Esempio n. 1
    def test_construction(self):
        the_dict = {'X': {'Coefs': [0, 1, 2]}, 'Y': {'Coefs': [0, 2, 4]}, 'Z': {'Coefs': [0, 3, 6]}}
        item1 = generic_arrayable_construction_test(
            self, blocks.XYZPolyType, the_dict, numpy.array([[0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 4], [0, 3, 6]]))

        item2 = blocks.XYZPolyType(X=[0, 1, 2], Y=[0, 2, 4], Z=[0, 3, 6])
        with self.subTest(msg='Comparing from dict construction with alternate construction'):
            self.assertEqual(item1.to_dict(), item2.to_dict())
Esempio n. 2
 def test_derivative(self):
     item = blocks.XYZPolyType(X=[0, 1, 2], Y=[0, 2, 4], Z=[0, 3, 6])
     dcoef = [numpy.array([1, 4]), 2*numpy.array([1, 4]), 3*numpy.array([1, 4])]
     calc_dcoefs = item.derivative(der_order=1, return_poly=False)
     self.assertTrue(numpy.all(item.derivative_eval(1, 1) == numpy.array([5, 10, 15])))
     self.assertTrue(numpy.all(dcoef[0] == calc_dcoefs[0]) and
                     numpy.all(dcoef[1] == calc_dcoefs[1]) and
                     numpy.all(dcoef[2] == calc_dcoefs[2]), '{}\n{}'.format(dcoef, calc_dcoefs))
     item2 = item.derivative(der_order=2, return_poly=True)
     self.assertTrue(numpy.all(item2.X.Coefs == numpy.array([4, ])) and
                     numpy.all(item2.Y.Coefs == numpy.array([8, ])) and
                     numpy.all(item2.Z.Coefs == numpy.array([12, ]))
Esempio n. 3
 def test_eval(self):
     item = blocks.XYZPolyType(X=[0, 1, 2], Y=[0, 2, 4], Z=[0, 3, 6])
     t = numpy.array([0, 1])
     out = numpy.array([[0, 0, 0], [3, 6, 9]])
     self.assertTrue(numpy.all(item(t) == out))