
            wmi_buf = "\twishbone_mem_interconnect wmi (\n"

            wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.clk(clk),\n"

            if invert_reset:
                wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.rst(rst_n),\n\n"
                wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.rst(rst),\n\n"

            wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t//master\n"
            wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.m_we_i(mem_we_o),\n"
            wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.m_cyc_i(mem_cyc_o),\n"
            wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.m_stb_i(mem_stb_o),\n"
            wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.m_sel_i(mem_sel_o),\n"
            wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.m_ack_o(mem_ack_i),\n"
            wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.m_dat_i(mem_dat_o),\n"
            wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.m_dat_o(mem_dat_i),\n"
            wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.m_adr_i(mem_adr_o),\n"
            wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.m_int_o(mem_int_i),\n\n"

            num_mems = len(tags["MEMORY"])

            for i in range(0, num_mems):
                wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t//mem slave " + str(i) + "\n"
                wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.s" + str(i) + "_we_o(sm" + str(
                    i) + "_wbs_we_i),\n"
                wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.s" + str(i) + "_cyc_o(sm" + str(
                    i) + "_wbs_cyc_i),\n"
                wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.s" + str(i) + "_stb_o(sm" + str(
                    i) + "_wbs_stb_i),\n"
                wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.s" + str(i) + "_sel_o(sm" + str(
                    i) + "_wbs_sel_i),\n"
                wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.s" + str(i) + "_ack_i(sm" + str(
                    i) + "_wbs_ack_o),\n"
                wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.s" + str(i) + "_dat_o(sm" + str(
                    i) + "_wbs_dat_i),\n"
                wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.s" + str(i) + "_dat_i(sm" + str(
                    i) + "_wbs_dat_o),\n"
                wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.s" + str(i) + "_adr_o(sm" + str(
                    i) + "_wbs_adr_i),\n"
                wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t\t.s" + str(i) + "_int_i(sm" + str(
                    i) + "_wbs_int_o)"

                if ((num_mems > 0) and (i < num_mems - 1)):
                    wmi_buf = wmi_buf + ",\n"

                wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\n\n"

            wmi_buf = wmi_buf + "\t);"

            if debug:
                print "wmi_buf: \n" + wmi_buf

        #instantiate the io handler

        #instantiate the master
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\twishbone_master wm (\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.clk(clk),\n"

        if invert_reset:
            wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.rst(rst_n),\n\n"
            wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.rst(rst),\n\n"

        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t//input handler signals\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.in_ready(ih_ready),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.ih_reset(ih_reset),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.in_command(in_command),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.in_address(in_address),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.in_data(in_data),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.in_data_count(in_data_count),\n\n"

        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t//output handler signals\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.out_ready(oh_ready),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.out_en(oh_en),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.out_status(out_status),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.out_address(out_address),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.out_data(out_data),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.out_data_count(out_data_count),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.master_ready(master_ready),\n\n"

        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t//interconnect signals\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.wb_adr_o(wbm_adr_o),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.wb_dat_o(wbm_dat_o),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.wb_dat_i(wbm_dat_i),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.wb_stb_o(wbm_stb_o),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.wb_cyc_o(wbm_cyc_o),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.wb_we_o(wbm_we_o),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.wb_msk_o(wbm_msk_o),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.wb_sel_o(wbm_sel_o),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.wb_ack_i(wbm_ack_i),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.wb_int_i(wbm_int_i),\n\n"

        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t//memory interconnect signals\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.mem_adr_o(mem_adr_o),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.mem_dat_o(mem_dat_o),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.mem_dat_i(mem_dat_i),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.mem_stb_o(mem_stb_o),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.mem_cyc_o(mem_cyc_o),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.mem_we_o(mem_we_o),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.mem_msk_o(mem_msk_o),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.mem_sel_o(mem_sel_o),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.mem_ack_i(mem_ack_i),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.mem_int_i(mem_int_i),\n\n"

        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t\t.debug_out(wbm_debug_out)\n\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t);"

        if debug:
            print "wm_buf: \n" + wm_buf


        slave_index = 0
        slave_buffer_list = []
        absfilename = saputils.find_rtl_file_location("device_rom_table.v")
        slave_tags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename=absfilename,
        slave_buf = self.generate_buffer(name="drt",

        for i in range(0, len(tags["SLAVES"])):
            slave_name = tags["SLAVES"].keys()[i]
            slave = tags["SLAVES"][slave_name]["filename"]
            if debug:
                print "Slave name: " + slave
            absfilename = saputils.find_rtl_file_location(slave)
            slave_tags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename=absfilename,
            slave_buf = self.generate_buffer(name=slave_name,
                                             index=i + 1,

        #Memory devices
        mem_buf = ""
        mem_buffer_list = []
        if en_mem_bus:
            #need to make all the memory devices for the memory bus
            mem_index = 0
            mem_buffer_list = []
            for i in range(0, len(tags["MEMORY"])):
                mem_name = tags["MEMORY"].keys()[i]
                filename = tags["MEMORY"][mem_name]["filename"]
                if debug:
                    print "Mem device: " + mem_name + ", mem file: " + filename
                absfilename = saputils.find_rtl_file_location(filename)
                mem_tags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename=absfilename,
                mem_buf = self.generate_buffer(name=mem_name,

        buf_bind = ""
        buf_bind += "\t//assigns\n"
        #Generate the internal bindings
        if (len(self.internal_bindings.keys()) > 0):
            buf_bind += "\t//Internal Bindings\n"
            for key in self.internal_bindings.keys():
                buf_bind += "\tassign\t%s\t=\t%s;\n" % (
                    key, self.internal_bindings[key]["signal"])

        #Generate the external bindings
        if (len(self.bindings.keys()) > 0):
            buf_bind += "\t//Bindings to Ports\n"
            for key in self.bindings.keys():
                if (self.bindings[key]["direction"] == "input"):
                    buf_bind = buf_bind + "\tassign\t" + key + "\t=\t" + self.bindings[
                        key]["port"] + ";\n"
                elif (self.bindings[key]["direction"] == "output"):
                    buf_bind = buf_bind + "\tassign\t" + self.bindings[key][
                        "port"] + "\t=\t" + key + ";\n"

        if invert_reset:
            buf_bind += "\tassign\trst_n\t\t=\t~rst;\n"

        top_buffer = header + "\n\n"
        top_buffer += port_buf + "\n\n"
        top_buffer += wr_buf + "\n\n"
        top_buffer += io_buf + "\n\n"
        top_buffer += wi_buf + "\n\n"
        top_buffer += wmi_buf + "\n\n"
        if (len(arb_buf) > 0):
            top_buffer += arb_buf + "\n\n"
        top_buffer += wm_buf + "\n\n"
        for slave_buf in slave_buffer_list:
            top_buffer = top_buffer + "\n\n" + slave_buf

        for mem_buf in mem_buffer_list:
            top_buffer = top_buffer + "\n\n" + mem_buf

        top_buffer = top_buffer + "\n\n" + buf_bind + "\n\n" + footer
        return top_buffer
Esempio n. 38
    def gen_script(self, tags={}, buf="", debug=False):
        """Generate the Top Module"""
        slave_list = tags["SLAVES"]
        num_slaves = len(slave_list) + 1
        self.tags = tags
        self.bindings = self.tags["CONSTRAINTS"]["bind"]
        if debug:
            print "found " + str(len(slave_list)) + " slaves"
            for slave in slave_list:
                print slave

                # remove all the ports from the possible wires

        template = Template(buf)

        header = ""
        port_buf = self.generate_ports()
        wr_buf = ""
        wi_buf = ""
        wm_buf = ""
        footer = ""

        header = "module top (\n"
        # header = header + "\tclk_in,\n"
        header = header + "\tclk,\n"
        header = header + "\trst,\n"

        # bindings = tags["CONSTRAINTS"]["bind"]
        for c_index in range(0, len(self.bindings.keys())):
            name = self.bindings.keys()[c_index]
            header = header + "\t" + self.bindings[name]["port"]
            if c_index < len(self.bindings.keys()) - 1:
                header = header + ","
            header = header + "\n"

        header = header + ");"

        footer = "endmodule"
        # declare the ports
        # in the future utilize the constraints to generate the connections

        # declare the wires
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\t//inupt handler signals\n"
        # wr_buf = wr_buf + "\tinput\t\tclk_in;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\tinput\t\tclk;\n"
        # wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\tclk;\n"
        # self.wires.append("clk_in")
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\tinput\t\trst;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\tin_command;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\tin_address;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\tin_data;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[27:0]\tin_data_count;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\tih_ready;\n\n"

        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\t//output handler signals\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\tout_status;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\tout_address;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\tout_data;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[27:0]\tout_data_count;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\toh_ready;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\toh_en;\n\n"

        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\t//master signals\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\tmaster_ready;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\twbm_we_o;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\twbm_cyc_o;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\twbm_stb_o;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[3:0]\twbm_sel_o;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\twbm_adr_o;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\twbm_dat_i;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\twbm_dat_o;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\twbm_ack_o;\n"
        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\twbm_int_o;\n\n"

        # put the in clock on the global buffer
        # wr_buf = wr_buf + "\t//add a global clock buffer to the input clock\n"
        # wr_buf = wr_buf + "\tIBUFG clk_ibuf(.I(clk_in), .O(clk));\n\n"

        wr_buf = wr_buf + "\t//slave signals\n\n"

        for i in range(0, num_slaves):
            wr_buf = wr_buf + "\t//slave" + str(i) + "\n"
            wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\twbs" + str(i) + "_we_i;\n"
            self.wires.append("wbs" + str(i) + "_we_i")
            wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\twbs" + str(i) + "_cyc_i;\n"
            self.wires.append("wbs" + str(i) + "_cyc_i")
            wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\twbs" + str(i) + "_dat_i;\n"
            self.wires.append("wbs" + str(i) + "_dat_i")
            wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\twbs" + str(i) + "_dat_o;\n"
            self.wires.append("wbs" + str(i) + "_dat_o")
            wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[31:0]\twbs" + str(i) + "_adr_i;\n"
            self.wires.append("wbs" + str(i) + "_adr_i")
            wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\twbs" + str(i) + "_stb_i;\n"
            self.wires.append("wbs" + str(i) + "_stb_i")
            wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t[3:0]\twbs" + str(i) + "_sel_i;\n"
            self.wires.append("wbs" + str(i) + "_sel_i")
            wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\twbs" + str(i) + "_ack_o;\n"
            self.wires.append("wbs" + str(i) + "_ack_o")
            wr_buf = wr_buf + "\twire\t\twbs" + str(i) + "_int_o;\n\n"
            self.wires.append("wbs" + str(i) + "_int_o")

        if debug:
            print "wr_buf: \n" + wr_buf

            # generate the IO handler
        io_filename = tags["INTERFACE"]
        absfilepath = saputils.find_rtl_file_location(io_filename)
        io_tags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename=absfilepath, bus="wishbone")

        io_buf = self.generate_buffer(name="io", module_tags=io_tags)

        # for the FPGA
        # constraints can be a dictionary with the mappings from device
        # to input/output/inout multidimensional values

        # this should just be file with text that I can pull in, it will always be
        # the same!
        # instantiate the connection interface
        # should this be another script that is clled within here?
        # can I extrapolate the required information directly from the
        # file?

        # interconnect
        wi_buf = "\twishbone_interconnect wi (\n"

        wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t.clk(clk),\n"
        wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t.rst(rst),\n\n"

        wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t//master\n"
        wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t.m_we_i(wbm_we_o),\n"
        wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t.m_cyc_i(wbm_cyc_o),\n"
        wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t.m_stb_i(wbm_stb_o),\n"
        wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t.m_sel_i(wbm_sel_o),\n"
        wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t.m_ack_o(wbm_ack_i),\n"
        wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t.m_dat_i(wbm_dat_o),\n"
        wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t.m_dat_o(wbm_dat_i),\n"
        wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t.m_adr_i(wbm_adr_o),\n"
        wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t.m_int_o(wbm_int_i),\n\n"

        for i in range(0, num_slaves):
            wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t//slave " + str(i) + "\n"
            wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t.s" + str(i) + "_we_o(wbs" + str(i) + "_we_i),\n"
            wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t.s" + str(i) + "_cyc_o(wbs" + str(i) + "_cyc_i),\n"
            wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t.s" + str(i) + "_stb_o(wbs" + str(i) + "_stb_i),\n"
            wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t.s" + str(i) + "_sel_o(wbs" + str(i) + "_sel_i),\n"
            wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t.s" + str(i) + "_ack_i(wbs" + str(i) + "_ack_o),\n"
            wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t.s" + str(i) + "_dat_o(wbs" + str(i) + "_dat_i),\n"
            wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t.s" + str(i) + "_dat_i(wbs" + str(i) + "_dat_o),\n"
            wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t.s" + str(i) + "_adr_o(wbs" + str(i) + "_adr_i),\n"
            wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t.s" + str(i) + "_int_i(wbs" + str(i) + "_int_o)"

            if i < num_slaves - 1:
                wi_buf = wi_buf + ",\n"

            wi_buf = wi_buf + "\n\n"

        wi_buf = wi_buf + "\t);"

        if debug:
            print "wi_buf: \n" + wi_buf

            # instantiate the io handler

            # instantiate the master
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\twishbone_master wm (\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t.clk(clk),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t.rst(rst),\n\n"

        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t//input handler signals\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t.in_ready(ih_ready),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t.in_command(in_command),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t.in_address(in_address),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t.in_data(in_data),\n\n"

        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t//output handler signals\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t.out_ready(oh_ready),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t.out_en(oh_en),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t.out_status(out_status),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t.out_address(out_address),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t.out_data(out_data),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t.out_data_count(out_data_count),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t.master_ready(master_ready),\n\n"

        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t//interconnect signals\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t.wb_adr_o(wbm_adr_o),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t.wb_dat_o(wbm_dat_o),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t.wb_dat_i(wbm_dat_i),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t.wb_stb_o(wbm_stb_o),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t.wb_cyc_o(wbm_cyc_o),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t.wb_we_o(wbm_we_o),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t.wb_msk_o(wbm_msk_o),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t.wb_sel_o(wbm_sel_o),\n"
        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t.wb_ack_i(wbm_ack_i)\n\n"

        wm_buf = wm_buf + "\t);"

        if debug:
            print "wm_buf: \n" + wm_buf

            # instantiate all the slaves
        # I might have to probe each of the slaves... it may not be that difficult
        # all I will have to do is read any "input" "output" or "inout" lines and figure out how to read the names, and bus widths... for the most part they are all wires

        # 		print "Wires so far:"
        # 		for wire in self.wires:
        # 			print wire

        # 		print "\n\n"
        slave_index = 0
        slave_buffer_list = []
        absfilename = saputils.find_rtl_file_location("device_rom_table.v")
        slave_tags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename=absfilename, bus="wishbone")
        slave_buf = self.generate_buffer(name="wbs", index=0, module_tags=slave_tags)

        for i in range(0, len(tags["SLAVES"])):
            slave = tags["SLAVES"][i]
            # 			print "Slave name: " + slave
            absfilename = saputils.find_rtl_file_location(slave)
            slave_tags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename=absfilename, bus="wishbone")
            slave_buf = self.generate_buffer(name="wbs", index=i + 1, module_tags=slave_tags)

        buf_bind = ""
        # Generate the bindings
        if len(self.bindings.keys()) > 0:
            buf_bind = buf_bind + "\t//assigns\n"
            for key in self.bindings.keys():
                if self.bindings[key]["direction"] == "input":
                    buf_bind = buf_bind + "\tassign\t" + key + "\t=\t" + self.bindings[key]["port"] + ";\n"
                elif self.bindings[key]["direction"] == "output":
                    buf_bind = buf_bind + "\tassign\t" + self.bindings[key]["port"] + "\t=\t" + key + ";\n"
                    # else:

                    # 	buf_bind = buf_bind + "\tassign\t" + key + "\t= (" + self.bindings[key]["enable"] + ") ?\t" + self.bindings[key]["port"] + " : x;\n"
                    # 	buf_bind = buf_bind + "\tassign\t" + self.bindings[key]["port"] + "\t= (~" + self.bindings[key]["enable"] + ") ?\t" + key + " : x;\n"

        top_buffer = (
            header + "\n\n" + port_buf + "\n\n" + wr_buf + "\n\n" + io_buf + "\n\n" + wi_buf + "\n\n" + wm_buf + "\n\n"
        for slave_buf in slave_buffer_list:
            top_buffer = top_buffer + "\n\n" + slave_buf

        top_buffer = top_buffer + "\n\n" + buf_bind + "\n\n" + footer
        return top_buffer
Esempio n. 39
    def gen_script(self, tags={}, buf="", debug=False):
        out_buf = ""

        #Get the DRT version from the DRT info
        version = 0x0004
        version_string = "{0:0=4X}"
        version_string = version_string.format(version)
        id = 0xC594
        id_string = "{0:0=4X}"
        id_string = id_string.format(id)
        #add 1 for the DRT
        number_of_devices = 0
        #number_of_devices = 1
        number_of_devices += len(tags["SLAVES"])

        if debug:
            print "number of slaves: " + str(number_of_devices)

        if ("MEMORY" in tags):
            if debug:
                print "num of mem devices: " + str(len(tags["MEMORY"]))
            number_of_devices += len(tags["MEMORY"])

        if debug:
            print "number of entities: " + str(number_of_devices)
        num_dev_string = "{0:0=8X}"
        num_dev_string = num_dev_string.format(number_of_devices)

        out_buf = version_string + id_string + "\n"
        out_buf += num_dev_string + "\n"
        out_buf += "00000000" + "\n"
        out_buf += "00000000" + "\n"
        out_buf += "00000000" + "\n"
        out_buf += "00000000" + "\n"
        out_buf += "00000000" + "\n"
        out_buf += "00000000" + "\n"

        #peripheral slaves
        for i in range(0, len(tags["SLAVES"])):
            key = tags["SLAVES"].keys()[i]
            name = tags["SLAVES"][key]["filename"]
            absfilename = saputils.find_rtl_file_location(name)
            slave_keywords = ["DRT_ID", "DRT_FLAGS", "DRT_SIZE"]
            slave_tags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename=absfilename,

            drt_id_buffer = "{0:0=8X}"
            drt_flags_buffer = "{0:0=8X}"
            drt_offset_buffer = "{0:0=8X}"
            drt_size_buffer = "{0:0=8X}"

            offset = 0x01000000 * (i + 1)
            drt_id_buffer = drt_id_buffer.format(
            drt_flags_buffer = drt_flags_buffer.format(
                0x00000000 + atoi(slave_tags["keywords"]["DRT_FLAGS"]))
            drt_offset_buffer = drt_offset_buffer.format(offset)
            drt_size_buffer = drt_size_buffer.format(

            out_buf += drt_id_buffer + "\n"
            out_buf += drt_flags_buffer + "\n"
            out_buf += drt_offset_buffer + "\n"
            out_buf += drt_size_buffer + "\n"
            out_buf += "00000000\n"
            out_buf += "00000000\n"
            out_buf += "00000000\n"
            out_buf += "00000000\n"

        #memory slaves
        if ("MEMORY" in tags):
            mem_offset = 0
            for i in range(0, len(tags["MEMORY"])):
                key = tags["MEMORY"].keys()[i]
                name = tags["MEMORY"][key]["filename"]
                absfilename = saputils.find_rtl_file_location(name)
                slave_keywords = ["DRT_ID", "DRT_FLAGS", "DRT_SIZE"]
                slave_tags = saputils.get_module_tags(filename=absfilename,

                drt_id_buffer = "{0:0=8X}"
                drt_flags_buffer = "{0:0=8X}"
                drt_offset_buffer = "{0:0=8X}"
                drt_size_buffer = "{0:0=8X}"
                #add the offset from the memory
                drt_id_buffer = drt_id_buffer.format(
                drt_flags_buffer = drt_flags_buffer.format(
                    0x00010000 + atoi(slave_tags["keywords"]["DRT_FLAGS"]))
                drt_offset_buffer = drt_offset_buffer.format(mem_offset)
                drt_size_buffer = drt_size_buffer.format(
                mem_offset += atoi(slave_tags["keywords"]["DRT_SIZE"])

                out_buf += drt_id_buffer + "\n"
                out_buf += drt_flags_buffer + "\n"
                out_buf += drt_offset_buffer + "\n"
                out_buf += drt_size_buffer + "\n"
                out_buf += "00000000\n"
                out_buf += "00000000\n"
                out_buf += "00000000\n"
                out_buf += "00000000\n"

        return out_buf